The Brussels Post, 1903-4-2, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST
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T H.15.E �..
CAPITAL • - • 81,000,000
RESERVE 81,0002000
A. re Alma, - YtntelUNN'r
nap, D. n. WAR0E11, D. D., ylolt•P114:6IDEN'e
0. D, Br/MET, 8. S. t100n1:
ant: s. 38AD018a00
Our Stook is large, •
Our Patterns are up•to-date.
Our Prices will please you,
We Trim all papers free of charge.
You may Borrow our Sample Books.
We want your trade ; you want our
Papers because you can save money
and get good satisfaction.
Druggist & Bookseller, Brussels.
000T8ERN BxTEN9ION W. 0, & B.
Trains leave Bruseeio Station, North
and South, as follows;
Goi90 BOOTO 801200 NORTE,
-Mali 7:18 a.m l Mixed 10:00 a.m
Mixed 1000 8.m i Mall 1.17 pan
Bxnrees8:9.5 p.m i Express 8:17 p.m
tont lepi ,Pms,
A. ohiel'e amang ye takitnotes,
An' faith he'll went f:.
Roans are good.
MILLINERY cp.uinge.
SEE advt. house to rent.
Tau P.•9T gives the news.
Division Court Friday of this week.
VILLAGE Conned next Monday evening.
Ron. T9091003 shipped e, oar of egg to
Some Bray headed April Fool jokes
were on the go last Wednesday.
Eons. FEn00003 shipped a car of hogs
and a oar of cattle- to Toronto this week.
Ono. BERT shipped a oar of hogs from
Brussels since last week's issue of THE
Tag G. T. R. section men have been
building quite a stretch of wire feuoing
alone tbe track.
SPRING moving time has arrived and
quite a number of people have °banged
their abodes in the past week.
Rain the advertisements, it may save
you many a dollar as the people with big
bargain% will let them be known.
D. Helm ie raising the roof of his
house, West Bide Albert street, and will.
add a bait story to is and make other im•
BaussELs has been aeked to join a Base
Ball League to be onmpoeed of Goderioh,
Clinton, Winghane, Kinaerdine and other
points. One boys will take the matter
into Oonsideration when they organize.
Anna. 09110&99 bad a gale of agricultural
implements, &a„ at the Central Hotel on
T4,ureday afternoon of this week, He
intends removing to the old homestead
fa'm, 12111 con, Elena township, before
A 43 hundred pound Safe was received
by the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, on
wedneeday from J. & J. Taylor, Toronto,
and has been placed in the Bank vault.
This givee the Metropolitan a very oom-
piete outfit of fixtures.
W. A. Gag%van has purchased the
Belm0013 Board Friday aveniog of next
(ZErrg a number of cases of tonoilitie in
and around Breesele,
A oar of dressed fax wae ehippsd to
Now York by P. Hogg daring the peat
Tun Peer lamed two seta of wedding
invitations this week. We guarantee a
good wife with all our invitations..
TENDERS are being asked for the erection
of a new pnblio eobool building at Trow•
bridge. See advt. in this week's issue.
Plans and epeoifioati0n8 may be Been at
THE POST Publiebing House.
A PINE [specimen of a loon was shot on
Hie river near the mill dam by Arthur
Scott, of Beafortb, who was here on a
visit to hie grandmother, Mee. Jno.
Thomson. The bird wee sent by Council.
ler Thomson to R, Jobnetoo, of Wing•
ham to be mouoted. The feathered loon
is not a very common variety in thio
ENTATION will be made at next
Monday evening's Connell concerning
the construction of a foot bridge ove0 the
Maitland near the flax mill to replace the
old one swept away by the freshet. A
wire etrueture is proposed. A bridge at
this point is ematterof groat oonvenienoe
to many in the village and one ebonld be
planed there if any degree of permanency
oan be aoenred,
Tans week W. W. Barrie'
the hustling
°heeee buyer bargained for April make of
oheese in the Listowel dietriot, for Bal:
lentyne & Sou, Stretford, at 128 onto
per pound, The Elma factories have
already commenced work, Breisaele
rectory will open about the 1%t of May.
The prospects for a good 8eaeone baeioeee
are very eabiefaotory and if the .pries
l eape up many will likely patronize the
0beese .setor188 in 1908.
EASTER. -The Grand Trunk will fee0e
round trip ti0ke18 betweenall stations in
Oanada at single firet•aloee fere, good go-
ing Thursday, April 9th, to Monday, April
18th, iumueive, and valid for return until
Tuesday, April 1411, 1903. To students
and teachers of sohoole and colleges, on
surrender of standard certificate, signed
by the Principal, return tiokets at single
fare and one third will he issuedood
going April 4111, to 11111, inclusive. Valid
returning until April 21st, 1903.
One congratulations are extended to
George Cunningham, of Brnesele, who
bee reoently completely 111e first term at
the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto.
He took Honore in Disease and Treat.
men's, Obeneietry and Pathology. Mr,
Cunningham, atter spending the Doming
Summer with J. D. Warwick, V. S., of
this town, will return to Oollege next
8000ery and restaurant bosinese from L, Fall and we expe09 to see him fioieh in
G. Kruse and i8 now in possession. He good style. He is a eon of our townsman,
is well acquainted with everybody in the Jno. Oodniugham, Alexander street,
Ideality and as he bas had ooneiderable FIEF AT 0311 GREEN Honoz,-Last Sun.
002 801eaoe be should do well. Mr. Kruse day morning, about 4 o'clock, a passerby
made many friends during hie short so noticed fire in the woodshed adjoining
]Darn in town and we would be pleased the greenhouses managed by Mime Kelly
to Dee him remaining. and looated on the property of Mrs. Tboe.
Leer Saturday afternoon Wm. 3,10. Kelly. A messenger was dispatched to
Fadzean held an auction Bale of his house. Thos. Maxwell's, near by and by energetic
hold fnroiture before leaving for the efforts the fire was prevented from ex.
West where he porposee removing with tending to Mrs, Kelly a residence. The
hie family, He bae been en the [dole woodshed andportiona of the greenhonoee
list with a had attack of neuralgia but ie were destroyed upon which there wait no
moat better now. Mr. MaFadzean will 108008nee. How the fire originated is
follow his trade as a blacksmith when be not known but it is fortuuete the results
reaohee his new home. We wish him were no worse. The town fire alarm war
00Oceee. not rung and many of our residents knew
Goon MARE BOE0HT,-This week Biob- nothing about the lose until the afternoon.
and Roabe, the well known horseman, Mies Kelly was getting her Spring and
purchased the fine young trotting mare Sommer stook in good shape and the fire
Oareie 4." from Philip Ament, for will interfere with her plana to quite an
George Thomson, grocer, of this piece, extent. We would be awry to 800 the
paying $250 for her. With the 3 hnrsee "beautiful", so long continued fu the
Mr. Roche bought recently for Kidd same plane, abandoned, This fire may
Bros., of Lietowol, be paid over the large bring up the question of extended fire
sou of $875 to the owners of these fine protection in Brussels as fee as the South.
animate. "Carrie A." is bred from part of the village is 80000 Red.
"Oo8tumer" and is the fastest 8 year old GOLD MEDAL, PRIZES Ann HONOEs This
Mr. Roche hes ever trained and that is is the eumming•up in brief of the record
saying a good deal for he has handled a of F. B. Lamby, of Brueeele, in tonne°-
good many dandies. tion with the closing mime. ab the On.
nisi 710808 REPE0L'NDEN FINANOE9, tario Veterinary Collegel Toronto, and 1s
Rev. R. Paul, Treasurer of the Beet a most creditable showing, indiostive of
Huron Referendum Campaign Fantle, what close application to study ciao 30•
has issued a statement showing the oomplieh 112 the teas of a warm run for
reosipte and expenditure to bens foli°w8: the mole coveted oredits that ambitions
-Receipts,-Oaeh in bank $58 96, ; mush etodante covet. Mr. Lambyie almost
borrowed $25.00 ;interest 78a.; Bruer unprecedented mane is told in tbe
eels $31 87 ; Biuevalo $10 25 ; Grey $83 . following creditable Standing with hot
47 ; Morrie $10.45 ; Walton Sunday oomp8ny :-Gold medal for General Pro•
Sohool ASeooiation $124; Jemeetowu, fioieooy ; let prizes in Chemistry 99,/e,
Victoria Hell 010. ; Howiok $20.04 ; Physiology 95%, Bacteriology 100%,
Hallett $12 00 ; Wroxoter $10 00 ; Total Pathology 100%; 2nd prime in Disease
receipts 5214 67. The total expenditure and Treatment and Anatomy, being ooly
for Literature, express, printing, tele. 1 marlr behind winners of 190 plane in
phoning, two onteide epeakerg, Hall these two subjects; Honore in Medicine
rent8, livery, postage, &o., amounted to and in Entozoa. The medal is a fine Doe
$214 67. There is a balance on hand of valued at $50 00. On the one side of it ie
$33.20 in the bands of the Premium. "Ontario Veterinary College, F. 13,
Enna Gamma, .83009400002I :-Meeh' L Proficiently,. and On the reverse "General
Inge under the auepi088 of the Farmers y, session 1802-3." Mr. Lem.
Inotilsto will be held in Brussels en bye prizes in bocke footed ap to $45.00.
Friday, April 3rd. A ebort alteenoon The recipient of theee bonen wee warmly
eesei0n will be bold in the Town Hall at and deservedly congratulated. He wae
180 o'olooir, addressed by two good fruit the President of the Ol000 for the past
men 1 at 8 80 the meeting will adman to term and made the presentation of a
Reeve Wilton'e orchard, foe prea0ioal portrait of the alma; to President Smith.
demonstrations in pruning, greeting, eta. Le to Mr. Lamby'e 101lir8 he has not
At 8 p, no., the epeaker0 will take np the definitely decided but will go to Midland,
different phases of fruit oulture and et Mid., for the Summer after a short
the mune time discuss the adeieability of holiday In this locality. Tno POST has R
organizing a local Fruit Growers' Aseo. notion that in 111x• Lamby there is the
(dation the object of which will be the right kind of limier for a place on the
meeting together of fruit growers to talk Veterinary Oollege faculty a8 he hue
oo.operative Shipping, peekine, grading 0.:irty won hie spore and while hie record
and handling of fruit, All aro we;0om8.
The [meeker(' will be Dir. Sherrington, nt
Walkerton, and 791r, Carey, of 0.tawe.
Don'b forget the date,
M eti1oii oiitau
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
Discounted. Sale Notes bought of held for Collection,
1N TIM 9AY1\41S BANK -Deposits of 91,00 and upwards 00ooivod and
Interest at the highest flank rate allowed, from date 0f 400019 to date
of withdrawal, on the daily balaoee,
r..:, -Parties bolding important papers, notes, ,to., may deposit them to
our bank watt for earn keeping -free of ollarg8.
Prompt mut C'aref'ul Attention. Cued Terms.
G. F, BLAIR, Soliollor•. A. E. MELLISN, Manager, 33111358ELS,
Tan loot monthly Horse Fair for this
season nn Thoroday of this week.
2 Dare of wheat were loaded at R
Gteham'o storehouse during tbo past
A SEAPORT!! subscriber in remitting
writes "We all lilts Tan Poer and ooald
not do without it."
POETIC School will close on Tharedny
Of next weelt for Easter vacation and will
open on Monday, 20211 fust,
APPLICATION! will be opened at the next
meeting of Brussels Bohool Board for the
position of teacher for the Ot11 room.
A, 0 U. W. Lodge Friday evening of
this week. W. H. MoOraohen, delegate
to Grand Lodge, is expected to present
hie report.
Maw Old Boys .from Toronto will
exourt this year to Goderioh and Wing -
ham in o011000tlon with their Runnel
vi0i1 to HRCon Co,
DoN'T forget the Orchard Institute in
Brussels Town Hall on Fridsy afternoon
and evening of this week. Go and bear
the addressee and join in the diecuesiono.
Tag cottage recently prebend by I.
0. Richards is being moved this week to
his lot on Thomas street to make room
for his proposed new residence. Instead
of using hot=es to draw the building Wm.
Dark's traction engine was utilized and
does the work iu tip•top style. Thos.
Newsome lute the jab.
POST is p'eeeed to announce That the
request fur a otoeed Mail on the 3.25 train
Eastward from Brnesele, as advocated by
THE POST has been granted by Pootmester
General Mulook, through the kindly ie.
tereat of our worthy member, Dr. Mao.
donald, Deputy Speaker of the Commode.
The letter says :-"I have the bonor to
inform you, in referenoe to the request
for an inoreaeed mail service from Bruer
eels, that Postmaster General decided
that a closed bag will be despatched by
the 3 25 p. m. train passing South as
requested. Trusting this will be satin.
factory, I am, Yours Truly, R. M.
Coulter, Deputy Postmaster General."
This will be 8 matter of both convenience
and considerable advantage to the buei•
nese people of Brunie and the pohlio
generally especially in Ea'tern mail mat•
ter eel this trainarrivesin Toronto at 7.40
p, m, and makes good connections with
mail trains running East. The mail will
close for tbie train at Brdseela post°firoe
at 8 o'olnolt bob mail matter dropped in
the letter box at the G. T R. depot will
not be lifted ae there will not be a mail
clerk aboard. Our thanks are due Dr.
Macdonald for hie assistance in the
presentation of our request.
BIAwATnA.-Aa00rding bo 8nn00nee
ment Longfellow's beautiful poem "Hie,
watha" was presented in the Town Hall,
Brueeele, last Tuesday evening, under the
auspices of the Public Behoof here and in
many reepeate was a vary pleasing enter•
tainment and largely patronized. The
talent consisted of fiery W. Hertmau,
who delivered the lecture, Olareooe M.
Robeon, who exhibited the many views
illustrating the poem, and Madame
Alioe-Waltz, soprano, who is posseeeed
of a magnificent voice. Good portraits
of tbe King, Lords Roberts and Kitchener
and H. W. Longfellow were presented,
many of them of a fine ohnraoter and
well shown. After showing a number of
views of the Great West the audience is
taken to Deebarate, 29 milea East of
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., where the highly
prized legends of "Hiawatha" are annual•
ly presented by the Ojibway Indian Rotors
and aoternees. A000mpanied by Mr.
Hartman's incidents and quotations to
Nether with Indian songs and chants of
Madam Waltz a very realistic scene is
given. A number of other songs were
also sung by Madam WRitz. There is
little doubt but a new interest will be
awakened in "Hiawatha" from the pres-
entation of these views. A matinee was
given to the school pupils at 3.80 in the
afternoon, and was very much enjoyed
and heartily applauded. Mr. Hartman
went from Brussels to Clinton, The
Ojibwaye, with whom Mr, Hartman line
spent considerable time studying their
life, have adopted him by the very abbre-
viated ()agnomen of "IdinpBhyahping-
908i ," meaning "The man with the
smiling face," a title not purely legendary
by any means.
(Oontinued an page 1 )
sr: t.^. mE . r1
Vail Wheat 65
Barley .....-. 38
le most oredi1able to himoe:f 91 is no lege
one of the best testilnuhiafe to the Oollege
heel!. We wish Dir, Letnby the 8091990
he deservoa,
Business Locals.
Oats . I 0 25
Butter, tube and rolls .. 15
Eggs per d1020n 4 00
Flour per owt. • " 00
Potatoes (per bus.) •
Apples (per bag) 0 00
Hay per ton .. 00
Sheep Maus, each 25
Lamb skins each
Salt per 11119., retail„ 1 00
Hide: trimmed
Hides rough
Hoge, Live
5 00
7 00
5 5
0 25 6 80
11 12
KERNEL. -In Brnesele, on March 3101, to
Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Tierney, 0 -daugh-
p1oBnln-MnCanusee.-At the residence
of the bride's parents, by Bev. G.
Bnlloutyne, Mr. Geo. McBride, of
Hamilton, to Mies Mot:pio MoOlon-
na0, daughter of Mr. Jelin' Me0len•
nau, of Grey !1'p.
BRINE-OANTELON,--At'the residence of
the bride's parents, 0111 eerie Morrie,
on Wednesday, March 251h, at 8.30
p. m., by Rev. A. H, Brown, B. A.,
B. D., of Bolgrave, Mise Letitia 3.,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mre,
Peter Oantelod, to Mr. Daniel M,
Shine, of Grey township.
WRIO0T-LAIDLAW,-111 Egmondvillo, on
March 13, by Rev. N. Shaw, Mr.
Wm. Wright to Mise Isabella Laid
law, both of Tuokersmith.
WILLIE -BELL. -10 Bowiok, near Lake.
let, on March 25;11, by Rev. Mr. Dab.
eon, Mr. ORS, Willie, of Fordwieb, to
Miss Bell, daughter of Mr. Jae. Bell.
A quantity of seed peas for sale at
Alf. Baelcer'8.
Kellam Born and oats sold by Alf.
Mom and Timothy seed for sale at
lel °Ore °ken's.
JEST received, a choice lot of olover and
timothy seed, ALS. BADREn.
WANT0D.-A too of Batter weekly.
liege 10a. Timothy, Clover and Waverly
pate for sale.
Gate E. Jn eo, Wingbam.
Rarinne for Fleury maehi1ery may be
baud at Dark'Olivery born, Bawe 11194
and pot in good shape. Humes WILLIAMIB.
Vesting PLolve,-Farmers wiehing to
buy the beet plow made should oall on
John Long, agent. 1 will Moo heap
points at Atf.'Baeker'e °fflae,
Bnne89130 Pour WoBLe.-Having put in
a machine for grinding dippers I am pre•
pared tomake old ono'e ant like new.
80(88ore sharpened. FRED, ADAMS,
READY I001 )300018188. --It you want any.
thing in the ehnpe of an A 1 buggy or a
good lumber wagon yen are reeked to mil
at The ()ober Carriage Factory, Brneeole,
whore you will find a splendid new 810811
00 01900se from and at eorre0t prices. A
look thronsh our ebow room %yiii not
wet yon anything and may save you
00m0 money.
D1cx,-Iu Blytb,-on Menlo 81et, Hannah
Baird, relict of the late Jae. Dick,
aged 73 years and 9 montbe,
FoRsoxa.-In Sullivan, Brnoe Oo., on
March 26th, Roderick Foreytb, aged
65 years.
Moons. -In Detroit, on Itlaroh 20[1,1908,
Rev. Alfred P. Moore, in hie Mph
Standard Bank of Canada
5(008100a ar,11 ittttroeb as
Highest Bauk'rete allowed
from date of Deposit to
date of Withdrawal.
Daily Balance
Undo, Notre ORelied,
and every 190eomlllnda
tiou afforded the 000'
p00011910 borrower,
This l3ank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction 'of every form of Banking Business.
e- Every oonvenieuoo afforded oustoneere living at a dietauae.
Walrus -Io Teoswater, on Friday, Mar. i41011, SALE -LOT 207 AND
20.11,1003, Fanny Midford, beloved
wife of John Gillies, M. D„ aged 58
years and 4 months.
1ATUnnat, APRIL 411.--Hquobbold fur•
("flare, (ko., nt corner of Mill and Alexan-
der streets, Brussels. Sala, unreserved,
et 2 o'clock. Rich. Roche, prop ; F. S.
Scott, ann.
'1bn8nex, Arum 7. -Farm, farm cloak,
implements, &c., at 1.00 12, Oon. 6,
Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'oloek.
John Aein, prop, ; Ie. S. Scott, sem:
Fume's, Area, 17. -Farm st»oio, im-
plements, household furniture, &o., Mo
Kim's Hotel, Walton, at 3 o'olook p. m.
Jae. Campbell, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ana.
GIRL wanted. Apply to MEs. G. F.
A BEaooronnn Joresy, dee to calve
next month, for S40. G. A, DEADMAN,
Feint for Bate; bean needed down for
yenta. Amity to 31908, 0000 Ban, Brussels,
00910ORTA3LR house for sale or to rent,
'dill street, Neat, Apply to
881f JOHN BROAD/1'00T.
Demme colt, rising 2 yeer0, for sale,
broken to single. hornets. May he seen at
Geo. Mole', Turnberry street, Brussels.
37.2 DAVID 3H1BL0.
83891 OATo.-A quantity of clean Beed
oats, Siberian anti New Century varieties,
for vale. 0010 N BMITH, Lot 8, Con, 8, Grey,
Or box 206, Brussels P. U. 88.01
Lost. Between Mr. Williamson's, 14th
cm, Grey, and Brussels, a silver band off
buggy wheel. Finder will please leave at
A10. Backer's 03100, Brussels, or at Tag Post
Publishing House, 88.1
1 cottage on Elisabeth street. In good
repair, 7 rooms besides pantry and wood-
shed. A gond well at the door. Apply 00
UR,-MaRELVYOY, Brussels. 88190 -
Lots for Bale, being Nos. 282 and 488 on
West side of Princess street, Brussels. Pot
artic lags as to prima and terms enquiiret 1 at
Chan Re ii sin
Has purchased the choice and well assorted stock,„
Groceries, Confectionery,
Fruits, Canned Goods, Scc.
From L. G. REUSE and will carry on the business in the old
-Particular attention given to the Ica Cream and Summer- Drink
-A choice article of Tea at 27c. per pound.
-See our Newport Chocolates and New Fruits.
-Fine Maple Syrup.
Asking the favor of the esteemed Patronage of the public and
promising prompt and careful attention,
Yours truly,
W. aRlcwit,n.
Its shades will . please you.
Its weight will surprise you.
Its covering properties will astonish you.
Its handsome appearance will win you.
Its "Economy" means money to you.
Its real Lead do Oil baso will give confidence to you.
Insist o . gettin.g
dwelling thereon, Korth -wont 00rum'
William and Albert streets, Brne9al9.
4041 J, 1.1,10K[2.
JL for sale. Mewls) for registration,
Roe 00109, terms and , other particulats sp.
plyCia J. 71. 114 1B, Lot 22, Oon.19, Grey,
good int for mile m1 Queen street,
Bru,pele. Por further pnrtieU are apply to
MA1ta CAMPBELL, Brussels P, 0, 8001
Brli18 for Sear. One 19'138ar old and
the other two younger. Also, several regist-
ered Oows and Miters. Apply to JAMBS
8P11110 , Lot .0, (Jon. 8, Merritt Twp., m' Brus-
sels P, 0. 22.11
on Turuborry street, Brussels, known
as the 90mer888 property, eligibly situated"
Immediate nossess10n, 1' at" further partic-
ulars as to ptioo, terms, etc", 11.001y to D.
MaCU'1'OT'LON, Lot 10, (Jon, 12, Ma9tllop,
or Leadbury P. 0. 08.11
Scotch Onllle dog ntraye'l Prom the
home of the undersigned on or about Marcie
25, He is a Nark sable in color, with white
(,roust, white feet and white tip On tail.
Aoewers to the name of B woe. Anv inform-
ation leading to his recovery will bo suit-
ably rewarded, P. AM1;NT,
ooivad by the undersigned for the erec-
tion of a new horse Shed at Suuslane Meth-
odist chinch. Plans and epecifioattn0e may
he seen at B. Wilkinson's, 5011 line. Toud-
ere 8oceivot1 up to Saturday, April 18th. The
lowest or any .tender not necessarily ac•
oaptnd. B. WILHINSOt7, Secretary,
88.2 Sunshine P.O.
Tenders -Wanted.
Whole or genperate teudere, sealed and ad -
drawled to uedrreigned, and marked "Ten-
der," will be received until Saturday, Apr,1
11011. 1008, at noon, for the erection and oom-
forlten Sehool Sectio No. I, Toand wnship of Mum,ol
at Trowbridge. Plane and specifications
may be seen at the reeide0oo of George L.
A,'ams, Lot 8, Con. 8, Blum; at the oiloe 01
'I an POST, B ruesels ; and at the onion of W
B. Blueing, Muth floor, Listowel, The lowest
or any tender not necessarily aoeepled.
GLOROB L. ADAMS, Secretary,
88.2 Trowbridge P. 0,
ArR. Pr 1908
or-��l-fir, I►���e
The Great Smut Prcvcntativat
Seed time is again fast ap-
proaching and we would like to
draw your attention to the use of
this greatest of all germisides,
For-mal-tle-hyde, for the preven-
tion of smut on grain. Farmers
who have used it during the past
few years cannot speak too high•
ly of its merits,
A pound bottle, costing 40e.,
will treat from 60 to 80 bushels
of oats, wheat or barley, and
there is none better,
Short Born Bulls, from imported
stook,for Rale. Also town and beifere, im-
Derrarand home bred. ' 72 bead to scatet
from. D. MI1.N8.1 k SON, Multlaud Bank
Stook Pnrm,20 tnal Out. 30-t0
License District
East Riding of Huron,
The East Huron Lioeuse Commiaeiouore
will meet at the
Tuesday, April 2lst,
1888, AT 10 0'OL00K A. M.
To take into aoneideration the antigen -
tions for Tavern Licensee for 1903-04.
The number of app ication9 thio year
9E113, The new opplioant is Me, George
Maxim, Royal Hutel, Walton, for Beer
8Dd Wine Lioeuse,
.I. 10, MILLER.
JAMESTOWN, Arlt 180,1901.
P A.L..Y.::,1,1,,t,111, ..+;[,...,Sre '...a "1111,1i.+..�,....
tLT pp,�� t
Money Saving toot.
Our Saturday Bargains have received a warm
reception and each week we•will endeavor to make the
one surpass all preceding ones. We want you to come
and look thoo1g.b, examine our Bargain's and judge for
yourself.. Make yourself at home in this stere. It's
not necessary to buy.
Our range for Spring is now complete and we are
showing some very pretty, natty.and up-to-date goods
for Complete Costumes, Separate Skirts and Waists.
A visit to our Staple counter for Linens, Sheet-
ings, Tickings, Cottonades, Shirting's, Drapings,
Towels and Towelings, Cottons, Lawns, Spot Mullins,
&a., will save you dollars.
Remember in these two departments $6.00 or
$10.00 has the same purchasing power . in this store,
that $8.00 to $12.00. gives you in other places..
SBIaI'�8y S C�CaI SUEC131S
•-Men's Fine Dross Shirts, regular $1.00, 6'7ce
Saturday only ..
-Men's Colored Top Shirts, (regular 50c, 41c.
Saturday only
H 1. E 1I Y � �1 ., y i�
Garfield Block, Brussels.