HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-4-2, Page 3'BODE FAMOUS ARTISTES
Kubelilt, the Son of a Market Gar-
dener, Earns Fivo Hund-
red Therusand a Year,
From whence *do great singers
sparing? The idea is pot/ tont that;
,good enusicieu5 run In famines, and
that a neusecal father is sloes likely
to have musical children than tbo
Man whose walk of life earries him
in another direction. That this is
not so may bo judged by the inci-
dents which have served 1.o bring
to fame some of the must noted art-
ists, vocal and instrumental, that
modern music lovers have ever seen
•or hea;'d.
The following instances of famous
uausi„cians, who have fought and
eonguercd poverty and opposition,
may help those whe We still strug-
gling for recognition,
kiss Elsie Jenkins, a little Iltitish-
eer, who is a pretty brown -eyed meld
of twelve, was all tho rage in so-
ciety a season or two ago, and is
now. She was discovered when sev-
en, singing with remarkable sweet-
ness, at a Chelmsford school (=-
met, On onthe advice of kind friends
the young girl's father was helped
to cultivate the talent possessed by
his daughter. That some day she
will make a great name is the opin-
ion o1 most people.
At the present time, sotiety in
Naples and musical critics aro dis-
cussing nothing but the debut of a
wonderful new tenor - Sign101' Gior-
gilei. Eight months ago be wen a
Relit -hawker, now he is described an
the greatest artiste in Europe. While
crying his wares, the immense pow-
er and rich tone of his voice attract-
ed the attention of a music lover,
who assisted Signor Gior•gini to
make his how before the public. Iles
case is very much like that of
This Preheat, who was left a
homeless orphan -when very young,
earned a precarious existence by sel-
ling pencils in the streets. A chor-
ister took pity on the poor boy,'
gave him shelter, and a little in-
struction in music. When Brabant
made his appearance on the concert
platform he hail neervelous success.
Ler fifty years he was the greatest
tenor singer in Europe. At the
Royal Thcntee, Dublin, he once re-
ceived $10,000 for n fifteen nights'
'Wonderful, again, is that son of a
poor mallet gardener, who earns
$50(1,000 a year - liubclilc. Though
he has been. but tierce seasons before
the public, the young Bohemian
stands in the front melt of violin-
ists; sortie orities say be is the great-
est the world has over known: Cer-
tainly he is the darling of society
inall parts f
also the globe. A • 1-
I o t al-
most every performance he is pur-
sued by c
nthtsinsticladies anxious
to kiss les enchanter) lingeree. While
111 the United States he received
many offer's of marriage from weal-
th • I eir seed Jan N li
r > c . , oho ill enteral
the Pram .° Conservatoire when 12,
and studied under Professor Sevelk
for seven yoars,-
Another sensational rise wits that
of little Jean Lantourex, whose par -
eats were so poor t.hnt
Ile:FORE RP1AClir.:U
the boy was sent out to playthe
violin in the Bordeaux 'Theatre. Ibis
evident genius attracted general at-
tention of music lovers, and two
rears later an admirer• made it pos-
sihlc for hint to study in Paris,
where ha soon passed the most emi-
nent da.
e U r! a ,V Loudon
has always warmly welcomed hint.
Little is known of the eaely clays
of Paderowdlti, except that his par-
ents were very poor. The groat pi-
anist was only three when Itis natur-
al genius showed itself, but he did
not take up music seriously till ' he
was twenty, when ho went to Berlin
to study harmony and composition.
His marvelous ease of execution is
the result of incessant practice. In
1898 he cleared $160,000 in a tour
through America.
Pietro Mascagni is the son of a
halter. IIe also showed great musi-
cal ability as a child, and though
his Sather could ill a.0ot-d it, leo sent
the boy to the Milan Conservatoire,
Young Maseagni, however, disagreed
with his teacher, and left to join
a traveling opera company. Next
ho married and settled down as a
nsusie, teacher in Cerignola,' Italy,
and here wrote, "Cavalleria Itus-
ticana" in competition for a price.
This opera made him famous in ev-
ery European capital.
Should the two new vessels that
the Cunard Steamship Company is
going to have built for the Naw
York -Liverpool trade come up to
expectations in potnt of speed, they
will each be capable of making the
Transatlantic trip in about four
days and fifteen hours. This is .flee-
ured on an estimated speed of 25
lt'note over the short course of 2,780
melee between New 'Kerte and Queens-
In order to attain this epeec1 the
monster vessels, which are to bo 725
feet long, with a displacement of
about 27,500 tons, will have to cott-
teuue about 650 tons of coal each
day. Should tho price of coal be
normal when the vessels go into
cotmniseion, which is aboatt $5 a
ton for the eastward voyage and 84
a ton for the westward', it can be.
easily figured out what a sum w 11
bo necessary In order to get enough
fuel to developp the sLcart
h vessels,
topropel to v a so s,
On the $5 -asters basis the liners
will, on the voyage from New York
to Queenstown, use ep in heel ebOttt
$3,000 a day; while the outlay for
the 'i'rensatlantlo d'assago will be
nbottt $15,080, Per the run the
other way, and pitying $4 a ton for
coal, the oxponse will be $2,000 a
day; ' while for the doable voyage the
total will be about $27,055,
Ivli'. Dc Club - }`My deal*, a groat
(layman physician says women re-
quire metro sloop than sten," Mrs.
11e 0, - "Dees her Mr. De 0,
0fres, .my dor- anar-an-•;you'd .better
Set wait up for mo to -night.",
`$GS'8®t�GkBtgQ.4436,�'q'll9Gvi�tIIt`1'J:: Rf�Q+iG9�s+
td�j IL '
u.eya§ LEADING §oecon
13ci1ii Cr:.l DULeT iIOW BEADY
For Coined/0 total all
Information, address,
DB WHIR LN .tsSIry, TO10010
Ii' N T: -
Curious Case Decided in a French
Law Court.
The Paris ncwspnpers have lately
printed the account of a strange
lawsuit, The contjtlainant in the
case testified that he was dining on
the terrace in front of a restaurant,
enjoying the sir as well as the food.
ITc had just begun to eat his soup,
which he found too hot for his pal-
ate. While waiting for the soup to
cool, be took from his pocket a roll
of !tills which ho had received in
payment of a bill.
In counting the money he acci-
dentally dropped a hundred -crane
bunk note into his soup. Ice took
it out of his plate with a fork, and
Fent the soup away. The bank note
was saturated with the greasy liquid
and he laid it down on the table-
cloth to dry,
Iia was partaking of the second
course, when a sudden gust of wind
blew the note off tho table. He ran
after it, but a dog, which, although.
it wore a collar, and therefore ht all
prababil(1y had a home, yet show-
ed every sign of Integer, seized it.
The taste of the soup on the peeve
made it palatable, and 1be dog
swallowed rho note in an instant.
The coulplainntlt used all lois per-
suasive power in un effort to get the
dog to came near hint, "Good
doggy( Conte Nese!" he coaxed.
The aotittlal, pleased with the taste
of the soap, was finally toted nem'
enough for the complainant to rend
the name engra1Cl 0n the collar,
When be had made a not,. of the
name nnd address of the owner of the
dog, lie climb sett hint with a Scotch
blessing. 'Then he sought Itis l.ttw-
ycr, and brought suit against the
owner of h dogfor it restitution
o t the u the c utiuu
of the hundred francs.
I'he const decided that the owner
of thedog )mese pay, holding that
since the dog wait property, the own-
V -er mist be held responsible for any
act committed by the animal.
It Is a Season When Most People
feel Miserable, Easily Tir-
ed and Fagged. Out.
'Pito spring : Cason affects las,
health or almost everyone - of
course in dif,'eren1 ways. With some
it is a feeling of weariness after
slight exertion; others aro afflicted
with pimples and skin eruptions,
1(Pc9klo n 'acute sallow cheeks nn 1
lack -lustre eyes are other signs
that the blood is clogged with im-
purities and trust have assielmeeo to
tegetn its i:cadtit-giving p:'oierties.
This is the season above all others
when everyone - young and ol'd -
nced a tonic to bravo thea up, and
the best tonic medical science has
discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. These pills tone the nerves
and 5111 the veiues with new, pure,
riot), rod blood. That's why they
give you a healthy appetite and auto
all blood and nerve 01500ms -anae-
mia, skin diseases, erysipelas, rheu-
matism, neuralgia, palpitation of the
heart steel a score of other troubles
caused by bad blood nnd bed blood
alone. 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills will
give your new blood, new life, now
energy - you cannot do better tMtat
start taking .them to -day.,
Mr. Jos. Poirier, M.P,P., Grand
Anse, N. B„ says: ':Both my wife
and daughter have been greatly ben-
efited by Dr. Williams' Fink Pills.
My daughter was in very poor
health; pale, thin and apparently
bloeilless, but through the use of
the pills site hos regained her health
amid Is again able to enjoy life,' 1
think Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is the
best medicine when the bland is
poor." Substitutes aro sometimes
oife'ad, bat they never cure. 1'f you
can't get the genuine pills from your
dealer send direct to the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., B7•ocicvillo,
Ont., and they will be mailed at, 50
cents a box or sex boxes for 82.50.
Of several famous night marches
that ended ,in decisive engagements,
two claim special notice. The early
morning attack on Quebec by Wolfe
Was preceded by a night march along
the banks of the St. Lawrence, to
the point where the soldiers were
swiftly and quietly ferried across the
stream. Thence they climbed the
Heights of Abraham, before the
dawn of the day which decided that
British territory.
Catlndn was to bo t3
Perhaps, however, the fast place
should be -given to the night march,
cleverly planned and brilliantly car -
vied ouf without nbetet byLord -
then Sir Garnet - Wolseley, on tete
night of September 120, 1882, when
he swiftly and silently hurried his
troops Meese the desert, to attack
Arabi Pasha at Tel-el-I(eis0. Under
the night ,,ha,clows his infantry
starched right up to the fort unseen,
so completely surprising tate enemy
by their sudden and overwhelmh'g
attaek, that within two hours the
Egyptians were 11tterly routed, and
Arabi's ponce teas sttelek down at a
P'orttenate is the man who is tie
first to discover his mistakes,
;Most connubial rias seers to be
bow k tote! -at least they pull olt
Fine clothes may not make the
wife, bit they often unmake the
1'11e alder a girl gets the more re -
elver: she lute for the wisdom of her
If there is any petty meanness
about a Woman it le sure to crop
out at a euchre party,
When a man. is in love he doesn't
lenow the dilTcrcnce between a brass
bated and a hand -organ,
The road to success.is open to all,
but too many want to get there
without the trouble of going.
No tvontan cares so much about
the lass or herer:•••h
J 4 as sadoes
abode losing the lucky penny it con-
A man never really feels the pangs
of poverty until bo has to could
down from 10 -cent eegars to the
three -for -a -nickel brand.
011095 BABIES.
Sonic babies appear always ugly
telgpered. It can't be all original
Sill either, not in your baby any-
way, Year baby is not a cross
baby for nothing. llo is cross be-
cause he is uncomfortable. A differ-
ence like magic is effected b,v Da-
by's Own Tablets. They do imme-
diate and permanent good: they can-
not 110081bly do any harks. No
trouble; no spitting; no 01:acuity
getting trent luno baby's mouth; for
leery young infants they can be
crumbled to a powder or giv-
en in water. Ti ey lee sweet
and children Bice them, No mother
has ever used Ilaby's Own Tablets
witl:otit finding tiutt they elo good
for children of all ages. Mrs. 111,
Walters, Sheenboro, (lhlr., lays: "1
have used many medicines for little
ones hlft 1111v0 111.cr found anything
to equal Baby's Oivn Tablets, I sim-
ply would not he without them in
the house, -end 1 strongly reroill-
went then) to ell other tuttt.Iers
'Baby's Own Tablets cure ati tho
minor ailments of little ones, and
,you have a positive guarantee, that
tley t'ontein no opiate or harmful
chtncr. Sold by all druggists or
mailed frost paid at 21 rents a box
by writing direct to the Dr. Wil-
lie.ws' 'tdetiicino Co., Brockville,
(Inc of the things that the Sultan
of Turkey takes great, intern in is
wrestling, and a large boars of
wrestlers aro specially retained in
connection with his Court. Con -
teats and exhibitions aro arranged
on feast days in tlto Royal 1;i.c•tik,
TheSultan tel hisinvariably.
't c ladies
attend the e, screened from sight be-
hind n I
ti t •ins1 at en
L curtain. 1Iis
Majesty matches the various phases
of the boy is with a keen apprecia-
tion of the various points tnttl strat-
egics of the combatants, Tho chief
of this 'Royal Hosie is Ali ITouwo.n,
the Sultan's favorite wrestler. ITN
%vas born in Adrianople, is thfe'iy-
two years of ego, and stands r•ix
feel. nine nnd a half. 1Te comes of a
wrestling family, all his relations be-
ing wrestlein of distinction in Tur-
key. When not engaged in VtChL
1Tussan follows tie pencel'ul occttpa-
tion of farmer end miller, but es u.t
any time liable to be called upon to
give an exhibition before his Royal
nester. On tiles* occasions be is
bound t.n meet all earners, accept
nee: challenge, and uphold his cham-
pionship; defeat would in all prob-
ability entail the loss of his propel
position, and pee the conqueror in-
atnlltxl in his place. ITinssan's diet
IS vary simple, and consists of two
meals daily, rice, broad and meat
being his staple food. ITe eats few
vegetables, and is a strict teetotal-
,- TJF11'ICIE, NT P N ,ci 1I
S U I . H ENT.
A very subdued -looking boy or
about thirteen years, with a long
scratch on his nose and an air of.
general dojoction, came to his teach-
er in a rural board school and hand-
ed her a note before taking his
soot, and became deeply absorbed in
his book,
The note read as follows:
"Miss B—, -Please excuse
James for not being there yester-
day. Ho played trooan11, bttt you
don't need to rook hem for it, as the
boy ho played trooant !vitt an' him
fell out, an' the boy licked. him, an'
a man they checked caught hint an'
licked hem, and the driver of a van
they bung on to Melted him apse,
Then his rather licked him, an' I had
to give him another for ehee1dn' oto
for telling his father, so you need
not lick him uotii next time. I think
ho foals he'd better keep in school
# the 9yelteKii1 F teaS100-0
Mind Thea
11 makek no dIfferealco
NhethOr 8 Is chronics
Acute or (ntlammatoy
Num allesm
of tllp muscles or lolnls
enres and cures promptly.
Pieletee a9Cq side QC,
Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Tea the world producesy
and is old only in lead
:Diels, Mired and Green.
-an tea driakere try "Salada" Green tea,
�• t -f
mmeem...... aaoc,r „sn m„a 0
Ilv1'N TTOt\.
Wo have revolted from Men'srs, Ma-
rion 0 Marlon, Patent Attorneys, of
Montreal, en admirable compendium
of e'onclotesed information ort the
subject of Patents and everyday :sta-
tistical data. 'tries little book, en-
titled "INVENTION," ir, ,just the
proper size for the vest pocket, 3}
x 'I inches, Is bound in handsome
cell utold covers, and contains not
only quadrille -ruled blank pages for
memoranda, but also 28 pages of
inte•neting printed -matter including
gufto a stn•prising mmmimt of nerve}
and antral information not hereto-
fore published. Among the items of
information contained in this cant
pout -1111110 volume are graphically
illes Lreted iaides showing the
(1row Lb of the T'nilfel St Mos and
t'am'es I'atert 01110., Geogreeeical
1)ist•ibtttion of United Slates and
Ilancelian 1'01 en Lees, Diol ri hilt ion of
Ortnedian Patentees Hillevi; 1.1 '1, dif-
ferent countries, the Inventiveness of
('antddian Province;, the Compara-
tive Inventiveness of the Celled--
Stntes and Camila, the W'orld's
(; real est Invent ors, and legel mark-
ings for patented articles, in eddi-
tiro to tho very full and useful de..-
cription of the mode of psacnt and
trade mark procedure and the ex-
teesit'o equipment of Messrs, Marion
& Marion for their worts. A full
s:•hochlle of Nests is also given. nnd
it highly interesting list of some of
the !folds of invention in which they
have obi aired gat onts,
Ti.c hook is prepereci esfie:laity for
the use of the technical m:d indus-
trial clients of Mesere, Marion ee
Marion, nnd does this enterprising
flrnt much cretin, 1'1: can he had
loom them by the renalcrs of this pa-
per on request, for 10 cents. (staters
of silver).
In the least thirty years the popu-
lation of Cel'Itlitliy Iles increased 40
per cont.; (boat Britain ens in-
creased 110 per cent.; that of France,
2 per tent,; that of the United
States, 100 per. cent.
% e l s e 1
l eHft e. s C, l not Cured
Se C • ,
C ut
1 cal
bya Al no,'I 9
i P ns a• they cannot
r0nch the lhar>t.,rd „rLlon n' t n
h cr.
1 n
'1'htn•u Is only ouu lvny to cure dmtfncau,
al1 that Is by it? c":l rcmcdlet.
lleaines.. i causer b
s nn 1n1'1 met <
d1t(on of ileo unlcova Ihling of rho P 14-
tach4u) 'fabs, when Ihts tubo is Intinm-
cd you hate n I•umnlrng 1,000 tO int-
errk'eL hearing, and when it Is entirely
eiosed, J'wlfness is the result, and tin-
kes lien Inn htm uutLIon can ha 4111:01 001
and dila 15170 restored to Its normal
condition, hearing
will be dt J 1 ra'•ed tor-
ero•. Nine eases out. of ten are en Hard
by Catarrh, 101, 111 Is troth Ilig but an
hlfloulod- condition of the mucous sot• -
111'e1, -
li'n w(il give (Inc hundred Dollars kw
any 0016 of beakless (caused by catarrh)
that cannot he cured by 11011':; Catarrh
Cure. :send for eiecel.ltw, Yree.
is.,1, 0111•;N PA 5 Uo„'eolcclo, V.
Sold by pruegirte, Tee.
Lluil's 1'amaly felts aro the best.
4 -
Visitor (to sexton digging grave
ht churrhynrd) - M'ho's dead?”
Sexton - "Old Squire Thornbncic."
Visitor - " 1Vhat complaint?" Sex-
ton (without looking up) - "No
complaint; everybody satisfied."
1 Cured a horse of the mango
with MTNARA S 1,1N331 ENT.
01111TS'l'OPIIEI.1 SAD -en -HMS.
Dalhousie -�
1 Cured a !Terse baldly torn by a
pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINI-
st, Peters, C. 11,
1 Cared a Horse of a bad swelling.
with. 11;tNAIti)'S LINIMENT.
9'110S, W. PAYNE.
Bathurst, N. B.
The Turquoise Is a Talisman for
Self -Possession.
The super's'titions connected with
precious stones are many, but the
following aro the most generally ac-
1f a young woman wears an ame-
thyst, she bas an amulet against
flightiness and folly.
If she wears a sapphire, sho will
bo proof against deceitful suitors,
no matter how artful their wooing
may be.
If sho wears a ruby, she has a
charm against rheutuatitdn and kind-
red diseases, and a prompter to id-
vacity and Meditation of manner.
Failing the ruby, the carbuncle and
the garnet will exert a similar infln-
7n the turquise the wearer has a
talisman for self-possession. The
pretty blue gem will enable her to
think clearly and keep her presence
of mind under tho most trytug sire
Emeralds aro a spur to ambition,
seed promote the spirit of a leader,
A piece o tide worn i a brace-
) f )t n
t j
lot clasp or vinaigrette ring will
drive away bad luck oven more ef-
fectively than the rabbit's foot or
Tan the moonstono the wearer has
an aid to beauty and the gift of
pleasing, Under this steno's influ-
ence sho sees everybody and ovary -
thing about, her in the best aspect.
Some ancient writers believed the
moonstone cured epilepsy, others
that its powers waxed and waned
with the moon,
Tho topaz banishos melancholy,
and imparts so1'otiity and a content-
The daughter of a statesman was
sitting on her father's knee one eve-
n9rtg when she was a little girl. thatshotore is
She had a new little brother, 13
whore she regarded with wonder.
"To -clay, ' said the father, "a man
ancrod to give me a whole roomful
of gold for little brother. Shall I
sell him?"
i 'Into child shook her head,
'glut," said her father, "think
how many nice things a roomful of
gold would buy! Don't you think
that I held better let the man have
"No," answered tits girl thaught-
fl,lly. "lets keep him till he's old-
er; he'll be worth more then._'
A little Sunlight Soap will clean
cut glass and other articles until
they shine and sparkle. sunlight
Soap will wash other things than
clothes. 413
t -i
A 1001', when asked her age, said:
"I was eighteen when we were, mar-
ried, atel my husband was thirty,
Now hers twice as old, so I'ul thirty-
!H ,Wt11RAat¢ 5011
870 woman In your hour of ease,
Uncertain, Noy and hard to please,"
one thing that will certainly please you if you got it, and
(Bee LON TEA, Lead Pacicets, All Grocers.
1 45
Fresh Frozen Sea Hera/110.s
In casks of about Seo Herrings; 51.60 per too by the cask, or 81,10 per 100
in smaller quantities. Labrador rlerrings in half barrels, $3,00.
should be in
19 GOO 01.119ATE3,
"Got a talking utachitte at home?"
"Yes." "''hat dict you pay for it?"
"Nothing. Married it."
Not many young Relies in Canada
can boast of having cut the entire
crop on their father's farm.
The two young daughters of Mr,
8e' o'ge Wells ran do so, however. -
Me. Wells' farm is situated one
Wille eolith of Wetiu•ood Station on
the famous Carberry tenths. Ile cul.
titatr's 320 neves,
Owing to sctirrtty of Help, hiss
Effie and Miss l;mula Wells volun-
teered to driie their father's 'Massey-
lIarris binders through the harvest.
\s a reset t f their c '.arts it
1 t II a A.
Wells was h first fanner o f tl
' n the n r to
l'lttns to finish teatime.
Iluw notch of lee 01,101 of Can -
ala nnd C'an:aliens them, is in this!,
This Is the 'I»nit vit is steadily
bringing and• fair nation to the fort,
One of hit'. Wells' elasaee-tennis
hinders is six anti the otl-11' colli'
years old, and Mr. (Fells asserts
only seeenly-five cents' worth of re-
pairs blew been put on them np to
date, and that the hinds':' first
bought is good far live }1•ars yet,
to :ay nothing of the younger a
The Biehop of London has 110 few-
er than 142 livings In his gift. There
are altogether 570 benefices itt tate
diocese, and 1,147 clergy, -
ver ti • r ,tate renes,
An Opt, ASt, WELT. TIMM M sues?, — Mrs
wlnalnw'S.00 Tong SyrIlp tIsO 1,10111L:rd for Over 'guy
y0170 10 mill Dma of mc+l+ern for than children whit*
teslhuLL ,v,Fi perm,* 011000... 1L eklii6m4 the child,
00(1.07,5 u,o nu,•e, alloy. Ali pain cures win t eu.la,sod
lama 4;14 romady for Ilixrhms 10 1, ea ens 10 rho
lax, 0. anld t,y d,ndskN in 07.1ry Parc at the word.
Tn:ntydmelm.a but•ln, l,, +c1oo is n,mnabla.
Se moo sad 00< for Aird. Wiva.una Soolh:ng Syrup
and cake so ether kind.
The number stamped inside a pair
of gloves is the size in inches round
the knuckles of the closed hand.
Fisk far Minard's and lake co other,
770 parts in every 1,000 of human
blood aro writer.
Minard's Liniment Is used by Physicians
Bnglalt'd and Wales are divided in -
in 51: judicial circuits, each presid-
ed aver by e judge, who must bo a
barrister of at least seem years'
Because of Weak Hearts
When you are sick your heart is
If it were pumping good blood
through your system, you .ould not
be sick in any part.
Ninety-nine out of a hundred
have weak hearts -they are some-
times sick.
Dr. Agnew's Swart Cure
will relieve Heart Disease in thirty
minutes. Will with certainty effect
a lasting cure.
Gsokos Caress, Dominiopl Customs
Office, Cornwall, Oct,, says :-
a 1 was troubled with severe Heart Gem -
plaint far a tong teme. I wits under the
doctor's caro but t receiving benefit 1
asked him about Gee, Adam's Coss Vas
rut llseat,' and I used it with good
Dr, As o�v'd4 Ointment is rid•
ding the world of piles and skih rashes,
eruptions of rill sores. Ito heating powers
are elarvoleus, Price, 35c, 11
PILLS til.
533,0rX/COD ST
r enorr.
P1II:-clack on Green.
Ointment: -Brown mut
Green on White.
are of immense value to the
weak and ailing, Although
thoroughly searching, their
action is co gentle that delicate
persons need have no hesitation
in taking them; indeed; they
should never be without a
supply, The Pills give speedy
relief In cases of Headache,
Biliousness, Nausea, Dizziness
and Trembling Se :rations.
Females will find them highly
is pre-eminently a household
remedy; once used it is sure to
have a permanent place in the
family medicine cupboard. It
quickly allays inflammation and
irritation, and is in the highest
degree soothing and healing
Apply it to Bruises, Burns,
Scalds, Cuts, Wounds, Boils,
Abscesses, &c. It also relieves
and cures Brcnchitie Asthma,
Sore Throat, Quinsy, and other
affections of the Throat & Chest.
• lis.r
"' Headlight"
Eagi0 "
'"""tnsd i sees
tt Littlo Colnot"
U5' ijARLOn
other alai
s-T.ar ,
j t-1
Uninhabited pauses in E'ngland
number 40,000, an increase of nearly
500 in the past ten years.
Probably tate best invention in the
agricultural implement world for
1003 is the new oiling device on the
Massey-Ii't1r11s bower Pitman,
A roomy oil chamber is placed in
each end of the pitman, and the na-
tural, action of the pitman throws
the oil up through the oil stole and
gives thorough and constant lubri-
cation without waste.
The best feature of the device is
that the oil chambers are roomy and
ono filling will last for many hours
of cutting.
''o understand Massey -Harris Com-
ptiny are making a great hit with
this new feature, nnd that it is fil-
ling a long -felt want.
Reggie - !''e bad a runny game
at the party the other evening. They
stood tho young men up ou a plat -
Dr. .ftt-gust Koenig's ' Hamburg
Drops have become an indispensable
home frienld for suffering women.
Spain's quicknilve• seines aro call-
ing on, Only 12 toes was got last
year, against 23 the year before,
MInard`s Liniment Lumharman's Friend
6,5515 Russians work at tailoring
in Loudon.
Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant -- Is
strongly recommended by the medi-
cal profession as a safeguard al_cialnst
infectious diseases.
Tho actual time from new moon to
new moon is 20 days 12 flours 44
minutes and 2.87 seconds,
Keep Minh Liniment in the Nauru,
Have You Seen It? What?
Loo BrlOole5o neclpoa-itCOSoorole for 110 1101p0
Parts nnd ecory dtpartmoot of human, ,nden.0r, IGI
5006. send 26 nits. 11101670011, mel flti(-o0 k 1e;•not
worth It. T!slen_.O0 nn* tot' rwnt2•aarg-Wheels
nr(aae. P b 1 en- O7O0lt,
Dominion Lino Steam3
til R
WinWord to Liverpool. Boston 10 Lirai.
pool, rosined to Liverpool. Via Qaechte
Largo and IPnet 9tonm ihtpe, snnorior a0oomgla lotion
for all alasaoa of Natant saloon, and statilraonie,
aro Second
Sobel Spa 1 eetee felon h0a been kqhan to 5110
second ellen and l d,c1lr% 9 a0oen mooatopn, tine
Yaks ar�1naalagt 651' all partl0h?are, apply' to any onpgera
elthe omsestw, or »•t.
itiohardd ilille1100, li,Morranss 1105,
11111(LYS& Deems leontIOM aud:i'srttanrl,
LIBBER R inti �j D
Latest Noicities, all styles.
Correspondence invited. En-
close 2e stamp for circular.
1'. 0. Box 1142, Montreal.
4107mn)a•0a d. Ora. 3E•i75.2a,c7a.ua.ue.es
Any quar city of dry. ntix,d word, suitable for
break burning, for early deliv, ry Sesta rash
1Woe, f,o,h. your a adon. Address, 8,,111'901/
9111(18 00.1 Toronto 81., Toronto, Tete•
phone Main 707,
Rad laded suite would look Netter dead. )t so sg'Al5&
pf nave to your town, write diract'hlontroat, nos 1
Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest prices over quoted. Pine catalogue.
503itMstrationo, unAiicd tree, Write us for any
thing in haste or Musical instruments.
%'YIIILIY ROYCE & CO., Limited,
Toreato, Ont„ and Winnipeg, Man, 1.23
2 LU
p7i Ili
1Corporatt9n, Limited)
26 ICING Sr, 1;.t TORONTO,