The Brussels Post, 1903-4-2, Page 1Vol, 31, No, 33 New Advertisements, Lost—Alf. Baden, Local—G. E. King, Dug [est --P. Arrant. Liotoses—J. It. Miller, Tendon -13. Wlllcinaon. To taut—Dr, 01o$elvey. Girl wanted —0. 1'. Blair, Well paper—F. B. Huratey, 200 baggies—D'. Ewan & 00. Farm for snle--Thor+. Moors. Cow for Bale—G. A. Deadman. Hollywood palet-61oleay & Co. Groat Bpeuiels=H. A. Matohett, For eats] or to rent—Jno. Broadfoot. Change in busineon—W. A. Grewar. Tenders wanted—George L. Adams. What counts—E. 0. Danford & Son. i5 trict bete$. Laos to Woad. A Dxuanxen Wolust—Itirs. Victoria Brown, of I,ietowel, wee in Staff Ieapt° for Aroblbatd'e oiiire, Toronto Wednesday morning searching for non of her hue• band, David J. Brown, whom she mar• Hod in that towu in October last, She Quid she 11ed from her folks in Listowel becomes they wero trying to poison her. She is 8B years of age, The woman is undoubtedly insane, end has been detain. ed by the authorities for examination by a pbysioian. erro'wbreteer o. R. G. Oode spent Sunday in Grey. Some of the farmare have started plow• Rev. J. E. Hunter ocoup{ed hie own pal piton Sunday, Reports esy there will bo e. wedding in the neiphborbood MMorlly, Miss Lines Goodwin, of Pelmeralon, le visiting frionde in the village. Mina Edith Phillips, who has been on the ei°tc Itat, is, we are pleated to Bey, on the mend. The obesee fluttery started operation on Wednesday. The proepeote are bright for a goad season 12e Dente per pound being offered for April cheese. Must be Sold this Season, The Finest line to be seen in any town carriages in Ontario will be found at Ewan &. Co.'s Wareroorns TURNBERRY STREET. BRUSSELS. —Wo have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best ivIanufae- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. —You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing. —Satisfaction'assurecl. Prices right. EWAN & Co., RRITSSELS. Sole Agents in Brussels CLOTHING Abovo cut is an exact reproduction of our York Suit. hatf tt, Counts 7 Honest Fabrics, Careful Tailoring, Good Trimmings, Latest Styles, Perfect Fit, Our Clothing has allithese and, on top of them all, that finished touch they call "smartness"—that is it makes a man look dres- sier than ordinary Custom- made Garments do, It is as near perfection as experience and human skill canmake it and it places the wearer among the best dressers in town. Our new Neckwear will be Open for Easter. E. CJJUNPORU & SON Leading Clothiers and Furnishers; • . RUSSELS, ONTARIO, J. R. Ahn nt left for Simon on Tues. day to take (Marge of hie ohease !eatery. IRev. and hire, Ooseea, of Bresele, wore ependiug te few days with friends here. Mrs. A.'i'ugben, who has been visiting friends in Woodetoolc the pant weak, Ilan returned home, A moaning of those interested in the new sobool was held on Monday bob no deoleion has been arrived at yet. The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mre. Geo, Hotelmen, on Wed• needay and olented titer officers for the ootnirg year. lelolosttvor cit. John Patterson Ilea a new Winehtirn baggy D. A. Milia, of Durham, in planing Dement stook around these parte, Phil. Haufmau, who is working at Tom IYIoDouald'e, le lying trick with scarlet fever. H. R. Spann he.e sold hie farm West et here to Lyttle Elliott, for the cum of $4.200. Tcha end Mrs. Patterson attended so "At Horne" et the former's brother at Bluevale. Rev. Mr, Hunter hart returned from a rest and oocueied the pulpit in theMethe- diet absinth. Rev, Mr. West, of Bluevale, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian chur°h Ian Sabbath. John Barlett, a Mil .to•do farmer in Walken, committed Wade early Tues. day morning by hanging himself to a tree in the bush. Wr,xeorer-. Mrs. Jobb, of ilarriebon, ie spending a few days with Mre. T. Hemphill. Mies Merle tie no, of Tseewater, ie the great of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Allan. Mre. 0. Cook, of Ilensall, ie visiting her parents, Thos, and Mre. Hemphill. Mrs, Goodfellow hoe returned from Winrtoa, where ebe visited for amoral days. W. McLeod, 0. Pope, G. $sake and E. and Moe Barnard leave for the Weat the latter part of the week. Mre. John Raptor and daughters, of Hanle Ste. Marie, are visiting the former'e parrnte, Jae. and Mrs. Paulin. A few shipments made this week were : —R. Biaak, aar of flour ; T. Hemphill. oar of oatmenl ; Jim. Hamilton, oar of matte 1 and W. Trench, te oar of cattle and oar of bogs. A few of the younger boys of the village gave ono of the moat enjoyable assemblies ever bald here, in the Town Hall Friday evening. T'be hall could eoaraely be recognized under its careful and artistic deaoratione of Hage and bunting but we think the boys were fully repaid for their time and labor by the hearty von. graLulations tendered them by every one present over their emcees as ideal enter. taioere. eYtunelatotivee. Ploughing ie becoming general. The Tonne People's Society is adding members to their roll in a pleasing way. Some farmers are busy making Maple syrup but ea far they have not bion very su°aeseful. James Lynn end family are moving near Fordwioh this week. We wish them eo'd look. W. H. herr, Brussels, took bhe service in the Hall last Sabbath night. There was a good turnout. Rev. R. Paul waa unable to be there, acoordiog to annonooe- meat, owing to rheumatism. Next Sab bath evening Selo. McAllister will eon - dun the genial. A Lomen.—The Jamestown (store is to put the wagon on the road this year again. James Tones is to take charge of it, Mr. Innen intends making a cheep in hie line of goods on the wagon to ao• aomoiiate his 0oetomers. He will ol!ange Pomo lines weekly tee it ie impossible to parry a full assortment of what le in the store onthe wagon at ops time, Auy goods ordered ont of the store which may not be on the wagon at the time ordered will get nor best attention and it will be delivered as anon as possible thereafter. In oboes we will corky game anmples and parties will get what they want. We will always try and keep fret-elass goode and also keep up the pride of produce, Tbanking all our oasbomsrs for past favore and soliciting a ooutiuuanoe of Same. WALTan Innes, Jamestown Pon. offioe store. 1f31nevat o. Mise Mabel Oliver visited in Benguela, J. Hogg and family have taken a house in the village. Mies Mason, of Morrie, is visiting her sister, Mre. J. Hogg. Bunn Leech, of Toronto, is the groes of relatives in this vicinity. Mise Bessie Wright visited her parents at Jemeetown over Sunday. J. Mitchell, of Keighbhly, Dug„ was shipping rollers from this piano last week. John Haney and Will. Stewart ban gone to Grand Valley to spend the Sam mor. B. Leech who has been ependiug a week with hie uunfe has returned to Tor. onto, Tire naw onelosed shed of the Mothe. diet north is well under way and will he very oommodioas, Mre. West and children, of Grand Valley, are visiting Mre. West's parents itobt. and Mre. Duman. Reverends West and Ballantyne, of Bluevale, and Molestvortb, respectively, exohanged puliteInt •Sunday. John and Mrs. Patterson, of Moles. worth, and Ken, and Mrs. Patterson, 6f Wingham, spent Sunday in the village, The (Altair of the Methodist obnroh is busy preparing hew music] for a song eervioe to be held on ehs evening of Laster Stinting. The Women's' Indents met on Wednes. day March 18th, at the resitlenee of Mre. John Waeman. Owing 50 the stormy weather on the previous day of meeting the same suhje0t "Breed Making" was dieouesed, the musical pert of the program tette provided by Mies Ehnen and Mies 10, Duff. A fair newborn of women was present, The next meeting of the THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1903 W. H. KE RR, Prop, Onr. local gardeners are getting to work. Neer Sabbath afternoon the eervioe in the Methodist (thumb will be taken by Eli Smith. Rev. Mr, 005505 will be at Seefnrth. WILL TANS A Iinex,—The Daily Post uud Record, of Itouhwtee, (Vine) bearing date of Marsh 14th, soya of Rev. J. C, Ourry, formerly of Ellie loo dile, :—Ray. J. C. Curr of Bhelboroo, who is now Curry. onicelypera recovering from a most oritioal operation for ulceration of the stomach at St. Mary't hospital in title city, expecte t0 Ietwe for Echo Bay,Ontario, ea coon as he is able, whiob eace is hie old borne and where he willp (mond the coming ention in rest, rafter wieb be will return to the above village and resume his pas. bora] labors. Mr, Curry was ordained in the Baptist church at Shelburne about a year ago, uud ie building u a largo eon. gregation there.. He ia.a young man of marked ability. 3 Margaret Teener,. of Chicago, The young oouple received many beautiful and overly presents, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss intend spending the Summer on the water as Mr. Bliss be not enjoying very relent health, Mrs. Bliss le a nein of flhurles Rumoll, of Grey. After Deem- bee fieat, they {°tend residing in Dotro{t. 'Their many frienle wish them a lung, happy and prosperous We. with teem 01100080. They Mitchell, Mill street, a M Mrs. Magid epeut lest nation page 0. Road'ralmage'o normo° in this lame.rs. In addition to the eervioe in Se. John'sA1 It may do you good. church on Wedneeday evening of next week, there will beGa publio'service held on the morning of Good friday, A joint meeti•ng of the Exeootivo of Huron On. Sabbath School Aseooiation and Christian Endeavor will be held in Clinton on Good Friday, April 10th, et 10 0 oloolt, The bi•Oentenary of John Wesley e birth will be observed on June 17th, 1905 1n many of 46e Methodist churches m- thrnagboot the world. 11 will be nn fn. to rveting event, edaoative in ire obarnoter ar.d abould be marked by praeticnl results. Next Sabbath Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B. A., of suufort6, will preach {n Lbs Metb- odieh churab, Brussels, directing attention to the olaime of St. James Methodist aliment in Montreal. Rev. Mr. Oomens take Mr. Wallwin'a work at Bes. forth. Rev. J. W, Graham, paatar of St, James' Methndieb oburob, Moutreat, says rhea the church is now on a firm footing, $188,000 having been pledged. The a- mount asked from the different Pongee ga:i'nns of the Dominion was a little more than 5182,000. It wee thought that the TsmPle building, part of the o6nrob prop. erty, would not sell for more than 9250 000, but as the rice aid for It by P P Senator Oox was $276,000, the %°teal debt of the ehuroh now is $50,000, whittle, it is believed, can be ea000sefu Iy parried hereafter, Gats. BOOTEE AT Hontc.—Loudon aoaord• ed General William Booth, commander in-oh{ef of Salvation Army, a gran wet• (tome home at the Albert Hall Monday evening. The immense auditorium was Pecked from the floor to the roof. There wee not a vacant Beat in the building wbtob has a capacity of 0,600 persons and in spite of the rain night bundrede were P y g turned away. The midtown inoloded Sir Edward Clark, Sir George Newness, Lady Pander, Lady Murray, seven Met. ropolitan mayors and mayoreseee, H. H. Asgnibb and a number of other members of the House of Commons, while twoBorth boxes were filled with members of the stook exchange. General Boothe appear• 0005 on the platform was the •signal fore remarkable demonstration. The white• beatded vetnrnn, ao°nmpanied by Mre. Booth and bhe headquarters staff, stood bowing his aoknawledgmente until the uproar ceased. The epeataoetar feature of the evening followed in the form of a review of the various departments of the Salvation Army. General Booth's speech was frequently interrnpted by applause, "Fellow workers", he said in part, "I gnu report well of bbs army beta in the United States and Canada. The Sal. yation Army bee made great and real t seat, Pietrriileiog promise of theeoreatiou 1004 1 eeeread 00 that continent of one of the most powerful seot.ione of the army." - .se — Additional Lot _ A new !ate mirror has he the Bhaty vits mw of I. Cl. e etore adding to the %pmuran Wna'rnvan stse you forget don't mine the millinery ops dap, Friday and Batarda They will ho well worth yv{ y got a perp 10 advance at edm goods. A 0ott AIa resident bad a w�ekeintrstttc�»deavor to k week of their endeavor moves b town. Nothing stands like gran ne•mbers of Western I. O. 0 F., Brussels, are ar their annual At Home which on Fridayavenin g, April Bof cka0idof will,b° rel ant of the O These ateprre ne t g peppier. or Ramos COSItrITT$ da of tole week the Houa y Committee, 000eisting of 0o Hioke, Lockhart, Bowman a Clerk Lana, met at (WEED were awed for the past P P tborourem Qeemwug70p,ade 0 P• minor improvements asked to in. The question cf the p largement wee detonated an mail nest meeting for forth 011100Rocus has decided to Petxolea where be will go i buaioese %tong w{th Jae, nearly Of Bra=eei5 who ie a law of Mr. Roche's. To aeae baa announced en auction ea tare and other household e residence on Saturdayefts o'oloak, F. S. Soot] ill be ser. We will be sorry to sea familyremove from Brass •will be continuinghe buaioese and Walter i[I remain in A. B Walter wilt store g0 Dere Moss.—Owing to tonere received by Ton Pow1 lebtsnar sent ort shoat beak a we have sentant to aback tend handing odver neonate ex u We areg reatl oblf +ed to inn squared ° but there is a la q P yet who are unsettled fro s no io sp000have ovate of collection 0.1i ad sums bot we are not to course has to be adopted give good value for sort We P out norn. should gelhear from subscribe Btwsens.—The a g of Brunelle ing of Brunele Bowling Cl° in the Council Chamber on F ing, Vioe President Blair in Minutes of last meeting read and Fiusnaial report present pine of $28 00 was reported The election of officers reeul lows :—Hon. -President, Tho President, G. F. Blair ; Vio F, H. Gray t Secretary -Tram Cameron ; Committee, D. 0. R. Leatberdale ; skips, D. 0. Cameron, Joo, Mewitt, Dr. A. Conley, R. Downing and Au intereebiog dteoussiou upon relative to improveme Bowling lawn so that the tion ooald be utilized for tenn Farrow, Roes, Blair and Do appointed a Committee to see necessary work and beet way it oompleted. The members} laced at $8 for bowlingend placed or e5 if members lay Ladies, 81.00, entitling t6 part in either or both. Exert quired for ground improvenr borrowed until arcengemen made for liquidating the ex invitation ties road from Seal lug Olnb to attend their ann moot on July 7th and 8th. ing season's piny is oounted o bowie and reoquet. A RanlackAnri MAoucoui, prising harneeemaker, I. 0. I recently pnrohased a Landis look stitob, haruees maohi $300.00, After ten years of p perimenting by the inventor, Ina was first placed on the m seven years ago and therefore perimeut, It has been im year to year eine that time 1 r, ached moll a ebate of peefe does better work tila0 it is po by band. As oompared with the maohiue u050 a emrller and stranger thread, twtoa as waxwhioh is melted and pure stitahee making them water stitches to the inob and ever palled iu tighter then ie posei A man sewing by hand pile throngb bole after hole in thus weakening the thread stitob taken before it $ods i 'the completed work, w machine own a new p{toe of each and every aleph. Buy nese on first thought consider made harness as befog facto but this is not right, as there diiferenoe between factory m and harness made on 0 Land in Mr, Riobardrs shop, beam better stook and will exeroiess in sainting the best parts of for parte of the haroese Onbje greatest strain ; he will also thread and give otoeee atm the fsotory to the details w melte a firee alma harness. representative of the Landi 00., says he has a standing ° fait $1000 if henna made on mainline will not out wear when the earns stook 1; tined. al publio is ooepeobinilyY iuvit be f�rreer. The 8411 line beef ring will resume open. atioie for this nano on Wedneeda 16th inst., when the first diebribntion of meat will be made. Co. Oounoillor Bowmen attended o meeting of the Henn of Refuge Commit. tee, of whin] he is a member, ou Wed. node), of tbie week. Rev. McNair, of Dungannon, will preach at Sunshine 00 Sunday, April 10th, at 2.80 . m., qn Lha interacts of the �'will Fund for Mtse{ane, Morrie township has contributed not a few reeidente to the amort fawn of Brae eels. The laleet family 10 that of Janne Fulton who moved there ehortly having urohaeed n house and lot from Gordon Mooney.' We will be pleased t0 bear of rho good thinge of this life attending them in their new home. Dlso.—Thareda of last week Roderick 'Pore th, brother pof Alex. Forsyth and y y Qnintr silentAnderof hisd brother irrls, of former line,Morris, a former resident of this towahip, passed over Lo the groat major. ,qty, aged do years. He Witt born in Invemas9ahire, Scotland, on Angueb 80, 1838 and was high! esteemed bya large (thole of relatives and friends, Messrs, IiorB lh and Anderson attended the fucernl fu Sullivan towue6ip, Brnoe Co. At a meeting of the Trustee Board of Sanshiae Methodist oburcb it was dr aid. ed to erect new horse ehede ae Lha old one bad about ran ire rave. The new building Will be 45 feet square and will have doors on it, A piece of land has been beughb from Milton Watson, South of the burying ground, tip ti which to 'mete it, Tontine axe anted for is this issue for the erection of shed and will be received up to the Lida Met., by W. B. Wrilkineen, Secretary of Board, sunshine, p, 0 , who lite also the plane and apaoi• fiottiDna. MATRInotixAL —Ou Wednesday after- noon of Met week, at 8.30 °'°look, Rev, A. H. Brown, B. D., of Belgrave, tied the matrimonial knot between Daniel Sbiee, a well known young farmer in Grey and Mies Letitia J„ eldest daughter of Peter and Mrs. Oentelon, Morris, at the home of the bride. Tlie bride was %heeded by Mies Annie Cantelon, her sorer, while Ma1Ooim Mesziee officiated as groomeman. After hearty oongratn lotions, the receipt of numerous nsefnl and n ro riate wedding lfte the awn. non. rimy etlg of the •uewearies andartook of a Rename eltsar{ee of life. Mr. and Mre. Shine will make their }moms on the room's farm, lath non. of g Grey, where they have commenced mar tied life with the hearty good wishes of Many relatives and old friends Inc a happy and eno°eesfal life. Tns POST ex. tends oongratalations and wishee Mr. Shine and bride many happy years. Onon.—There passed away from her home ab Blyth on Tuesday morniog, of this week, a format resident of the 8th line, in the person of Mre. Jas. Dick, in her 74th year. She had been in failing health for the past year bat only anions. ly ill for 8 or 4 weeks with congestion of the lunge. Deceased Was born near Gies. gow, Scotland, where elle was also mac. rigid, her Imbrued pre damaging her by alma 5 years. They came to Canada in 185554 and lived in Lembboo Co. before locating in this township some 80 or more years ago. Mre. Diok moved to Blyth 4 years since. Five daughters survive to hold in loving memory the life of a good motbse. They are Mre. Geo. Stinson, who lives at Arden, Manitoba ; Mre. W. 0. Londesboro', of Tuokeremith, and the three young ladies at home. Mrs. Dick wan a faithful member of the Preebyber• tan Ohueh and was a. kind and abligipg neighbor. The funeral took plane on Thursday afternoon, Rev. Mr. McLean conducting a suitable service. Inter merit wee made in the family plot in Broesele cemetery. The bereaved have the sincere eympa''by of the oommuoiby in their bereavement. Leo AstrarATloao.—A number of years ago Aribnr Jaoksoa, 00110f James Jaok• eon, 0th line, fell on the barn floor and injured hie right knee tuud Or bothered him more or lees from thee time. Three years ago he left the farm and.went railroading, learning the telegraph oiler ming at Blyth and from there went to Jordon ;and after relieving at entree points took obarge of the agency at .Stoney Creek for the Grand Trunk, The limb giving him ooneiderable trouble he decided to have an operation performed with a view of saving hie life. Friday, Marob gab, an examination was made by opening the knee and amputation de aided Upon as a necessity. On taking off the leg above the knee the marrow wee found to be effeoted and the dootore derided to remove the limb ebtiraty, whine they did, the patient being under ohlorofortn for 8 hours et Hamtlton hoe. pttnl, Chia tins on ltiaroh 8 and the teat aos0uuts gity Mr, Jaolceon is getting along ae Well as oouid be expected. The ease ie au anuenal and Most interesting one to the medical fraternity. The many old Wendt of the patient will be well Pinged to hear of hie return to flreb.olass health altboagb be le still ill a Weakly condition. Mr, Jackson epent a week with his eon and reported hint quite cheery when helots. - :Meet tutu Walton will supply the groom for a nearby wedding. Wm. Pollard has been quite ill but we trust the arrival of better weather will prove helpful to him and tend to his speedy restoration. On Friday afternoon April 17111 30mee Oampbe'l, of Ma$illop, will bold an auction sale of household furniture, tin- plemeuts, &c , at M(t$im's hotel Gere. We are sorry to report the serious and extended {lineae of Mr. Swallow, an old and well known resident of this locality. nig many friends bops a betler condition of health will nem ere long.y Mies Leach has come from Toronto this week and will preside over the house• bold affairs of the Methodist Parsonage for her father, Bev. W. W. Leeoh. We welcome Miss Leech to this community. Wm. $aeohtel, who went Wen from Ibis locality recently, will take obarge of the floe farm at Souris owned by lila brother, Dr. Kneobtel, of Winnipeg, a former eobool teao6ar in tbie locality who now bas a large practice in Winnipeg, James McDonald and wife are here ou a visit from Manitoba and Delcota where they have been for the peat year. Tbeir son is in the hotel hue{ossa in Manitoba. Mr. McDonald talks of selling him farm in Grey and will then go West again in all probability. There is a proposition on foot to move the Methodist Ohara] from its present location to this village and if proposed plane are carried ant abasement will be put under it and other modern improvements made. Many good rags- one maid be advanced as to why this should be a popular undertaking, from a Methodistic standpoint at last• At the nomination for Ooahatllor in, MoKttlop tawnehfp on Murch 80th, 1003, held at and Wittier% Dev,eraasnwee nominal d for the position. Willienr Deveraux re. signed the same' evening and John M. Goveoloott was declared elected for the I'alanoa of year. The election tine nacos. y nary owing to the reeignatton of Oonnoil- for Smith who le going Weab. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mise Kate Ellison has gone to the 'Boo". W. A, Matthews, of Cannington, spent Sunday in town. Bert. Gerry, of L'stowet, was in town for a while this week, R. H. and Mrs. Green, of Trowbridge, were visiting in town. Mies Mary Rose and M111. MoArter epeut Sunday in Blyth. Mies Josie Buahanan was visiting at Looknow during the peat week. Geoge Brewer is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Witkineou, in Morrie. Mise Brien, of Arthur, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Fos, for a few deya. Rev. Mr, Wright, of Clinton, was a visitor with Rev. Mr. Webb for a few days, - . Charlie Richards was home from Sea. forth Oollegiate for Sunday. He wheeled bank. Mre, Harry J. Whitley, of Kincardine, was visiting her sister, Mrs. James Jonas, in town, last week. Rev. T. Wesley, Mre. Omens and De Witt Were visitors et Trowbridge for a few days this week. /leery and Mies Lyta Bartliff, of Olin. ton, were welcome vieitorn to Brunets for a little while this week. Pere. James Beattie was visiting at Walkerton end Mies Bessie is renewing old friendships at Seaforth, Too Pon extends oongrabalatione to Mise Kerney and hopes the will find life in Brunie very enjoyable, Mrs. Rellington, of Trowbridge, who wag vteiting her daughter, Mre. Fred. Adams, Brunets, haw Istltrned to her home, Rev. R, Paul ie able to be about ono more after an undesired holiday from rheumatism in his knee for a temple of weeks. Mrs, John Sinclair has returned from her visit to Stratford and once more taken up housekeeping in her residence on Princess street. Brien Soon bee token a position at Bruseels G. T. R. d'pot where he will acquaint himself with telegraph operating and other railway office work. 1liiso Maggie MBNaughton has gone to Rinoardine where she bas taken 0 sitna. tion as taitoreee with Robt. Rosg, We with her a pleasant stay he tbelekeside town, Mr. Alexander, n'ho hos been filling a pooibion in J, FOYgason & Co's. genre, has returned to Lietowol, Stewart So0bt is now employed by Mr. Ferguson as a new hand at the business. D. Halliday, who has boon tilling a position in the Hareloy Done store for the past yam, hoe gone to Whitby where he Imo taken a situation in a drug es. tabiiehtrient. We wird] him nooses. William Bird and hie sister, Mies Lizzie, moved t0 Sault Ste. Marie, On Tneedey where they Wend making their home. Their sister, Mre. Duncan, has ales been living in the same plane for several yeare. We wish them great re r ma•. Fall wheat has Wintered well. Plowing is gnite oommon nowadays. Ed. and Mre. Speiran, of Brussels, visited on the 14th 00n. last Buoday, The quantity of maple, syrup or sugar mauufaotured is small this Season eons. pared with eome years. Joseph Shaw and family have moved to their new farm. Angus Shaw is in obarge of the homeeteud once more. Mise Ethel Sperling, of Brunetti, bas been visiting during the past week at her graudmother's, Mrs. Jno. Whitfield, 12311 0031. Mies Laura smith was a welcome visitor with relatives and old friends during the past week. She was over on a visit from Manitoba where ebe., is , now making her home. On a Sunday recently two young men from Brussels appeared et Union Chnroh, After a brief etay there they suddenly took their flight by the • same road on whioh they had (tome np. Better 'luck next time, Dan. and Rue. and don't disep• point anyone. Soxoon Rsooam.—The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No, 10, for the month of Marolt, average amen- dance 44 :—Sr. IV,—Cavil Coutts 51 ; Clara Betht¢etl 44 ; Celia Bothwell 48 ; Sophia Sperling 41 ; Lena Taylor 40 ; Arthur Denman 8B ; Lynn Evens 85 ; Outlier Rothwell, Peroy Baker, Frannie Baker, Gerrie Hallenbeck, Jr. IV.— Roy Osnoby, May Oxtoby. Promoted from Sr. III to Jr. 1V ; total 785 :—Jae. Coutts 408 Jr. 7..1L—Genoa Speiran, Irene Fogel, Louis Engler, Cheater Baker, Mary Taylor, Ruth Engler. Pro tooted from Sr. II io Jr. III ; total 685: —Florence Whitfield 417 ; Oharlect But. tery 898 ; Mamie Denman 887 ; Eva Bothwell 870 ; Jessie Campbell 860 ; Willie Speir'm 884 ; Stanley Hatahin. eon 825 ; John Hollenbeok 325 i Melvyn OxtOby 203, Jr. II.—Panel Oatoby, Jae, Doull, Percy Ward, Maggie Weed. Pro• muted from Pt. IT to Jr. IL -.Alma Speiran, Katie Denman, Wilfrid Whit• Bele, Myrtle Speiran, Blanohe Whitfield, Pt. 21.—Geo. Beaus, Lily Dame, Della Whitfield: Pb. T. --Marguerite Int°bin. son, Willie Ward, Russel Coutts, ;No. Hyde, Alex. Hyde, Mary Meehan, Min. t1{e $antra, Freddie Cox, Hartwell' Bpoir. DD. Lucy Taylor. 8.13. ?Anton, Teacher. Exams Wsnertece—A vary fashionable Baster wedding took plaoe in Detroit, Mieb,, on Marob 25th, at the borne et Mrs. G. W. Barrett, 036 17th St., when Miss Emma Rozell, daughter of Joseph Bozell, formerly of lilfma, now of Elmira, Ont., wise united in marriage to Lloyd R, Blies, a popular young man of Detroit, by Rev. D H, Gloat, of Haven M. E, Ohnrnb. The bride wae supported by bee cousin, Miee May Watson, white the interests of the groom were looked after by his brother, Charles Bliss, of Mil. wartime, W1(s, The bride and bridesmaid ,... Isaac 0. Gtlmar, who begau busiee1e in 'TOrontb, In 1882 {e dead. J. L. Hayeoolt, ex M, P, P., femme leader of the Patron party is the Louie. labure, is in the Kingston hospital mailer. ing from ;lento peoutnoma. Cornelius Bhields, First Viee.President of tbo Dominion Iron & Steel C0mpouy, hat been appointed President of the Con. fidtdLk B na,.0 u in costumes t0 a e n e a ompa y. • vie{ting her Ripley, 11 lett town Where they trier. We are nog of an the fretthere. Institute will bo held on the Brd Wednes. crepe dr ohne trimmed with overeatersL'ff(J{(U11 (MMES. Mre, Chas, Ritchie in 1 day In April at the home of Mre, Arabi. and ah3Tco and parried a beautiful bcgnet .--.--daughter, Mee Gillespie, at bald Patterson. of Amerioan Beauties, The decorations A week from next Sabbath will be Jeanie and HerbertMitehe were palms, methadone and Exeter lilies. Beater. this week for the Northwest Ceram The Wedding Marob was played by Mies Bee notes on Sabbath Bobool tenon on will spend the oorning Sur al, en plated in ieharde oboe oe. be aura and ninge Tbore• o1 thin week. citing as we e of the new number of sly rate tide sep track of afore leaving the straight Star Lodge, rranging Inc will be held 24th, Bro. Incwn member and give an e deeervedly s—Weduee. e of Refuge Councillors nd Kerr and u. Accounts quarter, a he builbings I pertain r acquiesced roposed en• d left over er rlruaider. rem rve to oto the hotel O'Leary, fox• brother in - removal he le of furni• ffeche at hie rnoon at 2 the anotion• the Roche eIs. blies r millinery also likely a number of relative to nbsoriptions the time of to May let. mar who have rge number m whom no t our desire dad to these blame if this an a last re - the $1.00 a sinews with. r expect we to take funds re - ant will be to aar be pease, An orth Bowl. nal tonrna- An interest. n with the —Our enter. Mirada has hard wax, 0e conning tactical ex• this moll. krket shone ie no ex. proved Irene unell it baa °tion that it eible to do hand work awl, larger muob hard peel into the proof, more y atrtoh is ble by hand. the thread the leather tvitle earth to place in hereae the tbread for Buy( of bar. alt machine ry hxrnese, is a vast, MR harness i5 madder] s he nese greater oare the leather obed to the Me better anion than htob go to Mr. MoTheat, w Meobinoe ffor to for. the Landis heed work The goner. ed to call al ..,wahine work,