HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-26, Page 8Ours is the best that can be obtained. We Supply full directions for use on !;rain. Oar price is 40c per pound and we would caution anyone not to buy a cheaper brand. WALL PAPER Our new paper are all ready. We have an endless variety to choose from. Our papers were carefully selected from the leading manufacturers in the Dominion. You are welcome to our full time and attention with- out buying, Druggist R; Bookseller, Brussels. DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. 8012THEBN EXTENSION W. e. & R, Trains feavc Braesels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SOOTS GOING N0nTE. A[all 7:18 a.m I Mixed 10100 am Iftsed...,..... 10.00 a.m ! Mail 1.17 p.m Express 8:P5p.m Express 8:17 p.m A chielts areang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent ie. MILLINERY openings next week. A CAR of hogs was shipped by Geo, Beet. Nor Wednesday will be "All Fool's Day." A. C. DA coo shipped 11 car of cattle thin week. :JIaa Fergbgon, of Walton, is visaing Mrs. Geo. Oardiff. ALFRED BARIRER shipped a oar of wheat to the East during the week. House of Refnge Committee will meet at Clinton an Wednesday of next week. Tun Laiug moving picture show, ]set Monday oveuiug, was good bat poorly attended. FOURTH Division Court will be held bore on Friday of next week. There are eeveral cases on the dceket. Fin o'olock Tena are having a lively ran in Bruesele at present, sometimes as many 1e three 0n one evening. THE anal" storm and cold weather of this week rather cooled cff the ardor of the ambitions garden maker and pat the straw hat bneinese baok a peg. IT is Said B. Gerry has Maud a pur • chaser for a portion of the Wiugham property he received from Lookridge Pros. tie part payment on the Bruoeels woolen feetory. THE extensive repairs at Brnoeele Seib Works are now about completed and the manufacture of salt ie once more in oper- ati'n, Neither time nor money were spared by Messrs. Reneford in having tbe improvements properly doue. BLACK YOUR BOOTS AND HAKE '1111 SHINE.—Richard Stevens has made arrangements with Wm. DU 1107n where- by he will have a chair in the latter's barber shop and on earth Saturday even• ing will be prepared to give anybody desiring it a 13190.018as shine. Diok is an old hand at the boot blaoking and asks a gram of publro patronage. Office hoary from 7 to 11 p. m. Tits Royal mail steamers Tunisian, Bavarian, Ionian, Parisian and Coria. thin will sail from Montreal for Liver- pool, milling at Moville, commencing with the Corinthian, from Montreal, on Satnr• day, May 2. The rates of fare will be about the same as )Jeb Summer, Tbere will also be a passenger service between Montreal ani Ula1eow direct, comment,. ing with the Sardinian May 20, and fol. lowed by the Sicilian and Pretorian. Thera is every appearance ofthere being a large amoaat of travel via the St. Lew ranee, Looe Oor.—The train meter was up this line of railway one evening last week and witnessed the not unfregllent crowd of eight -ears, who often incommode the travelling public by thronging the plat. form on the arrival of trains, He hinted that a railway detective might call here some day soon, secure the 19111e8 of the loiterers at.d 0810 them to appear before a magistrate tie to what their 1108111989 there was, Bru-eetites are not the only sinners in this reepeot tie at many other depots the same undesirable state of affairs exist. Those interested should save the detective a visit to Bruesele. Dian AT LONDON.—After a sheet illneee, Wm, Fr,endahip passed away last Satur- day at the reeidenoe of hie daughter, Mrs, Geo Walker, corner of Regent and Rich• mond streets, London, Deceased wall born in Bastard, Devonshire, eighty.two years alto, Ile came to London thirty. one years ago, and during a large portion of bis reeidenoe there was engaged in business as a shoe merobant, lIe is survived by two danghter9, Mra. George Walker, of Loudon, and Ars, Thos. Lee, of Winnipeg, and one brother, Samuel Friendship, of London. The funeral took oleo on Thursday afternoon. alfre. A. Currie, of Brevets, who is a neiree of the deoeaeed, attended the funeral, Mena Amato WALT'!,. --E. R. DOward, organist and chorister of Central Meth. odiet Ohuroh of Toronto, whose reputation asa teacher of vols culture is too well know for comment, has the following to gay of Mine. Alice Waltz. "1 have very great pleasure in speaking of Madam Aline Weide singing in the highest terms. Site posetss009 one of the moat beautiful voioee it has been my goad fortune to lieten to, I have had many oppor• tunitiev of judging her oapabilitiee, both as her ao00mpaniet and tie a0 at• tendant et her concede, and my opinion is that elle ranks with the best ertiebe 0n this continent. In her balled singing she dieplaye excellent taete, and in oratorio ;Cork she bite caught the peoniiar style and exprreoion of the greatintorpretereof oratorio muni", the very highest melt rf vooalizetion. Madam VVaitz will be a Valuable a0quiviti0n on any teemed pro. dtarn." Town Hell, 'Brueeele next Tomo ay evening. THIS week a oar of wheat was forward- ed by It, Graham. Rosi. FERGUSON shipped a car of hogs from Brussels this week. JOHN DontnanN ie levelling up the lawn at hie reeidenoe and intends makiog other improvemente. MILLI.N'ERY opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week, in Brussels. The ladies will not forgot the dates. Boor(. a —A meeting of all interested in re organising the Bowling Club will be held in the Connoil Chamber ou Friday evening; of this week at 8 o'Mloak. NOTWITHSTANDING the deluge of water to oonnection with the Spring freshet very little damage was dons to the lawn of the Bowling Olub and the ueoeesary work to pub it in shape for play will be attended to ebortly. MONTHLY Horse Fair—the last for this oeaeou—will be held in Brussels on Thureday of next week. There are few please where the Faire prove me big a encases as Brunetti and the closing one ehonld compare favorably with any of its prsdeoeesote. H0AweouA.—The date set for the way Indian Picture play "Hiawatha" to 'Pneaday evg. of next week, in Brueeele Town Hell, ander the auspices of our Pobito Sobool. Cary W. Hartman is the entertainer, aesieted by Madam Alice Waltz, who le said to an Al soprano solo• Ht. The press n0tioe8 and recommends from people well known in the Proviooe are of a very flattering character. Ad- mission 26o, no reserved seats. Enter - tai0ment will commence at 8 o'oloek. In the afternoon, at 3 30, a matinee will be given for the 80hool pupils when the fee for admirtanoe will only be 100. No doubt there will be a good audience. A. 0. DAUBS a popular and well known dealer in livestock has assumed a position with Messrs. Whaley & McDonald, of Teronto, ne one of their buyers. In addition to the purchase of all kinds of stook Mr. Dames will aeei9t the arm o0 the market in Toronto being absent in the Qneen Oity from Monday to Friday nights. We don't want to see A. 0. move from Brueeele but with him 01103888 and believe Messrs, wbaley & McDonald have made no mistake in their selection as he has not only a long experience in the hastiness bat possesses a mesmeric influence that enables him to get along without tramping up against many of the uncomfortable things of life in hie deal. fogs with the public. 'omen Costenselo1ERs —The License Cemmiesionere for East "[neon met for organization on Tuesday of tbie week at the Central Hotel, Brussels. There were present Alex Littlejohn, John Mo - Dowell, James Turnbull and Inepeotor Jno. R, Miller. Mr. Littlejohn was oboeen ohairman and Mr. Miller Seers tary for this year. A hotel license trans• far was granted to Jae. B. Stratton from Robs. Brune, in oonnection with the Bel grave Hotel. The reeolntione of the Board having reference to licensed homes were p88ged after which Board adjourned to meet at the American Hotel, Brume's, on Monday, April 20, when the applioa• tions for liminess will be taken into con• sideration.: Mr. Turnbull takes the plaoe of George Fortune who was a mem• bar for many years, FUa$ERg' Analrror: —The following note relative bo the selection of nate for seed should be taken particular notice of by every farmer: We wish to advise you that there le an inoreseed demand for oats for milling purpoeee, but on a000unt of foreign grains, eapeoially barley mix - tore, a large proportion of the oats that we have received from you are unfit for mining. As oats for this purpose nom. mend n premium we regoeat that you gee that your seed oats for title ara8on are free from barley, wild oats and other foreign grains, as itis absolutely noes eery that oats for milling purposes shall be ohnice wbite oats. With your hearty ao operation in furnishing u8 with ohoioe oats eaitable for millingpurposes, you will enable ue to obtain the higheeb prie9e for oats at all times, a8 we will then have both ao export and a milling market for the same. Torre truly, BORT. GRAHAM, AL1. Benno, Grain Merobante, "RORRIE BURNS".—Monday evening a very 8ueoe99181 Robbie Borne eboial was held in connection with the Presbyterian Guild of Christian Endeavor of Melville °bereft, Brueeele. The basement wee decorated with flowers and tartan and the program and refreshments were in keeping with the ohmmeter of the en. tertamment, In the abeenoe of Rev, Mr, Rne8, G, T. Blair acted the part of ohair. men and the fallowing interesting pro. gram 0790 presented ' — Instrumental, "Tam O'Shaeter," T. A. Ha07kins ; enlo, "Hurrah for the Thistle," Mi9e Jessie Strachan ; "Sketch of the Life of Barna," G, F. Blair i Bolo, "Afton Water," Mrs. J. H, Cameron I reading, "To a lrlooee," Mies Georgia Roes ; sole, "Smite Wba Hae," T. A. Hawkins ; "an 09timat9 of Burne' poems," J. H. Cameron ( colo, "Jeeeie's Dream," Mitre J. liabkirk; instrumental, Mies Marjory Stra0hmn 1 vain, "Ye Banite and Brace," R. 3, Me. Lauohlin. Refreshments were served and ooneieted of eoonee, oat cake'', amort bread and coffee, The company then jninsd hande and sang "Amid Lang Syne". A very enjoyable evening wee spent. wa3...0 . yl raise,+rip'f•• a' *,,P,k".1,W,,,*,.;w.:.1. .;;F",iiirs0 ".i . ' .•s. ! .�•'�„l u'`:'xw (itrr7':tf, . . tj;l,000,00() RESER1"r $1-,000,000 11trMrtury A. P1, AMEN, • - • 0y1381MENT 8011, R. H. WARDEN, 11. n, 1'1Cl1ag1t910EN'r A V PC u. D 011.9917, 6. J, 0100"/'"'i ! W 01(19, n1UXBOAW IGeneral Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes i. Discounted. Salo Notes bought or held for Collection. 110 'O'lIIl RAY[XG9 RTA:OK—Deposits 0f 881,00 and Rrwardo received and intermit at the highest flank rate allowed, 1x01(1 date of depo9it to auto of withdrawal, on 1110 dally Wawa. 8 Parties hatable important papers, notes, ,Ce„ may dopovit them in our bank vault for Sato keeping—free of (Marge, Prompt and Careful Attention. Good Teems. G. F. BLAIR, Sattoiter, A. E. MBLL/SH, Manager, B1IUSSJ:LS. 2 CAns 01 baled bay were shipped from Bruaeels this weep by G. Blauehford. A CAR 01 cattle was forwarded by Joseph Oleg„ to Toronto duriug the past weep front Brunets, THE focal agency for Frost & Wood imp'nmeLts and U. S. Dream eeperator bas been taken by Neil S. lloLauohlin who is now a resident of Bruesele. N. F. Omuta purposes raising the roof of the kitchen at his reeidenoe, Pring street, and will add a bedroom and bath room and make other improvements. Tuna ie no sign of the much talked of aide walk from Turuberry street to the G. T. R. depot. A petition should be olroulated !eking the Grand Trunk to put down this very neoeseary link in the walk for the aouvenieum' and anmtort of the travelling public). Until the Co. put - led up the old walk there had been one ei00e the railway was built. There is not muob room for two opipiane in the wisdom and propriety of sidewelking the short piece of street on the G. T. R. prop• erty. The town Council ehonld pooh the matter alone, VALUATION MADE.—B. al. Williams, Of the Alitohell Woolen factory, came to Braseala on Wednesday et the request of the town Oonnoil and valued the Look. ridge factory and plant. After complet- ing his work a special meeting of the ()outwit wall beld at which Mr. Williams' report was accepted, Ha made oompii enentary reference t0 the way they ere fitting out the faotory and approved of the line proposed by them as<manufaotur- ere of blankets. OD motion Mr. Willinme was thanked for hie kindness in at to Bruesele and was voted 315 for his time and expenses in connection there. with. The Oounoil will no doubt deal with other phases of the Bylaw at their next meeting. In the meautims Look. ridge Bros. are getting machines placed end will eoon he hustling their work with a good sized staff. FOOT BALL —Thursday evening of last week, the Ern MIS Foot 13u11 organization meeting was beld lo the Oo1100f1 obamber Ira Gerry oco0pying the chair. In the report of lest year the total receipts ware stated as $324,76 and the expenditure $266 67, leaving a balance in hand of 068.49. The record of the team was also good. They played 7 League matches, win0ing 4 and toeing 8 while tbey snored 23 goals with 7 against them. Out of 4 exhibition gamee the olub won 2, tied in 1, and feet one. Ofdes bearers were elected for 1903 as follows :—Hon. Pres., Dr. MoNaaghton ; Pree., James Batten. tyae ; Viae Presidents, Fred. Gilroy and G. F. Blair ; Secretary, Olaf. Baeker : Treasurer, Ira Gerry ; Oaptain, F. Roche ; Managing Com., Oapt„ Sec., Trane., Geo, Ferguson, D. MoLanohlia, and W. J. Good. Representative to the annual meeting at Berlin, D. Mo. Lanohlin. Teams will be entered In the Junior and Intermediate League eerier and we expect they will give a good account of themselves. HsatENEAx.—A very pretty wedding oocarred at the M. E. Oburoh, Port Ano - tin, Mich , on Thursday, Mar. 19, 1909, when Mies Maud M. Morrison, daughter of A. and 181rs. Merriam), formerly of Grey towuehip, Huron Go , wag united in marriage to Arthur E. Turner, High Sobool teacher at Port Austin. Promptly at 12 o'olook the bridal party entered the ahurohto the strains of the Mendetseohn wedding march played by Miss Ina Mille. The bride was attended by Miss Graoe Carr and the groom by John Springman. The bride and maid of honer were pre. ceded to the niter by Mise Girmuth Francis and Master Sammie lvallaoe acting as ribbon bearers and Mies Anne, bet Wallace as ring bearer. The groom and best man were preceded by Mies Jeseie Hall and Master Howard Neleml as ribbon bearers. The ohurob was prat. tily decorated with fluwera and ever. greens, an arch having been erected from which a very pretty wedding bell hang and ander which the bridal party stood daring the ceremony. The bride was prettily attired in a dregs of whits Bilk mnelin de 8100x, trimmed with applique and lase and parried white roses. Bride's travelling dress Was navy bine. The bridesmaid's dregs was a pretty white Bilk mnelin de eionx trimmed with lace and chiffon and she carried pink mime - Hone. At the oon0'u0ion of the Dere• trimly a bountiful wading dinner was eervrd at the residence of Ibe bride, to about 40 guests. Mr, and Mrs. Turner left amid showers of rine on the afternoon train for a short vielt at the home of the groom, Jookeon, Welt, The Ont of town gamete were Ober', and Mrs. Ritchie, of Brussels, Out., i108, G. Clark, Bad Axe, Minh., Mise Mamie West, Deck erviile, Mirth. , and Miss Grace Carr, Pt. Hope, Mich, The bride is a granddaugh ter of John illddiok, and a niece to Mrs, Wm. Ballantyne, of Brueeele, The young couple will have the beet wielms of their Canadian friends for a happy aid pros- perous life. Business Locals. e --- Lena porn and oats sold by Alt. Baeker. Cumin and Timothy geed for sale at M eOreoken'e. 70010 received, a ohoioe lob of (lover and timothy seed, Ars, Belton. FLL+Un7 PLowo.—Farmers wiebing to bay tbe beet plow made eboald tall en John Legg, agent, I will alto keep pointe at Alf. Baoher'e otiioe. 88E0 OATS —The ]t'armor'e White Waverly and New 201,11 Century are ad. Witted as Canada's Greeted oat, speolel primes on 10 boobel Iota, Timothy and Clover for We. GEo. E. KING, Wingham. New mu9i0at 10e per sheet, We aro offering all the "Nate Lanes" reoeived by no during the peat few months for 103 a oopy, Tbey molude a lot of the late Songs and Two -Steps. Tnn POET 130011 Store. CHURCH CHIMPS. Easter Sunday comes on April 12t1), "Lord's Day Week" wi'1 be, this year April 3.9 to 20. Rev. R. Pant will preach at Jamestown next Sabbath evening. Quarterly Review is the Sabbath schools will be held next Sunday. See notes on page 3 of 2010 P080, Iutere8tiug eervi008 were held in the R. 0. (March in town tact Sabbath, Monday and Taeeday and were largely attended, Rev. Fr, Northtrave9, of Seafo•th, 000 ducted the eervioee. In commotion with the weekly prayer meeting in the Methodiet church and in addition to the usual 8erviee Mie, (Rev.) Oooeine is r.ading a ohaptrr molt weelr from "The 20th (Jemmy Allegory." Rev. T. Wesley ()Deans preached last Sabbath morning from the "Golden Calf', and in the evening from "The Periilipian Jailer". Mrs. Cowrie took glee topio in the Epwarth League which wee "Judging Others", from the Sermon on the Mount, Bateman—plorman. At the residence of the bride's parent0, Hallett, on March 18th, by Rev. 0. R. Gonne, of Clinton, Mr. Henry Bateman, of Grey, to Mise Lillian Edith, (laugh ter of Mr. and Mra. Edward Herman, of Hallett. GLARE—GARDINEB. At the residence of the bride's parents, on Maroh 18th, by Rev, ll. 13. Maroh, of Hamilton, aesieted by Rev. A, MacNab, of Walton, Mr. W, G. Clark to Mies Janet, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gardiner, all of MoKillop, 0RANT—LASSO.—At Molesworth, on March 18th, by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, Mr. Thee, Grant to Mies Lizzie Laing, daughter of the late Robert Laing, all of Howiok. IoVINa—MAoLEAN.—On the 21et Maroh at St. James Oatbedral, Toronto, by the Rev, A. U. De Penoier, Dr. Lewis Erskine Wentworth Irving, D. S. 0 , of Walton, to Miss Aline Maude Maclean, yosugest daughter of the late Lieut.Ool, David Ryerson Marilee°, of aleuford, PEER—RITOH1e.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Downington, Mich., on Maroh 11, by Rev. Mr, Gordon, Mr. Almond Peek to Mies Mary, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mre. John Ritnhie, all of Senilac County, Moira au. TURNnR—MORRI4017.—In the MX. ohnrob, Port Anglin, Mich , on March 19, Mr. Arthur E Turner, High School teacher, to Mian Maud M., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A, Morrison, all of Port Austin, Mich. 3]2E'17- FBIENneR1r.—In London,- on Maroh 23, William Friendebip, aged 82 years and 9 months. ay.'::._ S.xo 1.9.1-12, 1LMIcas, Fall Wheat Berl, -y - Peas °ate .. .. Butter, tribe and rolls ., lfggs per dozen Flour per owl. ..., Potutoee (per bora) Apples (per bag) flay per ton Sheep !kine, each ...... Lamb skins eanh Balt. per 1111., retail.., Iiided trimmed Melee rough IIoge, Live Wool 64 06 88 40 65 60 25 2(3 10 - 17 10 11 4 00 6 00 60 60 40 80 600 700 26 25 26 30 1 00 70 6 6 6 26 0 90 11 12 ,Keit '440 3908 Standard Bank of Canada lemm md41111 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEl3N MILLION DOLLARS Depoito Received anti iutrreat at Highest Bangs rote allowed from data of Deposit to date of Witudrawat, Int Brest PATO ON THE Daily Balance Lams Made, Notes Cashed, and every a000mmuda Woo afforded the mu, poneible borrower. Abe This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. t 'Every convenience afforded onelonere living ata dietonoe. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. I-1 GRAY, Ammer. magualidll .130.211.01,20=1101.11.0,111=3:916.WINKKG11221MS.ISSICOMIA Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the state of John Wyu0, late of the Village or Brussels, in the County of Boron, Gentleman, deceased. Notion is hereby given interment to the Re- vised Htatutee of Ontario,1807, 011e.p. 129, See. 18, thatall creditors and others haying olefins against the estate of John Wynn, tate of the Village of Brueeele, iu the 0000- tv 01 Huron, gap Comae, deceased, who died on or about the 2011) any of January, A, 1) 1908, at the Village of Brunets, afm'eoaid, are !hereby requested to send by poet, pre- paid, or to deliver to Elizabeth Wynn, of the Village of lirnseels, widow, the Executrix of the eataln, or t0 G. F. Blair, of the Village of Blussele, her Solicitor, on or before the 11th day of April, A. D. I908, their 'n113180190, addressee and deecriptton a, and the full par- ticulars of their oluime and the tlaturc of the securities (if 18071 1101,1 by them, And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date 1,110 said Executrix will ((000890 to distribute the assets of the said deoeaeed among the p0r0oue entitled there- to, having regal d only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executrix will not be reepOnsible for the assets or any part there. of so distributed to any 300000 of whose claim notice shall not have boon eecetved at the time of snob distribution. G. F. BLAIR, Brusse'0, Out , Solicitor for Nxecutri x. Dated at Bruesele, March 26th, 1000, Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the Oounty of Heron, in the matter of the eetate of Aokhuret'1'aylor, late of the Village of Brueeele, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deoeaeed, Notice 18 hereby givou purannnb to 1119 Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, obap, 120, eeo.98, that all oredttore and (there having claims against the estate of Aclrhnro0 Tay - 101, tate of the Village of Bruaeoia, in the Oouoty of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 18801 day of February, A. D.3001, et the Village of 010980ts afore- said, aro hereby requested to eend by neat, Prepaid, or to deliver to W. H. ]0esT, of the Viliago•ot Brueeele, publisher, or It Leather_ dale, of the Village of Uruslele, undertaker, the Executors of the estateor to G, le. Uht(r, of the Village of Brussels, their sono- ttor, on or before the nth (lay of April, A. D. 1008, their full names, ad dreases and des. eriptioos, and the full particulars of their clafine and the nature 01 the 0005890189 (if any) bell by them. Au.l notice 18 further Given that after the maid last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to dig - tribute the assets of the said deoeaood, among the persona entitled thereto baviug regard Only to the claims of whic1 nobloo than have been given tl above required, aid the said Executors will not be reopooeible for the assets or any part thereof so distri- buted to any person of whose claim notice shall cot have been xeceived at the time of snob distrlbutieu. G. F. BLAIit, B ruse is, Out., 97 8 Solicitor for the Executors Dated at Brussels, Maroh 29th, 1003, Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the county of Huron, in the matter of the estate of James &lo0omb, late of the Village of Blyth, in the Comity of Huron, Gentleman, deoeaeed. Notice is hereby given permutes to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, chap. 129, no 88, that all creditors and others having elaime aguir0t the estate of James alo0omb, late of the V,linge of Blyth, iu t110 0, auty of Huron, deceased, who died 0u or about the 10th day of January, A,1) 1000, at tie Village or 81ybt1 aforesaid, are hereby requested to send by post, prepaid,or to deliver to Wil• nsm Cameron, Orauroo)t' or John Craig, Blyth, the Executors of t11e Estate, or to G, F. 'Blair, of the Village of Brnesels, their Solicitor. on or bei ,r0 the 11011 day of April, 1009, their full names, addressee and descriptions, and the full particulates of their olefins and the nature of the securi- ties Of any) hold by them. And notice i0 further given that after the said last men- tioned date, the said Exooutors will proceed to dietrtbuLe the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, havlog regard only to the clnhne of which notice shall have. been 01v8u tie above requl,ed, and the Auld ER00110018 will 000 bo 18611011- etbto fur the assets or AMY part thereof, 00 distributed to guy p8000u of whose claim notice shall not have been lOociyed at the Mom of 81103 distribution, G. F. BLAitt, Brussels, Out., Soltoitor for E080000re, Dated at Brussels, Mania 22111, 10/B. P R I N Roche & Haycroft OPENING Thursday 86 Friday, April 2 & 3 BEMYY-TO-WEAR HATS are the bate for all round, general wear and are nob What 1510 required rue 1138 9lyliell 'Tailored Suit for Spring. We are 3 01100,1 to be In a position to offer oar many Customers the most Up-to-date denigne in this head wear. The latest imports of oar leading Millinery Wholsealee from 13/1311911 and American deeignero. ,Everybody is Cordially invited, Conte and see the Latest Designs in Millinery. Roche & Hay -croft 1 9 0 3 ATTGT1701Q TUESDAY, APRIL 7.—Farm, farm (+took, implemeute, &o., at Lot 12, Con. 0, Morrie, Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. John Agin, prop, ; F. B. Scott, aim. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. D011vore colt, rising 2 years, for sale, broken to Riegle harno'v. May be scall at D eo. 0(11010'. Turuborry fittest, Bru80018, 87.2 DAVID SHI1:L9. REED OATS.—A quantity cf (lean seed oats, Siberian and Now Century varieties, for sate, 00E11 SMITH, Lot 8, Con, 6, Grey, or box 206, Brussels P, 0, 114.01 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 00D YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, Ern 11,1)10 for ra001.1 purposoa Al(1,151 to GEO. BEST, Brunets. ANTED ABOUT THE 1ST of April, npprentio08 to learn Drees - making, Apply to 111I88 THOMPSON, over Dominion ISauk, Seaforth, SIRABLE BUILDING Lots for sale, beteg Nos. 282 and 298 on West aide et Princess street, Brussels, For naTtienlar8 a8 to price and terms enquire at THE POST, 80.11 OUNG SHORT H01.N BULL for sal0. Eilgiele for registratio0. For prtoo, terms and , other partioulurs, tip• Ply lo J. D. McNAIB, Lot 22, Con, 18, they, or Oraubrook P. 0, 80.81 1TOUR STRAIGHT SOOTOH 1. Short Horn Bulls, from imported steak, for rale. Also cows and helfare, lm• ported and 1101ne bred. 72 head to saintfrom. D. MILNE & SON, Maitland Bank Stock Farm, Ethel Ont, 8041 Cheese Factory Meeting. The annual meeting of the Walton Union Choose and Butter Factory will be bold at McEtm's Hotel, nu Prhley, Mach 2701, at 2 o'1lnuk p. in. A11 interested are requested to utteud all an important part of the busi- ness will be the wtndiug up of the Com- p auy'a affairs. 85-0 THOS. Mo1ADZAAN, Pres. 1t. H. FREGUBUN, Seo, E 40% SOLUTION Tho Great but Provautativel Seed time is again fast ap- proaching and we would like to draw your attention to the nso of this greatest of all germisi(los, For-mal-de-hydo, for the preven- tion of smut on grain, Farmers who have used it during the past few years cannot speak too high- ly of its merits. A pound bottle, costing 40c., will treat from 60 to 80 bushels of oats, wheat or barley, and there is none better. TRY IT AT FOX'S DRUG STORE. OR SALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, Nvrtb•wost Monier William and Albert streets, Brunetti. 49.11 J. 1,E01tii7. r OMFORTABLE HOUSE AND 1vJ geed lob for side 011 Queen street, 11rnaasle, For further psrtioulare aPPtI`to MARY CAMPBELL, Brussels P, 0, 3 TUORO' BRED SHORT EIC1bN Bulls for sale. Ono (a 1 year 01,1 and The other two yoongor. Aloe eovoral 1,0iat- oreli °owe and Holfora. Apnly to JAMES SPEIR, Lob 20. Cou. 0, Morrie Twp., or Brun- eels P. 0, 22.10 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Turnberl'y street, 13rue80)8 k0Ow0 as the Somerset property, eligibly slduated. Immediate possession, ir0.r further partlo- ulal'e as to plica, terms, the., apply 10 D. Mo0UTU13EON, Lot 16, Oon, 12, McKillop, or Leadbuty P. 0, 99.10 �i'Oli, SALE.—A FINE 60 ACHE Fart], near Blucvale. Thi9 farm is In o 1lret-class elate of cultivation, well endu- ed and well fended, and will be a 010007• maker for a quick buyer, There is a ge 0d frame house, a flue bunk barn (nearly vow), a silo and otber neoeseary cut-oulidiags on the pi amlace. Apply to W J, DUFF, 86.2 !Beeville, To Contractors. Tenders will be received by the under- sigued, up to April let,1208, for a 110w front in my block, to oolsleb of brink, plate glass, &c. Plano and epooiaoatlons may be seen 00 and after March 14. The lowest or fonder not neonatally accepted. 80.8 J. R, FLETOItElt, Brunets, .,.'8"11(1,'81, The Newest Patterns and Styles The Best Qualities The Lowest Prices IN'~ FINE MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, ART MUSLINS, DRAPINGS, OR -'TONS & PRINTS. A large shipment of Spring Goods opening this week and now ready for economical buyers. We have some surprises in store for you in the way of Novelties for Spring and Summer wear and the low prices will appeal to the shrewdest buyers. illealgaignalMSEEIMenale Special for Saturday, Mar. 23 ONE DAY ONLY —300 yards of Art Drapings, regular prices l0c 18c to 12'e, for Saturday only, per yd Ask to see our Lace Curtains---a,ll this season's New Patterns and New Prices. Dress Goods Ready•to,wear Clothing Boots and Shoes at Money Saving Prices. lifaleDialliBeinfietiariaientratal NU7 . h A A' Garfield Block, xtrIMINIMIDINSWilla a " it OHETT Brussels. tl