HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-19, Page 8Our lying Papers are now all in. Our de-
signs -this year are better than ever before,
We have a good assortment of grounded
papers at 5c. per roll, as well as expensive
papers retailing at 20e, per roll. Before buy-
ing we would like you to call and see our
Druggist & Booksellt,r, Brussels.
SOUTHERN 000000I0N w, e. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows ;
Man 7:18 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a.m
Mixed 1000 a.mMail ..
•.......1:17p an
Boereee 8:28.p.m I Express 8:17 p,m
Axl Etas Jteinst
A ohiel's among ye takirnotes,
An' faith he'll print id.
scwooL Board did not meet on Friday
Ronne GRAHAM shipped a oar of oats
this week,
FRIDAY evening of this week the A. 0.
U• W. meets.
A ear of oats was forwarded Eastward
this week by Alf. Backer.
Rua the advertisements and thereby
secure the bargains offered.
WEATHER has been quite balmy but we
may Catch it yet before Spring, geutle
Spring, arrives.
2 oars of salt were shipped by Brussels
Belt Three and 4 care of coal reoeived by
them this week.
Tats week some awnings were plaoed
in position. It seems a very abort time
since they were taken down.
A REPORT of the Eastern Good Roads
Convention and notes on a trip to Ottawa
are held over to next week's issue.
Tan goat robe advertised in Tam Pose
bas been found and awaits the owner.
It pays to advertise in a paper that's
POSTMASTER FARROW, raked and rolled
hie bowling lawn Wednesday and had a
game. The bowls ran nicely. Who can
beat this for rushing the bowling season 7
A.0600 00 program of moving piotarea
next Monday night, Town Hall, Brunets,
under direction of Laing Bros., of Acton,
who always have something good. No
Charge at door—pay at close, 25 oents or
retire early if not delighted.
EASTER Tont —The Beater term in the
Central Business College, Stratford, Ont.,
Commences April let, W. J. Elliott, the
Priecipal of the College, will be pleased
to mail a beautiful oatslogne to all who
wieb to Secure a business or shorthand
NEXT Monday evening at 8 o'alook
l00slville ohnrob Presbyterian Guild of
Christian Endeavor intend giving "A
Sooiel Evening with Berne," to which
all are invited. A short Sketch of Burns
and his poems will be given, and a liter-
ary and musical program provided.
During the evening refreshments will be
served. Silver oolleotion will be taken
at the door.
TUESDAY morning of this week W. T.
Pollard, of MaKillap, shipped 10 working
horses, along with a ear of settler's effeots
to Yellow Grass, Aseiosbois, N. W. T.
He accompanied the shipment. The
freight was $108. A number of passers.
gers for the Great West also took train
the same day being a part of a very large
emigration counted on by the people of
Manitoba and the West for the Spring of
Dunute the past week Oonnoillor Thom.
son disposed of his Wilkes peeing horse
which he bought from W. H. Kerr, of
THE Poor, to W. Hidd, of Listowel, for
the cum of $900. The horse is a good
driver and speedy, Mr. Kidd also eaour•
ed the fine rangy sorrel, the property of
George Thomson, of town, paying, it is
said, $225 for the animal. CrS'unoillor
Thomson sold one of his egg wagon teams
to another parby and has bought a bleak
horse from Geo. L. Walker, horse dealer.
Good horse flesh Calle for ooneiderable
oold oaeh these days.
tainment by the Hartman Lyceum Go.,
will be given in the Town Hall, Brueeele,
shortly, under the auspieea of the Publio
School. The piatnre play "Hiawatha"
will be rendered and a talk explanatory
of pictures will be given by Gary Hatt -
rant. Some five or six Hiawatha aonge
will be rendered during the evening by
Madam Alice Waltz, of New York. The
entertainment has been given in 000nee-
tion with many of the High Bahoole and
Ooilegiatee throughout the Province and
ie spoken of as a rare treat. Further in•
formation will be given next week, The
prooeeds will be used for making an ad-
dition to the Sohool library.
GoMPLxl0ENTARY.'—The following report
from Inspector Robb ao0oeruing Brueeele
Public School will he read with pleasure
and heartily seconded by those particle•
laxly interested
To the Board of Public Sohool True -
tem, Brands. GENTLEMEN, --I visited
your eohool on Feb. 1601, 17th and 1801.
I found the eohool rooms Olean, well yen•
tilated and comfortable. The ontbuild•
ingo were also quite Olean. The entire
management of the eohool in quite oatie-
faotory. The teachers ere all doing ex-
eelleut work. The work of the high
ethool departments is partionlaily good
and quite equal to that done in similar
Classes by any high school in the Pro•
vine°. The village and vicinity are en•
1`oying all the advantages of good birth
wheel at but trifling met, Irian, gentle.
men, Your obedient servant,
D. Rona.
B3u1e901s, Feb, 21, 1008,
Tan frog orchestra has oommenoed the
600800. -
BICYCLES have already made their
WATCH out for Millinery Opening ad-
TIIRSDAY was the memorable "17th 0f
Ireland" but the Shamrook was not very
prominently in evidence.
Lose at the Methodist Church, or be-
tween that and William street, a gold
broach. Finder will please leave it at
THERE'S a wedding on the lapis but we
have promised not to mention any names
and its no sae coaxing us to tell because
we wont. Yon won't have to wait long,
REY. RICHARD BOERS, Of Wiogbsm, Gaye
of the entertainment to be given 01 Town
Hall, Bruenel8, next Monday night.
"One picture was worth the price of
admission. I was simply delighted with
the program." No charge at the door at
Brussels. Pay ab oloee—See other
THURSDAY of laet week Olara A., infant
daughter of Daniel Dopee, of Brussels,
died, aged 4 menthe. The funeral took
plaoe Friday morning. Interment was
made at Bayfield the former home of
the parents. Sympathy is expressed for
the bereaved in the lose of their baby
Busrnnss Soon.—George Olvax has
disposed of hie bulohering beaiueas to
William Heffernan, a young man, resi-
dent of Teeewater. THE Pose welcomes
Mr, Heffernan to Braseels. In this con._
neetion we are pleased to bear that Mr.
and Mre. Cheer will not be removing from
town as another line of employment will
be undertaken by Mr. Olvar.
Comm to Brussels next Monday even-
ing, in 'Town Hall, Laing Broe. high elan
motion pictures. No charge at door—pay
at close, or if not really delighted retire
seeing four or five pictures. Come and see
the free pictures. You will wast to see
the rest. We do this solely on amount of
fakes. Many new subjects will be shown.
Prices 25 dente, Children under 12 years
15 Dentepa at tbe Mose.
LICENSEGooMieeIONRRe.—A meeting of
the Liaeese Oommiesioners for Ent
Huron will be held at the Central Hotel,
Brnseele, at 11 a. in. on Tuesday of next
week, to organize, receive applioatione
for lioenseo, &c. James Tarnball, ex.
Reeve of Grey, has been appointed a
member of the Board ae successor to
George Fortune, resigned. He should
make a good man fur the position. Mr.
Fortune was a member for many years.
Frait or Orchard 'esthete in 0o0neetion
with East Huron Farmers' Ioetitete will
be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on
Friday, April 3rd, at 1.80 p. m., when
addressee will be delivered by A. E.
Sherrington, of Walkerton, and P. 3.
Carey, Fruit Division, Ottawa, on Prun-
ing, Grafting, &o. At 3.80 p. m., in
Reeve Wilton's orchard, a practical
demonstration of the same will be given.
Another mission will be held in the even-
ing at 7,80, in the Town Hall, for disous.
Bion and organization. All interested in
fruit growing are cordially invited to
attend. Come prepared to oak pertinent
questions on the sabjeots brought for-
Mona BASSI Exoosexoxe,—Wednesday
of this week a meeting of representatives
from Huron sod Bruce 000vened in
District Passenger Agent McDonald's
offioe, Toronto, to arrange for the annual
farmers' exo0rsione in the month of
June to the Ontario Experimental farm
at Guelph for the above mentioned Goan•
ties over the G. T. R. The persona at.
tending from Huron were Masers, Elford,
of Elolmesville 1 McMillan, of Hallett ;
Smillie, of Tookeremith ; Robertson, of
Wingham ; and Kerr, of Brunk'. From
Brace, Messrs. Douglas, of Tara ; Lamb,
of Walkerton •, Nelson, of Paisley ; and
Donald, of Kilsyth. The dates arranged
for are as follows :—Wiarton and Owen
Sound linea, June 19 ; London, Huron
& Bruce and Goderioh lines, June 20 ;
Southampton, Walkerton, &o., Jane 24 ;
and Kinosrdine line, June 26.
A. 0. U. W.—At the High Court meet•
ing at Toronto this week the amoere' re-
ports for 1902 showed a very satisfactory
growth in memberehip, sod a feeling of
confidence prevails, ae is shown by the
greater inoreaee in the oloeiog menthe of
the year, From the Grand Recorder's
report it is learned thot the total number
of applications for memberebip during
1902 was 4,4061 memberebip in good.
standing and temporarily suspended at
December 31st, 46,404; number of deaths,
reported for 1002, 304; average age, 42
years, 10 months and 13 days ; average
age of new members, 28 game, 5 tnonthe
and 17 days ; number of benefioiaryoer.
tifiaate issued, 3,918 ;' total dash reoeiv-
ed from all aouroae, $794,706 34 ; average
age df menebere who died during the
year, 61 years 26 dey' ; number of lodges
in existence at end of year, 468. Sixteen
new lodges were organized. The nembor
of death Claims paid eiooe the order was
established in Ontario was 8,808, being,
in round figures, over seven and one-half
million donate. The number of appliaa•
tions reoeived in November and Deoom•
ber was larger than for any two months
in the order'e history, The year 1908
has started oat well. Daring January
and February there were reoeived 987
applioatione-469 more than last year
during the same time, In February
alone there were 581 applioatione.
It a
CAPITAL • . - $1,000,000
RP,SFIRV'h. $1,000,000
A. n. AME0, • - • - PnaeIOENT
'lay. It. II. WARDEN, D. 10, 010n•PRItel1010100
0, D, 80000100, 0, J. 0100180
TH00, 100AD004w
General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes
! Discounted. Sale Notes bought or helcl for Collection.
IN 7'I89 SAVINGS i ,tN1i—Depoelta.of 81,00 and upwards reoeived and
interest at the highest Bank rate allowed, from date of deposit t0 date
of withdrawal, cm the daily balauoe,
i�Parties holding important papers, note0, &o„ may doposlt them to
out bank vault for Onto keeping—free of charge.
Prompt anti Careful Attention. Geed Terms,
G. F. BLAMR, Solieltor, A. E. MELLiSH, Manager, BRUSSELS.
mow. _ ..._ ._....
WATCH Out for hew advb, of D. Swan &
Go. next week.
W. H. McCracken wee at Toronto thie
week attending the A. 0, U. W. Grand
RoMEuaan the Foot Ball meeting on
Thursday evening of this week for re or•
AToLRTI0 sports already are making
their appearonoe although mother earth
is a trifle soft for good footing.
A, C. Dearne kept up hie average by
shipping a oar of cattle and a oar of hogs
from thio point during the week.
ROUT. WILL1A.lreoN will move hie laum
dry from the Strettou blook to the Holmes
block, one door South of A. M. McKay &
Oa's. hardware store.
Tan looal agency for the Massey -Har.
ria repairs has been handed over to A.
Coseley who will keep hie stook at his
store in oonneotion with the express office,
LAING Boos.' celebrated moving piotura
entertainment will be given in Brunets
Town Hall next Monday .evening. It is
well worthy of patronage and no one
need scruple in attending it.
IN last Saturday's TorootoStar is given
a splendid portrait gallery of Ontario's
legislators and Hon, Mr, Stratton and
Mr. Gamey are located quite near one
another. The whole group is well taken
and arranged.
Hem the Orchard Institute, to beheld
in Brnesele nn the first Friday of April,
in view. It may be worth dollare to you
to attend it. The outside speakers will
be Mr. Sherrington, of Walkerton, and
Mr. Carey, of Ottawa.
POULTRY.—John Wright has psrobaeed
the vacant house next his property o0
Mill street. After moving it Westward to
the limit of the lot, will fix it up for a
hen house, as be purposes going into the
poultry business on a Large scale. He
certainly bas a good plane for them,
OWING to ill health T. Friendship will
be leaving the employ of D. Ewan & Oo.,
and will remove with his family to Tees -
water. Mr. Ewan has engaged W. Rout-
ley, of Ethel, and has purchased Mr.
Rootley'e'stook. The latter will move
his family to town in the near future.
George Cunningham arrived home
from hie first term at the Ontario Veteri-
nary College, Toronto, last week. He
will spend the intervening months, from
now to October, with J. D. Warwick, V.
B., of Brussels, in gainingthe more proo•
tical knowledge in the Catling of bis
Mrs. (Rev.) Ross was called to Elora
on Wednesday owing to the illness of bac
brother, William Watt, whose health has
not been very vigorous for some time.
This is Mrs. Ross' first outing since her
return from Muskoka owing to the at -
Maks and undesirable companionship of
ONE of the finest entertainments seen
in Brussels for a long time will be the
Laing Brea. 'Life Motion Piotsres next
Monday evening in Town Hall. Neigh-
boring towns ere delighted with the
subjeobe show this season by these
gentlemen. Don't miss this program.
See other notices.
THURSDAY afternoon the town fire
engine was brought into requisition at
Councillor Plum's reeideooe when the
large quantity of water from 3 to 6 feet,
in his sellar was pumped oat. There ie
a probability of the extension of the
main sewer, Turnberry et., from Flora
street earner Soathward so n5 to prevent
similar oconrrenaes at other residences.
THE K. 0. T. M. Band filled their first
engagement) last Friday when they went
to Wroxeter. Before leaving town for
the North they favored our oitiz-ne with
some of the music they were going to
furnish and it was neither disoreditable
to them nor oar town. Many kindly
oomplimehts ware reoeived over the day's
performanoe. The Band is ready to
meet all engagements in business like
form and will guarantee satisfaction with
every performance. Capt. McTaggart
allowed the Band the use of the red uni-
Business Locals.
KAFFAn Dorn and oats sold by - Alf.
B Raker.
Carmen and' Timothy seed for sale at
M °Craoken's.
You get good valve for your money at
A. R, Bmitb'e, Chisholm Block, Wing.
ham. •
JUST reoeived, a 'Alain lot of Clover and
timothy seed. AIR. BAExoot
GoonI Gooe to market to buy new
goodie 0al1 and see them at the Chisholm
black. A. R. SMITH, 11'it:gham.
WE have everything hi the latest
'Spring designs 'n• Olothing. A. R.
Sopa, Chisholm Block, WinehRm,
Jam look at our hate. Do you wear
punts 7 Oar price makes them easy to
wear. A. R. SMITH, Ohisboirn block,
FLEURY PLOWS.—Farmers wishing to
boy the beet plow made should call on
John Long, regent. I will also keep
pointe at Alf. Backer's Milos.
SERs OATS —The Farmer's White
Waverly and New 20:h Century are ad•
mitred as Oaneda'e Groateet oat, special
prime on 10 baehel. Iota. Timothy and
Clover for sale.
Gno. E. Kim, Wiagbam.
NEw mania at 100 per sheet. We are
offering all the "New Ieenee received by
ns during the paey fete months for 10e a
Dopy. They include a lot of the late
Songs and Two -Steps. Tan Pon Book
RUMAT BUSINESS —If you want any-
thing in the shape of an A 1 buggy or a
good lumber wagon yea are asked to esti
at The Ocher Carriage Factory, Brussels,
where you will find a splendid new stook
to choose from and at correct prime. A
look through our show room will nob
Coat you anything and may save yon
some money.
MeeoNxo AT Benue—Friday eveuing of
last week the annual At Home of Bt,
John's Lodge, A. F. de A. Me No. 149,
Brunetti, was held in their swims and
well arranged Hall in the Garfield blook.
Zt is said there were 100 guests present
and all spent an enjoyable time, the
various oommitteee doing their work
admirably. The gathering was quite
informal and oonsequently all the more
pleaeing as one of those straight laded
official gatherings is about ae oold and
formal an institution 0e clan be found out•
side of sold storage or an ice house. An
interesting and well rendered program
was given consisting of solos by H. W.
Aviion, entitled "Anohared," "Off to
Philadelphia" and "Jamie" ; solos by
Fred. J. Gilroy bearing the titles "Asleep
in the deep," "King of the mighty deep"
and "Bonnie Barque" ; choruses by nom.
pa00, "Swanee River" and Old Keatuaky
Home" ;• instrumental duets, violin and
organ, J. Leokie and Mre. George Thom -
sob ; violin and organ duets, Co. Oono•
oilier Bowmen and daughter ; recitation,
T. A. Hawkioo, "The Demon of the
Wbeel," Mies Jean MoLanchlin offioi•
Mated as naoompaniet with aooeptability.
Caterer Kouse supplied the supper, tableo
being set in an adjoining room. The
bill of fare, oonaieted of oysters, ham,
salads, bread and butter, goffeo, ice oream,
water ice bioouits, aboaolate and 000na•
nut Cakes, oranges, confectionery, nuts
and raisins. It was Certainly a0 elegant
spread and well served by attentive
waiters, Later in the evening some of
the emote tripped the light fantastic.
Games of varione kinds were also sup•
plied so as to aid in the entertainment.
Worthy Master Fox and the Square and
ampulla brotbern are to be aongrabulat.
ed on the 8000008,
People We Talk About.
Standard Bank of Canada
3 SWAaia,T..29=D 1972
ileeeived end i•ltirest at
'lightest Bault tate allowed
from date of Deposit to
date of Withdrawal,
Int a -res.
NIP op 1'H19
Daily Balance
Made, Notes Cashed,
and every aeoommeda•
Mon afforded the rev
ponsible borrower,
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
"Every convenience afforded customers living at a dietanoe.
Mre. A. Hunter, accompanied by her
eon, Hilton, arrived home from Alliston
on Monday. The latter le just recover
ing from a0 illness of 3 or 4 weeks from
pleurisy and pneumonia. Ile is employed
on the Alliston newspaper but will spend a
few weeks here recuperating before re -
sewing hie position.
Next ' Sunday Rev. Mr. Wright, of
Clinton, will take the serving in Bt.
John's aharoh, Brussels.
Owing to bbe improvements in programs
in -Melville Church basement the primary
Blase exercises were oaneelled last Bab -
Rev. Mr. George, of Granton, who was
visiting Rev. Mr. Webb, preaohed in St
John's church Wedseeday evening in
oonneotion with the Lenten service.
Revds. John Ross, B, A„ of Brussels,
and A. MaoNab, 181. A., of Walton, were
at Molesworth oil Monday attending to
obnroh work delegated to them by Mait-
land Presbytery,
Rev. John Rose, B. A , spoke last Bab.
bath morning from Judges 6th chapter,
11th and 12th verses, and at evening ser
vine eeleoted Gehesie 4th obapteraud 3rd,
4111 and Oth verses as hie text.
At the Methodist Sabbath School last
Sabbath afternoon the beet former reoord
of the school for abtendauoe at a regular
session, 265, was reached. In addition
to the regular exeroises Mise Annie K'ng
gave a reading, Misses Sharp and M.
Sharp and W. Jamieson sang a quartette,
and Rev. A. O. Crews, of Toronto, de-
livered a short address.
Special Bervioee'will be held in the
Catholic Oburob, Brussels. beginning on
Sunday next, at 11 o'oioak a. m„ and
continuing morning and evening until
Tuesday morning. Hours of service will
be as follows :—Sunday at 11 a. m. and
7p.m.; Moudayat9a.m.and 730 p.
ne..; Tuesday at 9 a. m. Sermon at each
service. The music by the lanai choir
will be of a high order of merit.
Tueeday afternoon and evening the
joint meeting was held in Toronto of
Committee's of the Presbyterian and
Methodist °berobes, nailed to ooneult
with the Superintendents of Miseione.of
both charobee, and to Consider what steps
Goold be taken to 00 operate in regard to
mission work in New Ontario, the North
west and British
r Eieh Columbia. Represent-
e reeeut-ing the Metbodiet Obeech were Rev. Dr.
Oarman, Rev. Dr. Sotto, Rev. Dr. Suth-
erland, N. W. Rowell, K. 0., Chester D.
Money, A. E. Arnie, together with Rev,
Dr. Woodeworth, Corresponding Secre-
tary of Missions in the West, and the
four Superintendents, Rev. James Allen,
Rev. 0. Darwin, Rev. T. 0. Buchanan
and Rev. J. H. White. Those represent.
ing the Presbyterian church were :—Rev.
Dr. Warden, Rev. Dr. Somerville, Rev.
E, D. McLaren, Rev. W. G. Wallace,
Rev. J. Neil, Rev. D (4, McQueen,Been Robb.
Kilgonr, John Penman, of Paris, and
three Superintendents, Rev. Dr. Findlay,
Rev. Dr. Carmichael and Rev. Dr. Herd•
mac. Chester D. IDfaaaay was elected
Uhairman, and Dr. McLaren, Secretary.
Joe Ardell was laid sip with an attaak
of quinsy but is out again.
Mrs, F. Sperling and son arrived borne
from Fullerton oa..Wedneeday,
Mies L. Moore, of Trowbridge, is visit-
ing relatives and friende in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Dooley were Calling on
old friends in town on Wednesday.
Mise Mason, of Ethel, was visiting
Mica Jennie Howe, Elizabeth street.
Rev. I. M. Webb is enjoying a holiday
with relatives and friends at Liman.
Mrs. J. A. Oreigbtoo is home from an
extended visit with Hamilton relatives.
Henry Qnerin and Mies Watson, of
Listowel, epent Sunday at the Queen's.
Albert Hewitt, of Einoardine, was a
natter in Brussels during the peat week.
lairs. Day, of Gorrie, spent several days
with Mre. A. J. Lowry, daring the week.
Thomas Bone was tinned to Woodetook
thio week- owing to the illness of an uncle.
Lorne Hunter is home from Cleveland,
Ohio. It is some time since he was in
Robb, Dark has been on the siok list
with la grippe but will soon be all right
Walter Lowry Combined a basinese
and pleasure trip to Guelph on Wednee
Miss Hamilton, of Wroxeter, is the
guest of Mre. F. H, Gray, Turnberry
Arthur MOGuire was at the Go. town
this week serving Kiug Edward ae a
Mise Mary A. Match, of Gerrie, was a
visitor with Mre. Jno. Cunningham for a
few days.
Mre. Wm. Elliott, of Galt, formerly of
Ethel, is visiting Mtg. Frank Oliver, Wil.
lima street,
Barristers Sinclair and Blair were at
Goderiah thio week ooeduabing oases' at
the Assizes.
Mise Mary Atkins, of Milverton, was a
visitor for a short time last week with
Miss Milhausen,
Mies Maggie Bielby and brother, of
Morris, were renewing old friendships in
Brueeele last Sunday.
Mrs, Hugh Molylartin, er„ and bee eon,
Hugh, of Henson, are visiting relatives
and friends in Brussels,
Meson. Vance and Davie, of Mitchell,
were visitors over Sunday, at the home
of E. ()ober, Pri000ae street,
Mies Josie Bnohanan wee visiting at
Welton this week and attended the Mon.
rieon—Hoy wedding on Tuesday evening.
Bobt. McAlpine, of Toronto, was in
town for a few dole renewing old aseoola•
Hone, not a disagreeable task by any
Mrs, R. W. Matheson, of Lnoknow, en•
joyed a few days under the parental roof,
Queen street, the horns of George and
Mrs. Crooke.
Robert MoArter, wife and baby, of St.
Marys, are visitors with relatives in
Beuesele and locality. Jae, McArter, of
town, Is the father of the fleet mentioned.
Mre. Maoltlem, of Buffalo, and Mies
Maoklem, of Kincardine, are guests at
John Long's, Flora street. Mre. Long is
eister•in•law and Meter, respectively, to
the visiting ladies',
Mre. Harvey Ham end Mies Leila, of
Lnolinow, visited in town on Monday
and a portion of Tuesday. They are
favorably impressed with their surround-
ings in the Bspey town.
Wednesday 'rhos. Friendship under-
went aptedioal operation in the removal
of a eat tumor trona the top of bio bead.
He is getting along all right and able to
be about we are pleased to notioe,
1t, G. Wilson, a former resident of
Brueeele, but a Londoner for the past 6
years, wail visiting old Mende here for a
portion of the past week, Re keeps
hustling in the Forest City. Ho was the
ghost of Itoeve Wilton.
T6.6RRS7-7 D,
MoauxeoN—Hot.—In Walton, on March
17th, by Rev. I. M. Webb, Mr, J. W.
Morrison, to Mies Annie E , daughter
of Mr, and Mre. Hoy, all of Walton,
Bexoo.—At 0ranbrook, on Manch 12,
Adam Baker, .aged 81 years, 3
menthe and 18. days.
DUPRE —In Braesale, on March 1211,
Clara A., iutant daughter of D. and
Mrs. Dopee, aged 4 menthe.
Fewoexe.—In Bluevale, on Mar. 9th,
Obarlotte Cummer, wife of John
Fawcett, aged 28 years.
KNIGHT.—At Oranb100k, on March 18,
Jean Airtb, beloved wife of John
Knight, aged 68 years and 11 months.
Taonrvaoo —In Petrolea,, on Mar. 17bb,
John Thompson, aged 40 yoare.
Taontpaoot —In Grey, on March 12, Mrs.
George Thompson, in her 27th year.
TUESDAY, MAnoH 24,—Farm stook, im-
plemento, &c., at Lob 28, Con, 14, Me
Killop. Sale, unreserved, at 12 o'olook.
J. T. Dennison, prop. ; F, S, Scott, Guo.
10007'01000.X, et o, ;eaezem0m,
Pall Wheat.........,.. 67
Barley .... ............ 41
Pens - 55
Oats 27
Butter, tubs and tulle ., 16
Eggs per dozen ..... 10
Flour per owl). , ,,,4 00
Potaioea (per bus.) 50
Apples (per bag) . , 40
tipsy per ton 0 00
Sheep ekiee, each ...... 25
Lamb skins eaoh........ 26
Balt per bbl., retail 1 00
Rides trimmed 0
Hides rough 6
Hags, Lim.— .. 6 00
Wool - 11
6 00
7 00
6 00
Bane CATs,—A quantity of Olean seed
Cate, Slberlau end New Century Varieties,
for sale. JOHN SMITH,Lot 8, Oon, 8, Grey,
or box 298, Brunets P, U84•tf
Fon BALE —Bead este ; 600 busbele
Early emprovod Ligowo variety, Large,
white, early and yield well. Primo, 40 onto
nor bushel, °ash, .ELI 8882513, Lot 4, Clan.
7, Grey, Or Brussols P.0. 35.2
Toone' none young sows for gale, all in
farrow. Lot20, Oen, 0, Morrie, or Brussels
P. 0. 100B1`, NICILOL, Proprietor,
VI wanted, suitable for renal' purposes..
Apply to GEO. 13E80, Brussels.
of April, opprentioes to learn Dress-
making. Apply to BIBS THOMPSON, over
Dominion Bank, Seaforth.
Lots for sale, being Nos. 282 and 288 on
West side of Princess street, Brussels. Per
particulars as to price and terms enquire at
THE POST. - 85.0f
for salo. Eligible for registration.
F00 price, terms and ,other partioularo, ap-
ply. to J, D. McNAIB, Lot 22, Oen. 18,, t=rey,
or-0ranbrook P.O.
HT- SOOTO.1-• Short Horn H
steak , for sale. Also 50040 and heifers, im-
ported and home bred, 72 bead to select
from. A• M81,NE & SON, Maitland Bank
Stools Farm, Ethel Out. 86.01
1,'arm, near Rlnevale. This farm is in
s first-class state of oultivetiou, well drain-
ed and well fenced, and will be a money-
oneymaker for a quick buyer. There is a good
frame house, a flue bunk barn (nearly now),
a silo and other necessary out-n:11(1111gs on
the premises, Apply -to Ptf, J. DUFF,
80.2 Blaevalo.
8. No. 2, Twp. of Grey, Heron county,
male or female, holding Second or Third
Claes oertifleate. Duties to commence on
the 14th of April, 100'. Address
0ranbrook P. 0.,Eurou Oe. Bee: Trane,
Cheese Factory Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Walton Union
Cheese and Butter Factory will bo held at
Ma0Lim's Hotel, on Friday, March 270h, at 2
o'clock p. m. All/interested are requested
to attend as an important part of the busi-
ness will be the winding up of the 0om-
p aoy'o affairs. 35.8
1Vi,Ad9, 1(J, 008
..roe.-"�..,.,-'- _ •
We want you to Bee how Bus our
new Spring stools is. Yon expect
ns to have an ample line sit Papers
butwe are certain that rhie see.
son's supply will go beyond your
expectation. Any one who likes
beauty or who ie interested in the
decoration of the home should
see our line while the aesortmont
ie Complete, Thom who dome to
look are as weloome a° thooe who
come to buy at
F; X'S
dwelling thereon, North-west corner
Milliam and Albert streets, Brunch',
49 tf J. LECKIE. -_
COiv1FORTABLE$OUSE AND good lot for sale on Queen street,
Brugeeles For further particular's apply to
MARY CAMPBELL, Brussels P. O. 8881
property at Ethel known as the
Methodist Parsonage. Apply to JNO,
°OBER, Brussels,
Bulla for sale. One is 1year old and
the other two younger. Aloe several resist -
Brod Cows and Holies, Apply to JAMBS
8PE1R, Lot 80, floe. 9. Morris Twp., or Brue-
eele P. 0. 22.81
on Turnberry street, Brussels known
as the Somerset property, eligibly situated,
Immediate nosee05100. For further patio -
alarm e0 to 90000, te1'ms, &a., apply to D.
MoOIITUH180N, Lot 18, Doe, 12, Mclttllop,
or Leadbut'y P. 0, - 88•ti
To Contractors.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed, up to April 150,1903, fora new front
in my block, to consist of brink, plate glass,
&o. Plans and specifications may he seen
on and after March 14. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
36.3 J, R. FL18'1'OEtER, Brussels.
To whom this may concern :
The small -pox, at present, is found in
many parte of the country, we therefore
consider it necessary that all who hay0 not
beau yecoivated should be forthwith. The
Trustee Board of the Publto School will
please nolo tbi Chairman BoarHARDd Health.
Special Barairs
Commencing Saturday
Morning, March 2lst.
ft®Look in Our South. Window. �o
Men's fine Bf. Bats. reg. $2,25, for 6 days 11,45
If 11 of 160, "- 1.15.
" Dongola ]ala. " 2.50, " 1.50
et et - " 2,00, of 1.25
Men's Heavy Working Shoes " .. 80
Boys' fine Dongola Bala. " 1.20
" Bf. Bala. " 1.10
Women's fine Dong. Bats. " 1,35
" It "
Pebble Bale.
" Glove Grain Bala.
Misses' fine Dongola Bala.
" Pebble Balg. -
Large size Gold Leaf Shoe Dressing
regular 25c bottle, for 6 days 18c.
Children's Shoes at equal reductions.
Nothing but Solid Leather Goods 'handled.'
Corrie to the Money -saving Spot
Garfield Block, Brussels.