HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-19, Page 5MAR. I, 190t
eereseeoseweeeeese ,
o •
teaser of Marriage Leis. Of.
nee et Grocer Y. T ut n Omer Street. Brussel b,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
wALroN, ,DA/T,
tor !memo! the hest awl safest Companies
jn Cauwia fur FireAwlWent and Plate
Glass, 01tee over 1. Itiebard's store,
E. Estelle Griffin.
pupil of Miss Eva N, Robism, of London,
red ler Coervatory .X22113.ill visit Brusenls every Tuesday,
Lessons given at the home of W. H. Nem
John etreet,
MONEY TO LOAN AT di, di & 5 Per Cont.
°Moe over Burelev'e Drug Store,
Nov. Sett, 190e. 80.fini Bruseela
Wellington Mutual
Fire 1 nsuranee Co.,
EaTAnsasuen 1810
Insurance (0)20 000 the 011.01 and premium
onto system at current rater,. 0, fore insur.
ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
G1,011CIE 1100E1(8, Brussels.
. Ban, will Sell for bettor 'Priemto
bettor men, In lees time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer In East 110200 02
be won't ablaut, anything. Dates and orders
can 'limeys be arranged at this office or by
personal applioation.
TO WHOM IT MAY t.orionnN,-
The nuderaignod, who is well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
and who has had OUBinelIR with a largo eir-
ale of farmers in and around tlals
begs to Inform the contmeulty that he has
takes out au Auctioneer's Woven for the
County of Huron and offers his services to
all purposing to hold ogles.
T1108. NEWSOME, Brunetti.
J • Ilouor Gleduam of -the Onterio Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dIs-
entatini domesticated animals 'in a compet-
ent manner. Particular titteution paid to
Voteriney Dentistry, Calls promptly at-
tended to. Oflloo and Infirmary -Four doors
North of bridge, Teruberry et„ Brussels.
. Banister. uonettor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Publia, &o. 01000-Stawart'a Block
J. door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
. 101T01.1, otoanussm,s.--
unioe over Stand,ard Bank ; Solioltor for
Township of Grey, Flowlek Mutual and the
Metropolitan Bank, Private and Company
-money to loau at lowest rates,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College,Member (Mien of Phymialaus awl
Surgeons, Ont. Licentinte of the Royal Col--
loge of Playsiolane and Lioontiete of Mid-
wifery ,Eeirthurgh. I. --Telephone No.14.
Buhl ence..-Mill street. Brussels.
Graduate of 11.10 Royal College of Dental
Surgeousof Ontario and- Flret.olaes Honor
Graduate of Toronto Univereity. Office
next to Brewer'a Photograph Gellory,
and studwas may entor
at any time. SPREETERM BEG/NS
MAR. IE. Two bourses-Oomniercial and
Shorthand, Scud for College Journal.
President, Secretary,
British Col umbia
lied- Cedar Shing1ei3
North Shalee
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planin'
41„,, Doore and Sash of all rat
Hama on hand or MBA) to order
at Short NOtiOe•
Datimates Prirniehed for all
kindof Building''. Worlunae-
ship and Materiel Guatanteed.
Regina April 1st
An exoellent time to wiraromme a
0012100 0! study so as to he really to
tete a good position in the Fall. Afsr,
8011001,8 Altle NOT ALIKE I Oat
1.`0 GO ELSEWHERE, Mall Ooursoo
1.2 Shetthand,hoolt-keeplug, Pantuau-
ship, d4J.
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Luc Lou 0 W.
The W. 0. T. U. intend bolding a
Meiteering Party 10 the Town Hell on
Mar. 3101.
Finsen people left the Lueknow sta-
tion on Tuesday for Manitoba and the
Dan. MoDonald arrived home from
North Bay to booed a few weeks with
friends in Lucknow.
James Armitage whi Me been visiting
in Let:know for some time pest left on
Thursday for WI:mould°.
Mrs, McArthur, sr. oelebrated the
fifty seveeth anniversary of her marriage
on Feb. 27th. She treated her children
and grandchildren to a turkey supper,
The ()beerier say° ;-We have beard
many of our citizens express the desire
teat our coupon should make a move in
the direct 10 of better drainage. They
stale thab they would' be qu.te willing to
pay the ooet of having their property
mei cellars thoroughly drttined.
A. convention of South Huron Temper.
ame people was held here on Monday
of last week. Owing to bad roads there
was not a large representation but those
who were present evidently meant busi•
nese. A resolution wae presented ceiling
on the Government to grant the temper.
twee people the aot of 1902. An arrieud•
ment was submitted and (tarried milling
ou the Legislature to so amend the
tetnperanoe law as to abolieh the bar tIlti
club drinking and also shorten the holm
of awe. Rev. Mr. Morton oeoupied the
chair and Repo. Fletober, Dr. Medd, also
Dr. Forgotten, Mr. Balfour and others
spoke to the reaointions.
W tuella 000 .
Rev. D Perrie is preaching a 002 100 of
sermons on the book of Judges.
Dr, Macdonald, 21. P., left last week
for Ottawa to resume his Parliamentary
'1.'lle town was all alive with the dale-
gatee to the Grand Orange Lodge last
Loud, n Methodist Conference will
meet here in the first week of June. Ar-
rangements are now being made..
Ghee, Slteates and D. Diusley, of Cele
town, have formed a partnership and
will open a furniture more ia
The hardware business of the late S.
J. Smith, conducted under the firm name
of Smith tra Pothiok, has been Bold to Mr.
Piehleigh, of Hagaraville. '
.A.s soon as the weather is favorable a
number of Changes are to be made at the
0.1. 11 station yard. In pleas of trains
coming in on the outside took they are
to mime in ou the track next to the plat -
John Shoebottom, of East Wawanosh,
has exchanged his seotion in Manitoba
for 50 scree in Morris towuship, and
John Sheffield, of Winghem, hae Bold hie
house and lot to William Devagou, of
Oe !roes.
The general public will be given more
room at the Wiugham poet office in the
course of a few weeks. The boxes now in
nee are to be changed into; a different
position. Io mace of runniug length.
wise of the attire, they will be p'exed
(term the More.
R. A. Diusley met with an accident
that severely 0 jured one of hie eyea. He
was vvorkiug at one of the saws in the
Bell faotory, when a Bleat] piste: of meter -
ill flew off tol struck him with • terrible
forge on hue eye. At first there was
danger of the eight of that eye being per.
momently injured, but we hope each a
calamity may be prevented,
2 Ai* Cr/ w el.
Lottie Boltonof this town, has been
appoiuted by '1 Dominion Government
to survey new townships in the Battle
River diatriot, and will spend the Sum.
mer in the Northwest.
The Public School Board have been
iuvestigating for a number of months
the working of kindergartens in public
eohoole and at their last meeting deelded
to undertake the work.
John Roberts, eon of R. G. Roberts,
Clerk of Wallaoe, who has reliantly re•
turned from Sault Ste. Marib, has gone
to Peisley to take over a photograph
gallery, whieh he bas puroluteed there.
The Maitland Star .0,611100o Club held
Be re.organizetion meeting in the Queen%
Hotel and -the following officers were
eleated :-Hon. Pres., B, Foreayeth ;
Pres., Bert, Johnston ; Vitie Pres., H. B.
Morphy ; Manager, N. R. Bamford ;
Captain, E. Willoughby ; Treas., W.
Silliax ; Beth, 111 Holyoke; Man. Com.,
B. Bamford, B. Teed's, A, Riggs, D.
Osborne, C. ZIlliax, 11. Bentford ; Fin.
001111., W. Spears, R. Grant, A, Mayen
and R. Gee, It wae decided to play
football and (00210000.
Divieion Court was held in towo by
Ells Honor Judge Barron 'Wednesday of
last week. The fiat ease 'was heard
before a jury and took up the time of the
mart till half -Past three o'olook, John
Donglae, l yawn; farm' laboeer, Fined
David Nichol, an Elm& femme, for $42
foe balance of Wages Manned. Douglas
with off work for a month through an
accident caused by the rigging of a hay
fork falling on him. He Maimed wages
mid expeusea during his eiokeese, because
the hay fork was in improper eondition.
Defendant claimed that '•Donglas was
Warned not to use the fork and had been
forbidden to do so. He also ()Wetted that
11. oettlenient had been made between
them and Douglas had been paid in full
and that rifting Douglare absentia it had
Meet him mats for other help. The judge
in hie °harp said plaintiff War' not en-
titled 10 recover for board 02 medioal
ittnandatme, 14 1110 itooident wore deo to
his digobeying order11" oett'd not reonver fast. Ile had not been down long before
11.21 d :tighter noticed a oheoee and short
ly after 11,1 fai :tee being
itecountable for decea..e. Tee late
Mr, Sherman were one of our beet known
citizang,and duriog residines here,
nearly 62 years, he made a reward for
sterling workmanship and opvJghtoasne
a business man, and passed to the great
beyond leaving a host of friends to mourn
hie departure, It will be remembered
that only a few menthe sinehis lite Jong
partner palmed away ; a few months
100(0 0021 hie father laid at relit, and at
hie own death his sister, Mre, Wm,
Campbell, lay shrouded in death waiting
for the last revolt, The death of Mr.
Sharman makes tour in the fainly with.
in a few month&
- -
Moe. Haudford & 111110111 shipped
021 1,Pul of horses to Winnipeg.
Phil. Rowohffe has moved his Iamb
to London where he intends making hie
future home.
Mise Minnie Taylot hag aceepted e
poeition as clerk and Miss Mao Seen ae
otehier wi h the new ilCO3, Snell & Rowo.
WM. Brooke left Monday of lam week
for Oryetal Oity, Man., where he will
make his twerp home, taking with him
oerload of Effeets. Mrs. Brooks will
follow ebortly.
Thos. Oaae, of the London Road, North,
tint abased from D. Mill, of town, the old
McColl farm, equated on the 2nd comm.
don of Hay, being lot 11. The price
(1031. was in the neighborhood of $5,000.
Mi'o Vera Bowe, who has been suffer-
ing tram a gathering in the head for
some time, onderwent a eurgical opera.
tion for the removal of the trouble. The
operation was a sueoese and the patient
ie recovering nicely.
00 Saturday, March 7111, the 0010101 1210
appointed to prepare the prngrarn for the
next meeting, 1001 111 the Public Sobool,
Exeter. There were presInt, Messrs.
Gowane, Anderson and Johnston and
Misses turnilton, Walrond and Carling.
The various Rome on the program were
arranged for. Provision wae made for
one session in which the male and the
female teaabore will meet in eeparate
rooms for the disausaiou of diflioulties.
The invitation of the East Huron
Teaohers' Association to bold a uoion
meeting with them iu Clinton was fully
ooneidered, but as the Executive Com•
male° had deoided last November to
meet in Exeter and the program com-
mittee had no authority to make °henget'
it was thought beet not to aoctept tbie
time. Memo, Gowang and Anderson
and Misses Hamilton, Walrond and Carl-
ing were appointed a committee (0 82121(20(0
for the (Welling eeesion of the first day.
The Institnte meets] May 2101 and 22od.
for time dud: g it a ruontige elekoeee
end it wag for the j Iry to ray Whether
the settlement Wti, ii li Mt 0118 or not.
The jury retired BO I. ro,t tinted in half an
1 hour with a verdict', of $11 05 for plaintiff
with mite agaiget defendaut Niohul.
III is I ti •
klartie Catio haa sold his residence on
Itiorris etreet,' to Loved. 111 0(111.21. The
pries paid was $000
Miss Etelke Ilan3ilton left for St.
Marys, where obs will upend three weeks
visiting with friende and relatives,
The choir of the Myth Methodist
Church will give a concert in the ohurcfli
on Wedneeday evening, Apr. 15111,
Three mire of dour were shipped from
the flour mina last week. Two oars went
to Quebec and one oar to Montreal.
John Moffatt was taken with a bleeding
at the norm early on Tuesday morning of
last week, and brie been 1.0 it. precarious
4. Livingaton underwent an operation
for kidney trouble at St, Joseph hospital,
London, The operation was ducoessfully
Miss Morrison returned to the village
and hoe resumed her position at the head
of the millinery department in D. M.
Melleathei etore,
Rev. John Holmes, of Blyth Hethodiet
ahnroli, aud liev. John Kennedy, B D.,
of Londeeboro Methodist church exehang
ed pulpits on Sunday.
Charles Burling' has purchased the
frame building on Queen street, adjoin
ing hie repair shop, and will fix it up for
a dwelling house. This building in one
of Blyth's old landmarks. The price
was $200.
J. 13. Tierney received a telegram an.
nonnuing the death of his brother-in-law,
Peleg Thompson, at Whitewood, Aseini-
boia. No partionlare were given and
none of hie relatives here knew that he
was ill. Deoetteed formerly lived in
Iluilett and was a brother of Mrs. 3, 13.
Tiernay, of Hist Wawanoeb, and Mrs.
A. H. Tierney and Anse Jessie Thompson,
of Blyth. His b:dy was brought Beet
and interment made in Clinton cemetery,
The bicycle bag appeared.
glittS. Orabb left for Los Angeles, Cali -
fern's, on a trip for the benefit of his
The Spring Assize Court opened in
GoilerichTemeday, before Hon. Mr, Jus.
twit Femme.
Kenneth Morrie, of Beffelo, has been
visiting his father in Colborne townehip
for several days.
Chas. 0. Lee has been awarded the eon.
treat for the plumbing in conneetion
with the new postoffiee at Clinton.
Will. E. Elliott left on the Manitoba
excursion, his destination being Ninga.
He will spend the Summer in the Prairie
The regu'ar meeting of the Ahmeek
Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire
was held in the law library of the court
hones on Mouday, March 16th.
H. 13. Parsons, eon of Capt. James Par.
sons, town, lige been promoted from the
position of accountant in the Bank of
Commerce at 81. Catharines to 021.10111121
Pcieitiori at Efamilton,
The direotore of the H. B, and Grey
Elm:trio 11 R. have ptiroharfed all that
parb of the Maitland Palls Reserve Melt.
ated in Colborne tp , with the objeot of
obtaining power for the R. R.
The lot and buildings owned by Mrs.
Passmore at the corner of Trafalgar and
Viotoria streets were sold to Jacob Mosier,
of Colborne, at the etiotion sale on There
day 12111 inet. The pries was $600.
D. McGillicuddy, of the Goderioli
oal has sold hie business to Messrs. Van•
atter and Roberteon. The former has
charge of the mechanieal department and
Mr, Robertson has been a reporter on
the etaff. The new firm will no doubt
do well. .
The omie being submitted to 'the Mile.
later of Public Woelte• for the further
deepening of Goderioh harbor, and the
construction of an outer breakwater, is
growing (stronger each day from the ex-
pressions in support 5( 11 being voiced by
1000ioip01 Coeur:11s, Boards of Trade and
leading journals.
Aa there wae no oriminal work in eight
for the Ageless at Goderieti, Acting
Crown Attorney Lewis gave notice to
such effect to Sheriff Reynolds, under the
berms of the Amt, tat:tautly passed doing
away with necessity of impanelling
grand jury when there are no °rimiest
oases before the Court. Tho sheriff noti-
fied those who had been summoned as
grand jurors, and they remained at their
homer'. Thio will save the meaty con-
siderable expense.
Thursday waning Edward Sharman,
Met street, died rather and dealy. He
had not been very well for some, time,
but Reamed to be no worse then Annal
when he walked down attire after break
hire. Wm. Arden, South of town, has
rented her farm to Rioh. Clegg. Her eon
Wm., who has been renting it for the
past 5 years, intends going West to seek
his fortune.
Samuel T. Wilton, lately of the Viriette,
Indian Head, N. W. T., but now of the
Moosejaw Times, . paid a visit to his
cou.ints, Mies L. M. Wilson and Mrs. 11,
10. Stineon, last week.
Mrs. Jae. Dane, of Fairfax, Man., who
has been on an extended vieit to friends
in this vicinity, led 0 for Lamellae, Pinch ,
where she will vieit friends fur some time
before returning home.
Wm. Green has moved on to the farm
he recently pnrobaeed near Wroxeter.
R. MoGill has moved to town and ie
residing in the house he recently par -
chased from Wm, Green.
Harry Holmes who tae been manager
of the Blyth branah of the Bunk of Efam•
illon for the paet five months has been
appointed manager for Gerrie and Tees.
water branches and heti oomtneaoed hie
The citizens of our town were ehooked
to bear of the death of James Mo.
Laughlin, an old and respected resident
of our town whioh took place on Sunday
morning, 8111 i0s1, about 5 o'olook, al the
age of 69 years and 5 month's. Deceased
tae been in failing health for the past
three months and on Friday evening he
took a sudden attack of hemorrhage of
the stomach. Oa Saturday evening
deceased had reoovered somewhat but
later took worse from which he never
Feneral took plaee on Wedeln -
day and %vas largely attended.
The Vidette says I -On Thursday of
last weak a telegram was reoeiyed by J.
B. Campbell to the effect that his son
Garnet, had passed away at Warren,
Ohio, after a two weeks' illness, from
hemorrhage of the lunge. His remains
were brought to Gerrie and were interred
in the Gorrie oemetery on Sunday after-
noon last,. the funeral being a very large
one. Owing to the illness of the Rev.
Mr. Dobson W. 03, Gallagher took
oliarge of the 'makes both in the ()itroit
l'1.17.1'.7. 74? •
is, •
Stout wear
Easy prices.
For hard wear you
need good stout
shoes, not too heavy
115 but heavy enough,
at easy prices.
We have modium-weight women's shoes, good to
keep 'the foot dry in all kinds of weather, warm, com-
fortable and weai-resisting.
Easy on the fed, easy on the purse.
Nobody need go without good shoes at these
prices 1-
-Women's Heavy Shoes from 80 95 to 81 2,5
-Women's Dongola Laced or Buttoned Shoes 1 25 to 8 00
Our Spring goods are being opened op and tve have something both neat and
durable to offer you and will be pleated to ghost: you them,
6"liepaire in Shoos and Rubbers done neatly.
voe have s large ettibk of Beavy and Light Herrman at Lowest Pri000, Blab
of our Robes land Blankets al redueed pricee, Ttunke and Satobolo,
Two aete of S000nd Hand Single Hareem' at ft bargnie.
and at the ereve, The following 1,1 &bat
i the W .ri .Cribuna, of Thule Inv leer
ham to 5•.• •f his death :-..Garnet Camp -
1141 u. oars, died at the home of
1.100, ri. ..1,o, 110 Belmont (area, about
10 u'eleolt Lida morning, of hemorrhage
01 1110 Wags, M. Campbell came to
Warren taut November from hie home in
Gorrie, Can., to telegraphy, Ab ut three
weeks ago he was:taken wok. Hie mother
mime to him about a week ago to nurse
him and wae with hirn when he died.
lie was a young man of sterling gnelities
and had made many friend's during his
abort (day here",
'Olin I:011.
The Stapleton Hate were under water,
Ilia reault of the thaw and rain.
J. W. Jones, of the foundry stuff, who
has been unable to attend to lila dutlee
for about two mouths owing to Muting,
Wad out last week,
Israel Taylor, formerly of 0101100, haa
been given charge of the offioe work of
Wellwood & 0o., a large firm in Toronto.
Mies Nettie Stevens, deughter of James
Stevens, also goes to Toronto with h'm.
Barn. Cassels bite been laid up with
brood poisoning in his right hand. 1.10
had the misfortune to scratch it on a pin
some two week') ago, and it was not tette
before septic: oonditiou set in, and he woe
compelled to seek medioal aid.
Clinton's well.known checker players
drove over to Brumfield Monday night
of last welt and spent the evening play-
ing their favorite game with the entbarti-
este of that village. The players
and 'mores are as fellows :-
Clinton won draw Bruotileld won
Watt 3 2 MoDertnid ....1
Cook 3 1 Grunt 2
Hoover ...... 4 1 Scott , 1
Oarbert 2 2 Bidder 2
Johuston ..,.2 2 McDougal 2
- -
14 8 8
Melon's emote' garnets 8
Castle French is in the zenith of its
capacity. The top number of inmates
that has ever assembled iu this institution
before was 86, but Mr. Prenoh informs 00
he has 89 on his hands, many of whom
keep some one busy day and night look
ing after them. It is a veritable hospital
as well as a, House of Refuge for old
people which was not the original pur•
pose in building such pieces. 11 10 clearly
evident that our county ie sadly in need
of a general hospital, as every county
should have, and we hope the day is not
tar distant when this county shall be the
proud ponessor of a like institution.
I'Vertivv fell
Frank Davidson is at present safferieg
from the effects of a, couple of broken
Arm John Scott is confined to her bed
with inflammatory rheumatism and
heart trouble.
A. number of membere of the Fotdwieh
and Newbridge Orange Lodges attended
the meeting of the Provincial Orange
Greed Lodge held io Winglaam 00 Tues•
day and Wedneeday of last week.
annum McKee, of Neepawa, Man., who
have been visiting relatives here for the
past three mouths, left for their home on
Wednesday morning of last week. They
were aoeompaoied by Johnny MaRee.
In Pordwieht on Sunday, March 8th,
Rebecca Goggin, wife of Joshua Seat,
passed away. The funeral took place on
Tuesday afternoon from the reeidenoe
of Mre. E. Spicks and wee largely
The contract for the building of a
sehool home for S. EL No, 11, Howiek,
has been let, the atone, brick and oement
work to John Efenneberg, of town, and
the carpenter work to Mr. Farr, of
Last Full Mat. Wilson rounded up his
ducks on the river and succeeded in
capturing them all but one, which eluded
his vigilance and escaped, remaining on
the river all Winter. However, during
the cold snap in February Mr. Wilson
captured it and put it in the pen with
the others, but his deakehip yearned for
freedom, and after three days' tionfiue•
meet escaped and again took to the river,
where it remained the balance of the
Winter on a small lane of open water
below Elie mill raoe. 51 1.0 now in full
enjoyment of the mild weather and high
water'and is apparently none the worse
of its Winter's outing.
Tavistook, are visiting friende in this
their home in Dakota in the near future.
vioBilmuya.OonnA'ail LmWei °05°M(Iondity.
Allan Nesbitt and wife purpose making
Hiss Rate Felton and adre, Adams, of
The young people of Atwood and vim
inity have not lacked for social amutse.
meet this Winter.
S. Watson, potter and oonfectioner,
has secured the Berviees of W. H. Mylke,
of Arthur, as baker.
Miss Smith is meeting with much en,
oonragement in forming a °lase for in.
struotion in vocal mettle.
The Elma Butter friter), reearned op•
eratione on Monday morning of last week
and a fair supply of milk wae reoeived.
Our 'wheal was closed down on Wed-
needay of last week owing to the base.
meet being flooded with water and oon•
sequently 00 fires could be lighted.
William Taylor, of Woodatook, 1.0 visit-
ing his daughter, Mr& George Coghlio.
Mr. Taylor is not in very good health,
being troubled with a weak heart.
John Farrell left on Thureday of last
week for Brook:Wale, Oxford Comity,
where he hoe secured a position as fore -
num of the theses and batter taotory in
that piece.
County Councillor Jae, Donaldson was
in St. Thomas hot week as a member of
a deputation of County Connoillore who
will enquire into the utility of commete
oulverte, eto., as aged in that part of the
County Counoillor Donaldeon had a
elight attaok of blood poisoning in hie
hand clanged by an abrasion of the skin.
The wound 'appeared trifling but (level-
oped ever/tome of blood poisoning, and
Immune very painful, requiring prompt
treatment to effeot a OWL
After a persistent canvass of nearly, a
month, Mr. Skinner,wae obliged to give
up 111.0 attempt tri introduoe eleetrio
lighting into our town. He had atteeeed.
od in ridging about 13050 of the $1,500
required to instal the eystere, but when
it oame 10 eeonre the neoeseary pewee to
tun the machinery he struck a snag.
Charles Cole, of Windaor, hanged him.
aelf al Walkerville.
Robert Sears, was °hot in his home
nein Kingston and is dead.
Alfred Powers, it Ontario° farmer, eont-
matted Suicide by taking Petie green'
$ A L. E.
We have just closed a big deal with a large whitewear mannfao-
9.2 company in Montreal for their travellera' eamples. The geode are
now to hand and opeu op ae clean ae when they left the feotory, We
41. bought them away down in price and /30211 Friday morning we will place
on sale the entire lot at lege than wholesale prices. This is a rare (thane°
to buy all kinds high.olate Whitewear et lase than you would have to
pay tor Hie material, Below we quote a few prieea, but as there is a large
number and no two alike it is impossible to describe Hamm all.
Ladies' Drawers, made of good cotton, with tucks and wide hem,
tregular paint 26e, fur 100.-Ladiee' Drawer, in floe cambric, trimmed with
toruhou lime and insertion, worth 50o, for 350.-fradiea' Corset Covers,
trimmed with tuoke, embroidery, torohon loos and insertion, regular 25iii tt`.
Ir 19u.-Ladiee' Coreet Covers, in flee oambrie, trimmed with embroidery, II
52 leas, insertion and ribbon, at 23o, 35o, 50o and 050, worth 26 per oent. more. 1J,
qi -Ladiee' White Skirte, made of fine oambiie, some brimmed wiih tnoke,
embroidery and insertiee, others with torobon lase and insertion, worth $1, reg
ghl for 76e. -Ladies White Skirts, trimmed in the West styles at $1, $1.25 and 111
$1.50, worth 20 per oent. more.-Ladiee' Fine Cotton Nieht Dresses, trim.
, med with frith' and fancy stitching, worth 50e, for 35o, -Ladies' Fine
a) Lawn and Cambric Night Dresses, trimmed with embroidery, Wake sod
Ian, at 75a, $1, 01 25 and 9160, worth 25 per oent, more.
Josephine Morrow, a three-year old
ohild, was killed by a street oar in Tor-
William Pearoe, of Hamilton, was
fatally injared, his oarriage being streak
by a street car.
Robert Lawrence, a young Irishman
wae killed by a falling tree while working
iu the woods near Kerwood.
To Manitoba and Canadian North-west
will leave Termite every TUESDAY during
March and Apr11,1903, if sufficient business
Passengers travelling without Live Stock
should take the train leaving Toronto at
Passengers travelling with Live Stook
should take the truth leaving Toronto at
9 Oe
Colonist Bleeper will be attached to °soh
For full pertioulare and copy ef "Settlers'
Guide," "Westere Canada" or "B [Utah Col-
umbia," apply to your nearest Canadian
Paolflo Agent, or to
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
0. Yonge bt„ Toronto.
License District
East Riding of Huron,
To the Tavern -Keepers and Others
Thom it may concern :
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Application for Licenses
for the sale of liquors in the East Riding of
Huron, for the Llama° Year of 1000.1904,
which commences on the 1st day of May
next, will be received by the undersigned
fro10 the present date up to
Wednesday, April 1, 1903
footways,. Applicants most furnish the
081000 01 two good and sufficient sureties as
bondsmen at the time of making applica-
tion, Any applioant for a new license
must furnish a certificate signed bye. maj-
ority of the eleetore entitled to vote at elec.
Mona for the Legislative Assembly in the
Polling Sub -division in which the premises
soneht to be licensed are eitnated, and the
said majority must include at least one-
third of the said electors, who are at the
time of such application residents within
the eald Polling Sub -Division.
JNO, R. MILLER, respecter.
Jamestown,Marob 0th, 1003.
The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that
they have opened up a CHOICE NEW
STOCK' of ----almor
in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason-
able Prices.
We have also a Tinware Department and will keep a first class Tinsmith.
A Speoialty made of Repairing and Eavetroaghing.
Our motto will be Good Goode and Caren] Attention to Business.
Beet makes of ' .1(11/111TER 85 RITCHIE,
Stoves handled.
J"..P ehery 00.
J. Ferguson & Co.