HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-19, Page 3A DAT IN THE POPE'S LITE LEO XIII. CARRIES HIS HEAVY BURDEN VERY LIGHTLY.. Simple Tastes and Unaffected Mariners — Two Dominant Characteristics. There is something almost pethe- tle as wolf as noble in the picture presented to us of the supremo auto- crat of millions, sand the owner of wealth so great that novo have ven- tured to compute it, sitting down in solitary splendor to a meal which a shilling would more than pay for. Indeed, what strikes ono most in Loo XIII., more than in almost any of his predecessors, is the startling contrast between tho Spartan sim- plicity of the man and the power and splendor of the onice he 'holds, Never did any man surely carry to so lofty an eminence such simple tastes and such modest and unaf- fected manners; never was homely figure placed in so gorgeous a set- ting. A story which typifies the two dominant characteristics of the Popo, his homeliness and his humor, is as follows; Ono day when he was bo - set by pilgrims begging for some memorial of him, something which his hands had touched, an old lady said to ]lith, "holy Father, give mo one of your stockings; it will cure my bad leg.f' "With pleasure, mad- am," the Pontiff replied, "but I may as well tell you it has never cured mine:" it is this frank naturalness and this sense of humor which have 'enabled Leo XIII. to carry so heavy a burden so lightly and to such an •extreme old age. Even now that he has long left his .ninetieth milestone behind him, this most wonderful of living old men leads a life that might well put to shame- mien of half his years. Six o'clock in the morning' rarely finds him abed, and an hour later he is celebrating mass in his private chapel. Not until eight o'clock does he dream of breaking his fast, and then he sits clown to a repast which many an office boy would despise — a meal (If meal it can be called) of coffeed n ilk a mi anda few of ITIS FAVORITE BISCUITS. Then he commences his real clay's work, reading the countless letters that reach him from every corner of the world, examining documents of all kinds, tackling grave problems of policy, and framing those wonderful "encycliques" of his. After three hours of such mental toil he enters on a more active phase of his daily task; receives in audience his Secre- taries of State, ambassadors, and seeretaries of congregations, hears their reports, and gives decisions and counsel with the clearness of head and quick grasp of a young man. Tho only food he indulges in for this exhausting work is a single cup of light broth taken at 11 o'clock, three , hours after his' vary slight breakfast. At two o'clock, after six hours of unbrolcen labor, ho sits down to the principal meal of the day, which never varies in nature. It consists of a slice of boiled meat, a simple toast dish, vegetables, and a little fruit, with an occasional glass of Bordeaux, of which a lib- eral supply is always provided by the arehbishop of that city. It is ono of the penalties of his exalted station that, though by na- ture a most sod -table, convivial man, ho must always eat alone when in the Vatican; and his simple 'meals have none of the flavor of wit and conversation which no ono could en- joy or contribute better than him- self. Itt summer time the Pope loves to eat his luncheon in a favorite summer house, a plain wooclon struc- ture in the Vatican gardens, and at its conclusion to walk for a time in the grounds, watching the garden- ers at work and gossiping with them in friendly fashion or noting the growth of his oranges, of which ho is so proud. HE HAS ITIS ANIMAL PETS, which he loves to feed, notably a beautiful gazelle, the present of one of his cardinals, which runs up to greet his master when he walks in the garden and takes food from his hands. When ho was younger Leo XIII., who in his early days was a keen and noted sportsman, would amuse himself by catching birds In a not - trap, but thio pastime has long ceas- ed to attract him. At six o'clock the Pope returns to his apartments to give private au- diences to bishops and any,mon of Mote who may be staying in Rome, These private audiences, marked as they are by a charming informality and grace of reception, aro much coveted by many of the world's greatest men, as a rnarlt of special u'granted to few, favor; but they y aro , and not by any means always to those who think they havo the great- est right to expect thein. At night o'clock in winter and nine o'clock in summer the Popo retires to his private apartments, and after reciting the Roasary with his pri- vate secretary and ono of his bowie-- 'hold louse'hold priests partakes of the last meal of the day, This, again, like its predecessors, is the plainest of repasts, consisting of an egg, Vege- tables, and a little .fruit. After this final meal Ito spends the interval be- fore bedtime in playing chess or in conversation with one of his were• tarlos or cardinals, and punctually at 11 o'clock retires to rest. Even SOW the active brain will not "al- ways allow him to sloop, and many a night he spends hours in pacing hie bedroom, reading or .musing. Twice a Week in winter the Popo receives in public audience any who wish to see bite, whatever their na- tionality or creed may be, chatting freely and kindly to each, and charm- ing all by his sweet and unaffected manner, Such in brief outline is the simple, industrious, gracious life of a man IvhoIn the world, regardless of differ- ences of creed, unites to admire, -- London Tit -hits, Wife "it woman's work is bevel' done." Thisbaill -- "You have en- tieipatod ria, clear; that shirt of mine lacks its needed buttons,!• LILI'E'S LTTTLI7 XLX.S, Are the Oros Which Caueo the Greatest Amount of Suffering, It is evory day ills that dletross Moet—those which salzo you sudden- ly end make you irritable, impa- tient and fault-finding, The, root of these troubles lips in thb blood and nerves, and you cannot get, rid of them until the blood has been made rich and pure, and the nerves strengthened and 400t11ed, Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills wilt do this, and will do it more speedily and with more lasting results than any other medicine. In proof of this Mrs, James Patterson, Ohilliwack, 11,0., says :—"My daughter was in poor health, and her system badly run down, She was pale, suffered from severe headaches, and very nervous, We decided to give her Dr, lvilllums' Pinks Pills, and after us- ing nix boxes, she is a strong, healthy girl. I gladly recommend tho pills in similar eases." These piffle cure all blood and nerve troubles, such as anaemia, neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble, rheumatism, St. Vitus' dance, par- tial paralysis, kidney troubles and the weaknesses which aflliet women. Be sure you get the genuine pills with the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," printed on the wrapper around the box. If in doubt, send direct to the Dr. Wlilliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont„ and the pills will be mailed, post paid, at 50e. per box, or six boxes for 52.50. UNKNOWN LANGUAGES. The aborigines of the Malabar Is- lands employ a perfect whistling lan- guage by means of which they can communicate with each other over long distances. A stranger wander- ing over the islands is frequently surprised to hear from a hill top the sound of loud whistling, which is quickly repeated on the next hill, and so is carried from summit to summit, until' it dies away in the distance. But perhaps the most curious means of communication in the world is the drum -language of a Congo tribe, These queer people can talk to each other with largo drums made of bamboo hoops, over which the skin of some animal is stretch- ed. Tho drum, however, is used on- ly on important occasions. TAKE A MOTI'TER'S WORD. Thousands of mothers in all party of Canada have written to say that Baby's Own Tablets aro the best medicine they have over used for the cure of the little ills that afflict all children. It is impossible to pub- lish all these letters, for they would more than 1111 a newspaper, but the following extracts aro a fair sample of what all mothers say about this medicine: Mrs. Jas. Hopkins, Tobermory, Ont. — "The Tablets are a blessing to botli: Mother and child." - Mrs. John Dobbio, St. Andrews East, Qua — "1 consklor it my duty to recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets to all niy friends who have eirildren." Mrs. A. Burns, Minitonns, Man. — "1 havo found ]Jaby's Own Tablets do all you claim for then]." Mrs, le. J. Como, New Brandon, N, Il. — "The Tablets too • just the thing for children; they niake then well, - cheerful.and happy." Mrs, E. H. Pitts, Ashnola, 13. C.— "I have found the Tablets a most satisfactory medicine for children. I always keep them in the house." Mrs. A. W. Higgins, North River, N. 8, - "I cannot praise the Tab- lets too much. They are the best medicine for children I have ever used." You can take the words of these mothers with every confidence, and you have a 'positive. guarantee that the Tablets contain no opiate or harmful drug. No other medicine gives asimilar guarantee. Sold by druggists or sent by mail at 25 rents a box by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- Ville, Ont, Liverpool corporation is consider- ing a scheme for building working- men's dwellings, to lot at a shilling a room per week. The idea is to make the house in a single piece in- stead of building it up brick by brick. The fronts, sides, floors, and roofs, are all to be' made in single parts, hoisted into position, and then bolted together. PRESCRIPTIONS UTTERLY U FAIL To cure itching and disfiguring skin diseases: But DR. MEW'S OINTMENT Cu RES no matter what other or how many other applications have failed, Madam used it and got well, and she keeps it :forher friends and her children, having learned it 'is. a nevorfail in the treatment of piles, and in tetter, salt rheum, ringworm, eezoma, barber's itch, and all skin eruptions. Price, 35c, The Sisters at St. Joseph's In. font Home, South Troy, N.Y., state: " Many children come to our hone- covered with eczeina, We Would lilte to buy your ointinent by the pound." Dr. 1Agnew'sl Liver Pills are the most effective pills—while milder in action, more quickly set- ting free the digestive canal, 40 dOSC9y I2ca i1 Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. 'apan tea drinkers try "Salada" Green tea, t -f There is clothing, medicinally speaking, so useful in cases of nerv- ous prostration as the poor and humble onion, says "What to Eat.", They aro almost the best nervine known, and may 130 used in coughs, colds and influenza, in consumption, scurvy and kindred diseases. White onions overcome sleeplessness, while red ones are an excellent diuretic. Eaton everyday they soon have a whitening effect upon the complex- ion, ii ST©JACI;1iS OIL POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND C +NQCER-S PAINO t -f • SMOTCELESS LONDON, The curious suggestion that it may be practicable to remove the smoke of great cities in a manner Some- what resembling that in which their sewage is disposed of has been re- cently made by Dr. W. N. Shaw. He calculates that about 7,000,000 tons of smoky air would have to be re- moved from London evory day in or- der to keep its atmosphere clean. It takes 1,000,000 tons'of water a day to carry off the sewage of London. Five hundred eloctrioally-driven fans, each delivering 200,000 cubic Poet of air per minute, would carry off all the household smoke. 1 THE CEIIDNT INDUSTRY. Plenty of Rooni in Canada for More Mills. A foto weeks ago there appeared in these columns an article relating to the l'oetlan•d cement industry Canada, That article was reprinted from the Teterboro Examiner, where- in it appeared as a letter to the editor of that paper, and Was not signed by the writer's proper name. It now tr•ansph'es that there were many misleading statements in the article referred to as would appear from the following which is . clipped from the Monetary Tinges "Tho writer evidently had not the courage to sign his name, and cer- tainly could not be -prompted by his interest in the investing pufelic, but is apparently interested in the cement business ; and seeks to mise lead the public by a -statement of outruns and malicious references to well F•nown business .nen, who aro connected with the content industry at Durham, Ont. 'lis data aro not correct as to the production and consnmptlon of cement in Canada, or the number of plants and their outputs. Of the ten concerns named to that nrtcle its producing 111i118 in 111011, not, ono of them is n pro clueing mill for this year, anti three of 011010 are not oven bucorporatod,. while several of the others have not got beyond the paper stage. "Itis reference to the gentlemdn of the .Durham enterprise is clearly 11- bclous, and insults the intelligence and honesty u y of business Hien in Can- ada, who have built a splendid mod- ern cement 111111, and who know that it has been honeaty and economical- ly built and every dollar properly accounted for, •Wo have good reason to believe that the organization that built the m111 at Durham aro in no way interested, as the Writer of that article intimates, in promoting any other cement 'milts in Canada, ex- cept the Durham and hull plants. 'This article refers• to the Monetary Tines' article on the same subject, published in December, but fails to call attention to the more recent ar- ticle •published by us after a" thor- ough investigation, which was given to stir readers in the issue of Jan- uary 16th. WO aro as anxious as anybody that unlikely industrial projects shall be discouraged, and "fake" ones exposed, but, wo have no sympathy with writers who in- dulge in personal abuse or who make mountains of untruth out of mole- hills of probability 1 order to gain a point. We see no reason to doubt that the organization, whieh has built the cement mill at Durham, be- sides several other successful ones in the United States, are entitled to the confidence of ."la. public. And wo consider thee 010.Fe lit room in Canada for mere cement hills than now exist, What is eesentfal, `how - eve', is that such mitis should be fitly placed, Vroperin hunt, and eco- nomically ntaneged," 11-04 There are very few cleans. ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used b advent. age. It makes the home bright and clean. t -f m,r.,,-...r.,ewET,r.e 113 SCHOOLBOYS MAY IinL.NIC. Ono of tho masters in a German school recently addressed the follow- ing query to the fathers of twenty- one of his pupils, whose ages range from fourteen to fifteen : "Will you allow your son to smoke and drink during the two days' gymnastic ex- cursion ?" Ton parents replied that on no account were their boys to smoke, while eleven answered that they might do so. In regard to drinking, all but one of the parents replied that they would allow it. The Mayor of a french town has an issuedr o oder that all Cats aro to be kept indoors for six weeks. This is owing to several people having been bitten by cats in the district, The inhabitants are perplexed as to how the order is to be obeyed, PORTLAND CEMENT • Everyone lnierestect-in Portland Cement will be Interested in a pamphlet issued by Mr. Thomas -MoLaughl:n, 16 ging St. west, Toronto. A copy will be sena free of charge on request. Glycerine has the property, extra- ordinary among liquids, of not evap- orating. Ask for Minard's and take no other. During the nineteenth century Lon- don grew from 800,000 people to nearly 6,000,000. In the same per- iod New York increased from a town of 60,000 to a city of over 3,000,- 000. At present London is growing 17 per cent, in a decade, and Now York 85 per cent, DOCTOR'S COSTLY 1f1I1It010, 'Tearing of the officaoy of the Rantgen rays for the removal of hairs from the upper lip, a lady 14 Hanover, aged thirty-five, applied to Dr, Bruno ,S" churmayor, a properly qualified doctor and Rontgen ray specialist, for treatment. Ile operat- ed twice, but instead of removing the superfluous hairs the operation re- sulted in the shin of the face becom- Ing rod and the lips swollen, The ladt thereupon brought an action against the doctor and was awarded S75 damages, against which he ap- pealed, hut the decision has Just been upheld. siow's MIs t We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward ler any case of Uatarrlt that cannot be cured by Ball's latarrlt Uure. P. J. UliIONIGY 4. Do., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have ]known 10, 1, Uhoney tor the last 13 year's, and believe him perfectly honorable 3n all business transactions and financially able to Barry out any obligations made by their Lrm, tr bi i'1' & T11 UA X, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALDINC, IS INN AN & I1AIIVI57, Wholesale Druggists, Toted?, ITall'e Oatarrh Cure Is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. !'rice 71u. per bottle. :loll by all druggists. Hall's Family !'ills aro the best. 1-32 Miciger — "Is it true that Pidger is financially embarrassed?" Didger —"Ho is awfully in debt, but it doesn't seem to embarrass hint." NO. 4 SOON CLEANED IT UP. leordwich, Jan', 5, 1003• Massey -Harris Co., Limited., Toronto. Dear Sirs, Tho No. 4 Pinder worked through thick and thin this last season, The grain was badly tangled and lying down, but the No. 4 noon cleaned it up, I am more than pleased with if, as I did not expect it could do the work so clean this season the shape the grain was in, but it made no dif- ference ; the real brought all lying --stuff toh the elevators. I "i wishY ou a most prosperous Now YeaC. WM. IS, ETTINGER, 4 - The The pulse of that ratlike animal, the hamster, beats 150 times to the minute in summer, but in winter, when the creature hibernates, this rate decreases to 15 times a minute. 3-'" In casks of about 65o Herrings; $t.6o per too by the cask, or 61,70 per too in smaller quantities. Labrador Herrings in half barrels, $3.00. THE DAWSON COMMISSION _ CO., LIMITED, TORONTO. t -f , A Venezuelan railway, from Car- acas to Valencia, has 86 tunnels in 55 miles. _.f Mlnard'sLiniment Lumberman's Friend She—"What a keen little creature that Miss Wisely is." Ike—"Yes, she cuts me every time there is a chance.' • Keep Minard's Liniment in the House, The Siberian Railway makes it possible to reach Pekin from Paris in 18 to 19 days, For Orrr Sixty Years. As 010 AND Watt -Tam E016DY: — Mrs WJ1ulow'e Soothing Syrup has boon used for ores sixty years} by millions of mothers for their oalldred wit1le tedthiug• with perfect success. It soothes the 'ehid softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind collo, add Is the best remedy fur Dlarrlmea, Ispleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists 111 every part of the ,or'd. Twenty&re outs a bottle Its value le incalculable. Se sure and ask for Mrs. window's Soothing Syrup and Wm 1I0 other kind. 1.1g LETTERS AS FUEL'. Two Poles have o been sent to fail at Springfield, Illinois, for rifling a mail sack. They declared that they had no intention of robbery, but that finding the sack on the station platform they abstracted the letters and made a bonfire of them. The night was bitterly cold, and they wished to keep warm. SHfiJBENACADIE'S FAMOUS CURE; STORY OF ALICE Mt PARKER, How Bright's Disease was Vanquished by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mother of the Girl Tells the Story in Full. Terrible Struggle With Most Deadly of .Kid- ney Diseases. Step by Step the Monster was Driven Back Till Medical Science Triumphed. From Mail and Empire, Shubenacadie, Ilants Co„ N.S„ Fob. 6.—(Special)—This little town, which has been brought out of obscurity and thrust into the broad glare of public notice by the almost miraculous cpro of a young girl of Bright's Disease, takes its now - found fame with a sort of mild sur- prise. All the village knows Alice Mated Parker, all thought. that a few months ago she was sick beyond tho hope of recovery, that Bright's Disease had her in its clutches, and ^once that monster had fastened on a victim the only relcaso was death; and all know that to -day she is a comely maiden of fifteen, with health beaming from every feature and speaking itt hor every movement, And all havo heard time and -again that this remarkable change was brought about by that old reliable Oanadian remedy, Dodd's ICidney Pills. Yet it is with something like surprise that they hear . the noise the euro has made in the outsido world. The thing that has come as a revelation to the world has cone; on them day by day, 00 gradually that they [art to grasp its mitgnl tude, BEYOND ALL DOUBT. But as to the cure itself. Of that there is no possible doubt, The facts are all easily obtained and can bo sworn to, not only by the Parker fancily, but by a 'hundred other people who watched tho girl gradually sinking into the grave, and saw her snatched from its very mouth. I0 was Mrs, T. G. Parker that your correspondent., found at home when ho celled. rigs. Parker is a bright, intelligent woman, ono whose bravo and honest face tells that Oho could act quieltiy fit' an emer- gency, and whose every word and action show hor honesty of purpose. Her face brightened when spoken to 01 her daughter's remarltable case: lyes," she Bald, emphatically, "my daughter had Ileig'ht's Disease In its Worst stage, Two of the best 101091'8 in this 'leinliy gn.ye 11ei' ed her." Asked to begin at the be- ginning, and tell the complete story of the case, she complied. willingly, for she felt, she said, that all the world should .know -,how her daupit- ter escaped from the supposedly fatal Bright's Disease, and that she owed her escape to Dodd's kidney Pills," and to no other agency. T1131 MOTHER'S STORY. "Alice," Mrs, Parker began, "was always a delicate child from her. birth. When she was twelve years old 'sic was not any larger than an ordinary child would be at eight years old. But like many delicate children, Alice pulled along as deli- cate children will, till .July, 1900. She was then thirteen years old. Om July 7th she was taken serious- ly ill. Her eyelids swelled till she could hardly see, her legs swelled from. her ankles to hor knees. I took her to a doctor, and ho said she had Bright's Disease, and could not live long. The doctor tended her for about six weeks, but as she grew worse, I stopped the doctor and tried different kinds of patent medicines, But all the time she Just got worse and worse. Her suf- ferings had by this time become so great that I again turned to the doctors. This time I tried another ono: - He had no hesitation in .'pro- nouncing her disease Bright's Drs- ease of the worst kind, BELT MEASURED 48 INCISES. "By this time Alice was in a ter- rible state. 'Ser belt in health measured twenty inches. When sho was at her worst -it was forty-eight inches, ':ler flesh was hard and looked ready to burst. Tho doctor, who was a very nice man, said he could not do anything. It looked" as if all that was left for my daugh- ter was to go on suffering till death came to her relief, "She was in this terra 1 h e state when site chanced to read some tes- timonials es to what Dodd's Kid- ney Pills haddone for others, She showed them to nte, and I grasped at this last chance to help hm', as a drowning elan grasps at a straw. 'IOW THE CU1UI BEGAN. "She began taking Dodd's Kidney Pills on November 25th, and before she had finished the first box I could see a change for the better. ]ly December 19th there was a mark- ed improvement in her condition, but there was a large gathering across the small of her bade and ready to lance, When it was opened it emitted a quart of matter, be - settee blood and water. Again we feared for her life, and again the doctor Wared me that aloe might die at alty moment, But my faith in Dodd's Kidney Pills had grown, and all through that long winter she took them regularly, and under the treatment continued to gain in strength till by April her back was Well, and the swelling had all left her, though her urine when tested was milkey 'and at Limas it would curdle. "Still she was vastly improved, and I was greatly encouraged, and continued to give her the Pills till November, when she appeared to be perfectly well and was growing faster then she had done in years." it NIOARLY FATAL MISTA111131. At this point Mrs, Parker near] trade -a fatal Mistake,d She stopped the 1's. of 1)etld'o ;Kidney Pilis be - up to diet Dodtl'5 Kidney frills cur- tot: ilia dine bad boon Oholu'lgll • ALICE AfAUD PARIC R. Whose remarkable recovery froth Bright's Disease has set alt Canada talking. ly cleared out of the system. Thele could only bo one result. Tho Bright's Disease gradually regained its hold on its victim. "And," said Mrs• Parker, continuing, "to our great surprise, in January. 1902, the swelling came ,back, (Phis time, though, I knew what to do. I sent at once for six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills.. ,She began .at once to takethem, and gradually the dread monster fell back before the great remedy. 11y tho time she had taken four boxes the swelling began to leave. This time I made no mistake. I kept right on with tho treatment till every vestige of the disease had disappeared, till my daughter was given back to 'me, not as the puny, delicate child she was before her siakness, but as ,you see her now, a big, strong, healthy girl of fifteen, full of vim and go, ready to hold her own in the. straggle of life. r DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID IT, "And all this I charge to Docld's Kidney Pills, and to nothing else. The doctors told me my daughter could not live. When they knew I was giving her Dodd's Kidney Pills• they said that if they cured her it would be ono of the greatest mir- acles in the world, for the like had never been in this provinceor any- where else. And Dodd's Kidney Pills did cure her. I gave her 70 boxes of them altogether, but they gave her life in return, and I feel that I cannot say enough for Dodd's Kidney Pills." P3118 SUIIMING UP. This is the story of the fant.ous Bright's Disease cure, as told by the mother of the sufferer herselt, There can be no doubt as to the truth of the story,. S001es of people corro- borate it. The case was 'thoroughly diagnosed by skilled physicians, who unhesitatingly pronounced it ]fright's Disease, Neither can there bo any doubt es to what caused the euro. It was Dodd's Kidney !'ilia. For, after the doctors had givon' the patient up for lost, Ilodrd s Kidney Pills were the only medicine used, The, tact remains that Bold's Kidney Pills have cured Bright's Disease. And if Dodd's Kidney Pills can and do 'eine Bright's Diseaab, which is the worst stage of Kidney Disease, how sure must 1t be that they ate a so'eoreign remedy for those earlier stages of Kidney Disease from which thousands of alto Canadian poopi3 ole su8eringt , 822 ACRES WITHOUT A HITCII:I Wolfe Island, Sept.' 4, 1902 Massey -Harris Co., Limited, Toronto. Gentlemen, --I purchased one of your No, 4 Binders, 7 ft. cut, from Agent R. J. Spoor; and am well pleased with it, having cut my crop of 822 acres without a -hitch or mistake with a span of horses of medium size. The binder worked so easy and handled the crop so per- fectly that I would not hesitate to purchase a similar one 8 ft, cut, if such were built, I can recommend a Massey-Ilarris 710. Binder to any of my neighbors. JAMES W, O'BRII'EN; The first strike in the United States was that oS 800 shoemakers in Philadelphia 10 1786. Nothing is more certain than that the blood can be purified by tilo use of Dr. Ifoenig's hamburg Drops. They strengthen the digestive or- gans, regulate the bowels, cure liver complaints, dyspepsia and constipa- tion. Germany has 1,420 daily papers. Of these 760 are published in Prus- sia, and 218 in Bavaria. Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal. An engine -driver working front Crewe to London and back has to notice no fewer than 570 signals. Minard's liniment Is used by Physicians The peat bogs of Ireland could give an annual output of 100,000 electric horse -power for the next 1,- 250 ;250 years. MINARD'S LINIMENT is .the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people use 1t. HARLIN FUI,TON, Pleasant Bay, C,D, 8-59 Oysters are very expensive in Bee -r lin. Seventy-five cents a dozen ;e • the ordinary price. 4R AnMinAtme FOOD .15 Q e OGMATeer 1-18 Dyeing ! Moaning For the very boot dead your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN OYE1110 CO." Look for agent In your town, ar send direst, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Qucbete 1-44 s$ e 3 P m fie} u' Y nta Drums Uniforms Etc. EVERY Tow CAN DAVE A BAND Lowest pr(011, Over quoted. 'rind oaialegue. 500.illnatsatlona, mailed tree Write us for any. thing in Haste or Unites I Instruments. 'HALEY.ROYCE. &` CO., 'limited. Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man. 1.10 Latest Novelties, ail styles. Correspondence invited-, En- close 2c stamp for circular, riM UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY Co., r, 0. Box 1142, Montreal. 6-57 " itaotlti5e+i,tl. tti 'u Mtothteccstaukaresece Any quantity'of ;ley. mixed we'd 011115blefor' b1•iok burning, for barlYdellvrrY. Mete rash. Woe, r.0,i''. you's'5-on. Address, 31MI80N, 1011(11c0, 1 Toronto 8t., Toronto. Tele. phone Mein !707. 7-19 Have You See It Wheat 4 Leo'. Pilotless Rooien-5010eecrult for the fronto perm and el•.ory dop4,0000n1 of 1s,s io (4(4aaver. 1G1 001110. emt 20 dont,. l,TLhay tofu 8,lod 1110.0y is cot' worth a. A 0odsids line cur MnVA't^te-h1Vllllnra ttugt8 PFptu1toroi01oate, - t . . Ai9>tll'l6®re. >l,Ilii�l 5t�s�1na1lI�3S Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to ego, noel. Pertlnnd to Liverpool, Vie Quetne. Urge and Feststaams(npe, se,orlor ao1ommdniion 0 ter all 0q1.,0, bf lltOongore, saloons 1,11,1 stntornorns Aro amItl,hip , 8pe0 kl attention hon teen slum t0 the likened Sateen and 1'hlrtl.Olauu oeebmmotletied, loot, reteaofn�hsinek and all 1attlmhlars, apply to one mope) ditho'o1nhpany,or' r -i, illebbhts, MI110 k tie, Iy.lorrasoe k do. 884ti$tv,Soitehr , hfontrutland 1''drtlbn{l,