HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-12, Page 5• 0 t • 0•.• mmt. 12, NOS BUSINESS CARDS. 0,0440144,010, 40...1440.1,,I41/00611004142.2a THE BRUSSELS POST I‘SONEY TO LOAN AT 0 PD11 omit, Y. S. 8(10'.1.7, Briteeele, ----- LAT IL 1100JIA.OKUN— Y Y a leaner of Marriage Lieouses, Of - Hee tit Grocery, Turnherry r -trout, Brussels, M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, wAi.roN, onir. OTONNOR, IY . GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT for Dome of the bed and eldest Conmatties in Canada for Vire Accident and Elate Ginn, Office over 1, C. ltichard'e store, Brussels, 18.m MISS JEAN MIAUCHLIN, -TEAORER OF - PIANO - AND ORGAN, fa7M7.-.Z, °ITT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- ittleaRANOTC, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. E Estelle Griffin -TEAMED DE 'EDDIE CULTURE Pupil of Miss Eva 14, Roblyn, of London. Pupils prepared for Conservatory exists i 1 visit Brussels every Tuesday. Lessons given at the home of W. R. Kerr, John atreet, IL LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRM INSURANOE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 4,i, 11 or 5 Per Cent. Mee over Horsley's Drug Store, Nov. 8rd, 19(12. 80r8in Brussels, Wellington Mutual • Fire insurance C8., 1i8TAIILtiolED 184.0 InsUranoo taken on the cash and premium note system at eurrent rates. Br fore:Maur- ing elsewhere call on the 'undersigned Agent of the Company. GICOIIGE ROGERS, Brassels, AUCTIONEERS. 1-41 S. SCOTT AS .AN AUOTION- X • NEN. will sell for better Itrioes, to better men, in less time and less charges than any other Anetinneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at We office or by personal application. T° WHOM IT MAY C °NOBEL- - The undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout the meat part of the County and who has bad business with a large °U- M° of farmers In and around this locality, begs to inform the community that be has taken out au Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron and offers his serving to all purposing to hold Mee. Taos, NEWSOME, Brussels. VETERINARY. D. 'Pi/AMUCK— . Limier Girrlume of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, Is prepared to toed all dis- eases of domeaMcnted aulmalu in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Offee and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turuberry et., Brunets. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W M. SINOLAIR— V Barrister, Fiolioitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, dre: Offee-StewarPs Block 1 door North 0? Central Rotel. Soliottor for the Standard Bank, G. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- ,. ICITOR, &o, BRTJBSELS.- Union over Atandard Bank Solicitor for Township of Grey, flowiolt Mutual and the Metropolitan Bank, Private alai Company money to loan at lowed rates, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 88. D., c. 01.,• Trinity tinivereitY, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member -College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal tego of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh, tarTelophoue No.14, Residence -Mill etreet,Bressels, DENTISTRY • DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Etirgeons Of Ontario and Pirst.class Senor Graduate of Toronto Uoiversity, Offiee next to BrOWer a Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. IT'S ALL RIGHT and Students may enter LiSTIOWL 6d0 at any time.. SPRING wunad amass MAR, 00, Two aoursee-commereial and Shorthand. Send for College Journal. 0. A. FLEMING, 3.. L, MoINTYRE, President, beeretitry, SHIN LES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles North Sliore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE ikr THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Beth of all Pat Mile on hand or made to order at Short Roams. Detimatee Famished for all kinds of Bniklinge. Woricnattn- ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMENT, Tit-rstr,ID-12-'"'tatt;:sliaz=al*,/lr.43DzAT Grant that the ert te petition ho approved, at etomese by wise end judielone advertising. e el the funeral took place rr.un !h. Pk• there le a tnejarity at the raparere ff Take what epees yen 0108 ait'd, conct tratcidee• ef Ole mother, Main 'Won ert, EAstga TERm interested in nip tome, awl that et By- by the year, watch it, chattg.e the in tater Timone i t , the Exeter oemetet y. _ Regina April let p law be /leased appenisiti4 Jae Roger very freguentiv, and son .vill 1111011 110ed . . o engineer to examine and report 01 same, snore room for your Ettore on i m ,re apace d Scutu• ItaroUT -The following is the r • •1standing of the pupile in 8, 8, Na, 10, for " the month of February me ascertained by • „ exantinatlOne l-iiir.IV.-0eall (Mutts 71 ; ' Percy Baker 70 ; Roy [Attune, 69 ; .Robt. f CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. 1' An exeelleut time to commence it 00(1100e of study so as to he ready to I FIC1100148 3.0110 NOT ALIKE I Got hiked p a g000sitioo in the Wall. ALL our Catalogue BEFORE DAUIDING TO GO ELSNW11111101. Mail Convene in Shorthand, Buok-kceping, Penman- ship, & Ir ELLIOTT,W. J. Principal, Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met in Wirighem on Tuesday Msrob 3rd, Dr. J. L. Kerrey was appointed Hame lire -ion Convener, and Rev. D. Perms Augmentation Convener for the miming r ear. Reports on Sabbath toabool, Young Peoples'' aocieties and Church lile and work were read and for the fuller discus• slots of the last named it was agreed to hold at Conference at next regular meeting of Presbytery on t"l'he Cjnatifia inane for edmiesion to the Lord's Supper." Rev. Dr. Norway and Chas. Campbell were appointed membere of the Synod's Committee on Bills stud Overiuree. Dr, R bort Johnston, of Londe.), W48 nominated to fill the chair of Systernatio Theology rendered vacant by the death of Principal MaoVioar. It was agreed to recommend to the Home hl faction Committee for work John Stecvart and Joeeph McCormick, Art etn.ients MoGill ()allege. Welton Congregation reported an in. armies of $100 00 in etipaod and the Presbytery agreed to apply on their behalf fur $75 00 augmentative for the ensuing year. Rev, m ev, W. J. West wite granted per's. 010,1 to moderate in a call to Wroxeter when the congregation is ready. A. like permithion was granted Itev. S. M. Wholey for Duogrannon and Port Albert, Rev, Andrew AtioNab, of 'Welton, on recommendation of committee appoint. ad for the purpose, was unanimonely elected Cleric and Treasnrer of the Presbytery in room of Rev. 13, B. G. Antlers .11, resigned. The following were Appointed Dena. mia,ionere to the General Aseembly Maloolm, NloRae, MaoNab, and Weet, uthillatere, and Messrs. MaKeroher, of WroXeter, and Maxwell, of Bluevale, elders. The next regular meeting of the Persia% tory will take plain in Wingham on Tuesday the 19th of Bitty at 1 80 p. tn. The Preehjterial W. F. M. S. meeting will take place in Wingliem on the same day. ANDREW YAONATI, Presbytery Clerk. Grey Council Meeting. *0000.00 DENTING. The municipal Council! of the Town. chip of Grey; Met at the' Township Ball,. Ethel, Felainary' 28sh, 1903, pureuttnt to adjoutturnerrt. at others present, Reeve in the ohair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Moved by Prager, seemdrd by Grant that the Auditors' Report be reoeived as at:trent, Clerk to have 60 maples printed for dietribution, Carried. Bylaw No. 200 re Pathmatiters was read three times rind filially paesed. r Moved by Work, seconded by Grant, that Adam Turnbull and William Frasehi. ! delegates to the Good Roads Convention to be held at Clinton on on the 4th of klarah, 1908, Carried, Pothmaeters for 1908, -North Boundary - George Mo. Duuald, John MoLennan, Andrew Doig, Henry Armstrong, Hamm Cummings, and Samuel MoGaorge. Oons. 1 & 2- James Outt, J,.ha White, Edward Bryan, Job L. King, John McDonald, Thomas Cummings, George Coats, and Distils' Byers. Oone. 8 & 4-Duooao Taylor, Alex. McDonald, John Lake,. Joseph Rgyeard, John Dunbar, Vim. Bremner, Daniel Spinet, Robt. Pirie, Cone. 5 & 6 -John Oliver, 7.'rutinan Smith, Wm. Bateman, Geo. Welsh, Robt. 13tair, J. F. Oohing, Ohm. Hud,on, and John F. BeIrnee. Coes. 7 & 8-4,10x. Stewart, Neil NI, Thohortison, Angus Lamont, Peter Lamont, D, W. Thittbar, David Milne, Robert Bremner, Wm, Young, Chas. Kerr, and L. A. Maser,. Cone. 9 & 10- Wtn. Armetroug, Robert McCallum, John Hollinger, Joseph Cater, John Brown, Isaac Lake, J. II.' Baker, and Ohaa, (heaver. (Jona. 11 113 12 -John Davidson, George Calder, Jas. A, MoLanablit, Peter Baker, Jim. Knight, Levi Whitfield, Jae, Denman (bliud line) and J. Deucanson, Cons. 08 & ]4 -Wm. liatohie, Wm Blake jr„ David Clark, joins MoNab, Jacob Ziegler, Teesdale Whitfield, Albert Whit. field, Robt. Bowen and (S. R. D.) Robt, Miter. Oons. 16 & 16 -Andrew iffielop, Wm, Telter, 3110008Houeton WOOfin, George Dunlap, Alexander doKay, George MoKay, Cone. 17 & 18 -Joseph Bennett, 301.110 Smillie, Wm. Dunoenson,, Enoch Cllark, Charles Case, Alfred Small, Wm, Matthau, Simnel MoPherson, and Hugh Ritinsey, Gravel Road-Samnel Seen, Jas, Straohen, James Parr, Deo, Mo. Furtado, Wm Oakley and With' Sholdlae. Graham's survey --Janne Dudley, (Wal- ton vitiage) R. H. Ferguson, Moved by Ftheer, asoonded hy Grout, that the fol. lowing Roo, tints bo paid ;-J.' 14, Davies, salary as •auditor, 910 Jas. A. Mo. Lauohlie, eatery as auditor, 910 ; Alex. Stewart, polling booth No. 8 Referendum vote 04 ; Alex. Stewart, polling booth Nu. 8, Municipal election $9 ; Wellington Fogal,thitte in Hall $9, Carried. Moved by Grants 000011(188 by Work, that the Connell do now adjournth meet 011Marab 4th. Carried. JOHN Olerk. The Coulson met pureneut to adjourn. et, on Metall 4th, the Reeve in the air and all the members were present cent Messrs, Turnbull and Fraser, who raatkendin()maven.. O ihe Good Roade maven. n 0,i Clinton, Minntee of previous ding read and adopted. There being oppintle against the Bolton Drain 131, Wit was moved by Grant, 800011(00(0 by ark that By.lew No. 199 be read the rd time and finally painted. Carried. red by Wotk, we -ended by Grant, thatt tender of Crowley & McDonald On Looking Drain, at 1I oente per oubio .00 per engineer'e estimate, be accepted. tried, Moved by Grant, thoonded by thitt the tender of John Nichol/son, $1480, for the Kreuter Drain be eatiept. Carried. Petition ot George E. Mas arid ethers for it Murtieipal Drain was muted. Moved by Work, eeoonded by 00 012 0we 00tiO Vie 110e L thi AsIo the the 31d Ga We of ed. 00 pre Carried, There being no puma with• in tite papers. Tlff 'Advice) tendere drawn from the Lemont Drain petition the wholeealer, manulacturer and jobbe it wee moved by Wol•k, seconded by ae well 00 the small retailer, They ea Grant that the Id tgineer's report au read attract attention by a liberal 1280 01 adver on the Lemont Drain be adopted, and tieing Blume in eat honest trade newepape' thet a 13y law be prepared and starved on Piet the game as the email retailer can b patties interested. Carried On motion taking opera:, In the daily or weekly newe- r"( Work and Grant 1110 following aertonnte paper, were ordered to be peid c -George Weleb, Judielons advertleing will develop any 61 cords of wood for Twp, 910 60 ; mercantile besinees that has a right to John Savege, gravelling on eide reed 8 exist. Can, 3, $23 John Curtain, work on cootraet 14 h eon, drain, 9114 00. On motion of Work and Grunt Coupon ad. journed to meet at mill of Reeve. acing MoIterosu, GD.v. TI1B SMALL ADVERTISER. By J. Troy. In THE CANADIAN 010000114, There seeme to be an Wee prevalent that advertising is for large dealers only. This belief has kept many a email mer chant from improving hie opportunities 10 this direction. Needy, if not all, the large retail merchants of the present day have become so by extensive edyertieing. The advertising which they have done may not be the sole mimeo' their mimeo, but it has been the greeted coutribilting cause. Nearly all large enterprisers, whioh are now meeting with well deserved severe a teak of pneomonie, threatening anomie, have bogun on a emelt sole. serious results, bee almost fully recovered Their advertieing was done in a 001.111 mod has returned to town, way, bat it has been kept up day after GenrgeCudmore, Huron etreet, narrow• day end year after year. ly escaped serif:sue injury. Re was d iv. Hood bueinere methods, untiring induct. lug a bore° attached to a load of wood try and good advertieing are the facture about two miles West of town and while whioh bring Burmese in baeiness. walking along beside the rig the load cap - Do not be 00001(0 of being overshadowed eised, at the same time throwing the by the big advertiser. The big advertiser horse and pinning Mr. Cedmore to the of the present perhaps may have been tt ground. Having the gee of one hand be small advertiser only a few years ago. eventually managed to free himself from Many times the well worded reader of only hie uncomfortable poeition, hut he was a few !Mee, or the email display advertise. badly need hp having enetained several meat will teach the es es of more readers bodily iejartes. thee the pretentious dieplay of the larger The sad news of the death of -Thos. M. store, It tells the people you bave goods White, of Windsor, num as a shriek to to sell end what you will eell them for. not only the family here, but also his That is all the big store can gay. many friends. The deceased who was Nine times out of ten it ie the price that stricken with para'ysis Tuesday, died on sells the goods, so don't be afraid to tell Friday night, Feb. 27. Mr. White was your story to the public. if you tell 10 10 one of the beet known men in Wiudeor, the right way and personae no deception it Some twenty years ago he went to Wind. will be only a question of a very little time sin from Exeter, and established the until you will begin to receive Adequate Review newspaper, which he conducted retains on your investment in advertising up to ',bout nine years ago, when be was specie. The dealer, be he the corner gro forced to retire from active work owing oer or the largest dealer in general mer. to illnees. He went to Colorado for a obendiee in the oity, who will sell staple time, and came back multi improved in or speaial articles, quality considered, for health, but at Intervale since hie heart the least money, and lets the people know troubled him, and he was unable to en. it, will reoeive the patronage, gage in hie former ocompation. Mr. If the small dealer boys his node right White has had charge of the airoulation he can Bell them right prices. Sub of the Detroit Free Precis in Windsor, scribe for a reliable trade tamper, sernteniee Walkervine and Soodwich for the past the market reports carefully, therein you six years. Mr. White was 47 years old, will find all the necessary fetes mation to and le survived by a widow and two sone, enable you to buy your goods right. He was son of the late John White, of Every ally has plenty °humn' leitehow the Exeter name, and was well liked by ng how small dealers in all kiode of all who had the pleasure of hie acquaint =rehandle° have made their buliness a aim. Elie remains were brought here Ifixttel Handford & Elliott shipped entrant carload of borne to Winnipeg. Many will buten with regret of 1118erions illness of Mrs. A. (bebop o Uthorne, her condition at present being very low. Fred.E liot, who recently returned from Neloon, 13. 0 , is again in charge of the law affirm formerly oonriuoted by Metiers, Elliot & Gladmen. Mies E. Pennine Johnstone and 3. Walter Montoya will appear io 0 high oleos concert at Gidley's Opera Howie, on tptinreday, Mathis 19 h, nos Mint, jr,, of town and Henry Dearing, of Stephen, have teamed the Centralia Creamery for a term of years aud will oommence beelines in that line about the middle of April.. Bobt. Leathorne, who wag striolcen down in London peyeral week4 ago with Salter (17 Clara Rithwell 64; Arthur Denman 62 ; Celia Rothwell 60 ; Genie Hallenbeck 60 ; Sophia Sperling 48 Femmes Baker 39 ; Leona Taylor 35 Lyse Keane 33 Wilbert Evans 40; Curtis Rothwelt 24 Jr. EV. -Rey Ox toby 60 ; May Oxtoby 68 Sr. IIL-Jas, Matte 51. Ititer. III -Robt Fogel 45O ; Roy Taylor '26 Jr III -Grath Bpeirao 55 ; Louie Engler 50 ; Irene Fogal 48 ; • Cheater Bicker 46 ; Mary Taylor 40 ; Ruth Engler 86. Sr. II -Charlie Bet try 63 •, Florence Whitfield 57 ; Jesese Oempuell 55 ; Mamie Daman 640 Eva Bothwell 501; Willie Speiran 50; Stanley flutehinsou 49; Melvyn Oxtoby BO ; John Hollenbeek43 Jr. 11 -Pearl Ox• why 60 ; Mug& Word 49 ; Percy Ward 47 ; James Doull 44; Luella Henry 28 Fir. Pt. IL -Alma Speiran 81 • Kent Denman 72 ; Myrtle tipeiran 6E3 •, Li y Evans 64 ; George Evans 48 WIelrId Whitfield 46. Jr. Pc, II -Russell Cowie ; Willie Ward 36, Pc.I.-Alex. Hyde, Marguerite Eintobumon, Minnie Hwang, Freddie Cox Hartwell Speirae Average attendance 86. S. B. LAMONT, Teacher. Stout wear • 1 Shoes, Easy prices. "ow- • For hard wear you need good stout shoes, not too heavy .‘• but heavy enough, at easy prices. NVe have medium -weight women's shoes, good to keep the feet dry in all kinds of weather, warm, com- fortable and wear -resisting. Easy on the feet, easy on the purse. • Nobody need go without • good shoes at these prices:- -Women's Heavy Shoes from. q 0 95 to $1 25 --Women's Dongola Laced or Buttoned Shoes 1 25 to 300 Onr Spring goods are being opened up and we have something both neat end dnroble to offer you and will be pleased to show you them. ta'•Repaire in Shoes and Rubbery done neatly. IN OUR HARNESS DEPARTMENT we have a large stook of Heavy and Light Harness at Lowed Prices. Balatme of our Eolith and Blankets at reduced prioes. Trunks and Satohele, a Two ecito of Second Hand Bingle Harneee at a bargain. estieresticartii, About 1 onloak Saturday Morning fire was discovered in The San Printing Offiae, in the Strong block. The plant whiah was valued at $3,400 le almost a total loss ; inenred in Perth Mutual for 02,500. The Oyster Bay restaurant, next door, together with the household effects owned by Oscar Neil, were partial. ly damaged by smoke mid water ; oever. ed by insurance in the Manchester. Damage to building light ; (muse of lire unkuown. 1-21.esti. David McGill, who bag been a resident of Blyth for the peat three years, has removed his family to his farm in East Wawanosh, The Epworth League of the 151,thodiet chnroh are eonducting a series of avenge liana meetings in the baitement of the ohntedi every night daring this week. Al the annnaloonvention of the Auburn Union Sabbath School A.esooiation, held at Auburn on February 20th, Rev. J. Ed moods, rector of Trinity cherish, Blytb, was elected Preeident. Over a year ago Fred. Haggitt waa thrown from a load of loge and his feet so badly injured that he has since been unable to worlc. He carried a policy in the Canada Accident Assurances Oo., and the other day received a cheque from them for 9260, the sense being for 52 weeks disablement at 95 per vitek. Another change has taken place io the management of the Bank of Hamilton branch at Blyth. The new manager is 7'. W. Soott, Who, for many years, hes been one of Blythe most progressive business men. Mr. Sport entered upon his new denim' on Tuesday of last week. H. V. Holmee,twho has been manager tor the past six menthe, hag been promoted to the management of the agencies at Gerrie and Teeswater. W m . Simon Mitchell has returned home from Iowa. The rnembers of Wingham Counoil, No. 114, R. T. of T., permits organizing ali eloouttou olaoe A. fine piano has been placed in the lecture room of the Methodist church, for use at Sunday school, League, and other servioes. The Commit instruoted the Mayor and Clerk to invite the Huron Old Boy_ ,e of Toronto, to run their excursion to Wing - ham this year. The Congregational Church property was offereed for eale by public auction. The highest bid was $950, and as the reserved bid was not obtained, the proper. ty Woe not eold. Alex. Rose has dispoeed of his station. sty and wall paper bueinese to W. Cooper & Go., of Clinton, retaining the txpress and telegraph parts of the businese ; the °aloes for these will remain in the eame (Dore, for the present at least. DEATII OF JAA188 GROVES -The death of James Groves, marred at hie rendeme on Viotoria street on Friday, 2ith tilt„ in hie 83rd year. Deceased was one of the eariy pioneers and was welltknowti. He ie !survived by hie widow and two sone, John P. Grover], of town, and W. E, Groves, of Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs. John Mowatt, of town. The tuner. I took place on Sunday afternoon to the ingbarn cemetery and W8,9 ander the fraction of Wingliam L. O. L„ of whioh society deceased had been it member for many yeare. 1. C. Fe/CHARDS am,:0011.11.1111 NEW HARDWARE STORE mosson The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that they have opened up a CHOICE NEW STOCK of----wir HJ and HEAVY PAINTII HARDWABB, 0 1 1 , inlbe Simpson Bled, Ethel, which be sold at Reason- able Prices. `-teseeMllps,... Wo have oleo a Tinware Department and will keep a first Owls Tinemit h. A Specialty meds of Repairing and Eavetroughing, Our motto will be Good Goods and Careful Attention to Busieese. A SHARE OF PATRONAGE ASKED FOR. 'MAHER &s RITCHIE, lettovv . Thezowict, BUSINESS COLLEGE --Shwa the Listowel Business College aaMe tinder the management of A. L. McIntyre, abcut a year and a half ago, it hag ationeded iu (swimming previous' diffieulties and in restoring public confidenee, and hue made steady progress until today It is an in. stitution of oonsiderablo importance:I. At present there are thirtptive pupile in attendance, besidee which twenty four are attending the night classes. The best evidence of the exoellent work whioh the College ie doing ie the testimony of the pnpile themeelvee, who speak highest tame of the management and facilities offered for aeoiring a bneitiess training in any and all branolsee taught. Mr, McIntyre, manager, personally aonduote the oommereial course, while Mies Ter. hung 10 in charge of the shorthand and type writing departments, The College is certainly doing all that it is designed to do in fitting young men and women for businees oboupations and it even dime more an the high moral tone of tbe inetitution ottnnot bat be a benefloial aid in moulding the aberaoters of its 'Andante, and thne bending them oat better equipped to discharge the dutiee of eitizenehip as well REI filling their pool. tions in business life. A literary sooiety, whioh bats been formed in conneotion with the College, affords mental onitore and entertainment for lie member* of which there are thirty at present, The aoolety holds debates, intorepereed with a mtutioal program, every Wedneedey afternoon after College hour% A piano hue been secured for the use of the society, The College will award militia at Eaeter, for which the sturiente Are preparing. The 101111111.1MmallMPPI1.41111111181110111011111.0111111111880.HWOMIlletaSpring terra opens Maroli 80th, thougb . etnclottte may entor any time, An advan, 1,a ,ellinnon9 s sToRE, CASH 4„)331.1"2"111-1. i 17111, Et JP' Kr Pi 4140 OT7RTAO.XNS Four months ago we plaoed a large order for Carpets with the ttil beet mitonfaaturere before the recent advence in prime. Since then Oar. GI pie of all kinds have advanced in prioe from 8o to So per yard. But as we have stook enough to supply all demand we will eel' them at old prioes. •or Carpets are ell in and ready for your inepectiOn. Bring the oorreot elan of your Nome and we will out and match yourcarpets fur yr u. Hemp Carpete, 34 to 86 inches wide, in etripes aud floral dteigne, at 120, 15o and 200.-Utaioo Carpete, in light and dark ignore, yard wide, now worth gs3 30o, for 2(0o.-Uoion Carpets, heavy and firm, will wear well, yard wide, .n sew demote and colors, 35c, 40o and 50o. -Ingrain Carpet's, yard wide, ph extra Mary, in choice patterne, reversible, worth 60e, for 50e. -Wool Ottr• nets, yard wide in new reversible patterne, fast more at 660, 75o, 90o aid 11.1 $1.-Japane0e Melange, 10 new patterne, ke great wearer, at 120, 17a, 20o and 25a. -Floor Oil Ciotti, in new patterne, in all widths, at 26u per square lb, yard.-Sootoll Ltnoleume, extra heavy, worth 65o, for 60e. LACE OURITA.IINTS. Lime Curtains., in new patterne, at 85o, 45o and 50a, -.Fine Not. tingham Curtains, in eurolls and lacy effects, Si yards Mae, 54 inches wide, regular 0,25, for 91. -Duplex Curtains, something new, 83. yards lOng, at 91.-Swres Curtaiue, 3it and 4 yarde, at 41.50, 92,50 and 90. tage in taking the Spring mune ie that abode who attend will be through in time to take poeitione offering in the Fall. In view of the excellent hminine, at a moderate rate, the Listowel Buenas College has become deservedly popular, add is an institution whioh had exceediug- ty bright proepecte for tbe future. SETTLERS' ONE -'WAY EXCURSIONS To 'Manitoba and Canadian North-west will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and. April, 1001, if sufficient loudness offers. Passengers travelling -without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 OC p. Coloniet Sleeper will be attaobed.to each train.. For full particulars and copy of "Settlers' Guide," "Western Canada" or "British Col- umbia," apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTAIAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 71 Yonge bt„ Toronto, License District OF THE East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -Keepers and Others Whom it may COW ern NOTICE Is hereby given. that Application. for Licenses for the sale of liquors M the East Rifting of Fluron, for the License Year el 11103-1901, which °mammas on the lot day uf May next, will be received by the nndereigned from the present date up to Wednesday, April 1 1908 inclusive. Applicants must furnish the names of two good and sufficient =reties as V °riflemen at the time of making applion- tion, Auy applicant- for a new license must bullish a certificate signed by maj- ority of the electors entitled to vote at Glee - Mons for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub -division in which the premiers sonight to be Hemmed are situated, and the said majority roust include at least one- third of the said eleetorq, who are at the time of.sseb application residents within the said Polling Sub -Division JNO. R. MILLER, Impactor, Jamestown,alarch 501, 1900. P. cfir,ccD STRICTLY ONE PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWEST 0, • NEW GOODS STOCKED THIS WEEK misamossiasessmans DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, ZEPHYRS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, SHEETINGS, PILLOW COTTONS, RIBBONS, CHENILLE CURTAINS, CHENILLE TABLE COVERS, LACE CURTAINS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, WHITEWE AR. 6111116123HMENENEWINNOM112 J. Ferguson & Co. VIMINIElaugmingel15.1113111211111111WimpaglIWEINIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIRRIONINV WILL CLEAR THEI OUT. The balance of our stock of Photo0.66 1 h M Will be sold at less than Wholesale Prices To clear out stock. smessasomme It won't cost you anything to find out the prices. 111111M111111111151 DANDY OROKINOLE BOARDS. POST BOOKSTO • EP BRUSSELS.