HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-12, Page 3KILLED BY CIVILIZATION 'NATIONS RUINED BY DEPART- URE PROM SAVAGERY. IN'ew Guinea. Decimated by Whoop- ing Cough - Smallpox in Africa, Tho New Guinea native may bo forgiven if ho says he does not be- lieve in Vac blessings of civilization. Loss than two years ago, a couple of wluto children wore brought over from Cooktown, in Australia, to Samara, in Now Guinea, and after their arrival developed whooping cough. Now, whooping cough is not usually considered to bo a fatal, Indeed, hardly a serious illness. But 119 to the year 1900 the Illness bad been absolutely unlcaown in Now Guinea, and once the infection seized the luckless natives, it developed in a fashion new to medical mimeo, It attacked fully 50 per cent. of all the natives, and proved fatal in over seventy cases in a hundred. The natives of New Guinea do not believe that death can be the result of any natural enuen, but credit it to some 'unknown enemy, Consequently. when whooping cough attacks a vil- lage, the local sorcerer is at once consulted, and he generally desig- nates some neighboring tribe as the culprit. A midnight massacre re- sults, and adds to the already awful mortality. More than a quarter of a century ago, measles was brought to the Hawaiian islands by a ship from San Francisco..• It immediately as- sumed the proportions of a pesti- lence, and killed 40,000 natives, In 1707, smallpox reached Iceland from Denmark, and in a few months destroyed one quarter of the people. 'Greenland it absolutely depopulated a few years later, and there are to- day fewer inhabitants along the shores of that country than there were TWO CENTURIES AGO, "Surra" is raging in the Philip- pines, to which £$lauds it was brought on a ship from India. The symptoms of "surra" are fever, rav- enous appetite, raging thirst, emaci- ation, and eventually, death, In In- dia it is endemic, but usually is eas- ily treated by suitable remedies, In the Philippines, however, it assumes a far more serious forms, and in wet weather is almost invariably fatal to horses and mules. Civilization is slowly ridding Af- rica of the slave trade, and in one way improving the lot of its people. But the parties of white explorers, -who are now so frequently traveling from both east and west across the heart of the Dark Continent, have brought banes as well as blessings. Smallpox is at present killing; out whole tribes and villages ,n the country west and north of Uganda,' and in Uganda itself, beri-bort, or sleeping sickness, is causing fearful havoc. Sleeping sickness has long been known along the swamps of tho west coast, and has followed civilization up the Congo into the Congo Free State, and so into the Highlands of British Central Africa. Up to tho end of .lune last it had carried off no fewer than 20,000 people in the Province of Busoga alone. A mis- sion, organized by tho joint efforts of the Foreign Office and the Royal Society, and consisting, among oth- ers, of Drs. Low, Christy and Cas- tellani, has recently boon sent out to try to cope with the scourge. Another strange plague which has only appeared in Uganda since the country was opened by Europeans is the cattle tick. This detestable lit- tle insect, which is at tho same time invading Queensland, causes cattle such agony that they fall off in con- dition and succumb to the ilrst heavy storm or cold night. But of all the awful plagues which civilized man has brought upon the continent of Africa, none can com- pare with the march of TEE RINDERPEST. This disease, known in Britainas the cattle 'plague, came originally from India or Persia, and was brought to Britain about A. D. 809. Europe fought it for- nearly: cloven centuries, and then in 1889 'allowed it to cross into Northwest Africa, whence it swept steadily southwards. It reached the Zambesi in 1895, and two years later there were hardly 500 horned cattle left alive in all those vast territories 'between. the Zambesi and the Limpopo.. Nor did the Transvaal or Cape Colony faro much better, Antelopes, buffaloes, and similar game were likewisenear- ly exterminated', and aai4've races accustomed to live by the chase were left to starve. Rindorpost is by far the most dreadful of all the diseases to which cattle aro subject, The population of India, British and native, is now over 280 mil- lions, illions, and rapidly increasing; This is more than double, and may treble the number of India's inhabitants eighty years ago. Up to the ., time of the British rule the peninsula's population was constantly decimat- ed by war. Now it has no check, and tho time rapidly approaches when the country, big as. it is, will no longer food its` swarming multio tudes. Famines aro already grow- ing more and more serious, and the only possible remedy is emigration, But here, too, civilizatioti,is indirect- ly wronging other lands. Natal al - toady swarms with coolies, and as these work for smaller wages than the white man, they are slowly but Surely driving out the latter. PLENTY ON IIAND, "You would get along a great deal better if you didn't got so excited," said tho kind, man to his irascible friend. "Can't you learn to keep your temper?"--, "keep empali" -- "ICeep my tenporl Well, I lilce thatl" retorted the other, "I'd. have you understand that I keep 1nor0 temper in ono day than you have in your possession during a Whole yowl" Teacher - "It isoomsyou. are nev- er able to answer any of my quos- tions. is this, my little boy?" tdttto Johnnie "If I Macau the things you asked tae, 01110.m, dad wouldn't go to the trouble of send- ; ma here:" TIIE 13AIi,13It1;'S WOOING. "Oh, Barbara!" the barber sighed, "This acissor time to speak; If you won't be my hone true bride I'll die without a squeak,". "Oh, Dan Drufi, don't," tbo po-made screamed, "Do such a wig -head net; It would be barber-0us, I dreamed Of you," she smiled, with tact, "Look cup, and brush your tears away; Oh, comb and bo a man; Let's soap I'll be a bride some day" "I will; but if," cried Dan, "You razor hope you will dispel There'll beard death, you'll see; And if there's scrape on my door- bell, My chair will empty be." "I do not sham -poor fellow," sold Miss Barbara, perplexed; "011 though when your first wife is dead You'll quickly cry for 'Next1"•t HEAT IN A TUNNEL: Nearly eleven miles of the Simplon Tunnel have now boon bored. At the tunnel head the temperature is stated to have reached 136 degrees Fahrenheit, while thermometers out- side were registering 36 degrees of frost, THE SECRET OP HEALTH Ie Pure, Rich, Red Blood and Strong Nerves. You can always tell anaemic men and women. They are pale, weak and languid - the victims of head- aohcs and backaches, easily tired and always averse to exertion. They can't eat, oe they can't digest what they do eat. Their unstrung nerves kill Bleep; their temper is irritable; their vitality vanishes, And it all comes from poor blood and unstrung nerves. You can promptly banish anaemia by enriching your blood and toning up_ your nerves with Dr. tVfl1iams' •Pink P111s, They bring good appetite, sound sleep, bright spirits and perfect health. They aro incomparably the greatest health - giving medicine that science has yet discovered. All over the world, grateful people prove tho truth of these statements.' Miss A. M. Tuckey, Oxdrlft, Ont„ says: "I do not know what would have become of me had it not been for De. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. My blood seemed to have turned to water, and I was troubled with headaches, dizziness and general prostration. Eventual. fy, I became so weak I could scarce- ly moVe about. I tried several me- dicines, but they did not help me. Then I was advised to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and I soon began to find great benefit from them, and niter taking them -for a few weeks all my old strength and health re=' turned." Don't waste time and money ex- perimenting with other medicines, when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will surely stake you well. You can get them from any dealer in medicine, or post paid, at 50e. per box, or siX boxes for $2.50, by writing direct to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Tho Adorer -"It's wonderful,' old man, what love will enable a fellow to see in a girl that he never saw before." The Onlooker -"No doubt; but it's equally wonderful what . it won't let him see that he'll see later." BRIGHT BABIES, - Only Those Perfectly Well Are Good Natured and Happy, When a baby is cross, peevish or sleepless, the mother may be certain that it _ is not well, There aro little ailments 'coming from some derange- ment of tho stomach or bowels which the mother's watchful eye may not detect, which nevertheless make themselves manifest in irritability or sleeplessness, A close of Baby's Own Tablets given at such a time will speedily put tho little one right and will give it healthy, natural sleep, and you have a positive guarantee that there isnot a particle of opiate or harmful drug in the medicine. Thousands,.of smothers give their children no other medicine, and all smothers- who have used the tablets praise them. Mrs. A. McDonald, Morton, Ont„ says :-"Baby's Own Tablets aro the best medicine for little onus I have evor used, and I always keep them in the house in case of emergencies. Good for chil- dren` of:alt ages from birth upward. Sold at 25 cents a box by Medicine dealers or sent post paid by writing direct to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4— Small Boy -"Papa, what makes y0U so bald ?" Papa -"Oh, that because my mother used to pat ins so much on the head for being a good' boy." AN ADMIBABLC rape JN .SOLD. 5t,!MATSD, 1-18 Cheerfulness is like money well ex- pended in charity -the more wo dis- pense of it the greater our pos- session. (1) heurnatism Gyred© Mrs. Moffat Had to Take Hyper.. dermlo Injections to Hellen Her Pain. PERMANENTLY CURED BY MUNYON'S RHEUMATISM CURE. "There is no punishment too severe fpr those who deceive the sink."- MUNYON. "1 'would have spells of rheumatism, and at times it would give me great dis- tress in my back and aide. Many n time I have had to 'take an injection td relieve *the pain. I attained a vial of Munyon's Rheumatism Cure at khe free distribution, and I am now fuelingquite well. I have had no pains since, and can :novo around freely and naturally. I am very glad to give my experience, for the 'benefit of anyone who may be sulf- aring'in a similar manner."-uMrs, P. Mob fact, 128 Mutual street, Toronto. DZUNYON'S REMEDIES. Munyon's Pile Ointment cures plea, price 25c. Munyon's Eye Cure cures weak eyes, price 25c. Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost power to weak (nen. Price $L FREE MEDICAL ADVICE. Personal letters addressed to Prof. Mnn. yon, Philadelphia, U.S.A., containing de, lls rri elekness, will be answered prompt. ly and free advice as to treatment will 1d given, onmemeseamesseres Impure blood is the breading place for innumerable illnesses. When wo see anybody suffering from rheuma- tism, limping on crutches, or find on our way a person covered with soros, wo feel tempted to call out to them, as well as to those 'suffer- ing from anaemia, scrofula: "Poor man, the help is within' your reach, and you still continue to smiler!" We have the right to say that, since we have known the history of this popular medicine; hardly any other medicine has succeeded in achieving such remarkable and thorough. cures as Dr. August Koenig's- Hamburg Drops. Facts are eloquent. Thou- sands of testimonials bring news of cures by these "life drops," as to grateful patient named them, and every day the list of them is in creasing, It must be further said in praise, of Dr. August ICoenig's Ham- burg Drops that they aro prepared from plants and roots without any admixture of mineral substances, such as mercury, zinc, etc., and therefore do not have the unpleasant after ofYeets resulting from the use of other so-called blood purifiers and purgatives, ,which often remove small ills and cause much greater ones„ We; aro often asked: "When should the system be purified?" This must be left to personal judgment, and we cart only reply: When nature de - mends it. The spring is generally considered the proper time for puri- fying the system. We do not want to upset that theory, but wo must point out that blood should bo puri- fied also at other times, when there aro signs that it Is .not clean and wants regulating.. The slow -paying tenant is likewise a rapid mover. Messrs, C, C. Richards h Go„ Yarmouth 10.S, Gentlemen, -Di January - last, Francis Leclalr, oneof the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him, crushing hits fear- fully. Ile was,when found, placed on a sled and taken home, where grave feat's were. entertained for Ills reeivory, his bine being badly bruised and his body turned black from his ribs to his feet. We used MINARD'S LINIMENT on him freely, and with the use of three bottles 110 was completely cured and able to re- turn to his work. SAUVEUR DUVAL, Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Quo„ May 26th, 1813, 8-59 ens -Unto Bob -"What aro you going to bo when you become a Ivan, Tom- my ?" Tommy --"I'm going to bo a soldier, 'cos thou I can fight all I want to without being spanked for it," Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant - i l strongly recommended by tho medi. cal profession as a safeguard against Infectious diseases. Ho -"If you loved~ me, why did you at first refuse me?" Sbo-"I want- ed to see what you would do." He - "But I might have rushed off with- out waiting for an explanation." She -"I had tho door locked," Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend "Would you die for the 7" she asked sentimentally. "Now, look hero," he returned, in his matter-of- fact way, "are we 'supposed to be plauohlg a cltoall novel or a wed, ding ?" Atjago woven- 'bre Yemenis besa'�L6 ��5jj1 sttck.ho!1 fonee settee. Page No .With its con gluteus. con crimped)not.is the 7 wire stands a 8 dDOponnds` etrijtt411-am ombn 110.1 wire only. :';700oundo. Common wird will not, ,loll -ib etraplghtone out n cin-lt hasn't a. oaring temper -Page Wire' has, The Page Wire Vane Oo,/ 54,altod, Welker Ile• Ont Montreal. 1D.., .,.end St, John b1-' r 1 Wise Ways of Women. No "prizes" offered with common Soaps will long tempt the wise wo- man to use common soaps. The wise woman soon sees she bas to pay dearly for "prizes" in the low quality of soap, in the damage corn - mon soaps do her clothes and her hands. The wise woman considers hor health-ao soon ruined if she were to continue breathing the steam of adulterated codtmon soaps. The wise woman recognizes the difference between such soaps and Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar. 218 tf ARE WE FARMBIBS BLIND ? Tho Detroit Journal recently Issued a special export number, It con- tained an article written by Mr. H. C. Morrie, the United States Con- sul in Windsor, Ontario. Among other things, ho said "It is commonly known hero that some of tho larger concerns in tho United States, in order to undersell competitors here, have shipped into Canada machines of a former and older pattern. The American farmer will buy nothing that is not strictly up-to-date, and at the and of every season there are left over some ma- chines that will bo a year old the next season, and those machines may lack some new innovation. but will do the work and aro 'just as good' as the up-to-date machine, and those machines -back' numbers -are shipped into Canada at a much reduced in- voice value, thus saving duty, and they are just as acceptable to the Canadian farmer as any machine." So, according to no less a person than a Consul of the...Republic to the southof us, we farmers who buy United States machines aro really buying tho obsolete machines gather- ed at the United ;States implement agencies and shipped into Canada. It is not to be wondered at that the United Status machines shipped into Canada do not .wear or give satis- faction like the Canadian imple- ments. Ono could hardly expect this to be the case under the rather ex-' traol'dinary conditions cited by Mr. Morris. Jinks -"heard the news 7 Tom's engagement to the telephone -girl is dished." "Ah 1 Ring oft ?" Ask for Minard's and take no others It would ruin any man's peace of mind to know as much about him- self as other people know. AN p1LEPIIANT'S TIII I T, Tho proprietor of Bostoek's men- agerie, which recently loft Dax, in France, has been starved With a suns - mono as the result of an act of theft committed by Bob, the big elephant of the show. Dob was lead- ing the proem -Mien out of Dax when the horses attached to a peasant's cart became restive, .and the efforts of the peasant and several of the menagerie men were required to calm them. Meanwhile, Ilob availed himself of the opportunity to ex- tract the peasant's dinner, which was in the cart wrapped up fa a ser- viette, and swallowed the lot. How's This 1 We offer Ono kitmdred Dollars Roward /or any case of Catarrh that cannot be curdd by hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENh1Y do Co., Toledo, U. We, the undersigned, have known. 1'. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their 3(111. W'h 5'l` di '1'HUAX. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALDINU, K1NN A1'1 do b1A11,VIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter-. sally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sant free, Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. hall's family Pills are the best. 1-82 Anxious Husband -"Really, dear, turkey again 7 l'm afraid we won't manage at this rate I" Wifc-"Real- ly, dear, it's all management. I made so much turkey-stuifng that I;, had to order talo more birds so that not a crumb should be left. Now you see how economical I am, you. goose I" 4 For Ovrr Sixty Years. An Otn AND Wct:uTarim Raxsnv. - Mrs Winslow's soothlogByrup has been used for over sixty years by milllona of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect morons., It soothes the child soften the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and le the boat remedy for Diarrhoea. IS ploamnt to the tae.o. Bold by drnggista 1n every port of the world. T0'entyIlre cants a bottle. Its value is inealonlable. Ile sure nod ask for Mn. Winslow's Booth:ng Syrup and take no other kind. 1. 5 PICTORIAL POST -CARDS. In Italy each regiment has its own pictorial post -cards, on which are the devices of the regiment, the list of battles in which it has taken part, or one of the heroic episodes in which it bas figured. These are sold at moderate prices to officers and soldiers and their use in corres- pondence serves to spread the pres- tige of the regiment. REMARKABLE MEDICAL CASE ; BRIGRT'S DISEASE CONQUERED. Startling: Cure Reported From a Small Town ' In Nova Scotia. Fronr the Mail and Empire. Halifax, N,S., Feb. 5, -(Special) - News has reached here from the lit- tle town of ShubOnaeadie, on the Intorcolonial Railway, In Hants County, of a cure that is just as important from a medical point of view as the operations of Dr. Lorenz are from a surgical stand- point. ,The disease that has at last yielded to medical research Is the long unconquerable BrIght's Disease, that has for so many years held • physicians' skill at Day, and its victims at its mercy. Tho patient in this case 15 raid to have been a young girl name., Alice Maud Parker, and two doctori who diagnosed her case gave it ail their unalterable opinion that Bright's Disease had her in its clutches, and that only the grave awaited her. The parents, unwilling to give up the struggle while life remained, are - said to have expert - 'Dented with spacial preparations, and as a last resource pinned their faith in Docrd's Kidney Pills, with the result that today the, girl is in the best of health. Details of the cure aro not yet to hand, but ft will bo investigated, as both the medical fraternity and the public are deeply interested in the matter. An intelligent chimpanzee, brought from the West Congo by Captain de Lanchier, presided at a luncheon which was given at a Brighton, Eng- land, hotel. The ape, attired in evening dress, shook hands with tho guests, and during the repast,used his napkin, knife, and fork in- the most approved style. 'trr... •:m'•! . 88'011.* C' You Pay— You Choose. There is no case of Rheuma- tlsm that the Great South American Rheumat- lc Cure will not conquer in a few days -acute or chronic, muscular or nervous, It gives al - most in- stant relief and at once begins to drive out the disease, root and branch, curing in one to three days. George Eng and, a ship builder of Chatham, writes: al wse laid wafer six months with rheumatism. I procured a bottle of SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUNIATIO CURE. In twenty-four bons I wan well and havo not been troubled with rhou- nlatlOnt since." South American Kidney lure speedily and thoroughly re- lieves and cures the Worst Kidney and Bladder diseases, Relief In a few hcure. 7 1.1 a ). t -f A man lately made application fat insurance on a building situated in a Village Where there WWI no fire en- gine. IIo was asked: "What aro the facilities in your village for ex- tinguishing fire?" "Well, it Pains sometimnes," he replied, with great sittlplicity. Keep Mlnard's Lirllmenl In the ileuses 10-03 No ono is poor but he who thinks himself so.. Minard's Liniment is.osed by Physicians Itis a short road that has no pit- falls in it. "IWieat Luck!" LTBBY LUNCHEONS made ready In a few moments. The Wafer Sneed Smoked Dec, Pork and Beans, Veal Loot Potted Chicken, and lots of good things to cat. Are U.S. Government Inspected Keep In the house for emergencles-for suppers. for sandwiches -for any time when you want something good and want It quick. You simply tem a key and the can Is open. An appetizing lunch is ready eLibn Instant. byMCNeili &,. Libby Chicago, I11., U.S.A. Write for our free booklet "Row to Make Good Things to.i:at." t -f Have You Sean it? What? Loo's Prioolese Reeling -1000 Snorers for the Rome Berm and every department or human end0nl0r, Home, pagca Sand 111 wants, Money. 0015 tided if 1 o k is met worth it, A goadside sero fur at5808000s,-whllam unarm. F*Allehar _reroute 2-14 ARPET' DYEING BRITI aSm OlHoanlAMiVI ERIThblaaN"Ohltywiththe CAN DYEING 00, Bend particulars by portend wa two auto to satisfy. Address Dax EEII, Montreal. 1-44 Romnlnion Line Steamships btontroal to Liverpool. Euston to Liter - pool, Portland to Liverpool, Via Querns' ' t owe, Largeand Faet Bt4OlnetnSuperior accommodation for all ollesoe 0100611W%. &WWIbarn stataraoine In are amidships, Spacial atl'011on has herrn given to the Booed Saloon and ThiraDlase aeeamatedlatbn. For rat.. downed and all partleulare, apply to any. atm ll/ the Company, or Motet* Mils k Oe, D..Torranoo 80o, dtat65t, B0ttoh. M0ntr6,10nd l'ertl0p , 1 Mono knew thee but to love thee, None named thee but to praise,' Zt is singular that the na.ost beautiful poetry exactly applicable to ever written tr RUBBER GOODS Latest Novoltios, all styles, Correspondence invited. En- close 2c stamp for circular, THE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. 0, Box 1142, Montreal, 6-57 "W-rs,aataell 'tau 3P,<a.saal0.malo Any gnaatlty of dry, mixed we'd, suitable for brlok burning, for early delivery. Stets cash price, f.o.b. your s'a;ion. Address, 511M180N tiRIU(C 00., 1 Toronto 9t., Targeto. Toie- phone Ms.ln 707. 7-10 THE anada leerinanent AND WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Toronto street, Toronto Paid-up Capital, 86,0oo,0ao. Reserve Fund, $t,doo,000.1 Invested Funds, $03,600,000. Your Savings Safe. Absolute Seourlty. President. GEORGE OocustaBAtd let Vlcr-Proeident & Managing Director, J. IIsRDERT MASON 2nd Vice-Presld ant, W. H, BILTT . " CANADA'S efial111 C,oMPANY-" }-2--27 rass instrumento, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN IAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever quoted. bine catalogue. GOO illustrations, mailed fres. Writes us for any thing to Si mite or Musical Instruments. WIIILEY ROYCE & 00„ Limited. Toronto, Oat., and Wionlpeg, Man, 1-25 ppTomato. matSPBM.aulOetRadOuN!• sasstmanagurisiSesSextRalti .. Write Wr rag udflaJ t -k-55 ENGINE PACKING, CYLINDER, ENGINE, DYNAMO, AND MACHINE WILLIAM C. WILSON & CD. TORONTO - z -2-27 Fresh Frozen ea Herrings In casksofeboet 6go Herrings, $i.6o in smaller quantities. Labrador THE DAWSON COMMMMISSION' per too by the cask, or 81.70 per loo Herrings in half barrels, $3.00. CO., LIMITED, TORONTO. •h t -f GOURLAY, WINTER & LEEMi'NG, 188 VONOE STREET, TORONTO. • CLEARING. SALE OF Our sales of Stella Music Boxes was a feature of our Xmas trade. Wo still have unsold a limit- ed number of several very popular styles, and because we require the space they occupy for the better display of Pianos and Organs, we an- nounce a sacrifice sale ending on the last day of this month. A' WORD IN RZUMRM TO THE INSTRUMENTS1 The Stella possesses a delightful muaical tone, distinctly different from all other music boxes ; rich and mellow, yet of surprising' volume: They are of handsome design, In either oak or mahogany. They are beautifully finished with piano varnish, and aro guaranteed not to warp or split. DURABILITY—'lrte Stella is abselutoly the most durable music box made. The tune ah eats used have e. distinct advantage over all others, because they aro made of steel and are perfectly smooth ; and so, having no pitsor projections to UOnd or break off, are practically' indestructible. We append a list with descriptions _ et the various styles, and would ultimate that as there are but few lett, an early order l8 advisable, as once our present stock is disposed of, we cannot accept further orders at these prices. le mahogany oases, 18 Inches long, 17 inches wide and 11b inches high ' has two duplex combs, largo spring motor, and patent speed regulator to give the desired te• lupe uses tune sheets 9 inches in diameter. Price regularly, SM. Iteduccd price (with 111 $6�ee 58 tunes Supplied) it12t1.5 ' la mahogagy, cases, 24 inches' long, 19t inches wide and 12 inches high;. , has largo spring motor, two. duplex combs and patent speed regulator; uses tune sheet 14 inches in diameter. Price regularly, $5I ea 870. Reduced (with 12 tunes •supplied) a [➢ In mahogany cases; g 21 inches wide and. 121 inches high; ass largo spring motor27inches two tllonvpiex combs and patent speed regulator: uses tune sheet 15} Indies in diameter. Price regularly, 1176 $75.00 Reduced price (with 12 tunes supplied),. ..69 In mahogany or oak cases ; 29 inches, long, 22 inches wide and 18 inches high; has attractive hand-aaived front panel and drawer to hold one hundred tune sheets ; has largo tpled spring motor, two duplex combs and patent spend Wooled regulator ; uses tune sheet 17* inches to diameter. Price regularly, 8110, Reduced price (with $82.50 12 tunes supplied. .... 1 .G Terme may bo arranged on a ballsaf ono -fifth cash and Oho balance In convenient payments Within a year by adding. 10X to above pricer.. Catalogues or any hitcher Information required will be furnished upon application GOURLAY, WINTER & LEEMING, 188 YONOE,,STREET, TORONTO. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, a $1,006,000 Minket Value or Securities Deposited \01111 Dominion :Yoscrtudtent 1 $202500.00. Tho Report for 1002 will chow the Following Increase 800( 1001 1 Oath Income$ 137,885.00 tnereasb for yenra 80 nor Cent. III/1111M ntonedracr toned . . 1,353,167.00 InerOn%e tar yens, 22 par ate t. tnxnrance to force , 8.50,800,00 Increase for year, 81 per cent. Decrease In p.e. of ratio of death alb im580 llaenrdllce In forge, 40 eek ebh,ls Decrease 1u per cent. or retie of expenses to Insurance in force, l liar hen la llecreate In per dent. or retie of expenses to income, 14105' Gant..: RifQORp OF IFEVFi YEAR$' PROGRESS e 1088-Caah,inconie ' s • 00,603,45 Insnrnnco In 1010 ; $ 051 505.00 9500-41ash •Iacolne a 08,4111.85 Inenrenet hl force 1a;0>'.B01.110 00410 T Internam 1 to 81181100.00 1001 -('osis income .4 T rn ee a force IDOL --rash Income 104,406.07 lnearonee In force . 8;108'i5ti.00 . 8805-014, Income 131,808.00 Insarnnee In force . 11,b3d,850.05 Those twangs show that the Roppxl•Vlhf1rle Lire is ekadtly, eemine to the front In the oinks; 01 people Rho prefer a ohrofttllynanneed Cloonan, lama poppies freefrom unecoessory otaditiono and so 521000,1 as t0 be oasis vndorato011 by the hawed. lbAVth UIll111E, .0.8..1., F.9,8,, general Manager, Alrcnte wanted to MMI an8G ree1Datod dlerplett, Liberal coinmfesl0h Will 70 I mild for bestows, Apply to GeneralpManteca, Head O111oe, Moatroni.