HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-12, Page 1Pf. se Vol. 31, No, $ 5 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1903 New Advertisements. Looal—Tns Poor, L oval—G. 11 Bing. Lcoal—Alf. Beaker. Seed sate—Hit Smith, Locale—•A. R. Smith, Lots for eale—Telt POET, Lo0131—W..1. MoUreekeu. Fine wall paper—Jas. Fox. Tu ooatraotore—R. 8. Fletcher. Lomat—Cober Carriage Factory, Well paper—Fred. MoOraokeu, Tesoher wasted—Alex. Stewart. Strenuous objeotiona—Alf, Beefier. Boars for service—Arthur 13, Smith. It'e all right—LietOwel Bos, Oorlege, Easter term—Stretford Btte, College. Obeeee faotory meeting --B. H. Fer• gluon, V9 strict ' C.e1vs. Clinton. Jamee 80ntt was Metalled as Poet. master for this town on Wednesday of Iaet week. He wilt fill the bill. FIRS.—W Ilan le known as the Combo brook was completely destroyed by fire Monday night. The blook coueieted of Combo's drug etare, Hay's Iaandry and Oouoh'e• hatchet shop, and adjoins Cooper's book store. Mr. Ooombe was lilting a prearipiiun for Dr. Shaw, and while in the book shop carrying a bottle of alcohol in cue hand and a lamp in the other had tae misfortune to fall, emoting the fire. This was the eldest frame bleak in town, and was standing when Clinton was known as Ratteubury'e Corners. Insurance on building $2,000, Mr. Hays will lose heavily, as tela° Mr. Combs and Mr. Oouub, but their losses are partly covered by inenrence. Jrtenotato ♦vn Next Sabbath evening Rev, R Pani, of Renate, will conduct the eervioe ]n Via torte Bali, Rev. Mr, West, i•f Blnavale, was the preacher at Vioturia Ilan last Sabbath evening and was listened to with intermit. Rev. Mr. Hobbit, of Wingham, deliver ed a leoture to the hall met Monday night, The attendance from a diatauoe was email owing to bad loads. His eubjeot watt a "Manly Man." Owing to Ibe sale of his farm Edmond Bmithr lot 11, oon. 1, has decided to hold an anotion Bale of farm stook, implements, ino., on 'Tuesday alteruoon of next week• F. IL Scott, of Bruseele, wields the bam. mer. Our store wee never so fall with goods for Spring and Summer purposes euoh as prints, ginghame, oretone, marlins, plain nod fancy laoee, embroidery, lace our. tains, dress gouda. Boole and shoes a speoiality ; strung and fine. Try our prime. W. Inure. Last Friday evening at the meeting held under the anspiaee ot the Young Strenuous Objections PVRIaNT are never made against teed supplied by Alf. Baeker. All stook like it and thrive on it, and it is pronounced by all intel- ligent breeders to be inoompariably the beat sold. Try a sample lot and you will never feed apything bot our Kaffaroorn and oats, Alf. Backer. People's Snotety the opening and Mooing exeroleee were oondaoted by Jno. Otto and Mies Maggie'Teylor took (Merge of the diminution of the Sabbath School les. eon. The eervioe was profitable, Mies Lizzie M. and Robert Streohan were ap• poiutsd to look after the meeting on Fri- day evening of tbie week. it; matt Roroollc. Spring mush be coming aa the crows and robins have made their appearance. Sumo of the couoesefone were overflow• ed with water by the Spring freshet dor. ing the past week. Don't forget the anotion sale at Tboe. Ernie' 013 Thursday afternoon of next week. The list may be read In TaaPosr. The Methodist parson bad an upset in owning to Oraubrook from Brunets lest Sabbetb afternoon. He was none the wens of 11e unceremonious turn out. Mies M. Calder, formerly aeeietaut in the Public eohool has gone to Clinton where she will epend a few months in the efitee of Dr. Gunn before prooeeding with ,her mune ae Imre°. Rev. D. B. McRae will have the privi• lege of attending the Preobyberiao Aa. sembly at Vanoonver, B. 0., next Jnue. This would give him an opportunity of visiting hie son Jim, who is a druggist at Van Auda, B. 0. One day Tboa. Learmont, er., while returning on a load from Jno. A. Ste wart's bash had one of hie feet jammed between the loud and a protnding log. It was found necessary to consult a dum tor but we hope the accident will only lay him.np temporarily. Atwood.. A DRAINAatt Cess,—Ile Towoehip of E mut old 'Township of Welleoe,—Ie the Court of Appeal on Friday, Judgment (351 B. 13.) was given on appesl by the 'euwnehip of Elma, from the decision of the Draiuogs Referee, allowing the appeal of the corporation of the Township of Wahaoe from the report of the engineer of Biwa, useeseing$2,700 on Wahaoe lends ami rondo in respect of drainage works initiated on the petition of land• owners in Enna. The referee ordered that the drainage work should not be proceeded ivitb at the expense of Wallace, turd the work in 0ontoqueuoe has not been begnu, Elam is bounded on ibe North by Wallace, and the North branob of the Maitland River rune through the o m to townships diagonally. X The ca t° pia d work 0oueiste of the 00netrnotion of a drain and the deepening and etraigbteo• Mg of existing wutereonreee. The ap patients contended that there was a benefit to Wallanoe in . that it relieved that township from liability in respect of submerged sande. Appeal dismissed with oasts. A, B. Ayleawortb, K. U„ and H. B. Morpby, Lietowel, for appellants. D. Guthrie, K. 0., and 3. P. Mabee, K. 0,, for corporation of Wallace. •L.V coxyter . Miss (Jessie Ilarrie hag returned from autunite Joe. Hodson, of Kenton, ie the gout of his aunt, Bible U. Lawrie. George Gelder is spending a few boli• days under the parental roof. Miss A. Voeburg tae returned from a mouths visit at Br'aoebridge. Miee Jennie Morro°, of Molesworth, le the guest of Mre. Ab. Illandereon, Mies M. Stamm, of Wingham, !e the guest of bee sister, Mrs, G. Herne, sr. Alex. Thompson, of Guelph, visited relatives at the Gotten Hoose over Sum day. Rev. 13. McCulloch, of Taviabook, preached in the Preobyteriao thumb on Sunday last. Miss Effie Powell left for Exeter on Tnetday where ibe will attend a .brother who is seriously ill. Reeve Bray, entertained the Connote lore and their wives to an oyster mapper last Wedneeday evening. W. Trenoh shipped a ear load of hogs, and battle and Juo. Hamilton a oar of oattle from this 'station on Monday. John Thompson and family returned to tbeir home in Treherne, Man., lest Thnreday after speeding a few menthe with relativee. Until game defeat in the title of the title of the planing mill property Dan be cleared the deal between Oliver Smith and Robert Dovidaon, le o. The death 000nrred on Tuesday of Darman MoNanghbon, aged eigbby•two years, one of 'Tumberry'e early settlers. OUR AMERICAN A IB NOW IN STOOD. 0 . The Best of this *Season's Productions. We have made a epeoial effort to geoure designs and colorings of artistic merit not only in high grades bob in these as low ae 8 CENTS PER ROLL BED BOOMS—We have Dainty Florets, prorlueing'°harming effeote, ab Trow boat. PARLORS—Beanbiful Deaigne in lilt and Creamy Tonne, Blues, Greens, &13, in delioabe Shades. HALLS, DINING–ROOMS, &a.—Fine Effective Deeigne, in Magnificent Colors, giving Warmth, Mohnenand Beauty to en apartment. DON'T WAIT till one etook ie Molten. Make your selection NOW. If, you have any roma not recently Papered, just call and let ne tell you how little it octets to stake home bright, ettraobfre au0 happy. re Craclien Y Papers displayed in Sm ale Blot Brusse IS Deceased had been a sufferer for some tome, so that death wee not unlooked for, The funeral took place to the Wroxeter oemntery on Thoreday from the residence of John MuNanghton, anti was largely attended, VV etn0. Miss Flora Campbell went to London hospital on Friday t0 undergo all opera. Hon on her kites. Last Sabbath nnoratnental servioss were herd in the Metbodieb t hurob, Bev. W. W. Leach officiating. The committee of the 'Walton . Pablia Library iubending adding shortly a large number of new bootie to the supply already as hand. This week J. R. Hamilton, District Mester, and Duncan JahBeton, Maeter of Walton Lodge, were in abteodanoe at the Grand Orange Lodge at Wingham. Jno. and Fred, Scarlett, of Winthrop, also attended. Jno. T, Dennison het leased hie fine 180 aore farm, oon. 14, Mo1illop, to Ed. and Alf, Deaniaon fur a term rot years. He will hold an anotion Bale of farm Cook, implements, &n., on Tuesday, 24th inst. Mr. Denaieon and family will likely remove to Stratford where they will reside, By advertisement in another column it will be seen that, the annual mestitg of the Walton Union Obeeeo and Butter Footory will be held in .the Mothim Hotel, Walton, on Friday, Maroh 270h, at 2 o'°.00k. Aa the (eatery has been sold the bueineso of the company will be eland up that day ae far as poetible, so alt iateteeted should be there, A very pretty wedding took place lest Wedoeeday et the residence of Thomue Jobneton, Grey, wben his youngest daughter, Mead, wee united in marriage to Jamee H, Williamaou in the presence of a nnmber of relatives and friends, The bride, one of Grey's handsomest daughters,_ was oharmingiy attired in white dimity, The ceremony was per- formed under an arch, Rev. A. MacNab ofilaiatiug. The yonng couple will tees up their residence in Grey and THs PoeT j„ire with is large nunber of friends iu wishing them a long, happy and prosper. outs life. Owing to the want of interest in the oonduoling of a cheese faotory in this looality the directors decided to sell out. The building wee purchased by Tboe, MoFadzean, jr„ and Alex, Murray ab $200 ; the eugine, boiler, &a., by L. Mo. Douald at $60; and the drive houeewhere the milk was reoeived by W. H. Sholdioe at $6.00. There to still machinery to dispose of. The faotory was not operated last season as numerous former patrons bave gone into stook instead of dairying. It was thought that a creamery would have been esbabliehed but there appeared to be objeotipne that dissuaded the pro. poised promoters. I•:1.taei. Little Alias Imlay fell and broke bar arm tbie week. Hugh Cunningham was a visitor at Toronto this week. Low lying land Dant of here is badly flooded with the freshet. 0. Stemmoa and Harry Batttey leave for the Weak next Tuesday, Mre. (Dr.) Ferguson was laid op with la grippe a couple of days this week. We were gad to see some of our Oran. brook boys over to Endeavor Bentley last. Atex. Lamont waa laid off work for e few days last week owing to R very Bore finger. lIliss Lillie Simpson entertained a few of her Mende Tuesday evening of this week. It ie said Moses Henry and family may become reeideute of Ethel ae he has void Ma farm on the 11th con. Mre. Wm. Schnook, of the 16th eon. of Grey was visiting at the borne of Mrs Geo. Between during the pest week. Lunt Sabbath Bev. Mr. Wells was at Luoknow and hie work on Ethel Circuit was taken by 13. W. Aslant), who ]e a pleasing and thougbtfal speaker. Township Clerk MnIntoah and family moved from their farm to Ethel this week where they have taken up reei. deuoein the Fogal bones reoeatly pur. chased by them. We bid them welcome to oar village. A few of the youth and beauty of Ethel and Oranbrook drove over to Jae. Lyun'e laet Friday night and 'openb a very en. joyable evening. If the old saying is tt0a "Aotione speak loader than words” we would judge none of them were sorry for the trip, In writing from Arden, Man., on Mantle 4013, Henry Ames, whoformerly resided in the] locality, says 1—We have had a beautiful Winter with jest enough snow to make nine sleighing. Fine warm days last week spoiled the 'sleighing however but we have good wheeling. John MoDouald, merohant, bas per• eha'ed the bele property and will take poseeaeion as soon as Mre. McAllister vacates it. She has bought e, house and lot in Kincardine and will move there in the course of a month or go, Rev. 0. P. Wella and family will move into the house Mr. McDonald ie leaving es it has been bought for Pereanage purposes• The following is taken from the 85, Vinoient Era, t—MAxnran. BISRNATH— RAxxaln —At the village of Ethel, boon- ty of Huron, Ontario, Canada, by the. Rev. O, P. We. le, 013 Wednesday, Deoem• bee 81st, 1902, George, the second eldest son of Squire Bernath. of St. Vinoient, Itllnneaota, to Miee Erna B. Baynard, fourth eldest daughter of 0; and Mre. Baynard, of Ethel. The happy young bridegroom is one of our most respected neighbors end was rested in St, Viuoieut Townehip, He ie well known by one local madam and known ae a young map of uninepeaobabie character. He owns a line, valuable, improved, well etoaked farm near the douriehing village of 301. iebte. The Stehle°, his father, to one of the wealthiest farmers and large land owners in the township, Mr. Bernath's relativee and lrlenda with the young couple tt happy ,aha preeperoae future, and wale me the lovely yonng bride to bee new home in the proapeeona North. west, 1412101.. VV. H . KE R R, Prop, Rev. 0, P. Wells, B. D., hag been in. vited bank to Ethel oirooit in connection with the Methodist obaroliee for ',pother year. He ie doing good work. The gleam engine of E Cole Ghat woe being used at Angus Larnont'e to drive a sawing machine Dame to grief teat Bat. today while one of Mr, Cole's workmen t' ha tt awith tam. Was sGxr to t0 ul wa a e g Y Te an tweet the driving wheel and other parte suffered wbioh will °oat oonsiderable to repair,. A big drain le oonbemplated from We looality, wader manloipal authority, start Ing at the rete of kohl. Dilworth'e pro party mud running in Northerly direction. It will cover a number of miles and will be of great impotteooe to a good many farmers. Engineer Roger has been en- gaged to examine and report on it, The petition mane to the Townebip Commit at ibe last meeting. C> 0' t7 eel Mre. Loftoe Stark and eon, of Strut. ford, are visiting at Eli Smith's. Mite Kate Young fe bank from a visit of a few weeks with relatives at Egmond• vide. There were no appeals against the Bol. ton drain Bylaw eo the work will be pushed along. The fiat of Patbmaetere for 1903 may be read in the Commit minute', on page 6 of this week's issue. .The Epworth League at Union church will eeud delegates to the Epworth League. Oeuvention at Bracelets next Monday afternoon. At the lest Council meeting the tender of John Nicholson, of Logan, was ao0eph- ed for 0onetrnotiog the Kreuter Mein. Rio figure was 41,489. Mtwara, Crowley & MoDonald, of Logan, were awarded the °entreat of the Looking drain at 144 canto per aubio yend. This is above the Engineer's estimate. Toe trustees of B. S. No. 2, 16th oon., of Grey, are edvertieing for a school teacher, duties tooummetics atter Boater. Alex, Stewart, !e the Searetary Treasurer Oranbrook, P. 0. A fine heavy draft team owned by Hugh Lamont, 7th oon„ wan sold to Jae.' Archibald, of Seaforth, on Thursday of loan week, at Braesele monthly Horse fair at a handsome figure. This week Archibald Hielop, M. P. P., left for Toronto to attend to dntiee in oonneotion with the Local Legialatare which opened on Tueeday for the trans- action of business. Donald MoOallam ben moved to the farm of R. M. Douglas, 16th sou , which he has leased and Hugh Stewart baa taken poeeeesion of the homeetead, on the same line, vacated by him two years ago. Arthur Smith, 6th eon. ha0 paroaheed a well bred Tamworth hog, bred by H. George & Sone; of Crompton, Out., from Angus Shaw, of the same oon. Mr. Smith also keeps an improved Yarkehire hug. Oliver H. Smith left last week for Owen Sound where he will take a nom meroial mums at the Business Oollega in that town. He is the only eon of John Smith, 8th non, We wieh him ta00eem in hie atudiee. We are sorry to bear that Jamee Hogg, probably one of the oldest men in Grey townebip, whose home its on the 2nd oon„ is quite poorly. He is past hie 90th birth day. His heart ie weak and gangrene is manifesting Resit in his foot, Tboe. Blake, of Gladstone, Mich., and Jooepb Matte, of Pembina, Wie., are vis. iting their father, Patrick Blake, 13th eon., and other relatives. Frank Blake talks of going to St. Paul, Min., where he thinks of taking up railroad engineering. His brother Joseph following this mom, pation. Tueedey of this week William Kelly mad family, 16th con., left Ethel elation en route for Balgonie, N. W. T., where they purpose making their home. Mr. Belly was Weet Met year so is acquainted with the 'country. He has 820 aoree of land and will have a man "breaking" on it thie year while he works at the oarpen• tering. Mre. Kelly is a daughter of Geo. McKay, a weil known resident of Grey township. The many friends of Mr. and MCe. Kelly wish them stoma in the Weet and hope when they have made their "pile" that they will come bank to Grey to enjoy H. . Last week R. M. Douglas, who bae been a resident of the 16th oon , all hia days, left for Park River, North Dakota, whereehe will try terming an a broader male than usually adopted hi Grey township. He took with him a oar of sebtler'a efleots and will do well we have no doubt, His farm in Grey has has been leased to D. Motealiam for a term of years. Mre. Douglas and dnugh• tern took train at Seaforth being aaourn- panied by L. Townshend and mother, relative's of Mre. Douglas wbo have tinsel) some a ears bear Park River and are uow returning after a visit with relativee and friends fit Ontario. Mre. Towuehend ie Mre. Douglas' grandmother. Sonoon 111mRT.—Following is the echoed report for S. 8. No. 1, Grey, for the month of February :—Sr. IV.—J. Rands 70; M. Hoggard 49 ; W. Steven. eon 47. Jr. IV.—H, Bozell 08 ; L. Blake 88 ; It, Grant 60 ; S. Armstrong 58 ; G. Dark 50 ; M. Kende 60 ; A. Glaeeier 88. Sr, I1h—F, Lawson 66 ; G. Hoover 66 i J. Stevenoon 62 ; J. Diatom 42, Jr. ILL—J. Armstrong85 f B. Steveneou 70 ; S., Diokson 66 ; L. Hoover 46 ; A. Carter 46. Sr. I1,—A, Grant 91 ; O. Armstrong 89 ; M. Stevenson 88 ; F. Al - 000k 84 ; J. Garter 74, Jr II.—W. Hoover 88 ; L. Switzzr 74 ; R. Gregg 70 ; H. Hoover 80. Pt IT,—Bert, Carter 76. klieg Atone SCine, Tauber, Menton MoKee.e-Last Friday Elector, Molitor, a resident of the god non. for the past 46 ysare, died at London where he wont 2 years ago last September for medical treatment, The remaine were brought to Brunetti on Saturday's 'tithe. noon train and [tie funeral took plaoe, on arrival of the train, to the cemetery here. Rev. R. Paul oondnoted the eervioe and the pall bearere were Robt, 13e11, Alex, 11. and Alen McDonald, A..Bisliop, A. Shaw and Motor MoQearrie. Deceased was born in the North of Sbabland and come to Canada in 1841. He ifved for a time at Hamilton before miming Westward, fie was twice married, his first wife was Penelope MoKey and on her decease he married Bate MoPhafi, of Grey township, who died 16 years ego. Mre. Owen Smith, of Guelph, is the only child. A eon died a umber of y8are ago. Mr. Mulley was 81 years of age end had been a very hearty man. The relatives from a dietenae attending the lettere' were Mre. Owen Smith and bee two dangbtere (Mre. Whiteeidee and Mise Mary Smith) of Guelph. A dowel poor of rain ae the proeesaion wee starting away Iron the depot deterred a number from going to the cemetery. Witt r clot. The bog market is somewbat better. A good many are laid up with bed nide, Tho The went off the Maitland on 1OToo• day of this week. Alex. Roseau ie boons on a visit from Saginaw, ttliohigen. Our eleigbiug has vanished in a hurry owing to the great thaw. J. Clegg shipped a oar of hogs from Belgrave on Tuesday of this weep. Morrie Township Council wit meet next Monday in the Township Hall. E. R Mose, was renewing old friead- lilies in Morrie daring the past weep. Oar Poet Master has been very ill bat is now recovering. Measles wee the trouble. Mre. Parker returned home on Tues• day of [hie week atter visiting friends at and around Bellmore, Howiak township. Mimes Minnie and Maggie Kelly, 8th line, intend going West on Tuesday of next weak. 'their destination will be Oypress, Manitoba. A tramp well pifted with lots of gab palmed through this looality leer week and seemed to be reedy for a good mune meal in every house he called. Roy, eon of Peter Jaokson, 8113 line, talks of eeeiug the prairie Province this Spring leaving on one of the early oxcart. atone, fie bee been out before so knows the road. Loot week Mre. Geo, Smith, 6th line, moved into the recently moved Masa on her farm, Our readers will remember that the former residence was burned down a few ago. Owing to the abeenoe of Rev. Mr, Brown, at Snoehine Met Sabbath after- noon on amount of Mre. Bengougb'e funeral at Belgrave, the service was taken m. Hunter. a n b P W Fred., eldest eon of M. Nichol, 4th line, had the misfortune to have the tip ot hie first finger on hie right hand taken off a short time ago in a strew oatter. He is making favorable progroee. Rev. J. E. Hunter, of Trowbridge, who ie only nicely recovering from au attaok of la grippe, ie here on a short visit with relatives. Re's a hard worker, some think too mooh eo for his physioal vigor. Last week 131013. Cardiff moved from the 4th line to his newly purobased 100 sores on the 6th oon., of Grey, formerly owned by Joseph I. Bowman. While sorry to toes Mr. and Mre. Cardiff from Morrie we are glad they are located eo near by. We are sorry to state that Harold, the little son of David Agar, 2nd line, died on Wednesday of this weep, aged 11 months and eight days. The funeral took place on Thnreday afternoon to Browntowa graveyard. The parents have the sympathy of the community. Mre. Bsngough, an old aad worthy reeident of Belgrave, died on Friday of last week, of oanoer, at an advanced age, The fnneraltook place on Sunday after. aeon, Rev. Mr. Brown, her pastor, oon• analog the eervioe. Mr. Bengoagh will be deeply sympathised with in the lose of hie partner in life. Sunday of last week Mre. Gray, mother to James Duncan and Mre. Jae. Davie, 4th line, of Morris, paid Nature'e debt at the home of her daughter at Plea sant Point at the advanced age of 86 years. The funeral took plane the following Tneeday. The eon and daughter afore• mentioned were present at the interment. Cnnadtatn Zoleww. Judge Oreaeor died at Owen Sound, The Supreme Canadian Home Oirole met at Stratford, . • Another woman baa entered a claim as Eli Hyman's widow late of Toronto. Further reinforcements of Tarkieh troops have beau seat into Maoedonio. Townsville, North Queensland, was devastated by a cyclone and many people killed The Pope reoeived a large delegation of Bnitieh Catholics, headed by the Duke of Norfolk. Judgment wen given against the C. P. R, at Winnipeg in the three mese regard• ing taxation of lends. James Oliver wee tonna guilty of eboot. log Wllburt Skelton at Belleville Asaizee and reaommeoded to mercy. The Ottawa Electric Reel way Company has granted it0 employees a voluntary in. crease of 10 per cent. in pay. keens, J. K. Kerr, O. T. Frost, Berne Carry, Thomas Ooffey and Jules ''easter have been appointed to the Senate. Seining were fired throughout Britain Tuesday in honor of the fortieth anni. vereary of the marriage of the King and Queen. John Spenees, a young lad, hod bie foot naught he a culvert on the M. O. R. near 8t. Thome, and was run over and fatal. ly injured. Norman Argo, of Lancaster, Kee, said to have been the original "Unole Tom," is dead at Point Liok, at the reputed age of 111 years. Fire broke ont Sunday evening at the home of George Hayden, Woodstook, and before the flames were extinguished. damage to the extent of 8160 had been dose to the interior of the bottoe, A. 11, Pennell, of Buffalo, who has been prominently mentioned in conned. tion with theBardiok murder mystery, watt killed and 13ie wife Welly injured in an automobile accident last Tuesday. While the toe was breaking ap in the river at Bridgeport on Sunday the eeveu- yoar,old son of Aaron 8ei bern , fell in, Ivan Grob and Herb Holliger, eight and Mee yearn old respeotfaBy, maned 13im With the aid of a pole. Peter 9„ Ostrander, formerly of let. Thomas, took a doe of eongh on rate et Mapleton and ie dead, '1.'be Dluorwlo, Man., Hotel and post. (Moe were burned, The hotel o0oupants esoaped in their nightclothes. F. 0. Wade, K. 0., Winnipeg, bag been appointed to assist in preparing the one for the Menke Boundary Oommteeion. John Litbgow, of Chatterton, and Miee Johnston, his oieter•in•law, were thrown out of their carriage 1n a roma way, and Mies Johnston was killed. Mr. Lithgow was badly hart. The Riobelleu & Ontario Oo'o fine new steamer Montreal was burned at Montreal on Saturday night. Daring the fire a abed crowded with epeotatore optlapeed. One men wan 1111154, two fatally hurt and a• boat a hnmdred more or less injured. Postmaster Jobneon, of Dalhoneie, N. B., has been arrested on 00splolon of rob. berg, it being alleged that evidence against him was found in lettere in pot. session of Ohifferton, the Rat Portage man couuected with the poison dandy case, SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. OAL*NINO OF PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen ;of the Lards. lathe Assembly • I have mach pleasure in welooming you to your duties as representatives of the people at this the first eeesiou of a new Parliament, Iu oommon witb all hia Mejeaty'a entente throughout the British Empire, we rejoins at the coronation of Edward VTI. as "King of Great Britain and Im• laud and his Majesty's Dominions beyond the eeae," end as loving aobjeate we sincerely pray that he may long be spared to 000upy the throne of hie anoest ore ae the sovereign of a loyal, contented and prosperous people. On the 18th of December lest a confer• ante of Pruviooial Premiere and Minis• term waa held in the City of Quebeo-Tor rbc pnrpoee of considering the fioanoial relations of the Province to the Domin- ion. The oonterenoe, after ooming to oertain eonolueione, subsequently met et Ottawa and submitted their oonolaeione to the Dominion Government. A hall report of the proceedings will be !aid before you. During the past year a greater area of the arable lands of the Crown were looat• ed by eetttere tbau in any recent year in the history of the Crown Lands Depart- ment. The immigration from the United Kingdom was exoeptionally large, the arrivale reported to the department in Toronto being nearly doable those of any previous year. Under the legislation providing land grants for military eervioe, about six tboneand oertifiaabee have already beau hotted. A large number of claims await. ing settlement will be disposed of as moon en their validity ie eatabliehed. An amendment to the Aot enabling the more recent (soutfngeaw' to South Africa to share in these grants, will be submitted. MMININS P8000000. The progress which its being made in Rae leading brandies of miuiog is matter for congratulation. The output lath year was the largest in the bietory of the industry. Special attention ie being given to the deposits of nlokel.00pper and iron ore, wbioh oonatibnte 50 import. ant a part of the minaret wealth—yet largely undeveloped—of Northern On- tario. The lumber trade oontinuee Wire, the revenue from Crown deet for the past year beiug the largest in the history of the Province. I am pleased to notion that the past year bas been one of exceptional pros- perity in every department of ',getout. tura, not the least eignifioant evidence being the improved quality of oar dairy prodooe, hacon, beet and poultry: The thanks of the mouthy are due to the estate of the late Hart A. Massey for the timely gift of a new library building, and elect to Sir William Maodonald for his generosity in providing for a building on the oempds of the Agrieultara] Col. lege devoted to Domestio Science. These munificent gifts show the growing inter. est of influential citizens in agricultural eduoatiou, and will greatly assist in the work of the college. The work of Farmer's Ioetitntee has grown steadily ; special fruit institutes, held in the orobard, have been very help. fol ; the Womep'e Inetitntee have in• creased in number, and are eo promising that you will be asked for epeeist! assis- tance to Derry on this work, • THU 13013001 AOT. The vote polled on the 4th of Deoem• bee last in favor of the Liquor Aot of 1902, though not large 5800913 10 bring the Aot into force, may, nevertheless, be taken as an expression of the eleotore favoring further legislation with reepeot to the liquor traffic. A mesenre with this object in view will be submitted for your oneidseation, It ie greatly to be regretted that, not. withetauding the liberal provision here- tofore made for the intone, the ammom- modetion is still inadequate and I trust yon will Sod it possible to meet fully the neoessities of this nntorbetnate ohms of the people. It ie gratifying to notice that many Co. Cannella have provided foe the indi- gent of their own twenties by the eeteb. liehment of Hoagies of Refuge. Bone oount]ee, however, have no other ranee far destitute persona than bhe county jail, end it is the intention of the Gov erntneut to submit legislation for the further extension of this Osten' of public charity. In ordor to the better euppreseion of oontagiouo diseases in many parte of the Province, 11 appears to be 050esoary to eeonre more effective oo•operation of the muuioipalities with tba measures adopt. ed by the Legieletnre. Your attention will be called to a bill for this pnrpoee. I have been pleased to not]ae the highly benefit:net rem150 that have attended the creation in 1893 dike branch of the public) eteviee 'Merged with the oter0 of neglected an dependent obildren, 'finder its operations foeter.bomee have been provided for over two thousand Meditate ohitdren, seaming their growth la ell that mekee for good citizenship. IevortinlG cenenllet. The legislation of 1897 providing for supervising and regalatiug the imports. tion otohildreu from the Briti Ielee has, I am pleased to any, resulted in a more modal eeleetion of children inteu • dud fee settlement in title Proviboe and in a greater comfort end eteority front injustice of all obildren for whom homed may be found under the got, You will be pleased to know that great. progress bas been made during the year in the development of technical educatwq end manual training in the Public and Hormel schools of the Province. The growth of the Provincial Uoiveralty ebowe tbeinoreased interest taken in higher ed. mutton, while the demand for the better teething of teaohere in public and eepar ate ecboole calls for the extension of the Normal eohool term. You will be asked to consider legislation with regsrd to these matters. Ia view of the great demand for eleot. rival energy for industrial and other uoee, it is desirable that the ntmoatfeeility should be afforded, through mnniaipat control or otherwise, for the etilizetiou to these ends of the water powers of the Provinoe. A. bill to provide for tbie object will be laid before yon, Bills will be submitted for the ooneoli• dation of the eluoikipal Act end for the revieioo and amendment of the Amen,. meet Aot. The reports of the various departments of the.pobtio service wilt be laid before you, inoluding the Bret report of the oommieeio0 for the oonetraction of the Temiekaneing & Northern Ontario Rail- way. ail. wThe estimates for the current year will at an early date, be submitted for your approval. Tbey will be found to have. beau prepared with alt the economy oon. eietent with the effioiaoy of the public eerviee. 1 feel assured that your legislative Mora during the preaent seaeion will be characterized by the some earnest Dare and thoughtful attention as have hereto. fore marked the work of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. PERSONAL. PARAGRAPHS. e rt ie' Mre. Marra of Mole wit h is visiting P. , 8 Mre. S. Wilton. Rich. Wilifams waa visiting at Mount Forest this week. Mrs. Parr and eon are visiting in. Wingham tale week. Mrs. Robt. Kerr is not enjoying very good health at present. Barristers Sinclair and Blair were at Goderioh on legal business. Will. Opnatey, of Strafford, spent Sun. day nutter the parental roof. Mise Maggie and Nettie Brown were visitors at Gerrie on Sunday. Fred. Lowery, of Port Huron, is vieih- ing his mother Mre. E. 0. Lowery. W. J. Smith, of Milverton, was a visitor with Station Agent Mtlhaneen for a few days, Rod. McKay. of Newark, N. J., is a visitor with old friends in and around Brussels, Mre. W. Willbee spent a few daye last week in Ethel, the gueet of Mre. Geo. Bateman. Miee McGill, of Blyth, wan visiting Misses Josie and P loeenoe Buchanan for a few daye. Editor Thompeon, of the Fergus Reoord, was in town over Sunday visiting his parents. Miss Bennett, who ban been in town for some weeks, returned to her home at Blyth on Monday. Ohne. and Aire. Ritchie have gone ea 9. holiday visit with relatives in Michigan for a week or so. B. Gerry, Math Cardiff and othere attended the Orange Grand Lodge in Wingham this week. Mien Mildred Scott is visiting relatives end friends et Hamilton. Her brother, D, el., is a resident of that city. Mre. John Donaldson has been on the ebok liet but we hope she will soon be fully restored to her ',moat good health. 01re. Laird and eon, of Winthrop, were visitors at the Methodist Parsonage. Mrs. Laird and Mre, Ooeene are cousin. Mre, M. G. Richardson bas been quite poorly for some time, we are sorry to say. Heart trouble is mad to be Ibe rano. Mre, Weddup who has been visiting her eieter Mre. J. Downing, for the past 7 weeke returned to her home in Lindeay last Thursday. W. H, McCracken will go to Toronto next week as delegate from Brneeels A, 0. U. W. to the Grand Lodge of that Order ounvening there. Mre. Fletcher Sperling and Wyman ate visiting at Carlingford. Her sister and brother in•law, Mr, and Mrs. Btaoey, are laid ap with la grippe. Weare pleased to report that George Brewer is malting favorable progress and with'the ooming of Spring weather will 00nvalesae more rapidly we trust. W. 11. Kerr, of THIS Poop, is attending the Eastern Good Roads Aasooiabiou Convention at Ottawa 1011 bee 050ei0n0 are billed for Thursday and rriday of this week, Mies Oarrie Milhaueen was called home to .Elmwood on Tuesday by telegram owing to the 111neett of her slater. She expecte to return to Braseele in the course of ten [jays or so. Mies' Lizzie ROSS went to Mosley on Wedoeeday afternoon owing to the illness of Thos. Bona' little boy. Aoute indi• gestion i0 the cause. We trust the child will 0000 V000080, Wm. Dnnean, tonsorial artist, wag off duty for a few days rapt week from au attack of pleurisy. By prompt action the illness was checked and he renamed work ehorblyafter. Bement Brown, Of Brothels, was a pall 'titterer et the laoarel of Garnet Campbell, a fanner animal companion et Goreie. He died fu Ohio' of pneumonia and was brought bona for interment. The funeral took plaoelaet Sunday, He was abont 10 years of age.