HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-5, Page 8THE BRTJS8.4,LS POST ers Our Spring Papers are now all in. Our de. signs this year are better than ever before. We have a good assortment of grounded papers at 5c. per roll, as well as expensive papers retailing at 20c. per roll. Before buy ing we would like you to call and see our Papers. m l Druggist & Bookseller, Brussels. EY GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN Bambino; W, a. & n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; GOING80O00 00880 NowTB, MnB 7:18 a.m 1 Mixed 10:00 a,m Mixed......... 1000 a.mI Man 1:17 p.m Express--8:vep.m Expreee 8;17 p.m Arai Beals Jt.elrita, A ahiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent i9. ?'•ARCH. KEEP clear of 1a grippe -if you Gan. (!• LLAR and tie found ask at THE POST. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this week. Samoa Board will be held on Friday evening of next week, THE pitch boles South of Brussels were improved by the road being plowed out. 75 man, in advance, aeons Tun Pon for the bslanoe of 1903. If you want the news now is your Ohanoe. THocaa this is Marsh, a Spring month, it is more than probable that Winter will yet give as some proverbial kicks. MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thnreday of this week. There was a large attendance of both - buyers and sellers. Prided ranged high. REEVE WILTON and Connoillor Blair attended the Good Roads Oonvention at Olinton on Wednesday as repreeentativea from Brussels. WHERE did you bay this panel, Jack 7 The price was surely steep ? "I read a POST ad" he exclaimed, "And bought the thing quite °heap." Bowra o Cann -The gunnel meeting of Brussels Bowling club will be held in the Connell chamber, on Taeeday even- ing of next week, commenoing at 8 o'clook. A large attendance at all interested is asked, Now =Bloat 10e per sheet. We are offering all the "New I18088" reoeived by us donate the peat few months for 10e a copy. They inatude a lot of the late Songs and Two•Steps. THE Pon Book Store. WM. MCFADZLAN expecte to leave town for Lander, Men., in about a month where he will engage in blaokemithing. He will also move his family to the Weet. Mr. Mao. ie an experienced hand at his trade and will no dunbt do well. THE K. 0. T. M. Band, of Brneeele, hae been engaged for Friday afternoon of next week to go to Wroxeter in 000080• tion with a Spring delivery of agriooltnral implements. No doubt the Band will give a good account of itself. This is their first engagement since organization. A new uniform will be procured and a busy season figured on. UPweane of 1000 loads of foe were taken from the river Maitland at Brussels this Winter. The quantity of ice stored is increasing year by year, thelargeiooreaee being on the part of the farming com- munity who see the advantage of having it in connection with dairy operations during the warm weather. MASONIC AT HOME. -The annual At Rome in connection with St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A, M., Brussels, will be bald on Friday evening of next week in their Lodge room. A musical and liter- ary program will be rendered, lamb served and after this dancing engaged in by those who desire to do so in adjoining apartments. Last year's gathering is still quite green in the memory of those who were favored with invitations. Amex. DioNEm, formerly of Bruesele, writing from Fort William Feb. 28, says: -We are all doing fairly well. It was 35 degrees below zero on Taeeday and Wedneeday but we have had One weather. We have just snow enough to make good sleighing but we have no pitoh holes here. I am working at carpenter work along aide of the bay at the 0. P. R, coal dooke. Lots of work for those who are willing to get at it. EPwoRTH LEAGUE ANNIVgRSARY: The anniversary sermons of the Epworth League in oo0neotion with the Methodist church, Brussels, will be preached on Sabbatb, Maroh 15th at 10 30 a. m. and 7 p. m. by Bev. A. 0. Orem, of Toronto, the well-knownsecretary of Xoting Peoples' socialise. Monday afternoon a local oonvention will be bald in the same ohnrah, commenoing at 2 O'olook, when the following programs will be presented : -Topic, ,"How to Work to Win," by B. McKay, Ethel ; Topic, "Joy of See - vice," by Mies M, A, Match, Gorrie ; Round Table Conference on "League Work," led by Rev. Mr, Crewe. Invitee Bone have been sent to the Young People on adjoining oir0aite and billets will be provided if names are sent in advance to W. Salter, Seorebaty, In the evening, oommenoing at 8 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Crewe will deliver hie popular Lebtnre, "Tbroagb the Mammoth Cave with 200 Epwortb Leaguers," No one should mise it. A mueimnl program will also be emulated, Admission fee has been placed at the very modeet figure of 10 cents, The Leaguere will occupy the centre pews at tbe Sabbath eervioee. A welcome will be extended to all and a rare treat is aoontod .upon in the doming of Rev. Mr, &yews, THE County of Huron Promotion Examinations will be held on Maroh 26tb and 27th. A CANARY belonging to Mrs. John Meadows, John street, Brussels, ceased to sing its blytheeome song at the age of 16 years. It was a fine Ringer. EPS. CORER, of the Carriage Workp, Bruesele, has b8611.away on a tour die po810g of 1903 buggies. The firm has ahont 100 of a 200 lot ready for the road. Acme/I n. -All persons indebted to H. Williams & Son are asked to oall at B. Dark's livery barn on or before the 15th 1088, to settle the same. After that date accounts will be found in the hands of A. Coneley, Brussels, THtloentr of this week John Pepper left town for Medora, Manitoba, in charge of a oar of bones for George Miller, for. merly of Morrie. Mr, and Mrs. Miller will be returning to the West shortly after an enjoyable visit with relatives in this looality. Mr. Pepper will probably spend the Sommer in Manitoba, SHIPMENTe G. T. R. -During the peat week the following ehipmeate were made from Brneeele station :-1 oar cattle by A. 0 Damee ; 1 oar settler's effects to Park River, Nortb Dakota, by R. Doug. las ; 1 oar settler's effect to Elva, Man., by R. Mowbray ; 1 oar salt to Milverton; 1 oar hogs, to Montreal by Geo. Best ; Inward were 2 oars lumber for P. Anent ; 2 cars coal for the Salt Works; and 1 oar feed for AIf. Baeker. Rios' Foxe/az-The first few days of March, Rev. I. Hicks forecasts ae follows :-The first regular storm period for Mated) is from the 2nd to the 78h. At this time the earth is folly under tbe infiaenoe of her own vernal equinox, blended with a Venae disturbance. From ab"nt Tuesday, the 8rd, to Friday, the 6111, there are reasons to expaat all the changes and phenomena of a very deoided storm period. A marked ohauge to warmer and failing barometer will lead rapidly into cloudiness with general rain and thunder etorme in the South, Raine may ate° be expected in oentral and Northern section, but change to much older will follow the raine, with heavy now equalle,generally along the Northern side of the country. Sharp change to °old will bring up the rear of these etorme, bringing the temperature quite to the frost line far into the South. To Ploxog.-The Stouffvilie Pilot, of Feb. 18, speaks of H. J. Morden; for- merly of Brussels, as follows :- H. J. Morden left this week for Pioton, where he takes the management of the branch of the Metropolitan bank there. We are exoeediugly sorry to lose each a good ait3Eea from our midst. By his courteous and genial manner Mr. Norden has made many friends during his sojourn amongst tie, as manager of the Standard bank bere. Personally, although only having the pleasure of hie acquaintance bot for a few months, we feel we have loot a friend. We know we are express. ing the unanimous feeling of the outman. ity when we say that Mr. Morden is every inob a gentleman, and a citizen we are fain to lose. Both Dir. and Mrs. Morden wilt be greatly missed by the St. James Preebyteriaa abarob, in whioh they have been closely identified with the choir and work of the abarob. We wish them aboodant success and happiness in their new home, and a long and useful life. FROM VANCOUvER, B. 0. -DEAR Sin,- Please ia,Please find enolosed $1,00 for which kindly Bead ail your valuable paper for 1903. We Bee by recent ieeae of THE PoeT that you are not having nth line weather ea we of the "Great and Glorious West." We have had a wonderful Fall and win• ter, with very little rain, and only two or three inehee of snow wbioh Iaeted only a few days, in fact tbe last three or four woke have been almost 000tin0al eon. shine, The city of Va000uver is making rapid etridee forward and in the eetima• tion of a great many will, in a few years, be the 'Primo of Canada. Thie year the oily ie going to build two Fire Halls, Jail, Reformatory for Boys, Hospital and additions to the different Publio Schools. Besides these there is at present, and from indications will be throughout the Summar, a great boom in the building of agorae, &a. Thle oo0utry ie certainly the plain for meoltaaioe and laborere. Tailors make an average wage of 712 to 725 a week ; plumber 35 to 45a an hoar ; oor- penters, after April let, will make 36 to 600 an hour; and painters, masons and other meahanios make similar wages. One great drewbaok to this Province is the Chinese and Jape. I feel safe to say that the people of thie Province would be quite willing to ehip every Ching Po, Lee Hung, Sam Soy end so forth, and every Jap bank to Eastern Canada, pay their fares and all wages tar 5 years, In fact I think they would be quite willing to part with them for 10 yeare, but I am afraid the people of the East would want to oall "quite" at the end of 5 yeare, If the people of Eantern Canada knew bow the Chinese and Jape were reining this aoantry for the white man they would work like Trojone to get rid of every one of them. They can live on about 5o a day and ooneegaentiy can do Work for a great deist lees than the white man, but we ere in hopes that before lang they will be shat off framable ooantty entirely, We are always anxi008 to reaeige THE' Po87 as we get all the news of oar Eastern friende. Yours truly, 1/. KENDALL, Vaneoaver, B4O„ Feb, 25, 1908. THE etrooiitan tom. LIMO. • •- R1.SERVE • • Itlrertore A. 10, AAIE8, • - . W4181110E7 100V. R. n. WARDEN, n, n., Vt IN-P.I EeIn0Na' 0. n. AMASSEY, 8. J, moor eel nfAnen1W $1,000,000 $1,000,000 General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes Discounted, Sale Notes bought or hold for Collection. 1N TUE sAT ING5 BANK—Deposits of 61.00 and upwards received and interest at the highest Beek rate allowed, from date of deposit to date of withdrawal, 0u the daily halauoe, t51'Parttee holding important papers, notes, dm., may deposit them In our bank vault for safe peeping—free of charge. Prompt and Careful Attention, Good 1ernta. G. F. BLAIR, So1101tor. A, E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS, QOM° a number from Brne8el8 and looality talk of attending the Greed Orange Lodge wbioh meet et Wingham next week, The 8888(0ns promise to be interesting. IT will tyke 2 or 3 weeks yet to com- plete the large and up to date improve- ments being made at Brussels Salt Werke under the supervision of Biala. Reneford, one of the proprietors of the Works. LIVERY Soma -Title week the livery stable conducted for 14a years by Hogh Williams & Son, of Brussel°, wee per. ohaeed by Ben. Dark, who reoently sold hie farm in Grey, and the new proprietor took possession on Tuesday. Mr. Dark will no doubt keep everything up to high water mark ae did hie predecessors. We did not hear definitely what Messrs. Williams intend doing, but expect that the senior member of the Srm will rest on his oars and that the junior will hustle as usual whether in or out of town. We wish all concerned emcees. , CONDOLENCar-Following ie a letter of condolence forwarded by Bruesele Inde. pendent Foresters to Mre. T. Fletcher, in connection with the decease of Mr. Flet. ober, who was a member of the Order :- To Mrs. Fletcher and Farnily.- Whereae God in Hie Infinite Wisdom hae permitted the messenger of death to come to your home and remove a lov- ing and devoted husband and father from the home below to the Home above and a brother from our Court here to the Court on high, we, the members of Ooart Mait• land, No. 699, I. 0. F., desire to tender to you oar sincere and hearfelt sympathy fn your sad bereavement so reoently sae- taioed. We will miss him in our Court, yet we would aakoowledge the hand of God who is too wise to err and too good to be unkind, While we mingle our ear row with yours in baman eymt•atby we trust you can rejoice with us that lie maintained a firm trust in hie Saviour to the end and our prayer is we may all meet in that better world above where parting is no more. Signed, on behalf of the Court, I. 0. Rloaaana, 0. R., T8o8. CURRY, R S., L. 8. DUNFORn, F. 8. • Bra'eele, Mar, 4, 1903. Cae1000ON-HANNA. - The Waroestar (Maes) Daily Telegram, of February 18, gives the following interesting particulars of a marriage bo which Harold W. Oreigbton, eon of Mre. J. A. Creighton, of Brussels, was the bappy groom "Miee Bella Greene Ranna, daughter of Mre. Edzabeth Hanna, and Harold William Creighton were married this afternoon et 3 o'clock, at the home of the bride's mother on Shrewsbury street, North Grafton, by Rev. Oberlin L. Short, rotor of St. Andrews Episcopal ohnrob, the full Epieoopal service being used. The bride was attended byher youngest sister, Miee Agnes Hanna,, as brideemnid, and Arohibuld MoOormaak, of Paisley, Sootlaad, a cousin of the bride, was beat mac. The bride was gowned in a blue Berge travelling dress. The bridesmaid wore a white muslin, trimmed with white. ribbon and leoe. The wadding was private, only relatives attending. The parlor, where the ceremony 000urred, was tastefully decorated with potted plants, After the ceremony there was a short reception, when the young couple received ooagratutatioue. The wedding gifts were on exhibition in the front hall, and in• eluded a silver fruit basket from Charles Tarbox and wife ; eiiver ladle, Albert Gerson Kidd, W httineville ; fancy linen, Miee Laura Hinkley, Leaerae, Minn. ; obina eb000late set, James L. Sivea and wife, Arlington Heights ; table linen, John Smith and wife ; white bedepread, George Martin and wife ; china table set, Mies Jeaute Storrie ; table linen, Miee Margaret McKenna ; silver knives and forks, Newell W. Wood, Wbitineville; table lfoen, Miee Rath Fleming ; crystal set, Frank White, wife and family, Graf- ton ; table linen, Miae Lizzie Hughes ; china cream eat, Charlee Clark, Grafton ; table linen, Mrs. Margaret Storrie, Mr. Creighton and wife left this afternoon on the 4 o'aloek train for Montreal, where they will pass their honeymoon. Return• Lug home, they will begin housekeeping in the Frank Prentice cottage on Shrews bury etreet, and will be at home to friends after April 1. Mr, Oreiuhton ie express agent at the Grafton & Upton station in North Grafton, and lived io Hopedale before arming to North Grafton. Mint Hanna is one of the popular young women of North Grafton, where she has lived the greater part af her life. Until reoently ehe wee employed in the sole leatber department at the J, S. Neleon & Son Shoe Go. faotory," THE POST ex. tends oongratolaticne, People We Snow. Miee Lizzie Hollinger le vieiti0g at P, Ament'e, W. H. MoOraoken was in Wingham on Tuesday on business. Barrister Sinoiair was in Toronto this week on a business trip. Mre. Thos. Ainlay, of Listowel, is the guilt of Mrs. Jan. Wynn. Jno. Donaldson had a wrestle with la grippe daring the pant week, Mrs. S. Ames, of Ethel, has been Weft, ing her daughter, Dire. D. C. Roes. Miee Jean Forbes is on the sink list but we hope ebe 80111 soon be convalescent. Arthur Finn, wile and child, of Tor- onto'are or•0nto,are visiting Mende in Brunets and lobality, !Mise Ethel Scott was visiting Miseee McRae, of Colebrook, for Saturday and Sunday. Lyle, the little daughter of S. H. and Mre, ,laokson, fell off a chair dielooating has elbow. We hope she will Good be all right. Mise Ririe Hunter was laid up with the , prevailing bad cold. Joh. Rebel, of Hartford, Miohigan, ie visiting at Philip Ament'e. Dire. (Dr.) MoNaughton and Mies Florence are visiting relatives at Sea forth. Mies Maggie MaLenohhin and Miee Mildred Scott were holidaying with Wingham friende this sveek. Messrs, Moore and MaOormiok, of Trowbridge, were nailing on Brussels friends during the past week. George Richardson has been laid off for some time with a disabled arra caused by a fall on the fay eidewalk, Mre. J. D. Warwick and W A. Grover were visiting their eieter, Mrs. R. N. Barrett, in 'gingham for a few days. Warden Kerr attended the meeting of the Oo. Council and Good Roads Oonveu. tion at Olintan on Wedneeday of this week.- Miee Fannie Rogers has gone to Chica- go where she hae enured a situation, We hope she will enjoy life in that bust- ling oity, M. McDowell, of Westfield, was visit. ing at Ronald MoNaoghton'o last Sunday. Min Muggie returned with him for a short viols. Mre. Thomas Hall, who is past 85 years of age, fell at the doorway of her home on Wednesday and injured ber face. The old lady hae been quite poorly of late at times. We welcome Joseph and Dire. Bowman and family of Grey, as residents of Brue 8e18. They took po+session of their lately acquired property, poicbaeed from John Currie, able week, POetmaeter Farrow will celebrate hie 70th birthday next Sunday. He is a very active man for hie yeare outdoing many who are 20 yeare younger. THE P08T extends Congratulations. Bishop Ward, of St. Thomas, is renew ing old friendships in Bruesele and looali• by. It is several yeare since the family r, moved from town• Mre. Ward is also here. They ore welcome visitors. A note from J. D. Ronald, from Coron- ado, Cal., says be and Mre. Ronald are now at that plane by the sea beaoh and near relatives, Mre. Ronald's health is improving very feet we are pleased to learn in that paradise on earth. Mr. Ronald is sorry that all editors -if not all mankind -cannot get a month's outing annually at that point. We know one Editor who is aleo sorry over the same thing, Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting of Brue. eels Cnunril was held on Monday even ing. All the members were present, the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last meetiug were read and approved, Accounts were presented a8 follows :- A. MoLauchlin, salary 725 00 R. Denbow, street imp. 4 00 E. Spereiu, 3 00 W. Denbow, 'r 6 65 On motion of G. F. Blair end RThom• eon, awe:Uuts were passed, Constable alaLanohlin reported $29 65 ae reoeipte from scales for month of Feb ruary. Tax .Oalleetor Halliday reported all taxes paid except in oases where they were being returned against the properties. A refund to L. Mohler of $6 80, over- oharge in taxes was made on motion of G. F. Blair and A. Banker. Letter was read from A. E. Melli-b, Manager of the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, aekiug for a ohne of the town's !nodose. Moved by G. F. Blair, eeaond• ed by A. Beaker, that the town Sinking Fend on deposit be placed in the Metro. potion Bank and the current coconut be left at the Standard Bank. -Carried. Jno. Lott.eeked for permission to use street near G. T. R, property for a crop. Left to Street 0. mmittee. A rebate of 74.18 to Great North Wes taro Telegraph Go., on taxes, wee return. ed to Tax Oolleotor Bailiday ; 06,95 obarg. ed for in the 5% but paid previously ; also 76 80 rebate to Aldridge eaten, 716 93 in all, an motion of 11. Thomson and A. Banker. In response to au invitation to attend Good Ronde Convention at Clinton, on Wednesday of this week, moved by B. T, Plum, seconded by A, Banker that the Reeve and Counaillor Blair be our repro. sentativee.-Carried, J. Leckie addreeeed tbe Council rela- tive to the question of the local amine. Went, calling attention to the fob that the figure was not high enough proper. tionately end the petoonal property aseeaament was simply 1•idianlout. He thought the A8008800 ebuuld be asked to 80008aes aeeeeemeet On 80me regular percentage eo that tax tete would come down, Thie would be in the beet inter. este of the village. A general 000808ea. tion followed in whioh anamoloue illus. tratione were cited and opinions expreae• ed as to necessary amendments in the Aeaeeement Act, Nn nation was taken at the meeting as Aeoeeeer Cooaley woe not present. W. Loakridge stated that the Woolen factory machinery would be planed iu the amen of a few days and he would like the town to aeon a competent val. nater to go over the plant. Moved by G. F. Blair, emended by A. Baeker, tbat a valuator be secured to go over machinery, &e„ in Woolen factory to be here Tues: day or Wedneeday of next week, and that the Olerk enure the same. -Carried. The question of street improvement Dame up for brief dieoueeion aleo the eery 060068ary piece of sidewalk from Turnborry etreet to the G. T. lt, depot. Connell then adjourned. MAR. 5 1903 Standard Banc of Canada =52':9.7ET4x010)8 , 1070 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Deposits Resented and i rt.reet at Highest Bank fate allowed from date of Deposit to date o[ Withdrawal, Interest PAIW Ole THE Daily Balance Loans Made, Notes gashed, and every a0oommuda tion afforded the tee. poneible borrower, This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. t Every aonvenienee afforded customers living at a dietenoe,- BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT, It has been deoided to bold the Dnmin• inn convention of the W. C, T. 51. in Ottawa in November next, The wireless telegt aphy testa have been further delayed by the burning ons of the De Foreet transformer in Hamilton, The Oenadian•Amerioan Goat Com• 9807'e mine at Frank, Alberta, is now producing and ehippiug over 1,000 tone of coal per day out of a single mine entrance. 8OZOTO Bgmt.-In Wingham, on Feb. 24bh, to Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Bell, a daughter. FEAR. -In East Wawanoeb, on Feb. 12th,. to Mr. and Mrs. Will. Fear, a daughter. GLAaeroo.-Io Grey, on Feb. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Danl. Glassier, a son. MOLenaaraN.-In Brussels, on Feb. 25, to Mr. and Mre: N. S. MaLanehlin, a daughter. PRATT.-At Alameda, N. W. T., on Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mre. Geo. Pratt, a Eon. xa.a,axlxx�a7- ALRxANDER-MCCuTanaoN.-In M'ioKillop, on March 4'1, by Rev. P. Musgrave, ermined by Rev. A. MacNab, 8,8. A , Mr, Hugh Alexander to Mies Han- nah Miuetta MoOntoheoh, both of Multi 'lop. CREIeaeoi-HANNA.-In North Grafton, Maes., on Feb. 18, by Rev. Ohne. L. Short, Mr. Harold W. Creighton, formerly of Brussels, to Miae Bella Greene Hanna, all of Grafton. GRAHAM-JAOQ0EB.-At the home of the bride's parents by Rev, E. A. Hall, of Gerrie, sedated by Rev. A. B. Forney, of Aylmer, by Miee Libbie Jaaquee to Mr. Robe. Graham, all of Howiok. DionioneEL-SOTEMBAN: At the Rectory, Gorrn-, on 'Tuesday, 24th inst., by Rev E. A. Hall, Mr. W. McMichael, of Qu Appeile, 5r. W. T:, to Miee Blanche Sotherau,of Howiok. SMITH-DoOeLA8.-In Morrie, on Feb. 4, by Rev. Jnu. Roes, B. A., Mr. Joseph Smith, to Miss Jane 0 , olden daagh- ter of Mr, John Douglas, of Morris. WILLIAMSON-Jt'HNeTON - In Grey, on Marsh 4, by Rev. A MacNab, H. A , Mr. Jae Henry Williamson to Mies Mand Johnston, both of con. 17, Grey. AGIN.-In Morrie, on Feb. 28, Annie Kelly. reliot of the late Dennie Agin, aged 68 years. EARL. -At Lot 26, Con. 1, Grey, on Tues. day Feb. 2481, Margaret Campbell, reliot of the late John Earl, aged 94 yeure. FLEUTY.-0n Feb. 2nd, atMaiden, Essex Go , England, John Finny, aged 89 yeare. Deceased was brother to Jae. Plenty, of Wingham. Maltinesa.-lu Grey: o, March 1, Peter MnIntoeb, aged 74 yeare. RAYMANN,-In Oranbrook, on Feb, 27th, Michael Reymann, in his 87111 year. .nvamxosS' FRIDAY, MARCH Oth.-Farm stook, im plemeute, &o., at Ea Lot 15, Con. 10, Grey. Sale, nnreaerved, at 1 o'otook. Joeeph Knight, prop, ; F.S. Scott, Guo. TaEeaae, MARCH 10 -Fatm etook, implemente, &o , Lot 26, oon. 11, Grey. Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'elook. M. Henry, Prop. F. 8. Scott, ono. 7: 7>r.E7TE', Mall SVheat - 87 68 Barley ...... 40 41 Peas 05 60 Oats 27 29 Butter, tube and rolls ., 16 17 Elgge pe'r doyen 12 13 Flour per cwt. 4 00 6 00 Potatoes (per bus.) 50 60 Apples (per bug) 40 60 Hay per ton . ..••.• 6 00 7 00 Sheep skins, smolt ....., 26 25 Lamb skins moil-, ,. 25 80 Sall. per 1h1., retail:1 00 70 13idoe brimmed 6 6a Hideo tough 5 5 Hoge, Live 5 75 5 75 Wool .... 11 12 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. OLEAN Beed oats for sale. Wm. Sammie, Lot 20, Oen. 15, Grey, or Oranbrook P. 0. Trionu' HMV young nowt for sale, all in farrow, Lobed, don, 0, Morris, or Brnaseie P. 0. ROBT. NICHOL, Proprietor, GENI611AA store for able. For further partieulare apply to J, H, THOMSON§ tHen. 0eyn, Sinn OATs,-A quantity of clean seed oats, Siberian and Note Oeneury verietien, for safe. 008 N Mil t'II, Lot 0, Cou, 0, Grey, or box 200, Brussels P, 0. .. 20-tf A QUANTITY of good, clean seed oats for one, One Thousand and Early Gotbland varieties. FLt8NII Materia lea Lot 11, 0011, 6, Mortal, oe bunehino P. 0, 84.2 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANTED.—A OARETAI{LR for Melville Chetah. Salmry $75.00 per aunnm. Tenders to be banded in on or before Monday, March 9th, to J. G. skone wile will give any information toquired., HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE 0n 10ruberr7 88reot, Brneeele lt00880 OM the Somerset praborty, eligibly situated, Immediate possession, Per further partlo- ainre as to p,lao, tame, &o„ ally to 1'1. -Me0IYPOBle0teLot 78, Con, 12, Melliliop, I or Lodi/111'y P, b, 88.85 • 1410B SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west other William and Albert streets, Rrusenls. 99.tf J. LEOKIE. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND geed lot for Rule on Queen street, Rressel8 For fm lber particulars apply to 01A1tY CAMPBELL, Brunets P. 0, 3308 FOR SALE. — VALUABLE property at Ethel known as the Methodist Pareouago. Apply to 0140. OOBER, Brunets. 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. One is 1 year old and the other two younger, Also several mid - tired Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES 6PEIR, Lot 30, Cou. 8, Morrie Twp., or Brus- sels Y. 0. - 22.11, ITOR SALE. -5 SHEARLING Rams ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambe. Purbred Lefoeaters. Good ones at low prices. Also Short Horn Bulls, Ouwe and Heifers at very moderate pekes and eapy terms. D. MILNE & SON, Ethel. TOTIOE.—NOTIOE IS HERE• by given that (000(88 In my bands ae Executrix Of the estate of the late Mrs, Mooney and monies belouging to Joeeph Burton, have been paid to the said Burton, and I em no ',neer reepeneible for debts ()entreated by him, and I ask the public to egovorn thumeelves aceordb,ely 03.2 NAVY 0.8057BELL, Notice to Contractors. Sealed tenders will be reeolved by the un- dersigned, up to Matoll 1011,, for the erection of a brink veneered dwelling. Plane and specifications may be Been at my store, The lowest or any tender not necessarily aaoepted. I. 0. RIOHAR08. Bruesele,Feb, 20th, le03• 83.2 Apology. To Mr. John McCaughey, Township of Mor - rte. Blyth P 0., Out.: DEAR 010,—I very much regret that Ire- peated a statement made tome to the effect that you bad taken a false oath 3n the Barr mise at /ioderiob. I find that that state. meet was and is entirely without any found- ation, and is not true, and I unreservedly withdraw it, and apologise to you for hav- ing repeated it, Yours truly, (Signed) JOHN WALLACE. Witness: W. JA8. MTLNE. Morrie, February 25th,1900. -- 39-2 II IGH QUALITY FOR LEAST COST ',1:RAx iS pun Pure Cream Tartar Baiting Powder W e find a constantly increasing trade for our Bakilig - Powder. We guarantee it to be pure and t lways fresh. We would like to have' you try it. 25o. per pound at FOX'S DRUG STORE. License District OF THE East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -Keepers and Others Whom it may concern : NOTICE is hereby given that Application for Licenses - for the Bale of Itguon in the Beet Riding of Huron, for the License Year of 1003.1009, wh,ah oolnmeuees on the let day of May next, wIll be received by the uudeneigned from the present date up to Wednesday, April 1,190a inclusive. Applicants must furnish the 01111100 of two good and eunletept sureties as 1 oudemon at the time of making a,plioa- tiou. Any anplleant for a new license must Imolai a certificate signed by a maj- ority of the electors entitled to vote at oleo - Mona for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub -division lo which the premises soul'ht to be licensed are situated, and the said majority must include at levet one. third of the Bald electors, who aro at the Mme of snob application reeide.te within' the said Polling Sub -Division JNO. R. MILLER, Inapeetor,- Jsmeetown,Maroti 8th, 1003, STOCK TAKING NOW ON ecial FOR THE - ps exp 10 Days. Clearing Lots in All Departments. Dress Goods A few beautiful Dress Lengths, Skirt Lengths and Waist Ends. All will receive the pruning knife and on Saturday will be put on sale at ' Price. Ready-to-wear -to-wear Clothin - O 9 Overcoats in Men's sizes—these goods are from the best makers, every garment guaranteed to be just as represented or money refunded. Also about 1 dozen Men's Suits ; 18 pairs Men'e Overalls, sizes 40 to 44, and a few lines in Men's Odd Pants to be cleared at Cost during the next 10 days, Boots and Shoes In this department we have a few odd lines and sizes to make things interesting for economical buyers. The prices will surprise you. For Shirts, Collars, Ties, Cutis, Suspenders, &c., Come to the 2/Loney-Saving Spot. A. MAT NETT GA 2P1ELD aLOOK8 BRUSSELS. Butter and Eggs taken as Cada. R. ,0 1`4