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The Brussels Post, 1903-3-5, Page 3
• f• IS MERRY ULD UGLMND NEWS B'R' MAIL ABOUT 3O81t BULL AND I•LIS PEOPLE. Ccaurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World, The average ago of the mon in the British navy Is between 26 and 27 years, Manchester bas the largest free li- brary in England. There aro in all over 180,000 volumes, Praetically the entire stock of Mr. Kingstone, a jeweler, of Hitchin, has been cleared by burglars, London Oouuty Council has Intro- duced half -penny fares on all the cars running on the South Loudon Tram- ways. Electricity' for lighting purposes is now being supplied through penny - in -the -slot meters at Eccles, Lanca- shire. Mr, James Henry Barber, .the ven- erable leader of the Quaker com- munity in Sheffield, is viand. He was formerly a bank ...onager. Through forgetting the. time a bride and bridegroom arrived too late at a Halifax church, and their wedding had to be postponed, Fifteen years is the age of a boy who has just been convicted tor the fourth time this year for drunken- ness at West Ilartlepool. .An alarming spread of smallpox was last week reported at Stock- port. In all 27 cases have been dis- covered and three deaths have taken place. While three men were rowing out . to a vessel in Dover Bay their boat sank. The men, who narrowly es- caped being drowned, were rescued by a French schooner. The 2nd York and Lancashire Regi- ment, which returned to England re- cently, has served in Bermuda, Nova Scotia, South Africa, Mauritius, and East and West Indies, Whilst doing up his boots William Green clied suddenly at Warwick. Three months ago ho was violently assaulted, but to all appearances had recovered from his injuries, Witham Walsh, a factory operative, aroused of having murdered his daughter, aged ten, died at Burnley IIospital from the wound he after- wards inflicted upon himself. Twelve gallons and twenty dozen bottles of stout were chunk in less than a fortnight by a cook who un- successfully sued her master for wages at Lambeth, Dr. Joseph Harper, a well-known West of England sportsman and me- dical practitioner, died on the 15th inst. at Barnstable. Dr, harper was twice Mayor of Barnstable, During the progress of an inquest at Battersea the electric light fail- ed, and tite coroner and jury had to remain in darkness for some time, pending the production of candles. The King has conferred the decora- tion of the Royal Rcd Cross on Miss A. J. WeigheIl, superintendent of the Countess RobertsOfficers ' hospital end Nurses' home, Murree, India, "'Phase documents," said the West Landon stipendiary, in a bigamy ease, inspecting two marriage certifi- cates, "Illustrate the strange faculty womon possess of growing younger." Major Seeley, D. S. 0., TS. P. for the Ise of Wight, speaking at New - part, said it was a source of regret to all In tho Isle of Wight that the Icing had been obliged to present Osborne to the nation. Kato Mollis was charged at Bir- mingham with inciting her son, aged 14, to steel from his employers 120 pairs of boots. Thr: boy was dis- charged, and the mother sent to pri- son for two months. John Pomfret, engine fireman, was leaning out of a carriage window 1 while traveling between Ashton and Droylsden when the door suddenly gave way and Pomfret foil out. He d shortly afterwards. While Robert Appleyerd was des- cending a ladder at Bradford it was blown down! by the wind. Apple- yead fell upon some gate spikes,, lacerating his leg and necessitating his detention in hospital, A sentence of twelve months' hard labor was imposed at Westminster on Thomas Parks, formerly a staff - sergeant in the army, for stealing diamond rings from Miss Ruby Dale and Mrs, Inez Sala, Holbeach Free Church Council, Lincolnshire, has decided to send a memorial to the next Quarter Ses- sions asking the magistrates to con- sider the advisability of reducing the number of licensed promises in the town, The postmaster at Acle, Mr. W, Leight, has learned that his son, Mr. Charles Leight, of the China i:n- land 7lfissfon, while proceeding to the Western Province to take up work ,from Shanghai, was attacked by dysentery and died. The magnificent west front of Exe- ter cathedral, which for centuries has been gradually forced outward by the weight of the roof, has been found insecure, and the Dean and Chapter ]fano decided on a 0001- plcte renovation at great cost, The Mayoress of Bournemouth turned them driver one day last week. I0 opening the four -mild sys- tem of corporation tram, the wife Of the first magistrate drove the first i car, which is one especially designed: Mr the use of the corporation. Probably in no organized body of mot, whether military or civilian, 1 dned Sbmuch religious freedom pre- vail ilas in the British army. There is n0 clearer demonstration of the ' fact than can be witnessed on Sun- day in LondoA mad tio garrisot eit]es and towns of the province, when the 'Ronan Catholic soldiers, often headed by the regimental band, march to the nearest ohurch of their persuasion to attend morning class, A lottor posted at Verona in March of last year was delivered at the London "Express" ottlee last wok. Owing to the cramped hand- writieg it had go00 fleet 40 London, on , tor 0 Ont, then(presumably) I,a o do r1 exas, next to Louisville, Ily„ af- ter that to Lowell, Mass„ again to Lions France, and after wandering aimlessly about the continent for dome tints, it tense to its proper VestinatiOM TAXING BAOIIp,LOR$, In one of the States of Argentine Republie a man is marriageable when he has completed his twentieth year, If from that date and until he pas - see his thirtieth year ho wishes to remain Bingle, he Inust pay $5 a month to the State, For the next five years the tax increases 100 per cent„ between thirty-five and flity he has to pay $20 a month, and from fifty to seventy-five $80. After tho seventy-fifth year' has been reached u bachelor need only pay $9 per an- num, while after eighty he is free from the tax, -P WOMEN'S ILLS. Promptly Relieved and Cured by! Williams' Pink Pills Dr. Williams' PInle Pills are wo- man's best friend. They enrich the blood, tone up the nerves, and strengthen the vital organs toper-, form their functions regularly. hey bring the rosy cheeks and shapely forms that tell of good health anti happiness. To the growing girl they are invaluable. To the mother they, are a necessity. To the woman off forty-five they mean relief and ease, Dr, Williams' Pink Pi'l'ls are the best medicine that science has devised for women at all periods of life. These pills succeed when all else fails. Thousands of grateful women en- dorse the truth of these statements. Mrs, John White, Sahanatien, Ont., says :—"It gives me pleasure to bear testimony to the great value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a cure for the ailments that afflict 80 many wo- men. I su1Yered gt'ently and the periods were very irregular, but thanks to these pills I am now quite well .and free from the pains that made lay life almost a burden. I cheerfully give my experience for the benefit 'of suffering women." Remember that substituted cannot cure and sco that the full name "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple" is on the wrapper around ev- ery box, if in doubt send direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, (Int., and the pills will. be mailed, post paid, at 50c per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Uncle John — I'm glad to hear you say you've got such a nice teacher." Willie — "Yes, She's the best ever," Uncle John — "That's right." Willie — "Yes, she gets sick every other week or so an' there ain't no school." The weary housekeeper paused be- side the basket of eggs that born the crad labelled "Fresh this morning." "Give me a dozen of those eggs," she said. "I suppose you guarantee their freshness?" "Well, no," said the hesitating shopkeeper, "wo wouldn't like to do that." "Rut the card says, 'Fresh this morning. 1 "Yes'In," the shopkeeper reluctantly admitted. "But, you see, it's the card that's fresh — not the eggs." SAFETY POR LITTLE ONES. Mothers Should. Exercise Great Care in Choosing Medicine for Children. :Every little one needs a medicine at some time, and mothers cannot bd too careful in 'nuking a selection. Tho so -railed "soothing" prepara- tions, invariably contain opiates and other harmful drugs, which stupify the Iiit.ln one, and pave the way to tt constant necessity for the rose of narcotic chugs. Undoubtedly the very best, and the very safest medi- cine for little ones is Baby's Own Tablets, They Inc.rmildly laxative end gentle in their action and cure all stomach and bowel troubles, re - Have simple fevers, bleak up colds, prevent croup, and allay, the irrita- tion accompanying the tutting of teeth Where these Tablets are used little ones sleep naturally, because the causes.of -irritation and sloop- lett5nebso aro removed in a natural way, Experlcuced mothers all_,praiso this medicine. Mrs. 1i, 1J. Fox, Or- ange Ridge,' Man,, says :—"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I have ever. used Inc children of all ages: They nate truly a blessing to baby and mother's friend." These Tablets are guaranteed to contain no opiate, and can be given to a new-born babe. Sold by all druggists, or,sctrt post paid, at 25c a box, by writing direct to the Dr, Williams' Modicine 00., Brockville, Ont. . ARE WIC FARMERS BLIND ? The Detroit Journal recently issued a special export number. It con- tained an f'ticle written by Mr. H. C. Morris, the United States Con- sul In INIndso•, Ontario. Among other things, he said : "It is commonly known hero that some of the larger concerns in the United States, in order to undersell competitors bare hove shipped ted into ,mer and Canada nnnthlner..of a former sides.' pattern. The American farmer will buy nothing that is not strictly up-to-date, and at the end of every season there aro left over some Ma- chines that wall be a year olcl the next season, and these machines may lack s0111e new innovations but will do the work' and aro 'just as good' these - chine and -' l dEttO Ilia h u3 Lc , as the I machines --back numbers—are shipped d into Canada at a much reduced in - Voice value, thus saving duty„and they are just as acceptable to the Canadian farmer as ani machine." So, according, to no less a person than a Consul of tho ,republic to the south of us, wo farmers who buy United States machines aro really buying the obsolete machines gather- ed at the United States implement agencies and shipped into Canada. It is not to be Wondered at that the United Stator niacharar 8111/Med i nto Canada do not wear re give satis- faction like tite Cunitclian Maple. Manta. Otte could hardly expect this rather ex.': bo the vaso under the r a traordinary conditions cited by Mr"; ,Morris; 20--13 What frayed your linen ? Not Sunlight Soap— No, indeed I XEDUCES Ask for the Oct,utoa Bar oaf t -f The motor is driving out the horse, but not the cycle, In France there are now 1,106,768 bicycles, as com- pared with only 483,414 five years ago. Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cu tiery, The stick insect of Borneo is the largest Insect known. Specimens 13 inches In length have been captured. Tho stick insect exactly resembles ' a piece of rough i;tleic, For years I had suffered with im- pure blood, and no remedies I useel gave any relief, until I took Dr, August Iloonig's 11nmhurg Drops, which eonpietely Cured me.—August lleitoameyer, 1,009 Millianan Ste, Baltimore, .kid. Tho proposed Edinburgh -Queens- ferry electric tramway is- to be a single line. a $100 Reward, $.100 There 1s more (iatnrrh in this section o1 the country than all other' diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great ninny years doctors pronounced it a local disease anti prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cum with Leval treatment, pronounced it incurable. • bimience has proven catarrh to be a smtstituttpnnl disease and there - fors requlros conetttutlonal' treatment. Bali's L`atarra Cern, mnamfaelurod by F, J. Ohenoy -.� Go., '.L'oletlo, Whio, 15 the only constitutional curia at the mar- ket. It is taken internally in doses `rem 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts Il•ectly 011 the 01000 and mucous sur- faces et the system. They offer .ono hun- dred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address, 1r. J. Oi1L•'Ntra ce U0„ Toledo, 0. Sold 1,yy Druggists, 75e, Eloli's Family Pills are the bosh, 1-82 Mluard's Liniment for sale everywhere A watch has been made entirely of ivory by Henri IIouriet, of Chaux- le-Fonds, Switzerland. Works, hands, and case were all made out of an old billiard ball. Tho watch keeps good time. Milliard's Liniment Cures Bums, etc. To give some idea of the increase of electric transportation in cities, it may be mentioned that Now York has 1,328 fewer stables, and 8,660 fewer horses then in 1806; and that the Paris omnibus companies got rid of 2,000 horses last year. ON ADMIRABLB F000 xi OWP_Ot_tMgTER, 1=18 NOVEL SEA -SICKNESS CURE. '112. des Planches, the Italian Am- bassador to Washington, who has re- turned there from Italy, had a ter- ribly rough voyage. The Ambassa- dor is said to have told his friends that ho discovered a romarkable euro for sea -sickness by looking at his own reflection in a mirror. The longer he looked the better he be- came, until tho sea -sickness vanish- ed. The explanation given is that by gazing into a mirror the eye rests on an unchanging surface and the sense of motion gradually becomes less. This produces a soothing , ef- fect on tho brain and the stomach and restores the victim's equili- brium. A 0000 START. If the merchants of a eommtlnity want much business in that com- munity they must early and persist- ently push the wares offered in that town. They must start early and keep et it actively, and get what returns they can for their invest- ment, all the while remembering that pushing makes prosperity and pros- perity is the accompaniment of rea- sonable effort. PLANTS AND ANAESTHETICS. Ether and chloroform, so useful in sending men to sleep, have the very Opposite effect o11 Plante, which are stinhnlatod to the greatest possible activity by tlaeeo drugs. In Don - mark and Germany advantage has been taken of this feat to force ilov - crs in rooms and glasshouses and d to melee therm bloom out of season. The results are said to be marvelous, Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mired and Green. apan tea drinkers try "Salads." Green les. t -f AN ELIOCTRIC HAIR -OUT. One of the latest Parisian novel- ties is an electric hoar -cut. 'Pilo cus- tomer seats himself in the ordinary chair while the barber proceeds to lessen his growth by means of an electric cutting comb. Tho comb is similar to an ordinary one except that a thin wire, which is connected electrically with a stowage battery, is stretched above the upper portion of the teeth along the handle. Tile whole operation is so rapid that a heavy head of hair may bo clipped in a few minutes. For Orr r Sixty Years. AN OLD AND Watt -Truce RnMewy, — brre WVgqin�nlon'n Soothing Synth Syrhas been nand for ever Mar(00551150, ,silt, 110 /001 ,Lsoo s.orl1heoo0,eheeilllil softens the gums allays all pain, cu oa wind il0hgums- oaHo, ADD lathe boat remedy for Strollers. Is pleasant to she /PweetBanbtedanblte. in ro5arayurotfnoo wrld Bo sora and ask for 01,,. Wivalow'n Soothing Syrup and lake noother kind, 145 The phylloxera invaded Italy in 1870, 9 years after its appearance in France, and has destroyed 750,000 acres of Italian vineyards, Mivard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia CECIL RHODES, WA' . Ordered a Large Souse Furnished in Three Days. The late Cecil Rhodes', with his extraordinary wealth, was able to do things in a way that many an- other would envy. On the other hand, he was extraordinarily demo - erotic in his mode of living and seemed to have no idea of such a thing as home comfort or of col- lecting around him little knick- knacks of his own choosing or pro- curing. This always apart from his South African home, Groot Schuur, which was, unfortunately, burned down not very long ago, where be had a magnificent collection of old oak furniture, being especially fond' of old oak dower chests, On the occasion of his last visit to England he purchased an estate at Newmarket, which he declared was the one spot in all tho world that suited his health best. Find- ing himself in possession of an im- mense unfurnished mansion, he tele- phoned at 9 o'clock one morning to the largest furniture establishment in London, asking that a represent- ative be sent to his hotel to see him at once. The request was immedi- ately complied with, and on the ar- rival of the manager, he said: "Mr. Williams, I have a house at Newmarket containing twenty-seven bedrooms, drawing rooms, dining room, study, library, etc. Have it furnished for me in three days with everything complete. Good day." That night twenty-four vans left London, Rill of furniture, followed in clue course by others, and in three days there was not a necessary ar- ticle missing from the establishment. There aro now 2,900 miles of the Cape to Cairo railway finished, leav- ing 2,800 miles to connect the two terminal systems. At.Duluwayo the line is 4,469 feet above sea level. weeleasacesono` rointgessq►Obeoec® oogpq.rgOnonotoasisi rl 4 20 MILLION BOTTLES Axil xe [8, A 7 tNy 1 Iseetheamseetherserethemeerethemeremememeamsereet-f SOLD EVERY YEAR. •.r a^Y' Happiness is the absence of pain, and mil- lions have been made happy through bolos cured by ST JACOS1 Ota of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, HEAD- ACHE, LAMENESS, -SCALDS, BURNS, SPRAINS, BRUISES and all pains for which an external remedy can be applied, It never' fulls to cure. Thousands who have been de - e incurable at bats and inhospitals ha es thrhared incus hi usinwnawaytheir Oti.O being curedMier using 85 accompany Ott. Directions In eleven languages accompany every bottle, 1 1 1 Mrs. Wantel'knowe — "I should like to know, Mr. W., why' you are so cross when I ask questions? Sure- ly you don't think I have idle eut'i- osity'l' "Great Scot, no! Yours is the most pernieiously active,wide- awake, wis - awacd, sleepless, energetic curiosity it was ever my fate to encounter." ;.,P Cikn lriil 40, R $200.00 IN COLD GIVEN AWAY PREF '‘ialrarilinger1NRISSEZi LPAPC , P1RE0+A UPM% I ATSP,OeVnESR s ... CPAHC ... NOYR@H YDRAPNORE ERPAems Can on rummer the *ova sets of ju hled letters into the nnmee of eight well known Imps, Iran, V00 CAN yfN'Il ammoniac SHAM(hrbab) *0,1 ,l raAnA 1!¢¢ rt Indents sawn man, la no chs task baby h tl o and e'• YP T n,0 one P a vn ,y probably to eon[ or hof P t thorn T die anon vibe sane But the int e,.t hn•Ilor xa v, 5 s ,Il I the n O iOna ll v o r nitlrc<I�allnrs, T t11 pardon k t t1 r c number the x !n c rid basest alio i a, ar Nifty dive TO die 46 1 P L g Y 7) on Maki the ,hire Int Rt nl be , e f finny P pp die nova y bollhrn. To theperson nRking the f mill Inv est a nib 1 ut ,5 a nolle r er he AaM i tR shunt tl ooms so d, R Y d p n wars equntlyy a I t la first hyy o iirimatellsbe*soled,o,o 101, them (each tn'recal tg .deo hbhoul threw bend to a rirmie e t ect Anan.0he ra thele lou n,ti111tnva In hn divined, l ividad (oneligyteltin Should tout set Pennn4 ngod a Ily correct rO 140, rhawhale snit of baa oe - Iib It n 1 rn wt s tlNded each recaivin $6o so), ( 11S •w>, end so an in Ike I nitrons ro ideti the ce itri.4.bl' 0011 111013 8 7' 9 113 Y0we write to son n p y yy m y b t 48 data ria M TCt e�, tviz'lia Ir°T 1V6N {n, ��tr taY i T A CRNT OP 09R IbNX1' \Y�1L� YO � 6t 1 �� V N VE 1 TY118 AD1 Y Y.T141.,JI1 Na, Ifyoe <o,l trnarA,ko ant nnylbi 1a Iiko a canpp)ete Ilnt hAite hn et nn a 1131', lag brant 13, O far ,t teplY, DO NOT DliLst'Yi W]mTif Aovoto L•, Arldrens rEE1SIAN MED•000 C0 I oHnoi �N,vio o, ..n�+a* _l+r+..gm..' S.+a+aaaolvaatite7!arpn 001,074 OF TIIE I3 4ITr3II NAVY, Official orders have been given that, before the Channel Squadron goes to sed again, all the ships are to be painted French grey, ,which is now the regulation color pt the 13r1- tish navy. The ships of the Medi- terranean Squadron are also to be painted this color by April 1. This will be a0 expensive proceeding, as it costs $5,000 to paint each ship; but the result, in the opinion of some naval experts, is worth the outlay, as the experiments during the last naval manoeuvres showed that grey -colored ships rnade a very difficult target, except at close range. WARS We believe MINAUD'S LINIMENT is the best. Matthias Foley, 011 Olty, Ont, Joseph Snow, Norway, Me, Chas, Wheaten, Mulgravo, N.S. Rev, it. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrnve, N,S. Pierre Landry, sonr„ Pokemouche, N.B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N,B, 8-59 The Grund Duke Michael, grand- uncle of the present Czar, lately reached 70 years of age. He is the first mal° member of the Roroano3 family to do so, Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Young Wife — "Before we were married, George, you never smoked in my presence." Yosing Husband— "I know it, any dear, and you never wore curl -papers in mine." Doctor—"Thornes, did 1410. Pop- joy get the medicine I ordered yes- terday 7" Thomas -"I b'leove so, sir. I see all the blinds down this morning.". G,. e r w 7g4e- ifs % f , 1-13 1-45 Fresh Fr z o Sea erriroes In casks ofabout G5o Herrings; $1.6o per too by the conk, or $1.70 per Jou in smallbr quantities. Labrador Herrings in half barrels, boo. THE DAMON COMMISSION CO., LIMITED, TORONTO. -f OUR I3RANDS. €lingEdward 1000n 't Headlight„ 600a "Eagle fade 4-200. " Viotoria " "Little Comet" (JAR ATCU y NULL, CANADA Experiment with other and Inferior brande, USE EDDY'S hove. AT n3 A'lfiAC: mow, Tultenty -Second Annual Statement C ONE SPOONFUL Will build for you good health, through good nerves, by using South American Nervine Almost all disease is the result of poor nerve action. Without good nerves neither brain, nor stomach, nor livor, nor heart, nor kidneys, can work well. Nerve food must be such that it will be absorbed by the nerve ends, Such a food is South American Norville, the greatest tonic known, a curvier dyspepsia and all stomach ail- ments. Ai xLPIi LE Boma, 13, C. L., Montre- al's well known barrister, writes: I was suffering from insomnia and ner- vous debility, prostration and exhaus- tion. I took Ove bottles of Soutar Amer. lean Nervine, and am wholly recovered. The Groat South American Rheumatic Carols the only one that has not a single case of failure is its record. Cure sure within three days; relief instantly. 6 t -f CHENILLE CURTAINS add an kinds of house II:maiogs, also LACE CURTAINS DYE` Ice Weal) Write to ea about yours. BRITISH AMERICAN 05E19000,, 01x 168, Montreal iC Teachers WANTED 356 Male Street, WINNIPEG, MAN. 1-44 To send for our Corr. plate Sheet Miele Catalogues and Special Rates. We aro equipped to °ripply every Music Teacher in Canada. 1111AL1EY, ROYCE 8 CO., Limited 158 Yonge Siaeet, '1ORONN, ONT. 1-20 IMPERIAL ROLLING STOCIC u® TO YIELD 1ROM Total Issue kr $1,330048.21 yf Nf 41 SECURITYtolf '• r. A'eanRtolling,Slock 109 TO l� value $L,45lh000.00 geW ws. Canadian North• ty Ke ern Rannoay Nf 49 Bonds deposited d �OSt1Cd Nt tro s , tN with tee kg 000 It INTEREST 3 ofCainaderirleta Nor- ig thorn R'ySystem Se Se T operating i,5oo miles of road and rwy es owning nearly z e00Ob ,0 acres ofrvlteat-growing• dl .1:4lands, ON q"i9, ONilP51t1N SECURITIES CORPORATiOk Lin4ited, .26 King 5t ee t Last, z' iVTO. 7010 s Further Par+ doubloon ApNli+ cation. OF THE orfs American Life Assurance C® a� eeoo HEAD OF iia: 112 118 KIN ST. WEST TORONTO. For the Year Ended 31st Iloiember, 1902. Dec, 80, 1901. To Net Ledger Assets .,. -- -. ._ ' 54,104,809,61 Receipts Dec. 81, 1902 To Cash for Premiums 51,049,852.74 To Cash Income on Investments221,187.47 1,270,840.21. Disbursements Dec. 31, 1902. Cy payment for Death Claims, Profits, etc $374,513.14 By all other Yaymonts,., ,, 816,851.33 691,364.47 95,408,149,82 Assets Dec, 81, 1902, By Mortgages, etc.... - 91.070,700.58 By Debentures (market value51,097,535.52). 1,040,601.12 By Stocks and Donde (market vain° 51,507,- 764.00)„ 1,455,729,81 By Heal Estate, Including Uonipany's �build- ing ,,, 404, 6:09 By Loans on Policies, etc .,,-.•.. 821, .2,99 By Loans on Stocks (nearly all on call) 851,1167.00 Dy (Josh in Banks and on hand .,,, 89,165.17 94,773,780.35 By Premiums- outstanding, eta (less Cost of 94,773,785.35 collection) 19.88,082.10 By Interest and Rents due and accrued ..,. 38,045.70 5.5,010,818,31 Liabilities Doc. 31, 1002. '1'o Uuarentes Fund 60,000.00 '1'o Assurance and Ad Re --'454 servo,365,565,00 To Death Losses awaiting .proofs etc... ,,,,•,,,.... ,.. ”, ... 50,2 08,45 54,496,768.45 Net Surplus 61515,0444,75 Audited and found correct, JOIIN N, LAKE, Auditor, ' Thu flnanclal pooltion of tho Company In' unexcelled -its percentage of not eurpiue to !liabilities ORCeode that of any other Homo Company, New insurance issued during 1902...:.... 56,600,965.00 I4xecetling the best previous year in the history of the Company by over ;me million dollars. Llsuranie 111 force at cad of 1902 (net) ,,, 580,687,268.00 PRESIDENT JONN L. SLAIKIE VICE-PRESIDENTS JAS. TEORIBURN, M.D. HON. SIR, WM. R. MEREDITE, X.C. DIRECTORS HON, SENATOR GOWAN., KO, LL.D., C.M.G, E. GURNEY, Eeq L. W. SMITH, Esq., K,0„ D,0.L, J. X. OSBORN7S, EN D. McCRAE, Esq., Guelph. MANAGING DIRECTOR 1 rza. INIcOA EE, LL.B., P.I.A•, R,S."r3• SECRETARY MEDICAL DIRECTOR L. GOLDMAN, A.I.A. J. TI7ORBUEN, M.D. (Edin) The 'Report containing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, hold on ll anuary 29th 'last, sheaving mance 11 proofs of the continued progress and solid position of the .Uompauy, will be sent to policy holders. Pamphlets explanatory of the attractive investment plane of the Company, and is cagy of the ,Annual ).report, showing Its unexcelled tinanclal position, 5101 he furnished ort appf1Cuton to. the Plead Odlee, or any of the Uompany'a agencies L au Have hole S99in It a? What? Lowe Priceless o-30108 c o e Ro ince barman a ea me 80 RADII and nd 85 aft n t [I y de meta human eh Qatar 96>i p Bond e5 dente M t 1'• sagas ale refit ndod3tto�kili hot worth it. ,l oodtido ono tor canrn•aare,—\vallum nrtaa■. Popla�ter, xoraatq 2-14 '8X7`a 3 •eaamm3la.so®e© Any rlunntiay of dry, mixed tva• d, tititnblofot brick butning,' icr reedy delivry. State muds trier, f.o.b. 3'Oar s c ion, Addre6o, SIM7817N 1301010 00„ 1 Toronto St., Toiento, Tole. phone Main 707. 7-19 RUBBER CO1 _, �;S Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited. En- close 2e stamp for circular, FHE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. 0, Itox .u, Montreal. 6-G'7 ten 613...a3 3 S Line to I3"Is Dominion Ii n to Liver. t Livor ol. Banta Montreal n Livorno.)). pool. Portland to I arPdol. vie u ccni• town• nocomstoroonu 1 Superior 90 mea tl, a and Fnnt.E n p Low bb 8 'lar ne g 80110* and th o for an Meats of peoh l ars, bn Booeded Saloon . se,1 Whitt; tion bee been ptvon to tine Becoo vuotga and Third. lea aeon y O 5*00 For to nn at a� o nulars y s t er nil fir *IVY p ratesnfpas aR ll ' Cotentin") or eftha P yl 1` Itlokhl 7kterni,G� flo, A. orra000;5 Co.. 77 ilhtpAa,?3petbae Montrent nail seated, X-3 005[1„ ,1 ry WHY WORK ON COMMISSION? SMM 88ION4 We want nt toet stollen tnbusiness AM�tlO s for O� �yy pen dol onraell. Ynh ono m ka' lore of wool!. y tV P hn onEirel n 44d. t asi�on: TeeWritor roan f Cana Toronto's the 0&Iv�Mt b! rho Tee Hainan of Obnada bd ORIGHTON & 00., 30 Church $t., - Toronto OUR 10021 1 Ip1+ �} 1• . .a �UtTN IntlrCetr 2 EP �T Allo web lluot Issued CID:posits De olsits 04 Will BeBMailed On Applloatlon TOE.. CENTRAL / [tp"� Q tb AfT NADA Paid1 1 r Loan 22 I(Ing St. east S & .JAYiIIg ' S'.. Co.Interest&I On DebontUres Toronto. ekes momAr,,,skt9im 4, e,rm ling basis 1