HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-3-5, Page 1Vol. 81. No. 84 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1908 New Advertisements. Wanted—J. 0, Skene. Beed nate—John Smith. Apology—John Wellen. Seed outs—Frank Martin, Anctiog sale—Moen Raney. Wall Papers—ee. B, Burnley. Auction Pale.-Thomlt9 Ennie, Shirts—E. 0. Danford ee Son. Bpooial snaps—II, A. Matohett. Stout wear °home—I, 0. Riobat•de, Lioeuse applications—J. R Miller. New hardware -Kreuter & Ritchie. Carpets and ourtaine—McKinnon & 00. r5tri ct e� . Ueletevee le. Joeeph.Leech spent Inst week in Trow. bridge. Mies Bessie Wright spent Sunday at Jamestown: Rev. W. J. West was in Woodstock a oouplo of days Ibis week. Mre. M•. 11. Elliott and children, of Wingbam, visited at Mrs. Maeon'a. The many friends of Mre. Snell will regret to learn that she is still very poorly. We are glad to learn that Mra. Geo, Johnston, of Morrie, is recovering after her severe illness. 'Che anoual meeting of the Presbyter. ian Assembly will be held at Vancouver next June. Rev. Mr. West expecte to ettend as a delegate.. Turnberry Township was iepraat rated at the Good Roads Convention at Clinton on Wednesday by Reeve Oruielc•hank, Councillor Muaprove and Clerk Burgeea, On Wednesday evening of last week Robe. Cantelon, the popular leader of the Methodist choir, was surprleed by the members of the- choir gathering at his home. The evening was very pleas antler spent in gamma, eooial abut, and mneio after which an oyster supper watt enjoyed by thoee present. LeaUbrars D, bloNab and Geo. Barrows left for the West -on Tneeday. The home of Edgerton Roo has been gladened by the arrival of a b•tby boy. Dan. Rigle has bought 50 aurae of Can. oda Company land. This gives bim a farm of 100 aorta now. Mise Hannah Mn0utobeon and H. Alexander were nnited in marriage on Wednesday of this week. Beet wishes, John Doherty bee rented the farm of D. Orewford, 14th line, for a term of yeate. Mr. Crawford will have a Hale after wbiob be will retire from the farm and have a rest, whioh he has well earn. ed. A favored few on tbo Eastern end of the 1403 0011. enjoyed tltemeelvee im moueely at au oyster supper a few nights ago. Some time ago your humb'e correspond ent pradioted a half dozen tie•upe before Bpriog, By the way Mingo are moving he to going to onme out all right, Biles Bella Haoltwell hae gone to Da• troit where she will rennin for some time. She hae a brother in that city who le taking it omen in the Mediae) College. Win. Kneeblel'e auction sale wee large• ly attended on Tgeedny, Everything offered for Dale was in good repair and good condition and splendid prices were realized. Webster Stitt hae enured a poeition in the U. S, Weboter has learned the art of photography, is a bright, intelligent young mac end will no doubt make it a moons. agent eFjto'wn. John McAllister, gave a splendid ad- dress in the Hall ou Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. West, of Bluevafe, will preaoh at Victoria Hall neat Sabbath evening. Mrs. Mo0oeb and Master R. A., of Pine River, are visiting Jno. and Mrs. Strachan. They are weloome visitor°. . Benin' Burke, of Morrie, has purchas- ed the Edward Smith farm, Lot 11, non. 1, Grey, for $3,600. F. S. Soott made the sale. Mise Attoie Straehah attended - at "At Home" in Hamilton last week given by the Normal students. Her brother, D. B., is in that city. Monday evening Rev. Mr. Hobbs will [entire iu Viotoria Bali on "The Manly Man." He is well worth hearing. The adntiseion fee will only be 10 and 15 centre W r -e x orotr. Jne. Alien was in l'eeewater on Mon- day. Mise Lulu Hemphill bas returned from a vita, to Reneall. T, Rae, of Listowel, is the guest of bie oouein, Gordon Rae, Mre. T. Gibson, of Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting Mre. F. V. Diokeon. W. Trench shipped a oar load of,hoge from this station oo Monday. W. S. MoKeroher bee moved into Joe. .Cowan's reeidenaeon Ann street. Mre, Thompson and son Gofton, of Guelph, ere gueots of Mre. A. Miller. Rev. W. T. Ellison, of Southampton, oaaapied the pulpit in the Presbyterian ahnroh on Sunday. Joe. Cowan bite moved his offiee into the building lately 000upied by John Knutson ate 0 tailor shop. J. Hartley and Dr. W. M. B. Seale gave excellent papers at the Howiok.S. S. Convention be den Gorrie last Thera - day. The oonvention next year will be held ill Fordwioh. x x x fix+ ..• qq.4b 14 qq�� x x 7 a O {gyp ur Springy Shipments `''c' et/ cl of Panay and. Colored Shirts raft csa just arrived. 1 rj- cGt+ EMLDRFORB All the Latest Patterns and Colors on the Market, HMEN HENE 14% NEE 14 e+ob x x x x 14 141- 14 fill to 1.414 14 1,1 Crosby Lunkie, of Cargill, Is Blending a few days at We home here. W. Thompson, of Brueeala, is the guest hieI of slater, Mrs. R. Bleak, Charlie elendereon, of K'tteardiue, visit. ea at bie home over Sunday. Mrs. T. G Hernpill gave a very enjoy- able progressive euuhre party to a large number of her friends last Wednesday evening. The Oauadian Order of F,'resters here are malting preparations for an oyster temper to be given in their lodge rooms Wednesday eve. ing, W. sol Mre. Greer who have been genie of the latter's parents Jae and Mrs. Paulin for some weeks leave for their home in Wiarton this week. ld and Mrs. Evans, of Broaden, former residents of the village renewed ergnaint• emcee during the past week. It ie tweuty. two years eine they left for the Weet. Oliver Smith has Hold the planing mill to Robert Davidson, of Wingbam, former. ly of Exeter. After ootnpleting soma oontrao:e now on hand we understand Mr. Smi h wi}7 faire area from bueinees ogres. Another one of the old residents of Howiok peeved away en Tneeday of last week in the person of Mrs. John Earl as the advanced age of 94 years. The fellers! took place on Thursday afternoon from the reeidenoe of her daughter Mre, John McLenau to the Molesworth cemetery. _— VVn.1 run. Mieeee Barrows, of this locality, are vieiting at Brussels. Rumor nye there may be a Menge in hotel proprietors in this plane before long. An interesting letter, from the pen of James Smillie, may be read on page4 of this iaeue. Mise Mamie MoEwen, who is taking a nurse at the Toronto College of Mueio, in a piano examination he'd recently in that institution eeonred First one Honore. Mise MoEwen ie already a brilliant player and is rapidly developing into an artist of the first order. At the Presbytery of Maitland, which met at Winghmm on Tneeday, Rev. A MaoNab, M. A., of this plane, waa are pointed Presbytery Clerk ee saoaeesor to Rev, Mr. Anderson resigned. Tbe Pres bytery recommended that $75 be paid to Duff's Morph eo0gregation Prom the Augmentation Fund, for 1903, after whioh the grant will pease, Hal t'.1, tel, The sawmill yard is being well patroniz ed. Mrs. S. Ames was vieiting Mre. D. 0. Ross, her daughter, at Brunets. Mise Mary McDonald, of Port Elgin, is vieiting her brother, Jno. McDonald, merchant. Mrs Osborne and danghter, Mary, have been quite ill with la grippe during_ the past week but are able to be eronud again. We are pleased to etate that W. D. Eokmier is improving nicely from hie recent illness sad hope he will soon be able to be out again. This Winter has been a very proliflo one in "fattening the cemetery" and ,bie looalit lens contributed goodly. ed a o dL •share toward o it whose names will not e000 be forgotten. A letter of eondoianoe woe presented to Mre Haneuld by the Sone of Temper- ance in oonneotiou with the recent decease of Mr, Haneuld, 'Pbeee kindly ant* are by uo meane of trifling imporianoe. It is said the coming Spring will see improvements to several buildings in Ethel. The Simpson blook, in the part iiow atiiized by Kenn. Kreuter & Ritchie, may be enlarged or a cellar pat under it. Babel Epworth League hae been invited to attend a Convention at Brueeele on Mendip 16th intent, t 18 e cut, oommenoing at 2 p, m. Rev, Mr, Crewe, of Toronto, lectures in the evening on ,,The Siam• moth Cave," Last Saturday a special Meeting of the township Oonnoil was held to attend to a few matters of importanoe. Council met again on Wednesday. Grey Council trauma a large share of beeineee in a year and do it well too. ROME PuoOnAeED. —The imported ed Clydesdale hi stallion, bought by Robt. McKelvey Iasi year, has been eold to Wm. Cooper, IOth con„ for the sum of $1500 The horse will be 5 years old in May and wee brought to this country by Messrs, Bowden & McDonald, of Exeter. The name of the animal ie "Chilwiok Bnitertnn," No, 19745. He ie a dandy epeoimen of horseflesh, Wednesday evening of this week a temple of sleigh loade of the yonne people of our village drove over to Bennis and spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of Bph, and Mre. Caber. The evening's amnsemente ooneieted of mneio, gamin and dun iug Mr. and Mrs, Caber are excellent entertainers and all telt that•tbey had thoroughly enjoyed theme selves. The new hardware firm of Krauter & Ritobie have their stook opened out and are attending to boatman. They keep a general line of Melt and heavy hardware andwill oleo htindle the best mukee of stoves. Mr. Kranter be a praetioal tin. emith Bo will give hie peroonel overeight to thio department Mr. Rttchlet whose home wee at dranbrook, ie well acquaint. ed ill the township ae he wag on the road for genre! in gevralears with a peddling waeo n 0onneot ou with it Canbrooneve. We wish the new lir mmoons. o. Read their edvt. in this iaeue. SCHOOL Raroit,—etronthly report of the Senior Dept, of Ethel Public Rahool for the mouth of Feb.:—V class.—Exam. head in Geeing Geog., and A1g. Total 250.—D. Alvin 188 ; G. Imlay 175 ; L, Simpebn 168; M. MoAllfeter 122 ; l']. ataeon 48, IV plane.—Examined in Gram., Geog„ and Phys. Totnl 250,— W. McAllister, 191; B, MoTSee 187; M. Elliott 10d ; 0. Raynard 182; L, Fogel 120 ; W, Connex 125 ; G. Gill 115 ; G. Wolin r 106 ; S. Dunbar 80 ; W. Badge- ly 68. Sr, III, Examined in Ream, Geog., ileo. and Comp. Total 250,—.L. Chitmbere 205 ; N, Simpeon 177 1 M• Bieutmon 159 ; I7, Freeman 141 ; 1. Hogarth 150 ; M. Imlay 184 ; L. Llalrmher 325; H. Goatee 122; T.MoAllitter 110; M. Mo4ilnnt 104 ; B. Eokmier 102 ; H, Wilbee 08 Jr, III. Examined in Gram., Geog., Ree. and Comp Total 220,—k1. McKee 154 ; J. MuArtlty 187 ; D. Wanner 138 I E Eokmier 125 G. MoKee 96 ; K. McLeod 24 Sr. II. Ex. amtoed in Gram„ Geo., Item. and Comp Total 250 —F, Imlay 281 ; E, Dunbar 2021 N, lefoAilieter 179 ; P, Bremner 178; W. Barr 109 ; B. Bateman 168 ; J. Mo. Ahem 1811 L. Cooper 121 ; G. MOAllie• ter 109 ; W. Pears. ti 81. Goo. DIBe0N. —Junior Department of Ethel Pnbtio Reboot. The nam are in order of merit the standing being determined by weekly examim.tione and reviewe.--.Junior II.— Roy Ecitrnter, Russet! Love, Levine Mo. Leod, liove Framer, Laidlaw Strachan, Charlie Haneu'd, Herne Eokmier, Annie Cooper, Oornel Davidson, Joeepb Pear - eon, Pt. II.—Ueleetino Dane, Irene Seath, Alvin McKee, Elwin Thompgon, Alvin Fletcher, 1tneeell Wilbee, Roy Gill, Joeepb Cooper, Allen MacAllister, Son• for pt.I.—Joseph Beatty, Wilfrid Eck. mier, James Brenner, Vera McColl, Alice Barr, Pearl MoK•e, Berman Fogel, Fleda Freeman, Robert Thompson. Junior Pt. 1.—Clifford Dauber, &toremoe MeoAl'um, Annie McAllister, Chas. Davidson, Pearl Gill, Elwin Dobson, Verda Pollard, Weeley Yeo, Roes Goatee, Cecil Eokmier. Mese LAotA SHANNON, Teacher. a7cutlet ker0oli. THE Pose gives the news. La grippe hs busy in thin community. Mies Ethel Scott, of Bruges's, *pent Sunday rat the Manse. Joeepb Knight's auction sale will be held ou Friday of this week, Mise Phemia Gowan, of Sealorth, hae bean vieiting Mise Agnes Calder during the past week. Rev. D. B. McRae and Eider Ritchie attended Maitland Presbytery at Wing ham on Tuesday of this week. Last Sabbath afternoon George Bate- man supplied the pulpit in the Metho. diet Ohornb in Ghia place, Next Sabbath the pastor will be here. Thos. and Mre. Brown are moving thio week Pram Oranbrook to the Johnston farm, Sob line, Morris. Mr. Brown has leased the plane. We wish them good look. Alex. Smith, of the 5th line of "Renee. ley, has sold hie farm of 150 acres to Oboe. Debate, formerly of Oraobrook, for $8,500. Mr. Dahme' many old friends in this locality wieh him and bie success. THE Biox,—Mre, Daniel McQoarrie has been quite poorly bat we hope she wilt moo be 000valoeaeot.—Mre, John Knight and Mr, Baker keep very poorly. —George Baker's daughter, Geo. Small. don'° child and live members of Jacob Lang'° family have been ill. Pneumonia and toneilitie were the aaueee, but favor ableaonditione prevail now with the young people we are pleased to etate. Simon REPORT —Following is the re- port for Oranbrook eehoolfor the month of February :—Claes V.—Wm. Cameron, Annie Cunningham, Bussell Porter, Athol MaQuarrie. Olaee IV.—Norma Sperling, Alice Forrest, Maggie Fox, Wm. Smalldou, Brame Hoether, Ernie Hunter Fred. Hootern Alderson, A nae A d e Geo, Menzies. G o, Me nz e. Minnie Menacey. . III Claes — Amelia Mclnnie, Myrtle Sperling, Roy Conoiogbam, Bartley Menzies, Martin McDonald, Vino Alder. eon, Jr. III Class.—Myrtle McDonald, Ida Sharpe, T. Smalldoa, Jae. Clarke. MMIae EIuzABaTH GUM. Teacher. The farm of Thus. Eooie, near here, was sold to Jno. McNob, not leaeed ae stated last week. Prior was $5,000. Mr. Ennio is Bolding a clearing emotion Bale of form stook, implements, &o.,ou Than day, March 19th, prior to hie removal to Brussels. It ie 40 years eine Mr. Ennio and wife came to ,bie looality, purobasing their farm from a Mr. Knox, of Seatorth, there being about an aore cleared on the 100. They moved here from Klioebnrg, Vaughan, being married shortly before. Prosperity hae attended their industry and economy and many old friends will regret their intended removal yet wiab them many happy yearn to enjoy a well earned rest. There is more or Mee of the romance connected with Mt. Ennis' early lite, Coming from Ireland d to Quebec when a boy of 10 or 12 yearn of age he wee oat seeing the pity with one of his Old Country neighbors and on hie return to the °topping place, to bie dismay, found that the boat had gone with his parents but their deetioatioo he did not know—supposedly to the state of Maeea• °l ueette. The lonely boy ca010 Weet. ward to Vaughan with bie Irish friend need peddled bie own oatioe" ever eince. He wrote to the Old Country to neer EMU where his parents were !ousted but never found oat to this day, Relatives in the Old Lund wrote him that he was °apposed to be drowned and was no doubt mourned by hie parents as dead. Of coarse in those early days postal and telegraph anmmunioetione were very tiff. feeent to whet they are today and news- papers were a rarity. The program on Friday given by the pupils of the Public Sobool was moat interesting. A number of parents and Mende of the children availed tbemaelvee of this opportunity to visit the eohool. The following woo the program 1—in- strumental eeleotion, Annie Gun nhngbam ; recitation, 'Phe Country Juetiae,' Athol MoQaarrie; reading, the Garret Home; Ida Sharpe1 eolo, Myrtle McDonald ; eeeay, "Oar Late Queeo," Amelia Mo. Innis ; reeitetion, "A Day of Mistakes," Emma Huethero ; spee bRussellPorterg dialogue, "The Inquisitive Boy ;" in. etrnmentai, Norma Sparling; reading, "Tau Late," Maggie Fox • speech, Will - 0111318700 ; debate, "llesnlved that Cohn tett Lite is preferable to Ctty Life," the affirmative aide being taken by M. Fox and Annie Alderson, while the negative was upheld by A. Cunningham and Amalie Molnnie ; inetrnmental, Russell Porter; reading, James Ofark ; duet, "Cradle Elyma;" reading, "The Irish• man's Doctor," Levine Alderson ; essay, 'Tice Union Jeok," Annie Alderson ; solo, "gnat One Girl," Roy Cunningham dialogue, "Making up a Quarrel ;" inaten• mental, W. Cameron ; reading, "New Maud Moller," Malley Menefee ; kola, Norma Sperling ; tamay, "King Edward Crowned Emperor of . Witt," Allis Porten ; solo, Myrtle Sperling 1 natty, ',Life of Napnreon," Athol Mc(aoarrie ; solo, Maggie Fez ; e*any, "Lumbering in Canada," Boerne Heather ; recitation, "The Curfew droll not ring To night," Myrtle MoDoneld; Mattumontal, Minnie klenerey ; recitation, "Grandmother's Bean;' Allie Forrest ; instrumental, Amelia MoIeofu ; epeeoh, Annie Oau. ninghant ; tableau, "Poor O:d Meidn 1" "God Save the King." The next Friday afternoon entertainment will be shortly, before Reboot closes for Easter holidays, M101tAEL RAT:TANN, Sn. DEAD --Leat Friday morning, about 8 30 o'elrele, Michael Raymaan, who has been a faufi• tier figure in this community for the net 50 years, paid nature's debt, at the edvauoed age of 87 years, He was born in Alsace, Germany, end came to Canada in the year 1840. He made hie home in Vaughan township for a time and moved to Grey township in 1854, settling on lot 20, Oou. 11. He took up the lot is the Fall of 1858 and waa among the pioneer eettlere, melding berm a'most oontinaous- ly np to the time of his demise. Old age and congestion of the lunge was the cause of death. Mrs. Reymann'° maiden name waa Catharine Keefer. The mntei. menial alliance waa formed ill 1843 and severed by the death of Mre. Raymaan in 1886. Mr. Reymann was only i11 for about a week and died et the home of V. Foereter. Tbe old gentleman had not been very tugged tor the past two years eine he had a stroke of paralysie. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to O,anbrook cemetery. Rev. D. B. Mc- Rae conducted the service at the house and grave side. The pall bearere were :-- Isaac and Raney Keffer, brother in law's of deceased, from Vaughan, C. Mhohaet, V. Stein, Joseph Otter and Jacob Kreuter. Deceased is survived by four eons (Anthony, Jacob, 119iobaeland Joseph the latter, of Detroit) and one daughter (Mre. Snider, of Deloraine, Manitoba.) Three daughters are deceased, Mre. Foereter, Mre. George Brown and Mrs. Jao. Snider. For years Mr. Reymann made hie home with his son, A. Reymann, of this village, and he also made occasion al visite to his pan at Detroit. He had been a very hearty man nearly all bie life having a well developed body. Mr. Ray mann adhered to the Lutheran oburoh. in his denea•e another breech wae made in the remiss of the pioneers of this notion of the oountry wino are now growing very few. sYe-rtw. Morrie township Connell on Monday 16th inst. A few more farms are likely to change hands before Spring plowing begins, This Beason Jno. Petah will join J. Heaney'° oarpenter gang at Blaevale, Samuel Walker's rami y, 6th line, have been ill with la grippe daring the past few weeks, bat are improving now. Co. Councillor Bowmen attended the Speoiel Connell' meeting in otnneotion with the Good Roads Convention at Olin ton on Wednesday. Last Wednesday Reeve I,bister and Councillor Code were at Clinton as Mor ria township representatives at the Good Roads Convention. io Stone etabliD will be putunder the e barn on Wliam Bowman's farm, Srd line, next Bummer. The material is be. ing hauled thio Winter, Peter S. Rose has taken up hie reeidenoe on the 8th line in the home reoeotly vented by Albert Onrter. Mr. Rose and family formerly lived on the 14th con. of Grey Township. Gann!, eon of John Jackson, • li G R ,6th line will try the Weet once more and and left this week for Pearson in that great land He's a good worker and will no doubt do well. Mre. John Davis and Jae. Duman, 41h line, were galled to Lindsay last week owing to the serious illneee of their mother, Mre. Gray. The old lady ie about 85 years of age. Owing to the resignation of Co. Conn, oillor Bowman ae eobool trustee in the Anderson school, on anent of change in the law, Walter Yuill was eleated For the term at a special meeting of the rate. payers. WeP are leased to en John Sherrie able to get about once more after a tie up in the hones by rheumatism. This Ie the seoond attack be has had during the poet year but we hope, as he does no doubt, that ie will be the last, The 000traot of Calvin A. Campbell's new house has been let to Meeers. Pugh and Heaney, of Bluevale. The materiel has been largely hauled during the Win. ter. Mr. Campbell was burned out last Fall hence the neoeeoity of rebuilding. The Alex. Hislop 100 acre farm on 7th of Morrie, hae been purchased by Richard B Bewley, grnndeon of Mr. Hie. lop, at $8000. The latter will likely go to the "Soo" and make hie borne with ilia daughter, Mre, A. K t ormer• ly of Wingham and Morrie. We wish him a pleaeaut time. MATaioIONT.—Weduoeday evening, of last week Rev. Jno, Holmes, of Blyth, gave a very interesting Lecture in the Jackson chnrab on the eabjeot "Marriage, Who to marry ?" Many a word of good advice was given and Me lecture abound• ed in both wit and wiedOm. Blyth Methodist ohuroh Quartette gave eeveral well rendered selection. W.'hokum], of the eame village, made a good chairman. Thefinanoial prooeede amounted to $13 00 whibe t r ap will b applied to be Pa souage Fend. MATRIII0N1AL.—Wedding belle chimed merrily at the home of John Douglas on Wednesday afternoon of .this week, when at 8 80 o'olook, Rev, Jno, Roaa, B. A., of Brueeele, spoke the magi° words malting Joseph Smith, a Weil -to do young farmer on the 6th line of Mortis, and Mies Jane 0., eldest daughter of John Douglas, a well known resident of this township, bueband and wife. There was a large company present. Jennie Dnnglae and Mise Martha Niohol neaieted the ppriuoi• pale at groomeman and beideemald. A fine array of natty, va}aabie and woeful presents were merle to the bride betoken• ing the kindly regard for her. After hearty ooagratnletione bed been gone through a wedding mapper was served in firet•olese dtyle 10 whioh ample justice woe done. In Me evening a large party woe held and a very enjoyable time spent. Mr, and Mre. Smith oommeuoa married life under favorable tinplate and with the good wishes of a large oirole of rola• tivee and friends in withal) Tua Pon cor- dially jtine. The young couple will n- ein on the groom's farm on the Gob lies of Morrie. Mae. Deems Arun Daoaeean.—Last Saturday morning about 7 o'olook the spirit of Aonfe Kelly, relict of the late Dennie Agin, 7M line, took its flight. Mre. Agin had been ill for the putt fire weeks from heart fel urs and kidney ail. men, to which was added inoroaeirig years. Deceased was born in Ireland, and waa a eieter to the late Petrick Kelly, of Blyth, Her only slater ie Mrs. James Ryan, of Walton. Mr. Agin died 10 years ago. The oabjeat of this notice was an old and worthy resident of Morrie towoehip, Iooeting here 45 years ago when they took up W. -a lot 12, ooa. '1. She was industrious, hospitable, neighborly and a devout lover of the good and she will be remembered for many years in this community, The surviving children ate :—Airs. Edward Armetrong, of Grey townehlp ; (Merles, of Saginaw, tbiboh. ; Mre, Heard, of St. Thomas; Mre. I, Kennighaa, of West Wawanoeh I Mrs. Laughlin, of Stratbaona, N. W. T., ; and John, Patrick and Miee Bridget on the homestead. Funeral took place Monday at 11 a. m. to Morrie R. 0. cemetery the priest from Blyth officiating. The pall bearers .were 5 brothers of deceased, Micheal, John, Jas., Dan,, and Wm. Kelly, and a nephew, John /lolly, of Goderioh, a son of the late Par. Kelly. The relatives are sympathised with in their bereavement. freer c a' Joseph Bowman and family have nen. ed to Brunets. Township Coonoil on Wednesday of 0io week at Ethel, Mise Jennie Kellner, of Veneouver, is expected home soon. Walter Savage, of1Belmore, was vieiting at Dink Pearson's last week• D. aid Mre. Wray, of Linwood, were vieiting at R Dilworth's, Sunday and Monday. Mies Female Robinson, 14th ooa,, ie epeuding a few weeks with friends in Mitohell. Arch Eistop, M. P. P., attended the Good Roede Convention at Clinton on Wednesday. Mhee Kate MacPherson, of McKillop, is the guest of her sister, Mre. Levi Whit- field, 12M con. A fine horse belonging to Samuel Wright, of the Electron brickyard, drop- ped dead the other day. Mies Amelia Speirao, 14th con. ie holidaying with friends on the 6ch eon. of Morrie and in Brussels for a few weeks. Mies Sara Brandon, who has been vie sting relatives and friends on the 12M coo, daring the past month, has returned to her home in Barrie, C. Elaine is home from the Weet and judging by appearanoee we think the Western breezes agree with him. He iotecde returning in the Spring. Harry Atwood disposed of a fine three ea heavy draught Dolt a r old e v d o h to P. MoK Y Y g R 8th con foe the num of 150. Be bought „ $ a standard bred filly from Mr. McKay at $75. An Epworth league hae been organized in oonneotioo with the Union oburoh, 12th oon. Ino, K. Baker wae elected President. Tbe eight of meeting will be Thursday, Tbe other day Wm. Bray, 18th con., disposed of a heavy draught 6 year old mare to John Waltaoe, Downie township, Perth Co., for $150. She was a flue animal and bred from "MoBean". Leet Friday Jno. B. and Miss Mary MoLaoohlin took train at Brussels for a trip to tba Northwest. Their destination 10 Balt Coate. They will probably spend eeveral months in the Weet if everything goee well. Conooiliore Fraser and Torobnll at- tended the Good Roads Convention at Clinton on Wednesday, Reeve Living. non could not go on a0000nt of the Court of Revision on the Bolton Drain on the same date. The salmi in B.S. e S. No. 5 bee n b e clotted rap for a time oweng to a oase of diphtheria in the eeotion. Wm. Ridley was the victim but we are pleased to say be will soon be oinvalesoent, School °tone° hes been disinfested and we hope the danger is all past. 0, R. Benuett and wife, who have been vieiting at Thos. Davidson's, 11th con., left for their home at Arcola, N. W. T., on Tuesday. Mrs. Bennett is a daughter of Mr. and Mre. Davidson. William Devideon has oleo gone to the West where he purposes making bis home for a time at least. A jolly sleigh load of 12th eon, young people epettt a fine time at the residence of J. K. Baker, on Tuesday evening. There were 25 of them. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr, and Mre. Baker by . thea company before separating for the cordial reception accorded by the genial hoot and boateae. Wm. and Joseph Killoagh, of Weet• field, lane Wawaooab, formerly of Ole township, have eold their farm and are moving to Exeter where they have per. abased a turning factory. Their many oldde ri i f en b er e wish them success. W. J. KFllongh. wife and family are intend. ing to try the Weet and baa Bold off their farm etookith wi that intent. OatToans.- he taper of life in con• ne0tfon with the mortal ezietenoe Of Peter Molntaeh yeas extinguished ]set Sunday, when at hie home, Con, 8, he passed away after an illneee of about 4 months, aged 74 years, Re iced been a great sufferer from rhenmatiem and the developments were of a gangrene ohar• anter e0 titan hie demise was a happy release to himself, Mr. Maluteeh waa born in Perthshire, Sootlend, and Dame to Canada in 1854. His wife, who stir• vivee him wAnnie o was Mise R Robinson, After railroading at Harparhey for a time be oame into Grey township about 1885, Iooeting on lot 16, con. 15. Some yeareago he removed trona the 16th to the Otb eon. The ttirvivbtg beembersof the family aro ;—James, of Trout Creek, Ont. ; Mrs. Wm, Fulton, Grey ;Mee, J• W, H. KERR, Prole. J. Tbompeon, Grand Rapid°, Miob, ; Alex., in Waebiogton Territory ; Mre. G. A, Wilhite, 01 Rainy Rtver ; Arohje, of Gladstone • Myron, of Graud Rapids ; Mts. Jas. Ben, of Milverton, and Peter and Mies Lyda at home. Dinneen wee e Liberal in politica and wee welt koo"'n by a large number of people in Ole cont triunity. He was a kind hearted mar and was higbly esteemed. The funnel took pique on Wednesday afternvun, Rev. D. B. McRae, of Otenbrook, con tinting an appropriate service. Inter• men woe made at Brunets 0, metery, On a recent evening us a load of icily young people wars making their home. ward way the driver was more taken up with bio fair partner tbau the team eon the result was the steeds got off the 000,1 and over went the whole cargo. The aerial flight° taken by flume of the paseen• gars ooutd hardly be equalled by Bar. num'e beet acrubate but ee nobody was burs the sleigh was loaded ono° more and thetoaruey completed witboat farther aooiclent. It was d,olded that in future a married man will have to do the driving ae the responsibility i0 to much for the young fellows. You'll agree that this will be a wise move. Cf1UIICii OillJltai. Rev. J. W. MaoMillan, late of Lind. say, was iuduated loto the pastorate of St. Andrew's Presbyterian oburoh, Win• nipeg, Rev. J. W. Graham, of Montreal, au• noa0OBe that he has within $20,000 of the $182,000 neoeesary to eave St. James' Methodist oburoh trona the oreditore. The 85th annual convention of the Perth County Sunday Sobool Aseooiatien will be held in the Methodist church in the town of Listowel oo Tneeday and Wednesday, April 7th and 811o, °ommedq- iog on Tuesday at 2.80 p. m• At the monthly Missionary eervioe in Me Methodist Sabbath eobool last Bob. bath, the attendanoe was 282, and the culleation, which went to the a'lieeionary Emergency Fund, $7.96. The program ooneieted of a well rendered duet by Mies Garde Hingeton and Mies Dolly Backer ; a missionary reading by Miee81.E. Kerr; a Mort address by the pastor, Rev. T. W. Comas ; Kiearnaat, by Mies Minnie Mo. Naughton ; end a quartette by Misses Maggie Beattie and E. E. Kerr, Fred. Gilroy and W. H. Kerr. The eobool has about $68 OO to their credit for Missionary purposes for this year and two menthe' oolleotione yet to be taken. Good Roads Convention. One of the most repre0entutive Con- ventions held in Huron County for many a day conveyed in the Town Hall, Clin- ton. on Wednesday of this week to dioanee the question of Good Roads deal- ing partiootarly with Huron's share of the million dollars, set aside for Mita purpoeo by the Provinmal Legislature, of which this Co. would receive about $40,- 000 if the plan is approved of. Every municipality, excepting Wiugham and Wroxeter, gent two representatives and 10 1101310 00900 the number was mach larger. 10 0 gessioa of the .8 a S e Dial count Coonoil was held, all the members pre Bent with the Warden in the chair. The boldness before the Oouuoil wee the report of the Committee, consisting of R. Miller, D. Oaotelon, J. Coonolly, Clerk Lane and Me Warden, appointed at last January's session to arrange for Con- vention. After the report was read it was eon- eiderod in Committee of Me Whole with Mr. Spackman in the chair. Two amend- ments were made and report was passed. The names of delegates appointed to Convention were taken and Counoil adjourned. As A. W. Campbell, Oom- mioeiooer of Highways, had not arrived from Toronto, on the first train it was decided that the Convention do not 0011. vette until after dinner as is was thought advisable to hear him before the goeetion was dieonnsed by the delegates. On assembling alter arrival of afternoon train on motion Warden Kerr was voted to the abate and Oo, Clerk Lane appoint. ed Secretary, M Campbell was B r. in. Y• p traduced and for upwards of an boar dealt with modes and methods otim r0 v• ed road making and ooaotnded with an exposition of the Aot tinder which the million dollar laud will be administered, He answered many queries ; urged a oare- ful 000eidoratioo of the question of im• provement by the various munioipaliiiee and cited various reasons as to why it wag preferable to have the County take bold of the goeetion instead of the venni. cipul Opuntia in the oarrying out of the work, A vote was taken a0 an expression of the feeling of the meeting ae to the advisability of aaoepting theproposai and a large proportion voted in approval. It was moved by M, Mardte, Reeve of MoKillop, seconded by Co, Coanoitlor Speakman, of Exeter, that after having heard the question disoataed that the various delegates report to their re0peot- ive Municipal Couuoile and after dealing with the matter that they send 'their decision to W. Lane, the Go. Clerk, and that these reports be eoneidered a dlreo• then to the Co. 0onooil, This resolution wae adopted. A number of those present would ben lilted to have gone still farther into the dieouseion of this Very important question ha manyhe I •at bad t t a9of t delegatee ee o catch 6 the train going East and Booth at 4 o'clock there was a ltasty exit atter the vote °arising a none too orderly dismiosel of the Convention. We purpose dealing with this question in 0 more extended manner neat week owing to the short time and space at ear disposal ,hie iosne, The eleotiou of the Mayor of Smith's Falls Ilea been set aside. North Grey complete tettirna make Mr, Thomeon'o majority 202. Three men who attempted to Sob the Red Light hotel her rat Hamilton were beaten off ley the proprietor and bie sone. One of the intruders, who need a pistol woe knocked down With a beer glace and captured, -