HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-26, Page 5•
lltr B. 213, 1903
ILL cent, 1'.8, 8001.T, Brussels,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
for some o1 the host turd West Cmnpanluo
In Canada for Piro, Aceldout and. Plate
Glace, (Moe over 1. C, Riehurd's store,
Brussels, 18.803
—TitAOUN1t OF—
MMI'rT._ SF7Z.,03, OT.M.
T Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Miss Alyn N, Bublyu, of London.
Peelle prepared for Conserv story ax one.
1";-.1,%111 visit Brussels ovary Tuesday.
Lassoes given at the home of W. H. Kerr,
John street,
MONET TO LOAN AT 411, 4f & 6 Per Cleat,
ONae over Hurelov'o Drug Store,
N09.8,4, 1000 80.101 nrnseole.
Wellington Mutual
Vire liieorance Co.,
zwrim lenno 1810
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
rete 01et01n at cermet rates, before tnenr-
ing elsewhere mall 031 the ondereigned Agent
of the Company.
GEORGE 1100RRS. Brussels.
• RRR. will sell for hotter prices, to
better men In less time and lees charges
then any ether Auctir.neer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always 1,0 arranged at, thls (Mae or by
personal application.
The uadereigued, who is well 'acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
and who has had bupinese with a large cir-
cle of farmers In and nrmtnd this locality,
begs to inform the community that he has
tarsen out an Auotionod'r's Li0en00 for the
County of Huron and offers his aervieoe to
all pnrpoefug to hold ales,
THOS. NEWSOME, Brussels.
-1" D. WARWICK -
15 • sonar tlladna.e of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, 10 prepared to treat all die -
eases of domesticated animals in a enamor,
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary llentistry. Coils prompt) at-
tended to. OtDec and tntlrmal'y—Four doors
North of bridge, T 00003ry et., Brussels.
67 T M. SINOLAIkt—
V 1' Barrister, Solicitor, 0ouveyarloor,
Notary Public, &a. OtEoo-8 tewarNo Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the standard Bank.
Unice over standard Bank; Solicitor for
Township of Grey, Howlett Mutual and the
Metropolitan Bank Private and Company
• money to loan at lowest rates.
R24SIDNNC'E Ann 0FL'I01!1—
MILL ST, IFA81', 11It-U886L8.
Trinity Tlnlvereity, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member .College of Physicians and
9ur'geono Ont. Lieentinto of the Royal Col-
lege of 'hyeloiane and Licentiate of Mid.
wifery, Edinburgh. ea—Telephone No,1.4,
lieaidenoe-•-Mi11 street, Br000els,
Graduate of the hovel Onlldge of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Ph'et-olaes Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uutverelty, Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
,r��G/,TOWEL /
Ls the plane to—get value for your mouoy.
Opens Jau. 8th, 3003. Two courses—Com-
wavelet and Shorthand, Send for Collage
President, Secretary,
1 stMIS
British Columbia
Bed ,Cedar Shingles'
10313 --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
FOR SALE A'1' Title
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Deere and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand oe made to order
at Short Notion,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Boildiop,o. Workman•
ekip and 11110186ial Guaranteed.
are open t4 these 19110 Caul 1111 them.
Properly prepares Militant,' for good
positions, prepares
Boa,13-lteopfog, Shorthand, Penman-
ship, &a., are given to shoes Who can-
not utmut0our 0,30 This )nadamiege 10
will Itua wo from ane eel o- Canada to
total oItarits strictly dxttt•olnaewank.
Cutulubno Frce,
W. J. E LLI OTT, Prieeipa 1,
lr i$trirt getvs,
C18uton .
Court Maple Leaf has a membership of
180 and is still growing.
Lack Kennedy Bold hie beantifel little
driving horee last Friday for $10) to
Jonathan Miller.
Amos Townsend, of Clinton, has re.
oeived his appointinaut as egont for the
Deering Harvesting Machinery, in
That Clinton ie to be favored with a
municipal waterworks eyetem end electric
light plant, In the near future seems very
An old and revealed reeideut of
Hallett township woe brought to the
Houma of Refuge here, in the person of
Wm. Seedou,
Mrs: F. W. Watts was repre0enting
Loyalty Oounoil Royal Tempters at the
Grand Conned in mission feet week at
Oobourg, Out, She was on the train
ditched at Whitby but fortunately was
_-...531. tit. _..
I ago Brown chiPP
.d two ear of e
e Va
onrtetl apples to Halifax.
Ieruo Brown has purohaeed 0 Dement
block machine from McNally &Plummer,
A nnug eervioe entitled "The Prodigal
Son" was rend. rod by the ohoir in the
rile hodial`rrhuroh last Sunday evening,
A free entrrtaioment under 110 00091000
of (,'curt Ivy Leaf, No. 565, Independent
Order of Foresters, was held in Iuduetry
hall on Monday evening.
Dr. Fred. Beagle, youngest eon of Rev.
George Bnggiu, formerly of Blyth, was
married a few days ago to Mtge Barnes,
of Vancouver. They will reside at
Seattle, Washington.
Owing to oontinned ill -health, Jarvis
Henry bac resigned the priooipalehip of
the pabito school atR•ttherford, Lembton
wanly, and is at prevent recuperating at
the home of hie parents baro. He intends
tatting a good holiday and rest before
reenmin8 teaching again.
Elxm Livinestoo has been confined to
hie home with aerions illness and Donee..
quently unable to give personal attention
o his mill bneiaeee. On Tuesday of last
week a "bee" was organized, oompneed of
25 teams and men, and over 11,000 feet
of toga were hauled from the Jamee Mo
Gowan bR+h in Eat Wawanoeh to Mr.
Livingetou'e mill here.
T. D. Edgar Is taking stools preparatory
to turning over the bueineee to G. E.
The ilowiok Sunday 8ohoole held their
Annnal meeting at Gordo on Thareday,
Feb. 26th.
Jae. McGrath and two sisters Misses
Eva and Susie were home from Toronto
to attend the funeral of their brother.
Mrs. John B. Campbell left on Wed.
ne0day morning of last week, for Warren,
Ohio, to atl.ud the bedside of her eon,
Garnet, who is 0eriottely ill.
W. H Gregg ie bury taking down the
all school and moving it to his farm
Booth of town, where he intends to ooR-
vert it into a stable and driving houee
for his implemeute,
We are nailed upon to ohroniole the
death of Nelson McGrath, yonnaet eon
of Riahnrd and Mre. McGrath, in thel7tb
year of his age, which took plow on Mon-
day evening of last week. Deoeased had
been a sufferer from varfone disease') for
a number of years, and of late hae suffer-
ed a Creat deal. The funeral took p toe
Wednesday to the Gorrie cemetery, Rev.
E. A. Hall taking obarge at the church
and grave. Nelson was an ardent at.
Cendant at Sunday School and his pall
bearers were ohoeen from the class of
which he was a member.
A. t• vt• b o ti.
Wm. Marshall has bonebt the hardware
and tinware stook of Kreuter & Ritchie.
The sawmill hae not been running for
some time owing to an accident to some
of the machinery,
Mrs. D, G. Anderoon was called to
Paris to nurse her eiater•in•law, Mre. R.
S. Pelton. Mre. Pelton hae not been well
eing0 leaving Atwood.
The body of the late Andrew Buchanan
who died in Neepawa, Man., arrived here
on the 12 48 p. m, train un Wadu. eday of
last week and wee taken to his eon's
residence in this village. Interment was
made in the Donegal cemetery on Two
day afternoon. - Mr, Buchanan was for
maul, year0 mafi carrier between 1) medal
and Atwood. Hie eon William but
recently pnrohased the Robertecn prop-
erty near the elevator.
HytftONIDAL.—Alfred B Woods, a point.
lar young man of Elma, wee married to
Mies Mabel Turnbull, daughter of J. L.
and Mre, Turnbull, gravel road, on Wed•
needity evening, Feb. 4113, at 6 p. m., the
marriage ceremony being performed by
Rev. Dr. McLeod, of Atwood, About 70
guests were present from New Hamburg,
3t, Marys, Stratford, Kincardine and
other oleos. The bride entered 'thereon]
supported by her father and tireseed'in
white ohiffon, trimmed with brocaded
e(III, marrying a bogttet of white ()sena-
tidn0, the Isnot being tied under a pretty
smilax arch, After nipper mueio and
damming • were indulged in till daylight.
Me, and Mre. Edwards have taken np
their eeeldenoo in their home on the 4113
On Saturday morning,141h inst., about
9 o'clou1, a great many eitizln0 were
alarmed by a loud report. Investigation
proved that J. A. Mitahell'e a08tey10ne
Yea maohiue had exploded, and that 4.
A. himself had ermined a severe shaking
up. Ed. elnann Was &ieening eat the
machine and Mr. Mitchell entered the
gas bowie ho see if the cleaning prooe08
wee enntpleted. The building beiog..dark
he 91rt1ak a match, when 004lantly a lond
report wee the result. Tho (moo of the
x tl 0i r was di'u d. i r
o t o on a l idly tpwa rf ua re
waled by the teenu4 apart of the roof
and a portion of the upper aide wall.
The lilting of the roof gave vent t 1 the
forme of the explosion, and Mr. Miteholl
who wee leaning over the ma0hin0 Waa
11061011 t>WeC(1a the door. Ile states that
Ile heard no ropers end remembered
00thing till he pulled himself together
and made fur the home) lid. 20 mann
near I I C
l e dna and was Intent art
11 t 1
In the loco.
VV 020041103041,
E. 0, Clarke hoe deoided to remove to
the N rthweat,
Datid Small left to take oharge of hie
new eituatiou in Oornwall Furniture
There was a narrow escape from a
dieaatroue fire in H, M. Tuehope'o
grocery store.
Very favorable reporte were received
trout London, last week, as to' the mon•
dition of Mre. Sperling.
Mica Maggie MuLean left on Wedneo.
day to lilt a situation in Simpson's
departmental store, Toronto,
The fodowing official etatemeut was
handed the press for publication :—On
inetruations from the Comity Crown At-
torney, Coroner Towierieeued a warrant
fur an Wholat investigation of the mute
of the late S. J. Smith's death, The
town wee full of wildest remora, but on
careful and thorough luveotigation of all
those rumor), and the obtaining of all
available information and evidence by
the Coroner and Chief Veunorrnan, there
was nothing diecoveredthat would point
to foul play, or implicate anyone in the
oause of Mr. Smith's irjuriee, which
nnfortunalely resulted in bre death. The
iujariee were no doubt the result of a fad
on an ioy walk. The warrant was there.
for withdrawn, and an official report
forwarded by the Coroner to the County
BONoPIRL—The oarlere of Wingham
have been looking forward to their Bon
epiel which began on Wednesday of lust
week. The games played on that day
relte ll
eu d n s fn awe—
Kincardine N. 1 Luokoocv.
Weide Johnston
MoPhereon Corrigan
Roes Reid
Bishop Allen
—(skip) 10 —(ekip) 9
Bruesele. Parkhill.
—(Ohio) 9
No. 2, Wingham.
D. Holmes
—(ekip) 14
No. 3, Luokoow.
—(ekip) 8
—(ekip) 11
Matthie Town
Stewart Holland
MoPhereon Paulin
Hunter Black
—(skip) 11. —(skip) 18
zie, the well known horse owner, was in
Detroit with his paoer Harold H„ con-
sidered by many to he the 40001001 her.
nese borne ever bred in Canada. His
trip to Detroit from Memphis, where hie
horses are trained by Ed. Genre, was for
the purpose of renewing the bond on
Harold H. The meteoric career of thio
horee in 1901 and the early part of 1902
will be remembered by those who admire
Don't forget that we
keep a choice and well sel-
ected stock of Groceries in-
cluding :-
in addition to the nicest Con-
fectionery to he found any-
by the dish or quantity.
Your orders will receive prompt
attentionfor anything in
' our line,
Try our Tea at 270. per ib.
Bartiid''s Old Stand,
,8.RAY Ss mi.'s.
horses, He never loet a heath any, one
of laisrsose, ani there were moo" 01
them, until he met Dan Patch lull roatob
rano for $8,000 ,1t WiIbloor keit 8nmmer.
'1'ttere the Clanadlar) aids wheeler .rust
defeat, end within a few bourn 114 twee
told by his owner, J. Swartz, of Wing.
barn. Out„ to Mr, McKenzie. The Priam
woe $8,000, and the money wart mounted
out in bilin over the bar of the Inter.
national Hotel in Windsor, Olerk Amble
Rall helping in the counting. The
m iney was ready in MolLonzin'm pookst as
soon eerie bargain wag concluded, and
woe paid over without delay. After our.
charring the horse, 41r. McKenzie did not
have the beet of Iuok with him the re•
maioder of the 00,10001, but this treason,
under L)•l, Geera' able guidance,
he hopes to have a winner. As the
horse was bought in Windsor and import.
ed in bond, he hae to be brought back
every 0136 months to renew the bond, and
thin wee the remit why he was sent
aoross the river in Wargo of Assistant
Trainer IL'1pe Tuesday. Mr, McKenzie
will get hie racer hick to the South as
soon as possible.
W U, Brilbt, who has been ill of
plonri•y, is now recovering.
Several ehipmente of horses were mode
(rear 8eaforth etalioo last week.
The owl famine hoe now ended and
the I, oat dealers eau Dove supply the
oitizeue with all the coal that is required.
Roy S0000, of 1130 8eeforth Electric
Light Work., has accepted a position a0
manager of the Tottenham 16 801610 Light
and Power Company, and left to oom•
menoe his new duties 0i0 Monday.
W. N. Watson met with a somewhat
painful aoaideot. Ae he was leaving hie
office for his home, he000'deutally tripped
on the leg of a ohair, falling heavily on
the floor, injuring his aide. He had to
be assisted home and on medical aid b ing
procured it was toned that no bonen were
TDmcenentrrn COUNoor,—A somewhat
mansard state of aNiro hes aifa00 in
eon0eotio0 with the Tuokeremith Conn•
ail, At the mo 1i i l
t o e naminatioua there
were five candidates proposed for 0000 -
einem who had riot withdrawn within the
time specified by statute, and in the
ordinary course of events au election
should have been held. Uue of the five,
however, ascertained that on account of
being a eahool trustee and not having
resigned that position before nomination
day, be 0000 ineligible for a township
aooaoillor. Ou the Saturday following
tate nomination he lodged with the clerk
the required statement declining to be a
candidate for the council. The clerk
accepted this statement, and there being
only the required number for the ooanoil
left in the field, he declared them elected
and there watt no election. The (toenail.
lore thus elected were organized and
proceeded to bneiaeee as required by
statute. But before the expiration of the
time allowed for appealing against the
election, a ratepayer entered prooeedinge
to have the election set aside as illegal.
On the strength of these prooeediogs the
councillors have eaoh entered a disclaimer
vacating their seats. The cage came
before the county judge Friday. The
councillors having vacated their seats, it
but remains for the judge to declare the
eleotinn void and issue hie warrant for a
new election, the only matter to be de
terminad being the question of meta and
penalties. There will, therefore, be a
new election fa Tnokeremitb for oounoil.
lore, but the reeve, being regularly elected
by acclamation, i0 not affected by these
est° wail -
Mies M. Carthew leaves for Carman,
Manitoba, where ehe has taken a position
a, stenographer and type writer in the
611 re of a legal firm.
Mayor Hay and Mre, Hay 'left on
Tuesday of last week on a trip to New
Orleans. They will be gone about ten
days, and intend taklog in the Mardi -
Grum Carnival there.
Mrs. Magbay, who has been staying in
town for some months peat, owing to the
illness and death of her parents the late
John and Mre Campbell, lett last weep
for her home in Chicago.
Mise M. Green, milliner, of Brandon,
who has been upending a sew weeks'
holidays with her mother, Mre. MoBetb
Green, in town, left last week for New
York to attend the openings and make
Spring parobaoee.
The 35th Runnel S. 8, 000veution will
be held in the Methodist ohuroh,
Listowel, on Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 7111 and 81h, oommenoing on Tuea.
day at 2 301p. m. A good looal committee
hae charge of the local arrangements.
The tenders for the new Presbyterian
Church at North Mornington were open-
ed. Ae the tenders exceeded the eetimat
ed coat somewhat, the oontreat was not
let. Bamford Bros., of this town, will
probably get the contract, their tender
being ooneidered the most favorable,
The death occurred on Sunday, Feb.
1610, at his home, near Teviotdale, of
Audrew M, Morrow, a former resident of
this town, and nephew of the late Alexan.
der Morrow. The deoeaoed was for a
number of yearn engaged in the marble
brightens here, and wee well known by
the oder eitizene,
RouT. MARTIN D00000110.—Another of
the old reeidtntte of the dietriat, who are
now ao rapidly disappearing and seamy
of Whom have dropped oft of late, died on
Friday, Feb 13th in the 7411 year of hie
age. About )'year ago Mr. Martin under•
went a serious operation in the hospital
at Guelph and was for some time vary
low but his vitality oarried him over and
ho survived the operation for ten menthe.
Mr, Martin bag been oloeely identified
with the public and bueineee interests of
the town ohne its early days. He served
for many years in the town and county
council and on the High and Pdblio
school boards and was treasurer of the
mouioipali'y for eleven gears. Be took an
active and practioal interest in eduoatioo.
al matters eepeoially, and hie advice and
experience was alwoye Bought and follow•
ed by Elia fellow members on the board.
The deceased Hobert Martin was horn
December 16, 1829, in the County of
go, Ireland. He wan educated at livers.
town, Ireland, with the intention of telt.
mg olerioal orders in the Established
Oigro13 but hie career fu We line wag
prevented by ill health. He came to
Canada in 1847 and attended the Normal
School in Toronto where he qualified
rte a echoed teacher and subsequently
snooesefully taught eahool at Piuegrovo
near Toronto and at Drayton, Illhealth
again compelled hitt to rive np hie
chosen pin ee0ion and with his brotbore,
John and Thnmae he firma book into the
Queen'a bush, Waking to regkih health
(r m par, air employment. 'If her took
up Jan , t Wallace and the theleaxod,
who 19,0 , ''90O9006 of it :nutlet bdentees
optive 11', p 11)ably opeoulated in rands
1., 11.0100, 0 lr..rte of Ontario, lir 16152 in
oor)ae0tiun with surveyors R. W. Herman
and T. -Tole Bolton be surveyed and pub-
lished a new map of the county of Huron.
In 1866 he moved from Wollner, to Islet()
wol, opening an office in which he con-
tinued the iusnranoe and real oetate buei-
neee in which to soma extent he bed
been engaged in the township. In 1878
he formed a partnership with Meosro,
J. W. Scott and John Livluingtoue, the
firm doing a lumber business under the
nuns of 4. W. S4att & Oo. Hie wife was
a Mies Cleland, of Elma.
Lea db ur y.
Rev. W. W. Leech, of 'Toronto, ie sup.
plying the Methodist ohuroh pulpit here.
MaKlllap township will be represented
at the Good Roads Uouvantion to be held
at Clinton next Wednesday.
Tuesday afternoon of next week is the
date of William Knohlsl's auction gale.
Hie form is 84 Lot 20, Oen, 14 Mr.
K000btel internis trying the Weet and
has rentedhis farm here. We are snr,v
to Mee Mr, and Mre. Kneohtel from this
notion but wish them prosperity in the
wide West.
Fntta Cl,ass Hoxone,—At the reoeut
e36aminatione at the Toronto College of
Moak), held at the College on February
13111 and 14th we are pleased to learn that
Mise .Mamie Macaw palmed her
second examination of let year in Piano,
taking First olase Honore. She still eon•
tinuee her m0sioal studies at the College
taking op second year work until April.
We are delighted at her encase and hope
We may oontione to progr.ee.
Md tud.oe Commie. — Council met in
Christopher White's, Leadbury, on Feb.
18th. Members of Connell all present.
Minutes of former meeting read and con.
firmed. Moved by William G. Smith,
ee000ded by Charles Little that the
Auditors' report be received as correct
and that 1130 Clerk get 100 copies printed
for dietributioo, Carried. A0000nte
werep aused and aid for charity, Treas.
nrer'e salary and Auditors' and misoel.
laoeooe n000nnte amounting to $178 95.
Bylaw No. 56, known as Bolter) Drain
By law wag provieionally passed. W. J.
Walsh requested Council to tato hie land
tote 8110, Con. 10 and 8 i 11 Coo. 10
from 8ohool Seotion No. 5 and pat it in
Seotion No. 8. To be beard at next meet.
Mg. The Reeve and Oil 12 S. Brown were
authorized to attend a County meeting in
Clinton on 4th Maroh as delegates from
this township on the question of Road
improvement for their share of Govern•
ment grant. A letter from the Mayor of
Goderioh was read asking the Council to
memorialize the Dominion Government
to build a breakwater in Goderioh. Left
over until next meeting. Ooonoil ad
jammed to meet in Christopher White's,
Leadbury, on Wedne9day 18th Marsh at
1 o'clock p. m. as a Court of Revieioa on
Bolton drain and the goeetion of School
Seotion changer' in No. 5, 8, and 9 Sect-
ion., the Clerk to notify all interested.
'Che Township has $4.500 to loan on
menages at 5 per cent., their own time to
pay it,
JNo 0. MoesrsoN, Clerk.
James Soots has been appointed poet.
master at 0lintoli.
`t • �.�+.s
.fit �'- � 'V IQa�S r7
a. _ innon®R,
I� �3ZYTi3.
0. This week we make no oommont, but the goods and primes epee*
foe tbamaelVee,
Boys' Overwrite, made of good tweed, well lined, in odd aim, worth up
to $4, for 91 60 to clear.
Heavy Flannelette, yard wide, in a fine range of oolore, regular price 124o,
for 10o.
Heavy Flannelette Blankete, in grey and white, with pink and blue borders,
in two cues, very special at 60o and 980.
Men'e Fur Coate, in Siberian dog and oub bear, will be reduced 20 per
cent, to clear. a
Ladies' Astraohan Coate, lined with heavy mercerized Italian ()loth, 18611.
al lam $80, ter $25 50.
Ladies' Cuperinee mud Rolfe will be reflected 20 per cent.
Men's Heavy Frieze Uletere, lined with heavy plaid lining, high storm
collar, worth $0, for 98 98,
Men's Heavy Union Shirts and Drawere, worth 85o for 250.
Grey Flannel, twilled and plain, worth 150, for 124o.
Meu'o Heavy Rubbere, worth up to 91 85, for 980..
Flannelette Underskirts, worth 60c, for 30o.
Men's Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves, worth 751, for 50o.
Men's Wool Smoke, ribbed tope, worth 1.5o, for 120.
Ladies' Mercerized Sateen Underskirts, with four frille, worth 91, a snap
After having read many advertisements of
towns remote from Jamestown, we were
compelled to think and say
SIoQ LooK!ug Troithle
and Happiness will get after you. Here are
a few directions and if followed closely
In all our Winter Goods we have made a
reduction of 20 and 25 per cent. for cash
Come and see for yourselves.
The Jamestown Post Office and General Store
Walter Innes
11 'e take Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Tallow as Gash.
20 per cent. Discount
e ofBusiness
On the 1st 'of March I intend to
make a Change in my Business
and from now till then everything
in the Store will be sold at 20
per cent. Discount.
as I must reduce my stock before the First of March. Time will not
permit me to give a list of prices'but you can depend on getting One
Dollar's worth of Goods for every Eighty Cents you
pay out.
Do not Delay but Come at 01,100
and. get in with the Close Buyers.
A Few Fur Coats Left to be Sold at 20 per cent. Discount,
11MA IN- & O CLOT EE R,.