The Brussels Post, 1903-2-26, Page 4Cbe Nrwstis Vast
THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1903,
7arox>, Statistics of the
County of Huron.
From the report jnet hauled by the
Bureau of Industries of the Ontario
Government, We learn that in the county
of Huron, for the year 1901, the grain
crop amounted to: Fall wheat, 60,002
mores, 1,207,642 baebele, yield 19 8, market
value $798,251, market value per acre
$18,09, Spring wheat -1911 eorea, 28,003
baahels, yield per aore 13 0 bushels,
market value $17,744, market value per
acre $0 29. Barley -29,364 eorea, 792,•
558 buebele, yield per aore 27 ba hese,
market valne $856,651, per aore $12 15
Oats -122,040 aures, 4,210,587 bushes,
yield per acre, 84 5, market value $1,524,
288, per aore $12 94. Peas -35,560 eo,er,
594,002 bushels, 16 7 par 'tare, value 9387
888, per acre $10 01. Beans— 240
mores, 4800 bushels, 20 beehele per
aore, value 96000, per aore $25, Rye
—1433 acres, 24,984 beehele,17 4 per aore,
value $12,293, per aore $8-58. Buckwheat
—820 aore 17,712 bus, 21.6 per acre,
value 98,578, per aore 910.45. Oen,hnek
iug-1984 aeras, 182,928 bus, 67 par aore,
value $80,518, per aore $25,40 Fodder—•
7668 cares, 94,178 tone, 12 29 per aore,
value $189,850, per aore $2458. Hay and
olover-110,985 noree, 170,917 toes, 154
per aore, value $1,365,627, per acre $12 30.
During 1901 there were 4236 acres of
potatoes planted, which realized 593,040
bushels, or 140 per aore, with a total value
of $252,655, or559 64 per sore. Carron: -
307 aortia, 109,292 euebela, 356 per aore,
value $13,602, or $44 50 per aore. bias•
gold wurtzel-4844 acres, 2,506,884 bn-.,
538 per acre, value $207,711, or $42 88 per
acre. Turnips -9252 sores, 4,265,172 bus,
461 per stare, valve 9426,517, or $46 10 per
acre. It will thus be seen that not crops
are mostly on par ae pervalueper aore,
with potatoes alightly in the lead.
In reference to etook raising, Huron
county during the same year had 16,604
working horses, 4594 breeding meree, and
6638 other borese, valued at $2,424,562.
No. sold during year, 3470, at $310,816, er
an average of $91 per bead. Oeette—
milch aowa 34,185, store oaitle over two
years 32,885, young and other cattle 58,•
159, valued 01$8,819440, sold or slaaeht.-r-
ed 37,756, valued at $1442,279, or $38 20
per head. Sheep -90,870, value $329 997,
sold or slaughtered $172,932, average
value per h. ad $4.58. Hoge -61,705,
value $4155.456, sold or slaughtered 902,•
072, average value per head, $9 22
In the poultry liue we bad 44,147 tut,
keys, 19.422 geese, 27,451 duoke, valued
at $127,075 ; number killed or Bold during
the year 133.733, valued at $54,831.
During 1901 the farmere had for Bale
287,322 Ibe. of wool, for which tbey re•
emitted $38,501. Huron has 6135 colonies
of bees, veined et $38,221. Her land
value is $26,590.145, buildings $10,643,094,
implements $2,690,845. She has 14
cheese faotoriee in operation, which need
15,318,576 lbs. of milk, and made 1,401,
103 lb,. of oheeee from same.
The number of chattel mortgagee
spinet all 0000pations in the county 01
Heron, ending Deo. 31, 1901, was aa fol
fowe : To enure existing debt, 331,
amount $219,198. For future endoreation
7, amount $1974, Chattel mortgages
against farmere—To enure existing debt,
179, amount $74,567 ; for future endorea•
tion, 2, amount $938.
Belmore Grange Meeting.
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Belmore Division Grange was held in the
handeome reeidenoe of Wm. MoIiercher
on the 23rd nit. A repreeeotative meat
leg of the members of the Grange were
present. Henry Smith, of Saskatoon,
an old resident of Howiok, and one of the
founders of the order in this eeotion,
being present, was moved to the chair, e.
p.7eitioo be filled with his old time took
and ebility.
When some matters of a routine ober.
enter had been disposed of, the Grange
prooeeded to the election of officers for
the ensuing year, which resulted ae fol.
lows :—
Master—Jahn Stewart
Overseer—Jae. Mitchell ;
Seo,-Trete.—Alex. Drummond ;
Leotoyer—W. H Quinnell ;
Chap sin—M. MoMueter ;
Stewart—R. McLaughlin ;
Aeet,•Stewart—J. Carswell ;
G. Keeper—S. Hill.
The Auditors' report was received and
on motion adopted.
On motion by Bro, Stewart, seconded
by Bro. McLaaghlio, 5, Pallas was elect-
ed to represent this Division at approach
ing meeting of the Dominion Grange,
The matter of rural mail delivery was
brought to the attention of the Grange,
A number expressed themeelvee as favor.
able to the scheme and pointed out the
many advantagee that would agorae to
the farmere of this oonntry through the
adoption of the system. On motion it
wee carried that the delegate to Dominion
Grange bring the matter before that body,
with the view of inducing the Postmaster
General to test the system,
Bro. McLaughlin eoggeeted oertain
amendments to the Municipal Aot
let—That Township Oourails be eleoted
for two years.
2nd—That the country be 'teemed
ones in three years. -
3ed—That all taxes be collected by the
Tp. treasurer.
Bro. McLaughlin and others in able
epeeuhee eupported the changes as above
outlined end Bro. Vallee was footnoted
to bring these matters to the attention of
Dominion Grange.
Henry Smith then addressed the
Grange at some length renalling pleasant
memories of his past oonnesbion with
the order and narrated his experience of
pioneer life ou the prairies of the dietant
West, Bro. Smith, Ike many others,
prodiote a great future for that country
and urged that it offered greatopeningto
young men of plunk and perseverance.
It le not all smooth sailing, loans have
to be mot, diffioultiee overcome. A trod
tide of fmmigrntion is pouring in bringing
many changes for the better.
The Grange was pleased to learn that
Bro. Smith and his family had prospered
greatly in their new home and Were now
in a comparative indepeodenoe.
On motion it was carried that next
meeting of this division be held in the
1 of Maitland Grange, ease, tf me to be Seed
on by the Master and Secretary,
A hearty vote of thanks having been
tendered Mr, and Mlee MoKerolter for
the generous hospitality extended to the
Grange a very intereetfug and pleasant
meeting was bronght to a clone.
A. Dauuuoxe, Seoretary.
Statistics of Huron County.
Volume 1 of the fourth oeneue of Oen,
ada, recently published, eontains etatietios
regarding population, and from it we take
the following tables which will be inter.
eating to the oitlzene of Huron oonnty
District 511
44 r� ° a °
Ht'ltON, 312.80,
Blyth 425 204 210 871 891
Brussels 000 202 202 111.1 510
Grey 05884 727 734 8657 1824
Howink..,71000 1773 886 4140 2121
Morris 50155 608 530 2000 1837
Turnberry 8705.1 400 491 2141 1094
Wingltam 65,0 510 517 2392 1120
Wroxeter 504 111 111 449 216
231073 8710 5749 17267 8018
Bayfield1762 127 180 558 281
Hay 64221 788 783 5627 1840
Heneall 600 200 206 820 400
Mullett 58012 015 683 2808 1493
58r1111109 683340 562 570 2086 1342
Senforth 032d9p 617 626 2'245 1052
Tnukersmith 421708 6677 442 3408 122221
919847 3709 6314 17448 6721
511RON, '1390,
Ashfleld...01174 714 715 8497 1798
Clinton 000 690 609 2547 1178
Colborne 86334 419 421 1886 071
Goderich 53849 608 604 2591 1270
town 1500 907 915 4158 1947
Wawanosh E 42097 880 899 1960 994
It W 48189 464 404 2218 1128
240140 9004 4027 18774 0277 9497
i B
District s ,0 «9 .a
46 4 AA 4
le oo E
13111019, EA80.
D1y6h 80 100 840 1110 1 6 9 2
Brussels 25 131 408 437 6 11 2
Grey 08 802 1687 1174 16 107 0 138
Howiok 23 794 1320 1827 107 281 89 39
Morris 124 904 987 1078 12 71
Turnberry 82 802 068 574 126 1 87 63
Wingham 48 490 751 772 102 11 63 11
Wroxeter...,... 87 221 120 1 1 5 ...
400 2630 8788 5804 428 426 102 292
Bayfield 5 216 190 110 2 12
20uy. 087 155 638 408 18 980 1 4
Hensel]. 17 82 872 206 2 12 ..
McKillop 711 187 1054 1403 18 11166 .-
Seaforth 872 270 937 595 10 2 2 �6
Stanley 177 2181184 621 16 12 ... ...
Tuokerenifth 225 2151458 581 8 12 ,.
2252 1639 0584 4478 184 1105 3 71
Ashfield 050 92218581039 38 7 ... 80
Clinton 78 999 68801160114 ... ... 18
Colborne 107 152 519 966 35 $ ... 7
Goderich 98 873 8811183 87 ... 10
town 419 7701 1678 1214 47 2 27
Wawanosh,E 95 255 757 827 15 10 42 2
W 278 282 750 886 17 27 ... ...
1700 2832 0382 7212 800 55 42 144
The following other denominations are
quoted, the figures we give being the
totals in the Ridings :
EAST 6011181 W1980
Mennonites 38 206 5
Disciples 02 20 48
Adventists, Hay tp .. 250 8
.78308 7 1
Salvation Army 84 a4 41
Mormons 19 22 ...
Various Sects..,203 545 114
Others not epeelfled 84 103 45
A 4 A
Blyth 822 282 228 2 00
Brussels 808 2655 401 8 68
Grey 089 774 1480 18 827
Howick ,...., ..,.,840 1708 914 14 855
Morris 782 1028 820 ... 20
Turnberry 909 656 791 84
Wroxet160 075 203 .. 110
180 04 200 ... 18
4809 5455 5532 84 1240
HURON, 8011011.
Bayfield 149 210 160 8 20
Hay. 503 826 851 808 2081
Hensen 203 186 305 17 92
Hallett 1894 883 804 9 148
McKillop 804 1278 704 217 111
Seaferth 610 780 721 4 105
Stanley 402 648 703 141 165
Tuckeremith 080 585 1182 18 01
4499 4541 4640 772 2812
111:7110N, 'WEST.
Ashfield 485 1070 1008 11 59
Clinton 1154 708 402 18 92
Oolborne 757 488 804 5 219
Goderich 991 1108 849 17 49
Goderich, town 1184 1206 1428 38 171
Wawanosh, E517 060 686 1 118
Wawanosh, W474 1118 559 1 52
5512 71878 4908 72 787
Various other nationalities and an.
apeeified total aa follows for each Riding:
EA81 8011011 WNW
Others 29 21 60
Unspecified 57 184 42
On the Tuckeeenlilh Council Ent•
1008 110.
"They tell me," eaye Claooy, that HI'
Tuokeremit' Council has bin unsalted, de
posed and ordered by Aot iv Parliament
to go 'way bank au' sit down. Is there
annyt'ing in it ? he says. "Alga", I Bays,
itis too thine.,' "An' what hae the Wag -
yards bin doin' ?" says Olanoy. "What
is the oharge be eaye,?" he says. "I can't
tell ye ixaotly,', I says, "I axed one of
the lawyire th' other day an' he said it
was koiud iv s arose betane habeas oor,
pea and embizz'emint or eomet'ing to
that iffiet, but I did'nt loike to quiehton
him too oloee far fear he molgbt mime at
me wid a bill iv ooent. But I mit me
fried, Johnny Rankin, the Insurance
Advocate an' dealer in money to lied an'
eofort' an' eo on, an' I put on a board
front an' I nye, "Miehter Rankin,' I
says, ',ye ought to be partly well poebted
ire law bneiniee,' I Bays, jlet that way.
"Ye bit yer nick 1 am", he says. "Well"
I nye, "can ye till me what's th' manein'
to this eruption in th' Tuakeremib' Ooan•
oil, ?" I nye. '"Tis a ciao iv niei pule
certiorari, wid intirlt," he nye. "Te it
as bad as that,?" I eaye. "It i8," be Bays
"an' worse". "Th' law says dlehtinetly,
'No township, town, oily or army other
Contemner, Alderman, Raive, Clerk or
Paned keper whatsoever shall, will, can,
oonld, moight,ahnd hoard maintain, kape
th' office of Tpaehtee an' that iv Ooanoil•
lor, Alderman, Raive, Clerk or Pound
kaper at wen an' th, same toime, hereto.
fore, nivertheleee, notwithetending, a8
t te oa .sea for ereilt
a nesse d, "80y ❑ y ,
Clancy," T nays, 'that it'8 a moighty
raring badness," "Ib'e a holy tirror,"
nye Olanoy. "Ant will they hang him
TIE B1.U13+;L5 1)O61'
dY'e t'iuk ?". "Well hardly." I nye,
"but they'll have to run akin an' genie
iv thlm may lose their elle" "An' they
git 8 big salary I'm tontd," nye Olenoy,
"They da", I %aye. "Twodullere an' a
half a mons,"I stays, "an' ay there aany
wept auoaomiaal at all eome iv thim'11
menage to gave four or foive dollars onl
iv it, an' mebby more. An' then there's
th' glory," I toys. "Au boded 1" says
Clayey, "glory cent be hid fur th' aaip'.
Aa' 70 005 1 go to a grocery ehtore un'
eay. "Wad ye give me tin Minta wurtb
iv glory till pay day." Na eur 1 ye've got
to be a oounoillor or a curler av ye want
glory. An' by th' way, glory 88ente to be
foighting ahoy iv t0' Sayfort' ourlers this
year. Whatever's got into thin I,dinoaw
but they seem to be gittin' it in th' wok
th' m08ht iv th' toime," "Iviry dog has
hie day," I says, "an' our lade have bad
a bit iv hard luck, that's all. Ye'll see a
change in tie' program befoor many days,
I don't t'iuk," GROGAN.
lafed eeel c*I1.
Jae. A, Streohan now hae hie new gaeo.
leue engine in running order at his
moobine chop.
The Knitting factory will henceforth
close eauh Saturday at 1 p. m., and work
eaob evening till 0 30.
The poetoflioe will for the future bo
open from 8 to 8 30 eaob evening so that
box holders may get lettere by the 7.30
The qusetiou of a new Central school,
the remodelling of the present one, and
the state of oor Ward eohoole, are live
A gang of meohanioe wee engaged
fitting up the north east corner of the
freight shed for the cffioe of the freight
The cold nights of last week wase a
boon for the ice men who had contents
to fill storehouses, ae they were able to
rush the work.
A meeting of the West Huron Far-
mer's Inetitute will be held in the Ocurt
Hoose, Goderioh, commencing in the
afternoon of Tuesday, March 9rd.
Petiole Magistrate Seeger sentenced
Charles Ooneigney to thirty days in goal
for aeeaolting his wife, Ooueigney woe
also boned over in sureties of $100 to keep
the peace for a year.
The furniture for the new G. T. R.
building reaohed Gederiob from Chicago
on Tneeday of last week. The furniture
was made in Chioago, and ie, al parently,
of first Maas matte and material,
The Woman's Christian Tempetar0e
Union held a Frances Willard mem• Tial
aervi0e at their regular meeting Monday
afternoon at 8 o'clock, whioh was con-
doated by Mrs. McGillioaddy.
We are pleased to know that Mr.
Straiten, who bee been in a boapital in
Montreal for eome time, underwent an
operation saocea<fully about a week ago
and le progressing very favorably. It will
probably be a rumple of mouthe before
Mr. Straiton returns to town.
According to reoent Militia announoe-
meets Collegiate Inetitute Cadet Corps
are to receive greater attention at the
hands of the Education department, as
Minister Harcourt has agreed to several
improvements in the management of the
several 0orpe. According to a reoent
gazette, E. Jordon bee beenappointed
acting captain, vice Williams ; 3, Hor•
ton, acting Lieutenant, viae Kiely ; E.
Wightman, noting aeoond Lieutenant,
vice Jordon,
The Brotherhood of at. Peal, the or•
ganization for the young men of Goderioh
width wee lanoehed a few weeks ago,
has excellent proepeote before it. A
membership of over Why is already ae'
Bored, and the young M. a are tatting
hold of the idea with the nuthoeiaatn
which betokens e006e89.
After a general dieonesine of the fever.
able poen. tits et the Ewen lupi then
Loan and Inveetenent Company the fol.
lowing shareholders were Merited to the
direutorate ; Lord Strathoona, F. Som.
dao, Judge Holt, Sheriff Reynolds, Wm.
1'roudtoot, K. 0., J. M, Roberta, Henry
Horton, D. J. Naftet and Heel' Duuloy.
At the oloae of the general meeting the
direotora met, and re appointed F. Jor.
don President and Wm. Proudfoot viae
Cliltt4.tttett,1 Nb) ♦V IN,
Capt. Alex. McBride, of St. Thomas, is
Officials at Ottawa -think Martineau's
defalcations will amount to $75,000.
William Burley, of Hungerford, Has.
tinge (loamy, is dead at the age of 104
George Lott, of Brookville, G. T. R.
brakeman, was killed by a train at Gan.
Berlin eleotore passed the by law for
the purchase of the eleotrio light plant
at $80,000.
It is understood that A. G. Mackay,
M. P. P., will move the addle -ins in the
A. H. Ball, of Moose Jaw, lite been op.
pointed IOBpe0000 of Sohoole for the
Northwest Territories.
Wabigoon dietriot is stirred up by a
suspected attempt to murder by Bending
poisoned dandies by mail,
Theo. Belanger, of St. Eustaohe, Qne.,
aria:tea for the murder of Sequin, hie
brother-in-law, confessed hie guilt.
Joeeph Houle, a plasterer's laborer at
Montreal, 300e overcome by gas, fell on a
emelt furnace, and was partially °remit.
The Exeoative of the Oetari,branoh of
the Dominion Ailianoe passed a resolution
disapproving of Wm Mnun's candidature
in New York.
Judge McGrimmnn lista found two men
guilty of personation, and hae eentenoed
them to one year's imprieonmeut, with a
flue of $400 each.
John McDonald died in North Bay
Ho-pital on Saturday, and George Wil•
liomeon ie under arrest on a oharge of
haviug kuifed him in a fight.
E, L. Nbbele, a Megaton druggiet,
planed a handkerabief saturated with
ohloroform over hie face and lay down
to sleep. He never woke up.
W. L. Mackenzie King, Deputy Min-
ister of Labor, will leave for British
Columbia in order to try and bring about
a settlement of the coal miners' strike.
A 0. P. R. and a Grand Trunk train
met at a arming at Peterboro', and the
Grand Trunk smoker and passenger oar
I were upset in the ditch. No one was
Two young children of James Drain, of
Dammer Towuahip, left alone in the
house, set fire to themselves. One was
Maened to death, and the other will prob
ably die.
Stock -Taking
Clearing Sale
Poo, 26 1903
As has been our custom in the past we will offer our entire stock of Winter goods
at Manufacturers' prices for 30 days only, commencing Friday, January 9th,
D. B.
Blade -to -Order Eeputrent
$15 00 Heavy Tweed Suits, Made-to-order,
16 00 "
18 00
20 00
22 00
Clothing Department.
Reg. $6 Suits, now $4 60
" 6.50, 7.00 & 7.50 Suits 6 00
8.00, 8 50 87. 9.00 Suits 6 00
" 9.50, 10 & 10.50 Suits 7 50
" 11.50, 12 & 13.00 Suits 9 00
" 5.00 & 5 60 Overcoats 3 75
" 7.00&750 " 5 00
" 10.00 & 10.50 " 7 50
" 11.50, 12 & 12.50 " 9 00
" 16.00 Overcoats on sale 12 00
Men's Double-breasted Freize Coats,
regular $5 and $6, at $4.00.
Men's Double-breasted Beaver Coate
regular $G and $6.60, at $4.50.
regular $3 25 for $2 25
" 3 60 " 2 60
" 4 00 " 3 00
Men's Odd Pants that were 1.25, 1.50, 1 75, 2.00; 2.25, 2.50 and
$3,00, now 90c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50'and $1.75.
Uaaderweaio Department
Men's All Wool Unshrinkable Underwear
Regular 90c and $1.00 quality on sale at 75c
" 75e quality on sale at 55c
" 5Oc " tr 40c
for $12 50
13 75
14 60
16 00
17 60
Men's Fleece Lined Underwear
$1.60 quality at $1.00
1.25 " 90
1.00 90
75c quality at 55c
60c " 40o
We also have a few Fur Coats left which will be sold at a bargain.
Terms Strictly Cash during Sale.
For the month of February and First
week of March,
starting Saturday, Feb. 7th, and ending Saturday, March
7th, when we offer all broken sizes of Boots and Shoes at
prices far below cost to completely clear them out. We
ask you to note following prices and please remember the
goods are just as represented.
27 pairs of Ladies' Fine
Shoes, buttoned and laced,
all sizes, regular prices
were from $1.26 to $2.75, 1.O0
your choice for only 1
17 pairs of Men's Calf,
Buff and Dongola Shoes,
laced, all sizes, regular
price from $1 75 to $4.00, 12b
your choice for only
20 per cent. off regular
prices on all Ladies' and
Gents' Felt Boots and
20 per all Men's
Heavy Rubbers and Socks.
33 pairs of Men's Carpet
Slippers, regular prices
40e to 60c, your ohoiee .25
for only
21 pairs of Ladies' Don-
gola Oxfords, regular
prices from $1.00 to $1.75
your choice for only i5F
Remember the fact that
during this Sale we offer
for cash 10 per cent. off
all Shoes in stock.
Remember we have no
old goods to offer you and
these Reduced Prices are
for cash only.
Trunks and Satchels very Low in Prise.
Only 8 Saskatchewan Robes left, 2 large size and 1 small—
Large size, regular price $9.00 reduced to 57.00
Small size, regular price 8.00 reduced to 6.00
Come and secure your choice of these Bargains for the
30 days only, beginning Saturday, Feb, 7, and end-
ing Saturday, March 7,
Leading Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers,
ST""CE, IMPLEMENTS,. Ske. Mr. 1'.
S. Scott, auotioneer, has received instruct -
Mons from the undersigned to sell by pub-
lic auction at South Ralf Lot 27 O0n. 5,
Morrie, on WI5DNE8DAY, MARCH 4TH, at
1 o'clock, the following valuable go 1perty 1-
1 working horse rising 0 years 1 general
rising 6 years, 1ose horse l driving filly we1 lrbred rising
2 years, 1 heavy borne colt rising 8 years, 1
heavy filly rising 2 yeere, 8 aowa 1e calf, 1
farrow now about half fat, 9•oteere coming 2
yeare old, 8 heifers coming 2 years old, 8
steers coming 1 year old, 6 heifers Coming 1
yoar old, 8 pigs 8 months old, 4 {tlgs 4 months
038.2 brood sows to farrow in Feb and last
of April, 1 set of new bob -ale she, 1 Cutter, 1
new covered buggy, 1 open tuggv, 1 dump
cart and harness, 1 Massey -Harris binder in
good condition, 1 MaaseyHarris drill 0830,1
Massey Barrie horse rake, 1 two -furrow gang
gII61or2 eesehl
ning mimweseta
one new, 1 stone boat, a quantity of
lumber, 1 set males 1000 pounds, 1 sugar
kettle, 1 grain oradla, euythee, forks, rakes,
chains and other articles too numerous to
mention, Sal« unreserved as the propriet-
or hoe sold his farm. Terme—A11 some of
015 and under (sash,over that amount 10
months' credit will ,e given on furnishing
approved joint notes; 4 per cent, off for
cash on credit amounts.
F. S. 8007:0, SAMUEL BURR,
Auctioneer. Proprielo r.
undersigned will keep for Nervier, on
Lot 10, Con, 16, Grey, the thoro'-bred York-
shire hog "Maple Loaf Tom." Pedigree may
be seen on application. Terms, sin,witti
privilege of rearming if necessary,
59.4 Proprietor,
ToARMS FOR SALE—THE UN.A 0310053141.0 1106 several good Forme for
Rale and to rent, easy terms, In Townsl,ip0
of Morrie and Grey. F x. SOOT1,Brna,ol
20, Con. 16, Grey. There we RID acnes,
20 under oultivatlon, Apply to JOSEPH F.
ennisoNi , on the premises, or al000rieff
P.O. 21.68
land, eligibly located on Tnt'ub eery
street,Brueselo, for Rale. Will be sold en
bloo or Immo and lots separately, to suit
purchaser. Good dairy baldness in eonnee•
Alen, Possession could be given any time.
Por pun, tame, doe., apply to NEIL Mee
LAU011L5N, Brussels.
TATE,-98000.00 will buy the MoOau-
ho Mock in
6 Y k the 'Villagebol' then sant 1
two nue y lOo must be gold ton to Man out the
McCaugheyuEatnto. intending purchasers
SCOT t or G. oto at °neo. Apply n Ir, 8,
8000'9 or G. lig BLAiIi, Brusael'a,Unt,
Spoiled a Good Baking
you have many a time by using an
inferior grade of floor. Your bread will
always be light, while and sweet when
using the Venue. It is always of sup
erior quality, with no variation, and is
carefully made from the beet grown
Manitoba wheat. Try this eatiefaotory
brand for your bread, cakee and piee,
and you will never use any other.
ALP. 33,6A,EICE11
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0 pETRO.� sfri o
�TPRA� 01►�z LIGHT
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00L.� o AM1016Ad,F'
Just arrived --•One ear load of FENNOLINE and SILV %t'
LIGHT AMERICAN OIL at 20o and 25e per gallon Try our
Pennoline at 25e per gallon and you will buy it again.