HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-26, Page 1Vol. 81. No. 33
W. H. KERR, Frop.
New Advertisements.
Ewan/one—O. P. R.
Seed oats—Wm. BhiO'a.
Notice—Mary Oampbeli.
Driving mit loot—'PLN Pear.
Robe lost—Jamestown store.
Bull for servioe—Obs+. Bozell.
Sealed tenders—Fred. Gelinas.
New goods—J. F,remit & Cn,
To oontraotors—I. O. Rioharde.
Rouge for Bale—Mary Campbell.
Property for sale—D, vIoOntohoou.
Atter stook taking Bale—D. 0. Rose,
a otxxct Akto3.5,
Olin ton.
Robert Holmes, M. P , ie away in
Ontario county aiding in the Dominion
bye election campaign.
The new postmaster here will be Bar.
ribter Jemee 80019, who is well and
favorably know in Clinton. Work on the
new officio will be pushed ahead ae soon
as Spring opens. Tend, re are a -ked for
heating the building. There will be a
residence in oonneotiou.
Next Wednesday a Good Monde Con•
ventlon wW be held in the Tone Bell
bore at winch the membere of the On.
Council and ruutlioipai repreeeutetivee
are expected to alt nd.
Roemer OoATe Ihteu—The death here
la t Sabbath of Robert Come, at the age
of 74, of the dry goods firm of R coats &
Bon, removes one of the oldest merobants
and citizen of this pinus. He leaves two
Burne—,William, Town Olerk and Traeger.
or of this plane, end Robert, of Ottawa,
in newapapar work ; and three dnughtere,
two of whom reside here. He was a
staunch Liberal, a Presbyterian, and of
Bootob closeout.
• _ TW rr, t LO I .
Walton °heeee lBotory will be offered
for sale next week.
J. W. oumberinud and Borne friende
paid Walton a dying visit on Sunday.
Mre, R. M. Cummings returned on
Saturday from u visit to friends in
Bervioburn,e le beiug held on the 12tb con.
of Molitllop on Sabbath af•ernon by Rev.
Mr. itiuoNeb,
A few of the Walton, young people were
at the Williameon–Otark wedding
reception on•Wedneedey evening.
c4r, CO_
Rev. W, IV. Leech in rendering elloieut
vertigo in the Methodist oharoltee on the
Waltou cirouit.
Mise Maud Fergueon returned ou Wed•
needay from an extended vieit with
friends in Wickham and Wroxeter.
Rev. D. B. MoRee, of Oranbrook, was
the 000upant of Duff's ohuroh pulpit last
Babbnth. He in well known here Rod
alwaye popular.
A congregational meeting wan held in
Duff's ohuroh, Walton, on Monday after.
noon, Rev, D. B. McBee and Elder Wm.
Ritchie representing the Presbytery,
The meeting was moat harm nieces and
nnttnimoaely agreed to raise the pastor's
salary $100, making it $650. It was tie -
decided to ask the Augmentation Ji'uud
for $75 this year In the expectation that
tbie will be the last occasion of a.king ae
the congregation expeot to become Bell -
supper ng.
Jon. Barrows writing teem Monne Jaw,
N. W. T., on Feb, 17 h to Tile Pose
Saye :—"I enclose $1.00 renewal for your
valuable paper, Ur, Editor, Tax POST
ie like a weekly letter an I get all the
uewe from my old item° (Walton) and I
oonld soaraely get along without it. We
have had a nice Winter, tbe last few
days being rather oold, from 28 to 88°
below zero, but bright and clear. There
ie every prone, nt of a big rueb of settlers
here in the Spline and land is booming,
Wish Tao Pon suooeee."
at' ee otown.
A Brasil Band le among the probabili-
ties hi our town.
Leet Sabbath evening the Bervioe in
Vimoria Hall was taken by H.V. Avison.
who gave a good addreee. Miss Maggie
Taylor and Mr. Avison Bang a fine duet
that was much enjoyed. Juo, MoAliie
ter will take tbe nervine next Sabbath
PRaeENTATION,— Friday evening, after
prayer meetiug, James Strachan was pre
seated with a epleudid Teacher's Bib e
from hie Sabhuth Sahpoi clave. Wm
Brydon addreeeed Mr. Btraoban in a neat
epeeist' eulogising hie efforts and Donnan
McDonald made the preeentation. The
recipient responded in appropriate words,
Mr, Streohan le also the Superintendent
of the school.
Reference was made last week to Jae.
Lynn purchasing a farm in Rowiek.
The property hi ou Oon. 5, about 2 milee
from Fordwich, and contains 200 aures.
There ie a fine 2 story brink cottage,
bank barn and about 80 acres of good
bash on the place. Wm, Wade, wbo took
up the farm many years ago, and ie a
well known resident, will remove toFord•
wiob, where he ie building a residence.
Mr. Lynn pain $0,600 for the farm. He
will not get poeeeeeiou until Nov. let and
will move about March 16th to e farm
belonging to George Ashton, near hie new
pure/mac, where he will spend the Sum
mer, The Howiok people will fled the
For Osie Week Oily, is 11111311 7111
t D. C. ROSS'
Sweeping Reductions in all Odd Lines of Men's
and Boys' Clothing, Overcoats, Ulsters,
and Underwear.
2 0
On all our
Men's and Boys'
Boys' Reefer
tknd ,
Also a liberal reduction on all
Odd Lines of Boys' Two and
Three Piece Suits.
'All Odd Lines of
Om now be procured at a
Paw CENT.,
OR Regular Prices.
Many Lines of Underwear are
now being sold at Less than
Mill Prices.
We do not rncbhe this sacrifice because the Goods are undesirable
styles, or because the assortment is lifrtited. The only reason for it
is our east iron all r season's goods must besold with-
inc o z ruGe that a l o f u sects s� o
the' season.
D o
Lynp family first oleos reeideute who
will alweya be we'comed book to this
lueality. Mr. iffoLetltlan bought Mr,
Lynn's far.
YouN(i pemons c DiinANe'Ag —A Yoting
Peoples' Society was organized here ou
Tueedav night when thefollowing offioere
were inetelled,--Houorary President,
Thee. Straahau, or ; Preeident, James
Cutt ; Viae Preti.fent, Miee Godetha
Ooombes Bee Seo„ Alex. Scott ; Oor
Bee., Mine Addie Mulligan ; Treaeurer,
Frank Wrigbt; Organiele, Misses Mo
Kelvey, Coomber, Bbrachan end Pearl
Wright ; Look out Com , Mre. Juo. that
and Mrs Iloltmier ;Prayer Meeting Oom.,
Jelin Oetr, Thee. Straoban jr„ and Miee
L zzie Streehan ; Mieeionary Oom.,
Mieees Snell, Oct t and Robt. Straohen ;
Flower Com , Alleges Dora Simpeon,
Mabel Wright and J,mee Innes. The
first meeting will be held on Friday even•
ing, March 8th, when the B. S. lesson,
"Pant at Ephesus" will he dieoueyed by
Miee Taylor and John Gutt.
bV rox0+reet-.
Mies Elda Hez ewood ie visiting friends
at Clifford. -
Mies Tone Smith le spending a few
daye in Grey.
Miee Percu8On, of Walton, le the guest
of Mies Millie Ramie.
Bev. A. B. Forney, of Aylmer, ie the
guest of W .N,'R,btne"n.
Master Bert. MoKetvie lies returned
from a two weeks' visit in Toronto.
W. Trench- shipped a tier load of oettle
from this station on Monday.
Jae. and George Peu'in are spending a
week with relatives in Simooe.
A moving picture entertainment was
given in the town hall Monday evening by
the Laing Broe.
Rev. Jno. Hooter, of Markham,
occupied the pulpit In the Preebyterian
cherub on Sunday.
A meeting of the Directors of the How -
fah Mutual was held In W. 8. Mo.
Kerobet'e office on Saturday.
Miee Jeeeie M. Rose, of Goelpb, and G.
H. Benson, of Toronto, are visiting at
"Oatmoee" for a couple of weeks.
Mre. W. S. Mo$erober and family re-
turned from Iowa on Friday where they
have epeot the last three months.
A number from here attended the
school Concert iu Belmore Friday evening.
Several of the young people also Resisted
in the program.
Our Rentor rink of curlers succeeded in
bringing home the third prize medal
from the Bonepeil he'd at W,ugham last
week. The junior rink was defeated in
their neooud game by a close score.
Mies Mary Miller, organist of the
Presbyterian chorale here, in receiving
the congratulations of her friends on her
recent sucee.e at the Junior exam. at
Toronto Conservatory of Music, having
passed with Honore.
The Metes Miller, of "Oetmoau" gave
an afternoon tea to a number of their
young lady friends on Monday afternoon
of last week, in honor of their guest Miee
Jessie M. Rose, of Guelph. Tea was
served in the dining room and was pre•
aided over by Mre. Abe. Sanderson
(Wroxeter'e recent bride) and Mae Rose
in their usual affable etyte. The deoora
tione were pink and green, a pretty
charming effect being produced on the
table which was decorated with pale green
Bilk, Bebe ribbon to match, with pink
,• ,nat•one, most enjoyable time ae
.a , Aw
spent wllioh is charaoterieti0 of the
hospitality of R. Miller's family.
Ovum broe, lc.
Tna PoeT given the news.
Aeeessor,Raymann ie at work.
Miee Aggie McNair left last week for
Goderioh where she will visit her sister,
Mr. (Dr) Turnbull for a while.
Jno. McNabb has leased the farm of
Thos. Ennis, who moves to Brussels where
he hae purohaeed a hoose and lot,
We regret to state that Mre. A. Bay-
me.un'e health has not been very good of
late but we hope she will improve. -
Rev. A MacNab, o! Walton, was the
preaober in Knox ohuroh her last Bab•
bath. Rev. Mr. McRae was at Walton.
An interesting discourse was given last
Sabbath afternoon, being on the Mission.
ary Emergency Fund, in the Methodist
0bur0li bare. Rev. Mr. Wells, of Ethel,l
presented the ogee and did it well.
Knox Sabbath Sobool hae been having
a boom in the matter of attendance
through the enthusiasm of the pupils
who are competing for three prizes offer.
ed by Ooiportear Piercy, who ie working
in this vicinity.
The Atwood Bee of last week in speak.
ing of two young men of this looality
Bays ;—"Meeere. Kreuter and Ritchie
lett on Saturday for Ethel, where we
underetnnd they will open np e hardware
store. We are sorry to lose snob two
good fellows, and trust that their venture
in the neighboring town may prove a
suo0eee," The Oranbrook friende of
these young gentlemen wish them guod
luck in tieir ooterpriee.
The Sherburn (tliunesota) Advance, Of
Feb. 19th mutates the following notice
referring to a young gentleman well
known to many in this looelity :—"Bev.
J. 0. Ourry will leave Monday or Tues-
day of next week for Roobeeter, this Mete,
to nudergo an operation for hemorrhage
of the etomaoh, whiob has kept him under
tie weather for several weeps. Hie
pulpit in this pietas and Monterey will
be filled by Minneapolis and near by
pastors until he is again able to reentne
hie labors, Thie entire community unite
in the hope that he may receive parman.
ent relief from the. operation," The
reverend gentlemen's friende here will be
e unit in the eame3wieh for hie oampiate
The Goderieb Star of last week sage ;
---Dr, Turnbull had en aoaideutel illneeo
this week, the pause being the mixing of
an overdose 0f oh'oroform with a dose of
ealte. It appears the doctor prepared
the ealte on Sunday evening, to be takeh
before breakfast on Monday, After rie.
ing that morning be poured from a watet
chloroform bottle the over dose. bootees
mix chloroform with water to ,;take it
more readily useable, but the drug didn't
ell unite with the ague pure, for a Bedi
ingot Battled et the bottom Of the bottle.
The bottle the doctor took the drug from
Was nearly empty and in pouring the
drug into the salts, he meet have shaken
the bathe, end thus !nurses,d the power
of the dome. The patient d"ubtleae wee
Raved by the presence of mind in Etre
first iuetanue of hire. Turnbull, and
otter long and tediuue work of boat Medi•
cal men, Dr. Turebull'a many f,iende
in Goderioh and neighborhood will be
pleaeed to learn that be ie himself again.
t21iuub 'otlo .
Mr. Stewart, of Seeforth, was In the
viliege ou Baturday.
Mrs. P. Wheeler and children an, vieft•
ing relatives in Turnberry.
Mint ,Nary Sing bee been very ill but
we ere glad to say ie reooveriog.
A missionary "At Home" will b, bele
at the mouse on Tuesday evening, filer,
8•d. Everybody welcome,
Miee Mary Ooliie entertained annmber
of her girl friends on Tuesday evening in
honor of Miee Mabel Thomas who leaves
shortly for the West.
Daniel and Mrs. Lewie have retained
from Mitobell where they have been stay
ing with Mre. Lewis' nephew, Walte,
Burgeon, the well known photographer.
Mr, Lewis speaks highly of Mitohell ae
a live town.
Friday evening the Weelminieter
Guild of the Presbyterian church held a
literary and social gathering in the
ohuroh, The topic for dieouseion wee
wee "Wordsworth" and it wee ably
handled by the pastor. The program
was ae follows :—Readings from Words.
worth F. e. "'the Skylark". Miee ?deny
Aobeeou ; "The f• untain", Miee 0 ive
Soott; "The efl'ctione of Margaret",
Miee Annie Aohesoe ; and "Simon Lee
the old Hunteman", Miea Ruby Duff.
Will, Haney eang very effectively "I will
help the Maple Leaf to live", and Mise
Hebert supplied the mueioal part of the
programme in her hall good style.
Light relreehmeute were then served end
altogether the evening passed very enjoy.
Once —Wednesday morning, Feb. 18th,
the epirit of Lenny Ann Soiiebury, relict
of the late Shradrioh M. Abbey, passed
away to the Great Beyond. Mre. Al bey
wae barn 87 years ago at Saokette Han
bor, Jefferson Go., New York. She was
married at the age of seventeen to her
late husband, living there unlit the year
I897 when they removed to Canada tat-
tbog in Markham townebip where they
lived for four years when they onme Weet
locating in Hallett township Dear Kin -
burn where oho bee lived ever sinoe un•
tit recently when she took tip her abode
witn her daughter, Mre. Wm. Sellars, of
this village. Four children survive Mre.
Abbey viz., Cornelius, of Miohigan, Mre.
William Sellare, of Mamie, Mre. Oope,
of Woodstock, and Mre. Robertson, of
Oregon. Thug another pioneer has gone
to her rest, after having done her share
for over fifty years in making Heron
what it Fe today.
Township Council will meet here on
Wednesday next.
Mr.:. F. F. Freeman is visiting her
mother at Ilderton.
Mrs. Laird and eon, of Winthrop, are
visiting at James Leird'e.
We are sorry' to bear that D. W.
Eokmire le very ill this week,
James Laird, wbo hae been on the oink
vertuwe are lea ed toet t .
lit le ren e a e
Lida MoOsllnm has gone to Tor
onto to visit friende for a couple of weeks.
Miee R Spence wag off work in the
poste/Boa on Wednesday with an attack
of le grippe.
Miee Fannie Robinson, of Mitohell, is
the gneet of Geo. W. end Mre. Pollard.
She ie a ooneio to the former,
Township Clerk Mainted% wait on the
sick list last week from threatened poen
mania but is pulling along all right now,
Bev. T. W. Omens, of Brussels, preach.
el to a large congregation last Sabbath
evening. He will,be welcome any time.
8. A, and Mre. Armstrong and
daughter, of Hensel, North Dakota, who
have been visiting et James L,ird'a for
the past few months, left for home on
Laet Sabbath afternoon Rev. A. Mao.
Nab, of Walton, occupied the pulpit in
the Preabyteriun ohuroh in Ethel. He ie
a good speaker nod a faithful expounder
of the Truth.
The naw Arm of Ritchie & Kraater,
hardware and tioemith, are located in
the Simpeon block, They Bold out their
lindens in Atwood. The young men
are eteadygnere and industrious so will
no doubt make a push for bneinees.
The Exeohtive of the Ilpworth League
at Brneaele have asked Robert McKey to
introduce the topio "How to work to win"
at the loon Convention to be held there
on Monday altern000, Marob 16th, Ethel
Leaguers and Rev. Mr. Wella, tbe pastor,
have been invited to attend.
Annnnes AND PnogogTArtoN.—The mem
heee of Ethel Division, Sone of Temper.
once met to the Dodge room lent Tuesday
evening and presented Morrie Fogel with
a kindly worded address, u000mpanied by
an easy upholstered °hair and a puree of
mouey. Mr. Fogel hae been a member
of the Sooiety eines its organization
which wae ebout 28 years ago and hae
been a loyal and consistent member ever
sinoe. The family removed to North
Bay on Thursday after a reeidonae of
about 80 yeece in Grey townehip and
Ethel village. They curry with them
the best wlehee of a large °irate of friende.
The address was reed by Geo. Dobson
and G. W. Pollard made the presentation.
Thie was followed by nn excellent pro.
gram given by membere of the divieion
eoneisting of eonge, instrumental maele,
rustlings, and speeches in whioh glowing
tributes were paid to the aged brother,
and hie partner, Mr. Foga) who is some.
what troubled with nardoueneee wag en
completely overcome he could say nothing
by of reply and asked R. McKay
to expreee hie deep gratitude to the
brethren and ,littera for their generoaa
eine and kind words, Mr. McKay aheer-
fully did in hie uenal affable manner,
toga ling alightly on Elio pathetic tboaght
euggeeted by their meeting together thet
evening. Lunob was then served by the
ladiee and after singing the Oloeing Ode
and prohounoing the benediction the
meeting waa bronglrt toe close at a sea.
sortable hour after having spent a moat
e, Joyable evening. The following is a
copy of the address :
Mr. At Fount, Ethel.
Ezell Buo.*ldeving learned with deep
regret that your are about to leave our
viliege and thinking of your untiring
efforts in the °uune 01 Temperaooe and
Probibitioo, in this community, we, the
°Were and members of Ethel Division,
N ,. 149, Sone of Temperance, deem it
eminently fitting to record lu eome way
our appreciation of your services to the
Division since ite orgaaizatioo in 1875.
We beg you to aocept this chair and
puree of money ae a token of oar regard
for you and we treat you may be spared
to see the day when intemneranoe eball
be driven from our land. You will oarry
with you our beet wiebee for your future
and, thongb separated from ea here, may
weall look forward to a gloricoe reunion
ab ive. Our fervent prayer le that God's
bieesinge may rest upon you arid ponce in
vont' new home. Signed on behalf of the
Dtvieion in Love, Parity end Fidelity,
J. C. LAMONT, W. Patriarch,
Rce=. McKey, D. G. W. P.
Mem A, SLxocaow, R, 8.
Ethel, F, b. 24tb, 1903,
M oi-e'i e.
J. Clegg ehipped a oar of bogs on ruse.
day of tbie week from Belgrave.
Miee Belle MoOall bus returned home
after an extended visit in Wawanosh.
The past week was a eherper and not a
few got their flume touched with Jaok
Miee Rebecca Jaokeon, of Mimic*, is
renewing old frieudehipe in Morrie and
Mies Mina Hunter, 7th line, le ill with
la grippe but we hope elle will Boon be
all right.
Dont forget Bamuel Barke's emotion
Bale, 5th line, on Wedeesday altocuoon of
next week.
Miee Haunch Ready, formerly of the
7cu line, was married user Saginaw,
Michigan, this week.
Winter ie a poor time to get married
in. We would say so judging by the
roads in Morrie at present.
Miee Gerrie and Wm. Dancer) are bank
from an eojoyab e visit with relatives and
friends at Lindsay and Toronto.
Miee Annie Al000k, daughter of R. B.
Alcock, wae quite 111, but is improving
Musty now we are pleased to state,
Mre. Gray, mother to hire. Jamee Dun.
can and Mre. Jno. Davis, 4th line, is
seriously ill at her home at Lindsay.
A. McCallan, left for the Weet on
on Wednesday of this week after an
ergoyable visit with relatives and old
A Saginaw subscriber in remitting
for Tao PoeT writee :—We And we amid
not get along without it ae it keeps us
well posted in home news.
Mies Maggie MoCall entertained a few
of her trisects on Wednesday evaning in
honor of Mise Lizzie MaeKay, of Mon•
orieff, who ie visiting her.
Ernest ?denudate is home from Albert
Oollege, Belleville, on the sick li.t 000ee-
ioned from scold contracted. Hie many
friende hope be will soon be folly restored
to hie acouetomed good health,
Our country roadeare in a bad state
being in many please completely blocked
and now the delde have become a part of
the lte e highway
at present until
Rieke sande ua a good big thaw.
We are sorry to report that Frank
MoOutoheoo, 6th line, haft been laid op
with blood poisoning iu hie left hand.
It started from kuookiog off it bit of
akin on hie arm. More favorable pro.
green is being made now we are glad to
BURNce One.—Tneedey afternoon of
last week between 4 and 5 o'olock the
home of Widow smith, 6:h lime, weeds.
strayed by lire and little or nothing was
saved outside of the bed clothes on one
bed. Fire originated at stove pipe there
being no obimney on the hones. There
was no insurance and the foes will foot up
to from $600 to $400 or thereabouts. The
house was a.log one and wan built prob-
ably 40 years and while not of great
valve was quite obey. They had bought
the Cameron farm last year and moved a
house from it to tbie farm bo' it was not
ready for 000npation yet. Mrs. Smith
was alone et the time the fire took plane
her eon being at Brunel& with a load of
loge. The many friends of the family
sympathize with them in their lose.
Rad the tiro occurred at night there
might have been toss of life to reoonnt,
Owing to the boisterous weather the fire
soon did ite work in the deetruotiou of the
house. The Aret intimation David
Smith had of the loan was when be turn.
ed hie team in at the farm gate.
Greta V.
This week Mies Annie Bozell ie vieiting
relatives at Blyth.
The family of George W. McKay,
Monorieff, have been ou tbe Oak fiat dun.
Fog the peat week.
Mr, MoNiobot hag the milk route for
the 14th and 10th done, for the Silver
coroere oheeee factory.
A. Hislop, M. P. P., wan away during
the past week taking part in the centre
Bruce election campaign.
Township Connell will be held on Wed-
needay of next week. • Omni of Revision
on the Bolton drain will be held also.
Anghet Morerlane, 17th eon., hae
purchased the vacant house on D. $,
Livingeton'el farm and will move it to his
lot where it will be utilized in enlarging
hie present home.
We aro eorry tohear that Geo. aodMiee
Catherine McTaggart 15th oon., have
been laid up with quietly and tonellitle
reepeotively. Mre, Dunlop and Miee
Anna Dunlop have elect been ill but are
improving nicely now we Mb pleated to
We are pleased to beer of the program
of a further Greyite in the person of Obae.
Harrison, 16th oou„ who went to North
Bay Ont., 16 years ago. He is yard.
meater at khat batty point for' the O. P. It,
and draws the bandeome ealary of $100
per month. Thie le a good reisomeeend
he to the eatiefeobion be ie giving his
omplayero. Mey he climb the ladder to
the top, Marshall Harrison of thie
townehip, le a brother of hie.
Ohne, and Mre. Bozell were away for it
week's visit with Watteau et h)lmira end
Minto. They drove with home and cot-
ter, Mr. Rvzail, who livee at Elottre,
waa a former resident of lalma and Lid.
towel, He and Obae. liez,ll ere brothers,
Wm. Kelly, 16th eon., teleost roma, ',g
to the Northwest on Marais 10th where
he poipoee,t making hie borne. lle
boagbt a had eeotiou laet Bummer. A.
Machan, who bought the farm Mr. /lee),
ie now ou, will move to it ae soon 00
Mrs. Jno. Melville, of Boundary, Ctey
and L •gen, wee injured by being throes
out of a Butter. The horse ,bled and
ran away throwing Mrs, Melville again.;
a woodpile. She utruok her head An.l
was nnoeneoious for a time, but ie able to
be abont onus more we are pleased to
elate. Miee Carrie McNaught was along
with her sister but wan not it jured i•r
the tall,
A very jolly orowd paeaed down the
16th eon. on Wednesday morning of last
week about 10 o'clock, It wee a oompatly
of eoldiece and their wives bound foe
South Africa, Inc by the speed of than It
must foretell another war, They had
Bent General Oempbsll on ahead to tell
the British they were camtng. Next
time the Loganitee go oat for a good time
they ehontd go home before daylight,
The 50 acre farm of Joseph Knight
Eget half, lot 16, oou. 10, baa been leased
by Wm• Senalidon, whose tarn adjoioe,
for a term of 6 years. Mr. Knight will
retain the houee and orchard. He hes
announced an emotion Bale of farm stook,
implements, &a, for Friday afternoon of
next week with F. S. Boort ea auctioneer.
It is well on toward 40 yoare atoms Mr.
Knight moved into Grey.
Juo. Patterson, of Oarievale, N. W.'1•„
formerly of this township, in remitting
his subscription for Tao PoeT w,itee on
Feb. 20 1—,,We are having a very steady
bold Winter. It lase been from 30 to 50'
below zero for about a week but no big
storms. Mre. Patterson and family ate
enjoying good health. I am working for
the Massey Harris Go. here. We amnion'
do without Tag Posr an 11 is like a letter
to ue."
PAtTx.—Friday evening of last week,
two sleigh toads of young people from the
7th and 8th cone., and a number from
Ethel spent a most enjoyable time at the
commodious reeideooe of John and Mre,
Meiklejohn, Afoleswortb. Violin eeleo.
Woos were given in elegant style by
Meeere. Menzies, Oempbeil, McCartney
and Lamont, while the oompauy tripped
the light (mimetic. Songs were snug by
Messrs. Vance, Lamont and Yen!, and
Mr. loleiklejohn, wills bis comic risotto -
tions, kept the company iu laughter.
Everything went merry until about the
break of morn when all joined fn singing
"Meiklejohn'e a jolly good fellow," end
departea for their homes.
Maitland Presbytery will be held in
Wingham on Tneeday of next week,
During Lent public ae,v,oe will be held
in St. Jobn'e allnroh each Wednesday
evening, oondaoted by the Rotor, Rev. I.
M. Webb.
Last Sabbath morning Rev, John Rose,
B. A., 000ciuued the aeries of dia000reee
he le preaching. Hie text was Romans
8;61 94, In the evening the topic was "A
from /leaven."
m }leave a
Monthly Mleelanary program and col•
leotion iu the Methodist Sabbath Sobool,
Brussels, nazi Sabbath afternoon. 0ou-
ertbotion will be applied to the Emerges•
oy Mieeionary Fond.
Rev. O. P. Wella, B. A., B. D., at
Ethel, watt in the Methodist onurch pelpic
in Brnesele last Sabbath. Iu the mama
ing he gave a very suitable addreee in
=inaction with the Missionary Emer-
geney Fund and urged, in a fervent
appeal, liberality to the ranee. Both
subscription and oolleetiod were takeu,
At the evening service the speaker dealt
with "The Abandaut Life" in an eloquent
and oonviuoiog manner.
Death, which hae been hovering over
Rev. F. J. Steen, Montreal, for a few
days, carried off the sufferer early Tam,
day moruiog. 'Thus hae been removed e
etrong figure in the city's eoolemaatioal
life. Hie father a Swede and hie mother
an American, he was burn to New York ,
in 1867. He waa a, professor in the
Diocasan Theological College, but hie
resignation was asked for owing to hie
strong viewa on dootrinul pointe. About
a year ago he was the oeuvre o! a Amos
000trovetey which threatened the welfare
of the Anglioan ohuroh bed not peace
been restored. He preached his last
sermon on Deo. 14,
Rev. A. 0. crews, of Toronto, the well
known Beoretary of the Epwortb League
movement in oonnention with the Mathis.
diet denomination of this Dominion, will
preach the Epworth League Anniversary
earmoos in Brussels Methodist church on
Sabbath, Marob 15th. The. Leaguers
will attend in a body and masiiel service
in the evening will be aeeieted by the
Sabbath Sobool Oroheetra. ,Monday
afternoon a convention will be held,
oommenning at 2 o'olook, at which two
topiee will be preeeuted in addition to a
Round Table Ooolerenoe on League work,
lead by Rev. Mr. crews. The neighbor.
ing Leagues and Young people are being
invited. In the evening a Lecture
'"Through the Mammoth Cave" will Le
given by Rev. Mr. Crewe. A musical
program will also be rendered. The
reverend lecturer is worth going miles to
hear and is a moat enthaeiaetia worker in
the Young Peoples' movement.
Robert Shields, a prominent bum/nets,
men of Palmerston, died Friday teat,
aged 64 years, having been a different
timee Reeve, Mayor and county Cloonan.
lor. Ho wag very motive in municipal
mattere until oompelled by poet health
t0 retire, He wee u Conservative.
The law respecting the paeoing Cf
traction engines along the math streete
end highways requires that a man meet
go in advance of a traotion engine, emery.
ing a red flag and notifying drivers of
the approach of the engine, dolts Meek
oe s
b u e Wee befog thoma 'strata n Guelph
e gi 1 G p
on Monday charged witb non-nompllauoe
With Mite law. lie pleaded ignnranoe and
Was allowed to go on paying the rote.