The Brussels Post, 1903-2-19, Page 8Reliable Inform tion is what is needed by the Public regarding the use of Medicine, There are many Drugs that are ex- ceedingly good for common ailments, colds, etc., and the intelligent use of which insure speedy recovery. Do not hesitate to ask our advice and we will at once designate the best remedies that are prepared for such complaints. Druggist & Bookseller, SLEY Brussels. DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. aODTHEBN EXTEN0ION w, O. & n, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows GOING 5o0Ta Goma NORTH. Mail 7:18 a.m I Mixed 10:00 0.m Maxed......... I000 am Mafl ,.,,.. 0.17 p.m Express 0:28 p.m I Express .....• 8:17 Pro Inca' Reins Jte ts. A. ohiel'e amang ye talk' notes, An' faith he'll prent ie. Bnesenne market leads. Tau Poem gives the news. TRAINS are often late these days. RoliT. QUIT= shipped a oar of wheat. MONTHLY Horse Fair on Thursday, March 5th. Dont miss it. A oar of bogs was shipped Eastward this week by A. 0. Dames. Sousa plants were trimmed by Jack Frost in 5 good many oases during the pant week. Tan thermometer cantered around the twenties below zero Tuesday morning, about the ooldest record this Winter. Beuaers BALI Weems have reoeived the iron for the oew pan to be put its the block. 2 Dere of salt were shipped tbio week. A Conoxa of sleigh loads from town drove to Wroxeter on Saturday evening last and enjoyed a skate on the rink in that village. Tats week A'. Coates forwarded a car of horses to Manitoba from this place. There appears to be a big demand in the West for good horses. FRANx OLIVER is now in charge of Geo. Thomson'e bread vac. His place ab A. Carrie's is taken by Platten Howe. Both are industrious youths. Coneaxpo Bela. — Oar sale continues till March 1st. Mre. Water won last week's 05.00 prize. Gmo. E. Kona, Wingham. WEDNm8DAY'B blizzard was a ot'aoker. jack and the worst of the season. Dear 2,lr. Hioke, we'll be good if you'll quit right now. We know yon can do it bat please don't oarry the joke too far. New mueioat 10o per sheet. We are offering all the "New Ieeues" reoeived by us during the pact few months for loo a copy. They inolede a lot of the late Songs and Two•Stepe. Tam Pooi Book Store. IN the blinding snow storm fast Wed- nesday evening, Rev. Jno. Roes, loot his way in coming home from the Sharp- Shnrrie wedding and bad to be piloted with a lantern to the Cardiff efderoad, It was a wild storm in the country. Co, ENGINEER AN5La2, of Wingham, was in town on Monday fn confers:me with the Warden on business matters cow:ernfog the three steel bridges to be hnilt next Summer. They will go to Kincardine to have the agreements and bonds completed on Friday. The Hunter Co, have the oontracte for the bridges. Tine Western Dairymen's Association did the proper thing when they sent W. W. Harris, the well known oheeee men of Brueeele, a cheque for 826 00 as a reoog nition for eervmes rendered by him in connection with hie taking charge of cheese exhibits at the Fairs. "You will travel many a mile before you will find a whiter man than Billy Harris" is the opioion of the cheese men and Tan Pose thinks their judgment is good. THE Wiartoo Canadian says ;—The hotelkeepere of Wiartoo have unanimous ly agreed to close their bars from Sator• day night to Monday morning. Very little selling bee been done after hours there ab any time, says the Canadian, but the personal agreement entered into makes the matter more binding and more easily enfor0ed, and frequenters of those places will now know that it hi impossible to get liquor, and should not be imports• nate. A BaoaalMS GIRL'S S000aes.—Speaking of the St. Andrew's Sooiety mooed, he,d in Saginaw, Miab., the News of that pity Gaye of Mise Etbyle Powell: --"Mies Powell is a graoeful young woman, of very attractive Ilereonality, and withal a really sweat Binger. BerWear and melodione volae was heard to excellent advantage last night in the old favorite, 'Oomin' Thro the Rye,' and in the plain- tive notes of 'Ye Banka end Braes,witb which she reeponded to a rapturous ehoore. Her other solo numbers, all of wbiah brought her encores, were 'Angel Land' and 'The Old Plaid Shawl." Miss Powell ie a daughter of George A. Powell, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, DIEM.-•Aokbsret Taylor, who hae been in failing health for Ibe pest year or more, died at the home of David Haisb, Albert street, Btoeeele lest Friday morn. ing, aged 48 years, The cause of hie demise was oonsumption. Funeral took pines to Brueeele cemetery on Saturday afternoon, Roads. T. W. Ooeene and R. Paul taking oberge, Mr. Taylor's mother died a few weeks sines at Ethel and hie father a few yesre ago at Goderioh, A younger brother left home, near Ethel, 20 odd year] ago for the united States but Whether hele dead of alive now is not known tohisfriends, Aokburet Tay. for was an induelrio00, hooeet man of laving habits. Be was quit] a reader and wee well known in the Ethel locality where he spent a goodly portion of hie 1108, READ the advertisements in Tim POST, A 0. U. W. Friday evening of tale week. LA GRIPPR and pneumonia are waiting round to catch the unwary. Geonam BEST shipped 2 oars of hogs and a car of cattle this week from Bros - sale. Auntie's saw mill yard is receiving a large quantity of caw loge and beading bolts aud will eoJn get to work nutting them op. 85,000 private funds to loan on Bret mortgage on farm 50501ity, with easy terms of payment. Farther particulars may be obtafned by addressing E. Biwa beim, WO of THE POST, Brussels. Ir is reported tbat John Graioper has purchased the Livingston farm adjoining Brussels on the West. The property is very conveniently located but will re gnfre a oew bones and barn to fill the modern ideas of comfort and convenience. Tax management of the Great North Weeteru Oompaoy'e telegraph ofliue at Braeaele has been traueferred to Reginald Fieti her since the deceaee of his father. As the new incumbent is oonvereant with the work he will no doubt give the publio the beet of Batiefaction, P. AusNT. of this town, has purebosad Lots 21, 22, 28 and 24, Oon, 17, Grey township from J. K. Matheson, of Mit- chell, and will proceed at o50e to remove the timber and clear up the laud for tillage. These are 100 sere lots that have been and will be greatly benefitted by the drainage eohemee on foot iu Grey town• chip. Tam Caber CarriageFaotory ie hustling work on their new stook of boggiee and `have the fleet lot about completed. They oleared out tbeir cutter output and poo eibly ooald have disposed of from 25 to 50 more if they bad them. A big eea800'5 work le figured on and there is little likelihood of disappointment as they tura out a first class article. GoLD BATH.—The other day Harold, second son of N. F. Gerry, was treated to a dip in the Maitland river rather anoeremoniounly, He was sleigh riding, along with other children, on the hill eido near the water and the sleigh getting away before his sister was ready the sleigh and Harold took a e000t over the :cow and into an open apace where the aqua pure was in evidence, Outside of a Redden surprise and fright to tboee con- cerned no damage was done as the young lad was 800n got to his home and hie water soaked garments removed. Goon Roans.—W. H. Kerr, ae Warden of Huron Co., has been invited to address the Eastern Good Roods Aeeooiatioo, whicb mrete at Ottawa on Thnraday and Friday, March 12:11 and 18th. His topic will be ''How Huron Co. secured several hundred miles of leading gravel roads." The press notice of the Convention reads as follows :—The program which has been prepared for the convention o1 the Eastern Ontario Good Roads Association, wbiah wilt be held in Ottawa on the 1210, and 13th of Matoh next is an extremely interesting one. On Thursday morning the dieonesion will be devoted entirely to the beet methods which township Conn. oile should adopt in managing their roads, Speakers will be present from several townships which have commuted statute labor, inolnding Reeve Daniel Malntyre, of Mioksburg, Ont., township Clerk A. Murphy, Fitzroy, Ont. ; Reeve S. Mann, Goulbourne, and ea -Reeve W. 0. Cald- well, GMouoeeter, These men all repro sent townships which have commuted statute labor since the Good Reads Aosooiation started ire work. What promises to be nae of the most interesting seeei0ne will be held Thursday afternoo . Warden W. H. Kerr, of Huron County, will deeoribe how his county :tortured eeverel hundred miles of leading gravel road. Prot. J. A. Holmes, of North Carolina, will describe the macadam, gravel and other roads that have been built in various States of the American union. Hob. F. R. Latobford will give an address regarding the million dollar grant for roads, Highway Commissioner A. W, Campbell will also speak au this goeetio0. There will be a free disauesion et which people preeeot will be invited to g085tio0 the speakers conoernfng the coat of building and approved mebbode. The general public will be invited to attend Thursday evening, at which itis expected Sir Wilfrid Laurier, R. L. Borden and other Ieadingpolitioal gentle. 11:1e0 will be present. An extremely in• tere501ng footers will be an address illus Crated by lime light views, wbioh will be given by Prof. Holmes, "bowing roads that have been built in the states by con Viet labor. Prof, Holmes writes that nearly 8,11 the roads built in the Soutbern etatee have been oobstructed by oonviot labor. The entire eeeeton Friday morn ing will be devoted to the aoneideration of the ooet of 000etrnotfng various types of bridges. County Councillor 8. B. Mor Ole, of Elgin County, which has built a number of modern bridges, will be on hand, ae will also engineers from leading railway oompanies, cement oompanfee, 500. This will be oust of the most vale able eoseione of the convention. High way A. W. Campbell will be a leading speaker. Friday aftertloon will be de voted to the answering of questions in the eetic raw" and tofarther son.e nd r q , i at n of matters raised during the e der 10 a d n invention, A11 the railway oompaniee have granted reduced Oates to the con vsntioa, Every County and township Council in Ontario is invited to appoint delegates and should be represented at, the OObltbtl0n, T11. 1.tl138i L P0i31,,l • f M olfOpnhiiall j4 BANK CABt'i:'At, • • ,000,000 RESERVE • • $1,000,000 Directs 00. 0. a, A:a05, • 1,111151111M any, A. 14. W4,110011,0. D,. V00E-ra1810ENe' O. D, 2e5507, 5. J. troolt1 '1'u.e 000Danew General Souping business transacted. Farmer's Notes Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Collection. Interact allowed on Saviuge Deposita et the rate of Three per cent. on the daily balance. W'Parties holding important papers, notes, &o„ may deposit them is our bank vault for sale keeping—free 01 charge, rrolupt and Cavern' Attention, Good Tel'Iue. G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor. A. E. MELLISH. Manager, BRUSSELS. $AnuLD CRE101,1TON, a former resident of Brussels, has forsaken bachelorhood and taken as hie life partner e Boston young lady. Hearty coogratu'atiuna ere extended. TBE PosT extends oongratulatione to Robert Francis and bride who are now housekeeping on their own account in Brussels. May happiness and prosperity attend them. GOOD Roans Convention will be held in Oliotou Towo Hall on Wednesday, March 4th, oommenoine at 10 45 e. m. Own miesioner of Highwave Campbell will be there and give en address, PBoffiu11ON Ex —The Oounty of Huron Promotion Examinations will be held on Marob gab and 27th. Teaohers are requested to send for the number of papers needed at ae early a date as poeeible. R. 8. Remot, formerly of Bruaeele and Atwood, has disposed of the Paris Re• view, which he bought last Fall, to Mr. Lawton, the former proprietor. Mr. Pelton Saye in hie valediotory that Paris is n. g. as a newspaper town and he ought to know as he worked bard to make the Review a aaooess and greatly improved it during his tenure. We have not learn ed where be purposes locating bat hope he will land in some good spot. The 0.10ton News -Record says of a former Braeselite :—Jamee Danford re. turned from Listowel ou Saturday even. ing and ou Monday and Tuesday peeked up and shipped hie household goods. On Tneaday Mre. Danford and featly left for Brussels where they will enend the week and on Monday go to Listowel. which will be their future h, me. They were residents of Clinton for twelve years and have very many friends here who will wish them oontinued success and bappiaese. Fred. H. Heath, of London, well known here, and son•in.law of Jas. Duffield, of Wingham, has reoeived notice of his promotion to be epeoial agent of the Ow• federation Ltfe Assareoce 0o,, with head quarters at Toronto, He will leave London in three weeks to undertake the duties of hie new position, Mr, Heath was , ffered the Weeteru Ontario manage meat of his oompany, but preferred to aooept the poet of epeoial agent. He bee been for twelve years with the company. MATRIMONIAL —A very quiet wedding took pleoe at the Royal Hotel, Ripley, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 14th, when Min Aooie Put'and and Angus Mettbe. eon, atone mason, were united in wedlock in the presence of sbout40 invited guests. The nuptial knot wen firmly tied by Rev. J. H. McLeod. Mr. and Mre. Matthesoo will maks their home in Ripley. The happy couple 'are receiving congeatila Mons from a host of friends. The bride ie a former Broeselite, being a dangh'er of John Potland, now of R play, The I many Braseels friends will wish the 1 young couple happiness and prosperity. ' The groom's present to the bride was a 1 doe piano. Taeeumns' Cot1vENTioN:—A meeting of the Executive Oommitbee of tbe Bast Huron Teachers' Institute wee held at Wingham on Saturday, Feb. 141h. The fallowing were present :—Tho President, Dtvid Weir ; the Secretary, John Hartley, Miee Kinney, Mesere. Marob, Scott, Bailey and Moffatt. Messrs. Maserove and Robb, though notmembere of the Exeoaties, were also present. The ' Secretary was instructed to try to arrange for a joint meeting of the teacbete of both ioepeotoratee of Huron. Failing this, the usual -annual Convention will be bald at Clinton on May 21st and 22nd. No speakers will be asked from outside. It ie probable that an "At-home" will be held in Oliutoo in oo0nection with the meeting on the evening of May 2lst THE Helena Pelletier Dramatic Oom pasy who have been appearing with great success in the principal cities and towns of Ontario and the Eastern State* during the past two seasons, will play a three night engagement in the Town Hail, Braeaele, Monday, Tneeday, and Wed needay, Feb. 28, 24 and 26, presenting three famous playa "The Fireman's Ward," "Hie Better _Half" and "The Girl from Mexioo," Mies Pelletier, wbo ie indeed a dramatic and mosinal star of tbe first maga:tads, hoe surrounded ben self with a company of onusaal merit, The splendid musical numbers introduced form a charming feature of these delight. fel productions which have been endorsed in terms of the highest prairie by the preen throat;bout Ontario. Prioee 10-20 and 80o. Plan of Ball at usual plaoe. A. GOOD RE000nxson. The Marathon Sun :mauling of the removal of Station Agent Milhaasen from that place to Brueeele Bays :—"John Milbaueen, G. T. R. station agent, baa been promoted by being transferred to Brune a where be will receive an inorease of salary. Mr. Milhausen, during hie sojourn to Haver - ton, was very popular and made nnmor• onefriebde by ate obliging and affable manner in dealing with the public." In referring to the same gentleman the the Milverton oorrespondent to the Strat ford Herald remarks:—"Jno Milhansen, who hae'been rtation agent here for some three years, has been promoted to the Hama position at Brueael*, and bis many friends minaret:date him upon his pro- motion while regretting losing biro. lie will be very numb missed in musical oirolee, and 80010,11y generally, and raped ially by the Metbodiet ohoir, which he has been leader of eine* he has bees here, He bee always been found 00nrteong and obliging in hie position aft agent, and people will regret his removal who have merely met him in a 0015in088 Way. Mise Carrie Ml,hausen will remove to Bros. Oslo to join her brother es soon as he obtains a enitable been, and Mise Mil. houses will be mlesed very muoh also." These are the kind of people Taft POST likes to see moving into town, viz, those whose removal from other places ie regretted. People We Talk About. Mise Myrtle Thompeon is visiting in Teronbo. George Leckie, of Wroieter, was in town on Friday. Mre, Oornieh, of Mitchell, is Visiting Mre, Jno. Wynn. Mrs• Jno. Thomson was renewing old frieodehipe at Beaforth last week Dr. Spence, of Luoknow, called on old friends in town one day last we,.k. Russell Fletcher returned to Oblong° last Friday to resume his position. Mre. Kellington, of Trowbridge, is the guest of her daagbter, Mre. F, Adams. Mies Mae Knox, of Toronto, and Will Ardell, of Gorrie, spent Sunday in town. Mark Howlett, Queen street, was at Elmira dnriog tbe past week visiting his Meter. Mie•es Bella Henderson, May Skene and Nettie Brown spent Saturday at Gorrie. - Reuben Jewitt and wife, of Oonetanue, were vieitore at W. Jewitt'", 14i11 street, over Sunday. Mies Williamson, of Walton, ie making a visit with her eieter, Mrs, Geo, Walker, Alexander street. E. P. and Mrs. Paulin, of Dashwood, vial were visitors toe wi bb Dru u g„iat and Mre. Fox last week. They are old friends, Mre Campbell and eon, of Port E'gin, have been visiting at Dr Holmes'. Mrs. $oimee and Mre. Campbell are sisters. Mre. Jamee Oliver was gaits poorly for a day or so from a heart trouble bat we hope she will soon be ae smart as usual, Robert Richardson, of Dutton, was here on a visit with relatives. He ie a brother to Mre, Jno. Thomson, Turnberry attest. Ms Emma Covens, who was visftiag at the Methodist Pareonage for a few weeks, returned to Trowbridge last Monday. Mre. F. J. Sheak returned to Toronto last Monday after several weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. Jno. Wynn, of Brussels. Miss Carrie "[Lupton aud her brother Will., were visitingrelatives in Wingham last week. Mr, Megaton has returned to the 'West this,week, John Sholdioe, wife and child, of Cypress River, Manitoba, were visiting the former'" eieter, Mrs. Geo. Maldoon, Turnberry street, last week. Mre, Humphries and daughter and Mi3e Clara Thompeon, of Toronto, ars enjoying a holiday visit with Jas. and Mre Jouee and other old friends. Miss Habkirk left town on Saturday for the millinery rooms, Toronto, where she will epend a few weeks preparatory to the opening of the Spring eeaeon A. Sample spent Sunday in London with hie sister, Mise Lizzie, and hie aunts, the Mieeea Roddiok. He leaves in a few days for the "Soo" where he has a lucrative position. Jewel: Ballantyne, grooer, bas been on the sink ifs[, bob we hope be will Boon be all right, Neuralgia is the trouble. He contracted a cold on the day of Mr. Fletober'e funeral. Mrs. B. Gibson has returned to her home near Bavelook after vieiling friends in Brussels, Clinton Belgrave and Wing. ham. Returning by Mount Forest she will spend a few days there. Rev. J. E. Hunter, who is "applying on the Trowhridee circuit, has been danger. ouely ill witb a severe attaok of la grippe and is very weak. We hope be will soon be restored to his mach loved work. Mrs. Obae.Ooeene, of Trowbridge, has been quite fit this week from heart weak- ness but ie considerably better as we eo to press. Rev. T. W. Ooeene, of Braeaele, is a eon of tae shove mentioned lady. Hurry Barbiiff and Geo. Roberton, of Clinton, were renewing old friendebipe in town and locality for a :maple of days. Hoary has a "00n*in" here and George two sisters, Mrs, Jas. Ballantyne and Mist Mary Roberton. l,llllli(lli (111131ia. Bead Talmage's sermon in this inns on "A Carping elder brother". Two good sermons were preached by Rev. J. Roes last Sabbath in Melville ohoroh. The Lord's Day Albinos will make efforts to atop oheeeemakiug on Sandaye in Oxford County. The Sabbath School lesson for next Bentley will be I Oor. 1Bth chapter. See notes on poge 5 of TBE Pose. Rev. W. E. Herr has reoeived a nnani. mous invitation from B enbeim Metho. dist Ohnroh to remain another year, whioh he accepted. Cent recite haus been let for the erection of a new Roman catholic church at Hingebridge, Citron ti0antp,during the coming Bummer, It will cost 820 000. Rev. -Meagre, Hunter and Oroeeley, evangeliete, have placed an Order with a Bt. Tbomae jeweller to supply all the oburohes of that city who took" part in the reasut revival e(rvioee with a hand, some and valuable Wool: eaole. A meeting of the Wingham Dietrict Epworth Leagne Exeoutive was held in the Methodist ahuroh, Wingham, lest Saturday, Mise Minnie McNaughton, of Brussels, was elected Ord viae president to take the plane of UNE, Harris, of Luck now, who regi ned. The idea of holding hod n g,, it Winter eohool Go study Mieeiana, &n., was dropped bub an effort may be made to hold a Summer school at ltincordine for 2 or 8 days. A vieitfng plan was cut. lined and the 80 Leagues divided among the membsr8 of tho Iil7reoliblvs, The nexb Standard Bare of Canada HIGH QUALITY FOR LEAST COST DO)0TA32.2+ 0X0715p 1872 ASSETS—OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS THAT IS 0118 Deposits kteueleed no -1 1ltt:re+a et Highest Bank rate allowed from dace of Deposit to date of Withdrawal. Int crest PAID ON THIS Daily Balance Loads Made, Notes Oaehed, and every aoeommude tion afforded the ree• pouaible borrower. This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. "Every ooavenienee afforded ouetomers living at a distanoo, BRUSSELS BRANCH F. II, GRAY, AGENT, Convention will be held iu Brussels next Aa: -um u. Special Missionary Bermone will be preached in the Methodist church next Sunday by Rev. 0. P. Walls, B. A., B. D., of Ethel, The reverend gentleman will refol' particularly to the opening of new fields in the Northwest, British Columbia and New Outario. Beoanee of aha rush of popnlntion into these parts aud the consequent development of Rio - Rion work, the General Conference has asked the Methodist nhnrah of Canada to raiee au extra 860,000, to be used as an emergency fund. 8 S. ANNlvnnseaY.—An enjoyable time was apeut in connection will: the annual imolai for Melville Oborab Sabbath School on Friday evening of last week. Atter copper the following interesting program was rendered in capital style and enjoyed by ell :—Hymn 591, the School ; prayer ; obairman'e address, Rev. John Roes ; chorus, "The Village Minetrelr", boys ; recitation, Olive jack. eon ; 'chorus, "Sys Low Laud," little girls ; quartette, "Praise the Lord", 4 ladies ; ohorne, "The Little Stars," little gide ; reoitation, Gracie Robb ; chortle, "I hear you go Sivaine," little boys ; addreee, A. M, McKay ; chortle, Miss IL Smith's class ; reeitati, n, Jennie R bb ; doll drill, 8 little girls ; recitation, Win- nie McGuire ; chorea, "G'od night," little girls ; hymo 518, the school ; bene• diction. Leat Sabbath morning Rev. T. W. Cosmos' di000nree was Isaiah 28 16, the topic being "The Sure Fonudatiou". Ili stead of the regular preaching in the evening a Praise service was rendered by the church choir aseisbed by the Sabbath eohool Orchestra. In addition to The Lord's Prayer, "JesueLaver of my Soul", "A11 Hail the Power of Jena' Name" and "Abide with me" by the congregation the choir. sang "Wanted", "Hosanna to the King", "The Better Land", and "In a little while we're going Home", a male charm:, ',Man the Lifeboat" wee given and H V. Avison Bang •'The Pekoe" with good effect. The pastor made brief refer. °noes to the hymns and recounted a number of very pleasing inoidens. The collection of 89 78 was devoted to the oboir fend. A large number of the audience asked the leader of the choir if be would not arrange auother Praise service shortly. A jndieiel inquiry into the police soon• dale at Montreal is probable. HORN CAIt1IIOSAEL.—In Grey, on Feb. 18th, to Mr. and Mts. Angus Oarmiehael, a eon. aQARRSxnzo. MATTH6soN—PnTLAND —In Ripley, 00 Jan. 14, by Rev. J. H. McLeod, Mr. Angus Mattbeson, to Mira Annie, daughter of Ur. John Putl8nd, for. merly of Bruaeele, all. of Ripley. Baanr-Sau0lt0E,—Iu Morrie, on Feb.18th, by Rev. Jno. Rosa, B. A., of Brueeele, Mr. Waiter Sharp, of Goderioh, to Mies Mary A. Sherrie, of Morris. axaa_ TAYLOR.—In Beneeele, on Friday, Feb, 18tb, 1908, Aokbursb Taylor, aged 48 years. WroaxbrAN.—In Enet Wawanoeb, Feb. rnary 9101, Henry Wightman, aged 85 years. .e,.vc'rxovv ssx 28. TnavDAY, Fan. 24.—Form stook, at Lot 24, Con. 9, Grey, Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Rebt. McDonald, proprietor ; F. S. Santa, auotioneer. WnDNEanog, RED. 25013.—Farm etnok, implements, 50 , at Lot 26, O m, 8, Grey. Sale, nnreeerved, st 1 o'clock. Thomas Simpson, prop. 1 F. B. Scott, ono. TnaoDAY, Mat= San.—Farm stock, implements, 50. B a Toot 20, Con, 14, McKillop, Sale, uoreeerved, at 1 o'clock. W. Knenhtel. Prep. ; Thos, Brown, Aua, 1011082, FED 20 —Farm stook, impie• meets, &o, S. Jl Lot 18, Oon, 6, Morrie. Sale, 0ureeerved, at 1 o'clock. W. 0. Wilson, prop, ; F. S. Scott, anti, 70 sset:ei .,.s lx.O.,2-5,O20 ' s, Pall Whoa t ..... .,.... 60 08 Bnrlcy 40 42 Peas 68 60 Date 27 29 Batter, gibe and rolls .. 16 16 Eggs per low ........ 16 16 Flour per owl. 4 00 5 00 Pots:oete (per bue,) 50 60 Apples (per bag) 40 60 Hay per ton .,6 00 7 00 Sheep elder:, (aall ,. ,, 25 26 Lamb skint each 25 80 Solt ilor 1.1., retail. 1 00 70 11 idle. trntlmsd .... 6 B7 Bides tough - - 5 6 Hogs, Live 5 40 6 60 Wool 11 12 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Boannane wanted. Apply to MRS. T. N101101,8, John street, llruoeels. Free for sale, ready for weaning, at 'Lot 0, 000.12, Grey. D. SHINE, 82.2 Brussels P.0, Fea SAM —Nice grade heifer ; wlfl or1vo about the last of this month,Oaeh or time. WM. RN, 5th Lino Tele. Tams.' nem) young Rowe for sale, all in farrow, Lot 25, Con. 0, O0orria or Brussels P.O, ROST, NIDBCL, Proprietor, ( / O/•t/' ►/ GENEna1. Ettore for ogle. For further ^-' • !EL BLOCK, p vptb0lare apply to J. 1i, T1101100111.tir *n• I La—Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 11''1OR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon; North-west ooruer Willfam'aud Albert staeete, Brussels, 49.00 J, LEICKLh7. G.F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- ICITOR, tlo , BRU BSELS — 015155 over Staudard Bank; Solicitor for Township of Grey, Howlett Mutual and the Metropolitan Bank Private aud Company mousy to loan at 'meet rates.. COWS FOR SALE.—A. NUM– D young aaR nd of14 goodto caitchhoosefrom. cows for Wlil gale.coon .811is shortly, ALLAN RPEIR, Lot 14, Con. 4, Morris, Brueeele P.O. Also have two young horses, a marc and gelding, tor sale. Special Meeting. The Commit of the County of Huron will hold a speeds] meeting iu the Town Hall, in Clinton, on March the 4th next, at le o'clock a.m. to n set representative mon from each municipality in the County, and consider the question of a good road 'eyatem in this County. Any other Comity bueinese may be oousidered at this meeting. W. LANE, [entity Clerk, Da tad at Goderioh, Feb, 14th, 1905, NOTICE 1 To whom this may concern : The email -pox, 0t present, 15. found in many parts of the country, we therefore consider it necessary that all who have not been vaccinated should be forthwith. The Trustee Board of the Public School wilt please note this. RICHARD PAUL, Chairman Board of Health. Notice of Transfer. BELGRAVE HOTEL. NOTICE is hereby elven, pursuant to the regulations in that behalf, that 7, the uu- dersl ued,have applied for attainder of the Hotel Idoenso granted to Alexander Bruce, and that the said treader will be acme/led a:,d signed to by the Oommiseloners atter the second publloation of tble notice, as re- quired e•q Datedlat Brussels, F5b612th,8, 1003ETTON Pare Cream Tartar Baking' Powder We find a constantly increasing trade for our Baking Powder. We guarantee it to be pure and always fresh. We would like to have you try it. 25c. per pound at F DRUG STORE. 1'OR SALE. — VALUABLE Property at Ethel known as 1105 Methodist Parsonage. Apply to 7E0, 00BER, Brueeele. Q OR 10 ACRES OF STANDING Timber fur sale, priuolpully black ash. W111 be sold by the sore or :en block. For Woo, terms and other particulars, apply to DUNCAN TAYLOR, Lot 4, Oon. 5, Grey, or Jamestown P. 0. 24.tf 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulle for sole, Ono to 1 Year old and the other two younger. Alto several reglet• erect Cows and Bolters. Apply to JAMES 081l110, Lot 80, Con, 6, Morris Twp., or Brun- eele Y. 0, 22-tf j°OR SALE. -5 SHEARLING Rama ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambs. Cure bred Lefee.bers. Good Dues at low prices, Also Short Horn Bulls, Cows and Golfers at very moderate prices aud easy terms. D. MILNhE & BON, Ethel. HAIR DRESSING.—THE UN- nF.11erGNRn wirhoe to anno0005 to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that eke is prepared to make Owitcbee 000 of aolub- iugsaud out hair, at her home Still street Weet,Bruesels. 11105, tnosmos. SIIORTHORNS AND OLT'D.IOS- DALne.—Fox sale 2 young bulls 11 and 17 months old. The former to ik let prima at 11ruesels and Belgntvs Fall Faire and 2nd at Blyth, -and the latter was 5150 n. prize winner at Brussels. Also ono yearling heifer. A11 are aired by Bo:tn Duke, 86,788, which has taken lot prize for past three years ill chases of home bred and imported stook. The dame of these ',citing animals have repeatedly taken honors in the prize ring. Will aloe sell two Olydesdale Bllles, with 4 and 6 crosses of imparted cloak, res. ofyetl and Nosy ROBERTON, Lot 8, Cou. 9, O ray, 17.10 Brussels P. 0. EYE OENER FOR -4gltatr°"--- aturday o ay and Tuesday For those 3 days we purpose giving our profits to our patrons. Stock -taking the last week of 1+'ebruary and all odd lines must be cleared out by that time. In Clothing Our [rices will surprise the Shrewdest Buyers. Men's Odd Pants, regular $1.75 for the 3 days $1 Fine All Wool Pants, regular $5,'2.25 for the 8 days 1 Men's Suits, all wool Halifax Tweed, regular $6 sale price 4 Men's Suite, all wool English Tweed, reg. $8.50' sale price 6 Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats, regular $7.50 sale price 4 Boots and Shoes SOLID LEATMealt GOODS OM Men's Fine Bf. Bal., regular $2.00 r1 :t tt 1.65 Womens' G. G. Bala., " 1.25 Women's Fine Dong. Bala., regular $2 25 rt IS t, of •1 . 1 5 Boys' Heavy Bf. Bels. regular $1 15 L V Gold Leaf Shoe Dressing, regular 25c, DANDLED Dress Goods 35 65 50 00 98 sale price $1 65 aale,price 125 sale price 98 sale price 1 75 sale price 1 35 sale price 85 sale price 20 2 pieces All Wool Homespun", regular 75e sale price 50c 2 pieces Heavy All Wool Coating Serge, blslclt and navy, regular 50c Bale price 25e Linings and Trimmings marked down to Sale Prices Some rare snaps in Linens, Towelings and Shootings. Como to the Morey -Saving Spot. A. MAT H ETT BRUSSELS,