The Brussels Post, 1903-2-19, Page 5FKii, 19, 1908 BUSINESS CARDS, IT lVl oNEYrT_ OsLOAN AIT 6 PER • I 1D TNGV$ANDS 4F 1131 iDNS MORRISUN,rn e am erad.,r ,,erre. public lite have been uo,vapap, r nem, The policy of the wolf peck, turning and rending the iudivr'Oial wolf hae brae eX. otnplifled oe more than Oneuuoasium, 01, arc open to chem wile can 1111 them, j,( after years of p0rhupa too faithful service PBS L$ POST CENTRAL issuer of Marriage Licenses, i'Zaaka waf_rON,. ONT, STRATFORD, ONT. tvf, O'CONNOR, E Properly motorail at114011en for stood CJ v OLN1.11AL IN1IIItINOE AGENT for some 01 the boat and safest Companion Jo Canada for lire, Aooldeut and Plate 13lees. °Moo over 1. U. ]llobard's More, Brussels. 18.3m MISS JEAN M'LAUCI'ILIN, —Tk1A :Giu1 OF— F'1ANO - AND - ORGAN, ar•vmMET,ia, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM! monsoon, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• E Estelle Gr'iififf TEA1111ER OF VOICE, CIIL'flfltI3 Pupil of Mies lava N, Iinblyn, of Loudon, Pupils prepared for Oouserv.i,tory axmmn. I.: 1\111 -visit Itr1198e18 every Tuesday. tenons giver at the home of W, n. Herr, John street. Ieai43oue, A1e40Nt3 BY RAM, 10 pnook.beeping, Shorthand, Poumauji - j, 811111, tree., are given to those who can- 13 ma 00.01410,1r submit. Tine Calls^e is will kauwn from one Olid of Canaria 10 j to miler fur Ito strictly lirst•olaas work, Y/ aj� Catalo1110 Prue. t V'F W, J, ELLIOTT, Principal. hhhr...PPP= jam--�I Press Association. 1'renident .M,/GllileuhI ' ,Addles=. "Looking book on the year of my prey ideuoy, iu au endeavor to show penults, I feel like putting up the plaoard, "Nosh. int Doan". When I Resumed [Mics the 8880cietioO was in the last stage of its Liget against the paper combine. We fought= good light; we finished the work ; and —we paid the aceta. The story and its outran= are writteu in the chronicles, No effort was made t0 get up an ex. 4J. L E C K / Er minion last year. We were all too busy trying to recover from the effects of the trip to the Maritime Previews iu 1901, Iuuldeotaily there was a Provincial eteo• tion in Ontario last year, which proved a t11101010nt weariness 10 the flesh to many members of the aeBeeiatio,t, However, to help to make time pass pleaaautly for Wellington IV utual those of our ooufreree who like to talk about Summer exeureIOne,your exeOutive appointed a aatnmittee to investigate the poesibiiitieo of a trip to the Oid Country 0811 that committee has brought down a report that may or may not be eati81,0 tory to you, Au alternative projeav hoe been submitted by D. F. Burk, of Port Arthur. 'Yeti pays ycnr money and yon tabes your 01)0100.' "At LOU 'Toronto Industrial Fair last September,'Preoe Day' wad inaugurated 1 ,elleye that the 00•upera110,l of the Exhibition executive and thio asset:halm the day at future faire Dan be made a runneae. Last year the press men had to 119.11111.1 glory with the 'toloutat' vi -1t. ore from Anstretie, cud your president lord to lee hie light ablue nlougeide of the eliulgenov of Sir E maned Barton and Sir John Forrese, It took him all his time to hinder the beaver from getting bested by the kangaroo. "Iu the mailer of membership and Ammo my information fe hat the year just °loe.a has been one of which the association lute eauee to feel proud. en r membership is at high water mark, and, iu spite of the expense iueurred in fight. VETERINARY. iug the oomb,ue, I am pressed to be able to 01ate that the association hoe been able to keep up a good financial standing and with evrry prospect of bocteriug its eon. diti411. This hue not been brought about by any Nepolsonic tinttuaial efforts on the part a your president, but is really a feather in the cap of your secretary -trees. nrer. During the year there have been some etur1ling ohaeges in journali.m. We have seen cid tinge party journalists for - gutta tbeir idols of wood and Blame and seek the light that independence giv=e. We h,ve 00ail a hide bound partisan jour- nal dcfleeterl from error to riglateou0nese of purpose, and we have seen emit a oumwiugling of jouruadeto of diverse political shibboleth under one roof tree that it has oauaed the scriptural teaobing of our youth to 001Ee back to at, for of a verity the lion ie lying down with the lamb. "And this is a hopeful sign for j ,orna1- ism, It ie well that the day of hide• bound partisanship should pass away, andone tea0on why it is well is that the newspaper man, under the new order of thing0, will now have au opportuuity of minim( to Me own. Iu fo,mer days the newspaper man in a aouetituouoy was 'oohed upon a0 useful fugleman to some ambitious lawyer, doctor or storekeeper who imagined hituaelf to be a statesman in embryo. It t0a0 the duty of the editor to write up and bepraide the ambitious R cue, without hope of fee or reward, and Burgeons, Ont. Loma ate of the Hoye' Col- simply because be edited the party news lege of Physiolaue and Lieootiato of Mid- paper. If the brains or ability of the wlfory Edinburgh. tw•Tclepboue No.14, -editor node but paper a emcees, it was Reeidenee—Mill street,.l3rnesele, LIES AND F710I4 INSURANCI0, LOAN AND BRAT, BSTA'1'B AGENT, 1810NEY TO LOAN AT d}„ sg dt 5 Per Cent. Oflleo over Hurslev'0 Drug Store, Nov.-8rd, 141'0, 30-110 Brues81a. Fire Insllrunce 041., EBTAELI312ED 1840 Insm•aoe taken on the o=oh and premium note system at currant mics. Br tore 1usu1'- lug elsewhere call or the uuderoignod A gout of the Company, 011011010 110GERB, NreseolO. AUCTIONEERS. :7 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION • VEIL, will nail for bettor nriees, to better men, In lens time and lean charges than any other Auetier'eer in East llurou or ho wun'tol:arge mobbing. Dates and orders can alwn ye he arranged al this ollice or by personal application. TO O WOlOM IT ;f1AY C'ONOF,RN,— Tho undoretguod, who is well acquainted throughput the mart part of the County Mid who baa had bileinean with a largo oir- 01e of farmers In and around 111is locality, begs to inform the community that he has taken out an Aoctiw.oer'o Lioeuee for the County of Huron and offers hie seryi000 to all purposing to bolds ,tee. T1100. NEWS01f10, Brussels. D. WARWICK— !'e Honor ;, n,ine..ant the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared 10 treat all dis- eases of domoetimrlod animals Ina onoluct- entmauuer, pati -alar attention Haid to Veterinary lleutirtry. 00180 promptly at- tended to. Moe aut Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tnruhorry et., 13 ruaeete. LEGAL ANG CONVEYANCING, IiiNT 01 SINCLAIR— Rarriater, Solloitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, dse, Office—Stewart's 13look 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sank. t F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, C� • Solicitor. A•o. OElee over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brmeeole. Moloy to Lean at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. C. AMaROSE TOOLE. RESIDENCE min OFFIOB- 211LL ST, EAST, 11111111b8019. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 11. U., O, M., Trinity Universityy, Yellow Trinity Medical College, member Calle tai of Physicians and DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D, bltNT15'r Graduate of the Royal college of Dental Bmrgoons et Ontario and Pliet class Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Officio next to Brower's Photograph Gallery, IIIIUSNELB. DON'T ,FORGET THAT THE LJSTOWEJ aoadi 3101110 plane to get video for your money, Opens Jan. Gtt, 143:1. '1',vo cotirtee—Oom- me•0ia1 and Sborthaud. Send for College Journal. . 0, A. FLAMING, ' et, L. 1f0INTY411G, Preohleut, monetary, British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND---- 1 or liif Shore Pine and Cedar -FOR SALE Al Tait brussels .Planing ilius Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on baud or made to order et Short Notice. Estftnatee iPurni0hed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman ollfp and Material Guaranteed. spoken of as being a oredit to the party ; but if, by the neglent of his party or by environment, the paper sickened or died the blame fell entirely on the editor. The editor had to stand by 'any old thing' in the shape of a 00ndidate that ' his party brought oat and many a time and oft mighty poor pieces of stuff were brought out. Lire Kipiingre 'Sergeant Whet's•hio name,' the editor had to su- deavor to 'make men out of mud', and when the mud [nen were elected, he wee required to polish up their epeeo1100 and endow them with enfflulent puli,ioal in- telligeuce to enable them to hold the 0011- etiluen0les for the party. If, by any amens, the mud men attained Cabinet p sitlone, the newspaper man had to proolaim that the mud wile marble. "Boma six or seven years ago I wa0 struck with the foot that so few newspap or mea have found their way to Parlia• meat-Loea1 or Dominion. At that time there were only 000 or two in the Eagle. Imam. I spoke of the [natter to some of the members of the aseuelatiun and I am pleased to see that today on btt11 aides of Mr. Speaker, there is getting to be au Ale jonrnah01ioo08tingent. Without a word of disparagement of the present Administration, I have no 'Imitation in elating that a Cabinet could be formed from the newspaper men behind the Premier that would be inferior in no way to that by which halo uowsurround. ed ; sud 8o far as the leader of the Op- position fa OOn00rn011 I verily believe that 0othlug would p'eaee hitu better than 10 have Joe Downey, M. P. P,, multi- plied by'six or eight at the pre0eot judo. lure. 1 -In the Commons, the pressmen who hold seats have greatly impreeeed their peroonnlityupon that body, end it is generally oonoedod that that grave and reverend body the Senate, would be eon. eidorlibly improved in dignity, grace arid TOWNS AND VILLAGES. grey matter by a mnob larger anm110r of Jnhn Cunningham Clinton newspaper men being added to that use• 1Vm. Ballantyuo Seaforth fol and ornamental pillar of the British Wm. Robertson ........ 4Vingham North Amoebae dot. 1t K.Itooe ,.,.,... .....,Bruseole "'rhe Men Behind the Pen" has Roc in A tr. Pitumner Biytb the part reooived the consideration that to hip party, a newepafler mein desires to retire to the Beelnoron [bat au office grants, the cry le raised In the prose that be it 111'ullim at altar', andtbn impreeoion la oreattd that for a newspaper rums to dealt office atter yearn of Marti work p'a108 him on a level with the burglar and the bleolileg, If a Cabinet lYllniater "r mein ber, or a relative of it Cabinet Minister or II member, melte office, the prow 1,f that party send up a grand chorus of Resent, bot If a newspaper man ba an applicant his risme is 11Blially anathema marenatha. This to u matter that rests largely iu the jonrna118ts, and 100mme0d it to their oouaideration. "dud now gentlemen, I have had my tatty. The time of my oloeing druwe nigh. I take tale opportunity to thank the membero for the uniform kindness I have received at their hands during my term of office. My executive hoe been one which it was a pleasure to preride over, and without wishing to make iuvid- noun distinction, t bola e whole all have b 0 loyel, I must tvat an extra jewel in the diadem of our indefatigab'e eeoreury, of whom it can truthfully be said that what. ever hie hand finds to do he does it with ah hie might. "G-utlenen of the Canadian Press Aeeooiation, I thank yon." The eloattoo of officers resulted as fol. lows, each by ace ametiue 3—Preeideut, H, J. Pettypieee, M. P. P., Forest Free Press ; first sloe preoi lout, John H. Cooper, Canadian Magazine, Toronto ; mooed viae preoidont, Arab. MrNoe, Windsor Record ; eecrelary-treasurer, J. T. Clark, Toronto Star; asaietaet. 1e0reary, J. R. Bone, Toronto Star. The executive committee ie compo+ed of A. H U. Oo'quhoun, Toronto ; H. J. Smuiifield, Renfrew ; Arch. MoNee, Wiud• e,r. Seo'y - Treasurers of Schools. r:AS9 11 UI0UN INSPECTORATE. Should 1)0 Kepi foe Reference. OREL. 8. S. No. 1 John Davidson Brussels 2 Alex. Stewart Cranbrook 3 James Elliott Brussels 4 Edward Bryan= Jamestown 5 Robert Pirie Trowbridge 6 Angus Shaw Brussels 7 William Cameron Oranbrook 8 Arch. McLean.. Oranbrook 9 Alex. McKay Monorieff 10 John B Hyde Ethel 11 Conrad Bernath Ethel 12 Alex. Buchanan Walton U.4 William Woods Molesworth U 8 Thomas Elliot Molesworth U. 4 Andrew Peebles Atwood 120101011. 1 Wan. Crawford 2 George Burnett 8 W. R. Johnston 4 Matthew Dane 5 Robert Deacliman 6 Robert Graham 7 James Armstrong 8 John F Sothern 9 Arthur 0. Johnston....-...Fordwich 10 James W. Edgar Gorrie 11 Wm. Edgar Fordwich 12 Moses Aldrioh Newbridge 18 George Doubledee Belmore 15 Robert Wynn 16 Henry Armstrong 17 Geo. E. MoKee 18 John Maguire Gorrie U. 12 H. P. Hermon Belmore T.T. 5 Wm. Ronald Molesworth I ILLETT. Belmore Lakelet Clifford Gorrie Gorrie Fordwich Gorrie Fordwich Hantingfleld Molesworth Fordwich 1 John H, Fowler 2 Loren Tyndall 8 John Britton 4 George Ruddell 5 Samuel M00oo1 6 Joseph Taylor 7 John Brigham Blyth 8 Geo. H. Barr 9 Samuel Cox 10 Thomas K. Mair U. 5 John Wilson U. 4 John H. Lowery U.11 Robert Somere 8eatorth Clinton Constance Londeeboro' Londeeboro' Harlook Londeeboro' Auburn Clinton Auburn Clinton Blyth M'xmr,or. 1 Francis Murphy 2 John Wilson, (box 65) 4 Robert S. Habktrk 5 112. Curtiu 6 Robert B. Hogg Winthrop 7 Francis MoOulla Leadbnry 8 Conrad Eokart Beechwood 0 Wm. N. Knetobtel Leadbury 10 Thos. 1YIoIiroy Winthrop 12 Arch. D. Somerville Winthrop 13 John McDowell, (box 41)-.Seaforth U. 2 W. W. Sadler Dublin ptoR3t18. 1 Wm. 0. Laidlaw Blyth 3 Robert Ymll Belgrave 4 John Mooney Brussels 5 Wm. H. Ferguson Belgrave 6 James Bowman, (box 84)Brueeele 7 Robert Warwiok Wingbam 8 Samways Paul Bluevale 9 Roes Stubbo Brussels Bluevale Walton Blyth Blyth Seaforth' Seaforth Seaforth Dublin 10 Wm. Jas. Johnston 11 11 H. Ferguson 12 William Mills U.3 John Armour trump neUITE, 1 Robert McLaren ...... ....... Homan 2 John MoNevin Kippen 8 Edward Papilla Brumfield 4 Whitfield ()rich Clinton 5 W. 11. Arohibald- Egmondville 6 Thos, D, Townsend ......,.Seafortll 7 Hngb 3, Grieve ...... .Seaforth 8 Robert Bioko Egmondville 9 Peter Kelly Egmondvillo 10 Ni0hola0 Horton Ohiselhurst TUn8EE0R1. 1 Janne 4. Edgar ... ....Wroxeter 2 J. Ie. Hooper ....Wroxeter 8 Wm. Aldan' lonannan 4 Thomas Stewart Bluevale 5 William Carruthers Wiogham 6 Win. S. King Wiogham 7 Gavin Wilson Wiogham 8 Wm. J. Henderson Wingham 9 Herbert Henning Glenfarrow 11 Wrn. H. Campbell Wingbam obould be big portico, and the newspaper loan have been largely responoiblo for it, William Wilson Wroxeter .,o.-a�-z..w�ue..--•- - ,-a .a.:..,,�r.�+ma. avmnw••,�.-A..,,»,..�.,.., ....» ,.... . C. RICHARDS' Great Stock -Taking Clearing Sale 11'or the month of February and First week of March, starting Saturday, Feb, 7th, and ending Saturday, March 7th, when we offer all broken sizes of Boots and Shoes at prices far below cost to completely clear them out. We askou t y t r note following prices and please remember the goods are just as represented. 27 pairs of Ladies' Fine Shoes, buttoned and laced, all sizes, regular prices were from $1 25 to $2 75, 1.00 your choice for only 17 pairs of Men's Calf, Buff and Dongola Shoes, laced, all sizes, regular price from $1 75 to $4.00, 12u G your choice for only 20 per Dent. off regular prices on all Ladies' and Gents' Felt Boots and Shoes. 20 per cent. off all Men's Heavy Rubbers and Socks. 83 pairs of Men's Carpet Slippers, regular prices 40c to 60e, y our choice , G 5 for only !J 21 pairs of Ladies' Don- gola Oxfords, regular prices from $1.00 to $1.75 7] your choice for only t 1 Remember the fact that during this Sale we offer for cash 10 per cent. off all Shoes in stocil. Remember we have no old goods to offer you and these Reduced Prices are for cash only. Trunks and Satehele very Low in Price. Only 8 Saskatchewan Robes left, 2 large size and 1 small— Large size, regular price $9.00 reduced to $7.00 Small size, regular price 8.00 reduced to 6.00 Come and secure your choice of these Bargains for the 30 days only, beginning Saturday, Feb. 7, and end- ing Saturday, March 7. Richards. !�� far=@�iP�12�='+C3 "-�3iiz9-•���-=^f� •^�i€t�='ir��:a? i McKinnon'st.rRE, �.. SPECIAL. BARGAIN, dpi r-.. This week we wake no comment, but the geode and prio09 apaak for tbemaeleee. Boys' Overcoats, made of good tweed, well lined, in odd efz08, worth 0p to $4, for 6150 to, clear Heavy Flannelette, yard wide, in a flue range of colors, regular price 12&o, for 100. Heavy Flannelette Bleokete, in grey and white, with pink and blue bordere, in two sizes, very epeoial at 69e and 98e. Men's For Coate, in Siberian dog and cub bear, will be reduced 20 per cent. to olear. Ladies' Astrachan Coate, lined with heavy memorized Italian elotb, rego• lar $30, for 623 50. Ladies' Oaperinee and Buffs will be rodneed 20 per cent. Men's Heavy Frieze Uletere, lined with heavy plaid lining, high storm oollar, worth 66, for $8 95. Men's Heavy Union dhirte and Drawers, worth 85e for 260. Grey Flannel, twilled and plain, worth 150, for 12io. Men'e Heavy Robber,, worth up to 6185, for 98e, Flannelette Underskirts, worth 00e, for 89o. Men's Lined Kid and Mooha Glov=e, worth 750, for 60u. Men's Wool Socks, ribbed tope, worth 150, for 324e. Ladies' Mercerized Sateen Underskirts, with four frills, worth $1, a snap ut 890. After having read many advertisements of towns remote from Jamestown, we were compelled to think and say Stop Looin for Trouble and Happiness will get after you. Here are a few directions and if followed closely LIFE'S CARES WILL BECOME COMFORTS In all our Winter Goods we have made a reduction of 20 and 25 per cent. for cash Come and see for yourselves. The Jamestown Post Office and General Store Walter Innes. We take Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Tallow as Cash. SEPARATE 000001.0. cent Discount No. 1, thM Geo. A.ob Salle, Seaforth No. 2, Hullett.•Thomus Oorbut, Clinton No. 1, MuIiillop....Jaoob Bruxer,111 Beechwood No. 3, McKillop.. John J. Dalton, Dublin reaiortI. A most unprovoked and brutal aeeault woe oommitted upon Paul Shaver of this town, while on his way home about 8 o'clock on Saturday night, by a young man, supposed to be Jack Maxwell, of Goderioh. Shaver was struck by his assailant over the eye and nose with a piece of board, rendering him u0ooneoione. His nose was broken, and be will Mee the eight of the eye. Maxwell was or. routed at the Grip House two hours after the assault, while sleeping in one of the boarder's rooms. W 111 ahAlel. Jae, Young hes moved hie barber shop to the Meyer block. "Ohrietie'o Old Organ," in the Baptist church on Friday, Feb. 27th. Maitland Lodge, 227, I. 0. 0. F., is preparing for an "At Home." The Advance ie now oomfortablysettled in its new looati00, in the Sbaw blook. Joe. Gulley, V. 8,, of Treheroe, Mon., is renewing acquaintances in and around Wingbam. Mrs. Woodcock, of this town received a brace of pheaeouls from the 00001ry place of Lord Strathaona in England. The report that Halsey Park, jeweler, is giving up bueineeo in Wiogham E0 entirely [alae and without foundation. Bev. B. Hobbe preached anniversary Kalman in Askin Street Church, Lon• don, Sunday. Rev. W. Ayers, of London, supplied in Wiogham. Mist Lena Shaw left for Chicago, where she hoe entered a hospital to 80 under training as a corse. Dare. L. W. Hanson accompanied her sister to Claim. go. DIED t'Rotf TEE Blow. Jesse Smith, the hardware metobant, who was injur- ed two weeks ago by what is supposed to be a blow from some cowardly highway- man on the street here, died on Saturday without regaining oonsoioneness. An operation was performed on Friday when a plot of blood woe removed from the brain, and it was hoped that gala wonld clear up hip mind. The fracture on hie bead was about Mil limbo long, running from the base of the 81,1111 nearly to the lop of the bead. It ie said a knife blade oould be inserted in the crook existing, Mr. Smith hod upwnrde of $100 in his possession when he left hie home the ,evening of the sad °aottrrenoe as be woe a pall bearer that day and the bank woe closed beta a he returned from the fan. oral. When bis body was found the money was missing, Deceased was a genial, clever man, about 60 years of age, and a member of the English Church. Ilia demise ie greatly regretted, especially Under the snppoe0d oiraametauoe0. A thorough Inveatigatio0 should be made by the aa0010108, Mre. Smith and fancily are deeply sympathized with in their sadooeo. Funeral took plana an Tuesday. OmutaaLTE INBTITUTE0, The oeroller'o jury returned a verdiot P. it }\ j( �j I- �1 !))1 Art a role, the etruuge01 oppnnente of Alex. Wilson Seaforth charging 10att0 Walter Romaine with the C� 6v.L.L l.e.r .1. 110+Napall01 hien who have desired to enter lot, D. Moxaggart ,,,,,,,, ,,,,, Dlintaa murder of his partner, Louie Gloldotiiiih, Changs ofBusin SS On the lst of March I intend to make a Change in my Business and from now till then everything in the Store will be sold at 20 per cent, Discount. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ONE OF THE BEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN CLOTHING and FUR *°I S HIN GS as I must reduce my stock before the First of March. Time will not permit lee to give a list of prices but you can depend on getting One Dollar's worth of Goods for every Eighty Cents you pay out. Do not Delay but Come at Once ane get in, with the Close Buyers. TJ JRMS CASH A Few Fur Coats Left to be Soli. at 20 per cent. Dlscouub