The Brussels Post, 1903-2-19, Page 407t st,u3ttts vz5t. li8084d3de but up to this time the ofiloe le
I ttoillled, NS far as we know, The
situation will not be improved by
hesitancy and no matter who reoeivee it
now tbere will be more or leee 80580988
home the desirability of oloaiug it up.
If the members of the County ere the
proper Bottree of approach to the Govern.
meat they shuld insist that action be
taken speedily. If hope deferred maketh
the heart skit there hae been ample room
for heart failure over Huron Om registrar-
ship and in our humble opinion unnimee
eerily so aa far ae the Cabinet wart
THURSDAY, FEB, 109 1903.
Ton Speech from the throne St the
Legialature opening etates that
ebbs august body lerande going for an
Agrioultural College, Ontario has aet,
the pace fer all the, Provinces in thie
matter an4 tbe exoellermy Of the 0. A. 0,
is now world wide. There will be a big
field for operation in the Weal) and the
initial proceedings shauld he upon
broad lines.
Is is proposed by some influential
bodies that instead of offeringlerge grants
of land or otteh subsidies to another
through line to the West that the Gov-
ernment ebotild extend the Inleroolonial
and panne a policy of government owner-
ship. We believe there is ample room
for another railway through the great
Notthweet to the Pacific but the terms
granted should be carefully safeguarded
e0 that the people will not have a mIlt
stone hung round their peak for long
years to mime.
TUESDAY, March 10th, is the date of
the Dominion bye eleotion in North On-
tario riding with Mr. Grant as Liberal
candidate and Hon. Geo. E. Foster, as
the steudard bearer of the Conservative
party, ri lively tight ie on. The etro g
men of the Opposition do not appear to
be rallying very loyally to the support of
their former war horse and causes a little
wonderment in political airales. It is not
ontrne, we goose, that the pathway of the
politician ie not alwaye a bed of roses.
North Grey ie also in a bye election tur-
m111 caused by the decease of the late
member, Dr. Horsey, who won so gal.
lent a victory at the laet general eleation.
Ms wheels of trade in this country ap
pear to be nioely oiled and are revolving
at a lively paoe leaving former records
far Labind. In the Proviocial Seoretary's
department last year the total receipts
were $108.738, an inorease of nearly $10,
000 over the previous year. These
reoeipts come from seven principelsonmea
arioh a.s Lettere patent and licenses, re-
turns from oompanies, Marriage Act
forme, Notarial comminione, Oammia.
sione under Great Beal, searohes, dm.
Our 0ouuty Registry °Mims, have also
yielded: larger returns °mug to the large
inorectenn sale 01 105808 lands, paying off
mortgages, cec. The Province of On•
Maio, as a part of the great Dominion of
Canada, ie making giant strides and it will
be well for US as H. people if these eome.
what formative daye are wisely filled in
ao that they will tell on all future Empire
Ax the approaching session of the
Dominion Parliament, which opens early
next month, the redistribution bill will be
considered and primed. Many hard
things have been said of the existing
state of affairs, and with good reason,
and the "inignitons gerrymander', often
did duty in the varioue oampaigns but
the present government should ree to it
that these Inequalities are removed and
even handed justice done to all ooneti.
tuenoies. County boundaries ahould not
be obliterated neither ehould the geograph-
ies! layout be of each a character adv to
be the laughing stock of sensible people
as a umber of them have been. The
day of blind partyism ie rapidly on the
wane and parliamentary action is more
olosely ecrutinized and more intelligent.
ly diecuseed than ever so that it behooves
both Government and Opposition to per
form their parte with a careful oonsider-
alien of public iutereete rather than the
mere advancement of party purposes
08 ie too often the nee. Next sem
Mott will he a busy one and will no
doubt cover a, number of mouths. We
hope the imelligemt ratepayers will
keep themeelves closely in touch with
the business transacted and thereby be
the better able to express an opinion on
the ismea before the country. The in•
talligenoe of the voter has a great deal
08088 80 do in the settlement of important
and far reaching problems under &molder.
anon than people often think,
lax their dilly-dallying over the vacant
Registrarship of Huron County the Pro
vinolal Cabinet lute fairly well been made
a laughiug stook of. Instead of filling
the position 30 days after the decease of
the late incutntient, years have been allow.
to Maim and instead of the sitnetion im.
proving new entanglements have arieen,
Many of those who were applicants have
creased Urging their claims having
grown weary of the long delay bat there
reyet at least three, 11 008 more, who
are etill pressing 'award the goal, In
favor of one oandidate start& the reoom
mendation of two of the M. P. P,'e of the
(Iourity and bow any Cabinet can pass
neer thie poeltion of affairs le bet mar.
ent to the writer. If local representation
counts for anything it cannot be ignored
and should aid the Cabinet in an easy
solution of the question, Another gentle.
man le said to be beaked by inembere of
the Cabinet who are not ready to telin.
guide their' favorite, while a third appli.
cant bee years of serviee both in and one
oftbe Hone° to hit credit and 18 not
willing to anew tads opportunity to WOO
unimpenved. D frerent dates have been
set wheu the appointment would be
BrilaSehl School Beard,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Paella School Board was held in the
Bolted room last Friday evening.
Weinberg present, Jae. Turnbull, J. 0,
Skeue, D. 0. Rosa and W. M. Siciontir.
Moved by Jae. Turnbull, eeaonded by
J. G. Skene, that W. M. Sinolair be
Chairman pro tem, R. I.eatherdale
arriving later took the chair.
The following accounts were prevented
Jae. Turnbull, expenees to Goderish 58 50
W. M. Surceair, „ „ '2 50
Moved 8 y 0. Skene, secluded by D.
C. Roes, t hat the above 00008088 be paid.
Moved by W. M. Sinolair, Remanded by
8.0, Skein, that ten loads of eand be
porehased from Harry Dutioan to epread
in the school grounds. Carried.
Moved by D. 0. Rose, eecooded by 3.
G. Sieving, that the Property Committee
procure au extension ladder long enough
to reach to the roof of the school huuee.
Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by
JaeTurnbull, that tbe Auditors' report
be publiebed in each of the local papers
for oue insertion. Carried.
Attendenoe for January,—
R .om No. On Roll Av. attendance
1 57 49
2 58 63
3 56 50
5 j 77 73
Board then adjourned.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Oounoil met in the Council room,
Morrie, on Feb. 9th, according to adj iorn-
meet. Members all present, the Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and confirmed. Oa motion of Tay-
lor and Shaw, Bylaws Nos. 1 de 2, 1903,
were duly read and palmed. The Audi.
tors' Report was preseuted and examined
by the Commit. Moved by Oode, second-
ed by Jackson that report be adopted.
(tarried. F. Martin appeared in reference
to obtaining some assistance for the
Missee Fleming during the Winter season
as they are in needy oirournetanoes.
Moved bv Jaakeon, seconded by Taylor
that $11 00 be granted toward assisting
the Mieeee Fleming to be platted in bands
M Mr. Martin, Carried. On motion of
Taylor and Code the following aocaunts
were ordered to be paid :—M. Blaok,
auditor's salary, $8 8 R. Johuston, eudi•
aerie salary, $8 Misses Fleming as per
motion 511.00 ; T. S. Brandon, Treasur-
er's salary and expenses going to Gode-
rioh, 5105 00 ; R. N. Daff, opening road
on centre sideline, $2 50. The Council
then aaljeurned to meet again on M.aroh
llith next at ten o'clock a. no.
W. CUBIC, Olerk.
Howiok Fire Insurance Co.
The 30th anneal meeting of the Howiok
Mutual Fire Iusurance Co. wee held in
Township Hall, Gorrie, on Friday 6th
inat. A. large number of policy holders
were present and the meeting throughout
was moat harmonious. Preeident 3. R.
Miller, presided until the financial state.
manta were disposed of alter whish John
Stewart wae voted to the ahair. Short
epeeoltes were made by tbe ohairmtin, ex.
Reeve Time. Streoban, of Grey township,
members of the Board and others.
From the report submitted to the meet.
ing the following item are taken :—
Number of policies in force 3,470 amount
of insurence in force 55,220,435 00 ; speete
$250,027 67. Gain duriog the year 1902
pole:lies 141, in anemiet of insaranae
$297,855 00 The losses for 1902 were .the
heaviest experienced by the company for
Boole years past. All claims were prompt.
ly paid and the year olosed with a clash
balance on hand of 59,843 52.
The anditore appointed for the onrrent
year are Robert Miller and James Foster.
The retiring directors. J. R. Miller and
Edward Bryane svere re elected for a
term of three yeare by acclamation.
The dirrotore and officers for 1903 are,
John R. Miller, President ; Ed. Bryant',
Vise. Preeident ; Robt. Scott, Jae. Edgar,
Wnl MoKeroher, James Wylie, directore ;
Seciretary, W. S. Mel:Camber ; Solioitor,
GI I', Blair, Brussels ; Bankere, Standard
Bank of Canada and Bank of Hamilton.
on Etiquette.
"What's the manein' iv Ittykit,
Dints ?" says Mary Ellen th' alter day.
"I was oallin' on Mine Olanoy this
aftherhoott," ebe eays, "ate she giv me a
paioe iv Obrisaymus oake, are ahe says "I
suppose it len't Ittykit to hand ye th'
oake widouti a plate," ebe sale "but I
haven't me dishes washed yit" "N
what did she mane by Ittykit ?" "Mary
Ellen," I eaye, "ye aetanieh me I Ie it
possible," I says, "that ye've bin livin'
wid me fur this 'Relit forty yeare or Ilea,
an' don't know the maenit' iv Ittykit?
An' here I've bin iudivatin, wid more or
188 enooi, all these years, to taohe ye th'
many uni variotts rules 19 Ittykit, an'
now ye ex me what it merles I Sioh
ignoranee" I says, "an' eo mating free
sohoole." "Well," she seys, "what does
it mane annyway ?" "I'll ixplairt 18 to
ye,, I nays, "in a very few wurde. Av
ye'd said bo Memos Olanoy whin she
handed ye th' cake, "I hope ye haven't
pub in as much Cody as usual, that wad
have bin bad manners, But av ye'd said,
',rank ye aliasue (Haney, an' WS yerailf
knows how to make a sake,' that wed be
Ittykit." "Thin Ittykit Stet manse good
Manoers," says Mary Ellen. "It manee
good mannere," I says, "en' it 18)60 108905
to do tilogir 1h' why ye don't 853138 90 do
Mum en' not in 58 nathural way. Fite
inalitance," I eitya, "th' natbural way to
ate a huilk iv poy le to take it in yet
head, but th' rul ee iv Ittyltit sive Ye
nmeht ate it wid a fork. Whin ye're
drinkin tey, nethural way an th siu.
sible way in to peer it Mtn th' seemly an'
0001 it off is bit, but Ittykit elipe in ttre
says ye intreht drink it out iv yer oup ay
18 1805118 tb' 801111810 OM IS )'e. Whin ye're
olein' corn ye shed tette it In wan hand
en' dale gietly wid it, but whin ye're
alone ye abud take it in both hernia 411'
eeil in. Au' ye abort Myer, under anuy
oireumeheanoes, ats yor eetatys wid yer
knoile," "Ye shad nee yer elipoon, I
eupporie," says Mary Ellen. "There ye
go Kettle," 18039. "No, madam," lima's,
"ye 'Mud use yet, fork av it takes ye an
(ley." "An' wud ye ate yer porridge wid
a fork, too?" eaye Mary Ellen. "Not at
laeht nociouute," I attys. "But it may
oonte to that yit, for th' Wee to Ittykit do
be aonehtantly changin.' In onlden
1011959 it wee Eh' onebtorn whin BOOM'
a lady, to take eff yer hat befnor ye mit
bur, now ye wait till lather ebeia passed,"
"Anhow does tie' lady know ye've lukall
yer hat ?" says Mary Ellen. "She taloa
it las granted, I euppoue," I attys. Oh,
it's a 'mere time ie Ittykit. But its a
party oafs rule whin ye're in Rome to do
as 118' ROTrittliii doee. Fur inebtaooe,
whin Pm (Mine in Toronty, we'll Pay, I
nlwaya ate wid me fork, but whin I'm in
Breeeele I 8189 036 knoife, Whin 3:Tire
thravellin' ye ehud always they to oo0.
form to th' oustitome 19 115' natives.''
Hurrah for Page that never ea,a,
With heal, or frost or Me,
And peye less head to bull er stag,
Thau othera do to mem.
Be not misled in building fence,
Bet give the Page a test
And you will say one year bailee,
The Paige is far the best.
51 18 plain to see, my fellow man,
That tbe Page le np to dare,
When others aredaing 8119 1881 they oan,
The Page to imitate.
—R. Caosz, Agent, Ethel,
TII111011Eitirr ,COUNOIL, — lbIinulee Of
Counoit meeting held Feb. tith, 1903,
members of Connell all present. The
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last
meeting were read, approved and signed
on motion of Musgrove and Kelly. The
Auditors' Report WAS laid before the
(Ramon for final audit. Moved by Mutt
grove seconded by Rutherford, that
Anditore' report be received and adopted.
Carried. Moved by 'Musgrove setionded
by Rutherford, that the (nark be Instruct-
ed to get 50 oopiee of ebetrect and detailed
statement printed. Carried. Moved by
Kelly, amended by Musgrove, that our
Treasurer be instructed to write to the
County Treaeurer to forward by mail a
check for all arrears of non resident or
other taxes dne to the Township of
Turnberry up to Deo. 31, 19.12. Oerried.
Moved by Ituagrove, seaended by
Rutherford, that the Clark be 'ratcheted
to ask the Wingham Times and Advance
to send in to next Council meeting
tenders for township printing for the
=rent year, Carried. Moved by Coup
land, seconded by Kelly, that any road
division wanting a abange of Pathinastere
will require to notify Rowe member of
the Counoil before next Commit meetiug.
Carried. Moved by Rutherford seconded
,by Reny that the Clerk notify Morrie
Smelteer to remove his fenoe off Duncan
Boast, in the village of Bluevaie before
the 25th day of March next, and if not
removed by Matt date tbe Oonnoil will
remove it at his expense. Carried. The
following accounts were passed and
ohenke on Bank of Hamilton iesued :—
Municipal World, 33 80, roll and express ;
Douglas Freese, 510, audit ; A. MaEwen,
$10, audit; W. H. fernikehank $2, audit ;
Smith Petbiek, 20 cents, spikee.
Moved by Coupland, seconded by Kelly
that this meeting do )IOW adjourn to meet
in the Clerk'a elfin, Bluevala, on Mon
day, Marsh 30.h, at 10 o'clock 8. m
Joule Buttons, Olerk,
The bylaw wanting $25,000 to the
Pueliueb Like & Heepeler Street Reil.
way wee carried at Guelph.
The protest agaiust the election of A.
G. McKay, Liberal 111. P. P. for North
Grey, was 08,51 98 Owen Sound.
&heels and (Mambas near Mount
Albion have been closed on comonnt of a
bad ease of smallpox in the ueighborhood
It is reported that the Northern Pacific
Railway has applied to build 800 Mlles of
railway in Maultoba Ibis year.
of Ilia
Township or Morris
EOlt 'Villa YEAR 1902.
Cash on haud, Jam, 2616 51
Team, , 10182 81
Settlement Boundary line account19 54
License fund, 82 00
Pee of grader in 1001, 0 25
Interest • 10 42
Legislative School grant, 001 00
Loans, 500 00
Refund re Laidlaw's Drain, 4 50
Receipts from Debenture Debt. ..... 201 00
Total, $ 113882 08
Roads and bridges, .....,$ 1481 08
258 83
4710 58
officers' eateries, 7118 00
Printing, 22 00
Taxes, 1053 36
Law coats, 1 00
Borrowed money, 000 00
Interest, 0 25
Board of Health, 8 00
Debentures, e00 00
Convene on debentures, 140 00
Total, 10417 85
Cash on hand,
Uncollected taxes,
Road gender,
Township Hall,
$ 0484 18
201 27
000 00
„. 070 00
Total, $ 4800 46
County tete,
Debentures la S. S. No. le,
$ 1114700
1000 00
400 00
We, the undersigned Audit -ore, declare the
foregoing to be a complete and correct Oath -
mem cif the Ittecipts and Expenditure and of
the /8$180003 and Liabilities of the Townehip ol
Morrie, for the year ending Dee. 131, 11088,
• 31. BT4A01.,
10. JOUNSPON, 404110r8l
Trensurerev offiee, Feb, 701, 1209,
Auditors' Statement
EntsoloPui1QSchtol „Loma
1114C1411IT 1
fietlaiwo Irani .901 8 1.1S Pb
J",' -'e from pupils 387 20
Equivalent to Gov. smut, 1001 .., 161 00
°ever:unapt 11>080, 100>3 142 00
Legislative Monlolinti grant 0 06
Local asseenneut 1000 00
edtateleation fees 08 00
Continuation Oates Vaud ....... .......,— 200 00
Po t al receipts 62810 07
Teachers' salaries $ 2013 fl0
Oitrocalcer 1111 20
Swots; y•Treasurer 00 00
X1188+1.668 110 20
Fuel 351 30
Repairs and supplies 00 78
Expenses of Examinations 20 80
Miscellaneous 7 50
lialauth 50 11000 amentnt 941 58
Total$ 2519 05
udited ll'eb lgth, 1009. —
W. H. IlloCE CIIEN,}Aaitorm
Don't forget that we
keep a choice and well sel-
ected stock of Groceries in-
in'addition to the nicest Con-
fectionery to be found any-
by the dish or quantity.
Your orders will receive prainpt
attention for anytbin.g in
our line.
Try our Tea at 27c. per lb.
L. G. KfirsE
Bartliff's Old Stand,
F3TOO18, IMPLEMENTS, &n—Mr. 1".
S. Scott, auotion ear. has reoeived instruc-
tions from the uuderaigned to sell by public
auction at South Ralf Lot 18, '00. 0, Morris
081 PMAY, PEE. 20, 1083, at 1 olell.c14
Amin, the following valuable property vie :
1 brood mare 8 years old, in foal to lliursar,'
1 immoral purpose mare 0 380r8 old, 1 mare
eolt rising 2 years old , d cows in calf, gathers
rising gyears, 1 heifer rising 2 years, 6 Spring
calves, 1 brood sow, due to farrow March
lst, 1 Frost di Wood binder,1 Toronto mower
and pea harvester, 4550 cut, 1 hxy ralm, 1
combined sand drill, I single plow, 1 2-lur-
owed plow, 1 set iron barrows, 1 son0)llor,.1.
top buggy nearly ;Iowa open buggy,1 hinl•
Ler Wh gob, 11 and roller, 1 set bob -sleighs, 1
outter.1 straw totter. 1 grain crusher, 1 to,.
nip pulper 1 wheeenterow, 1 hay ruok, 1
Wood rook, set double harness, 1 set single
Lathan, 1 Gross out saw1 log boat, a quan-
tity of turnips, whinletrees, neckyokes,
105118, 8110109, abovois, hoes and other
artioles too numerous . to mention. Sale
without reserve as me the proprietor Ina
sold his farm, T1tI00E1.—All 0)8080 05 56 and
under cash ; over that amulet 30 mouths'
950681 will be giveu 00 Approved
/Milt Notes, 6 Cor 034, off 7,r cash ou
credit 019009 89,
37.86. 8102T, W. O. W/f,FlON,
Auctioneer, Proprietor,
ST0011, &o.—Mr. P. FL Soott,
eor ball W:mired I Detentions train the
nudereigned to sell by putole ettetion at
1,ot 24 on. 0, Grey, on .1 0518003', FES.
24811,1958 Ornn men clog at 1 ,'cloak the fol.
10 wiug valuable p term y, vie. 1-1 roedster
stallion,'Ourgen Any,' ssed 0 years, bred
from 'Onfittlinsi, mid lull brother to 'Jessie
MoLatiehlin', ,,ho for 81,000,1 heavy
dram:MI.111y riving 9 yeern, broil from '51o.
Beau,' 1 heavy drenebt gelding, rising 8
years, bred Irmo 'lath sail,' 001385 in calf, 2
986810rismii 039,10 881018505)8)1,9 0 years,
3t1011858119l911 8 years In calf, 0 heifers
Habig 2 roue, 7 8. ears rising 1 your, 4 helfera
lel 8170>L, 1 gm de boll, Ekes 1 your, 8
store b .ge, 7 pigs 0 nto»tha old, 30 plgs 2
old, 3 Ilunti'bred Temtvoith sow
with litter, 4 brood a met in pig, due tp far.
row early in Spring 5 thorn, bred Leicester I
MVOS with 1)801(1,1 top buggy,1 road tiara 2
lumber vegeta and othsk 011,3138, Sale
unreserved aa proprietor is moving and
Instil stable room. Stook is in good ,lbdlOnion 01151 85811 bred Tithms —All Rams of
00 and *leder oath ; over mut amonet 10
menthe' credit 'whim given on inruisbleg
ApprOVOil Joint riotss 88,05 eent. oir for
mai credit automata
Atm tiounts1V8T, raoDONALD,
Proprietor. 1
9 1903
As has been our custom in the pat we will offer our entire stock of Winter goods
at Manufacturers' prices for 80 days only, commencing Friday, January 9th
MOLIOZ.^...inCia•••••ammiymynna Nal
Made -to -Order Department
$15 00 Heavy Tweed Suits, Made:to-order, for $12 50
16 00 ,, 13 75
18 00 14 50
20 00 ,. f f 16 00
22 00 ,, ,., 17 50
Clothing Department.
Reg. $6 Suits, now $4 50
" 6.50, 7.00 & 7.50 Suits 5 00
" 8.00, 8 50 6?; 9.00 Suits 6 00
" 9.50, 10 & 10,50 Suits 7 50
11.50, 12 & 13.00 Suits 9 00
" 5.00 & 5 50 Overcoats 3 75
" 7 00 & 7 50 " 5 00
" 10.00 & 10.50 " 7 50
" 11.50, 12 & 12.50 " 9 00
" 16.00 Overcoats on sale 12 00
Men's Double-breasted Freize Coats,
regular $6 and $6, at $4.00.
Men's Double-breasted Beaver Coats
regular $6 and $6.50, at $4,50.
regular $33 2505 f,o,r $2 25
Boys' D. B. Re„efers,
2 50
8, 44 C " 4 00 " 3 00
Men's Odd Pants that were 1,25, 1.50, 1 75, 2.00, 225, 2.50 and
$3,00, now 90e, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and $1.75.
Underwear Department
Men's All Wool Unshrinkable Underwear
Regular 900 and $1.00 quality on sale at
" 75c quality on sale at
50o 84 44
Men's Fleece Lined Underwear
$1.50 quality at $1.00 75c quality at 55c
1.25 " 90 50c " 40c
1.00 90
We also have a few Fur Coats left which will be sold at a bargain.
Terms Strictly Cash during Sale.
Leading Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers,
S. Scott, auctioneer, has received iustrow.
tions from the uudereigned to sell by pub -
lis suction 08. 8011811 Waif Lot 27, 0811, 0,
Morris, on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4.513,
O o'olook, the following valuable 55arty :-
1 working horse rising 6 yeare 1 general
purpose berth rising 4 years, 1 driving nlarS
rising 6 yes rs, 1 driving 0117 well brad flatus
2 yearn. 1 heavy borao cunt ritiog 0 years, 1
heavy filly rising 2 years, 3008199 1180688,1
farrow cow about hall fat, 8 ethers coming 2
'years old, lhs100,s condos 2 years old,
steers coming 1 year 0110(5850 coming 1
year old, 8 pigs Months old, Anise InOntla
old 2 brood sows to farrow in Feb and lath
of April, 1 sot of new bob -ale ghs, 1 outter, 1
noserwt aGrehrearanbeTy alatoapeeeyn-eibeutg.rgierti tuicideurmin9
good condition, 1 Maasey-Harrls drill new, 1
Massey Harris bora° rake, 1 two•furrow gang
plow, 1 walking plow, 1 aet 010, 509,8, 150;,.
lung mill, 1 mower, 20.18 double heavy bar -
nobs one 11807,1 atone boat, 0quantity of
lumber, 1 thscales 1000 pornds, 1 augerkettle, kettle, 1 grain cradle scythes, forks, rakes,
chains and other art'ioles too numerous to
mention. gale nmeserved us the propriet-
nr has sold his farm. Toms—AO sums of
$5 and under wish, over that amount 10
months' credit will lie given ou f urnishing
approved joint notes ; 4 per 08118, 017 for
caah on °milt amounts.
8"1118LPlir-CopRrilie'io r.
undersigned will keep for sender, 011
Lot 10, Con. le, Gill, the tborce-bred
shire bog "Maple 3,51,1 2091" Pedigree may
he. seen on applicuiimi, Tents, $1 00, with
privilege of returning if ueoessary.
18001'. HOUSTON,
20 4 Proprietor,
1/19118W02100 1100 tiOrsral good far
Salo add 80 nut, easy tOrrns, l'OlroS1111,8
al Morris and (+my. SOOTIP,Bruusal
1. 20, COD 10, Grey. Tbere nee 200600,5,
en tinder cultivation. Apply to 704131'R P
REDMOND, on the premieres, Or 010norieff
P. 0. 51.80
1 land, eligibly 'wetted coi Turnn eery
emit, Bruesels, for sale, WIII be sold en
1110e or bailee and lots separately, to stile
purebeaser, Good dairy business in eonneo-
0100. Possession could be given fitly thee,
3890p1196, toren, eco., apply to allelL Mo.
LATRMILIN, Brussels,
me98,—S0000 00 will buy the Macau,
ghey Meek le tae Village of Bruesele, Those
two fine etnroa 111>186 1>9 sold to Mose out tbe
eleCaugliey leetete. lutendleg purolumers
ebovid itiveatigate 01 0008. Apply to le, 5,
scow or G. et, IMAM, Bruseeki3Ont,
s91 FE.
SomoSaua.mamsaw UtMe1146".VeeS0.0••••••••••••••
Spoilod a Good Baking
you have many a time by ttsiug en
inferior grade of flour. Poor breed will
alwaye be light, white and sweet when
neing the venue.. It is always of stip.
erior quality, with no variation, ard ie
carefully made from the beet grown
L. Manitoba wheat. Try this satisfactory
t brand for your bread, oaken and piee,
., and you will ,never use any other,
°÷XXIITT:Ri tAt7tfts
0, OIL. .p^,
Just arrived—Oue ear load of PENNOLINE and
LIGHT AMNRICAN OlL at 20e and 25e per gallon.
Pennoline at 250 per gallon and you Will buy it again.
Try our