The Brussels Post, 1903-2-19, Page 3CAUGHT B THUMB -MARKS
The Simple Device Employed for
the Detection of Law
Artillery chargod with grope -shot
lens boon employed to cleetroy great
fortresses which the termites, or
warrior ants, havo matlo in many
tropical c.ount,ries", in: youth Africa
tho termites Work etlornulua havoc,
They live it a republic of their own,
and 80me of then[ have wings, Tho
Every year the struggle for tiro Workmen, the soldiers, and The becomes harder for tho poor hunted queens, however, have none, Tho
workmen construct their bnuldhlgs,
the soldiers defend the colony and
keep order, and the females, or
queens, aro eared for by all the
others. These become, iu poiot of
in tracking ,riminuls, which hoe feet, mere egg -laying nlarhitlge which
played a conspicuous part in recent have to remain tied to ono spot,
cases, is . by tracing; the impression Their nesting homes aro often twen-
o,° tinge[• -prints. 11 is astonishing l,y feet high and pyramidal in shape.
how successfully this simple device Cattle climb upon them without
has been employed by the pollee, crushing them. A dozen anon can
livery prisoner, nowadays, not only find shelter in some of their ohan't-
has his photograph but also an km hors, and native hunters often lie in
pression of his thumbs and fingers wait inside thein when out after
token. Scutiuud Yard still employs wild animals. The outs construct
the good old-fashioned method used' galleries which aro as wide as the
largely by young ladies when sending bore of a largo cannon, and which
up impressions of their hands for
delineation to their
You roll the thumb and fingers ((rcl
fully on a flat piece of tin which
has •proviouely been well covered
with ink. When, the ink Is nicely
smeared over thein, the digits lure
pressed on a sheet of paper. These
records are carefully filed at Scot-
land Yard, so that in a case where
finger -prints have been left it id
easy to turn up, at a moment's no-
tice, the impressions of tho fingers
with corresponding marks. In this
we.y the hardened criminal posing as
a first offender is time atter time
found out.
a burglar had forced his way into
a house through a window. In his
hurry he had not noticed that lttr, only certain way to drive I1; out of
Window -sash was newly painted. 1.Sul the system is to enrich your blood
the police made this disuovoey,
criminal, in fact, it le asserted, on
good authority, that ho may havo
had to tutu tq Honest labor for a
living in sheen self-defence.
Ono of the most 880cossfu1 devices
run three or four feet underground.
The nests aro said to bo G00 times
as highe.5 the ant's body, and it
Is estimated that if Wo built our
houses on the saute male, they would
be four times as high, as the pyra-
mids of Egypt.
Gnawing, Piercing Pains that Al-
most Flake You Scream.
It is your old enemy, rheumatism,
comp again with the winter to tor-
ture you. These pains, remember,
are caused by bad blood, you may
case them by rubbing with liniments
and outward lotions, but cannot get
rrd of them in that way. Itheutna-
tism is caused by bad blood and the
for by taking Dr. Williams' fink Pills.
on the ledge of the window thoy There is no case of rheumatism Dr.
found a beautifully clear impression Williams' Pink Pills will nut euro if
of fingers and thumbs such as thole given a fair trial. Ily making now,
souls love, This they carefully
photographed and took to Scotland
Yard. The impression turned out to
bo exactly similar to that of a burg-
lar who had "done time" some years
previously, with the result that
therm is at present enjoying His
Majesty's hospitality a gentleman to
1hh0n1 the words "wet paint" act
1 p a rod rag to a bull.
Long before the system was used
int England the value of the thumb -
mark as a method of identification
had bean proved in. India. At 0110
Elmo It w0.8 a very common thing
for a native, when going up for an
examination for some minor ap-
pointment, to get a. man more learn-
ed than himself to impersonate him.
So common did this become that it
was found necessary to take the
thumb -mark of every candidate for a
Government post, so n0t-v rho wily
Hindu finds his little game has mime
to an end.
In South Africa, whore niggers are tions can't cure, therefore 8041 that
employed in the mines, it frequently the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink
halipons that ono nigger would pro- Pills for Pala People" is found of
the wrapper around every box. Sold
by all medicine dealers or sent post
paid at co cents per box or six
boxes for $03.50 by writing direct to
the Dr. Williams' Medicino Co.,
Brookville, Ont.
rich red blood and strengthoniug t111
'nerves they strike at the very roof
of suds diseases as rheumatism, sci-
atica and lumbago. Wo give ono
ease out of thousands to prove the
truth of this statement. 1411. A. G.
Lacombe, Sorel, Que., says: "For
five year's I was a victim to tho
tortures of rheumatism. At titnes
the pains in my knees, shoulders and
hips wore almost past endurance,
Often I could not dress myself with-
out assistance. I tried many reme-
dies but I never got more than tem-
porary relief until I began the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I used al-
together eight boxes, and since tak-
ing them •f havo not had a twinge of
the trouble, and I Leel hotter in ev-
ery way than I did for years before.
I would strongly advise every
rheumatic sufferer to give Dr.
Williams' fink Pills a fair
trial," Remember • that only
the genuine pills will euro — Unita -
sent himself on pay day several
times for his wages, and often se-
cure the payment
It requires a very practised eye to
distinguish ono nigger from nuuthe•,
and the poor paymaster, when con-
fronted with a Now of ni,gl,lrs, was
quite unable to swear to his num.
In runny mines the thumb system
was adopted, and n nigger, on re-
ceiving his wages, was obliged to
make his thumb -mark as a receipt
for the money, And although two
niggers are as alike as two peas, no
two niggers' thumb -marks are iden-
One of the most famous thus -ob-
it -lark cases tools place in India a
couple of years ago. A tea -planter
was murdered in his garden for tho
purpose of theft and the murderer
got away, apparently leaving no
clue for the police. Some few weeks
after the crime, however, certain
thumb -marks were found on an atlas
belonging to the deceased which had
been among the papers tho murderer
had rummaged in his search for
booty. Oa examination of rho
marks ft was found that they corre-
sponded exactly with the thumb re-
cord of a noted criminal then at
large. I3e was arrested some hun-
dreds of miles away from tho scene
of the crime, and was found guilty
by the jury.
In many parts of the Continent the
father's title is inherited by all his
children, and there are aeveraa vil-
lages in Austria, 'Polaad, and Rus-
sia in which all the peasants are
legitimately doscolnled from some
princely ancestor, They are legally
described as "princes" in all official
documents, and on leaving their
homes many of these peasant princes
lind themselves sadly hampered by
the burden of a high-sounding title.
They cannot get rid of the titles,
however, as they aro purely per -
motel ones and not marketable com-
modities, like so Arany in Italy and
ro ula-
'h ones
Portugal, andby p S
tions no employe can bo engaged
without showing hie papers, in
w141414 his rank, age, and occupation
are. stated. Needless to say, few
people are willing to engage a work-
man of logally far higher rank than
The newly -married Drench wife of
a wealthy Russian noble was about.
to engage a Ilusslan Maid at St.
Petersburg when, on seeing the pa-
yees, she discovered that the girl
W(tq a princess and a member of a
well-known but ruined family. Tho
girl had been vainly seeking employ-
ment for months, but the lady de
tained to engage her. On reaching
her country seat, lhcweve4, the lady
discovered to her s4uazement, that
the housekeeper was a Mentos and
the 'termite a princ0ss, while tho
tarot blacksmith,
Mut cosset -
Man were pomeseott of titles' eqah
'totems imposing. As theirtheirelite W nre.
situated in the vicinity of the Well
Woman's estate, 1110(1' realSOCial
p08111rn (l,5 'titles farmers and pees -
ants Was Pell kuowvu,
Disraeli's resourceful wit enabled
him to play the courtier at alt Lintas,
and to give — as in [t11 instance
which ' the Loudon Daily Chronicle
recalls — a complimentary turn even
to satire.
Soon after ho bad received his
title, and had become the Earl of
Beaconsfield, an old peer greeted tho
new peer ono day, and asked him
how he felt. Beaconsfield was just
walking away frotu the house of
Lords, but his thought seems to
have been in the Ifouse of Commons,
for ho said:
"I fool as 0 I were dead and
Tho old peer looked aghast.
'"Aad," ileacousflelrl continued,
with gearnely a pause, "and in the
land of the blessed."
The old peer smiled again, (2114 lov-
ed Beaconsfield forever after.
Marie — "Do you see the scoundrel
ll — 'He
m Estelle staring at o? ' te
isn't. He's staring at me." Marie
(savagely) -- ''Jio's more of a
scoundrel than I thought.'t
• She — "It seems almost impossible
that you should love use." He --
"Thai's what my mother says. How
nicely you and she will get along
'if you always agree 1i1c,, that!"
A Trying Time to Both Baby and
There is no time wien baby re-
quires more attention than during
the teething period. At that time
the little one is always cross and
fretful, 'subject to st041ta011 disorders
and sometimes convulsions. Often
lnothors are absolutely worn out car-
ing for baby, and the whole house-
hold is in a condition of amxiety.
This condition can be easily reuse
tiled by the use of Baby's Own Tab-
lets, which cool the sour little ■tom-
ach, allay the inflammation of filo
gums: and give the little oat) healthy,
natural sleep, A mother's word eon
always be depended upon where the
health of ler little ones is concern -
:0d, and thousands of mothers preen
this medicine. Mrs, It. L, Me'C'ar-
lane, Bristol, Quo., says: "In 2113
eetinlatiOn, Baby's Own 'rableta have
no equal as n medicine for children.
Whey aro invaluable at tho teething
period, and 1 would not bo without
'thein as they keep my baby healthy
and happy.'
I (('ho Tablets relieve all the minor
ailments of little ones; aro guar'
Mined to contain no opiate or poi
80n0U8 "soothing stuff," and may be
given with abselnto sorely
to a now
horn halt(. Sold at 25 Cents a box
by all druggists, o' sent post paid,
Qty writing direct to the Dr. Wil
pinnts Medicine Co., Brockville, Onto
Solnucctndy, N, Y,
There are few women la Canada
wlto have not heard of " free alkali,"
but there are malty who do not under -
Oland the terns, The term is alwaye
toed in connection with soap. If
any think it is meant to convey that
it 1s alkali given free with the map,
teen alkali 1s very dear at the price,
hitt it does not mean that. A soap
containing; free alkali is a soap in
'Which the alkali -is not properly'neer-
poratod with the fatty acids usod in
the malting of soap, and such a soap
Is most fnju'lous to the clothing and
hands, free alkali in soap will burn
the nap off wool and the surface off
linen, coarsen the skin of the hands,
rondering them liable to eczema, make-
tho nails brittle and chip off. Snell
a soap ('toes not possess thorough
cleansing proportle0. The difference
between a soap containing free alkali
and a neutral soap is easily tented,
Sunlight Soap is a neutral soap, and no
oue who has 01101 usod Sunlight"Soap
for any time could with satisfaction
go back to any of the common laundry
soaps on the market. Complaints
about tho bands and the clothes aro
unknown whore Sunlight Socp 1s used,
t -f
1.01/1iCI, SVC: GES'1'IONS.
An easily made cement is formed
of rice flour. It should he nixed
with cold water and allowed to boil
slowly until quite thick.
Linen most bo thoroughly dry and
well aired before it is put away.
When it shows signs of turning yel-
low wring On[1 fn lulce-warm soap
and water, dry and store again.
After thoroughly brushing out the
Aust frons a black hat, go over it
with a thin solution of gum arable
or mucilage, using a nail brush for
that purpose, When the hat is dry
it will ho found to look almost nuw.
Never scrub oilcloths with a brush,
and never use soap in cleaning theta.
Those which have lain in stock for
several 3'C(11's aro tho best - to buy,
as the paint is thoroughly harden-
ed. Wash with a soft rag dipped in
nixed milk and water, and rub dry
with a handful of rags.
To remove grease spots from the
wan paper, apply to the spots a
paste of fuller's earth and cold wa-
ter, leaving this on all night. If the
spots havo not disappeared in the.
morning tt second application will
usually be found efficacious. 11 is
well to tale grease marks out of pa-
per directly after they,ttre made.
Permanganate of potash is a cheap
and effectual stain for hard hoard
floors. Add one -halt' an 081100 of
permanganate to a quart of water
and use this to paint over the floor,
which must first bo allowed to dry.
Repeat tlio process if it is not as
dark as you want it. and thee let
dry and polish with beeswax and
Hiles — "It seems dreadfully ex-
travagant to go to such an expen-
sive tailor." :Do .Jinks — "What
could I do? He was the only ono
who would trust ale."
So many of our readers are in-
terested in farming matters that the
(eel justified in occasionally devot-
ing a little sired to tho question of
farm implements.
As is wall known, the crops in
most parts of Canada last harvest
ware very heavy ; especially 41811
this so in tho Canadian Northwest.
Wo are not able to foretell what the
next crop will be like. Conse-
quently it is desirable to bo prepared
for emergencies.
Wo learn on good authority that
the binder which established the
best record in Canada last year was
the Massey -Harris.
And the reason that it did so
magnificently in the heavy grain was
that it is equipped with a floating
upper elevator. Should a big bunch
of grilin bo carried by the conveyor
canvas to the elevators, the upper
elevator automatically rises to ad•
suit of it passing up freely, There
is, therefore, no choking or stop-
This is a splendid device, specially
introduced by the MassoyeHarris
people, who are to bo congratulated
on the progressive methods they em-
ploy in tho manufacture of farming
They aro a Canadian concern, too,
which makes us tho more proud of
their success.
How It Was Built and Iiept Alive
by an 7Szport.
Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Tea the world produces,
and is soul only in lead
Black, Mi.ccc and Green.
'neon tea drinkers try "Salada" Green tea.
t -f
A story is told of a lawyer whose
quick wit. mover deserted him w.hcth-
er in office or court',. Ono day a
client entered the olllce and, throw-
ing back 111s coat, said, irritably:
"Why, sit', your 0(Deo is as hot as
an oven." "Why shouldn't it be?"
was the cabs resew:so. "1t Is here
that I mule my bread."
After the evening snores were
done, my father would appear In the
doorway with the big hank -log coat-
ed with snow, often of ampler' girth
than himself, and fully breast -high
to Iritis as 11e held to upright, canting
in one way and another, and walking
it before him, on its wedgeshapo(1
end. Ifo would perhaps stand it
against the chimney while he took
a breathing spoll and planned his
campaign. Then, the andirons haul-
ed forward on the hearth, and the
bed of half -burnt brands and live
e is 10
1 raked open, th
con s r o Y g
p ,
Walked into the chimney, where a
skillful turn would lay it over, hiss-
ing and steaming, in its layer of hot
embers, says a writer in the Atlan-
tic Monthly, It seemed a •thing
alive, and its vehement sputtering
and protesting made a dramatic mo-
ment for at least one small specta-
tor. The stout 'shovel and tongs, of
perhaps, a piece of firewood used as
a lovor, Would force it against the
chlnmey-track then a good-sized
stick, called a "back -stick," was laid
on top of it, and the andirons wore
set in place, Across the andirons an.
other good-sized stick was lairs, call-
ed a "fore -stick," and in the inter-
space smaller sticks wore crossed
and thrust and piled, all quickly
'kindled by the live coals and brands.
In' very cold weather a fire was
kept burning all night, our father
ga g t
;ttin u) one() or twico to replen.
minister the coals
ish ft, .Even in st tot
Mooney —"Brace tip, man! Troth,
30 lull as if 3e didn't hov a fti'nd in
th' whole wul'rld." slogan — "01.
hovn't." Mooney — "O'wan. I1 It
ain't money tie Want t' borl'y Oi'm
as good a ('crud as Ivor 3'O had,"
$100 Reward, $100
There Is more Catarrh In this 50ctton
of rho country than all other diseases
put together. and until the last few
years was supposed to be incurable. D'or
it great many years doctors pronounced
it it 10(1,11 (1,80550 and prescribed local
remedies, and byconstantly
failing R
stuWith loeiti treatment. Pronounced
it incurable.
n l S110 108 provn catarrh
to bea constitutional disease andthere-
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Ball's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
J!`. .I. (aheuey S: Co., Toledo,
the 0111,, tutlot roan ou O111,00matlo
ket, ft is ta110,1 Internally
in (loses
'rot 10 drops to a teaspoonful. 1t acts
(4'ectty m1 the blood and mucous sur-
fuoes of the system. They oner one hun-
dred dollars for any case it fails to
cure. Send for circulars and testimoni-
als. Address,
X• • J, C1Ii'iNh1Y k CO., Toledo, 0.
Meld by Druggists, 700,
Ball's t'atuity Phis are the best.
Guest (at anniversary dinner) —
"You belong to one branch of tho
host's fancily, I believe?" root. Re-
lation — "Yes, I bolting to the
branch that never had any plums
on it."
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Gussie — "Ya -Els, dear boy, Charlie
Gibbon and T have decided to grow
a moustache." Algio — "Indeed!
Well, you're doing first-rate with
your half."
Is the great winter tourist route to
lite south and west, ,noluding the
famous trot Springs, Ark., Old
ltfaxloo, the Egypt of America, Texas
and California, the lands of sun-
shine and flowers. Your particular
attention is called to the fact that
passengers going Ala Detroit and
ever the Wabash, reach their des-
tination hours in advance of other
lines. The new and elegant trains
on t110 Wabash r -re tho finest in this
country, everything is ffrst class in
every respect. All round trip winter
tourist tickets aro now on sale at
lowest rates.
Time tables, maps, and all informa-
tion about this wonderful railroad
cheerfully furnished by any ticket)
agent, or J'. A. Richardson, District
Passenger agent, northeast corner.
King 81 Yongo streets, Toronto, and
St. Thomas, Ont.
"Doctor, if a young Iran named
Jinks calls on you for a prescrip-
tion, don't lot him have it." "Why
not?" "Ifo wants something to im-
prrovo his appetite, and he lodges at
my house."
'When trove/mg you should bear in
wind the road and the trains that
will take you to your destination in
gho fastest time, and in the most
gomfortablo manner. The Grand
Trunk service excels in both par..
ticulars and passengers from To-
ronto to Montreal, Buffalo, New
York, Detroit and Chicago, will find
the day trains equipped with wide
vestibuled coaches, haudeome Cafe
Parlor and Dining Oars serving
Meals "a la carte." Tho night
trains carry Pullmnnh sleeping ears to
all above points. You can leave
Toronto for Montreal and cast ah
ID a. In. and 10 p. m. for Buffalo 31.11d
New Yerlc at 0 a, m., 4,50 and. 8,15
P, m, and to Detroit and Chicago al
7.35 a, m., 4.50 p. m. and 11.20 p.
Oe. Tiokets, reservations, etc., at
ally office, northwest corner ring
mad Yonge streets.
"Your worship," said tho wily so-
licitor, who was defending the stal-
wart prisoner in the clock, "you can-
not possibly convict my client of
hoose-brealting. I submit, air, with
all reverence, that neither m01011y
him. n , I
v t,t 111
nor legally can you coi•
will toll you why,
"Mr. Sikes here, me the evidence
clearly proves, (fid not break into
any house at, all, ile found the pare
lor'window wide open, as the wit-,
messes admit, and all he did Was to
put in his right arm and remove'
conte unimportant articles,
"Now, sir, lir. Sikes' arm is not
Ile himself, and I fail to see how yeti
can ],mulish the whole individual for
a fault committed by oily one of
his 'Disks,"
"Very well, sir," said the cautious
Solon of the boneh, "I have hard
of a similar defence 1)010re to -day,
so I .find the prisoner's arum guilty,
ani senteetee it to six months' 1111'
prisollmont, The gentleman himself
can accompany it or not ets Ile
Chooses, ASF. 01ark, record the sen-
"l.ile1 1411'. Silcox stalled a 1011•(11011
inch s p
mile. and the tan of the de-
forest became extinct, A good limp fence bo0ame apparent tett he quietly
of them, covered with embers at proceeded to tntscrew his guilty cork.
bedtime,would be found alive when arm, and leave it it the custody cif
rutted oten in Use MorMng,, the 00011.
Whlffer0 '--• "Soo There, Illitfer•si You
told MO rho way tO win a girl ryas
t0 llavOto myself to her nhotller."
131111'ers — See, sense', that will do Give your
Whi 1118 -• "Huh! X.
wanted to wits Miss lieauti, and I
look your advice and devoted myself
to Mrs, 1lenuti, and now tiro old
lady. who is n widow, wants to
Iltlsbanrd (vituperatively) --- "1
was an idiot wluel I married you,
Mary." Wife (quietly) -- "Yes,
Tons, I knew you were. But what
could 1 114,11 You seemed ray only
rh1.1.11(m, 11111 I thought then that you
aright improve a little with time,"
Ex -Fishery Overseer in Splendid
Health at Seventy-Pour—What
He Has to Say of the Matter.
Pott IIope, Ont., Feb. 3.—(Spe'
tial)--Lvorybotly in fort Hope
knows Air. Chas. Clilehrist, for fif-
teen years Chief of 1'uliee, and after-
wards fishery Ov, t:.erl' of the Do -
1111111011 Government. Ho is seventy-
four years of ago now and a healthy
man, But he las had his share of
suffering. For ten yra1:Y 11' was af-
flicted with Diabetes and Kidney Dis-
order. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured
Speaking of the case recently Air.
Gilchrist said '
1 r
"I /moo 'teed 1 01111'5 Kidney fills
for about five years, off and on.
When 1, get a pain in the hack and
my urine is full of brickdust I take
a couple of Dodd's Kidney Pills and I
am all right. I generally keep thorn
on hand, for there is no medicine
like thein.
"When I commenced to take Dodd's
Kidney fills I was in a fearful state.
They havo matte me a new mon. I
havo about ono -quarter acre in a
garden, I dug and planted it last
spring. When I first took Dodd's
Kidney Pills I could not have dono
it t0 save my life.
"I believe I would havo boon dead
only for Dodd's Kidney ['ills."
It is cures like this that are giv-
ing Dodd's Kidney Pills their
One of the real troubles of this life
is that a man must- usually go to
bed when he is not sleepy, and got
up when he Is sleepy.
Monkey 13rnnd Soap mulcee copper
like gold, 14111 like Silver, crockery
like nlalblta and windows like
Papa — "Ary child, if I should die
penniless, are you well prepared to
fight your way in the battle of life?"
Blanche — "I think so, father; I've
been through three engagements al-
Dear Sirs,—I was for seven years
a sufferer from Bronchial trouble,
and would be so hoarse at times
that 1 could scarcely speak above n
whisper. I get no relief from any-
thing till I tried your ISL(NAlID'S
110513Y BALSAM. Two potties
gave relief and six bottles made a
complete cure. 1 would heartily re-
commend it to anyone suffering from
throat or lung trouble.
Life is a railway train, and lto
grumble at its slowness until we
near the terminus.
MInard's Liniment for sale euerytivhere
The most costly thing In the
world is sin ; the richest loan is ho
who has God's blessing,
DM, Geo, Moser, 1'airbault, Minne-
sota, writes :—"Mrs. Sophie Stoll -
/slather had an open lrollr 41 on hot'
foot, frons which she suffered almost'
17 years. Thanks to the continued
use of Dr. August onf ' o 1;'s Ham-
burg. Drops site has now completely
recovered, and begs to express to
;you her heartfelt thanks for it.""
"!Love laughs at locksmiths, they
say," "Yes; but ,you never heard of
love laughing at goldsmiths."
Old Crustleigh — "How did you
dare, sir, to kiss my daughter last
night on the dark piazza?" Young
Gayhoy — "Iffy dear sir, now that
I've seen her by daylight, 1 wonder
1113801?, "
All Bodily Aches
eat 1Y tMatt g let
entloa1en friends good Tea, ,1t is win ecCSs4ry to,
go to India for a
Lead Packets,
.A.11 Grocers.
+L F Y
There is a good demand for all kinds of first-c!ase
Poultry, especially Chickens. We want large quan
titles to supply demand,
so consign us if you want Good Prices.
if you have a carload, or more, of A r stuff we can
place them for you, or will ship them for you and
make ad511110e against the shipment
;C, rrawarrut®xa. c7ommanamilastr.Steo a. ¢7u-., I.•bdr... 'aver ---a,aa•hq
L?£ f,_,d-wara0
1'e. noltdiight"
t' Eagle "
7657,"[t"i 2oes
of Victoria"
cl Little Comet"
t -f
other and
Dominion Line Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to ueeos-
pool, Portland to ].ivorpool. Via Q
Laren and ,0501 of Stortma.heng rs. &Slinens and Staterooms
ta odotiou
for amidships ut11�pee30I 4,t, ioe. Mone and given
to the
are nn,l Salo e. Sand Tl a,1'C1nss has horn 30111 to For
Second Saloon and Third -Class s, ewer to 1.07. eat
ofths ompastage and all particulars, apply to ttuy agent
of th a Cowpony, er ir58
Richards, Mina & Co, D. Torrance & Co..
77 State St.. Boston. Montreal and Portland.
CNi 5�'•i 11'o lraut to cturtyou to huatneas
cur y0usdt- Yru inn mnko
4404(01 d011nre For von l A.aent(rely 0844 1 polf1 1l,
tyrlted51 552 0? On,ta 7bmnGo is tau CEIr rnk: of the
Toa ➢att0caa of Uonudtt, t-8
SO Church St., - Toronto
It is a poor joke that won't stand
repetition; it is a good joke that
won't suffer by it.
For Over Sixty Years
Ens. WrSar.01 's SO0011150 ayrlrr heti been used by
millions of mothers for their ohndren while teething
It soothes the ohiid, softens ata ggams. allays pain, curs•
wind colic, regulates the•tomull 410,1 howls, andis the
remedybest once
druggists throughout the 8orid.Ile suroo
Bold and
108100"Mai, W1Netew 350000)59 Suture
Any coward can fight a battle
when ho's sure of winning, but give
me the man who has pluck to fight
when he's sure of losing.
Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
The Princess of Wales possesses a
"sacred cross," which is supposed to
always bring good luck to its owner.
It was formerly tho property of the
King of Denmark, having been dis-
covered years ago in the grave of
the beautiful Queen Dngmar. Resides
its superstitious interest- it is It fine
work of art, and was given by the
Icing to ilio Princess on her mar-
lillncrd's Liniment Cures Burns, etc,
The teacher was telling the class
that the tongue was the origin of
01)00011, and that without it -a 1210.11
could not talk. At this Johnny
held up his hand. "Well, Johnnie,
what is it?" "I heard a man say
the other day that it was so cold
it made his teeth chatter."
t ,R,
71 'tr d
•,1,11 6Q19 01IMATE5,
'OTToetaa'tee,a9. 'stew Cama
Any quantity of dry, mind wet d,. suitable toe
brick burning, ler early dells: r>•, Stste each
(,rice, f.o.h, your a ion. Address. 811411 solo,
41t1CR 00.. 1 Toronto St., Toronto. Tele-
phone Main 707.
OUTI lsc(
Can bo dune rerlootty by our I'ronoh Fromm. Tr, SL .
0817(511 0446540451 DYEING CO.
LADES' .. .
Ladies' and en's Furs
Everything In Burs at lowest prices. Send
for Catalog, RAW FURS—We pay hlgbeel
prices. Send for price 11s1.
D, R. 1A87020 & 07., 77 King 0t, East, Teronte j
Latest Novelties, all styles.
Correspondence invited. En-
close 2c stamp for circular.
P, 0. Box 1142, Montreal. -
F"iave3 You Sicca it? What?
Lee's Priceless Reo.pte • 3010 Secreta ter tb0 Aome
(Isom ,n,,l erary dvpartnte51 at 423005 15,405.00, 30i
pages. 011,1 35 menta Moony rcfa ndod rl l o It la not
rd . A eood,ld0 lino rot caws sera—William
riders. Puhli`lter..j pvo10 - •-
WII'. . ''1
To send for our COM*
plete Sheet Music
Cataler,•ues and
Spectol Rates.
We aro equipped to
supply ever' Music
Teacher iu Canada.
CC., Limited
356 Main Street, 155 Yongo
A year or so ago, whoa Prof, Pa -
pin's invention of a system of in-
ductance coils by 4101fch 0410011 ra-
bies could be transformed into tele-
phone lines was announced, many
apparently thought that talking
across the Atlantic would noon be-
come an eccomplisherl fact. But the
questions of cost and technical dif-
ficatlttes seen to hove stood is the
way. Now, however, it is reported
that Merlin capitalists, who have
acquired rights in tho invention,•in-
tond to push its application between
points on the shores of the Mediter-
ranean, the Baltic and the North
ni communica-
telephonic Sens. ho p
tion between Berlin and London,
and Berlin, Copenhagen and Stock-
holm, by the aid of this system, is
regarded as feasible.
It is said, on the authority of a
Germans experimenter, that aluminum
serves an excellent purpose as a
substitute for a whetstone, especial-
ly in giving a smooth, keen razor -
edge to fano blades, When examined
with a microscope, the edge of a
knife whetted on aluminum appears
mach smoother and straighter than.
it sloes when whetted on a aorta
ilnder the effect of honing the sur-
face of aluminum becomes oove•ed
with a substance having a greasy
feeling 4411d possessing a great power
steel, 1 and it
i 1 to to
of atihos o.n
to this that the ability of the
metal to produce 80 fine eat edge is
ascribed. •
A bad temper is an awkward thing
to have, and It dangerous thing to
Conerai Servant Wanted.
Good wagos paid. Apply by letter
or in person to 361. Crawford street,
The common house -fly is not very
rapid in ' its Right, but its wings
make 800 beats it second, and send
it through the air 25 feet, under or-
dinary circumstances, in that spaco
of time. When the insect is alarmed
1 increases
i leas been found that I
t CC
its rate of speed to over 150 feet
per Second. If it could continue such
rapid flight for a mile in a straight
line, it would cover that distance in
exactly thirty-three seconds,
heart Strength is Whole Strength
ALs blood is your life ; `when it stops
coursing you're dead, If It half stops, i
Your lean, your weakness, your eternal wearte
mere will all dlaAppear if you strengthen your;
beast. Out you may take spacial medicine for•
special troubte if you're in a special hoary.!
Cheer no f 1.Wu't he moping 1 You can be,
mired, '050' it dad for the first time you wilt;
knew the true meong of that grand old word;
renews the vigor in thirty minutes After taking.
the first dose. Will GUNN the poorest heart an
stro.nglhon the stron5,e,1 .tan.
W. M. Medley, druggist, a rldingstbn, Ont., writeo0
114. Thomas Cooke, of Kingston, purchased
tit bonito of Ageerags Boars fare end says lie'
t -hick he had
is cured ( Heart Waalorrs from w
d se.
suffered for rata"
Dl, Ag'now's Oxt4rrisel •Reseda* relieves
catarrh or colds nt once and turas (810111',
ir, d gow'o Ointment compels Piles 16perish
rrnrdnentl . Derives case on thoftistatrk lien-
y ro
;lice disra' and
eruptions, '
ihcsnlleemeretskm ills p
'aaho safest and cheapest cure, .Price, 33a, of