The Brussels Post, 1903-2-19, Page 1Vol, 31. No, 32 New Advertisements: card- G. F. Blair. Carpets—A, Strading, Itige for •ale—D, Shine. Speoiel meeting.—W. L tee. An Alen sole—Sainuel Burnt. Eye openers—H, A.. Matohett. Audi ore' report—Settee' Board, Auditors' report— Grev Towuahip. Rpeeial bargains—McKinnon & Co. Reliable information—F. B. Horsley. 3:11)izirict,13.0.17s, Patent or tat. HratENEAL —A quiet wedding took piece at the vendettas ot Poetmaeter D,oksou, of Seaforth, on Saturday morning last, wben Miee Ida, the eldest daughter of Samuel and Mrs. Dickson, wae united in marriage to Orville Jones, of Sae Foul aiaoo, 041. The Rev. F, H, Larkin offioh.ted, the ceremony being witnessed by only the relatives and iminediate friends of the oontractmg parties. Belem rxa.ve. Jae. and Mrs• Niuhol left for Loa Angeles, Oaliforoha last week. OMT,—Another of the early settlers of the towuehip has gone to his long home, Henry Weghbman, who for the poet 37 years has been a respected resident of the locality, He had reached a ripe, old age, and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew him. Fur the past few years he hat been titillated, and on Monday of last week passed away, aged 85 yeare. He wae a member of the Methodist ohnrah. Mre. Wightmen ear rives him. There were twelve children, John, in the West, James, at the Soo, Riuherd, in Maohigen, Jaokeon, Charles and Robert, of Wawauo-h, George, of Windsor, Mrs, Black, of Wawadosh, Belle, of Menimba, Hattie, ab home, end two are dead, The funeral on Thursday to Westfield cemetery wee largely at. tended. Dzui.—There passed away on Friday morutng, Jan. 30th, at hie reeideuue en non. 7, Jam. a Scott, at the age of 76 years. Up to a couple of weeks he bad ben enjoying moderately good health, when he was striulten down with partial paralysie, which resulted an death. He was a native of Scotland, being a shop. herd in his early days, but since coming to this country, about 25 years ago, bee resided on the farm where he died. He leaves a widow to mourn the lose of a kind husband (Mie beiug nearly blind,) and four eons and one dangbter—Will., of Moutana, John, of British Oolnmbia, Bandy, of the towuehip of East Wawa noeh, Robert, of Bootlind, and Bella at home, Thelunerel to Westfield °amatory was largely attended, service being ,on ducted by Rev. J. J. Hattie, of Belgrave. The bereaved family have the eympathy of the community. Jttinereto'ivxt. It is reported that Jae. Lynn bat per. abased a farm in the vicinity of Ford with. He Bold hie farm near here, Wm. Mines, Int con„ has soil his 100 sore farm to Mr. Balfour, of Turnberry. Mr. Mines will remove from the vicinity. W. and Mre. Cameron, of Cypress River, Mem„ visited with old acgaaiutao oat on the Lit and and cous. Mrs. Cameron, is a daughter of the late Atex Ross, of Gorrie, formerly of this town. ship. The attendances at the weekly prayer meeting keeps up splendidly, Oftentimes well toward a hundred are to be found in 'Victoria Ball ou a Friday eveuing. Grant oredit is due Thos, Sbraohan for the intereat.he takes in the leaderehip of these.servioes. It in said that Time, and Dougal Simp- son, sone of Andrew Simpsou, an old and worthy resident, of this tonality, will go into ranching near Oalpery, N. W. T., where they have purchased a amnion of land. The former will leave before long for the West, His auction sale of farm stook, implemente, deo , will take plane next Wedueeday aftaruoon• Mrs, Simp eon will probably epand the Summer here with relatives and friends until her hue baud gets everything ready in the way of a home. MATRIMONIAL —A happy event took pb,oe et the reeideuse of George Pennock, latrine, on Wednesday, February 4th, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1903 ammo W. H. KERR, Prop. when his third daughter, Mien Elie% Jane, Wad united in matrimony to John Fall, 2.d of Morris. Tits presence were cootie and numerous, showing the eeteem for the bride. dhowere of rise, old atippere and aougratnletfone were showered alter the happy uonple when they boarded the afternoon train to epand their honey moon in Southern pointe. They will return end a.'ttle down to the realities of life o't the groom's farm with the good wishes of many, el. Already plane are on foot for next season's cheese (notary work. The auction sale et Robert McDonald win be held ou Tuesday atternoou of next week, Misese Mildred Scott and Maud Querio, of Brunets, were visaing Ethel lriende last week. Rev. T. W. Omens, of Prusels, will preaoh in the Methodiet ohuroh next Sabbath evening. Rev. 11, Hobbs, of Wingham, was a guest et the Methodist Parsonage on Thureday of hist week, Grey township Commit and Court of Revision on the Bolton Drain Bylaw will be held here on Wednesday, Marob 4th. Several from this locality attended the funeral of the late Aokhuret Taylor, at Brussels, on Saburilay afternoon. He died early Friday morning. The Council did a wigs thing in putting up the raised Beate in the Township Hall and the addition will be appreoiated by those who undertake entertainments, We omitted to mention last weekthat the eabolare and teaobers of the Presby teriaa Sabbath eohool enjoyed a elei: h ride to Bruseete on the Saturday previous and bad a Bret elms time. F. Piercy, oolporteur for the Upper Canada Tract Bonnett', has left Ethel for Oraabrook and locality. We regret his departure et he is an earnest Christian worker. He was very entbuei,etio over the Endeavor movement in the Pretrb- tarian ohuroh h..re and greatly assisted the Bervfoee on Babb,bh evenings. His Ethel friends wish him mama wherever he goes as' a herald of the "Good Tidings." Morrie larval and wife will remove from Ethel to Northern Ontario where their son, Alfred, lives. They are selling their property here to Township Clerk MuIntueb, Mr. and Mre. Fogel are old and well known residents who will carry away with them many good wiepes. We will be sorry to ase the old couple move away but auppoaathey are doing the wisest thing. BYttremnx.—Mrs. Flansuld and family DEAR FaIENns.—Whereas Grid, the Supreme Ruler of all, iu hie Iafiuite Wig dem See seen fit to take from you a loving husband acid father, we, the Odious and members of Court Ebel, No. 261, 0. 0 F., deeire to extend to you our Edmoregod heartfelt eympathy iu your sore bereavement. 'We pray that God's bless ing may fl ,w richly upon you and that we may all look forward to a glorious reunion in the High Court above. Sega ed on behalf of the Court in L. B. & 0. EOM MODONALD, 0. 11 - Geo. M. MITONIDLL, R. B• Ethel', Feb. 120b, 1903, G. B. Sooiexs.—A Ohrietiau Endeavor Society was organized here in connection with the Preabyterien ohuroh with 18 Dative and 24 associate members. The following affluent were appointed a—Hoo. President, Rev, D B. McRae ; President, R. Barr 1 Vice Preeidenb, Mies Aline Davies ; R-o.•Secretary, Mies Nellie Laird ; Cor.•Seoretary Mies Selina Weleb ; Treasurer, B. S. Campbell. Committees were appointed as follows :— Prayer Meeting—S Campbell and Missee Laird, Dunbar, Lamont end Weleb ; Lookout Committee -0. Devise and Miesee Daviee, Ransom, Welsh and Campbell ; Social Committee—Messrs. Barr, Lamont and Misses McDonald, Davies and Adams •, Organist, Mies Barr and aesistent Wee Imlay. BIIOOEest'oL Conosnx. —Anything the Sone of Temperance Lodge here under take uenelly goes with a encoesefai swing and this wee well borne out in the con Dart given in the Township Hall, under their auapiaes, last Friday evening, The Hall was web filled, the reserved plan well looked after and the program carried through without a hitch of any kind. Tasty decorations hi the way of Bags, bunting,house plants, pictures, &a., adornethe stage, the audience wee a good humored one, good otdet was a 0 0 0 n O ,0 New Spring Goods for all Departments Now Constantly Arriving. • • • • • •s e ets We have just passed into stock some very special values in New Carpets for the coming season. Why not make your choice now We can supply you with yard wide Unions in New and Pretty Designs at 25e, 40e and 50e, and All Wool at 75e and $1.00 In Tapestry Carpet we can showou a good range of lovely Patterns and Special 'Values at 60e, 65e and 8c. And should you wish somethingbetter still we will be pleased to supply you with a Brussels , pp y seals or Velvet at the Lowest Prions, AlFloor ;iso Linoleunls end rlr7oi Oils. All Orders promptly and earefully attended toe r 'Maroh Standard Faebion Sheets and ?atternejust reoelved, New ideas alwaya waiting far yott in our PatlornDepartment, ST RAC'H N. maintained and many enema given. Iamb person taking part acquitted them• eelves in good etyle thereby adding much to the pleasure of those in atteodanoe. The program was ae follows eeleo)iue, Mr. Garrett, of Gorrie ; chair• man's remarks by W. H. Herr ; humorous song "Hefts very ill indeed," Mr. Garrett; piano solo, Mies T. Welsh ; aolo, Mite Maggie Taylor, Jamestown ; song, Alex Lamont ; iitetrumeatal duet, violin and piano, D. and Mies Taylor ; comic song "Right before the Misses too," Mr, Gar. ret) ; solo, Mies Mason ; song, Chas, Davies ; ineb,umentai duet, Meseta, Tay. for and Garrott ; solo, H. V. Avison, Braseele; =sleet dialogue, Mies Speuoe and 0. Davies; recitation, Wee Cole; gong "I'd like to ask," Mx. Garrett ; eolo, Mies Taylor ; eels, Wee Spence ; song ie cher/weer, "Dill Bailey will you soon come home," O. Devlin ; °om'c tong, "I'tu one of the Commissioners," Mr, Garrett ; inetrumental, Mr. and Mise 'Taylor ; solo, Mn. Avieon ; eoug "Shut et," Mn. Garrett ; dust, by regoeet, "Tice Groohet bewbee," Mr. and Mlea Taylor Met' umental, Mr, and bliss Taylor cud Mr, Gar'lett ; Tee National Anthem. The aeoompantete were Misses Slemmou, MuLauublia, Daviee and Sperms), and Mr. Garret. At 15 and 26 mot admiesi ,n fee bhe proceeds totalled the very eatiefaot ory figure of $42 00. A portion of tbie amount will be Bent to the Hospital for Sink Children, Toronto. R. MoRay re. corned Menke, in behalf of the Temper. anoe Society for the generous eupport, before the concert was oonolnded. The Ethel Temperance Lodge has been in existence for over 80 years and bas a record worthy of appreciation. The young people are to be commended for the way they have stood by it and their influence is a great deal broader than some of them think. Friday evening's courted and the benevolent distribution of at ledst a portion of the proceeds will do good. Molar rtworalt . Parties are raging in oar neighborhood. Geo. Brown went to Orangeville to buy horeee lash weak. Miss Nettie Terry, of Monktou, is visiting lriende iu the village. ' Wm. Murray is visiting his father and mo'ber in Pinkerton tbie week. Rev. Mr. Hunter was unable to take bis work hereon Sunday owing to ilinese. Rev. D. Rogers, of Fordwioh, will preaoh in the Methodist church here on Sunday next. Ford and Miee Alma Cooper and Mies Musgrove, ot the second, spent Sunday at Molesworth. The Epworth League of this place intends to visit the Mayne League on Wednesday evening. Wm. Anetio, while working on Mo. Allister's pond taking out lee, crushed his toe and made him lame. John Patterson had the misfortune to out a gash in his foot with an axe that will lay bim up for a few days. VP 1'OXce ter. • Mite Roes, of Brussels, is the guest of of Mee M. Miller. Mre. Quick, of Aeeinaboia, ie visiting Mies 0. E, Lawrie. H. Beeson, of Toronto, is a guest at Outman Farm this week. Frank Mitchell has putchaeed the San demon property on Mill et. Mies Ruby Duff, of Blaevale, is the gueet of Mise J. Robertson. Rev. J. Argo, of Dutra, occupied the pulpit iu the Preebyterian ohuroh on San• day. The Misses Hastings, of Hawick, visit ed their sister, Mrs. R. J. Bann, over Sunday. W, Trench, of Turoberry, has rented the mance, for a abort period and it moving his household effects ie this week. The annual Howiok Sunday Reboot Convention will be held in the Presbyter. fan thumb: Gorrie, on Tbnrsday, Feb. 20th. J, E. Blnoll is in Gorrie thio week taking stook for T. D. Diger, who hae told his hardware baeioees to Geo. Den• stead. A number of the young people of the village attended the party at the house of Alex. MoKerober, Howiok, on Tuesday evening. . The following enders represented Wroxeter at the Boasplel in Wareham on Wednesday. Barrier rink,—Geo Town, Geo. Paulin, A. Paulin end R. Blank, skip, Junior Rink.—Gordon Rae, C. Raise, Geo. Kaska and Art, Rob. lneon,skip. 4i r rts•. Township Council on March 4. Donald Richardson wee visiting at hie brother Nen last week, Mre. Jae. Danford and obildren, ot Clinton, were visiting relatives while en route to Listowel, their new home, We wish them enemas Bite. P. Blake's funeral took plane to Seaforth on Sunday morning instead of Saturday as announced last week, owing to a necessary change in arrangements. ementg. Oar land is firmly held in "Winbor'e grip" these days. Some of the conose. alone are badly blocked. The thermom star in tome oases registered 15 0 below zero. e. James Turnbull, wile and family, accompanied by George and Mee. Mo• Famous and family, attended the wed• ing of their °oueiu, Will, Turnbull, near Lletowel last week. Thomas Straahan, jr., intends taking possession of hie new farm, on the 6th arm, in the Spring. Tom sbould re. member that "Oaoe to every man and Natiea Domes the moment to decade." Rev. T. Wesley Cosene, of Brussels, will preaoh the garment Missionary An nivereary sermons at Roe's neat Sabbath morning and "Uni',n" in the afternoon. In the evening he will present the claims of the Superannuation feud at Ethel, OM om THANES.—The nndersigned desire to express their warmest thanks for the ltindnees and sympathy given and expressed during the illness end eulrsegdant decease of Mos P. Blake 1,y neiuhbors and lriende and people of animal,and hope they may he richly rewarde. P. BLexra ANO Fettir,Y. Nest Wednesday afternoon le the data of the anotion sale of Thee, Simpson's farm stook, implements, do. He intends going West, Mr. Simpson's lot 18, 8rd eon. P.13, Scott will be the aaationeer. Mies Elle Turnbull has gone to Wol. Rely, N. W. T., where abs hail taken a situation as eohool teacher at a salary of $48 00 per mouth, Mita Turnbull le e daughter of Andrew Turnbull, 1601 eon„ and is a One teacher, Her lash eohool bete wee at Drat too. Mrs. A. L. Hanson and daughter Gertrude, of Mioneapolle, Min. ; Mre A. J, Doyle and son Clarence, of St. Paul, Min., and Mre. Patrick Kelly, of Seaforth, were here to attend the funeral of the late Mre, Patrick Blake last San - day. The ladies are daugbters of the deceased. The tnneraleervioe wee taken by Rev. Fr, Comeau Sunday afternoon and High Mase Monday morning. Mre. Hanson 053 Mre. Doyle will likely re. main for n week or CO. The Prince Albert Advocate of Jan. 19, makes mention of a son of Hector Yl,Quarrie, 411 con„ as follows:—The Young Liberal Club will open their par. liamentary enssbon tomorrow evening. - T, 0. Davis, M. P., Sae been elected speaker ; Percy McLellan, member for Sbellbrcok, as' deputy speaker. The esbinet eomprieea J. D McLeod, as Premier ; Chem Truecott, as Minister of Interior ; A. E. Matheson, Public Works, Dr. Tyermen, Railways. Mr, McQuarrie, member for Colleeton, will move the address, and the moor der, Percy Gal. mor, member for Goseheu. The debate will be interesting to all. Iilisevet lc . An epidemic of measles is prevailing in the village. Mre McAllister, who is residing with her daagbtrr, Mre. Jame Messer, of Morrisbank, ie very ill at preeeut. Mra. Stirlins, of Mauoheater, Mre. Mo. Gee, of Owen Sound, and Mrs. J. Geddes, of ielgrave, were gusto of Mre. J. John- ston over Sunday. 03 035 is 5', 1, I. Knox ohuroh Endeavor le talking of holding a mobilo aotertainmentshortly. It was Will, not Harvey floater whose hand was damaged at the Oober factory, Brussels, as reported last week. An organ bee been planed in the public eohool and ie utilized in the opening and closing exernieee and for Friday afternoon program wben given. Next Sabbath afternoon hay. 0. P. Wella, of Ethel, will ocoupy the pulpit of the Methodist church in Oranbrook. He will preaoh in the iutereete of the Mission- ary Emergency Fund. 108OrEJN. Quite a number are laid up with la grippe. Township Oounoil manatee on page.4 of this Matte. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Wm. Taylor, 9 b line, of pneumonia, but we hope he will soon be all right once mare. Wm. Wilson's anotion sale will be bald Friday afternoon of this week, 5th line. He la selliug everything so as to move to the West. Jno. Duncan, of Gaelpb, was home for a day or two, He has a warm spot in his heart for this locality and Brussels is not left out in his kindly regard. A former Morrisite writing from Determine, Manitoba, says "Eualoaed find 91 00 in payment of THE POST. It is like a letter from borne and we oan't do without it". The Sabbath school at Jackson's ohuroh has 'Memo Wm. Skelton as Superintend. eat 10 serve -cion to Wm. Jackson, removed. A choir has been f organized to teke oherge of the congregational. singing. Wedneeday Kenneth MnKenzie, who bee been home on a boliday visit, left for Portage la -Prairie, Man., where be boldo a lucrative position. He was to call on fri,nde at Minneapolis, on his Way Weebward. Herbert Wheeler, of Escanaba, Mich„ who was home tor an enjoyable visit of six weeks, baa returned to Uccle Sam's, land visiting friends at London, Saginaw, and Vanderbilt before settling down to work. We wish him continued proeper- ity. Pnotlomrxo.—The Alameda (N. W. T.) Dispatch, of Feb. 6th, nye of a sou of Riobard Bewley, Morris t—F, 0. White look, late manager of A. R. Hopper's Nanking bueinest, lett for Winnipeg on Saturday Lat. Hie position will be filled by G. J. Bewley. The salary to start with is 9725 00." The many friends of G. J., will be well pleased with the above note and will wieh him further promotion in the near future, Not long ago a young man was calling an a not very dietant neigbbor on a very foggy day. Shying "Good Bye" to hie Friend he started off for bis home and after trudging for some time saw the outline of a barn through the mist, imagine bis surprise when he found him. self almost bank to ibe said neighbors, He took the lane fence a as bisR i u de at this junotgre and arrived safely at kis own dominos in due time. MATatoroNIAL.—Wednesday evening of this week, Rev. John Rose, B. A., of Brussels, tied the matrimonial bow be. tween Walter Sharp, of Goderioh, former- ly of this ooMmunity, and Mies Mary a. Shuttle, e) the home of the bride, 4th line. The principals Were nbattended. Wedding gifts of considerable value and utefulnese were Made end many good wishes were expressed for a happy future, An enjoyable evening was spent and an elaborate wedding supper served. Mr, and Mre. Sharp will matte their borne at Goderioh where the groom is employed in the furniture factory. That their joys may be many and their broubiee few is the wish of a wide cirole 0f friends, THE POST inoluded. Tna LATE Iseeo STanns:—A letter troth R. J. MoMeoney, of New Westminater, B. C" to his aunt, Mrs, Joseph Stubbs, 4th line, glvee some additional partieulere of the Rinses and demise of the late Isaac Stubbs. "Re died on Feb. 5th, at 6 p. m., in the Columbian Hospital, from typhoid fever. Everything posefble wae done for the patient fn the way of doctor, indeed Harte, &o, Dnisaeed took ill 3 t week previously while working on a dredge at Ladder's Landing, 10 miles from New Westminster, In visiting bim although vary in, he was quite ebeertal and asked that no word ot bis illness be sent home as be hoped to be able to write In a little white himself, Isaac wart do. ing well up to three days before his death wben a bud tura oama and he was not able to rally. The Dr. said the nurse told bim that demented was a good patieut and did not coffer at the teat and ja,t slept pesoetully away. There wae no time for any of us to get there before he died. I went tbia afternoon (Feb. 5th) and taw the remains and be looked very peeve/el. Mother is obeying with net,r Etta (Mre. Thotnpeun,) she takes Iseso'a death vary hard as eke knows how you will mise bim," A large congregation as trembled at Benshine ohorab Inst Sabbath afternoon when a memorial service for the late Mr. Stubbs was held. Rev. Mr. Brown, the pastor, preaobed a very snit able die000rse, speaking oomfortiug words to the relatives present. Mr. Smiths was a member of the Sabbath school at Sun- shine and enjoyed the esteem of many who will regret bis early denotes. His age was 27 paten. He bad been a year away from home and wae intending to some b,ok to Manitoba tbie Spring where he bad taken up land. Interesting Letter From Mr, Ronald. SIICAR IDEETS, CRAIN, COAL, otic, To the Editor of THE Poem Dna BIa,—Ir, a late "Pon" I saw that Mr. Leckie bad gone on a tour of inspea• tion to some of the lately iusballed Beet Sugar Factories, no doubt with a view of inaugurating snob a modern, useful lona tution in Brussels. I was pleased to see myself, ab the last Toronto exhibition, some aix or eight sample lots tram Ont aria and the Brussels lot appeared to be the second beet there and then I felt a good thing wae in store for our Bruseele farmers. Michigan has 16 Oratories in operation with daily capacity 0,600 ton. °Dating $5 00 per ton paid to farmers for beets, California more, Colorado lees. These are the three leading beet etatee. So expert are tiny in making the anger that in a short time they claim Detroit will be selling roger at 2 riots a pound, besides the large income it furnishes .the farmers. It will also be a boon to all anger aoosamere. Following are some auger beet partio Mars regarding the state of Michigan that may be of interest:—The following factories are sow in operation in Michigan their respective locations and capacities being as' follows :— Tone daily Factories and location. Capacity Waltham Sugar Co., Bay Oity 600 Bey City Sugar Go., Bey City 600 West Bay City Sugar Oa., West Bay City 600 German•Amerioau Co„ Saizburg400 Saginaw Sugar Go., Saginaw 600 Alma Sugar Co., A'me 600 Lansing Sager Go., Lansing 600 Peninsular Boger Refining Go., Oaro 600 Detroit Sugar Go., Roebeeter 500 Marine City Sugar Om, Marine City 850 Holland Sugar Co., Holland.. 850 Wolverine Sugar Co., Benton Harbor 500 Kalamazoo Sugar Go., Salamazoo,. 500 Tone daily capacity 6 600 The factories represent a total invest- ment of $7,700,000. Daring the year just ended there were 66,400 acres of beets hsrvesbed and 16,848 coutraetore and !militias were on the lisle of the taotoriee. The average number of sores for each family was 3 9 and the average percentage of auger 141. A total of 98,106,520 was paid by the taotoriee for the beets at an average value per ton of 95 20 The following companies have been organized and have factorise in prooeesof nonstruabion for the campaign of 1902.08 t Faotoriee and location. Tone Sebewaing Sugar Go., Sebewaing•. 600 Valley Sugar Co., Saginaw 000 Cromwell SngarGo.,Orosawell 600 Macomb Sugar Go , Mt, Clemens,600 Added daily capacity for next season 2,400 Oootraote with farmers for the growing • of beets for the campaign beginning Oslo. bee 1908, have already been made by all the (eateries at the old prioe of 94.60 per ton. Tho more one seat of thio country in its great diversity of produatiou, its wealth-enotmously looms to the front. New York papers claim it controls half of the Booking capital ot the civilized world ; has now five bundred millions of gold in Treasury, and a quarter of thee amount in unooined gold bullion •; one hundred and seventy millions in bard oath hes just been paid out in New York Jan. Ise as the last six months dividend earnings of leading financial institutions. With all this wonderful prosperity states- men disoorentiug the future fear that the extraordinary coat of labor over and above European labor may ultimately exclude theta from competing iu foreign markets; on the other hand their great extent, and full ooutrol of their own immelhee markets, enables them to syabsmitise laboran epeolfio linea, millions of one article iu eaoh factory, with high paid, intelligent workmen, quick and energetic, each probab y gnadenpling in quantity and in many inetanoee at one. tenth the cost of many European arti°lee will be eure to hold their own, and tom mend a large aline of the markets of the world. Chicago is reported to have reoefved the past year 87 million bnebele of wheat, 47 millions of Dorn ; 40% lege than termer years but Winnipeg will ontetrip 'hie is wheat next year if she hae not quite, the pant year. Ohidago is fast toeing its supremacy as a shipping oentre on element of ice shallow water. The street railway tunnels under ice rivet preventing its being 'deepened ntitii Ry. charters expire neat year, then a crusade will demand 26 to 80 feet of water, only 19 at preeeut, which can't a000mmsdate the 5,000 ton steamers, 600 feet long gat- ing to numerous ; two snob big ships are now being built at Wyandotte, 10 miles below Detroit, for the Chicago, Duluth to Qaebee line. The newspapers often re- marking of the newly acquired boom and proeperlty in Canada, her great resogroee in mineral wealth just developing, and look appalled at the large emigration from the United Btatee to the prodnotive Cauadtan Northwest grain laude ; in a reuesbel1 Wby 7 Because (Moeda mime 25 to 40 bosbele where the U. B. stand. ands are eeldum over 15 batbels to the aore. Apropoe Canadian leaning, a Detroit miuteter thought he would get a joke on "Yount truly,' he said a Cana lien preacher in a country district, all farmers, had bard work to keep them awake, no doubt the sermons were dry, in the middle of bis discourse he boldly thundered oat "I say my friends wheat has jinn gone up 5 orate a buebel in favorite" this soon brought maay almost up standing wondering where he had got snoh good news ; result no more altering that day. The coal question is the skeleton in the cupboard here at present even in the street fare you will bear one lady ask another "have you got a supply and how do yen menage with that smoky, dirty scoff 1" The gist of this whole question is chat with honest men little inoonveoi. enoe would have been felt other than wait and be eatiefled with small quantities at e time, but instead of this the dealers combined and conspired to "bold up" consumers' foreleg them to ase only Bolt foal upon which they cooed make 98 to 94 a ton profit, instead ot only $1 a ton on hard coal Almost all the dealers in Chicago are now being prosecuted for violating the law which tea criminal of- fence to conspire to boost up the place, preventing oompetition in the usual channels of trade. Gold, selfishness, extreme greed, to take undue advantage of one's neighbor is the canker worm of this country, actually reckoned clever by BOO many ; these wreaked Egypt, Greece and Rome, it is to be hoped the grand old "Golden Bole" will yet root out this moral depravity. Bt. Louis bas just ooudemaed and sent to prison for 3 years, almost all her law makers for bribery and corruption tbrough the efforte and exposure of one young man a amoral Samson". We had almost exclaimed "there wae not a man to till the ground" but are consoled by the good thought that '-There's corn in Egypt yet," Men like John Mitchell, the miners representative, it a oredit to this oouotry, well described as a peacemaker, a champion of the poor roan's rights, a Napoleon in °good cause. Iu a lesser measure the old Bootobinan in being twitted, jokingly if he ever gave only 14 nonose to each pound of tea or sugar, replied indignantly "As aura as God Almighty himself Bite on the counter watching me I never tail to give the lull 16 canoes." Old Scotland is full of snob men, the "Big Book" epeaka of "the remnants" and "those who have never bowed the knee to Baal," of Boob is the aalt of the earth. Detroit baa about two ionise only of anew with mild weather, very little below freezing point. The population is 800,- 000. It ie a beautiful, clean city, very quick street oar servioe and claimed to be she healthiest in the Union, mainly aansed by ate grand river, a mile broad, 5 ho 6 miles an hour current, furnishing pore water end perteet drainage, .Very reepeetlolly, yours, JNo, D. Roaean. Detroit, Mioh„ Jan. 24, 1908. Clinton's Private Hospital. To the Editor of THE Poem DEAR BIn,—I noticed a letter in THE Peer a short time ago, over the signature of Dr. MoNanghtoo, giving a somewhat rosy colored artiole anent the private Hoepital in Clinton. Although the Doo tore story is apt to oreate exaggerated impreseions I only wish, as a ratepayer, t000uflne myself to one feature contain- ed in bis letter, viz , The advocacy of a County grant for the maintenauoe of this private Meditation. What bas the hospital done to justify such an expendi- ture of publio mosey 1 It is entirely a private enterprise, originated solely and eonduoted exclusively for the financial benefit of Dr. Genn. Just beoaase large oitiee and towns partially support Inept. tale is no reason why the Go. of Huron should eupport tbie one. If the propria. tor would set apart two or three rooms out of the twenty mentioned for the benefit of the poor and give surgical and mediae' treatment with board for the nominal enm of $2 50 per week, (aa is done in city hoepibale) then I could see some argument in favor of a grant, but instead of that, the chargee, according to report, even exceed that of the private wards of the oily hospital. Should Mr. McLean, of the Seaforth Expositor, who also advocates a County grant, choose to bequeath a legacy no one, outside hie relationehip, would for a moment object. Or if some grateful patient, who bad no relatives, should leave to the hospital all he bad, so long as no undue influence was exerted, the poblio would have no cause for complaint, but to nae publio money for that purpose would be eminently absurd. Jest as reasonable would it be to give a Moniolpal bounty to any groom, hntoher or baker, Who obooaee to estab. lieb a business to promote bis own per sona! interests. Dr. Gann evidently possesses an exaggerated idea as to the importenoe of hoot tai, as be hats al. ready asked and received from the Dominion Government the large build ing that stood upon the site of the new Poet offs at Clinton, and not a etiolt of which wae need for any public purpose. He has also attempted to obtain other privileges and perquieitee on the strength of it. So it it quite within probability, tbat he, or someone for him, may apply for a Oonnty grant. Private hospitals ere of 50 advantage to tbeprofeenion, and to those who will look on all sides of the question not an unmixed, good, oven to the publio. Should each au application be made, I trust that you as Warden, will see that the Council will reject am piratically any snob proposal and that will be, aoeording to that Hilton New.Dira, "Ksrt.eot," Iteepeottuilt' youre, RATEBATEIL EDITORIAL NOTI1S, 912,900 as en annual eubeidy bee been voted by the Jamaica Legielatdre to setablieb, as their share, s lige of steam- ehipe between Canada and that islauo. Canadian trade and markets are fought atter to•devy et never before and the department of Trade and Commerce u, tine Dominion has its work out out eh right and a big lot of it too if they earn fully attend to all they ehoold in this our growing time. Menu 10th le set as the date fur opeuing the Provinoial Legislature in thin Frovinoe. It is hardly likely Bir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant Governor, will be abbe to attend owing to illneee. He took a weak spell in Government House the other day and struts bis head in. fallieg. Sir Oliver is past 82 yeare of age so failing powers will not be an occasion for wonderment. He has beau a remarkable man and will be greatly missed from the arena of action. • TttaaE 18 no doubt bat that an eatena sive addition will have to be built to the County House of Refuge, at Otinton, in the near future. In constructing the present building the a000mmodation was fleeced for 75 Lunettes as the outside limit and this was thought to be amply sufficient es only about 40 inmates oama in at the opening but to -day there are some 82 on the regitber, with the prob. abilities of further aooeseions in a short time. So crowded is the house that bede have beenplaced in the basement to make the necessary provision, Possibly the greatest need iu addition to bed rooms is a properly arranged 100911al department where diseased patients could be treated with greater oonvenienoe and comfort and at the same time make it poteible to arrange for the isolation of Persons with infeotiooa diseases. At the present time there is the second case of erysipelas in the House with the danger of 11 spreading. A man wae sent to this institution from a neighboring towuehip bat on it being diteovered that he wae ailing with erysipelas be was not pet. mitred to remain. Shortly after a Para. Martin took emir with the same disease and died. Dr. Shaw, the physician in charge, ordered her clothing to be burned bat a shawl belonging to her was taken and worn by another inmate and now Me is a victim to the very disagreeable and dangerous ailment. Ia a palate Meditation of this kind arraugemenie should be made to obviate such casae at Me one oited and no doubt the County Council will take some ancien shortly. We ban prided ourselves on the oepabte and eoonomioel management of the Huron Rooee of Refuge but the neoeseary room would add very greatly to the easier oaring for of this large family, many of whom are aged and infirm or wanting in intelligence. An outbreak of some oontageoue disease might prove e very costly item to the Co. as it would be quite impoes.ble in the overorowded condition of the building to give the attention neoeesary to the patients. No doubt the House of Refuge Committee will report on this subject and iu this way the Commit will be brought into tonoh with the necessities of bhe case, although the members of that body are probably cognizant of the situation but have hesitated about going to the expense that would be necessary to prop- erly adjaet and improve existing condi- tions. The most farseeing County Oonnoillor of the 52 members under the old Aot, never loreoaated that anything likes 80 people would be inmates of the Homo ot Refuge as it was expected that many of the old folk would have dropped off;;,iokly but the reoords prove to the ntrary, henna the load and oft repeated alts for enlarged premises. William Geddes was elected Mayor of Btratbroy by seven majority. Dr. 0. R. Mattoon, burgeon -Lieutenant. Colonel, and ex -Mayor of aleafotd, is dead. Fire destroyed Banfield'e carpet ware. house at Winnipeg, causing a toes of over $100,000. A Are at Qnebeo did damage estimated at 990,000. 'Three firemen were bort by a falling wall. The sureties of Treasurer Shambleaa, f Rent County, have esttled for 98,000, ltd klhembnean has been eat at liberty, The Ooroner'e jury at 001110gwood gaud Olark culpably negligent in plating: menu within Me infant daugbcer'a snoh. Clark was discharged. Hon, F. R. Latchford Win leave toward be end of the mouth or first of Match or a trip over the portion of the Teale. riming & Northern Ontario Railway, 5w under commotion from North Bay, ehopee to complete the inepeotion be - ore the Roams Wag. MasLareu Brotkers, limited, le the sane of a company incorporated to menu. a0taro, produce, purobase, sell and deal n butter, °been°, eggs, mutt, vogctablee, sultry and other farm and dairy pro- unto, The headguartere of the nom. any is the torso of Ingersoll, and the apical 9160,000. O. M. Budedn, 0. W. itobeh and W. R. 'Pride are the pro. isioutl threaten. A, R. MaeLaren, M. „ is a member of the company, 0 a p k H n d 9 M v P