HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-12, Page 50
FEB. 12, 1008
IAA mint, 10.o, SCOTT, Brnaisale,
Tei of Miming° Licenses,
wm-roN, ONT.
for 801110 01 the host and aafeat 001110,111110
In Canada for Fire, Accident and Plate
(Naafi. 011100 over I. 0, Itlehartl'a atom,
11 remote, Who
-THAOliklit OP-
E Estelle Griffin
TEAC11131t 1'01(% 111011,1111[11
Pupil of Mies Eva N. Itoblyn, of London,
Puglia prepared for flouserv.ttory axams.
1.-e'Nk 111 vtai 1 Bruseels every Tuesday.
Lunette given at the home of W. 11. Kerr,
Mho street,
J. LEtKlE,
MONEY 'PG LOAN AT Lb 5 Per fleet.
°Moe over litirelev's Drug Store,
Nov. Srd, 1002. 30.221 1301108ela,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Juneau° CO.,
nereAoranno 1840
Insurance taken on the nosh and premium
note ayatem at current ratea. 10,10,8 team-
ing elsewhere cell on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
0 Ban, will sell for better prices, to
better mon, in less time and 1000 obargea
then any other Auctioneer h Raab Heron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and tmlers
can elways be arranged at thio °Sloe or by
personal applioation.
The nnclorsigned, who le well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
and who LUIS had Mildness with a large cir-
cle of 'arrears in and around this locality,
bogs to inform the community that be hag
taken out an Auctioneer's License for the
County of Huron o,,1 Ceara 10004000 10
all purpoaing to hold slime.
• Boner Of edema of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all (Da-
me= of domesticated achnnis in a compet-
ent manner, Partiaular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Cells promptly at-
tended to. Ofiloc and fairway -Pour doors
North of bridge, Turnherry at., Brussela.
c Barrister, Solloitor, nOneveyabeet,
Notary Public, Um. Othee-Stowartki Blook
1. door North of Central Rotel.
Solioitor for the Standard Bank.
Solieitor, Othee over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels,
Money to Loan at torpid rates.
BEM, 5T, gala, a1litreMet8.
BE C., C. DI.,
Trinity Univoraity, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physielana and
Surgeons, Ont. Lit:mullet° of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery ,Edinburgh. fa -Telephone No.la,
Residence -Mill street, Brnasels.
Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental
Surname of Ontario and Ghat class Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Odloe
next to Brewer% Photograph Gallery,
(1,0t -da
Is the place to get value for your money,
oncius Jan, stii, 3000. Two tsourses-001n-
menial and hhortloand, Send for College
Preeideut, Seeretary,
British Coittnibia
fled Cedar Shingles
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing
Alto Deore and Snob ofall Pat
Canff CM hand or Made to Order
at 1.113ort NOtioe,
Ifietirneetes Furnished for all
kinds of Baildinge. Workman
ehip and Material Clnaranteed.
.8, open to Mese »he can nil *berm
v Properly prepares atudoutp for good
ji »working. trIntlerilite 1110 WU, In
to Book-lteoplug, fillOrth%Ald, P011111411.
4111V , RM., 18 441880 to them 10.10 0110-
. 110b =Laud our nohool. Title College le
will lumen from one end of Canute to
to other /Utter etrictly erst-claue work.
Catalogue Pm.
W, RL1,10TT, Priuolnal,
gzcal (lattos tons,
True Posm given the nem.
liAsT Iuso,e Fall Fair will he held in
1003 on me regular dates °heaved for
yeere viz the first Thursday and Friday
iu Oct., which this year will be the let
end 2nd. Mark It down,
AmmetB3 AND PagaistiTATION.-I0 refer
ring to Mr. Gilroy, of the Metropolitan
B eek Usti, Brussels, The Star and
✓ edette, of Grand Valley, of laet week
saps :-"Fred. Gilroy, late Mark in Ham
liton & Oo'e hank, left on Tuesday morn.
ing for Bream's, to enter the Metropoli•
tan hank, at willed] place he will ha tenet
and amilitaut manmaut, Mr. Gilroy has
been here for about two years, and has
muds many friends. The automate of
tbe bank always found hire oonneons
and obliging, and at all times he had tits
ernployerai iotereet at heart. He will
poseibly be tniesed most in the Methodist
(Much, where he took an antive part,
and by the ohoir espeolany. Ou There.
day evening the young people of the
Methodist ohoroh presented Mr. Gilroy
with e, bronze bedruom clock and a warm
address. Mr, Gilroy ponsesses a splendid
voloa, and was most liberal in assisting
any publio entertainment, Hie (donde
wiall him mull 6000000 in hie new
position." -The Mount Forest paper, of
whieh town Mr. Gilroy was a, native,
comments 00 the same event aa follows
-'•Fred. H. Gilroy paused through town
Tuesday ou hie way from Grand Valley
to Bruesels, where he takes the position
of telier and head animuntant in the
bransh of the new Metropolitan Bank
jut opened there. Before leaving Grand
Valley Fred, wale presented with a Mock
tiouompanied by the following address
wbioh speaks for Welt :-We, 113e yonng
people 01 the Greed Valley Methodist
church and cougregatiou, have learned
with deep regret of your intended remov
al from onr community. While oon
gumming you upou your prospects of
advancement in your &men oalling, we
feel oonetradned to express the sorrow we
have in 10414 BO efficient a church.
worker, end eo genial and kindly a friend.
We remember with gratitude and pleasure
the Bermes you bave oheerfully given to
the Young Men'e Mass, the Epworth
League, the Sunday School and the aboir,
aud trust that ever amid the pressure of
business duties and came, you will find
time, as WU know you will have oppor.
hunity, to render to the church still
better amain. In token of our friendly
rapids, we ask you to aeoept the acoom-
penying gift, whieh we trust will prove
iu future dare& remembrance of pleaeent
aesooiatione enjoyed among the young
Methodists of Grand Vatley. Signed on
behalf of the young people." In is no
0111E411 compliment to 0 young man to be
kindly remembered as was Mr. Gilroy
and be will no doubt End ample oppor•
Malty of developiug his talents in Brae -
Thursday Jan. 22ed, member of the
pioneers of Elma distriot paeeed away in
the person ot W,Iliouogellington, of
Trowbridge, father to Mre. F. A.OaMs, of
Bruesele. The end in hie ease oame
tuddenly and quite unexpeotedly, for
while his case wets known to be serious it
was not thought that theta was any
immediate danger. He bad gout UM
year with Um, Millington ',hinting hie
children and friends in Manitoba and
while tbere was atteoked with kidney
trouble and woe forotd to hurry home
where the greatest code and most ekillod
attention oould not overcome the disettee,
During the week preceding hie death be
had been feeling exceptionally well. He
8006 out driving on Revered ermasione with
hie somin.law, W. H. Neehist, who is
now on a visit to Ontario, and au a reglt
seemed to be very Intleh *trouser. He
thus urged Mrs. Kelliegton 40 440 to Iris.
towel as he lett that her close oonfinent
to the house on ilia behalf demanded a
brief retpite. Mrs. James MoOme,
who about 11 a,. m, went over to invite
him to dinner found him standing op by
his decals trembling with weakness. She
did all in het power to relieve biro and
after adminetering a little brandy he
seemed to revive but In trying to oroas
the floor suddenly congaed. A. dootot
was then mooing and wee immediately
called in but he wee in a fev momenta
beyond all earthly help and had passed
on iuto the ereat hereafter. The decheita-
ed WlIliam Kellington wits bout in the
township of Albiou, County of Peel, Oat,
1827. In 1385 he married Maria Andrew,
who still survives to mourn his loss.
They want to Wallace) and farmed for 16
years from wbioh man they moved to
Elmo, reaidiug theta until 6 years ago
whoa they moved to Listowel wheu they
went to their preaent residence iis Trow.
bridge, To Mr. and Mrs. Kellington •a
iarge family of seven boys atid four girls
were born. Of these George, William,
jamea and Albert are engaged in venous
pursulte in and about Neepawa, Mao.
John Bollington and Mee. W. H. Nubia,
formerly of Trowbridge, are at Roland,
Mien, Mrs, Wm, Morton, of Tacoma;
Mande, of Ellthen and Ernmereon are
residents of the I.Juited States while ilifre.
Fred. Adams, ot Bruseels, and Rev,
Hebert, of Vargo, are the only members
of the family now residents in Ontario.
The funeral eerviee took plum on Bator.
day the 24th in the Methodist church,
Trowbridge, DAV, Mr. Hunter preaohed a
very appropriate nernaon from Ree. 18 18,
after which all that with mortal woe
to rest in the Fairview Cenletery, Lioto.
wel, Mr. Rellington !sae been naively
associated it the Mobboriiet ohttroh all
hie life and has tilled many responsible
(Jibes. A. mots OE sterling princeples he
wen the refloat of all, Hie °bastion
'.4 8(L1 s ' Old Stand,
life w01118 ever humble and genuine, his ai7tli
faith in (knee was firm and steadfast
Mao the end and all realize that in hie
death they have lost a neighbor, friend j009 U jai J...AS.
7: a s fl 1L3 P 0 8 T
' end brother. We mourn not tie those
without hope, for ao helve., that, when
the shadows of thio life hem been dispirit.
ed by the revealing glee), of the other
world that then the ornel Ideate of sorrow
and of heartbreak slut! have peened away
in the ogre= happinese of a meet re-
union in our Heavenly Bowe,
Reeve Livingelon and Ootinoillor
will repreeent this ineniogall:Y at the
Good Roads meeting to be held at Olinton
in Karol]. 'rimy will fill the bill all
Out of total 04 8188140.01 Tax Polled -
ore Kreuter and Etiehop gathered in
everything excepting 40 oto. owing by a
non resident. That ie a Hood reoord for
a big townehip like Grey.
day evening, Jau. 2013,1upwards of forty
gusts assembled at the reeidenoe of
Marshal and Mee. Harrioou when the
following address woe read by Mille Tilly
MoToggart and the presentation of an
easy chair to Mr. Harrison and China
fruit dishes snd jsrdinere to Dire. Her -
neon by Mies Ellie Mann and Miser Bella
McKay. The addrese was as follows :-
To Mr. and Mrs. Harrison
Doan TicAciten,-We, the teaohere and
echelon of Bethel Sunday Reboot, wleh
to txpress our gratitude to you 140 our
trencher and Iinperintendent for the poet
yeare, and the good work dour by you
both by precept and example, and the
encouramtnent and aid yon have given
ue by your wise neutral and ever.oheering
dieposition, eepeeially knowing the in.
convenienoe 14 10 for you to attend so
regularly and faithfully to act as our
spiritual advieer and performing other
duties. Ae an evidence of the esteem in
which you are held by the membere of
the Bewley School we ask you to accept
this easy oilair, and you, Mrs. Harrison,
them China fruit diehee and jardinere ea
email tokens of the kindly feelings ex.
toting between us. One prayers are tbat
in the Providencia of God you and your
good wife may be spared to eaoh other
for many years to ontne. Signed on be.
half of the Sunday Sohool,
Emus ALM,
'.1.'rrads M OTAGG&IIT.
Mr Harrison, although taken by surprise,
made a very snitable reply, expreseiug
hie and tdre. Harrison's thanks for the
kind words and beautif ul and much
appreciated gifts. A. bo entire' repast
was nerved and a very jolly and pleusaut
evening spent hy
OBIT -The Moon, of Jan. 30, published
at Hannah, North 1),,kota, speaks 08
follows of the demise of Mre. Jobe Bitters,
who was buried at Brunets cemetery on
Mouday of teat week as follows :-lt ie
our painful duty to record the death of
Mrs. John Billets, rotten, of the late John
Sinus, death occurring early Wednesday
morning in this oity. Deceased was in
failing health for Some time, and nothing
that a loving family or kind friende eon'd
do was sufficient to stay the band of death.
At the age of 61 years she bas gone to
reap the reward of 9- loving and devout
Christian mother. Dermased spent the
greater part of her life in Huron comity,
Ontario. Near J3rnesele ehe and her hus-
band suoueded in making a comfortable
home and rearing a family. The ohildreo
one by one came to the West. When an
aceident took away her husband Mrs.
Sitters naturally wished to follow her
eloildren, which ehe did in 1898, Sinoe
that time she has been tenderly oared for
by her devoted family who survive her.
Don't forget that we
keep a choice and well sel-
ected stock of Groceries in-
cluding :-
in addition to the nicest Con-
fectionery to be found any-
0 Y. S. T
by the dish or quantity,
Your orders will receive prompt
attention for anything in
our line.
Try our Tea at 27c. per lb.
The daughters are Mre. Smith, Michigan ;
the Allston' Maggie, Bell and Kate, and
sone lohn, Arrhle, D8,i000 ,llot Stomas;
and Charlie, at Nome. The tuaeral
fondue were aotiduoted by the Rev& Jets,
Amain and Geo. Olare at the family
r.sidenop Wetineeday afternoon. The
cortege proceeded to the depot, In the
ranker of the prolieeeson the mile of the
Moult school marched to the number
of 0,08 hundred to honor the dead and to
pay oe tribute of mg ot, to their bereaved
teaober Miee Bell Bittern, The remains
were conveyed by Min to Brunets, On.
Melo, where they were iuterrod on 'Mon.
day, and where accompanied by the
Mime Kate and Magee and Arohie. The
oommunity are a unit In eyrnpiethy for
the bereaved family In the lose of a
saintly mother.
W. Stuart Lane and Malcolm A. Moo.
Doneld, the Goderioh students at the
Law School, Toronto, took a good stand•
ing at the Cbristmes exaMtnetiOne. Mr.
Lane is ite the second year and Ur. Mao -
Donald in the first.
Sunday school anniversary serviee will
be held to North street Methodist church
on F.), miry 15th Rev. A. B. Going, of
Stretford, will (umpy the pulpit. The
annual entertainment by the Sunday
milord Will probably be given an the
following Friday evetiing.
The Sienal Mt week enys :-The school
house of 41 8, No, 6, Goderieh townahip,
was destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon
last. A. peoular oironmetanoe 10 that a
few weelts before, ou a Saturday after-
noon also, lire was dineovered in the
building 41101 41 woe put out. The Gauge
of the fire on either mouton 1014 myetery,
Tim repeire after the first fire were josh
immolated last week, and the Reboot was
to be opened on Monday of this week,
The 12'h of Jelly will be celebrated in
Blyth this year.
Howard Alexander, son in law of Jae.
Bentley, has Bemired a position as travel-
ler for W. J. Ohepman, glOa8 Mill BNB.
turer, Winehem, and is at present away
on El, trip to the maritime provirmes.
The Standard says :-Many old and
noble lives have paeeed away from this
reunion during the present Winter. Ou
Friday morning last airs. Mary Ann
MisKimminge, mother of Mrs. R. Mo.
Gemming, passed quietly away at the
reeidenoe of her daughter iu the 84th
year of her age. She got up and drawled
herself and died a few minutes afterwards
while sitting in a chair. The maiden
name of deoeased woe Mary Ann Cook
and she was born in Kerley, Armagh
oounty, Ireland, and emigrated to Canada
about 50 years ago, settling io Maintop
township, where elm lived till 1880, when
she moved to Sunshine. Her husband
died in 1883 She was the mother of a
large (amity, the majority of whom pre•
deoeased her. The remaining children
are four sone end one denghter-David,
in Toronto ; Jamee, in Hotted States ;
John, in Morrie ; Isaac, in Vanoouver ;
and Mrs. MoCominins, io Blytb. The
funeral took place on Monday at 12
o'ctook, interment being made in the
Sunshine cemetery. Rev. A. Moline
aonduoted eerviee at the house, and Rov.
John flatmate the service in the Suoehioe
Methodist oherch. She was a member
of the Methodist oharoh end en earnest
Christian woman. To the bereaved
relatives we extend our sympathy.
Hard coal has been reduced to 98,50
ton in town.
Mies Cummings will give an exhibition
of fanoy skating in the Listowel rink on
Thursday evening 19;13 inst.
J. A. Hacking goes on a trip to Sonth•
ern California, where he will join Mre.
Hooking and eon Leeter, who are spend.
ing the Winter at Rialto.
Fred. and Mrs. Zilliax have the eym•
path), of their Mende in their bereave-
ment throuvh the lose of their youngest
eon, Harold Carl, aged 2 years and 8
menthe, whose death took plaoe on Mow
day, 2nd Met,
A. MoDonall received a telegram
announcing the elite arrival of hie sone,
Lloyd and Frank McDonald, at Oakville,
Ualifornia. They took the Southern
route via New Mexico, and had a delight.
ful trip, experienceing a marked change
in climate.
001:INTT L. 0. 14 -The annual meeting
of North Perth ()aunty L. 0. L. was held
in the Orange hall Listowel on Tuesday
of last week, and was well attended by
representatives of subordinate lodges.
The usual business wen Marinated and
officers were elected for the emitting year,
all the old efficiere being red:der:led es
follows : Connty Master'Orniokshanke,
Millbank ; Deputy 00,, Master, S. B.
Rothwell, Britton ; Seu'y, W. Gra.
ham, Atwood ; Co, Treas„ Wm. Welch,
Listowel ; 00. Fitt, Seo'y, W. A. Glenn,
Oartliage ; Co. Director of Ceremoniee,
Joe. Walkr, Wallace ; Co. Lederer, R.
White, Carthage. Palmerston was
chosen se the place for celebrating the
oomiug 12th of July,
V40 t0i0aeooeo.
J. G. Stewart has purchased the mei.
deuce property of Geo. Newton, on Diag-
onal etreet. Mr. Newton's family expect
02011 to remove to Toronto, and Dlr.
Stewart wit then obtain posseision.
Alex. M. Stewart wee able to be brought
from the hospital at London on Jan. 80,
He was one of the peneengers on the ex.
press wrecked at Wanetead. He le still
in a very weak oondition and ie suffering
from oonouesion of the spinal oord, It is
said that it will be some months before
he will be 0131e to 11100100 work at Chicago.
Wingham Curling Club will bold its
first anneal Bougie], oommenoing Wed-
nesday, Feb. 10111, at 9 a. in. Forty
olube are expected to oompete. The
prizee are ;-1.04, four gold medal* value
850 ; 2nd, four medals, value 416 ; 8rd,
lour diver medals, value 910. Console.
tion :-/st, tont silver Modelle, value 9161
2n8, four silver modelle, value $10 ; 8td,
Icier eilver medale, value $8.
Sentonem Branum -On Tneeday even.
ing, of last week, J.13. Smith, hardware
nterchant, met with an aciaident, the re,
'ma of which may prove serious, Shortly
after 000 00 o'olook 110 80146 retorning from
tea to his plao8 of hneineee, and when at
the 0000040(0 011 Minnie area, near W,
R. Green's, he appears to have fallen
heavily upon the lay °tossing. At any
Tate, he Wks found shortly afterward,
lying uneonsoions, Mune. Ward and
Green, and others, nine to his aegietaime
arid buried him to hie home. A Dr, was
golokly entnmotied and found a eerione
wound in the bank of hie head. There
have been roMore of stlepioiOn Of foul play
'241,8 On 11 Ver0011, but HO far nothing
'" Kr, RMIth le entgOlied to have Iced
detioits e• be ascertained until he re
• ;mine o •,4. neneee, It May be thet, be
ontord rbe eioney in a safe Om, and
that the emote have no
11113* wouoil appears to be one thel might
be caused by a heavy fall. 8 Dr, of
Clinton was oalled for oonsultation, and
it was deolded not to prrforrn oper.
ellen for *day or two at tenet. Thur.
dm, morning oo °Menge woe reported in
Mn, Smith's oeLelltion, and he was etill
The report of the Preebyteriau Ohureh
showe that the cherub Lunda are well
supported and in a }relief ditory condition.
Toe envelope and plate uontributioue
amounted to 82,175 43, au advance over
test year of $848. The total reosipte
from all eouroes were 93,406.00, and
there remains a balance on hand of 9118..
46 ; the liab9itiee are 1028004. During
the year 31 000 WKS exp-nded in improve-
mente on the ohnrob and manse. The
Benton report ahem a large number of
removale, and four members died during
the year ; the preprint onniber ou the
Comminiou role 18 898. The memo
tion oontributed for miBsion Rarities,
837842;the Bendel 0013001 and Bible
mea report en sewage attendance of 200.
The Organ fund has $473 44 to fie 00 .41,
The annual congregational martian was
held on Teeaday evening of taut week,
when the following were elected Elders :
Joe. Adams, P. Campbell, Thu. Wilson,
L, Hardie. Thou remaining an the
Board of Management frnm la.t year
are W. P. Griereon, 1, J. Elliott, Fred.
Hardie, W. Taylor ; the newly eleoted
managen are Alex. Oangbell, Wm.
Eloimea, A. E. Gibson, for three years ;
Robt. Maxwell (in place of J. A. Cline,
removed), two years ; W. A. Campbell,
(in plane of J. T. Currie, demeaned), one
year, The Board ahowed their epprea-
oial,o.t2ioonof Rev. D. Perrie's faithfal labors
by raising hie salary $100, making it
The annual meeting of L. 0. L. Dia-
triot Lodge, Floveok, woe held in Ford.
with nod was largely ntteaded. All the
old , Mien were re pleated with the ex.
oeption of District and Deputy District
Mestere. Riehard Bride and W. H.
Newton were elected in their places. At
the meetierg it was decided to celebrate
the 12th of July in Harrison, bat it may
be changed at the semlannual meeting.
The annul meeting ot the Howlett
Agricultural Scoiety was bald in Ford.
wioh in the Foreetere' hall, the president,
J. H. Johnston, occupying the chair.
The minutes of last annual meeting were
read and ocnifirmed. The auditors' re
port was adopted. It (Mewed the total
reuipts to be 3810.04. and the total ex
pendant's $819 11, leaving a balance on
hand of $466.03. The following officers
end director's were elected for 1903: -
President, Robert Edgar ; Vioe-Preei
dents, Jas. Downey and Was. Weir ;
Direotore, Wm. Dane, J. L. Wilson,
Rubt. Sanderson, Wm. Brown, J. Holland,
J. A. Strong, James MeEwen, Va.
Evans and Thos. McKee ; Assistant
Directors, Sam Vegan, J. G. Lamkin, B.
Staff.rd, J. A. Patterson, Wm. Strong,
John 'Aswan ; Auditors, A. McCurdy and
Geo. McKee. The directors met after
the anuu el meeting was closed and eleet•
ed Wm. Watters searetary treasurer for
0 Zit 7C, 34" ON
VOr ni It NZ 0 la
Our Great Clearing Sale will be continued one week longer. We
have got through stook, taking, and find the last year ban been very
prormerous one, and we oan afford to be getierone with our ouetomers who
have favored in with their patrooage. The last week will be the banner
week of our great clearing sale, Great bargairee will be found in every
department ot our mammoth establishment. Our apace will not allow us
to give a detailed statement of all the bargaine we will oiler. Below we
give a few yucitationr wbioh will give you IOU idea of what you may expect
Flannelette'', wide width, fancy stripee, worth 7o for 50. -Plaid Gingham.,
feet °Mora, regular 7o for 50. -Grey Flannels, plain and twilled, regular
15o for ine.-Red Astrachan, 64 inobee wide, suitable for ohildren'e mats,
good value at $1. 25, for 750.-Iskomespim Dress Goods, 40 inohee wide, in
grey, brown and two•toned, regular 25o and 80o, for 19,4-Eieavy Navy
64 Mame wide, makes elegant skirts, good value at 60o for 85o.-
BlackDoreen skirting, 57 Mabee wide, worth 50e, sale price, 45o. -Wool
Tweeds, suitable for boys' wearing gents, in stripes and thanks, worth 85o,
sale pries, 25o. -Wool B ankete, double bed Mae, worth 91.75 for 91 45.-
Henvy Wool Badikete, lofty finial), size 04384, worth $2 50, sale prioe while
they aat, 91 95.-Ladiee' Astrachan Jacillete, in floe glossy our], 28 to 80
inehes long, regular prioe 930, Rale prioe, $24 50.-LadiesFor Caperines,
Ruffs and ?duffs at very low pricier' dueler; this sale.
CR Iar_41531-„,-Sreceorj.
After having read many advertisements of
towns remote from Jamestown, we were
compelled to think and say
Slot] Loolillg for Trouble
and Happiness will get after you. Here are
a few directions and if followed closely
In all our Winter Goods we have made a
reduction of 20 and 25 per cent. for cash
Come and see for yourselves.
The Jamestown Post Office and General Store.
Walter Innes.
We take Butter, EggarDried Apples and Tallow as Cash.
20 per cent. Discount
hange ofBusiness
On the 1st of March I intend to
make a Change in my Business
and from now till then everything
in the Store will be sold at 20
per cent. Discount.
as I must reduce my stock before the First of March. Time will not
permit MG to give a list of prices but you can depend on getting One
Dollar's worth of Goods for every Eighty Cents you
pay out.
Do not Delay but Come at Once
and get in with the Gose Bia.yers.
A Few Fur Coats Left to • be Sold at 20 per Gent. Discount.