HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-12, Page 3114 FROM FAR OFF COUNTRIES TRUTH IS OFTEN STRONGER THAN FICTION, .happenings anti Incidents in Lands Near and 1'o•, mote. Germany's tallest soldier la a non- commissioned olllcer 0 feet 8 inelles in height, Southern California produces 22,- 000,000 pounds of lima beans an- nually -• three-fourths of the world's total production. One ranch in the bean country covers 1,500 acres. While attempting to smoke a pipe at Calcutta, a young native girl, aged 11 years, set fire to her cloth- ing and was burned to death, After lighting the tobacco she dropped the burning match on her dress. The hospital at Menges, Uganda, has been destroyed by lightning. All the patients were saved, The hospi- tal was opened in 1000 by Sir Barry Johnston, and was then the finest building in Uganda, its spiro being visible for miles, The rat catchers or Hong Kong have been out on strike for a week, during which the number of rats kill- ed fell front 1,666 to previous week to 273. Up to the end of August they had killed 68,665 of the plague - spreading vermin, An inhabitant of Earmoutiers, France, has left a legacy sufficient to provide prizes of 23 francs each year- ly for the two most polite scholars - male or female - of the town. The winners Aro to be elected by ballot of their school fellows, The Swiss federal Council pro- poses to modify the penal coda so as to permit of punishment by imprison- ment of alt persons who in public ex- tol or attempt to honor any act of eriminal intent or consequence, The new law is a direct attack upon the Anarchists. Tha fishing ketch Ttoyal Oak has arrived at Melbourne with the. body Of an unknown man, winds was found on Three Hummocks Island, in the Hunter group, north of 'Tas- mania. Close to the corpse were a rifle, sword, and rovolsor, a frying pan, and a kerosene stove. A German firm in the well-known town of Essen are making a good thing out of old sardine Lias, Huge quantities of cid tins aro conveyed to the works, where they are treated by a system of electrolytic depos- ition, and the tin and iron recovered for use in manufacturing metal goods. News has been received at Moffat of the murder near Wolveehoek Sid- ing, Orangia, of Sergeant-Major Rob- ert Roderick Macdonald, of the 17th Lancers. His body was found with the right side of the head completely burned. A reward of :0200 has beou offered for the discovery of lits mur- derers. A now area 0.1 tobacco cultivation has been discovered. According to the annual report of tho Leeward Is- lands, tobacco cultivation shows great promise there, Tobacco is be- ing grown in Antigua turd St. Kitts, and there is good ground to hope that a cigar -tobacco Industry may be established in St. Kitts. Rising up in her conte on rho day fixed for her funeral, Eliza William- son, an aged negress, of Denmark, Tennessee, calmly asked for a drink of water. After drinking she lay back and fell into a natural sloop. She was supposed to have neon mur- dered, and but fur the heavy storm would have boen buried culler in the day, Charles Seidel, aged ton, met with a tragic death at Towitta, South Australia, while gathering eggs on his father's farm, Ile stood on the rail of a fowl -house to fasten a rope swing to a rafter and unconsciously inserted his head in n noose. The rail breaking, Seidel fell, the rope tightening round his neck and leillhng him instantly, A train running between Orange River and Kimberley suddenly stop- ped without any apparent cause. On Investigation a boy was found sit- ting on a buffer and asleep. He had unconsciously moved the vacuum brake pipe with his foot, allowing tiro air to escape, and thus stopping the train. The guard arrested him, and he was charged at IChnborley with traveling without a ticket. A Dutch horticulturist has pre- pared a sale] that enables him to dwarf trees after the style of the Japanese dimunitivo plants, but with even better results. The fluid is infected into the roots of the plants and trees, and has the effect of suspeucling the growth while not interfering with the vitality in any other way. Tho strangest feature of the process is that temperature dons not nullify the• action of the fluid, The remnants of a strange tribe of Eskimos has been discovered at Southampton Island, at the north end of Hudson's Day. Them people had never seen a white man until recently. Their huts are built of tho great .Jews of whales covered with skins. In the middle is an olova- tion, on which is a stone lamp used for lighting, heating, cooking, melt- ing snow and drying clothes, The tribe is almost extinct, only some 10 being left. rather - "What? Young hoppers, by has proposed to you? Why, the fellow must bo mad!" Daughter - "If so, all the more reason why ho should have a watch pat over hila say and .night - yo I have accepted • the post]" Airdrie has more publie houses in relation to its size than any other town in Scotland. There are 42 for (ivory 1,000 inhabitants. Ooatbridge and Renfrew conte next on the net. Ayr NO the' Worst record for drunk- enness -07.6 charges yearly for ev- ery .1,000 inttabittsets, "I .. I: have come," he began, ad- dressing her father, "to --to suggest to you that a union of our fatailliee wotticl--" "i'ht not la favor of unlohs," the testy old employer of labor interrupted, and I will net subunit the .Matter to arbitration, Good Moaning.'• GOOD BLOOD. IS the Secret of Nealth, Vigor and Happiness. Good blood -rich, red blood -is the greatest enemy that disease can have, It stimulates every organ t0 throw 01I any ailment that may at- tack it, Good blood ie the only po seize euro for such complaints as anaemia, nervousness, neuralgia, elcfn eruptions, indigestion, rheuma- tism, etc„ because these diseases cannot exist where the blood is good. Tho secret of good blood - rich, red, life-giving blood -is Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Where these pills are used It means life, health, and vigor. Mr, Robert Lee, a wan known resident of New Westminster, 13,0 , says ;- Deforo L began using Dr, Williams Pink Pills, any blood was in a voty impure condition, and as a result, itchy pimples broke out all over my body. My appetite was tickle and I was easily tired. I tried several medicines, but they did not help mo, Then my wife urged me to; try Dr, lVilliams' Pink Ma. I got half a dozen boxes, and by the time 7 had used them, I was fully restored to health, and my skin was smooth; and clear. The pills aro the best, medicine I ]stow of for purifying the, blood." Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post paid at 50c per box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing di- rect to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Do not take a substitute, or somcthlhg said to bo•' "Just as good." The "just as' good" medicines never cured anyone.; 4--^- - PERSONAL POINTERS. Notes of Interest About Some Leading People. The Lord Mayor of. London, Sir Marcus Samuel, is chairman of the Shell Transport Company, which owns a largo number of vesscls. There is a curious custom observed in christening tho ships of this lino. leach steamer is named after a shell, a fine specimen of which is retained unilel• glass in the captain's cabin of each vessel. The Empress of Russia was once presented with a shawl of a re- markable kind. It is contained in a box only a few inches square, in which it fits easily, yet when it is shaken out it is ton yards square. This notable gift was the work of some wofnen weavers in Orenburg, Southern Russia, by whom it was presented. The box containing it is of wood, with hinges, hoops, and fastenings of beaten silver. While yet in the chrysalis stage as Lord Elcbo the fondness of Lord Wemyss for the kilt once impelled him to rush •frantically in full high- land costume from a fancy dress ball to the house of Commons, so as not to miss an important di- vision. This was absolutely the only occasion when "the garb of old Gaul" was seen on the floor of the House, Lord Elcho, needless to say, gloried in this assertion of combative nationality. Prineo Ludwig Ferdinand of Ba- varia is an accomplished violinist. Attending one night at tbo Prince Regent Theatre in Munich to (tear ono of Wagner's operas, Prince Lud- wig learned that owing to the ill- ness of a member of the orchestra the performance would have to be delayed. Thereupon the Prince vol- unteered his services, and, unknown to the audience, successfully took the place of the absent musician. st has fallen to the lot of few men to sit down . to dinner next a loan who bas condemned him to death. Dr. Jameson, C,1., was be- ing entertained iu Salisbury, Rho- desia, the other clay, and !ifs next neighbor at dinner was his Honor Judge .ICotze, who (told tho position of Chief Justice of the Door Re- public at the time of the Jameson Raid, and who was the judge to condemn "Dr, Jim" to death. Mr. ICotze is now in the service of the British South Africa Company. Dr: Goldwin Smith, the author, who was .Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford from 1858 to 1866 -and afterwards professor, for a time, at Cornell University, New York, has formally bequeathed his bra{e for scientific purposes to an- other Cornell professor, "when I myself am finished with it." Ho is now approaching his eightieth birth- day. The bequest, Dr, Goldwin Smith says, originated in a joke, but he has now confirmed it. IF BABY COULD TA.LM. "I am surd if baby could only talk," says Mrs. D. (1allhey, L'Ama- bio; Ont„ "she wouldpraise Baby's Own Tablets too. They have given better results than any other medi- cine I have ever used for my little one:" Thie is the votelict of al] mothers who have used DAby's Own •Tablets, and it is the very 'beat proof that nea other medicine can equal thcnx for the speedy relief anti cure of the common ailments of little o11e5. These Tithlets cure colic, con- stipation; sour stomach, diarrhoea and simple fevers ; they break up colds, prevent croup, and allay the irritationeccompabying the cutting of teeth, and aro positively guaran- teed to contain no opiate, .All chil- dren take theist readily, and for Very young infants they can be crushed to a powder, :You can get Baby's Own Tablets teem any drug- gist et 25 cents a box, Cir they will be knelled, postage paid, by writing direct to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. Send for our book on the care of intents and young drildreu. liivery Thi thee• should have it, Phyllis -"Harry is the most con - belted man I ever Stmt.'s Maud- '''Wllat makes you think sa ?" Phyllis -"Why, ho first assorts that I ane the most adorable WOmah in the world, tho most boautiful, intel- lectual, and In overt' rodpeot a paean (ton, and then bo Wants the tea marry him 't "I just if oho onto you think "That the as the e people had Ino --"Su father if 1. you thin chance 7'' would be think he She -"No t it to me." SOUTI Phil ode! more, Wm. fort, and ley Rallies Pour fast lVasbingtot Plates, Che toavllle, H }'amps, Mi l'lorida a [excursion full particu mans, etc„ S. .Lewis, 83 "longe Johnny - agree upon me all the my - "Wl now?" to mo stand all too th my shoes A WO Many so "Cures" fo ready been tic ; but gia, and k come chro results, yo they will, Although fallible," St. Jacob to those c chronic," ly withsto as well as best physi We wool the case o Pittsburg, matisln for using all remedies, the most without ov quircd on Jacobs Oil cure. Mr, citizen o cured for years had from Neur vices of th land, but anything f St. Jacobs Reinhart, case of a four years with Rilol. could hard St. Jacobs the climax, of Taylory mother, w sufferer past thirty St. Jacobs ly reliever] results' whi brought to are not ex by the nu from all p It should b call the friends and derful{y eft pecially as 50 cents p reach of al Tailor (tc Slllt made t "Do you ye dod ?" tell ]tint. to Shore is m of tho cows put togethe years woe sue a groat ntaa IL to notal 0 ran>odlcs, an cure with 1 It Bearable. to be a colts Oen require ]mil's Coto t'..1. Chaim the only con hot. 1t Is from 10 dr directly en Moos or the Mod deniers pure. $aid ale, F. J. Sold 0>y 1) hall's nal A lady servant ask bake scone I can bale surd that y A PLA Nearly vention vi point of i Moment won Limited. Last weolt been touring to the iron prised, not the same, thesis of net The plant equipped fel harvesting f In only strength of equal. In w er of the a eases in 10 fa ettnt In thew tor. Common ttghteed 11 h tenatoit iturmy _.iCito 1�4r;o milted Men Ivoureau-Ibleho yeti Veulco, alta whuL do site said 7" "Vivo it up." y only Stayed overnight' treats were flooded and to go about in boat's, " Pilose I should ask your could marry you 7 Dort. k I would stand any She -"No ; your rasa hopeless," Ila "!ln you woulnl really soy 'no' 7" that ; but he would leave when help the s cions. d f r and f 11!9 algia elation Iy ho with Inerous arts lcaeisus 1 tltutlon cps tor• CI31')NEY ae Pure the worn>. me,.. S o 217 '7a t ' y y N t. soap!" You've t' �ri Sid 111 Ou have the �° ' ,�t' }l�,a� p t�., y��'��;> �titiSaW' w „ A )S.Ei')Tiec'lE".2 I�,, •, i Y�xpz, heard 1 h t fact, "" �' n, iaz :latae of the best shots in Ermine are nye users of the episcopacy. Ir`oretauet sarong them are tho Arch- bishop of Sens and the Bishops of ('batons and Mende, `1 he latter' is a daring rider at a stag or boar bunt, and takes a pride in the bags of Xc:.mr. filled telt]] Ulyds he shut him- self that he brings to his chef, Ile could earn a living in driving 0. �u:ah[unublc mail -coach, aua is said not to have an equal in driving four-in-hand along rough forest roads. Tho lilsbop of Rochelle is fatuous as a 11rst-class shot, ; Fr' rrrt999, / , , nom ,' y. + t ae / t:, /frO'7i Q✓LVit/ ✓ 1 ? / g.� e� %!!'t +. a�6f �� �'t' /� 'lif � �P % d ' "6!'ti ' -•--^f^----•� I VIA WASHINGTON. Iola, Atlantic City, Ralt{- M MR for the Octagon Ilar, ses r°'^'se"' °' ** An amusing story is told about the tether of the present reigning Prince of Schaumburg -Lippe, coo of the 1:. „,m, g ^'}^>4' i • ''',..0..,..: .,4 9't' ,ir 4i•1" r,10:i. $h .' 'w 'y ' -4 464 d,•d#i%t rir; ' ;,`x th`,�f�°' lhingtaR, Old Point (oat- ;he .Mouth via Lehigh Val- id and its connections, express trains daily for 1, Asheville, Southern a•torLun Savanah jack- cl. t. Augustine, Palm Bench, ami, ]i¢ssau, Cuba and all aid welter resorts south. Lteketts now on sato, For lars, illustrated literature, caon or address Robt. 7anadian Passenger Agent, street, Toronto, Ont. ______+______ - "I wish my folies would t ono thing and not, recap time in a worry." Tom- at have they been doing hnny -- "M, ther won't let on my head, and dad is le fussing because $ wear tut so fast." City Niece --"Tho windows in our new church are stained." Aunt- +.A{n't that a pity. Can't they get noticing to tialce it off ?" _-_ A STRANGE PI'lOTO, One of the, strangest photos we have seen for some time was shown us the oilier day by Afassey-Ilarris Company Limited, 11 was a COPYll of the certificate of the Russian Government issued to APaseey-Ilarris Company, Limited, in eanneetion with a field trial held there last June, The ltuasian characters make It appear veryrotes ue, The certificae state that Massey- Y: Harris Company, Limited, were awarded the highest honors for Binder, Mower and Reaper in a eon- 1 Potitinn open to the world. This is a laurel of which all Canadians maymelancholy well ho proud. Here's wishing more richest of the independent (Ferman Princes. On a certain occasion there was a meeting at Ierankfort of Ger- man Sovereigns, who were A11 seated) at the tableina room at the Old i Swan Hotel, when the door 1 ex o nu opened I and an old Aman entered the rnOm At his appearance all the Princes rose from their scuts with every ld sore of respect R' o is h 1 t Pe h the old man ?" asked the Prineo of k`,chaum ! burg -Lippe, On hearing that it was the famous Rothschild, to whom everyone present was in debt, he said "'] shall rennin seated I don't ewe him anvthiug," The Duke of 13assano 1s one of the most devoted anti most trusted informs of the 1iJmpross Eugonlo. who invites him, his wife and daughters annuallyto her English bolas. Porn- g borough is fall of interesting and relics,, oleo of which is the pel'ambulator of the late Prince 1 3 I at. . ii 3.; FiAs BROOCH! 'WHEN some j r a Piano for $9o.00, we the opportunity cut fi ure, Our g "< realized by the , k„ appreciation we -25 Organs .W'S„ plane 0500 dselgn, 0{o sash; and -10 Organa, enure and terms. s ` We prepay freight from Toronto, and We also include t� �f©lactfy , eznN pay fright ed not prove e 1; If you want an .t (one, design and Cased anticipated to immediate b Doherty y S3 will a stool a�rem as organ,this durability, R19 weeks secure most now offer rtY 0 ootavee mommy, as above, on allow and tooth represonted. ORDERS ago g Organ that an sanguine g orders :- :- h 0 . Orn oompo without only all instruments freight music to refund arvaye is a at a we organ erfect[ In book rare trifling FROM announced by the many hopes, t'eceived, Y now, pe. Regular oak 0000 to for this with any should opportunity advance � AAl celebrated would of the p Nola or 678.7$ 001080 places distance all PARTS' that avail highest however, and encouraged t ase a ease, f price 1126, epot gash. of walnut, not more on all these instruments. money psA{U any instrument to secure on actual OF CANAf�A we would Doherty themselves grade were Ours of Ole nowSee, on 01 same than longer op one of cost • Company at more re" terms price x,000 shipments. account the a s furnish of? such a than by this Chiles order - best in xi ?. t r NDERLr'UL RECORD. success to Massey -Harris machines ! Imperial, Wltich was presented to hint ixy Pa'ittce Albert, and which isk -called "specifics" andThera r Rheumatism have al. brought before the pub- Rheumatism. Neural- faired diseases have be- lie and threaten serious u may rest assured that but very l[et]s, -------_{ is no power on earth that can stand before tho onward march of OoiI's people when they are dead in ,earnest. - 1 Mivard s i.iuimeat Relieves Neuralgia ' kept in the hall, The Sevres china caps out of which Napoleon •I, used to drink his Coffee aro carefully pre- served in a glass case, And the Tarp Cobelins tapestries also belonged to lion. In. the chapel is the Prince Imperial's cradle, with its faded draperies, and many of his other be- if any. eot recommended as "in- peculiar qualities of Out of 20 persons condemned to death last year in England and longings aro to bo found throughout the house. .l . C' i �bii � l p PIANO 'THE 1'r L &"a Rd yAe Ur'"elfiilG Y;yE it illi COMPANY 32 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. p k 3T,3 011 especially adapt it toes which Wales, only 13 wore executed. nlay be termed and which have previous- od all known "specifics" the prescriptions of the mention, as an example, Afr, A,' Heihnwin, of who suffered with Rheu- four years. After vainly the best recommended exhausting the shill of experienced physicians, en temporary relief, it os. en bottles Se- to twooct t serf St.ent C, elannf, a well-known Youngstown, Youngstown, Ohio, se- wife, who far twelve been a constant sufferer is the head, the seer o ablest physicians of the they were unable ao do of Oh cured her. bottle A , Wm. E1morC, iris„ reports the neighbor who for twenty- had suffered so terribly that, at times, hs move; a few bottles of Oil cured him• "To cap " however, Air. A. Neiger, g ills, Pa., writes, that bin had been a continual Rheumatism for they years, used one bottle of Oil, and was immetfiate- of all pain, These are ch truly deserve to bo public notice ;but they :options, as will be seenpassed other certiflcates of the United States, e the duty of .everyone to 0 tontion of Iiia suffering neighbors to this won preparation, 0s- the low price of 25 and er bottle places it within persons, rich and poor] THE WABASH RAILROAD Is the great winter tourist route to the south and west, ,ncluding the famous Hot Springs, Ark„ Old Mexico, the Egypt of America, Texas and California, the lands of sun- Shine and flowers. Your particular attention is called to the fact that passengers going via Detroit aril over the Wabash , reach their dos- tination hours in advance of other lines. The new• and elegant trains on the Wabash are tho finest in this Country, everything is first class in every respect. All round trip winter, tourist tickets are now on sale at lowest rates. Timetables, maps, and all informa- Lion about this Wonderful railroad cheerfully furnished by any ticket agent, tor• 3, A. Richardson, District Passenger agent, northeast corner Kin Rd Yonge streets, Toronto, and B g St, Tltonlas, Ont. - The United States has now 38,065 locomotives on her railways. Britadtt has 21,304. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. When traveling you should bear in wind the road and the trains that will tante you to your destination in the fastest time, and in the most Comfortable manner. Tho Grand Trunk service excels in both par' ticulars and passenget'n from To- ronto to Montreal+ Buffalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will find the day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parlor and Dining Cars serving meals "a la carte," Tho night trains carry Pullman sleeping cars t0 all above paints. You can leav0 Toronto for Montreal and east at p a. m. and 10 p. m. for Buffalo and New York at 9 a. 01., 4,50 and 6,15 Detroit Chicago ND LONGER TO BE DREADED - GRAVEL PERMANENTLY CUR ED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS --- Reuben Draper, of Brictol, Gives Elis Experience, and is Prepared to Furnish Proof of What He Says, Bristol, Que., Jan. 20, -(Special) 11 is with feelings of intense relief that people here now admit that the operating knife is no longer neves- oozy to cure that once dreaded dis- ease -Gravel. Experience has shown it to be one of the numerous familyei of ailments arising from diseased Kidneys, and as such easily curable Uy those sovereign Kidney comedies, DOdd's. Kidney Pills. Reuben Draper well known 111 this neighborhood, 19 one of those who can s peak from experience. er says :- "I teas taken ill with what ,I thought was gravel. I consulted two doctors, but got no lasting relief, and I continued to grow weaker all too time. Then a man adv{sod mo to tryDodd's I{idne, Pills, for hesad said they had cured bis mother, so I thought I would try them. ,Just one week niter starting to use Dodd's Kidney Pills I passed a stone as large as a small bean, and four clays after I another about the size of a grain of barley. This •gave me great relief and I be gan to [eel batter and gain Strength, I have the stones in a bottle and can show them to anyone who may doubt what L t ay, That happened four years ago and I have had no return of the trouble since." .t"t1 1. .a 'n`e 4rWxW:1AL0i.4.0,�,r;,eC' 7':fixiiMeiY e, Y+ 4, „w;u• r .' �°e" There is a g od demand for all kinds of first-c'ass ?.yrULTRY Poultry, especially Chickens. We want large quail ti{ies to supply demand, ® so consign us of you want -88®€� TI"!t'are.ls ri. If you have a carload, or more, of A r stuff we cat' P�al1D® place them for you, or will ship them for you and - make advance against the shipment. % o n ) . eamm. Cassa.i50a80.o� fres , g, g,. W5 oxat¢+ Have You Soon It ? hilihat? Leo', Prloelece Redpre-300.0 Demote for the Hanle,, runt end ever?7 department of human endeavor, eel o pages. Send 2g oenta, Stoney tofu nasi if to k is cot . . fj 8530700 & OA5388011 nolioitoraol FSteate. Canada L'te Bulid'g, Toronto. write for free advice, worth it. goodaide line f..r ea urat011lowililam Reins, Petri ii r. Toronto. •,5.rr .lt ;. Y o tj e b A _ E= ga �p�qa�a t �^ pieces sendCo11l estateti�ces and sped a! Rates. we are equipped to supply every nada. - poacher in Canada MALEY, iII YC19 0. CO,, i,itul><Sfi Dominion Linn �t.g Montreal ttLiverpool. Simeonto Leen pool rortiand to l.trerpool. Viatluocoa- Larwen. toot6ten�m Auportoe nooewwodaet Sat p0 °' for cienaea et peeengette 6aloone and lien Soow Se omtdaylpa. EpeeistAttendeenes been meads eo to th+ Second seises and Thad Olaaa eeoomaod°tion, pot :arra et tmeu-%and all particulars, apply to sag sgea of MO Company, or Bickerers,Mine r< co, D. Tom.ene 80e.. 7Y>tatoaa. sa.toa Montreal oda rortkn$. 856 Maln Street, 155 Voago :Want, WINNIPEG, RAN. '1ORON1'0.OIOT. YOUR C7 SP 13tI 3H YOUR OVERCOATS "5"="'"°` God is not likelyto trust truth to the keeping of the malt who Cannot keep his temper. tadrd Suttewould look hotterdyed. It no agent et sun is your town, write direct Montrsod, Rog 15t BRITISH AMIERIOAN DYEING 00. , Montreal. .. 1' "! �►lt�crds l:.Iulmem Cure Burn etc S St �- Glasgow increased more in popula- tion during the past 10 years than •city g�*� 0 { tpxv WORK on oomtalssl6a7 m � WV wear toetort�,t•ou intestates or yo smog You can 0,5x0 twenty donare Aar week. an anatr.ty now prop 5011100. wrtenfor lnrttattlrra, Tomntubcho0E2VT1inotthe Toa Mathew of Canada. 10 ORIDHT08 & 00, • 3D 6NURON 39, TORONTO. arty' other large in the kingdom except London. Tho acnes] number of her people is now 761,682, which is 102,000 more than she had in 1891 Belfast, however, shows the greatest comparative increase. She has now nearly 28 per cent, more ' f Ladies and Wien s Furs layerything lo Furs at lowest prices. Sand! for Catalog, RAW FURS -We pay highest prices. Send for price lest. 0. H. CAs7Eo0 a CO., 77 Ring St. East, Toronto people than she had 10 years ago. Rg gp Waal 1 mother who Is buying a a measure for her boy)-- ant too shoulders Ile Boy -"No, mammad; p. m. and to and at ?,a5 . m., 4.50 p. m. and 11.20 p. m. Tickets, reservations, etc., ati cityd- aflice, northwest corner King and Yongo streets` 1 Wire has been made so fine that a niihe of it weighed only 14 grains. It was • 1-30,DOOth part of an inch in diameter. zasnet0161:01:116. 1;Ii ADMIRABLE � 14' FOR tdd1NTAtNIf10 r •arias _ ,., ' aasle FOOb Y^ d k yG ' " "'` a0OUST HEALTH n d Y. o - ? n ;. t ® q�@p R FY y R Coops ® tJ 11 88 ■ �N �,e tf tI trioses CC6eePPP Ci ���/// Latest Novelties, all styles Correspondonco invited. En- closuOc stamp for circular. TRE lJ�11YERSA1! SPECIALTY 0051 P. O. ]lox 1142, Montreal pad the knfcket'boalcors." 0,0 Catarrh !h this section try than all other diseases It is a great mercy to enjoy the gosPel of peace, but a venter to en- Jay.the peace of the gospal. _112.26.1.1114:17.13...1.03.� HIS OWN FREE WILL, r, and until the last tow loosed to bodnou•able. For y years doctors pronounced ]sense and prescribed localSoothingg d byconstantly failing t0 o, seal treatment, pronounced Science has proven catarrh at disease and tl>cra• a constitutional treatment, rrh (Jure, manufactured by y . Co., Toledo, ()hie, is stlttltional cute on the mar. taken internally is For Over dirty Tears. ,Iv. 0tn AND Wor.r.-Tanto; 01s00007. -etre Nlnelhy o ltoof mot has b0.n e used oror atsts ante by milllonn at niotphoa:a for their children tint leeching, with Perim a ysl, ft Bono to tho child,edy loflene the mons, oatmeal!000IMpain, cures wind collo, and 'Mho boat remedy for Diarrhoea, Ie 0100181 to the saute. Sohl by dolsesta in everpars. of the world, prredtyAre cents abottle. ten vatevery, to tnanlatilabie. Ile sure and ask far gra \Teletex. Soothing 6ymD. uta takenoathorkiaa, Dear Sirs, -I cannot speak too strongly of l Y the excellence of MIN- AI{,p+S LINIMENT. It is F. rein- TFI ren in lay household for burns, wiretins, etc„ and w0 would not be without it. It is truly a wonderful medielnC JOTIN A. MACDONALD,°Y •i.. "•t : '' .,. OLI po �P PAP_ �" -"' t7� ,f� �n �^ p Sae @d1I E PAC T N Julius -"Would you like to live your Iire •Over again ?" Edgar -"No; I'd like to spend over again all to money I've spent.'= ,....-,...........n.......,.....-......,, r.,. r p N O �. , -,: r,, ° > :•• r;E`+� ' ,+Y•° - `.. ti wtyth"wbF., t. 1. 5' yv '4^'' w te' 1► id W doses to a teaspoonful. 11 nets the blood and mucous sur- syatnat, '1'it0,7 ofYor o]1e lean- for any ease it fails to circulars and tosLintoni- The brightest truths aro often dugher 6 oat OP the darkest doubts t5,_•"'�"'•- ^-- t Publicbut Arnprior Chronicle, Sick Stomach fit tdf!a q- ick &,YAO9aatt0®N.-.tl: �apg t}0p `:' cart R' ty®y ~A° '� ®� ��+f�� �� d il' Ivoyour cit eatlan a Ser you w I s e you n tl will get Along, os o root, It a ar• thin by manna of t- _ tl9 �4 'O 6y ENGIN p� pr L9 if MACHIN r. .. p�1� 'ny��kt';N '��isixl 'i .'n"'.�{+yt'3t.' psi �''`, -.'. .1 •. i �,t i :'' 't��`:S' ep� (� UNDER 6t! 1 9 , *F 33�� 0® ��pp �ES'IG RHO y � . wt i. • • • p,r •rp •c,, 1' t. li,,:.: 'D t4 O ' ar d ees' d, 00., Toledo, 0. rumness, 76c. Lily Pills are the boat. who had Just got a note ed tluc latter if she could - Li uimeat fo sale a er hero ii,�inard s r •� In 3895 there were 677 cases of hydrophobia in Groat Britain, Last year there was one only, °°° A RIVAL TO PING-PONG. Tioo latest Parisian development of ping-pong consists ill substituting for the ball a light feather made of collodion, and for the racquets rods s. "Yes'm," replied •site; ate o eco s, but I'm not so ,.C DU n at tbetween Can o them." �be CID OF INTE1Z1lST, very deputation or Con- Toronto make a nspocting the argot !m- rks of Massey -Harris Co„ : the curlers who have e Canada, paid a visit rItt and wore much our- or wands electrified by friction. The Lever's Y -'i (Wise head) Disinfect- feather is first thrown into the airsoul ant Soapt tPowder r is 00 a boon to a n yn the two players, whore P y e o it home. It disinfects and cleans at temporarily remains by virtue of the same time. its lightness, The game consists in - driving it backwards and forwards, Christ reckons not by What is not by force, as In, ping-pong, but parted with, but by what is kept. by too repellent notion of the wand9, --" wltlCh are previously electrified for Claims for compensation in three tho purpose by an energetic rub -°------,0 cases of malicious cattle mutilation bingo have bcon sent in to the Tulle/Imreyour District Council, Iting's County. CITARACTE]R FROM THE EY105. It. VON STAN'S �+ r{��tyi ���^����� �'"""���� lWt�G��fi� VWILLRf3� C. rl I aI8f1D C p WILSON & CO..siting WILLIAM T©1%ca.Tw'O- ]boldo digest your, food and rest You want relief and B IS stomach. cure, , Pineapple relieves at once ani cures quickly, lYo stomach clan beaccount ed except it cal! rest while dies- 1.710 `r•U r �s Many people are not aware that they can open an in our Savings Depart- meat with v to the extent of rut at the wonderful me- tnufactu'e employed, • .e,e....,,..« A Russian Savant has made a new discovery, It is for detecting the A conscience void of offence before criminal this time, not for identify- God end man is an inheritance for ing him when 11e is caught. Accord- eternity, ing to M. Karloff, you can tell a tion goon on Safely. Tho patient eats heartily while taking his cure. it strep strengthens the weakest stomach. g Pxnea le is natures simplest and P quickest care 'rice 35c, %l1 nvo minutes Ito ling Ar. Agnew's Cft1 P the o Y p C,1 fl B V Y ONE DOLLAR,. YonT deposit Of $1 will re- tsoirro precisely the sono at- tention as if it were them. sands. We shall be ,pleased , to see you Its often as you y have adollar to add "to it, arta iittOt'ept'ttg. a year s making thavwntlrl aldidly best mil}oments, ,--.--- it r crilu nal by the color of his oyes. MindsMurderers and thieves have lnai'oom MI�ard s lieiment Cures �andrui�1 1d teen in 100 is the both Sett and light arms omen the muscular pow- stns la equal in about 28 q ), or reddish -brown eyes, tramps light "Ito ..---y blue and so forth. M. I{adore has ; says that his employers a1- ,olasSillotl eyes huts families, and has ways regarded him as a valuable drawn up certain rules for alto dis-p man. 'Yee, th offered a largo re- y ' °lr g cover Of c•itninala by tiro color of� ward for him when ho loft."VIPs theirs' ho have roma] be limiest folk for tot{ e6iitinttotss coli Page W'o iE1t9 Wire Fencogo'ey or blue eyes, Lavine than slack, fonebg Mistaken to " -�•. "- si'rha1 w er healing his begun, and it continues i k till the work is quickly complete. y p Nets healtlti Comfort in breathing,anti _ r hew t/1 or, and removal of danger p. r g of oonstlt»:ptl0ti 0r pLilffltONlfLCy tfotlb�ty, .. . $ ?e �- a �A PERMANENT RM 1t Ng NT el'h CBfNtlC 9Y 1 Western Ganadn ry 11 11Ortpa ..0 riorptoratzun '' 6 N T'6rliigtb 1•e0t `Copente` 1 a „a ..,..-...... .Ail warm weather and '"a1"vevev ep 'g season Pgh000n tin (sect tel neap loo 515°5 el5 OAm: inter season pm it book par p t C /sat inernnd]eutltautinivin r,Noloasoeagriag - to summer, 116otrainingR or broekthe in wlw ct p6d wire knot 1pr1 tempered. and it is abase eleolten0d 7I1l Jm... n ug v , i .... rots again worse than over, Ingo wird la. tempered 10115111410 its awn ii raid whiter, 00,t0elalloae!Page *Ito tome lnusenow. ' ¢ 5.Ont. llfodtroal,lb,0.,8Ad0.J6hp,111.fd.0 0 on 6 �b , Ilimitd11,1$ttlkofcglt% Cautious Dame - "Aro you pure I tits horsy is auitablC for a la. to drive?" Job MitstO " -- "Yes'm, , - i Iles it very intelligent hasp, loam, . 1''you run I I _.a .. won't and t On t tt tett illi into arty. tbf{tlg. g--04