HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-12, Page 21�. E I4OYING E SICIAN A Career of Usefulness is Open to the Men Who Study Medicine. (1Slter:d according to Act ot the Bari }?t'ot`e untrue by advice or actio to liameot of Unnada, 111 the year One the trust reposed In you! Thousand Mine Hundred and Three, No matter holy brilliant an un - by Wm. Bally, of Tero.nto,. nt the Iloparttnent of Agriculture, Ottawa., principled doctor may be, no Christ- ian man or woman can afford or tins -- any right to employ hien as a family A. despatch from Chicago says: physician. I once heard of a re - Rev, Freak De Witt Talmage preach- fohnee drunkard who was supposed ed from the following text: Color- to be dying. The physician by his signs iv, 14, "Luke, the beloved phy- bedside said, "The only medicine siciaa," which can cure you is alcohol," Ilave you ever explored the east Then the wife, who sat near and side of New Yolk city - that is, had lived through the horrors of be - where the Bowery is situated? There ing a drunkard's wife, turned to the many poor live, There the masses Physician and said; 'Doctor, if the are huddled together in tenements. only medicine which can save Mm is It Is the home of hundreds of thou- alcohol, then T refuse to let him sands of Hien and women who every live. Fes, let him We sober rather winter are fighting the two man -eat- than live drunk.•' ing bloodhounds, cold and hunger, MI?,DICINT;'S CHIEF TRIUMPHS. which are snarling awl snapping at chem like famished wolves. Ant the purpose of the medical But though the east side of Now profession is not only to make the York city may be the home of the sack well, but also to prevent the poor and, in many places, of the so- well from getting sick. lee are all cial outcast, yet in 1890 there was ready to agree that the chief duty seen upon the streets a most re- of the good lawyer is to keep his markable funeral. That day 1:5,000 clients out of court. Why should we human hearts were aching. At least not be ready to confess that the 800 men were walking in line behind chief purpose of the doctor is to that hearse. There were sixty pall- keep his pattents as long as possible bearers, every one of whom to more out of the hospital and the sick or less extent was indebted for his 2000)? health or life to the hien whose That the chief triumphs of the me - body was then sleeping in the cas- dicer profession have been won dur- ket. ' Who is this man about to be ing the last century in the proven - buried," asked an eyewitness, "a tion of disease rather than in the king or warrior, a statesman, an cure there is no doubt. How have orator, a governor, a city official?" the great plagues which used to No. He was a plain, aimple phy- sweep over Europe been halted? By sician. He was a Dr. Aronson, who the power of the sword? No. By had given up his whole life to work the power of the bacteriologist's among the poor. He not only cared microscope and the physician's pen, for the sick body but also for the Why is the longevity of the human sick soul. He had inherited a small race being increased year by year ? fortune from his father, and when he Because people do not -work as hard entered the homes of the destitute as they used to work ? Oh, no, An be would leave here a little end there average elan to -day goes through a little along with his prescriptions. more hard work and nerve exhaus- Iyhile he lay sick hundreds and thou- tion and excitement in a week than sands of poor people whom he had Ms grandfather did in a whole year. befriended came to inquire at his The longevity of the human race is door. They knelt by hundreds in increasing in spite of the strenuous the street about his house, praying life we lead. It is increasing be - to God to restore to them their cause the doctor, year by year, is good physician, When he was dead, telling us how to eat, how to dress with their own hands the poor car- and in what kind of houses we 'fed him out to should live. HIS LAST RESTING PLACE. Young men about to enter the Dr. Aronson was only a beautiful medical proTession, you are soon to type of Luke, "the beloved physi- be one of the great band of teachers ' elan," Paul would never have writ- of physical hygiene. Can you not be ten so tenderly about Min unless Dr. a leader in spiritual hygiene also ? Luke had been that kind of a man. Your calling opons for you the door I imagination of many homes. It not only opens In taction T 1 g cat sac Paul cora- ing to his room at night and say- for you the front door, but also the ing: "Where is Luke? Where is Dr. closet door, in which hang the Luke?" Then some one would an- bleached bones of a fancily skeleton. swer, "Paul, after you had finished You are to be the recipient of the preaching to that great audience heart's secrets as no one else in the this evening and Luke had closed the community. You will have your service with prayer, some one told 1'nger upon the pulse of a commmt- Dr. Luke about an old Christian ity and will ultimately know whether saint who was sick and could not get it beats sinfully fast or sinfully out to the service. Then Die - Luke slow, Will you not say the right immediately said, 'Why, I will go at gospel word to that young man who once and see her.' So he took along Is doing what he ought not to do ? his medicine bag in one hand and Will you not speak a warning word his Bible in the other. He told me to that wife, that mother, that to tell you not to sit up for him. He child, who may be drifting into sin ? did not know when he could get They will gladly take Christian ad- baelc." "Yes, yes," half disap- vice from you, which perhaps they pointedly answers the missionary; would not take from a minister. "that is just like Dr. Luke. I never They may say, "A minister is mere - seem to be able to have him at all ly working for his salary," but they for myself. He is always calling will know that you are disinterested upon some one that is poor and sick in speaking the name of the Lord and in trouble. My, how tired ho Jesus, In Christ's name will you must get!" Then some morning I not try to prevent sin as well as to see Paul wake up. He looks over cure sin atter it has already conte 2 to the other side of tit room, where But, though you may declare that a bad is all nmssed up and yet with- since you have entered the medical out an occupant. "Well," says school you have not lived a Chris - Paul, I guess Luke is oil again on tian life, yet there are still two or one of his calls. I do hope lie will three be back in time to take ship for Corinth. We certainly meet sail to- TREMENDOUS FACTS day," Then in invagination I sea the that. I think, may work a change companion of Paul running down to in you, two or three facts by which the wharf just before the gangplank 1 believe, you are going to be re - is drawn in, Ho has been employing deemed for Christ and confess him every moment of the time to visit the sick room, to give a last pro- and live for him rs a Christian pity- the and to offer a last prayer, sicann. 711 the first place, I ]runty and as ho rushes up to the ship I that you came from a Christian home, It is a wonderful truth to tell can see scores and scores of men and that nearly all the men who eater women whom he has helped reach the medical or legal or ministerial ionic their hands as they cry: profession cone from Christian Goodby, Dr. Luke! Goodby' homes, As soon as a father and Gooand May God bless and keep mother become converted their chief and reward you for what you have dela for usl Goodby! (doodbyl" desire seems to be to give their Tion I can sae good old Dr. Luke boys a liberal education, so that turn and say: "Goonby, my dear thl'Y can mak the most oat of their Christian friends! May Christ, - the lives for Christ. Thus, young nen, Divide Physician, heal your diseased no matter where you go or what physical bodies and your sin diseased you do, you can never get away souls! Farewell until we meet in from the many parental prayers heaven!" which have been offered 1n your be- half, They are always tugging and pulling you toward a better life. But as T go on showing to yon They aro pulling your heartstrings young medical students the golden now toward Christ, opportunities of future usefulness In the next place, you are not e which the consecrated, ten talent homeopath in a spiritual sense. You doctor can wield 1 must here and may be a disciple of erehnemann, as now halt. I must stop long me many of you are, but in a spiritual ou.g)h to show you that great opens- sense you aro eat. In the realm of tunitios for good always imply the higher life you do not believe great opportunities for evil. Somo swim, similibus. eurantur, that two years ago I attended ono of the "like cures like," You do not bo - Rush medical claws and heard lieve Rua "sin cures sin," Olh, no, there a farewell address given to the You knowL r graduating class by Prof. Il, 1t, blood ( an you feat only tho Brower, a dititinguished specialist on h ncl 1f Jesus, the Saviour, can nervous dfsoases, It was a brutally 1011(0 you as spotless- as .the driven frank and direct address in crony snow. So, naw, I fool that the ways. Its blunt statements again outer and holier life is dawning and again evoked derisive laughter and you, feel feel that all the good through the raised tiers of seats fel- on th0 tree n you is lecultng you ed with sttidcnis, But as I went on to fully consc•rrate yourself to gnome I fetid to myself: "1)r. Brower the Master's service. Wo have often is right. An honest, skillful physi- heard how brave the surgeons have elan is. one of the noblest works ut been in battle, President Roosevelt (Tod, but (01 unprincipled physician declared that there novel' was a 15 one of the most despicable, loath- braver sat of men than the doctors seine ancf-cowardly recreants who who, belonged to the rough ''1(10(5, ever breathed the breath of life," At. San June hill, upon their backs, ;When the hand banefieleet in healing they carried the- wounded' to the is devoted to undermining the parity rear, while the Spanish sharpshoot- er soeiety, . it le like the soft and er5 were firing at them frons among velvety paw of the leopard, Width tho gees, [hal, Was bravo, That savers" a terrible and merciless claw, was heroic. But to -day I want you 011, young man about to eater the to he ,tu81 ab bravo and true. 1 here noble modiral Profession, I beg of and notal Want you, in order tie In - yen net to prove falai to your sure your future Christian usefulness 't.rust( 1 beg of you witch you alt de a /tunny phyeician, to surrender .iter the home of ca mean who seeress- your whole life ,to the service of - 'dere Kitts your Nitro the life and the ,1"esus Christ, 'Y'on Will do it, will safety of his children that, you toner you 1101, 7 t 0 B7'1 LIKE 3)11. LUXIO. I THE (� it, LESSON, And $0, young physician, as you are now ready to consecrate your lila to n the Saviour [ant going t0 XNTERNATXONAL LESSON,, loll yon about bectuiiful scone FEB 15 which perhaps may happen in your A recent number of La Columna Roger of Buenos Ayres contains life and death. I. bop° the death Text of the Lesson I Cor. viii, Photographs of four women who scene may happenmanyyears from 4-I3, Golden Text,Rotel.' were graduated in that city with now. Soma day in tho dim forme' eciv 19. the degree of doctor of philosophy. let u$ hope when your life's work is ' Another half -page Illustration shows drawing to to close, there will he 4-0. But to ((5 utero is but one the banquet given in their honor. great excitement in some village or Clod, the leather, of tt'hom are all Mute. L, Daiin ries I'etitjean, wile in ono (1f the neighborhoods of a things, and we in Ilim, and one recently died in Brussels, was the great city, 1.'erywhcro the word Lord Jesus (helst, by whom are all greatest authority on lore in ilel- wiil bo whispered : "have yon heard things and we by Him. glum. She was the official expert the 210ve0 ? lIave you heard the The Revised Version says in the of the Belgium Clovernmeht, of news ? The doctor, the good old nest part ooncorning the heather, many cities and cathedrals, and her fancily d01tor, IS very sick," Then "We auto flim," and tate A. V, reports are standard wo•lca of refer- tho news will be printed in the vil- margin says, "We for Him." The oleo regarding lace, lage or the city newspapers that the Revised Version says in the second Nraulein Iola i0reuclenheim of Mon - good doctor, the fancily doctor, le part concerning the Son. "Through igsberg has passed the State ex - deed, Thee in your family home w110111 are all things, and WO autinatlon in dentistry at Breslau there will be assembled a tearful through limb," The title of the University. She is the first woman gathering. The young lien and the lesson, "Christian Self Control," in Germany- to take the examination young women there will not only re- suggests that a Christian is 0110 for practical dentistry, member that you welcomed then whom Christ controls and not self. At Heidelberg University Ternulein into tho world, but also to tell how In the first ]dace, 0 Christian is a Heeling Michaelson passed the exam - you put your gentle hand of re- 'tuner who has been n'asltod, sanci.1- ination for doctor, with highest hoe - monstrance upon their shoulders fled and justified in the name of the ors, "chin laude," when they were about to drift away Lord Jest's, by Ills 111'111011N blood, Tx -Empress Eugenio is busy writ - into Sin. Then the older folies will the Spirit having 0011Y1nred of sin ing her memoirs, a complete record tell how you prayed with them when and revealed Christ (vi, tall). All of her reign, to be left to tho Paris they lost their first babies. And the such are to recognize that hence- Public Library. minister will tell how your preseneo forth they are not their own, but 'Phe Minister of rine Arts in Paris, was always the strongest spiritual have become by His purchase tent- M. Ley'gues, is at last about to sign re -enforcement in the church, And pies of the 3-loly Ghost, and aro a dcoree admitting women students the poor families will tell bow you now to leve unto 13im whose we are in the School of Fine Arts to c0tn- not only paid for the medicines out and whom we have been redeemed to pete for tho Grand Prix de Rome. of your own pocket, but also how serve (Acts xxvii, 28; II Cor, v, Thero a1.0 now seven women studying you got your friends to help out .15 . We have n0painting, one architecture, eight I ) greater enemy, sculpture, hoar whiter1(need with clothing and neat tore the Bevin than tho01101' self In Prance the election for judges of food and coot. And while these that remains in us d even after of In of commerce recently cm - good friends tura telling of your receive Christ, and many do not coned and all women engaged in good works, as the weeping widows seem to learn that He who delivers trade were allowed to vote. In the did a.,nnt the corpse of Dorcas, us from the wrath to come is able I1)epartment of the Swine alone there there will bo heard a flutter of also to save ns from our sine (I arc 2,126 woman traders wings Then the same messenger Thcss. 1, 10 ; Matt. 8, el). ON'7'll • r .NC' IST which carried up your soul -your re- 7, 8, But, meat e me THE VOTING r L . L ora ndent las not deemed soul -to the •hi throne England's foremost farmer is a am - God rut tai o 0 ofa o t to God R for neither r ' c c r[ w a o eat t01 we God 0.111 return. And the sumo the better, neither if we crit not are man, the IIOn, Mrs. Murray Smith. voice which spaico when the white we tho worse. On her estate at Gurnley Hall she nee o dove hovered over the Christ stand- 'h }raises the finest Jersey carte bred nly gods whom the heathen I And ing fu the Jordan will speak then. know are such us must be propatiatlanyu+hare. She personally supervises all details and provides everymod- then all the weeping friends will ed with gifts, and many Christians recall the dip Inc, commendation, "I seem to have no better idea of the I ern improvement. Her cattle take was side, and ye visited ate," Oh, living and true God. That we must many prizes throughoot England. 0133' young friends. will you not Here give God something in order that One cow gives 900 gallons of milk a and now consecrate your life to the lie may do something for us or that 3'ear. Mrs, Smith attends to all cross ? By the grime of God will we must refrain from something in correspondence and bookkeeping, ba- you he at Chrgood Dr, family phy- cher to win His favort satins to be sides eps thenpedigr ete dairy. of every an5im hima.11so agood Dr. Luke, o such , common thought, but it is so The Danish democracy is a fact. In accepunscrts ou . It is true that God Copenhagen, lately, the new Govern - pleased our loving service and is mint bill creating elective parish pleased with gifts that come from councils for church matters was LONDON FOG., loving and grateful hearts, but we found to exclude servants from the must first see that lie gives us all (franchise. Immediately the servant Clay and Marshes Help to Beep things freely in Christ before He themselves (, girls federated and, with the Air Cold. expects or can accept anything from the aid of the Social Democrats, London clay and Essex marshes its Mom. iii, 21; viii, 82; Eph. i, ; compelled the Law Committee of the are two factors which help to keep 3), As to eating or not eating, our Folkething to drop -the disfranchising the soil and air of East Loudon Lord Himself taught that not that clause, cold, and so to condense the vapor which goes into the mouth, but that A striking feature of the last mun- in the air till it turns to fog, says which conies out of the mouth, de- icipal elections of South Australia the London Spectator. But as fog files the man (Matt. xv, 17-20), was the heavy vote polled by wo- e,requires particles of dust to be a But take heed lest by any men; in South Melbourne, especially. nucleus for each vaporation, the means this liberty of yours become in Malvern, 05 per cent. of the wo- smoko and soot which in the. still a stumbling block to them that aro men voted, and 54 Per cent. of the weather that always aecompauiea weak, men. fog cannot be wafted away provide Many things that are lawful for us Adolphe Brisson, son -hi -law of such a fine "vehicle" for the water 1tray not be expedient (I Cor; vi, 12; Franeisquo Sarcey, has made an ap- to condense.on as to give London x, 23), for novo of us liveth to him- Peal to the French Government to the very first place among fog -ridden self, and no man dieth to himself, establish a girl's school of. high art towns, though the centre of a good and we must aim neither to be nor at the Villa Medici in Rome. His pe - Leeds fog is, if anything, rather to put a stumbling block in an- tition was signed by 12,000 French stronger in bouquet and lino keeping other way (Rom. xiv, 7, 13), Yeti women, Records show that in the quality. if all who refuse to consider the wet- !seventeenth century, there were wo- Wo certainly have not in the least faro of others are to be classed aslnten Academicians, and in this twen- improved away any portion of our children of the wicked vete the num- tietln century M. Brisson wishes to establish a modern feminine acad- London fogs. Consequently it may ber to -day is very, very large and ho guessed that we do not know would include the names of many of emy' everything that is to be known earth's great ones, for the man who News comes from London that the about the story of the mist. While gives "the other fellow" intich con- woman textile workers have revolt - n0 one can give a proper explanation sideration Is considered rather weak, ed at the careless and unjust legisla- of the remarkable way in which a This is not to be wondered at tion against, them, and have de- fog helps to fill a pond, raising the among the People who live only for mended the franchise. The Dumas - water inches a night, it can hard- this world, but it is most ttsChhter female spinners' petition to Par- ly be expected that the movements like when seen in Christians w who had 269,000 signatures, and, if we may say so, the shapes, should ever be found seeking the of fogs should be fully accounted for welfare of others rather than their ae----•' either. Fog will Como across a bright own (Phil. ii, 8, 4). sea like a relict upright wall. Oce 10-12. Through thy knowledge SEA POWER OF NATIONS. . easionally it does so in London, too, shall the weak brother perish, for Great ChangesMade But England though, as the city is mainly out whom Christ died, but where ye sing up by streets and we are walking in so against the brethren and wound Still Lives. each at the bottom of a kind of their weak conscience yo sin against In a review of the sea power of crack, the march of the fog wall is Christ, the great nations the Naval Annual seldom noticed before it 8s over .the There are many weak ones easily shows that in the ten years from observer, Last winter such an ad- offended, and those who aro strong 1802 to 1902 these changes havo vanco fog was seen in Hyde Park, must bear the Infirmities of the weak occurred :- with great distinctness, It was a and not please ourselves (Rohn. xv, Russia, Germany and the United sunny afternoon, with a gentle 1, 2). Christ died for all, and Itis States have all become the owners southeasterly breeze, when the wind redemption is eitfilclelt for the whole of as many battleships as France, changed to the east, temperature fell world, but becomes efficient only to which tel years ago was in that and a solid black wall some thou- those who believe 00 truly receive respect second only to Great sand feet thigh was seen coming up Hint, If the inconsistencies or un -Britain, and advancing along the Serpentine Chriatlikenoss of a believer emit one , Japan's navy has been created as 11 S(1m00111 had hung up a black who fs somewhat interested away end, for Asiatic purposes, is united blanket, and was sweeping it for- from Christ instead of drawing more with Great Britain's. ward, held up at 00012 corner by in- fully to Him, that would seem to The British . and The navies visible hands, like the veil in 001110 illustrate verso 11. But it is well together number forty-seven armor- Ilebrew prophet's 20181011, There was to consider also 0 perishing that is clad of the first -class -three more ice on the lake, though not strong spoken of in chapters iii, 15; ix, 27 than tho combined total of Russian, enough to slutte on, and the bottom -the perishing of one's works or French and German warships of that folds of the fog blanket were seen service while the person is saved -class, curling up and rolling like a puff of saved ns 'by fire, scarcely saved (1 France has made armored cruisers dark smoke. It travehled test and 'Pet. iv, 18), escaped with the ricin the arcane feature bf her new con- certing overtook the onlookers with of his teeth (Job xix, 20), the flesh 1 c105troyed by Satan, but the spirit thirteen and will shortly count its partial eclipse. This "steepness" p thirteen of them, accounts for the local character of saved in the day of the Lord Jesus fogs. Tt may be black in the Sti and (I Cor. v, 5). There is only one Great Britain has well maintained foundation, Jesus Christ, and her lead over her two most probable and sunny in Cavendish Square, over is truly on that foundation can adversaries and now counts twenty- s7ohn x, 27-20; Phil, i, nine flrst-class battleships ready for + never parfait ( 5); but every believer Is a builder eaten, against 80,01110511 of Trance EXPENSIVE SALT -CELLAR. and is daily building that which is and Russia combined, c0mparablc to gold and silver and Assuming that the United States No less than 815,000 was paid atdo precious stories or 10 tvnnd, hay and es not join it, the Naval Annual Clu'istie's, in London, for a stand -concludes that no combination of stubble, the lemon being uninjured ing saltcellar. It is the finest by fire, while the latter 90ri8hes. All naval powers could be made strong known of its kind, and dates from that CIRst does in ns and through enough to destroy British sea power, the time of Elizabeth. Of silver- us will stand, but all that self does f"` gilt and rock crystal, bearing the will prove wood, hay and stubble. London hull -mark of 1577, each of Paul know that hie soul weld not be DISINFECTED COINS. its three parts is engraved, em- Jost (II Tim, 1, 12), but Ile also bossed, moulded with : masterly pro- knew that his works might be die- The municipal authorities 01 War - Melon, and a ADO sense of beauty, approved of or rejected, and this ho saw have ordered all silver coins Each part is in the finest state of desired to avoid (I (Jor, ix, 27). that have been- in circulation a cer- preservation. Tho . salt -cellar turns 13, Wberetor0 if meat make my thin ti1n0 to he called in anti (115111- the scale at about floe,. We/t,-this brother to offend, I will eat no flesh factccl, Singularly 51100511 nobody after allowing for the rock crystal. while the world staudnth lest I will have anything to do with 1110 On in betels it r0011s0d neatly $1.,- make my brother to offend, refurbished occas, T2'5 05111011 and tit 625 per oune0, ex000ding all former Or as in holt, xiv, 21, "It is good railway and tram 0lllcittle all look record, neither t0 coil tiesh aur to drink wino askance on them as $I3urioU$, nor anything whereby thy brothel° A CURIOUS PULPIT, stumbleth or is offended or le mado 4" -� The oak pulpit in the Seamen's weak." The chief business of the A Pltttt1FIC I+A$1'-LY, Lord's redeemed is not eating and Church at Sunderland, I ngland, can drinking, but a right relation to There has just died at the age of aartaiuly clown to be a aurin in the God, our neighbors and qurselvos; ninety-four years, at Berwick -on - way 0f pulpits. It to bunt of wood righteousness, pence and joy in. the TWood, Mrs. Elliot, the widow of a in the shape of a boat's bow, a11d 2101 Ghost (Rolm xiv, 17). As 110110rsnate who was the mother of hears on the gunwale in letters of 0111151 camp to(give life and to give twalvo children, 0ed had seventy - gold the insoi!iptioh, "Nevertheless it hero .abt(ndatl to we meat not sax grandchildren, 122 great-grand- at reat rtuixl- at Thy word I will let clown the be 001110M; with merely, having life Children, making her total dir6Ct not," The pulplt was the gift of the through His' blood, but we Must bo descendants 221, naval officer and men of the Med- filled with His 8(91011 as a tree is fill - way flotilla of toepedo-boat destroy ed with sap anti a8 clic body is filled ere in neknewled emelt of the land- d every r permeated, No fewer than twelve Beret ee g with bloc a e y pa t Pe a lt. X On �t 12025 received during their 201011 to and .seek the same for 'others (etalui the (City of London, aro alfvo wlto Sululorland 111 14fay, 19014 ]xb 1ot 1391( v, 18i 2 ,`ittit, o+1, 1.8), 'have acted. 111 Latta MOON 1 I'TIQGUSS OF WOMEN, Achievements Recently Reported in Many Lands, PAPERS THE KING READS LITERATURE THAT 5031.1Iu CELEBRITIES FAVOR. His Majesty floes Not Care About a Long Story -The Sailor Prince, FANATICS ON TIM LARCH, LIAVE GATT EP,BD MANY F08 - CES TO TXHEIR BANNERS, Khartoum Garrison Strengthened anti Precautions Taken, His Majesty Tung Edward VII, is Reports which have reached I,on- unrlerstood to be very fund of the don, both from Jewett unci Tripoli, dawstars, hwejour_ indicate that the fanatical tribes of nalsily, unloose inaro mgontpehly matgw.eittcea,lcly ns well the ]tlasle'1t Sahara am ngnhn i1 as a largo number of the periodicals 1'10VCnhnntt, acitanchng 101)00(18 the written and published on the (Ion -Ai a, The 1011)05 are those of the tinent, It has been said that Hisander of Sidi Mohammed Senussi, Majesty does not 11111111 care about whose second successive chief died a story of any great length, Tha Last year, It is uncertain whether 1{505, being a quick worker himself, the fanatics x•111 first strike the last year s prefers to occupy Itis tltime in pe us French or the British, The move- lug the maotdensesl manent is apparently eastward, to - printed motioteon', says Pearsonforsof 's tvi•d5 the Mite at Khartoum. It be - print y, genanider the Sheikh Sen - Un the other bund the Prince of us5i, son of the dead founder of the sect. Wates has boon known to react Uooks His death last August gave it of travel and adventure that boast check, but thq advance has recant- of Hundreds of pages, His Royal a'>'j'Is rallying anter his yofsor, 1'ha ithoocry of the Senussi Highness also takes. n very kaon brotherhood is the founding of a • interest in works dealing with en- great Moslem Empire ire in North Cen- ginecting questio e, as well as with p sulxjects involving the supremacy o1 toll Africa, and they have gathered Great Britain's navy. As a sailor, an tall' he brokenk hordes t fanatics the the Prince naturally takes a deep and all the remnants of the Personal interest in all matters as- bdefeated Kh1110 noel '01,21 a Sultan Rae sedated with his own most dean in 1900. whom the French1(1Piaccounted for y- in The main hotly is reported loved profesfiiol to be at Jaffa, which is 400 miles Not long ago, Lord Kitchener, west of Khartoum, and 700 from the while travelling 8'0111 one country to Mediterranean. The force has ob- another, tins held up for an hour at 1011101 rifles through Tripoli, and an out-of-the-way rnlhvJon. according to Count Napoleon Ney, `.Che famous general otiticny hunctiis way the French colonial official, they to the newsstall, rani, after crit!- have fifteen cannon, tally examining an(1 lt00(1ling a mum- OUTWARDLY A PIf GR1:M.ACI9, bei' of voluanes, he final[,y selected a Emissaries of the Senussi order story written by $[r. Cutc1l1Ta 7Iyne. have been engaged for years past fir - L• ord Kitebene• does not share the ing the religious veal of the Moslems taste of many of his brother oilicers, throughout the whole Soudan, from who like to regularly dip into the the Nile to the Niger, and the faith - pages of the periodicals devoted to fol have been warned to look for the society n(air5 ; a stirring romance, coming of the prophet. or even a tale of twat', is The advance of the force is 0111- ATUI?l) TO ISIS LIKING.Iva/elle', a religious pilgrimage, and Sir henry Campbell -Bannerman, already the Scnussi have applied to the leader in the House of Commons the Egyptian 11overnment and been of the 'Liberal party, is an excep_ refused permission for the force to Remelts., good French scholar. It is pass through Egyptian territory via reported that ho has probably rood Berber end Suakim to move was a cunning oneMecca, for ,(orThe more FrenchFrenchnovels than any othertie re - gentleman in the British Legisla- fusel allele the owlet to brand the tore. As befits a Scotsman, bow- Egyptian 0110(1 0 08 infidels. Hav- ing been warned of the coming of the over, Sir Henry can bo taught very prophet, the appearance of a Senussi little respecting the writings of 0 host anywhere near the Egyptian number of his fellow -countrymen, in- border would raise fanaticism to fee - eluding Sir Walter Scott and Robert cr height. Louis Stevenson. Owing to the chances of danger 1, Carn, ht earising, the garrison of Khartoumcolle7rcting many rawroe bookis aforpreshis has been strengthened, and more splendid library at Skibo Castle, is black battalions are to g0 down to an omnivorous reader of books hear- show the tribesmen that the power ing on historical subjects. He also of the Khedive is still full and in reads largely works dealing with arms, The Sirdar, Sir 11. Wingate, geographical matters, as well as all is now at Khartoum, and although the published periodicals bearing on not apprehensive, he knows the Sou - fishing. Mr. Carnegie is very fond of clan too well not to take me05ures freely-bomld volumes ; the finest nattiest a possible outbreak of fen - effects in loather decorations can nticism, only be secured by using morocco, The spread of secret emissaries and Mr. Carnegie's morocco is from the Senussi headquarters was tanned and dyed in Paris. reported last, June, at which date it Lord Ttosebery probably reads a was also recorded that despatches more miscellaneous crowd of books had been intercepted between Senussi during the year than any other and the Sultan of Darfur, advising equally busy man, 131s lordship is the latter to hold aloof from the particularly addicted to works o! a British and Soudan Governments. biographical character ; doubtless his own work on the statesman Pitt fir-^ was the outcome of his studies in ALUMINUM -KITCHEN WARE, this direction. The ex -Liberal Pre- --- seder also follows all literary ivories Pots and Pans and Kettles Made bearing on landed estate and rail- in Pretty Shapes. way matters, and ho is an interested reader of narratives and essays beer- Aluminum cooping utensils have big 011 the turf. developed new character of late. I)01105 recent years Mr. Joseph They are brought out in shapes' as Chamberlain has, in his public attractive as the lino silver, copper speeches, 11121(10 many quotationsand gold -lined cooking vessels used from the works of 'Dickens, proving in wealthy Households, ththat the author of lice "Pickwick Tho stew pans, coffee urns and tea ater1 holds a high place, to his kettles of aluminum have now such estimation. The 0010111 l f4ecretal;y beauty of contour and finish that is also said to be a novel render and they scent almost more appropriate to the dining room table than to the a close follower of all printed mat` kitchen. And pnrticularly is this tar pertaining to the drama, "'at truo of the individual omelet pans Mr. Chamberlain once wrote a play and holders for delicacies that ra- is en oft -printed story that has n.ot quire to be served in the dish in yet been contradicted, which they are cooked'if their excel - lento is to be preserved: Tlatlf the battle in winter time MAKING 122)21(5 OF BEARS. cookery is to have things served hot. The new aluminum conveniences pro - No tourist, probably, passes vide this advantage for housekeepers through Berne without seeing the re- who cannot afford the expensive sii- novt'ned bears of the old historic ver utensils, Ilarengraben, nor Is there a citizen when !list aluminum was found of Borne Nebo grudges the annual practicable for kitchen ware the nean- cost of these pensioners of the Swiss ufacturor5, intent only on showing State capital, It scents, however, its usefulness, patterned the various that the expense of lodging anti feed- utensils after the iron pots and ing Ilerne's black and brown guests pans. Gross alter gross teas turned will be reined in future, as an old 001 squat and ehapelese, with no gentleman who died lately at Per- distinction of handle or spout. Due rentruy, in the Berne Uanton, )taw- beauty lines aro now being consider- ing no human lrindi•ed, has declared ed in the makhlg of these things, the bears of Barno to bo his heirs, and ans an(I 1caltlos lvitdr int Ho made his money 111 America, and claw ptact and designs in coverquaand returned home to spend the closing anile that are pleasing mark -tee yews of his life. Ito used to go day latest models and give then variety. after day to entertain himself with Aluminum 0111(011 seem designed the antics of the bears, and now ax912155ly for the woman who elects has bequeathed the sum of $1.,000 to t0, ria her own housework; each bear and its WOW:SSW% on the `Copper kettles require eternal condition that the melded/al fathers vigilant and scrubbing to keep theta "will accept end administer the rim - of and bright,' succi a housewife acyl' 'Pits has been undertaker by of axporicuce• "liven a pure silve fila municipality. ed in which eggs Have been cook- ed has to bo scoured to get off the --�� stain, And tin rusts and porcelain lining discolors. 13ut ,you may boil GIIA2TING P10 SKIN, pickles or chowder or guy cou0oation A. young girl ]having been so bud- hauwith colds in an aluminum. pot for ly Mimed on the back Out the skin. chow. and 11110 won't be a spot to rottlso(I to heal, tho Herndon con show, ]a, is as puna ns P51(10 of "Anti as for the outside of the calved the idea of using the cut-fel-0- nk11010 platter, owing to its high 11011812 1110 of a young pig. A small black peg al imieu111 pot or 1(01110 does not got was obtained, chlorofo'(1100, into in- half as (miliUUy as uleinels of other sensibility, and brought; into the wares, and, therufoc, ono nvoitts operating 100111 vv2tthcd in Merin?: m.uclh of the dr•ud *cr) ' associated ed towels, The :skin wee laid on in with the kitchen sink sanail 910005 until it covered the bare "I thin also that: anything put 011 590.00. It wag then s01,u1'0d by to ('(1(110 10 an it 11111111111111 .vessel gets bands, This is the first operation of done much quicker than if rooked in the Meat undertaken. copper, tit or 1=•011, '1'1111 1 Cell lift mol move the icing of aluminon) uten- sil t shave. ('10)1ly w1111 0111 hand, AN 1 bIGRAVx;P'S lr'1CA'P, ",rho soft, volvc (;v 111oo1n (0) an net eminent utensil maim; it pairt.icuhr.rlf; aclnptrtble 8e1' (1 pudding' (11811 01' ((111e - let plater than meet memo its lnn'- 11OSe 111 On 01.1r1, vet bo presentable, to the liable- es 11111," An tiegraver of (Meese has en- graved the entire Ithissitut National Xlymn 119oe a grain of corn, and reg colltly he preeentod the ouriostty to the Czar, 111s Majesty inn mow for- warded 10 tiro through the tiivfl Governor of •otle5se a geld watch and thane, with itis .'thanks 'Tor carrying (811 such a labori:otte ultder- talili',g'I r (IATl,l.,ld 1101Th.11 nit,: AV01211)• Jusst 2,1100 (ninnies was the .11111..0 taken by tilt 0rdinnrV fable me•Ssage In going rgnnd 00 world i'rote 1100. toe, via •i'aneoave • and 115'.eitletlic;,