HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-5, Page 8Ruralev's
fair onic
Invigorates the Growth of Hair,
Prevents it Falling Out,
Cleanses the Scalp, curing Dandruff and Skin
Gives the Hair Color. and Gloss of Youth,
It is not a Hair Dye.
10 a1 gebn gt.ems.
A chiefs among ye takir' suttee,
Au' faith he'll prent ti.
WEDNESDAY was a blustery day at
Scnoox, Board on Friday evening of
next week.
SEB what Rev. Irl Hicks sage about the
weather in this issue.
W. F. BTRwART & Sax received a oar
let grade Manitoba wheat this week.
Cog guantlet driving mit lost in Oen-
teal Hotel stable Brunets on Thursday.
Suitable reward by leaving it at Tun
A WEDDING took plane at the Methodist
Pareooage on Wedneaday after0ou0, F.
Woods and Mies fluidic Spieran, of Grey,
being the priooipale.
MRS, GAMMON IND Mae, Lacxxw give an
At Home Friday afternoon in honor of
Mre. R. Jackson, of Petrolia, and Mre.
(Dr.) Turnbull, of Goderiob.
THE deviling whistle ou the Cole engine
in connection with hie sawing outfit,
which was et work at W. H, MoOraoken's
wee a novelty to not a few of oar
"Texas GCs," the tidy peeing stallion
purohaeed from J. B. Stretton by Reid
Moore, wag taken to Kincardine 00 Tues-
day where the parohaaer is associated
with his brother-in•law, A. Hewitt, in
botee buying.
Tan PoeT 000gratu'atee the School
Board of Broesele on the 0000686 of their
applioatiou to the Co. Counoil relative to
grant for the Continuation Class work
beteg done. The Co. will pay double the
Government grant, thio year.
SOMEBODY Paye somebody was having a
hockey match and skate np the river
last Sabbath afternoon and a few names
have been handed in to the offioere of
the Lord's Day Alliance who, if proof
can be obtained, may take action to
vindioate the law and set an example to
other yoathe, who should know better,
Moines evening of last week Drugglet
and Mre. Fox celebrated the 10th en.
nivereary of their marriage by a very
nleaea8t At Home. Geo. and Mre.
Barkley kept their 15th anniversary in
mind last week oleo and entertained a
large company. Tun Pose extends con.
508101811008 to both borne oirole8,
LIVERY Sox..—Tbe Beattie livery stable
has been gold to G. R. Muldoon, ot this
p'aoe, who will take poeeeesion in a few
days, A large bueinese is done, the mail
untruth to and from the G. T. R., and a
lane line being in connection, We have
not learned what Messrs. Beattie purpose
doing. They have had the business for
a number of years.
LAST Sabbath morning as Mre. Thos.
Lott wee leaving the Methodist Church
else took a fainting spell and fell striking
her head against the etairway railing and
felling down the remaining steps. A Dr.
wee summoned and the lady (serried to
the Parsonage. She was afterwards re.
moved to her daughter's, Mre. Mosey,
Turnberry street, and IR naw makfug
favorable progress.
Omen UP.—I have now on band a few
bons of good hard oual.
Jose Doioeta, Wroxeter.
Mange Glyn Ooneley, Muir Thomson
and Finlay end Walter. Soott entertained
young friends on vario0e eveoi0ge of late
and enjoyed "a bigh old time."
BARRISTER Bunt attended Division
Court at Blyth last Tuesday. He has
been appointed Solicitor for the Howiok
?dismal Fire Ioeoraooe Oo., we tinder
35,000 private fond% to loan on first'
mortgage ou farm security, with easy
terms of payment. Further particulate
may be obtained by addressing E. Blen-
1te)m, Dare of THE Poer, Brussels.
BR0SBEL8 Pew Wonxe,—Having put in
a machine for grindiug clippers I am pre.
pared to make old ouees out like new.
Sawa gummed. Skates and mistime
eharpeoed. FRED. ADAMS.
CARD OP THANE%. I wish to expreee my
thanks to the many kind friends who
gave a8eietaoee in helping out my aback
from the river last week and aided in
08ri0g for them. The help was much ap-
JAS. SHAW, Brussels,
FODDTo Divi•ioo Court wee held in
Brussels on Tbnreday of this week before
Judge Holt. The dooket wee light con.
elating of the following oaee9 :—Newsome
vs, Anderson, disputed a0000ot. Judg-
ment for plaintiff for 32 60 and costa.
Appeal case of Cummings ve. Humphries,
are to wages. Judgment reserved. Before
the bueinese ot the (joint was gone into
oongratulatione were extended to Judge
Holt on thte late first appearance at Court
einoe hieappoiotme0t, by Barristers Sim
elide and Blair, the latter-aleo expreseiog
the commendations of the village Connell,
Reeve Wilton and Oonnoillor Busker
being present. The Judge made a most
appropriate reply.
INTERIon end exterior improvemonta
are being made at the residence of W. F.
Stewart, Maple street. The painters,
paper hangers and oarpentere have been
bney and the obengee will be noticeable
when oompleted.
HORSE FAro.—The monthly Horse Fair
was held in Brussels on Tbnreday of thin
week. Next Fait will take plane on
Thursday, March 6th. Brussels Fairs
always attract a big orowd when weather
and roads are at all favorable.
THANE Yom.—Since 'net issue 25 or 30
people have called or remitted their Bub-
eoriptione to Tug Poem and the Editor ie
onrreepondingly thankful. We hope the
good example set will he followed by
many others some of whom are years in
arrears. The address label will give the
THE K. 0. T. M. Band played' a few
eel. gone on the street on Wedneaday
evening ot lard, week. Our residents and
the people of the surrounding community
will be glad to know tbab a weekly 000•
cert will be given during the Summer
months on the Street in return for the
grant made to the Band by the town
W. G. YOueo, of the Colonial Portland
Cement Oompany, of Wiarton, ie in
town for a few days in the intereete of the
Oompauy, which ie nae of the beet invest-
ments of the present day. The stock he
Belle is first clam. Mr. Young has lettere
to some of our best bueinese men. 0E01
on him at the Amerioan House. Worke
will be in operation next July.
BY notice elsewhere it will be observed
that Mre. James Kay, of Galt, paid
Nature's debt last Sabbath, paesiug away
in her 86th year. Deceased was an old
resident of Galt whose bullhead pre•
deceased her by many years. Oat of a
family of 9 children only one eurvives,
Mrs. David Miller, of Galt. Mre. Kay
wee an aunt to Mre, W. H. Kerr, of Brea.
of this week the Metropolitau Bank
opened its doors in the Stretton Bleak,
Bruaeele, for busiueae, under the manage.
meet of A. E Mellish, as agent ; Fred.
H. Gilroy, of Mount Forest., as teller ;
and George Thomson, jr., Brneeele, 08
junior. Times are good, and the farmers
and merobente are reaping their fair
share of the general ptoepetity so their
wants should be well attended to now.
The Metropolitan Bank is a parttoolarly
strong one, being the first Canadian Bank
to start business with a Reserve Feed
equal to ite paid np Oepital, 31,000,000
of the authorized capital having been
subscribed and paid for at a premium of
100% giving the bank a paid•op oapital
of 31,000,000 and a reserve fund of
31,000,050. The bank ie also fortunate
in having a particularly strong directorate
in the following gentlemen :—A. E. Amee,
Preeident, of A. E. Amos & Co., Bankers
end Brokers, President Toronto Board of
Trade ; Rev. Robert H. Warden, D. D.,
Vioe•Preeideot, General Agent Presby
terian Chnrah in Canada; Thoe. Brad.
chew, F.T.A., Vice -President and Aotuery
Imperial Life Aoeuranoe Company of
Canada ; S. J. Moore, Manager, the
Oarter,Orume Co., Vice•Preaident and
Manager The Niagare Silver Company ;
Cheater D. Mosey, President the Massey.
Harris Company, Limited; F. W. Baillie,
General Manager. The notes of the
Metropolitan Bank are a marvel of the
engraves' art,and bear date of November
6th, 1902. At preterit the notes of the
$5.00 denomivabion are the only mule in
(sirmulation, the general design of which
000018te of two tamale figures, represent
Ing Agrioultnre end Qommeroe, reclining
on either aide of a child bearing a torah
in each hand and representing the
Progreee and Enlighte'emrnt of a young
oouutry. The fade of the bete is richly
tinted in 0olore of old rose with a euggee.
tion of chocolate, the reverse being in
green and Elbowing the Royal acme and
pretty line filigree work. A new burglar
proof sate baa been planed in the yeah
and the interior will look very attractive
when all imprevemente are completed.
The advertieement of the Metropolitan
I3auk appetite in (hie betel. THE POST
extends a cordial welcome to Meeere.
1%1011ie1i and Giltny in their coining to
Bengalis These gentlemen are well
ploaecd with the outlook, banked up by a
good eena•oftin their opening deye.
SIG Lose —James Shaw, whose farm
adjoins Broesele, met with a serious toes
on Friday of last week. At noon 9 head
of cattle were allowed to go to the rivet
to drink and when they were looked for
about 1.80 were tong submerged in the
cold water, the ice having broken down
with them rendering it Impos.ible for
them to get out without help. One of the
animals had disappeared under the los
and wee not reoovered, As speedily are
possible the others were extricated but
were so ohilled that before they could be
got to the etebiee 2 had died and 4 others
were dead before night. The lose will
foot up poeeibly from 3300 to 3350. It
was an ,tnfortnnete oir0nmetanoe and
Mr. Bbaw is sympathised with in hie lose,
day of lest week Jonathan Rutland,
formerly ot Brneeele, pureed over to the
greet majority. The remains were
brought to Stratford Saturday morning
on the 11,45 train, for interment in Avon
dale oemetery, The Rev. D. Williams,
M, A., eondaoted the 88819105 at the grave
side. The late Mr. Putland wee 83 years
of age. He lived for 25 years in Strut.
ford, leaving there ebout 7 years ago.
He leaves behind him two eons and three
daughters, ell married. The remains
were aoeompanied by W. Bloomer, of
Toronto, a son•inlaw of deoeaeed, at
whose home the latter died. Mr.Pntland
wet a native of England, having tome
Out been with the troope fn hie younger
days. I3o was a soldier for over eleven
rare. Deceased lived in town for some
yeare with bis son John, now of Ripley.
Mr. Palsied was a kindly old ge(tleme0,
CAPITAL, • $11.,000,000
If BSC fy1 $1,000,000
A, E, 830118, • 01108101101T
11E0. h, 11.0ARnENr0, 0„ 1vxc13•PREeInloNT
0. P. 01888100, 8. J. 0(001111
General Banking Business Transacted.
Farmer's Notes Discounted,
Interest allowed on Savings Deposits at the
rate of Three per cent. on the daily balance.
Oonnoillor Thomson is awe `Ito Mon.
treul and 'reroute combining business
with plea8mre.
Deans fleeing have moved their
milhoery 8to0k to the most Northerly
Bore in the Stratton block owing to the
uew Bank renting the place they were
IP WANTED—If yon want anything in
Drese Goode, Fare or Overcoats came to
our Great Clearing Sale. Butter 20o,
fresh eggs 20o. Mre. Wright won last
week's 35 00 prize.
GEO. E. KING, Wingham.
POSTPONED —The moving pietnre Show
announced for Thursday evening of this
week had to be postponed owing to ina-
bility to mitre eleotrio light. Mr. Out-
lerton will secure a fine calcium light and
will lee beak to Brunets on Friday even
ing of next week, 18th 'net , and present
the Pasei00 Play, Coronation and other
Tun "Lig",—The other day Tun Poem
received an advertisement, in the dodger
form, from the well known Jna. Alex.
ander, who ie now in bueinees at Port
Arthur, Ont. He's the same "Lion" as
iu the days of yore. The opeoiog shot
on the dodger after the heading "What
the Lion ie roarin' about" is :—
Hoist y0nr balloon, fresh breeze and
With blessings load each Ohristmae Tree,
And golden showers year Ninteen Three.
Brunettes Pomo LIARIRY.—The annual
meeting ut Brueee'e Public Library
Board was held on Friday evening last.
The following officers were appointed :—
President, J. H. Cameron ; Treat., T.
Farrow ; Seo., Rev. I. M. Webb ; Book
Com , Messrs. Robb, Cameron cud Webb.
The Library has a very fine oolleotion of
books and those desirous of reading
ohould prooure reader's tickets from the
Books in Booke le.
Library. sued in 1902.
Hietory 298 426
Biography 299 31
Travel 877 376
Science 896 72
General Literature,453 2849
Poetry 81 18
Religion 133 30
Fiction415 1536
Mieoellaneoae 310 73
Works of Reference 90
Magazines .... ,41 339
Total 2903 6246
The newspapers io Reading Room Don•
slat of 2 dailies and 6 weeklies. There
are 17 magazi0ea and periodicals on the
table. Mies Minnie MaNaogbton is the
painstaking Librarian. Eleotrio light
may be enbetitated for the lamps now to
Brussels Council
The monthly meeting of Brussels
Oounuil was held last Monday evening,
Reeve Wilton in the chair, and O.;noeil.
lore Blair, Plum and Beaker preeent,
Minutes of test meeting read and paeeed
alert minutes of a epeoial meetipg
adopted on motion of 13. T. Plum and G.
F. Blair,
A oommauioatiOn was read from the
Public Library asking for ,} mill on the
aeeeeement. J. H. Cameron addressed
the Counoil and stated that the Library
Wile now about 3250 in debt. Moved by
G. F. Blair eeoonded by A. Baeker that
a grant of 3150 be made to the Library
Board for 1903. Carried.
Following a000ante were presented;—
Alex. MoLanohlin,eatery ..... ...3 25 00
EleotriaLi,ht Company 101 25
16 70
35 84
4 25
W. H. Kerr, priming
Reid & tgileon, coal
N. F. Gerry, coal
R Henderson, teaming
Mies Avery, work at Town Hall 6 00
Chas. Meadows, work at Town Had 60
Geo, Barkley, street a 75
Wm. Jewitt, wood 9 00
Moved by G. F. Blair, eeoonded by B.
T. Plum that amounts be passed. Oar.
The Reeve oalled attention to the
necessity of removing a willow tree
bordering on John street. Moved by G.
F. Blair, eeoonded by A. Baeker that
permiesien be granted on condition owner
of property ooneeote. Carried.
Tenders tor printing for 1908 were
opened as follows :—
The Herald, 324 00
THE Poem, 25 00
The lowest was accepted mm motion of
Meagre. Baeker and Plum.
Moved by G. F. Blair, eeoonded by A,
Beaker, that notioe of registration re
Lonkridge By law be' published for three
weeks in BnnsswLS POST. Oarried.
The Auditore' Report for thepaetyear'e
bneineee wee read showing receipts to be
312002 83 inaluding a balance of 34248 56
on hand from lank year. Expenditure
37,277 28 leaving a balance of $366 40 to
credit of local account and $4728 60 in
Standard Bank. W, H MoOraoken and
J. Y. B Kirk were the Reenters, Report
was adopted on motion of Moore. Blair
and Plum,
Moved by Alf. Baeker, eeoonded by G.
F. Blair that the following ealoriee he
paid :—A, Stra0ha0, Treasurer, 350.00 ;
7. 0; Halliday, OolleotOr, 345 00; Dr.
Toole, Health Officer, 310.00 ; W,
B. 113a0raeken, Auditor $7,00 i J.Y. 0.
Kirk, Anditor, 37 00, Carried,
Treaenrer Stranban reported the fees
from Weigh scales for poet three weeks,
ae collected by Constable MoLuuohlin,
were 324 05.
320 98 were reoeived by the addition of
the 5% on taxa not paid by Deo, 15, and
a Pew dollen; are etiil due on taxee.
Barrieter Sinclair, H. R. Btowor and
L. Danford addressed the Council vela.
nye to a greet to 1)18 X. 0, T. M. Band
to be constituted of 20 members, O0
motion of Motion. Blair and Baeker $100
was greeted, 325 to be paid in Juue,Juty,
Aug. and Sept., ou oonditiou that a
weekly ooneert, 0f One hoax's duration is
given and the Band play free on portions
of two days to be named by Counoil,
Rev. R. Paul, Chairman of the Board
of Health, attended the Qoaugil and pre
stinted the annual report and also the
Medioal Health Offioer'e report. There
were 10 oaaee of diphtheria with 3 deaths
sed 3 oaeee of typhoid fever an 1 2 deatbe.
Dr. Toole le the Health Offiuer. Mr.
Paul referred to infectious 0(000080 and
the necessity of guarding against them.
He urged vaccination as a preventive
againet smallpox, and oomplimented the
village on the tidy and well kept appear.
aooe. Report was adopted.
In referrnoe to lighting Town Hall with
electric light the Reeve gave a report but
the matter was lett over. Mr. Blair in-
troduced the question of joining with
Grey and Morrie towoehip in 06000)ng a
maohiue for atone crashing for road mak
purposes. It was deckled t0 aek repre-
sentatives from these municipalities to
meet at Brussels on a date near to band.
It was deoided to retain Ilir. Mo.
Lauohlin ae weighrnaeter et the town
settles, he to report monthly 10 Treasurer
Aotiou was recommended in wearing
the sidewalks of snow, eepeoially after a
thaw so are to allow people an opportunity
of getting off the middle of the street. A
By law will not be peseod this eeaeon hat
may be later if the above hint is not aoted
Council adjourned at 10 80 o'olook. It
ware a busy session.
Unmeant $cutlet Itoat'tl.
The Statutory meeting of the Poblio
School Board was held in the Board room
Wednesday, 2nd ult. Ail members
preeeot except A, Oooeley. Moved by
W. M. Siuolair,se000ded by J. G. Skene,
that R. Leatherdale be Chairman for
The following momenta were presented
and on motion of J. G. Skene, eeoonded
by D. 0. Roes, were ordered to be paid •
Jae. Fox, ....................$ 9 60
Hy. Dation.. 2 00
Wilton & Turnbull 20 85
W. H. gar[ 6 00
Moved by J. G. Skene, eeoondedby Jae-
Turnbull, that D. Robb be reappointed•
member of the Public Library Board for
a term of three year. Carried.
Moved by J, G. Skene, eeoonded by
'Mt. 5 1905
Standard Bank of Canada
3..0...'0:'8T,i.LXSTx7. }7 10072
Rvrr'ved end int'reet at
Highest 13au1' tete allowed
from .date of Deposit to
date of Withdrawal
Int erest
Daily Balance
Made, Notes Oaobed,
and every aetommude•
tion afforded tate .res.
ponoibia borrower.
This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates
for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business.
Every oonvenienoe afforded euetomere living at a distances.
Jas. Turnbull, that J. H, Cameron be
appointed to go with W. M, Sinclair and
Jae. Turnbull to Goderiob to ioterview
the County Connell in reference to 100
increase of grant to Continuation class
work. Carried.
Attendance for Deo. 1902 wee :
Room No. on toll Av. attendance
1 70 00
2 60 61
57 60
6 .. 74 70
Board then adjourned.
GteeoN.—In Wroxeter. on Jan, 801h, to
Mr, and Ma. John Gibson, a dangh•
OOoTTe. — At 6988 Wentworth' avenge,
Chicago, on Jan, 23rd, to Mr. and
Mre. Harry Mutts, a daughter.
Wooer-9PEIRAN.—In Brunets, at the
ete)hodietParsonage, on Feb. 4'b, by
Rev. T. W.Oneene, Mr. Frank Woods
to Miss Hulde,'youngeet daughter of
Mr. and Mre. Hartwell Bpeiran, both
of Grey.
KAY.—In Galt, on Feb. let, Mre. Was.
Kay, in her 86th year.
LINnoAY.—In Neepawa, Men., on Feb. 4,
Lottie B. Lake, beloved wife or
Robert Liodeay, aged 27 pearls, 9
months and 23 days.
PDTLAND.—In Toronto, on Jan. 29th
Jonathan Putland, formerly of Brue
eels, aged 88 years.
RIDLEY.—In Grey, on Jan. 28th, Jno.
Ridley, aged 52 years.
a rcmxoxw .
Mousses, FEB. 9.—Farm Ptook, imple.
menta, &o., at Lot 3, Com 6, Grey. Bele,
unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Joseph H.
Bowman, prop. ; F. S. Scott, ago.
MONDAY, FRB. kn.-55 bead of cattle,
ooueiating of 17 well bred cows in calf,
and 18 heifers and steers, at Lot 36, Con.
1, Morrie, half mile East of Binevale.
Bele at 1 o'olook p. re. J. J. , Denm in,
Prop. ; John Pnreie, Ano.
Tnaa0AY FRB, 10 —Farm, farm stock,
&o., at Lot 28, Ooo. 3, Grey, Bale nn•
reserved at 1 o'o'ook. Alex. McNeil,
prop) ; F. S. Boort, enc.
WEDNE-DAY, FEB. 11 —Farm stook,
implements, &o., Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey.
Rale, unreserved, at 1 o'Wlook. John
Smith, Propt. ; F. S. Boort, Auo.
TUISPDAY, Fan 24,—Farm stool[, at Lot
24, Con. 9, tdrey, Sale, unreserved, at 1
o'clock, RObt. MoDooald, proprietor ;
F. S. Scutt, auotiooeer.
Woon oettere wanted. Enquire at
Hoeg and lot for Pale on Mill street,
Brneeele..Apply to R. T, 31NQ8203.
BOARDERS wanted. Apply to MRS, T.
NICHOLS, John street, Brussels.
Trioao' me young sows for eale, all in
farrow. LobOO, Oon, 0, Morris, or Brussels
P. 0. ItOBT. NICHOL, Proprietor,
GaNRnAL store for Belo. For further
h 0(1001ure apply to 3. 11. THOMSON, Hen -
`X Wanted, suitable tor ranch purposes
Apply to 050. BEST, Bruaeele.
1410R SALE -LOT 207 AND
devenlu0 thereon, North-west oor0or
William aid Albert etreete, Bruaeele.
49.00 J. LEOS5I0.
TTURopeS ALE. lIthelVALUABLE known
MLethodlat Pui0Onage. Apply to 3110.
as the
COBEit,Brueeeie. -
in tee Village of Ethel. A desirable
property. 1'orpartioulare 0810 prise, terms,
&o., apply on the eremiee0 to MORR10
FUGAL, or Ethel P.O. 113-8m
Timber f nr sale, principally black ash.
Will be sold by the more or ten block. For
price, terms and other partioulare, apply to
DUNOAN TAYLOR, Lot 4, Cou. 8, Grey. or
Jamestown P. 0. 24-tf
Rolle for sale. One is 1 year old and
the other two younger, Also several regist-
ered 00000 and Heifers. Apply to JAMES
SPE1R, Lot 00, Dome, Morrie Twp., or Brus-
sels P. 0, 52-tf
Rama 1 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram
Lambe. Pure bred Len:esters, Good Daae
at low prioe0. Also Short Horn Bulls, Cove
and Boilers at very moderate erten and
easy inane. D. MILNE & SON, Ethel,
Cream Tartar
I3a,king Powder
W e find a constantly
increasing trade for our
Baking Powder. We
guarantee it to be pure
and always fresh. . We
would like to have you
try it.
25c. per pound at
I Honlie AND 131010888.11108 8011 eAL11,—
Two young Short Horn Bulls from imported
stook ; also Berkshire pigne 8 months o1d
ffuurltherlpal tloulare considering
to 3110100010 ENP.
LER, Lot 29, Ooi, 0, Grey, or Hanfryn P.O.
DEltetlONan wieliee to announce to
the ladlee of Brussels and vicinity that she
is prepared to make ewitobee out of Oomb-
loge and out hair, at ber 'home, 181111 street
Weet,llruseelo. Mita. RING8TON,
undersigned ban any quantity of
bard and soft wood for We. Also a quan-
tity of good baro timber. For further ear -
Mouton apply on lbs mentees, 1.01 21, Con..
10, Grey, or to JNO, M01.7853,
.27.4 Oranbrook P. 0.
.[1) undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 10, Onn.10, Grey, the tboro'-bred York-
shire hog "Maple Leaf Toro." pedigree may
bo seen ou appboatioe. Terme, %100, with
privilege ofreturning if necessaryy,
20.4 Proprietor.
To whom tbie may concern :
The email -pox, et present, is fonud 181
many parte of the country, we therefore
consider it necessary that all who have not
been vaccinated ehoald bo fol'tt_ eitb. 1'he
Trustee Board of the Public School will
please note this. RICHARD PAUL,
Chairman Board of Health.
iJ DALEs.—For sale 2 young hulls 81
and 17 menthe old. The former took let
prizes at Brussels and Belgrave Fa11 Fairs
and 2011 at Blyth, and the latter woo also a
prise winner at Brussels. Also one yearling
heifer, All are sired by Roan Duke, 85,789,
which bee token let prize fel' past thrre
years in classes of home bred and imported
stook. The dams of these onus animals
have repeatedly taken honors le the prize
ring. Will also soil two Olydeadalo emelt,
with 4 and 5 erosee0 of imported stock, res-
pectively, aged 1 and 2 years. Easy terms
of paymeu). 7, ROBERTSON.
Lot 0,Con. 9. Grey,
17.1f Brussels P. 0.
Stock -Taking
Clearing Sale
For the month of February and First week of March,
starting Saturday, Feb. 7th, and ending Saturday, March
7th, when we offer all broken sites of Boots and Shoes at
prices far below cost to completely clear them out. We
ask you to note following prices and please remember the
goods are just as represented.
27 pairs of Ladies' Fine
Shoes, buttoned and laded,
all sizes, regular prices
were from $1.25 to $2.75, fin
your choice for only
17 pairs of Men's Calf,
Buff and Dongola Shoes,
laced, all sizes, regular
price from $1 75 to $4.00, 1 og
your choice for only 1 4,1U
20 per cent. of regular
prices 011 all Ladies ' and
Gents' Felt .Boots and
20 per cent.off all 'Men's
Heavy Rubbers and Socks.
88 pairs of Men's Carpet
Slippers, regular prices
40c to 60o, your choice 025
for only
21 pairs of Ladies' Don-
gola Oxfords, regular
prices from $1.00 to $1.75
your choice for only
Remember the fact that
during this Sale we offer
for cash 1.0 per cent. off
all Shoes in stock.
Remember we have no
old goods to offer you and
these Reduced Prices are
for cash only.
Come and secure your choice
of these Bargains for the
30 days only, beginning
Saturday, Feb, 7, and end-
ing Saturday, March 7.
/C® C.
HE last of February we take stock. The First of this
month we commence a Stock -tatting Sale and 9ffer to the
public some of the rarest snaps that have ever" been offer-
ed in the Village of Brussels. We have a stock of Cloth- '
ing unequalled in Canada in price or quality but it must
be cleared out to maks room for our big Spring purchase
�I which is to be shipped in March, and before we take
s4�� stock. Therefore, we will clear out some of the Newest
and most Up-to-date Overcoats, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits
and some special lines in Men's Odd Pants and Vests
regardless of cost or profit. They must be sold.
ALSO IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT we will offer a special
Stock -taking Sale to clear out the balance of our Winter Shoes
in Men's, Ladies', Boys' and Children's—tall solid' leathe
goods. We have soine crackers in Women's G. G. Bal. and
Dongolas that have got down to odd sizes and will be cleared
out at LESS than the Manufacturers' prices. Men's and
Boy's marked away down to correspond. You will find -here
better values and lower prices than we have ever offered before.
ress Goods
Our Dress Goods Department is one of the most interesting and
we are going to make it more interesting during the next two
weeks by cutting our prices lower than ever iu order to reduce
our stock before Stock -tailing. We have some excellent values
in Homespuns, Borges and Suitings, all in Suit and Skirt
ends, ,just the ticket for a nice separate Skirt or for Suits, all
tbo most popular shades. Also a few light colored Waist ends,
appropriate for evening wear, all selling at less than cost.
WE have some odds and ends of All Wool Flannels, Flannelettes,
Prints, and Apron Ginghams ; a few odd pieces of Men's Bnv
derwesr, Shirts and Drawers ; anti mime odd sizes in Corsets
and Hosiery. Everything must go before we take stock, and
our prices will do it because they are the. LOWEST OF THE
LOW. No trouble to show goods.
Come to the i los .ey- aviatig Spot.
! "J3ntter and Eggs taken as Cash.