HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-5, Page 7LIE S • r" rte••~, FEEDING ROOTS TO SWINE L7CPIIRIMII7T1f,11 SHOW THAT IT I r J3T;NLrxcx.4.L . most Satisfactory Ration Con- tains Equal Parts of Grain and Roots, .Darin ti the past „ ^• s two o1 three e years a gra deal of Dtttlrest has bean taken 114 the subject of feeding recite to melee. li'orinerly a Mein" dice existed against them on account of an Idea that their use was re- si>tlnsihlc for' a considerable poetise of tho /soft lemon produced in the Canadian peaking !buses at certain seasons of tete year, Careful experi- ment has shown, however, that. roots eau be fed in nloderelo quautiLles combined wILit other feed without tu)y injurious effects on the quality of the pork produced, As heavy root crops can be easily and econom- ically grown in nearly all these por- tions of Canada where swine raising' is eroded on extensively, the fact that roots can be Peoutably fed without injury to the bacon, and with positive benefit as far as tho general thrift off the animal is eon - turned becomen of considerable im- portance to our farmers. VALUE OF ROOTS, Eight pounces of rmaugcls or car - rote and aboutthesame weight or a little less of sugar beets are equal In value to one pound of grain. !'his is the conscnaos of opinion of the Copenhagen, Ottawa and eeverel American Experiment Stations. At Cupenhagcn the mangels were fed finely cut. and raw, and even w1110 one-fourth of the daily Ind•was given in the folia of roots, no in- jurious effects were noticed in the quality of the pork. The grain per head In ten days on it ration half grain and half whey or milk wn.s 7.6 pounds, whereas when the groin was roplacod by roots after the pro- portion of 1 to 10 the increase was Sound to be 8,8 and 8.0 pounds. When half the grain wits replaced by roots in proportion of 1. to 8 the growth of tho different luta was pretty nca:ly the same, viz., 8.5 pounds, for the grain fed pigs, and 8.6 pounces her those fe8 roots, fhtts showing a small difference ie favor of the latter. In this experiment it must he noted that tie Pigs had born fed roots prcviouoly nand 00n- xequcnt.ly tock these readily, In cxl'erimenls with newly 000 pigs on various estates in Denrnnrk it was found that parrots and man - gels containing Of lual q Lan 111 Ito of dry matter had similar value to pi•[; feeding; in other wards the amount of dry matter in roots is of import- ance ratites than the Lotel weight or the quantity of sugar contained. In a number of Danish eerc:riments four of cooked potatoes gave practi- cally the sane gain as ono pound of grain. The quality of pork pro- duced from potato feeding is ESPECIALLY 000D as has boon shown by numerous ex- treriments in England, Ireland, Pen - ?nark and Canada. In this comma - lion Prof, Urii Otto of tho Central Experimental I''arnl, says: "Pota- toes aro fr0quenLly available for feeding pigs, especially small pota- toes, All cxl'crinlOntol work hero with potatoes seems to indicate Drat fed raw they are of very little nutri- tive value, but when cooked they aro worth about one quarter as much as mixed grn.in," Artichokes have a readb•g value similar to that of potatoes, Turnips hate not been found as s.tt.isfectory as mangcls or sugar 1 -eels for swine feeding, either in amount of gate produced or in tho roadiuess with which they are eaten by pigs. In - decd, no other roots seem more sat- isfactory considering the yield per acre, palatability and fce•ling value, than the large red mnngul. The experiments conducted by Prof, Day and Prof, Orir•tinlc and myself, its well as the experience of nanny of car best farmers indicate that the meet eeonauival ted satis- factory ration for swine feeding con- tains equal parts by weight of grain and roots, The addition of about three pounds per day of skint milk or whey wibi ge far to insure thrifty growth and fine quality of pork, F. W. HODSON, Live Stock Commissioner, ABOUT EAU DE COLOGNE. FTow many of those who use Eau le Cologne, from Oologne, daily, ono might almost say hourly, aro aware of the fact that it was in- vented by as 1'tallan and not by a son of the !fatherland which gives it a ntn110? Almost 200 years ago an Italian priest, Woven Maria Farina, whose nine is seen. on every authen- tic bottle, eked out his modest for- tune by selling perfumery, little aft objects, and so on, at Domodossola. In 1702, happening to bo in Cologne and making use of s01n0 of the finest, vegetable productions of the country, ile discovered the secret of the mir- aculous perfume, which has never boon revealed tothis day, except to his descendant. FINE PIEOLT 01e WORK. tell you," exclaimed the ,young Medical student "our professor is en W 1 =inset surgeon." "How's that ?" asked leis chum, "Well, a fellow was brought In with a crushed leg. The professor said it must come off. !lilt by sante Means er other ho cut oft tho wrung Jog." ,. "Do you gall that a lino Noce of (surgery ?" "Wait a bit, Tho professor said it Would be terrible for the poor fel- low to go about with no legs att, all, eo he splintered up the (rushed leg instead of cutting that off, toe, nerd Clew it Is as good ns ever. An or- dinary surgeon would have left the felicity leglrens touterfol skill, the professore 1" "Are 'there any Maitre by which the boy 0101 be Identified ?r' asked the police su erintcudertt making 1 I copious notes of the ease, "No," a ,a, . ",. said the father of 1..10 missing youth, Who had rue away teem 11011te to fight h g p t t a .yc,isawy, "but tlierb L?iIl be Wiceh 1 got bf5i'b.'1t 11110 ,again,'. pnranzSLRl.D DAYLIOitT. A housemaid who had borne the pain of a troublesome tooth for sev- ered .lays, in the ]tope that by ex- ercising a little more endurance and patience she might avoid the ex- pense of a dental operation, was finally obliged to go to the dentist ono evening to have tho tooth ex- tracted, Being of a 111111ty tendency, s110 in- quired of the operator, "How much do )'OIL charge for tatting out a tooth V" fifty Ce11ts ; Wttit gas a dollar," was the reply, "Than I guess I'll call to -morrow and have it taken out by daylight," announced the patient, A WINTER SCOURGE. La Grippe or Influenza Respon- sible for Hundreds of Untime- ly Deaths, La grippe starts with it sneeze -and ends with a complication. It Ltys a strong man on his back; it tortures }lint with fevers and chills, head- aches and backaches. It leaves 1'1iu1 a prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, cousunlption and oiler deadly dis- eases. You can avoid la grippe by fortifying your system with Dr. Williams' !'ink Pills, They protect you ; they cure you ; they up -build ; they brutish all evil after aerie, 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills ward oli all wham. ailments. They cure all blood and nerve disorders. They are the greatest blood -builder and nerve tonic that science has yet discovered. 1Vc know this to ba the solelntl truth, but we do not ask you to take our word alone. Ask your neighbors, no mutter where you live, and you will learn of someone who has been cured by Dr, Wil - Darns' Pink Pills, after other medicines had failed. It, is upon the evtdenco of your neighbors that wo ask you to giro these pills a fair trial if you aro sink or ailing. Mrs. l:1mmlt Boucot, St, J;ulaliie, Que., says :-"1Vurds cnn hardly tell how pleased 1 and with 1)r. Williams' Pink fills, I had an attack of la grippe which belt me a suITerer from headaches and pains in the stomach. I used severalemedlcines, but nothing helped me until I began the use of 1),. Williams' Pink Pills. .1\'ileu I began Clone I was weak and very much run down. The pills have com- pletely cured me and I not only am as strong as ever, but have gained in flesh," The genuine pills always bear the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the label around every box. Substitutes can't 1)110 end to take them is a waste of money and endangers life. COAL THAT DEFIES MINERS. 4,000 Poet Is the Limit at Which Coal Can Be Mined. Beyond the depth of 4,000 feet the physical barriers for coal mining ap- pear, under existing conditions, to be insurmountable. increase of (0n1- Perature is the chief obstacle in pen- etrating to a greater depth than 4,0(0 feet. Ata depth of only 8,000 feet the temroraturo of the earth would cenount to 98 degrees. A fur- ther depth of 420 feet is thought possible, however, at which poiut the temperature of the air would be equal to tho Cheat of the blood. This would give a depth of 8,420 feet, 1'e- yond which point t110 continued sink- ing of the shaft becomes purely spec- ulative; but it is asuu:mod that a depth of 4,000 feet may ultimately 170 reached in coal mining. The effect of pressure is !Mother obstacle. 1.n the Deekin5eld collIcry, at depth of about ;500 feet, the pressure became so powerful that', it crushed in circular arches of brick four feet in thickness, and in one ease a pillar of dist-iron, twelve inches square, supporting a roof only seven feet in extent, was snap- ped in twain. It is estimated by the Royal Coal Commissioners thnt the English coallloids contain beneath the nun - Ing limit of 4,000 feet no less than 48,488;000,000 tons. 'This gives a hint; of rho hidden stores of coal be- neath the workable limits which sci- ence, combined 151ti1 invention, may 50100 day firul a means of bringing within the 100011 al human needs. 1- A MOTILE L'S DELIMIT. Is to See Her Little Ones .Healthy, Rosy and Happy. All mother's delight in seeing their little' once bright, rosy and happy, but unfortunately 1.11 mothers 'do not use the host methods to gain this result, Wtton baby 1s cross anti fretful they give hien "soothing r,tufls," believing they are aiding him -hut the result is just the op- posite, as these soothing stags taro poisonous and dangerous, Baby's„ Own Tablets should always be user 1 1 d 111, will r fund a prompt -re- liefttyl Ila o I P lief and speedy 'euro for all the minor ailments from which little Ones sulTe•, All experienced mothers smot! use these tablet and a 0 !1" 4' who Use 111e1)1 praise them. Sere, n S, M, Black, St, Peter's, N.S., says .-"I have used Baby's 08'n Tablets for most of the ailments from which little ones suffer and I find them the best medicine 1 haw: over tried. No inot11(1 should be without thein in tho house." These tablets 'aro good for children of all ages and can be given with absolute safety to a nely born baht. Sold by druggists 0r sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing direct to 'rho D1'. Williams' Medicine Co., iBrockville, Ont, Send US your name on a post CAM, and we will mail you of 1 >o on the care valuable little book c a t 1tL infants and young children. Breathing Disease. Infocttuun dtsoaeoe aro breathed tato the system Prole rhos° affected with disease or from bad smells; yet how many women breathe daily the offensive steam from common soaps marlo from rancid fats, and keep their hands for hours in such solutions, and the clothing from such soap suds is worn next tho tender skin, No wonder disease and eczema are provalent1 Users of Sunlight Soap --Octagon Bar -know the difference between that and the pure, health- ful smell from the vegetable oils and pure edible fats in Sunlight Soap. 1,118 1422.149,* TUBEROULOSIS 1N uATTTE EXPERIMENTS TO ERADICATE TEE DISEASE, 8o111e of the Main Practical Con- clusions Which Were Arrived at, A series of valuable experiments has Ant been completed at, Siorrs Agricultural Experimental Station, Connecticut, with a tuberculous herd of cows. The results of there e:;orts to eradicate the di rase with a aril Innen of financial loss are of en110110- ed importance in view c:f the lac that, while treated discussk•ns aro going on all around us concerning the relation of tuberculosis to the public health, controversialists ilav too often lost sight of the practical utility of experiments. here, teem - fore, we 11a5O something tangible Up- on which to act. In 18116, the Connecticut Agricul- tural College owned a herd of al oat fifty toad of cows and young cattle Prior to this date the herd consist- ed of- gr.i d° animals, meetly of Jer- sey and (1110(nsey blood, but in that year 1 5 registered Jerseys, Gucrn- ne)'s, and Ayrshtres were purchased. Since that tin:o the ncquisiti0118 to the herd have been from the natural increase of blleee animals, and the occasional rui•1Jlase of gra e0 cows. Up to October, 1807., the entire herd lr11n nittnlnleci, but in November, 1898, a Cow which hall dropped a strong, vigorous calf in the previous August, and from New Year's clay to tho first, of November in the latter year ha.cl yielded 292 pounds of but- ter, reit quddealy ill, and as there were no hopes of recovery, she was shulghterel in November, 1898, a pest -mortem exam fnatl00 showing a generalised and advanced case of tuberculosis. Tho herd ens then tested with tuberculin when twelve animals responded, sneaking A TOTAL OF FIFTEEN' out of a herd of forty-eight annuals that bad contracted the disease in one year, demonstrating how re- markably infectious it is. Tho following are some of the main practice] conclusions arrival at from these experiments. The eliminl-tion of tuberculosis from a Herd is a gradual process. (Inc tuberculin test is. net sufficient, as new cases will develop from time to time. All the breeds represented in the herd were about equally sus- ceptible. Twonty Per cent. of the Jersoys, 26 per cent. of the Guern- seys, 21 per cent. of the Ayrshiros, aid 20 per cont, of the Holsteins re- sponded to the tuiberculin test. The lar gest pi'orlueers in 1110 herd were not more susceptible to tuberculosis than those of the least productive capacity. The 811.08se wcs not in- herited. None of the olfrpring of the tuberculous 0111011115, 1.7 in num- bey, have developed the disease. Re- pealed in:actions of tuberculin often result 10 a failure to respond. Six- tceu animals that had responded once to tuberculin failed to respond to the snbsogccoat injections in ten out of 20 fnslanres, or 50 per cent. The post-mortem examination of cer- tain animals, which previous to slaughter eero arpnrontly in good. physical condition, showed the disco physical condition, showed the die - MUM extensive, virulent, and evident- ly in the illfe1Lious state. Tho post - ]mortem examination of certain ani- mals, slaughtered in some eases 16 menthe alter first response, showed mere 11.0105 of the disease, which had then 1110,1 rattle or 110 progress, and the encysted condition of the nod- ules might indicate possible recov- ery. The slow progress of the dis- ease in certain animals, and the rapier progress in others, rook place at the Fame time under the same sanitary conditions. Individuals, therefore, possess cliflorent powers of residancc, to the progress of this disenso when once it ITAS GAINED FOOTHOLD. Whilst there may be animals shely- ing physical svmptc>n11 of disease, 11)110 .may be other alim,tts in the held in a condition to spread the dicoase. The farmer. who wishes to completely 511011nate the illsease 11'0111 his herd must aid the Govern - melt otiloiais with some individnlnl erfort and )1lerifle°. Better ventila- 4100 exeld a sutlli ht nutritious , t , preventive ieasalre$ the 1 .reveal o n food, as t tuberculin lest as a diagl,nstic ag- ent; Lard• either 11'mnolintn slitlpg1110r or isolation of all reacting; animals tdisposal -- til I these s L1 method of a t agencies of which any farmer to Ll ( e9 4, Y may 0(101(e 'use,. What is Known as the "Pang" or Notation method is economical when r whet. n u lat't;c held is affected, o tutt0.11 herd of valuable 0111melet 1s 'f - 'in ,' til 1' nlov- ri:[settsed. 110 oftspt 1, o u ed when cb'0pprd, seal reisel 00 the pnytrurirocl wills. '[710 dt po ) 0f the diseased nnnnl.is may then be postponed until their increase shall make goal the loss of numbers which would be occasioned by the final di;,iposal of the diseased men - bore. That much has been accomblisheel Within the past few years in the an- t r statistical - u},trr"til . is crusade statfrl i >Y ti i t o show that human tebea'culosls is on 1110 decrease notwithstatndlug the r '0 C both' milk and alai pit n o leo an Irrf,cl r:on 1st nkat, ,Statements, often made, tlutt bovine tllber1u100i5 is on the 11- h• 0a t,lr crta.i(, especially in dairy t t 3.11 i rret_•- e�l proved, 0 h 14 have not h Ol CIL 1 i disease, the t >w Ial o of the scant 0f > trig 1 t1N (( r c1)ie)1lncy of good Ventilation, eex- h( d 811191100(1 hied crcree, snrnllgl Ir nn n fro in fortifying the System of the an - Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in leap! packets. Black, lRiihtcd and Green. a�an tea drinkers try "Salada" Green tea, thud; of the introduction of tuber - culla as a diagnostic agent; of the use of disinfecting agencies and the 11101 110(1 of lsollltlon, should instil in the minds of the owners of oar ler�ls of cattle a greater confidence in their ,thtlity to combat the disease, 1'Itcso agencies aro within the reach of us. W. Ii, COAllll. Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. ROLL BUTTER.. 9'he young housekeeper who told the Ilslintan that she wanted Soule _ eels, and when he asked her haw 1 much, replied, "About two yards t and a half," has a rival in this we - m011: "1 wish to get some flutter, please," she said to the dealer, o "Roll butter, interim ?" hr asked, politely. "No ; We WW1 to cot it on toast. Wo seldom have rolls," 'PoiU'ist (in retired villege)--•"So that'e the oldest Inhabitant ? One rfears old 7 bund tcil end aur y No wonderyou're proud of hfm " Nes five •• I dutrnt> Ile aTn'I, 11000 Ito - thin' le title yer )81111. 'rept gr045 took him d �il's 1 n eight o old, .stng CPU 10 de that." tion 01 111,, countrIs y thanerh allioth erre diseases put together, and until the Inez few years 1514,1 .it 1 bossed to be Incurable. For a great many yrsra doctors pronounced It a local drsoaeo nod prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced incurable. :Science Ilea proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease end lherr- for,, retie Ires co as Li treat inns t. Hall's I'at a milt Cure, ldanllfacturecl by p'. .1, Chaney Si t 0., 'Poled°, Ohio, is aha Duly Cou,tiLu lienal cure on tare moo. k5t. IC 15 talaml Internally ill dead. from 10 drove to a t,napoonfut. 111 acts directly on the brood and 1,urous sur - incus of the system. '1 buy oiler ono hun- dred dollars for any •dire it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- ala, Acid rose, 11%J. CIGe,N0Y R CO., 'Voted°, 0. Hold by Druggists, 70c. Hall's Family 1'111,, aro the best. housewife (to new domestic) -- "There is ono thing 1 wish to say to you. The last girl had a habit of coming into the parlor and playing the piano occasionally. You never play the piano, do you ?" New Do- mestic-"Yis, mum, i play ; but I'll lieu to charge you half a dollar a week aixtry if Pm to furnish music for the family." POR TIIE LITTLE ONES. An A 13 C book, beautifully illus- trated, is one of the latest advertis- ing productions of eleseey-Parris Co., Ltd., tho makers of the famous 3xassey-Harris farm implements. ley mentioning this limner ane sencl- Ing your name and address on a post card to the Company in To- ronto you can obtain a copy. ' Dundee is said to be over -built with tenement houses, !TITAN THE LAMPS ARE LIT. Tho children Lilco to get an attrac- tive hook to read after •supper• -so do the old folks sometimes, We have pleasure In informing our farming readers that by sending their name and address on a post card to Itas- sey-ffarris Co„ Ltd., 't'oriento, they twill be sent a ?lfassey-Harris Illus- trated, free of charge, for ono war, It is a bright little magazine, con- taining many new pictures and some good reading, Don't forget to men- tion this paper, or you may not re- ceive tho journal. Clara -"Did tho newspapers notice your father at the great banquet 3" Johnny -"Yes." Clara -"Well, ma1n1- ina said she could not see his name in the list." Johnny -"No, but the list ends up with 'and others,' That, Means papa. They always mention hint that way." For ten months I suffered with Rheumatism ; I could move neither hands nor feet, and felt excruciating pains in my whole body. A Osman friend recommended St. Jacobs 011 ; the result astonished me, all pain vanished, and I was cured. -J, 13. Hyland, Troy, New York, "Well, hell," be exclaimed, as he sainpled her first pie, "where did you get this ?" "I imide that out of Mrs. Shouter's cook book," replied the young wife, "It's a—" "Alt 1" ho broke in, "this leathery part is the binding, I suppose ?" me eeeeesdm•rawsma 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVERY ' 'MAD. AR. te. 1 Repines li the absence of pain, and ell- llona have been made happy through being cured by ST JAeso, Ot1010FIEUMATISM, NEURALGIA,, 7O0TNA01'lE SHAD.ACFi18, L MRN1S$S SCALDS, BURNS, Hwd end all tole forwhlch 511 external remedy can be applied. It never tails to cure, Thousands who have dodo. closed lnotiroble at batlts and In hoceltais have thrownewaythe(r crotches being cured after using Si', JAco58 Olt, Directions in eleven landlord accompany every battle, /crena enten4ee@a 1 i PLENTY ON HAND. The thriftiness of a London shop- keeper is illustrated in a story told of a dry -foods dealer. The merchant was of on excitable temperament, ami on hoofing Ills aseistalt say to a CU11t0111er, 'No, we have not had any for a long L11na,' 4500 unable to countenance such an adnllosion. IIe lived 111(4 ey'o on the assistant, and said to the customer "Wo havo plenty' 111 r rt, r': e, 11111'5111 plenty up -stabs." '1'11e customer lo0Aed dazed for a meowed, and the shopkeeper did not seem, happy when 1115 assistant In- formed him Chatthe mud ower %vas speaking about ihe weather, and had remarked, "We havru'1 had any rain lately," TROUBLES DE AN EX -REEVE EVE PERE EASILY DISPOSED OF BY DODD'S HIDIJEY PILLS. W. G. Cragg, of Dresden, End In- flammatory P.heumatisin, and Was Cured Slick and Clean, Dresden, Ont., ,fan. 1.0._ (lipnela1) -"i)odd's J idney Pills eared ]rte slick and clean of the 11l1,"tm 11116111," says 11, Cl. Crag, ex -reeve of tills teWrl. "3-t was the irtuarnnlatory Rheuunetisua .1 had, and I think Dodd's Kidney Pills aro as fine a remedy for that as I want, I am a`1 SOulld as a bell now as far as Ilheu- lnatism is converaed," This is Mr. Cragg'; experience, and 1) 1'3 the 5a111e as 31)rtlly others. People generally here aro learning that 1lhennlatisui ie simply a result of Kidney Disease -that if the kid- neys (10 not do their duty and take 1.110 nein aced from the blood, It rrest.allizcs at the muscles and joints and causes those terturee too utauy people know too well, "T had 110cn troubled with In- flammatory Rheumatism for ritshr Years," cora/nut's the ex -reeve, "1 could scarcely get around to do my duties in my stole. I tried doctors and medicines without getting any benefit, till T heard of Dodd's kid- ney Pills, Six boxes cured me com- pletely." Cure the kidneys with Dr id's Kid- ney Pills and your liheun.etism win cure itself. The presence of lnin0or an int- pccunious lover was illustrated re- cently at a hamar, where there was a stall for the sale of watch -charms, "oh, George I" she said, "buy me a charm." "Sarah," answered is, "you have too many already." F1•=.c 1H ADMIT:ME POOD FOB MAINITAININ= 80100r HEALTH > 1111 0.1.0 011014718, Butcher -"Come, John, be lively now ; break the hones in Mr. Sampson's chops and .put Mr. Smith's ribs in your basket." "All right, sir , just as soon as I've sawed orf Miss Murphy's leg." SOUTIT VIA WASHIINGTON. Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltl- Morc, Washington, Old Point Com- fort, and the South via Lehigh Val- ley Railroad and its connections, Pour fast express trains daily for Washington, Asheville, Southern NMI. Chesterton. Savanah, Jack - 401110 le, St, Augustine, Pane Beach, ]'a.napa, Miami, Nassau, Cuba. and all Florida and winter resorts south. Excursion tickets, now on sale, For full particulars, illustrated literature, maps. etc„ ca)1 on or address Robt, 8. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agont, 33 Yongo street, Toronto. Ont.' "Are you having a, pleasant time ?" asked LL lady of 0 little miss at a fashionable children's party, "Del igh trill, blanks." "And will your papa and mamma come later ?" "011, dear, no ; papa and mamma and 1. don't belong to the scone set." lMiinarif's Liniment CCuies iiiphtheria; EAT BUTTER. The Purest Form of .rat It Is Possible to Eat. Butter is so common a commodity that people tts0 it and scafrely over think what wonderful value lies at their hand in the pats of delay yellow cream fat. Of course rso aha Y know no v h L t t t it is us1 many n branches of cookery, and that 111 nltat with- out its aid the table would ho bare of its thinly cut bread-and-butter, its delicateak C S c and its other usual accessories, Beyond these ayes Y C the value of butter is a thing only vaguely thought of. Put this delicate fat is as valuable as the dearer cod -.liver oil for weakly thin people, and doctors have fre- quently recommended the eating of many thin slices of broad, thickly spread With butter, as a meals of pleasantly taking into tine bodily tissues one of the purest forms of fat it is possible to get. Better is it carbon, and kit excess of it is stored up as fat in the body. 1t gives energy and power to worlc to those who eat heartily of it. So it is not 000510my at table to spare the butter, even to rho healthy folk, Por anyone afflicted with consump- tion, butter -cookery, if plenty of fat car be digested, it i5 ono of the best Ways of c111111g tho disease if it is 0 its early stages, or of keeping it nt me bay if 1ldVaiells not it Butter Is- t tyonp le fat, com- posed of Merely n i t n e y o o #ort. It is a mixture of no less than roma differ - ant sorts- of fat, and 110 mole nom-. 6 ear oo ploxoil can be 1511011 1111151 thins.. O • ..01•YO IN xr.:„ tgny`` 2 w71" asnnvaamtra,v 51k., tanataaaratottratan. 1• ¢q�� r y There is a good demand for all kinds of first-class .t Saes ft l ffi liliPuueslfrYto, especiallysupplydemandChic,lcons. We want largo yuan so 000sign u if you want ta°i000.8 r'roces. Ipfycoeu vm ofocrayloo, dor0r151n1 0s1e pofthAem orJtywcan nand make advance against the shipment. tll11x,m 22sea'l,00-entdma.. C%ooaa.assitssi=Adam Cico. , Mob ., =,,evaaa•tr.J ' f1e'�+tF Ia'Y['�oerav�.>aca� OUR t Don't r� r King Edward 1050(4 " Heattilight" 51113 eons u'Tcos u Victoria rr s' Little Cornet n HULL, 414t CA@9ADA Experiment with other and . inferio? brands, USE EDDY 'sininnmacen.e>;danatoZTatiatireneTii : Tile 5110W at invernese is said to have been phenomcnnl for the sea- son, • meld's Liniment Cures Distemper, C'heeronb-"O 1 conte Stop bor- rowing trouble." Glumey-"llorrow- ing ? Geo whiz, man, trouble isn't like money. Whets I borrow looney I can forget about it right away." --- For Orr? sixty Teare. OLD AND wnLLTs,Ro Rosner, - 1),, FoothinirSy^up hna bedded Inc orer el ry learn by tnrrrtena al mn.hern for alert. children ware teeth+ng, with perfect .,ecus. Ic soothes the child. Late.,, can rams, ell as all pain, carte wind code, nod 1e the bee) remedy fur Marrhese. Is pleasant to the tyro. 5018 by drn551.0 in creel part of the word, rweoty-nrecona, a 1,5110. Ire 15150 la inoatcnlablo, ..e euro and ask for Ain, Winaiow a Soothing Syrup. cad take no ether kind. Husband (reading the paper) - "What fools 5om0 iltetl will make of themselves I" Wife -"Well, Henry, dear, what have you done this time ?" .._.._ i1fnorr! s 11 0111 Cur's Cnrgel In Bows. Wit herby (savagery) -"Isn't it about time to have those windows cleaned 9" 1trs, Witherby-"Why, they were cleaned only recently." Witllerby-"How recently ?" Mrs. Witherby-"Two girls ago," When washing greasy dishes or pots and pans, Lever's Dry Soap (n powder) will remove the grease with the greatest ease. "Englishmen owe a good deal to the tailor," says 0. journal of the tailoring trade. Quito so ; and there is no doubt that the tailor would be very much pleased to collect if he could. a SOMETHING 7'O REt41E1IBEIf, When travottng you should bear in mind the road and the trains that will take you to your destination in Ole fastest time, and in the most Comfortable manner, The Grand Trunk service excels in both per, ticulars and passengcrn from To- ronto to I.Contreal, Bunalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will find the day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parlor stud Dining Oars serving Ideals "a .la carte." The night trains carry Pullman sleeping curs to all above points, You can leave Toronto for Montreal and east at 9 a, m. and 10 p. m. for Buffalo and New York at 9 rt. 4,50 4,50 and 6.18 'P. in. and to Detroit and Chicago at 7.35 a. ns., 4,50 p, m. and 11.20 p, M. Tickets, . reservations, etc„ at ally office, nnrt!lweat corner King sad Yonge streets, DUST LIKE EHHYIN i�liEi9rf AT S� a We put the bills in your pocket and take away tho mslady. • Isn't that just 'k s buying it? There's the bunch of mosey y0u'11 pay out to of rid pf the rheumatism if you buy prescriptions with it. it's a cure you want, not proscriptions. SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC eon pull the rheumatism flit by the roots. No more doctoring, no more medicines, money savod; heelth served, life paved. CURES 1N 1 TO 3 DAYS. i,151. 11, Enlists,a trained naso sr Ft 1 dein/ at 02 Cornwllis St, writes : "Ihar been It sufferer for sax peors from rl)oanlatillu. Many doctors treated oto, but relief woe only tampon. cry, I tried South American lheutoetfe Curry and atter four days' use of alto rensedy, was ea. Only acerola the disease," SOUTH AMERICAN KIDfSEY GURU Nelda heeling powers, relieves bladder and 11111; try troubles in sic hears. nntl in the worst osse0 ]) mu. RL v w eailh • To send for our Goat. pieta Sleet Music Catalogues and Special Rates. We aro equipped to Teachers 7.111..7:221,2f ( WEbAi.>RiB 1�i3YGII �y� r 9 1'N��s �. Ct9 L lel tC(i r 356 Main Street, 150 Yonge `_ , ct2, WINNIPEG, MAN. TORO:Th3, 0145. AGENTS wtntyoeoes Oorut"t)010r1? nor wen•. to eturlyou tD tasboen nor yeStmt can make twenty donate in: seek. An entirely new ptefl ,or paiara, Toronto is Cho CEN rite; of Iko ln,aincooCanada. b.8 CRICHTON & 00„ • 30 1140)1011 BT., T01103T0. Dominion Line Steanishi at Montreal to 1.Irerpool. Beaton to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool, Sen Rneeus- cena. Targe and Asst Stesmah.R. Superior oodominedatbe for all chimes of) me ngern saloons and Staterooms are andathips. Speolel attention ilea been siren to the Seemed Saloon one 'third -obis accou,mod0Unn. Pot thepatinae end 01 partloularu, apply to any neral al Company, or Rickards, Mille & Co, 7181.test.Boothe. DTOoo a&Coio rIs& Dyeing I Meaning! For the vary best, and your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN 0561010 00." Look for anent In your town, or send dlresa, Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Have Yeta Seen it 7 islihat ? Lo,,', Prloolese Realprn -sore Secrets for iso -Rome Farm and every drumliment of lumina endeavor, 188 p girth it.0.1 -poodside Iiuuu 1, 100101,/, Wo. ill+tam Briggs, Puolio1,nr, Toronto Lades' and .Van's Furs 18verythingin Fur., at lowest prices, Send. for Catalog. I)AW Puns—Wu pay blghoeb prices. Send for price 11st. 0. H. OASTEDO & CO., 77 King St. Eaot, Toronto, "Widowhood makes a woman. un- selfish," "Why so ?" "13ecaus0 oho 1011505 to loulc out for Number One and begins to look out foe Number Two." I3l'own-"I say, .Tones, you do not knave Miss Armour ; why did you raise your bat to her ?" Jones -"I didn't. it's my brother's hat ; he knows her." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.. Affable Aristocrat -"Well, the fact is, my mono is not Gibson, You see. I'm travelling incog. There's my card." Mr. Toppings -"Glad to hear it. I'm travelling in pickles. Hero's nano. 1418 OWN FREE WILL• Dear Sirs, --1 cannot speak too strongly of the excellence of MIN' ANN.D'S LINIMISNT. It is THE rCln- ody in my household for burns, sprains, etc., and wo would not . be without It, It is truly a wonderful medicine. JOHN A, MACDONALD, Publisher Arnpri0r Chronicle, Ttt;v. '1Srcozyv (with hantrnor)- "There I've hitt the !tail on the head at last." L t" ]1:It Breezy -"Why do you put your finger In your mouth 3", Mrs. Breezy "That was the nail 1 1114" -- THE WABASH RAILROAD Is the great winter tourist route to the south and west, ,ncludiag ti1* famous !Tot Springs, Ark„ Ofd Mexico, the lllfylit of *marten, Texes ane! C41llfornia, the lands of sun- shine and f1Awers. Your pae'ticula1 attention. Is called to the tact thab passengers goil'g via Detroit anti over tho Wabash, roach their dos! Unation hours in advance of othe' lines. The now and elegant train oie the Wabash. etre the Ducat st in11 1 t rouptry, everything is first class lei every raiment. All round trip winter! Satirist (tektite are riftv o a rale ati lowest i'atCN. Tituo t11l1s,,nl(eps, and .Ill internee:tion about this w ottd P dr a 1 railroad Cheerfully f ur Y f s dA' k ell b anylclro i 11 agent, or J. A. Iticliet'ds1xa, 3315tt'loti t'asetngel' stoat, 'la*1tllettet torah Xing AlY 2' lin is 5 • if f1' .it street*, .ttt'',� tb .. �1 an' r 1�(C,, Tifofn0a) fJri