The Brussels Post, 1903-2-5, Page 6NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From, All Over the Globe. Euclid Madden and James T. 'Kel- ley, indicted for manslaughter in connection with the accident at Pittsfield,- Mass., lust Augest Oi \teach Craig, Pro. idea llooseeeit's botlygtmed, was killed, pleaded guilty in Pittsfield, on Tues.. date and Madden was sentenced to --- six mouths in the liouse of Corree- CANADA, tion and to pay a $500 line. while NeIley's case was placed On rik,. Belleville Is agitating for a neW Bev. 0. U. Wetherbe, 0, Baptist drill hall. mitrister of Holland Pateet, N. Y., The Manitoba Legislature will has resigned his ministry, in order meet on February 12. that he may devote mote' of his time Another steel and (mei company le to reading. lie takes 126 newepa, being organized in Cape Bretonpets, besides a number of religious Rosslend, 13, Le, Police e01117701.17 - Lieut. Frederick Greenhed, of the 51011(15 11 OA% OIXIOCOLI all ganthlies re 50038 closed. Swedes in Winnipeg will raise funds to bring their fellow -country - mon to Canada. There is a smallpox outbreak among the Indians on the Blood Re- serve, south of Calgary. Temperance workers have asked the Ontaeio Government fOr a coin - Mission to inquire ineo irregulari- ties at the referendum. The Provincial Cabinet Of Quebec hue decidod to conveue the Legisla- ture for the transaction of business on February 26th next. Jas. Northey and his sister, Young's Point, have issued writs for damages from the G. T. R. for in- juries received th THE MARKFTS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. Toronto, Veil:. 8, - Wheat - The market is lower, Sales of No. .2 red mid w18 It at 70,1c middle freights. No. 1 spring quotd eaL 71e on 11118- lend, end No. 12 geese at. (1(8' on Midland, Manitoba wheet easier, lee No. 1 hare, 8all rale grinding in transit' . No 1 Northern 861c all United Statem hydrograph office, rail, grinding in lennsit; No. 1 hard, 874c 13orth Bay, and No. 1 N (nth - Seventieth, Ga., was divorced from his wife a IOW LIELSS ago, but when erei: dye - Market quiet, with No. 2 he was taken suddenly with a fatal (111010(1 Ill 49 to 50C 1111(h110 1.1'01ghtS. illness they WM re -married in the City Hospital of Savannah, and :he with wh No, 9 ite quoted at 73e out - died shortly afterwards. LOW'S M. Banill'il, a :wealthy man- The market is 111111, Willi ufacturer of bags in igOAV York, who tialliw - No. 8 EiNiVit quoted at 47e 'middle was a me02111)10' of the fattens Aimee - freight. end No. 13 at 43 to 44e nail- ean elea ite tm which in 1874, 1875 and 1878 defeated all comas, w ,' ilo '11freight' The market for Canadian awarded a medal by Um Princess "'"'"` - is eneier, with No. 2 yellow quoted Louise of England when he had out - at 41 to 4 - an 1.1e west, d leo. 2 mix- shot all comrs petitoat Wimbledon, race ed at 40a 1; weete and who won the first bicycle ever ridden in the ccmntry, is dead. i illeewli""t - Merk"i dull. with prices noutined at 47 to 413c at mite -- 'iit'Llil‘t:---n111.8N. GENERAL. iiMety per cent. patents in e Ware:toad wreck,. The Sultan or Jolo, son of a slew are meet, quoted at $2.70 niii,,,1,0ritle wo the Hon. Clifford Sifton in nn in- man , has just died of cholera at _freight, in buyers' sacks foe ox terview at Winnipey; declared that - Straight rollers of special bramis for Menila lio expected about 40.000 American The draken habit of the FCC11011 (1011101iiiii trade quoted at 58,25 to tro imeragrants to 011101' the West this ops in inclo-China hes grown - in:513.35 in Iffils, Manitoba flour firm; to se ended ' No 1 it tents 81.1(1.and seconds eear. Mails aro now received in London seem el rong bakers', 54, bags in - There were 1,000 more Chinese ad- mitted into Canada last year than from Pekin in 20 days by the over- chided, Toronto. laud route. - Bran, 518 in bulk here; nue derived from the tax 3,- Prof. Braun, of Strasburg Uni shorts et (11 7.5)). At outside pointe was 536 272. site, announces that be has discover- bran is quoted at $15.50, and shorts oI producing electric at (1(7,18, Manitoba bran, in sacks, The cost of °establishing e High- ed 11Y-•stimd land regiment at Hamilton would energy in unlimited volume. 518, and shorts at 820 here. be (119,000,of *which amount the Wirelees telegrarhy apparatus hos been itistalled on board every veesel COUNTRY PRODUCE. in the HUSR10 11 fleet. Beans - Trade is dull, with slip- * plies fah'. Medium bring 51.65 to PLANS OF C P R $1.75 1 e- beetle!, and hand-picked. Govermuent would be asked to con- tribute $10,000. Samtu4 Watson, who shot and killed his brother near Middleport, was acquitted of t.he charge of man- slaughter by judge Hardy at Brantford, on Saturday. The Canadian Elevator Company will build seventy new elevators A Tacoma, Wash., 'despatch saye: 11.1 along the line of the Canadiat It was announced here on Tuesday pric Northern Railway, and will open that United States Senator George Rio twenty lumber yarels in the leen- I ;Turner has accepted the position of 65.- 'usual, but the market absorbed all furthei• by a- duty on rails -soy of $230,1.09. tories. 'special counsel for the Canadian Pa-. Hay, baled - The market is un- j Word has recently et 0 to i that wore offered. The prices were six dollars per ton, which, added to The report says that some im- h-sen rec°Ive'd at 1 cffic leallwa • to take effect u )011 the 'changed. Choice timothy Sherbrooke, Qum, that J. F. 1,-1 x irat ion 0..3' his - term in Marich. As $10.25 on track, and mixed ss to . unchanged at 52 to 510, and t '4, to bounLies paid, would inean railway provements might be made in the Archtembault, notary, who left the jet! per 11). and good Veal calves cone . steel and iron to cost us twelve dot- plants in Manitoba and ilt•itish Co- 'coPunsel and general manager he will 58.50. country with obligations behind him ha.ve general charge for the Cana- ; Straw - The market, is quiet, with 'time' to be in demand, lees a ton, more than et present, lutabia, and the Loner PCOVilICON to the amount of 580.000, is dYilig 'dime Pacific of the construction by cm: bite on track quoted at $5.50 to 1 There was a brisk demand for they can be procured at? You, Mr. might also receive some accession to I 1 t ed • and prices eontinued Editor and 'our lar e clientele can the dredging fleet to keep Pa( with 51.3 , Tho Paget Sound Branch Will Be Constructed. ed, 4 No. Barley - lenclaingete Bye -NO, 1 in store 0010 asked. Minneepolis, :leelt. 8. - Wheal, - MaY, 760; July, 76'0; 00 track, No. 1. hard, 77*0; No. 1 Northern, 701e; No. 2 Northern, 73 1. philltiL FOIL - Wheat ,-- tosle No. 1 hard, Mee; NO, 1 Northern, 75,,e; No, 2 Northern, Ole; Attlee Me; July, 771c, Oats -May, 136c, LIVE STOOK + TARIPF DISCUSSION, Free 7:raders and Protectionists Air Their VieWs. A despatch from Montreal says: vontroversy on the tariff (13(15.. tion started by one of the Montreal papers continues to (1431') 1)' »10(11 in- terest. Free traders, proloetiordsts arid revenue tariff advocelet, are all expressing their views. Mr, D. 0. Barker, writing in ad- Toroni-o, Feb. 13. - The arrivals at 00011ey 0 81.0 trade, says; It is the West ern Cattle Market were impossible to name ell the ,•vils mem- large, anti most or the etoelc was Mg from heavy import (i1.0101.1. But dispoeed of. The quality of the fired. would call attention to the stuff comieg forwent WON 111071 1010, 80 1)111 injury to any nation adopt, 'with a few good OTION amongst, the lug them. The money craze stifles lot. Buyers bought esport cattle sympethy, aleo encourages celibacy, more freely, there being plenty of the excessive cost of living barring Keno.) offering for export, The top reaony, and the menoeonee, 140 Prices reported paid for export mettle greetly inereased of late, 1010' )3C11IV1 WOR 85,25 per ewt. The clay's run amounted to 61 cars, containing 1,- owing to the clalut made thee memo - 015 cattle, 255 sheep, 765 holes end 18 calves. in export cattle the top price was 1 (15.15 to 55.25 for choke stock or 1,800 to 1,400 lbs. weight. The range of medium to choice stock WON $4.50 to 55, nni.1 $e to 1$4.50 for common grades. There is stilt wanted good we'll -fattened stock. There Were. 000 butchers' cat Lle left over, and ; in addition many that had remained OVCC U118010 from last week were dis- 1 posed of. Medium to choice butch - ('18' sold at 53.50 to 54.50 per cwt. Fair to common cows, 900 to '1,100 lbs, each, sold from 53 to 513,00 per cwt, A lavge proportion of the butchers' cattle bought on the tear - keit changed hends at from 58,110 to ly justified by a, portiou of the mese my in production is mee•tired by fewer hands being required, 'Experience' of Combines' prnelices proves that the consumer does not receive the exera proles eceruinge 131g dividends are the peime object, and multi -million - Oro: are the result, as In the 150011)1'. ((('1] 011 Company for instance; which IVO C11710(10 rm in over double prices for burning oil. New to came to the 8003008 matter for Montreal 103 10111. Chia p007, EVOCS encournge- ment should he 53 \'0)) 1)) ship owners to S011(1 VON57.4 here. :Do .W0 give it? I suy omelet ically "No ! • ' Ships (steam and sn)l) cannot pro- cure cominteclal eargoo1 abroad suf- Pc'eet make them thoroughly fit- ted for the frequent Atlantic storms, mid hitting crossed that ocean many $4,121 per cwt., (hove being n. Mg times 0110 asks other travelere to say number or sales at $4. The prices whether there is ordinary comfort on of .export steers and heifers mixed board l'014N0171 half loaded with cargo, were- from 54.60 to 54.7per cwt. or in ballast/ Phe producmg In our I Mixed butchers' and export cattle Dominion of heavy goods, formerly 13rought 54 to 54.50 per cwt. There 00040 Britain, has deprived vessels were not stockers and feeders of carrying whet used to trim them tiered but prices were maintained for the voyage end the teen, mom, ,• with perhaps a trifling easier tone. from shipping lead to raise econo- IThe quotations are 84 to 54-.35 for mies in not only gear, nut in redue- retct'aodcakreal..s. and etu!i811.15ittlly otto 1 i5g!11;t8(s) stock-. lion of seamen's wages, and indirect- ly to the 11.1111'.A. or the Empire's • ers weighing about 000 lbs. each, name The item 'ileade was a use - 0 1, 71,- Was sold at $13 per eWt, Export fu1 ballast; 710W IS proposed to 'eel meth's.- Market quiet, with -th; , bulls were worth 58.75 t 54 per corrode, the raw ma t erial of British es unchanged at 4 to 41c, per :cwt. Canners were sold at $2.25 Columbia, produced 3,000 miles off; • PREFER CANADA TO VELDT Members of African Constabulary Reaeh Ottawa. An Ottawa despateh says; A party of sixteen members of the South Af- rican l'onsimbulary, who two years ego left Ot them. for the front, arriv- ed th0 City on Friday morning. Two of the nuMber, Privates Thornp, son and Biekerton, belong hove, while the rest etre from the North- west. The men who have received their diseleirge from the corps left. Illocenfonleia on Novembee 1st end Cruel Town a month Mem They came home by Wily of England. Oee of the men statiel the South African Constabulary is fast going to pieces. "Only about one-third of them is 710W left," he Ntated, "A great many 11000 got their discharges and left for thole bonne; others have se- cured employment as civilians, and several have joined regular rem - meets. Tt Is frighLfully clull in South Africa just now. Tbere is nothing save (1)0 tiring monotony of garrimon work, and naturally the wen ore anxious to get awey (114 5000 OS 1)111481810. IillsineFs, how- ever, is blest; in all lines, and several of the Canadians have got positions and- will remain in the country, For the most of them, however, Canada 18 good yeomen, and they will lose 11 t t le (3010 in get ling hack here." SPENT $7,336,799. Expenditure of Public Work -s De-. partment. An Ottawa despatch says: The re- port of the Public Works Department for the past fiscal year is in the prose, 'The expenditure for the year was as follows: Dathor and river works _52,277,767 Dredging and plaeit .,„ 846,506 Slides and booms 260,750 :Public, buildings „, 2,04 0,388 Bridges and roads 400,125 Telegraphs ,.. 6211,211 Tfiscellaneous 331,988 Total ... ......... -56,786,709 Beeides the above expenditure there - The market is quiet, AN't 111 WON tul.vanced to the Montec'el )lar- 1111')'tos285 per cwt. Mich CCM:" and and European lead cannot be got to , springers brought $20 to $55 each. help ocean traffic. To mose a letter I bor Commissioners 5550,000, making unchaneed. Strained, 8 io 1(4 Per lb, and comb, 51.25 to 51.- 1 The (Impanel continued good. that might be extended, one ases 'the entire expenditure $7,1336,790. TI • f alv's was larger than we are as a see de' to he tressed The revenue of the department was in a hospital in Denver, Col., i 1.1111 IS 0 tl;i., g quite destitute. and . it during the next year of the Ta- $6 n ton, , :coma, Seattle, and Canadian Rail- • Maple Syrup - Five within CODS, 3" hni"."1.° 00" hiSt' W001(. The judge. Finally (unless you allow en- the growing demands of trade. _, se ete, ! quotatioes given for sheep and lambs are as follows: Lambs,. $4.25 should cease to muue laymen( (not 4 The big electric: works of the Win- .roee, 180 miles in length, which is '$1 per gal; one -gallon cans other letter), the press, one thinks, 11111108. C•hineral 11000" C°1-uPan'Y ars 1, to be built front Tacoma to Sumas awl halr-gallon, 60e, to 85.25 per cwt.; 0(005, 53.50 to feeds) pressing for higher duties. it will connect with the short braurh 40c per bushel for Canedian. TOUR OF THE FARMERS. now under construction at Inc du on the international boundary, There • Onions - elm merket is eull at . is estimated that the works will : 1 513.e0; 1/1101774, 52,50 to $3.25. the •foregoing would be in, rem 1 - Bonnet, en •the Winnipeg River. lt . 1 Fuch as can be seen, one thinks, in imming north to the Canadian Pa- 1 Pou It r - Market firm. Demand The tone of the bog market con- cesle 51,0.00,000, and will be ready • Awaited in Great Britain. With In - change in ing their benefit. We want poinellat--- Mile main 1100. The Canadian rait- !good forY finest fresh killed dr 1 - ;eerie, Dewed weak, without Illly quotations, We quote; Dogs, SO- tion; not so-called protection.•' terest. for operation within a year. 'road recently decided that the time ed eteck. Chickens, 12 to 14c per The pee_ juost,telniefeyel‘viasulezt,oielegiT17ettittto t:_teletie.s. loPicooupre,..le solution urging that the Manitoba lects, 160 to 200 Ills., $6; thick fats •1nothet writer says that the .A. London despatch says: ly then; eel:stelae! heel a flavor, The Peelle farmers have passed a re-, had come to get a direct connection • 11). and old 60 to 70e per pair. Standard Government take into 'consideration' Hort or entrance eeer the Northern - fresh, lri to 14e per lb. Geese, 9 to Following is the range of quo- States is not the result of the high farmers, who are expected to arrive • Oil Trust of the Mated posed tour of a parte: of Manitoba 1 with Puget Sound cities, as i ts . Ducks, 12 to 14 c per lb. Turkeys, and lights, 55.75 per CAV1. mode of transit was typical of the relief in hauling grain would be tations to -day: places in England on Feb. 23, is tewaitrerd unies:, A inarney in them, (11,:ee is synonymous with a. sten ight 1)110 - tariff, as the United States and devise some scheme by which - termination of the present contract, 1 Potatnes - Merket is unchaneed, Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. no duty whatever on coal 011. The with great interest twee. Mr. W. Pacific may be abrogated upon the 'lle per lb. granted in this and future years, The mamma, Seattle and Canada : with ore -lenge fair, Cars of Cana- Choice ..• ••• ••• ••• •••55•00 $5.25 United Slates, he see's, tee:thane- hasPreston, Dominion. 3'inneigration FOR HIGHEST ErIaCIENCY. The Railways A. --re Spending Enor- mous Sums. The necessity for the highest effi- ciency in the engineering beam:bee of the CialWily NOVViCe 18 0111. of the most imperative demands of muceess- fill modem railroading. The ran, ways, as 110001. 1/14011., 11 MVO been awakened to the necessity or redue- Mg operating expenses wherever pos.. wee, it needs no demonstretion to convince anybody thee the neuter the roadbed eau approximate both to et Feettight line initi a horizontal Maim the loss it will cost to move tonnage, To this may be added !wavier rolling stock with 110110101' 'MAN to carry (t. Railways all over the coil) )110111 are spending 'enormous stens foe the purpose of bringing their properly into the nearest pas - slide ecord with theme Meal con- ditions, The Grand Trunk has event vast stuns in these directions, as well as in the double tracking, will eee completed which next year between Montreal and Toronto, and between Hamilton and Niagara Pulls. The Canadian Pacific lia.ve secured the seevices of ono of the most capable engineerm on this side of the Atlantic to undertake the re- duction of gradients and the straightening out of curves on the main line wherever the task can he accomplished economically. Thet•e is no doebt whatever that too little attention W115 given to this in the early days of railroading. The con - 01)1(3011 of American railway policy was to construct the railway oe the lowest poeeible basis of cost and have it ()pointed. It: was the amount of investment rather than the cost of operation that ems the controlling factor, and there can be little doubt thet had the projectors of the railways in those clays made their estimates cm whet is now conceded to be correct lines, a great many railways whose names now appear on the American list would never 11 (WC been built. The history of a !railway that has been constructed at a cost of say seven 01' eight thoesand dollars per mile fs one of constant; outlay in two di- reetions--first in the grently increas- ed cost of operating as compared with one properly constructed, and S0001)(1 in the never ending improve- ments which involve a much larger stun them would have been required had theybecn kept in view at the' be STAGE-COACH DAYS. A Journey From Portsmouth to London in 1750. There are me(0 and women -end they are not aierays the old - who de,ilore the hreettiless pave of the age. In etaee-coach days, they tell Agettt, is now arranging the vlsits(3m I • ' II tuAreisl, meant fellowehip and merry adven- , ''' t whet., eome Points, A. cent ury ago a journey inquirers. To have West( 1.11 Canada to all tho market towns, of the farinees will lectuve and meet of the beauties of the lands:rare. ifeiri.,,nott, ille enjoyment described at first-hand it is expected wbo made the journey from Ports - 1.1.01:514 01"nyc°1 but a, traveler ing emigration, which promises well will be of great service in stimulat- mouth to London in 1 780 shows for the spring. Other authorities that oven stage -coach days had their ergo the necessity of a careful selec- tion of the Manitoba, delegates, es- pecially in the way of avoiding po- litical nominees. The new Cemadinn Government im- migration office will be ready at the end of February. It is still await- ing internal littings. This time the delay wns duo to I.:enaction, 1101 Bel- ti811, WOCICI11011, LARGEST IN THE WORLD. , either by Government ownership or a .Railroad was incorporated last diem on track here quoted at $1, and system of elevators. 1month by Senator Turner and Jacob .110,p1'i3O 11 81.05 per bag. Jobbing Herbert Sanborn, a farmer, living ;Furth, who have announced that lots, $1.20 to 51.25. neer Beaudette, MI" cin the Celt' they were acting' for the Canadian j _ adian Northern Railway, has begun 'Pacific. The building of the line j a novel suit. 'He is a homesteader, ;Nem. be In harmony with the Can-- THE DAIRY MAI1KEe'S, mid his attorneys have had papers :agitate Pecific policy of reaching as; Butter - Trade is fairly active, served on the canedtan Northern many American cities as possible with prices generally unchanged. We Raillyay, the preliminary step to re- (wee subsidiary ronds, Senator • quote -Finest 1-11) rolls, 38 to 20c; cover &alleges in the sum of $17,- Teener will make his headquarters 000 for stealing :fifteen acres of his homestead. GREA.T BRITAIN. Most of the large locomotive works in Britain have combined. Pig -iron from hfiddleeborough and Hartlepool to the United States is in brisk demand. The shipment of Tyne coal for the here and in Spokane. selected dairy, tubs, 1, c; choice large rolls. 18 to 18ec; secondary --4- grades (rolls and tubs), 15 to 1)1);e creaniei y prints, 2(1 to 23)e; do., INCREASE OF $3T 000 000 sohds, .10i to 22e. P i '' I Eggs - The market is easier. We Annual Report .oiTrade and Coni- 1 quote -Strictly new had, 183e; cold tierce Shows. storage, selected, 15 to 17c; orclin- 'are', 34 to 15c; seconds, and smalls, Ottawa, .Tan, 28. -According 30 12 to 138', the annual report of the Department : 01100170 - lArkllik07: steady. We past twelve inontles amounted to of Trade and Commerce, the aggre- gente-leinest September, 131 to 14,500,000tons. gate trade has exceeded that of the 1131c; emends, 12e to 121e. previous year to the extent of over The Admiralty is being inundated $37,000.000. The increase over- with applications fur nominations 1895 is 5199,500,000. It is point- HOG rite/DUCTS. for navel cadetships, cd out that Canada leads the pro- Dressed hogs are steady, with car Bioscope pictures of Canadian cession in trade increases, the per- lots quoted at $7.65 to 57.75. Cured cities and scenes delighted a large tentage being as follows: Canada, meats steady, with demand fair. We audience at the Palace Theatre, Lon- 96,05; Japan, ammonwea 89.06', 0 lth quote -Bacon, long clear, 10e to don. \nue-mole, may buy the old-fash- of Australia, 62.21; United States, 105e in ton and case lots. Pork, 48,08; Netherlands, 43,80; 'Italy, 139,- mess. 821.50 to 522; do., short cut, . ioned British warship which was 01; Germany, 32.45; Belgium, 82,- $22.50 to $23. sold as junk for 5100,000 to a firm 08; Argentine Republic 80,93; TT et Smoleed hams, 113 to 11310; rolls, of London metal brokers. led Kingdom, 24„77; France, 18.16; lle to 12c; shoulders, lle; backs, 14 Temperance workers in London te • , 8.65; ('ape Cobony, 2,62. to 1.4em breakfast bacon, 14 to 14.1c. ana have started an agitation to abol-1 Our trade during the year per cap- Lard- Market quiet, with prices from Ship island, October 6, for . a. is man to take he; place among nations there must be morne gel the 'barmaid, by working ronong tea oe eo . i le f , pu a ton ivies a. a tt ci ,unc t . t li 1 ' hangel We quote -Tierces, 11c; Montevideo. They were piceed 11P inducement! made to cadtalists to the girls themsclvee. that of the United States : tubs, 11 3e; pails, 11)e; eompound, at, SCL1 by the Brunswick. The men . ; A party of 65 young women has la°tvehe t$77' e ween $80 and A131. Great Bri- 81 to 1))), re tort ed -that the Veronica was develop her resources; something that - Muclittia ••• 4.60 4•00 free trade in coal oil and yet the Light ... ... 4.25 4.60 Standard Oil Trust is one of the big - Bulls .., ......... ... 13.75 4•00 gest, if not the biggest, trusts of all. Belt obeys- A coerespontlent signing himself Choice ••• 4. 00 4.50 Medium. _ .., 8.40 4.00 Heifers „. 0.00 8.90 Bulls 3.00 3.50 "Free Trader" says: "I'rotect i on is an unnatural law in any country. Even if AVO ad11101 its success as en- riching some particular country the people of 501110 other country 01'0 ereeders ,„ „, 4.00 4.25 made just that much poorer. Some Canners 2.25 2.50 day there will be universal free trade and the people of that day will Mali- Sheep - vol at the standard of the civilize - Lambs 4,25 5.25 tion of the 201.11 century." • or aalliCS, each 9,00 10.00 Calves, per 100 lbs. ... 4.50 6.00 Beckwith of G•areiter's Creek, St. John County, N. B., writes; "Canada pays the United States -43 Hogs- !for each and every 51 the United Sows t.5000 43..7050 !oda will not always do. If it 1007IC 'States pays Canada, something' Can- Stagl Selects, 160 to 200 Britam hee Finance Minister could not for Canada's trade with Great not show a clean balance sheet at ehe end of the yeer, but instead it would take but a few short 3'ears when our "Lady of the Snowe" would become bankrupe or cease to be a nation. Canada has untold natural wealth; her soil is as yet but merely scrateh- ed; her mines and minerals- aro prac- tically aneleyelopede her forests have A Liverpool despatch says: The a_ untold wealth; her fishoviem aro worth !British steamer Brunswick from Dm a- annually, Canada has also zi.1, which arrived here ou ThursdaY' !the brain and uniscle needed -for the landed survivors of the :British buildleg of a. groat, nation; but if barque Veroniete Captain Shaw, • lbs. ,........... 6.00 0.00 Thick 'fats 5.75 0.00 Lights ... 5.75 0.00 MUTINY AND MURDER. Serious Charge Brought Against Derelict Sailors. lust loft London for Johannesburg !thin, $102 France, between $53 and In connection with Lord Milner's .554; Gerrnan3., about 541. • new scheme for tile emigration of women. THE BLUE MARINES. After nearly 60 years of active treandee, the 'Veteran" six -coupled locomotive of the Northeastern Ball_ Additions Will Be Made to the way Company has been placed 00 Halifax Garrison. Lite retired list. 411j1 ta. A Halifax despatch. says: Halifax le eit, 1th. (Ye, BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Feb. 3. - Green - No. 1 e en en n :etc no atter Manitoba. hard wheat, 74e; No. 1 seven of the crew of VOC011i00, after , way than for Canada to protect her Northern, 72c in store Fort William; which they are -alleged to have set peas, 7131c high freights; oats, No, 2 fire to the ship. The four seamen own industries with a tariff as high as that of the United States. I will in store lune, 36)e, 81 to 313c high say that the chief officer and a sea - one industry that hall proepered man died on board the vessel, thatiulte protection; that, is raising Captain Shaw and some o•f the CCM "nil" wheat and the manufacture of flotle. left in a boat, and that they (the! four men) left her in another boett .TweeteAve years ago there ems ekomera free trade in wheat and ffiter between Islaiid,and succeeded in reaching 1Decenther 25, in a etarvingiCianuda eud the United States, with burned et sea, December 20, but the will keen our young men and women at home -the flower of our land who police have detained four of them on : 58 5310(00 of their having mutinied 1 lesiva our shores to be hewers of drawers of water in a. and murdered Captain Shan' andwood and ! for - w(1( soon have two line regiments, 500 east, Flour - Manitoba pat- -UNITED STATES. 'Into Worcester Regiment will come en 3.s, 34,40 to $4,50; seconde, 54,10 A. meeting of health officers at here from Bermuda. Part of the ' to $4.20; Ontario straight rollers, FVashington declared that the bo- corps will be quartered at the Glaeis 53.50 to 53.65, in bags, 51,70 to . . . . .. 13arracks 'and the ronaincler at the $1,75; patents, $3.70 to $4.10, 11011 - the sixty million market) $6 per as en ( 0 1 11 t 1 . g 0. 0 . . The amount subscribed to aid the eitudel. The Royal Artillery will . ed oals-Millers' ences $2, bags, and condition, Three days Meer they • 3, i• anthracite coal miners in the recent be COTTIOV(id from Halifax and the $4.15 per bbl, Eced-Mallitob0 were picked up by the Deunswick. strike was 52,645,324, of whieh forts will be maimed by marine ar- bran, 519 to $20; shorts, 521 to barrel to the consumer in Canada. Inembers of the United Mine Workers$22, huge included; Ontario Imam la tillery, known as the Blue Marines, 'meet 52,225,870. Two ships' emnpanies, comprising bulk, 517 to 517.50; shorts, in bulk, Three women were crushed to deeth about 1,000 men, will be stationed $20, Provisions-lieavy 61(1111( 11101 In a fire pane., in a New York fac- tory, tho male employes treating them with callous brutality 10 their frenzied rueh to escape. leifty-one cows have been burnal le death 111 40 1100 which destroyed the large buildings cm 11, dairy farm et Lindell, N. J., two and a half Whet from Elizabeth, N, J. An undergrotied drivelvay, !noising beneath the bed of the Chicago riv- e' and stretching from the Art 11,13.1(10 (0 to Illinois caul St. Clair streets is ProJected• Convict:it at work at a quarry fit Soutliern Illinots, near Chester, un- covered the teeth and hones nf a erattstotion, tho teeth being six inches loeg and weighing five pounds each. '1'. 13. Fitepatrfelc of :Benton, Lite natiolial treaSueer of the 'United Ir - 1031 Leaglie of America, hue amicrene- eel that 585,000 hes been contribut- ed by Arnerieuns foe tho Molise of • • e permanently at the barracics and at ellort cut polk, 52.1. to 525, sun the dockyard, for service on the eut, backs, 528.50 to .524; light ships of the fleet in eases of einee- short cut, 523 to $24; compound re- gency. An equal number of them fined lard, 811, to Oc; pure Canadian will he stationed at Bermuda for lard, 1.1e; lineet lard, 12 to 12ece fentiler plomoses, WANTED FOR MURDER. Two Men in Sing ,Sing Will Be Beought to Alberta. A 'Winnipeg despatele says: Capt. Walker of the Northwest Mounted Police has left for Sing Sing Prison, New York, to bring back an alleged murderer named Morgan, and accom- plice, Jos. Lamm They are charged with bclibiig a companion nanind ,Johnston, near Red Deer, abOnt two and -a half years 0.50, and ef- forts will be Intude to have them ex- tradited. The accused aro eloted criminals, and are jest eompleting a term itt Sing Sing /or robbery tome hams, 121 to 180; bacon, 14 to 15c; dressed hogs, 58.211; fresh killed abattoir, $9 per 100 lbs. Eggs - Fancy, 24 to 25e; candled erLock, 20 to 200; Montreal limed: 11-e• to 138c; Western, 1.6,1 to 17c. Honey -White clover, in sections, 12 to 130 per section; in 10-11). tins, 8 to 9e; it 8011c, 7.) to Sc; dark, 2c, lower' Peel - try -Turkeys, 14 to 1 5c per lh; 800- 011(13, O(1. -- 31N1711311) STATES lefATtleleTS, St. I.ouis, leob. re. - Wheat -Cash Jatentry, 72e; Mey, 75ec; July, 7111e, Iluffelo, Feb. 8, - lelour - Elem. Wileat-Speeng dull; No. 1 tame 88e. flortt - Only tsteadyf No, 2 yellow', 521e: No, 2' core, to ie. Oats - The cook, a. negro, aeserts, however, that the men led lty the boatswain, a German, inutinied and murdered the captain, chief officer and °there, and threatened to kill him if he be- trayed them. After an investigation tho lour seamen were formally Ontamo would sell her wheat to the United Stater, where it was ground into flonr. The best flour was kept in the States and the second geed° W41.17 sold to Dm provinces down be. the sea for the above price, Then 1878 or 1879 the Canadian Govern - 1(1 charged with having murdered 50000 1110(11 7)011 a duty on United StaLee reorentlyni r evslIsItilot(tilytttees„.0 t'ilengletet„30,3 •tt,111„(' fleur bet it did not raise the price fourth 18 „e Aeiteetenee, eemeette of flour be Canada, for after the duty was put on flour Canadian felnith, who shipped at a MississiPPI wheat ‘0115 ground 111 Canada and Port, WORK OF EXPLOSION. Four Men Were Xilled and Many Injured. A Port Wayne, Ind., despatch says: Four 711011 WOCO killed, one fatally in. Need, three 0thors seriously injured, and ten more or less severely hurt in an explosion Which wrecked a large section of the Eckardt. Packing Conte pany's Matt on Thursday. The 05 - plosion is belieVed tO hare been due to en emendation of natural gas in the The eeetion destroyed W11.8 100 feet arnI two storiee Weed Neey Vork„ Sleliete No, 2 white, 421,C; NO, 2 /nix- high, , 1 1 . , . 1 . 1 I , . • . ., flour has gredualler been getting eheaper, until to -day good Canadian high-grade flour eoste the consemer $1..50 per barrel less then when there was free trade betwom Canada and the United States. This ie bet a, sample of how all other Canadien indnettles will thrive ender protec- tion or remain dormant under a low duty 07' .110 protection." 17..V. Cadwell, heed 27, superin- tendent of the Champion Paper Mills of IVaellington, , while eteetepteng to, pass a belt 0171)e 0 pulley, mete caught and. Whirled aroingi to syddeii•,deat,h, The Cedric Has Loft Belfast for Liverpo ol. A. London despatch says: The larg- est steamer in the world, the Cedric, of the White Star 11001, is 00111010301, and has left Belfast -for Liverpool, to prepare for her maiden voyage to New Yterk early in February. She is 700 feet long, alai is the second elmelows. 'Tho getting, up' on the coach alone was at the risk of one's life," he wrote, "111101 WI1011 1 WEIR up, I had nothing to hoicl on to except n. 113,310 handle at the side. The moment 'we set off 1 thought 1 ROW certein death before me. The machine rolled with tremendous rapidiLy over the 5001109, and every minute seemed to fly in the air, so that it appeared to nal a completn miracle that WC stuck to the con.ch at all. ..Th is eon tinu al fear of death at last Levamo irsupportahle to me, and 1. carefully crept along the top of the con.ch and ensconced myself in the basket behind. "On a sudden the coach proceeded at 44 rapid tette clown a hill. AR the boxes, Men -nailed and copper -fasten- ed, began to dance around me, and 0ve17 moment I received such vio- steamer to exceed 20,000 tons. Fier lent blows that thought. my last hour had come. Shaken to pieces, bleeding and sore, I crept back to my former position; and it rained in- ceseantly, auel OS before wo were cov- ered with dust, so now WO '.0010smelted with rain. 111y neighbor every now and then fell asleep, and when in this acute perpetually rolled and jolted againet me with the. whole weight of his body, more then once nearly push- ing me from the seat to which I dung with the last streeeth of de- spair. I looked, and certainly felt, like a crazy fool, when X arrived in London," The letter is realistic. It posed- ble that twentieth century traveling, although unronialitice has its 00111- P071117141011R after all. sister ship, the Celtic, being the first. The Ottlrie will have 8e0010- =dation for 3,000 passengers, but has not been built for speed, and will not ettempit to lower the At- lantic record. 4 ---- GOOD SEASON FOR DEER. Returns Showing Number of Per- mits Issued. A despatch from Toronto saye 1- .14ccording to the figures of the pro- vincial game warden's depart:met 5,365 deer hunting permits were isseed in 1902, en inerettee of 75 over the proceeding year. To )10)1 001(01118 200 ;termite were issued, et increase of 100, es compared with 1.001, The number of settlerte per- mits granted was 2,681, while 150 licenses to shoot moose were issued. 'Me Canadian Expeees Company carried. 2,286 deer, weighing 248,- 1)92 pounds, and the Dominion iex- trees carried 2-40 deer, There were, however, 0. logo tweeter killed AV111011 W017111 Ma be carried by either eompeny, NO thit1,1 these !figures do not reprement the n111nbot' of animals shot, THE ARIVI_Y C_ONTRACT. War Oillee Urged to Reform the Present Methods. A. despatch 10010 London says :- The colonial representatevee hero ere 'urging the War 01181, to revise its methods of army con Leads. They represent that as forms for went contracts in Smith Africa are not obtainable in Canada and Australia, it is impossible to send colonial tenders, They urge that in order to secure real competition the War °nice must issue conditions of con- tract and tender forms in sufneient time' to enable Canadian anti Alia- 3.1(0103)1101contractOrs 10 tender (11' 00)13. . "Doesn't 3:010, hrother Tommy over give you anything, joheny?" "X should say he did. De's the mat what give me the talents and the measles." Mother -"I wish you would rake up the dead leaves in the yard." Setae elort-"I've got a :Train in my wrist, and the rheumatism in my beak, and eeowing pains in my right n1,1 -and cramps 110 toy left one, and headache, and toothache." "At. ter you hove redoel the leaves into a pile you 111111y sli1 13. 011 111'0 and jump over it." "Whoop 3 where's the rake ?" A. distinguished cavalry leader Was once at a dinner -potty, to whieh he had been invited as the guest of 11000r. :In:side:3 hint wan loqua- 010115 WidOW, With hale of raven black, who rudely inteerupted the coeversation by nal:lag the warrior why it Wem that hie heard Was still black Whiln 1141 bean WWI turning grey. With treat politeneem the eld soldier turned toWard her, ,,r fe5.0 t cannot, give yoe eiltimatetoey an - sever," Mad he, "unless, possibly, the reason le that, licro 115013 My brain it MAIO Moro ilia: 1 *we. ;rase AutiO 7,