HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-5, Page 41 $300. Sent to the Road and Bridge Q . IgntOP li eJ 1,, Committee, Rev. Mr. Auderson, Editor htitohell and Banker Williams ryddroased the Oounoil in the matter of a grant of THURSDAY, FEB. 5, 1908, 926 to the ohiidrene' Aid Soolety of Huron Oo, It wee referred to Mxeoutive. Mr, Barr, of Uuiou S. S. No. 11, Wet. HURON CO, 00UN011. (Continued from last week ) WEDNESDAY'S SESSIONS. Council mat at 10 a. m. Warden in the obair, and ail member, present except Mr. Bowman. Minutes react and con- firmed. Report of Striking Committee was preaeuted as follows :— EXECUTIVE AND SPECIAL : — Connolly, Bowman, Miller, Spaokman, Hicks. Chairmen, 11, Miller and H. Spackman. FINANCE AND EDUCATIONAL :—Lookhart, Derain, MoNaughton, McLean, Gunn, Chairmen, B. B. Gunn, and M. Look. bar(. BOAR AND BRIDGE AND CO. PROPERTY :— Patterson, Oantelon, Lamont, Young, Ferguson. Chairmen, D. Oantelon and S. Fertueon. BovetizaTlox :—Whole Uonnail. WARDEN'S COMMITTEE :—Oauteloo, Pat- terson, Lamont, Miller. House of REFUGE :—Bowman, Look - hart, Hioke. Chairman, R. Rieke. Report paeeed with Mr. McLean in the chair in Committee of the Whole. Ap. pliostioos were received from D. E. Monro, of Auburn, and H. W. Ball, of Goderioh, ae Go, Auditors. COMMUNICATIONS AND MEMORIALS. Letter read from Hunter Bridge Go., Kincardine re Wiugham and Clinton bridge oontraote. Sent to Road ind Bridge Committee. Lettere were read from Hospital of Sick Ohildren, Toronto, and Prisoners' Aid Aeeoaiation asking for grants. From Trueteee' Aseo. asking the Go. to appoint a delegate. Memorials from County of Viotoria, Twpe. of Hal- lett and MoKillop referriog to Good Roads movemeat ; from Go. Grey aekiog for amendments to Munielpal Aot ; from Go. Waterloo wanting amendments to Criminal A ot ; Petition of Go. Clerks asking pay from Go. for Assessment rolls sent to Go. Council, sent to respective Committees. REPORTS AND TENDER;. Report of Tao. Ansley, Go. Commie. eioner, Jailer Griffin, Inspeotors Robb and Tom, Go. Treasurer, Clerk on Ioene aooe of Go. buildings, the Acting Regia. trar were read and referred to proper Committees. Tenders for erection Ben - m Ilex bridge, and for Co. Printing were read as were the report of the Collegiatee at Seafortb, Clinton and Goderioh, and were referred to Oommitteee. Moved by Meeere. Lookhart and Hioke that Mr. Spaokman and Clerk Lane be Auditors on Criminal Board. Carried. SYMPATHY, CONDOLENCE AND CONGRATULATION. Moved by Mr. Spaokman, seconded by Mr. Miller that we regret the abeenoe of Mr. Bowman, who is unable to be present owing to personal illness and hope he will soon be restored to hie venal good. health, and would recommend that his name be retained on the pay list of thio session. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Connolly and. Mo. Naughton that the Go. Commit of the Go. of Huron, now in session, desire to convey to Mies Lewis and Mayor Lewis oar most sincere sympathy in the sudden bereavement of their father, late Crown Attorney Lewis, who was a familiar figure for a very long period of years and we learned to esteem him very highly, ooming in minted) with him se we have during the various Beardenrt. Carried. Moved by Meagre. McLean and. Miller that the 0o. (Donnell tender hearty oou• gratnlatione to Judge Doyle on his promotion to the Senior Judgeship of Huron Co, We are satisfied that the faithfulness whioh has characterized his work hitherto will still be shown iu hie more honored position. Carried. Moved by M<sers. Miller and Speakman that we, the Go. Connell of Huron, offer our congratulations to Judge Halt, who Hee for many years been a worthy and efficient member of oar Connell, on hie elevation. We appreciate the foot that the honor conferred was well deserved and hope be may live long to perform the dutfee devolving upon the °ffiee. Carried. The Olerk was requested to forward oopiee of these reeolutrone to the persona named. A number of a000aute were read and sent to Finauae Oammittee. The names of Jae. Scott, Jno, Aoheaon and Jae. Scott were eubmitted ae Trustees of Seafortb, Goderioh and Olioton Col- legiate Institutes. GRANTS AND DELEGATIONS. Grants were ;eked for the Farmers' Institutes, Public Libraries, Teachers' Institutes, Horticultural and Agricultural Societies and for the purohaseof flowering planta for Court House square aid were referred to Exeontive. A delegation waited on the Connell on Wednesday afternoon in reference to M. oreaeed antistatic° toC ontinuation elites work in the Go. Prinoipal Mn.grave, Wiogbsm, Barrister Sinclair, Brneaele, Mr, Hendon, Exeter, and Mr, P,nmmer, Blyth, addreeeed the Council in to very able manner and presented there oau ea very clearly. Messrs. Turnbull,Cameron, Clegg MoCammine, and Carling were also IDH the t' me ora of a da ut ation. P Messrs. Leitch and Howson appeared before the Council relative to 00 claim for a horse dieabled by breaking through Menoheeter bridge and the Exeontive was asked to report. Moved by Messrs. Miller and Speak. mem that the Warden be empowered to get the advioe of the Go. Solicitor art to the claim of the St. Marys Collegiate Institute and also as to the gnalifiaatiou of Go. Anditora. Carried. TRuitenex'a BEsoroo o, Moved by Meagre. Spaokman and Hioke that the Clerk be inetrneted to parobaee oopy of the Ontario Statutes for 1908 for each member of thio ()urinal'. Car. rigid. MOved by Masers. Connolly and Mo - Naughton, that a oopy of the Mnniaipal World be obtained for the different members ot this Connell. Carried. Mr, Clegg and Mr. ldaye retired from the list of applicants for the Aaditorohtp and in the ballotting Mr. Monro, of Aa. burn, and Mr. Lawrence, of Goderiotl township, were &opted, MORE DELEGATES. A depntotion oon0iottng Of Messrs. Feeder and Snider, of Colborne, address. ed the Connell, bearing a petition of 141 names, caking for a grant of $500 to out down and improve the hill at Holmes. villa bridge on ooudtOion Ohat they raised wsaosb and Eiullett, gave some panic. Ware as to a little dlasgreement over school affairs and wanted the Go. Omitted to call Iuepeotor to book. As no formal ohargo had been entered and the Inepsot• or was not present no aotion was taken. Application was read from Mr. French, of the Industrial Home, Clinton, asking for advanoa in salary. A motion of Mame. Darnin and Gana asked an in. ;reuse of $100 to Clerk Lane, from 9800 to $900 Both matters were Gaut to the Executive, Moved by Mr. Lookhart, emended by Mr. Young that this Commit well a meet. ing ot representatives from the vatioos munioipallOieo to confer with this Conned on the advieability of partioipating in the proposed grant to publio highways. Sant to Road and Bridge Committee, tl 1 111 bUDB13141Gki PUNT tie in malting purehaa3 of aupplieo for the NI, outside of tender.—Uarriod, Bylaw oppoluting Auditors wart read three time; and puttied, after which pounoil adjourned Ni 2 p, rn. to moot 011 Tueaday, Juue 2nd, LETTERS FROM.1UD0Ee Dnr1M AND HOLT. Wm. Lane, E -q., County Oterk Huron. DEAF Snt,-1n acknowledging receipt of the reeolutiou paroled yesterday by the County 0ouuoil, I beg to say that I am thankful to au important Mnniaipal body for their very kind oongrtttulotioue and eomp,imentary references to my past and future official efforts and I beg to assure them that I wilt earnestly endeavor to merit the oonfidetoe reposed in me, Yours truly, Jan. 29, 1903. B. J• Donn. GENTLEMEN,--Iem in reaeiptof aletter from your Oirrk ooutainiug a resolution palmed by your Honorable body oougret• elating me upon my recent tippointment to the bonoh, Permit me, Mr. Warden and members of the County Oounoil of Huron, to thank you moat tivaerely for STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL EXPENDITURE Estimated Actual Surplus Deficit Administration of Justice .......,..,$5000 06 $8878 33 001126 117 ,tail 2000 W 1076 9110 24 04 Divfaiou Court Jury Fund • 99 00 e4 40 174 00 Suboole 6700 00 6073 25 72 25 Reboot 3lauagement 2200 0) 2121 04 78 08 (0000nts 1500 01 000 0 010 00 Luuatios, &o 800 (0 900 83 106 82 llontolpal Government 4800 00 8832 90 907 10 Stationery, &o 800 03 036 09 101 96 Miscellaneous 100 00 171 00 29 W County Property 600 00 607 03 107 03 ]toads and Bridges 7654 27 3020 04 381154 27 $29430 71 0280 10 RECEIPTS Estimated Actual Interest 8 200 00 $ 207 80 Licenses 1100 00 1231.00 Registry Office - 1500 00 1063 46 Net annual expenditure on General amount, $0,099.83. Total interest on mortgagee and 01700 iu Savings dank, $00,87336. 9139 23 87008 50 cOMMIe0IONER AN0LEY'a RETORT. GENTLaooEN,—I herewith submit this, my report of the bnsiieoe I bave trans. sated niece the date of my report at your December meeting, 1902. Iteontaine the uumber and amount of the orders I have issued and the pnrpoeeefor which they were issued. I have advertised end 110. oeived tenders for the erection of the Ben• miller bridge which you purposed to place under contract at this your present meetiug. The plane and epeoificatione are herewith submitted for your exami nation and to be dealt with by your hon• orable Ooanoil. I examined the atone walla at the Wroxeter bridge and touud them io a safe condition and will not re- quire any repairs at the present time. I have notioed that the base of the abut. menta at the Maitland bridge that stoups are being broken and pieties are falling out and I am of the opinion that they should be enoaoed with a wall of cement to keep them secure. This should he attended to early in the coming Som- mer. There will most likely be other bridges to rebuild during the nextseaso0, bat I hope it will not be necessary before your Juue meeting. It will be necessary to secure some material for bridge floors ae meal during the Winter. A number of a000uuts were paid. Amonntof orders issued einoe Deo. report. $180.98. JOHN Amax, Go• Com. JAILER'S REPORT. GENTLEMEN,—Herein I submit to you the number of prisoners ooufint d in jail ea present :—Iueanity, Thomas Shannon, Robt, Trier, Michael O'Mara ; vagrancy, Joshua Craver, Francis Myers; Robt. Wallace, John Parker, Wm. McLeod, John MoA.uley, James Lynch, Thomas Reid. I would like very much if your Council would at this meeting examine and adopt a better and cheaper system of heating your jail than yon have at present. I remalo, yours respeottolly, JosEPH C. GRIFFIN, Jailer. THURSDAY EVENING SESSION. Letter from Hie Honor Judge Doyle wen read and direoted to be priuted in the minutes. The opinion of the County solicitor relating to liability to Collegiate Iuatitute at St. Marys was read and filed. Mr. Hunter, of the Hunter Bridge Company, Kincardine waited on the °outwit and explained causes of delay in erecting bridges ooatr00ted for last Jaoo- ary. Report of Special Committee was read and taken up in Committee with Mr. Lookhart in the Chair. Report passed. The Pipetoe Committee's report was presented in Gommottee. Mr. Miller oe. oupied the obair. Report aooepted. Re- port of Eduootlon Oommittee was read. Mr. Patterson was invited to the chair in Committee. Report pooled both itt Committee and in Ooanoil. Report of County Property Committee wait read. Mr. Hioke eooapied the obair in Oommit- tee. Committee rose and on Warden Kerr resuming the obair the report pass. ed, Moved by Mr. Patterson and Mr. Lockhart that this Commit adjourn till to morrow morning at 10 o'olook, Lost. Report of the Executive Committee was presented and taken up in Committee with Mr. Uantelo0 in the chair, Com. mitres rose and reported that °leasee, Noe. 1, 2, 4, 8, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 passed. U'aaee 8 etraak 000. Clause No, 13 be amended to read that the Clerk's salary be $900 end that salary of Mr. Franoh remain the same as formers The Warden reenmed the chair when it was moved by Mr. Lockhart, segn o dad byM (Dentition, that theClerk's r. 0 o a seise Y remain the same as lust,$ ear 800. Lost Y 0o a division. Yeao—Messrs, Cantelon, Connolly, Ferguson,Lookllart, MoNangh. ton and Spackman, 6. Nays—Durnin, Gunn, Rieke, Lamont, Miller, Pattereou, Young and MoLean, 8. Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Young, that the ealariee of Mr. and Mrs. Franoh be ioorea0ed 25 each. Loeb on a chyle. ton, Yana—ttleeere. Gaon, Hioke, Mil ler, McLean, Spaokman and Yonne, 6 Nays—Meseta. Oantelon, Connolly, Dur. vin, Ferguson, Lookhart, Lamont, Mo. Naughtoh and Patterson, 8, The report as amended in Committee of the whole was adopted, On motion of Mestere. Yuung and Lamour, the Council adjourn• ed till Friday 10 a.m. FRIDAY'S 000000108. Road and Bridge Committee'e report wee read with Mr. Connolly io the chair, Report passed. Mortara. Gaon and Mo Lean moved that the Warden end Messrs. Miller, Cantelon, Gonoolly and Lane be a Committee to attend to dll.mattorn in oonde05ion with the Good Ronde project. —Carried. Mears. Cameron, of Bina - Bele, and Anderson, of Exeter, were ap- pointed ()peaty Examiners. Me. Gann odeopying ohair in Committee. Moved by Miller and Oantelon, that cedar rim• bet iu Benmidor bridge when taken down, be anal by enation,—Carried. Moved by Durnin and Lookhart that the Olerk 0040 in oonjanotion with Mr, Grif• the kind expressions contained to the resututiou. It la particularly gratifying. to me to receive this resolution coming as it does from a Commit of which I was a member for twelve yours. You may be sure that your aotion in thus express. iug your approval of my appointment will never be forgotten by your late col. league Although I have oesaed to be a member of the Commit I will always take a very great interest iu your proceedings and although our relations with one another may not les quite as intimate as formerly yet I am satisfed they will be ae oordial. To those members of the Council with whom I have at different times eat at the Board, let me say that I always received from them, one and alt, the meet courteous and goner( 10 treat• meet and I leave your Honorable body with a very great deal of regret, in fact many of the pleasantest days of my file bave been there spent. Again thanking yon, gentlemen, for all your good wishes, I remain, yours very sincerely, Jou. 20, 1908. PHILIP HOLT. ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE. I" reference to Geed Roads Atoo, ask- ing for a delegate we recommend no aotion. Regarding Mr. Forester's appli- cation and petition of 141 uomee, asking for $500 grant for improvements on Holmeevtlle hill recommend no aotion until Monioipal Comical! of Goderioh and Colborne townobipa report as to grants. Ae to letter from Hallett Twp, asking that action ,be taken on Good Roads movement, we recommend that Go. Clerk be inotrnnted to tisk the various towoehip Coanaile to send representatives to confer with the Co. Ooanoil Oe to ad- visability of eatsbliehiug a system of Go. roads in order to participate in the Govt. grant, at a meeting to be held in Olintou on a date to be named and that the War- den and Clerk arraoge date and oorrest. pond with Mr. Campbell, Good Ronde inspector. We recommend that the report of the Go. Engiuter be adopted and printed in the minutes. Ws recom• mend that tenders be asked for 100 yards of oonoreto for the improvement of abut- ments of Maitland bridge, 'Goderioh, ten. dere to be allotted at Jane sessionof Connoil. Following tenders were reoeiv- ed for the proposed new bridge at Ben. miller :— For concrete abutments—Walker & Anderson, Clinton, $5 50 per cubic yard Frank Nagle, Colborne, 95.15 per out.io yard ; F. Guttridge, Seaforth, $4 90 per oobio yard ; Ronan ee Elliott, 8t. Uathar- inee. $5 20 per onbio yard ; Alex. Fraser, Hamburg, $5.90 per cubic yard. For iron eupereernatnre—SerniaBridge Co., $7,470 00 ; Hontee Bros„ Kinaar• dine, $7,474.80; Stratford Bridge 00., $7450 00. We recommend that F. Guttridge get the abutments and Hunter Brae., the iron work providing that plane, 'prof$• Dation(' and security satisfactory to the Go. Engineer and Warden be furnished. Also recommend that Mr. Ansley, Engin. ear, be authorized to employ a compe- tent inepeotor who will see after the proper carrying out of oonbrant work on abutments. D. UANTELON, Ohodrtnan. EDUCATION COMMITTEE, Regarding request of Provincial Trust. see' Also as t t o appointment of delegate, recommend no action. As to increase of grant to Oontinuatfou Claes work in our Publio . oheels we regard t S td be claim as a k very worthy one and believe an increase oommendable n read I a eaters' Reports e d P P and we re am nil that o me t t tY be be printed tot E be mina tie, Havenotdeome a pare - graphs a graphs in reports which we advise the Clerk to read in order to oalt attaution of Connell to them. In the matter of Co. Examiners we had 4 names before us, 8 of whom have the necessary qualifications viz • Meanie Anderson, of Exeter, Gamer. on, of Brussels, and Field, of Goderioh. We advise that the two former be ap. pointed as both are Prinoipale of Piblie dobcole, M. LooxuenT, CHAIRMAN. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Iisoommend following grants,—Hnopi• Oat for Siak Children, Toronto $20 ; Prisoners' Aid Arno , $10 ; Agrionitural and Horticultural Sooietlee bolding ohowe in 1008, $20 each ; Partnere' Institute, $25 ; Teaohere' Aeeo„ $25 eaoh ; Flowers at Court House, $10 ; to Continuation Olasoeo in Pub iu Schools; Go. grant to be double that of Govt. ; Children;' Aid Aseo• $25 ; Poblio Libraries $15. Re. garding petition from Twp. Clerics' re payment for extra roll. Welrecommend that summary be Dent ea01r year and fail roll every 3 years. (This eliuee was etruok tent in oanoidering report in Com minae of the Whole.) Ao to Mr. Leitch's claim of $55 for here° injured at Man - cheater bridge, after bearing the evidence rocomme09. payment. Three tenders were Cedillas for Go, Printing tee neon - mend that it go to the Goderioh Star, it being the lowest. Statements from the • Oollegletee received and we find the amount to be pald ae 10110we t—Sraforth, $2451.80; Clinton, $2390 70 ; Goderioh, $1800,0.0. Motion regarding ittoreaae to Clark's salary from 5800 to $900 and in - arouse to itIr. 1i'reuell, we recommend that it be referred book to Committee cf the Whole. (Thal wee enure -d to Clerk in Committee an I Uouuci', the fees for Co. (N'unml oleotimte 10 be otruok 0 it in oont•idera,ion of loon note '1'ho proposed iuoreese of $15 kaah 110 110 and Mrs Franoh was vuoe l down,) A. to :alum of St. Marys Ioetltuta for payment of fees by this Go, for tuition of Go, mile, we reutunmend that Clerk write Board of Trueteee that thio Connell in of opinion that Seo. 84 of Hlgtt School Aot and sub sections thereof are not applioablo to 130. Marys Institute and Huron Go. Roar, MILLER, CIIAIattar, FINANCE COMMITTEE. A large number of a000nnts were re. oommeaded to be paeeed. We recom• mend that Water rate for 1903 be paid in advauoe. Acting Registrar's report wag considered, we recommend it be printed in minutes. The statement of the Go. Treasurer, together with his letter have beau examined. We find the same 'torrent Rod are much pleased with the very effi oieut manner in which the statement 10 prepared as it gives fall information to every one concerning the fioanoos of the Go. Reoommead that scat unt of G. J. Berger for $9 97 fx'raa at Jail be not paid as we oouemer it part of aontraot of new residence. B. B. GUNN, CHAIRMAN. 0PEOIAL 20JIM1TTRN Regarding memorial from C ,. of Grey asking for term of Municipal Cannella to be extended to 2 years Red held eon., current with Go. Connoil eierucna, and cue from Waterloo Go. regarding admiui• titration of Criminal Justice tee r00om. mend that the Warden and Clerk sign them. We recommend no Ration re questions from McKillop township rein• nye to enow fenoee, &e., and one aekiog Otto Highway Act. H. SPACEMAN, CHAIRMAN. CO, MUMMY. We examined jail, and find everything in good order and number of pri0o1ers to correspond with Jailer's rep rt, Reoom mend material he purchased for a ladder and that Jailer's report be printed in the minutes. AIvo. examined Registry Office and Court House and found everyihohg o. k. Work in Trentarer's 1 ffioe not yet completed. Recommrua that b'iude be purataeed Inc 3 windows ou the landing leading to Commit Chamber and that storm windows be pnt on Judge's room, back of Court House and that the Go, Clerk purchase the same. S. FERGUrON, GRAIRMIAN. 00. 00010021, NOTES. There wait no shortage of delegations. House of Refuge is insured for $10,800. Tbere ere 82 inmates in the Hones of Refuge. The 27 tons of sugar beets grown at the Roues of Refuge last year netted 986.00. Berlin factory bought them. Caretaker French, of the House of Refuge, bas been quite poorly with diabetes but is pinking up quite nicely now we are pleased to state. The new men at the Co. Council this year were Masers, Young, of Smith's Hill , Gann, of Seafotth ; MoNaoghtou, of Stanley, and Dornin, of Ashfield. The fat and 2nd mentioned of 3 and 2 years respectively under the old Go. Council Aut. Committee on Good Roads Bleated Mr. Miller as chairman and ivlr. Lane as Secretary. It woo deoided that Commit- tee meet in Clinton on Feb. 1000, at 10 o'oloelt, to draft a program of business and rualte necee0ary arrangements for public meeting to be hetet for the County iu March. 111e naw Hones of Refuge Committee, excepting Mr. Boum in, met at •Guntur, Friday ofteruotn er 3 80 o'olrolr, and opened and allotted tenders for supplies for 1908. Harty Barttiff eapplies' the bread eo $2 25 per owl. About a ton a month is used. Meat will be furnished by A. Gouub, at 6o per Ib. It ie bought by the quarter and only front quarters are put -aimed so as to have material for soup, J. W. Irwin got the grocery oou• treat, be being the lowest. Every Variety of Weather Promised by elev. 11.1 R. Hicks for lite Mouth of February. Prof. Hioke, of St. Loaia, promisee all sorts of weothertor February., cud it is to be toped everybody will get a few days of the sort they like heat. The month will open warm and threatening. Dis- turbances will oontmae until about the 4 b, bringing heavy rains turning later into 00000 over much of the country. February will begiu with moderate to wattle, bright daya, but rain, with wind and thunder southward, t rd will follow and turn qulokly to enow, sleet and very cold weather, A storm period to watch is from about Sunday, the 811b to Thursdaydo the.12th. The das of greatest violence will benandto lis o ua t tg the 10tH and t . d11h Violent.raine tnay be ex eo tetover south. n d t I ern an oou rn parte of the not nt v i. 1 r this P Y, a boreal counterpart In the form of ofn • ions euowetorm and blizzard from the West and North need net earpriee any reader. The crisis of these dtsterbanoee well come on and next to the 11th. Those who do not prepare -for hard Win. ter storms and for a great cold wave and blizzardbetween th was a 9 h and 16tH of February will, we fear pee a costly pen. ally, The final ou•mivatfon of these otormo may not come before the 14th and 15th, which are oeniral reactionary storm days ; but we caution ell,'•epeoially thine who have live steel( lnlereete at Make, to be on their guard arty time from the 910 nntfl the cu -Initiation oornee. Don't be deceived by delnya and pleasant weather. Heavy storm; of ruin, wind and thunder will epeedlly be foliewed by change to sleet and arrow all winding op with stiff wintry galea and a onld wave from the northwest Welt danger may be appro. handed at this and other February periods from the gorging of streams and rivets by oaddetl floods and the jamming of moving and oruehing bee, Look for several days of oriep, freezing weather altertheotormo of (hie period pees off. The last three Jaye of the mon h will bring return of general etorm coudiOiono winding up ne the 28th with eleotrioal diotarbanoee and heavy mine in many eeotlone 0f tile country. (Upon the whole vieforooaet an unusually scot my and dioogreeable Feb. lusty, iM1 6= `- 9r4`' '•' •Q,3, 4e "Sei-' :-:y'h•=2G'-- St` 9 As has been our custom in the past we will offer our entire stock of Winter goods at Manufacturers' prices for 30 days only, commencing Friday, January 9th . FT 7' OF OU r' OIAL ii rt -+;s Made -to -Order Department $15 00 Iieavy Tweed Suits, Made-to-order, 16 00 t( 18 00 20 00 22 00 Boys' tt tt Ready-made Clothing Department, fol'... $12 50 18 75 14 50 16 00 17 50 $6 Suits, now $4 50 6.50, 7.00 & 7.50 Suite 5 00 8.00, 8 50 & 9.00 Suite 6 00 9.50, 10 & 10.50 Suits 7 50 11.50, 12 & 18.00 Suits 9 00 5.00 & 5.50 Overcoats 8 75 7.00 & 7.50 5 00 10.00111510.50 " 7 50 11.50, 12 & 12.50 " 9 00 16.00 Overcoats ou sale 12 00 Men's Double-breasted Freize Coats, regular $5 and $6, at $4.00. Men's Double-breasted Beaver Coats regular $6 and $6.50, at $4.50. D. B. Reefers, regular $8 25 for $2 25 CI 01 rt 8 50 " 2 50 If r, tt 4 00 " 8 00 Men's Odd Pants that were 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50 and $8,00, now 90o, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and $1.75. Underwear Department Men's All Wool Unshrinkable Underwear Regular 90c and $1.00 quality on sale at " 75c quality on sale at 50c 750 550 40c Men's Fleece Lined Underwear $1.50 quality at 81.00 1.25 t' 90 1.00 " 90 75c quality at 55c 50e " 40c We also have a few Fur Coats left which will be sold at a bargain. Terms Strictly Cash during Sale. E. NFORD ON Leading Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers, REAL ESTATE. WARMS FOR SALE—'IHR UN• DERemNEn hue several good Farms for Salo and to rout, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F R. SCOTT. Bref ual jARM TO BENT, BEING LOT 29, Oon. 10, Grey. There are 300 mires, 20 under cultivation. Apply to 40810980 F REDMOND, on the premises, or Moucrieff P. 0. 20.01 HOUSE AND 1f ACRES 01' laud, eligibly located on Turuh erry etteet, Brussels, for sale. Will be Bold en Woe or hoose and lots separately, to cult purchaser, Good dairy business la ootmet- teen. Possession oonld be given any time. For price, terms, &o., apply to NMI, Mo. LAOURLIN, Bra0eei0, A SACRIFICE 1N REAL ES- TATE.—$8000,00 will buy the McCaw. gbey Block in the Village of Brussels. These two floe stores cruet be sold to close out Olio McCaughey Estate, Intending ppurobaeere [Mould investigate at once. Apply to F. 8. SCOTT or 0.I'. BLAIR, Brussels, Out, 'FARM FOR SALE, BEING West a Lot 10, Con. 17, Grey, runtoiu- ing 60 acres, 47 soros cleared, balance bush, There t good Eta a house with h et na mailer ;good born 192 feet; with stone stabling, orchard,well &oFarm well fan• cod and vo11 drained. Only4mi1e from n eonool and oChurch t d o tbe 1 t and a 00100.dT fP Mon is in good ha o and no seeded to 0,050. Possession given ou Jan. 1st For price, terms &c., apply on the premises, or it by letter to Walton P.O. W. J. 000ALLISTEl4, 17-01 Proprietor, ods Wauied We are prepared to pay for First-olsse Maple loge - $14 per M rime—elan Bolt Elm loge 14 " First—olaeo Rook film loge16 First-alasaBasowood loge 15 " Firot—ol'aes B000h logs 12 " All !Undo and grades wanted. Call and got our prioee. The Canada Furniture Mfrs. Limited OP'FPL:LTISG no button & !omit Charradar/ WINGHAM, ONT, tirliM • OM 13•21161.111011 11•190.119 Brussels. Spoiled a flood Baking yon have many a time by noing au inferior grade of flour. Your bread will always be light, white and sweet when using the Veuae. It is always of sup- erior quality, with no variation, and ie carefully made from the beet grown Manitoba wheat. Try this eatiefaotory brand for your bread, oaken and pies, and you will never nee any other. 1t1II195EL4 0 WE BESp 2 X TTRA zMIGGRADE Qw a 5 P 11raoto Alle— nlr c CEP. P 9 N \ ceito E TRIM 0 00CRYSTAi. tn` SPRAY AMERICAN , OIL, r4, '-1 X14 A.P.6,o Just arrived—One car load of PENNOLINE and SILVER LIGFI'L AMERICAN OIL at 20e and 25e per gallon. Try our Pennoline tit 250 per gallon find you will buy it again. WILTON & TURNBULL. k