HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-2-5, Page 1I Vol. 81. No. 80 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1908 W. H . KERR, Prop, Nevv Loon( -into ro1/00141-G.i-rG Loon -John Baking Powderer Clothing -G. Amnion Bale Standnrd One we01r Stook taking Motropolitac printed Skirt's Advertisements. Gray. & Oo• Rioherda. E. Mellish. Several two from enpply, Mre. visiting Mre. little oh There choirnh amnion We welcome Oarter the Ben. purohaaed. We are Jno, Ritchie, having tinware another store, believe workore. Mre. ill daring °ioely now Oommanion Duff's church Rues, of at 2 p. Rev. Was appointed Presbytery 01 Rev. The mill belonging bring gob Neu ton, g the worst Rev. of Torero, eiro„it charge noes will Walton Mr. Leeoh of the Londerboro', Granite, worthy portraits people love bought an acre' him and are putting up a or wood ie ehowe Com, Albert to and same. and good in Jno. le Me. g to done: take Ser. 10 80, p. m. p artMrs. of and pages of ore hue eome soaroity being unbendto time, fine tended donne mice aged spirited Mre. addition daughter vive, afternoon, eervioe. day, and more Ed. cords house. clan the on photo. love Mrs. We ed Alfred of Dakota although speed to pnrohneer he F. Our more the County atlas, Three of the broth. are Muth diet ministers, Mr, Losoh not been in the regular ministry Jro little time but on [torment of the of ministers, canoed by go many eent to the Northweeb, he has vol. take the Walton work for a We w1013 him noose. He 10 n preaober and a good worker, The empathy of the community is ex. to Thos. Bolger in the sodden of his pewter in life whose de. took pluoe Wednesday of last week, 28 years. Decreased wee a line person, a daughter of Mr. and Obrietopber of this place, In to a sorrowing husband a little 2 years cid and an intent suer Funeral took place on Friday Bev. Mr, Webb taking the dangeroaa.beiug a perteot Meet of ioe,-Mrs. Miskimmrng died very sud• den in Blyth on Friday morning last. Deoeaaed lived at Sonehine fora long time and WAS buried thereon Monday Of at the week. Rev. Jeo, Holmes °Mofat- ed. -G. Cols hat engaged with F. Martin this coming aeasnn.-8'. Martin, Otb line, geed a fine young draught mare on Tuesday of this week to Mr. Fowler, Bluevale road, for u big fie°re.-A lot of oiokneeg in this loonlity.-Taylor Brea, shipped a oar of cattle from Belgrave on Thursday of this week. -A good many attended the horse fair at Brussels on Th°raiay of tide week. -Geo. Miller ie baying rip some horaae for the West. -We are sorry to say that the wood at $. S. No. 8 ,a condom"ad on account of not being sound, aympatby ie expressed for the bereaved, espeotally the husband who hes not been enjoying very rugged health during the past Fall, Mr. Debsou le 78 years of age. Among then from a distance were Devfd Dobson, of Feta/to, who fortunately bad not started on her homeward trip; Mr, MoKuight and Mr, p'ieher, nephews, of Maple and Tbornhtll ; and Min Myrtle Dobson, granddaughter, of Mitchell. A mementoeervioe was held in the Mello. diet Church lust Sabbath evening when the pastor and ROM, Malley made ap propriote and kindly reference to the de. parted. -• . -_� - r r r`, Owing to bare roads bnainees was momowhat quiet, Mies Mary Logan, of $t, Marys, is vie• friende in this looalit Miss Florence McKay, at MOnorleff, is visiting relativae in $t, Marys, Mloe Maroie Cardiff le hY,me from o 01011 with relatives to 8t, Marys. Wm. Hogg entertained a number of young friends loot Friday evening, Miea Christina Buttery, who hue been in Listowel for eome lime, has returned home. Mies Annie Dunlop, who bas been under the /loner's Dare, le gam ewbat better we are planted to atate. Last week Robt. MaTa art was bus Y heeling atone for Jaime Almon who in. tends raising his barn and putting atone stabling underneath. Edward King, a eon of Won. King, formerly of the 14th, con, but now of Manitoba, ie visitingrelatives and friends in bit old neighborood. Leet week Teaokor Avfaan was on the siok list for a few daye and in oonaegnenoe school was diemi.eed on Friday. He ie at work again this week. Will, Patterson, who has been vieitiog with friends at Barrie hag. returned, Tbe young+ lady who hao been singing •"Will ye no'aomebaok again" has got her wish A sleigh load of young people from the 12th con , drove over to the residence of Wm, Peet, 14th von., Eim,", on Wedoeo. day night of last week. They report a good time. James Torubull wife and family, D. 0. and Mies Aunie Btraohan and Geo. and Mre McVarlans attended the wed wielgof Min 00 Wednedreel TOrubull near Lino. We are pleased to report that Graem Richardson, who has been laid ap for eome time with a disabled arm, ie im• proving quite nicely and we bops he will noon be oonvalecent. Auction ealee at Joeeph Bowman's 7th eon. neat Monday afternoon and at Jno, Smith's on the same lino on Wednesday afrurn°o0. Both are large liete ae farms r have been sold and owners are giving rip farming. Thursday evening of next week Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingbxm, will deliver one of bis well known 'enures in Roes ohurah under the anopioee of the Sabbath eohool Board. He ie well worth hearing. Lecture at 7.80 o'olouk. John R°ebworth, who formerly lived on the 14th con. with. John Hislop and who went from there to the Northwest where he enlisted in the last contingent for Beath Africa, ie walling on his many friends before be returns bo the Prairie Province. OYSTER OPPER.-On Wednesday night of last week Albert and Mre. Whitlied, 14th coq„ eotertatned aboab 60 guests from the neighborhood. Elaborate tables were spread with abundance of oysters, oake, oandiee, eta., and a most enjoyable time was spent by all, Mr. and Mre. Whitfield made a capital boat and bonne. JNo• RIDLEY DEAD. Alter a long period of great eaffering, manfully borne, Jno. Ridley, of lot 28, won. passed away from time oma WedOesda 8, Ixet week and was buried on Friday. IIs had an attack of la grippe which was followed by Meningitis and had been to the hospital for treatment twine. Mr. Ridley waa a motive of London, England, and had been a reeideut of Grey township for a good manyears where he enjoyed the good Yg will of the oommdgitp. He was 52 years of age. Mre. Ridley and family are deep. ly sympathized with in their bereave. went, SmvoR CORNERS FAtlmonn.-From the Auditors' report of the Silver Corners cheese factory we gather the following facts :-Total lbs. of milk received for cheese, 1,840,847 ; Ibe. of cheese, 123,619, Total amonut received for aheeeo, $12,• 220.77 ; for interest $40.86, Amount paid patrons for milk, 810,087 ; for man• ntaoturfng, 91,112.58. Lbs. of milk to make 1 Ib. of °heeae, 10,84. Average p rine of o]eese for bbs eeaaom 9.89 ; nosh of mannfaotnrin° for the season $1.18. The following officers were elected for 1903 t-Oommittee, Jae, Greig, John Speiran, Thoe, Inglis 1 Secretary, John Hntobieon, salary $25 ; Salesman and Treae, Hngb Richmond, salary 960. Iso tory has been in operation for the pest 14 yeare, Jae. Morrison was owner for Rot 9 years and wae enooeeded by N. B. MoLanoblio who disposed of it reoaotly to Albert A. Morrison, of Fullerton. Jno• Little was ealmean ter {$ret 9 years ; then Wm. Bell for next 7 yeare and •Mr, MaLauohlfu attended to this department last year. Following are several (oversgee that may be of interest to more than the patrons of Silver Oar- dere Factory :- ' 3 ., m m 0.,,..a• o 'a "map, , A,,,.. m year e m a° 5 p 0114 ea g to as eM 0 a m a o o P a li'9 ileo' • 160 to 2u 011 ga 700 tsar;:,,; ,,, 10.70 0 SO 1 2.5 703 1893 1064 9 97 1 04 8'0 pia 1076 10 91 1 20 eft 1904 10 80 0 87 1 011 707essz2Y 1805 11.10 a 17 1 ea 02o 1808 10:80 8 33 1 20 o7o 18117 10.90 8 51 1 18 07e g� 111 lsi pn 12 Ino 1000 ..,..,11,06 10 28 110 810 1001 11,16 8 79 114 08e 1002 10,81 9 88 1 18 Ole Last year while the average welling price wag bot quite se high se in eome yearn the average net price per cwt. of milk to the patron equalled that of any other year, owing largely to the feet that obsess tvae marketed as anon Ite ready. Mise Sean Brandon, who has been holidaying with ber grandfatber,',Uhomae Whitfleld, has gone to Toronto where she bee taken a poeition, RiohardRoe and family removed to Bennie last Tuesday where they will make their home for the pewee, They carry with thew many hearty good wish• ea for a happy future, WaDDoeo BaLLo,-On Wednaeday of this week a pretty wedding took plaoe at Bruseeie Mothodiet Parsonage, when Frank Woode and Mae H01de, y00ugeot daughter of Hartwell and Mra. Speirao, lath woo., were united in marriage. The bride was dressed In °ream silk trimmed with pearls and lave, and looked most °harming, The happy yonng n0uple Will take ap housekeeping on the 16th won. Mr, Woods is a wail to do yonng man, highly respect ed •in thie neighborhood and will take charge of the homestead weirdo fn is known to be one of the beet lame fa the towaehip, The bride ie oleo highly esteemed and has been fn the choir of Bethel and Union a arghee for the wet P ri will ibs greatly nal sed bat e!1 aregre and to eee her do so well. It is to be hoed that the young couple will still attend the acme ohmroh. The ceremony was Y per.y formed by Rev, T: W. Gonne. Many good wisher/ are extended to the happy Young couple. Taft Pon throws a° edltorlal slipper attar Mr, and Mre,. . Woods. There was a large attend& quarterly eervioe in the Meth Inst Sabbath. The paster' teat wee ,Penn I have Witt and in the eventing •'Prepai thy God"'. Last Sabbath afternoon i; with the moothly Miesioner Methodist Sabbath eohool B gave a short addreee on "Pio the Df lesion field" from b perie0a0, Po/am/tater Ferree ed what Mr• Paul said, TI woe $4 82. MAITLAND PR0BRYTRnL•-T of this body in Wmghem on last week, was not largal; Rev. D. Parris was M°dace and Rev, Mr. West, Clerk pet Mr. Anderson's resignation al accepted and Rev. A. Ma0Nal Walton, was appointed inti Rev, Mr. Anderson a reeigna to ill health, was ooneidered. tativee from hie congregation the Presbytery expressing per reacherttooubsellor e and Chastor i, mae bat owin to the air would not object 00 his reaien, ministers of the Presbytery s y ed regrets and good wtobee. Anderson sails for Sootlsnd ne Rev. t nr. West will preach 1 vaoanl Hast Sabbath. Melville nourish Commute was well attended and interest Rev. Mr, MoNab, of Walton, Saturday and the pastor iso Y pulpit on Sabbath and Mor animalviva meeting was held after eervioe ; a good report wae pr the peat year "owing the , families to be 200 and total n 440 i 360 eoho,are, teacher a to 00ne0tiOn with the nor 0 $86865 contributed for mie benevolences and $2047 76 fol eo o p p sea, Babbath eohool and Endeavor, $2911.41 in all. 'XI members of the Managing B reelected, Alea, D. Grant • plaoe of D. Creaser remain Skene ie $eoretary•Treaeurer Coo re wino et 10 good heart roe erous nonditio. P P _ Pon, King. g• Doug,as. -Jas. Fos. A. Matohett, -J, J. Denman. Bauk-F, 11, mors-Moliinnou sale -1. 0• Bank -A. Corsi (Dr) at Postmaster Jno. Inge, was last at Bruanal& and family Dark pleased taken 00000 store We they R, I the we 13, °esele, m. A. MacNab, last Mr. maobiuery read of ready which W. W. will next of the be 2.80, is country and family may neerirt►tt, Tornbgll, of Godarioh McNair'a. Iiwgbt'e condition if anything lees favorable. no eerviue in the Mothodiet Sabbath owing to the to /hie community who have moved farm which they recently to bear thatour villager ie branching into business oharge of a hardware in Atwood, Geo. $ranter, ook man is in the wish them good look will do well ae they are [; } .t 'yt tiIStx�c•t 3.eio t oat to Oon• lilies Mise been week - a He Mr. days lot. Jrtnanerto Weare leased P ladles who try examinations eervatory have Berens in Junior Strachan in Clayton White, seriously ill John Oroz:er whioh he paid Quite to lose. The Latter foga in the school has ',caught Henry Dennis new been next be an up.tn•date Sand MoNab neighbors with g killed two sofmaln him almost Jamee and the home to They will bake When they return. Wm. Vance, Drager, East g to have his leg ago while headline horses. Samuel Stitt ontting wood - wan t° learn that want to Toronto loot in mueio at been successful, Pianoforte Primas Pianoforte. Y . the youngicing week the and bee last before. hold meet. Nobody build no doubt way. beef. made Manitoba, friends, them with y enough few °pfrfted engaged bath _.___ til v, t a. The Belgrave ocngregation of the Eog• lieh church preaen•ed their OIergyma0 with a handg.,me fur overcoat on wad• nenda 21st alb. Mr. Edmonds woe YMre. waw plebe( taken y surprise. kidlworded gift P by Y dace' igned by 38 members of the von• Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Wingham, lectured in Blyth on Wednesday evening 21st ult, on "Ireland and the Irieh" ander the "'Vic" of the Young Pe,ples' Snofety, of Trinity church. The Brussels Younggg Y People are to be invited to Dome over to the neat entertainment and to furnish Part of the program. . -` '•"" - 9+.h favi 1. Ethel ie no beak number. John lfauauld has been very danger. o°ely ill during.the past week with pneumonia but we hope be will aoon be o. k, Anbrey, only eon of Prionipal and Mre. Dobson, was operated upon for a (brood trouble and will soon be ae well as ever we hope, Mr. and Mre. Bernath left this week for their home in North Dakota bearing many good wishes with them for snippy and prosperous life. The brick and other necessary building material for Wm. Hollinbeok's new 2 story cottage Is being hauled. It will be a modern reeidenoe with latent improve. PPERSONAL manta be Darinand thet wet weakhed ae°E,theyon et est abild of Harvey and hIra. Dobson has been dangeroaely ill with pneumonia but we trusts permanent once maynew be speed. fly attained. The line new residence of B. S. (Dole in ococpied. Competent judges aM. m that it le a °nay, well planned modern home and we hope Mr. and Mre. Cole and familywill enjoyman ha Y happy prosperous years under die roof, GRAND ()Gomm -A grand aonoert under the aoepioee of the Sone of Tem peraooe will be given in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Friday evening, Feb. 13. The program will corselet of vocal and inetrumenbal maxi° by Mise E. Mason, soloist, of Toronto ; Prof. Garrett, bum. orieb, of Gurria ; H. V. Awioon, vo°abet, of Bromeele 1 Mr. and Miee Taylor, of Jamestown. There will also be mune, recitations and dialogues by the beet looal talent. Admieeian 160, reserved sante 25o. Plan of Hall at MoDonald's store. Doors open at 7 o'clock and program nom. menoee at 8. RESOLUTION OS OONDOLENtla: To Mr. and Mre. Geo. Dobson. Dean Bao, Atm Szemuo,-We, the members of Ethel Division of Temperance, No. 149, desire to tender to you our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in the bereavement you have sit reao°tly sustained in the temnvel by death of your beloved mother. But while you feel it ie bard to have that tenderest of ties broken, we hope you will be where °t meeting Ler iu toot BeaaEit01 (lily of ew the ba eaed thought God, where Pnrewelle are unknown. Signed on behalf of She Division, J. o. LA3fONT, W. P., ROBT. MORAY, Chap. Etbel, Feb. god, 1903. Men 1N Tan Waal• -A telegram was g received on Wednaeday by Wm. Laky, Braesele, from Neepawa, Manitoba, eon. taining the sad tntelligeooe that his daughter, Lottie B , wife of Robb. Lind. say, had peeped away to the Great Beyond. She was married 6 yeare ago and went West with her boeband. Last Sommer ber health woe poor and continued to fail until the end came. Deoeaaed was bald i° high esteem by a (urge circle of friends and made hereelt very useful in community. Sbe wag °rennint in the Methodist ohurah here for years. General regret will be felt over her de mine. Mre. Lindsay was in her 28th year. Interment was made at Neepawa. AN Oen limon NT Goan To Hart Ra• waao. Thin oummunity wag greatly and sadly surprised on Wednesday of Ian week on learning of the unexpected de. mise of an old and highly eeteeined reel• dent iu the person of Mrs. Lawreoae Dobson. Tuesday she had been calling on a few neighbors enjoying a fair share of health and ou Wednesday morning about seven u'elook was quite ill with pneumonia and heart feline asserting itself derplte all that oonld be done else paesed quietly towel at 1.30• p, m. Her maiden name was Margaret Holland and ehe was bora in York Oo,, Ontario, When 22 yeare of age elle wee united in marriage to her now bereft partner and shortly atter Dame to this locality and located they being among the pioneers: Next Ootaber would ]ave been Mr. and Mrs. Dobson'$ golden wedding conniver• gory. Deoeaaed was 72 yeare, 5 mouths and 7 daye old. The survivingabildreq are :-James, Minto, Man, ; Rba, Bar. wick, New Ontario ; David, Fairfax, Man. ; Geo. and Harvey, Ethel, Thoe. died when 2 year of age and Bennett was killed at Field station, N, W. T , on the 0.,P. R., when 28 yeare old. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon, Rev. 0. P. Wella, 13. A , B. 0., condoning the err vine. The pall bearers were D. and J. Entailer, R. McKelvey, W. Slemmon, A. McKee and D. Milne. Interment wag at Brunets oemotery. Mre. Dob. 000 was generous hearted, ontepohen yet Mildly, tndnetrioh0 and had the esteem of the community for her many good otielitito of• head and hear b. united ' Morri,.r. Township Counoil will meet next Mon. Qu. Councillor Bowmen ie improving will soon be able to get about once ae of yore, One day last week Ohae. Davie and Bryan° sawed, spirt and piled seven of hardwood in eight and half Tbe members of the Sabbath eohool taught by Mre. Wm. Jaokeon, in Jaokeon ohurah Sabbath school called her at her home and preeented a group en an expression of their and regret at her removal. kir. and leaks/on moved to Blyth this week. wish them manyhappyyears. FAoar Bonn. --4V. . Wilnbae die oe• P of hie 100 sore farm, filo line, to J. Lowry, of Brussel., for the SUM 93400. Mr Wilson will likely go to next Spring and take up land Mre. Wilson and daughter may next Bummer here. We ere sorry lose W. 0, but wish him success. The will not move to the form ae is a mason by trade and a buy man. B Boort made the sale. Nomas, -Mrs. Agin continues poorly. oouotry rotde would woad a few invitee of snow as they are very • W All ann. reser has been dangerously past week but ie improving are pleased to state. serrios's will be held next Bsbbath. Rev. will preaob on Friday M. A., of Walton, interim Clerk of Maitland week owing to resignation Anderson, late of Wroxeter. in the now and heading to L. MoDonald & Oo, for o eratio° D. ie attending means it will be well Leech, Methodist minister preaob on the Walton S,bbeth, awl may same for sometime. held at Bethel et and Providence 7 not a stranger to thin g having had oharge Varna, and Whiteohorah ie of that notable of ben brothers whose be seen on one of the Le¢tQ1)tary . of this place with pneumonia. lost a oow $40 for a abort time Day Sainte still house here. on" yet. is preparing to season. It will building in every bite been supplyinghie eomeprime feat weelt which 890, Arobie Gloats, of visit relatives and horses bank with who ie engaged of here wee uuluolc severely hart it a team of is now busily end loge off his )Filsee,vutJm, W. J, Duff was in Wroxeter on Mon. day' Peter Wheeler bee secured a position in Hamilton. Mr, Somerville, of Dauphin, Mao , waw a violins at Mre. Bailey's. Mo$eurte and Mra.Pattereon, of Wio g baro, spear Sunday in the village. Ed. Blaine, of Toronto, ani Mre. SOYder, of bhe eama city, are visiting M. Baf ey. Or re. Peacock and eon, who have been vieiting Mra. Arob and Mrs. Walter Pat hereon, Lave returned Lome. Mra. John ;Gemmell, formerly of the 6th, Taroberry, but now of Maoitaha, called on rrStewds fntoe village last week, atRev. Mri a the of Balmer?, °beech fast Qommnnie service on la the Friday. in Thehe Presbyterian oioe00 Sunday woe conducted by the peeler. At the annual meeting of the P.,nevale Presbyterian clinch the building of a ohurah was talked of and the mem. here were told to keepthe matter in mind, - �, - `v~ i• pry v .� ,.. '^ _ - + 4 0 ® r ONE STRICTLY PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWESTp YAItAbItA Reba. Wynn returned to D week. Y, Rev. G. J. Abe of Preeto: town last week. Mies Edwards, of Delmore, relativesMion M McGuire, Milton in town a, of eMek. it few days in Gown this week. G. A. Deadman fa away on o trip to Chatham and Dundee. Mies Leo Curry has taken aa assistant in Brussels poeboffi )Slee Kate Meanie, has gone to visit ber slater, Mre. Harry Mine Mabel Adams is home proving nicely in health we are state. d is r Lindsay, of hesister,MeoJoe. street, James Shaw has been on On with a disabled back but we hi soon be better. Mre. better. er., Elizabeth on the sick list but ie im ro p vim pleased Eo awe. Mres Dolly Beaker arrived t Winnipeg last Monday. She away about 1a yeare. 3. D. Dron, eon of the 'neje has a position in oonueotion Amerfaan Army service in Uta Mre. J. H. Cameron, of Bet oompanied by Mre. Turnbull, rich, were 'netting at Listowel Thoe. Nichola ie able to be a more attar a ve yryin reeabl ioonarbuncle, a ver diva reeabk dna. Howard has been on t aide daring toe past week, bet the old gentleman contemn be 9 again. Tato Foam extends a welcome Roe and family, who moved to Scat] this week from the old 1 on the 3rd eon. of Grey. Aokhnret Taylor ie very poor home of D. Haiet and the ricin disease dose not give mach g improvement we are sorry to se Mre. Edwards, er., mother tc wad Geo. Edwards, who home with the former, Albert e been quite poorly. The old lad 80 yeare of age. I. 0. Riobards was at Lietowi nesda interviewing y • g Aruhiteot conaermng hie proposed new and taping stook of eome of b] able homes in that town. Samuel ()anion, of Petrolie, a visit. Re wire of trying ate the West. He i0 a baker by t thinks there ie more ••dough' i, peg and beyond than here. H. and F. Rogers and Roy Vt Fullerton, were vieitoro at Thee their unole, last week. Mr. a jnet recovering from an aeoide by a eave•le of a gravel pit whit gravel. JIM. Leckie was away foie Owen Sound attending the awn ing of the Ban Cement Oompe Macdonald, M. P., of Winghan President, ae eucoeoeor to bit 0 the late Dr. Horsey. Arob. ()rodeo' and fatality go the old homestead after a tee several yeare in Bruee°le. The made owing to the daemon of Mr lather. Their Brunie friends anis in wishing them health, and prosperity, The Seaforth Expoeiter of le says of a former. Brusoelito _ Willib'is °arryibg bis arm in a I fell 0n the ioe it the rink, in; and a few nights afterwards turning from Gerrie and when 0f miles on thie Bide of Bruoaeli was Open going through a pitol being thrown out, he had hie dielooated, Unfortunately for I hie rl,tht ehoulder that le iii Mr. Wililo numerous triendt locality hope be will 80010 be rid twee, Our Goods of thin°' taken b ulations Remnant Bargain, posting to r < lavWAY -15 dozen Wonted Hoge, regular 85o, -55 ends noluding all '5o, t0 olear -�0 ends I•'lannel°, deer at -tic Remnants Homeepuns, V.euetiape, mono and Children's old at a of merited -A olearin Neat, alightly noluding Corset Skirts, at Speulal only blaolt r -1h regular gp -10 only egular price -our Corset -$1.00 Bias make, on sale -91.25 Bias make, ou sale -1 50 Bias rid I make, -$2 00 Mae nd I make, � hinikr Great all kinds, into of Remnants, Sale this clearing find p airs of sizes male pt•ioe Colored Teffetta good shades, at of our worth of our Freizee, desirable pries, g lot of polled Covers, Prices ()Duey 91 Co Fanny le 780, sale Filled aE Filled Ooreete, at Filled on este at Filled oe sale at,,,,,,.,,,;, ofthe ■ Annual consideration heretofore, almost fine 7 to 9}, best beat Cheviots for Coate, Ladies' and crimpled, Gowns to Far eale prion price Bargains Genets, Corsets, Ooreete, teat Quantities all worth Silks, marked Fronoh 600, guilty q Lad to White neer. Ruffs, rine,,,. Tape, ...... B ! • , B find Fil January A time Oddments up of any wool to yin and ieaP be and and •, , and .. 1 13 1 B 1 2 amass " E no all kind •()apes, 26 55 g5 70 55 75 00 10 85 everything Oddments former whs,t come regular eeason, and -g Grey, re g in -12 all clearing =20 Gowrie, regales -200 Olot20wort] -Ladies' Made in newest -50 red cheeks, price .-15 Ohildren'a eines 250, •-5 in 25o, and and price, and of theyear's the loss equal to this Great prices a -6 onlyLadies' nicely trimmed, sale prise -10 only Children'e Reefers, worth $1.75, to clear at, soda only Aatrao]an ()ream end Cardinal, alar91 75, to clear -15 only Honey Oomb Black, yrs Honey Cior Bl 90o, ray, ewe only Heavy Cloth new thfe season, at only Ladino' oolore Pink and 85o, sale price Yards fine quality regular alib $6 00 and Skirts of i3omee p etyleo, sola price yetds 25 into Gloss and white and bine worth regular dozen pairs Women's heavy all 5' to 9 inohee, mucked sale price doz. Ladies' Cashmere Blaoke and Colors, worth 800 and 85o, nolo come expecting & to Slow Selling the only (wo m- may be. No in point of Sale ex- 9y Blank Cloth new this 8 80 Navy Bine regular 91.50 1 20 Carl in Gun, worth at 1 26Hoist 9hawle, al and lthe White, 65 Shawls,Y worth $1.7b, 1 26 Flannelette Bine, worth 66 Amazon sale zoic 19 p $G 50 Tailor ude,all made - 8 75 (loth in and white 120, sale 8 and wool Hose, 16o to 10 to 19 Gloves regular price,. -1`J to 0 ■ W roxer.er. . Mies Cassie Harris visitingfriende in Hanaall. Minn Annie Martin has returned from Toronto. Jobe Douglas reoeived a ear of hard coal on Saturday Mies Maggie Miller has returned to Toronto Junotion. Mies Alice Hamilton is the guest of relatives in Beuforth. Mre. Scott and Mies M. Robertson are visiting relatives in Belgrave• Mies W. Munroe, of Milverton, le the guest of Alex. and alma Monroe. Quarterly meeting was Veld in the Methodist Church hereon Sunday. Mee. Koehler, of Ayton, is spending a few daye with her sister, Mre, A. Moffitt, Harry Brawn lett for Garlingville, Man., on Tuesday, after a mouth's visit at his home, Wm. Button, of Toronto Junotion, has returned to hie former position at the Gorton House. Ou Monday afternoon, the heavy wind blew down a third of OM smoke snack on the power house. R. S. G. Anderson left for Toronto oq Rev. We nnderaon le t f will Bail Y• oq toe 9th [ox Sootixnd. Owing to the rather eudden departure of Jos. Clark, Archie Moffitt kora onoe again pones/lion of his blacksm thing business. D. Myles held a very euo°a0ofal l le of hie houoehold effects on Saturday after- y noon. A load of furniture belonging to Rev. R. S. G. Anderson was also Bold. D. Myles lute sold his reaidenae and has moved into a part of the house occupied by Mra, H. Smith. Those who remember "Mart" Thomas, who was employed in the livery here some time ago, will be sorry to hear that he met with a eerie= accident while em - played on a train at Hanover feet week, He lost one foot and woo otherwise ser. lonely injured by mining hitt footing while boarding a nein. HYntaaaAL.-A quiet yet pleoeing event took Igoe at the home of G. and Mre, P Gibeon, of the Boundary on Wednesday, when their second daagbter, Mfae Nellie, was united in the holy bonds of motel. many to Ab. Sanderson, following f Wroxeter. The young 0oaple left the d y for Detroit where they will upend a few weeks, after whiob they will reside in Wroxeter, An intereatin9 inoident in oouneotion with the marriage was the presentation of a handsome olook, to Mr, and Mrs. Sanderson by the yonng men of the village. ye ., i= Clearing Sale of Remnants, when we lose sight of cost' or is our desire to make nick disposal and over stocks, no tnwatter Clearing Sale to come, can positively odds and ends. You may 1 L of goods you need at w or t �% i, JAN. and Prices as Follows Our $1.60 Wrappers at $1.25 -12 only Wrappers, made of the ]est 12 c Wra erette, in goad oolori1 n nioely trimmed with frill gCloth ,Ind braid, waist lined. with good oaten, our regales $1 g0 Wraper, gale price i 26 -5 dozen Ohildren'a Ribbed Drawers, sizes 24 to 88 fucose, were 250, sale pries 19 -8 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Vents eome fleeced, worth 25o, sale price19 -6 dozen Ladies' flee wool Vesta, regales price 600, salt priori 89 -4 dozen Ladies' heavyribbed Yenta regular price 76o, °leering 50 pri-12 -6 dozen LRdiOa' Ribbed Draw• ere, at 26c cud SOc per pair, sale• P moo 19 -7 dozen Ladies' heavy ribbed Wool Drewere, in natural, worth 760, sole pelta 50 -10 dozen Men's fine wool Draw• arm, wort] regales 75u, $5u and 91.00 Bale psi a ..., 65 -25 plena beet quality 36 inch Ftnuneletbe, in light colored stripes, worth reedier 12�;e, sale price 9 -80 ends Wrapperettes, all new patterns, Worth regular 12ta and 150, sole price • 10 „ ofour aclvert4swid exactly as advertised. R Gmade ` . � S 0 N -_`- OflfltfUll CRIMES. Rev. R. Paul will preaob at Atwood neat Sabbath. Be was also asked to go to Binevete but ae Omnipresonoe is not one of hie poaaeseione he reepomdad to the first °all. Rev. W. W. Leech, of Toronto, wee in town on Tuesday en route to Walton where he will supply the Methodist church pulpit for a time. Be hag been busy encs retiring from the active ministry in evangelietio work and he will no doubt do well at Walton, The 16111 and 16 h of Maroh are est apart in connection with Brnoeele Mebho. diet obar°h for the Epworth League anniversary, Rev. A. O. Crews, General Secretary, will preach on Sabbath and will definer hie fine lecture 0n "Through the Mammoth Oave' with a band of Lea. guere." We underateed neighboring Leagues will be invited to Brnoeele for the dates named eo ae to hear cud get coq°tinted with the reverend gentleman who has done act Inneb for the'advonce• meet of the work of the voana tremolo. nag at the odlet aburoh o morning you dt0." e 40 meet a oonneoblotl y day of me ev. R. Paul neer days in la owl( , R r oorroboret• ie oolleotion be mee1104 'bum day tt attended, for protean tem. Rev. 1 Clerk was 1, M, A., of rim Clerk, 11011, Owiug Rapeseed• aft eased their Mgt; a scholar, Irian gentle. onmat800es Ilion. The lSO eapreee• Rev, Mr. xt Monday, he church ion 'service ing services treached on tupled the tday. The Monaay'e resented for Dumber of oewberebfp rid otitoera gregetion ; Mons and ordinary Cbriatiao to retiring pard were caking the ed, J. G. of obarob. and in a I'lli4. etroit this °, wee in is visiting spent a basineoe a poeition oe. so Chicago 7motto. and is im. pleased to the guest ng, Flora 1 aiok fiat rpa he will street, is g we are oma from bee been mea Dron, with the ends, so- ot Gode• last week. bout Ones $nee with o oompan• ue poorly we hope Hite amort o Riehard Brnseele ome*tead ly at the ee of hie ronod for Mre. D. makes her treet, has y ie about 1 on Wed - Binning residence a comfort. is here on fortune in rade and t W Inoi- !alkom, of Moore's, alkom ie ob caused e heeling week at nal meet- ny. Dr, t, ie the on•in•law, book to ideuce of change is Cruden'e will be a bappineee se weeks, -'W. H. Sling. Be wring it, whob re. a couple f bid rift t hole and ehonlder Vim it is eb0000ed." i lo this well ati