HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-29, Page 8THE BBUSSEL8 POSH Hurls 's e' i Har Toni c Hi Invigorates the Growth of Hair, Prevents it Falling Out, Cleanses the Scalp, curing Dandruff and Skin Diseases, Gives the Hair Color and Gloss of Youth, It is not a Hair Dye, RUG STORE 8R USSEL.S. Pal getfas terns. A ohiel'e among ye takirnotoa, An' faith he'll brant is. TSE foe harvest aomee next. Town Oounail next Mouday evening, MONTHLY Horan Fair Thursday of next week. 10' below zero was marked by the thermometer last Friday night. Foams Division Court will be held on Thursday of next week, Feb,6th. SATURDAY of this weak winds np the month of January. Time fiies all right. THE village Anditora, W. H. McCracken and J. Y. S. Kirk, ate at work on their report for next meeting of the Council. Nave machinery has arrived for Bros eels Woolen Factory. It is being placed in position and will soon be ready for operation. THE K. 0. T. M. Band gave an open air aonoert in front of their hall on Wed neaday evening to a large audience. The different selections were well received. CRESCENT pin set with amethyst and rhinestones lost between Mrs. MaLean'e and Mies Livingatoo'e. Finder will please leave it at the office of THE Poor. IT is reported this week that Finlay S. Scott, of Brussels, has been appointed Registrar, and Chao. Seager, of Goderiob, (Drown Attorney, ae auoaeeaor to the late Ira Lewis. THE annual meeting of the Howiok Mutual Ioearaooe Co. will be held in Gorrie Town Hall on Friday, Feb. 0th. These meetings are neaally well attended and always interesting. NEW LEABE.—E. A_ Matobett, of the Garfield House, Brueaele, has arranged a lease of the promisee with R. 0. Struthers, of Lomdoo, and ie putting in a big stook of Spring and Summar goods. To make room for these be is slaughtering Winter stocks at prioee that are pleasing the public. WILL BUxLD.—I. 0. Riaharde has par. chased the property of Juo. Hewitt, Turnberry street, and will erect a fine new briok residence on the aite,we under. stand, utilizing the present cottage ae a part of the home. It is a desirable loca- tion. Mr. Hewitt will bny again if he finds what snitsbim. Cow AER1yED,—Last Friday 2 oars of coal arrived for N. F. Garry, being made , up of a oar each of etove and farnaoe coal It eold at $12 75 per ton and will help tide over the wood shortage while it laate. Several will etiak to the wood stoves now rather than change or re -arrange their stoves. THa following are the shipments from the G. T. R. station here this week :-4 Dare bay and 1 oats, Alf. Baeker ; 1 oar wheat and oar oats, R. Graham ; 8 care Balt by Brueaele Salt Works ; ear cattle and oar of hogs, Geo. Beat ; oar hoge and oar cattle, A, O. Dames ; a large aooeign- meat of butter by Robt. Thomson ; shipment of dried apples by the Apple Faotory. Inward—a oar of lumber for P. Anent, THE Oonnail should see that the pitch holes forming within the bounds of the corporation of Brussels are kept filled up or oat down so as to avoid accidents and possibly the payment of damages. Jae. Turnbull, of Grey, who was accompanied by Jae. Hogg, were upset out of their aut. ter last Friday just North of the G. T. R. traok. After the driver had a sleigh ride on the bosom of hie overcoat along the snow while he plaokily held on to the linea the Dolt was palled on to the side. walk and after falling was stopped in ite mad cattier. Fortunately 10 Dente re. paired the damage. Prevention in better than pure. NEW BANK.—During the poet week Messrs. Mellish and Chatterton have been in town in the interacts of the Metropolitan Bank, a recently organized banking institution. We understand their survey of the field was reported as satisfactory and the result will be the opening of a Branch in the Stretton block about the let of Feb. Mr. Mel. lien will be the agent. The Metropolitan is a strong monetary concern, determined to push baeineee and under the manage- ment of competent business men who will pot "go" into it. The promoters think the outlook for a good share of patronage in this locality fe very favor. able. PAY Ur,—Neat month we purpose notifying all subscribers who are in ar• rears for THE PosS for 1002 but hope a large number will respond before that, at many are doing, and save ne the work and expebes. Quite a few owe for a eon. eiderably longer period and we have come to the conclusion that in some inetaoces, we fear, the Courts will have to dome to our aid, How anybody expecte a paper can be issued year alto year, poetage paid on it, &o„ without a dollar in return is beyond our knowledge, Tun Poet perposee making an effort to put its list on a pay in advance condition and we hope every aobearibet will aid ne in out work. A dollar or ao may be very little to you but hutidreds of them eoattered over the Dominion of Canada means a good deal to the publisher. Take a look at the label on your copy of Tun Poex and if there ie an arrearage indicated say "This shall he cleared off immediately" and to backup what you say send along the amount of Haab to balance. It Will be gladly aeknowleged on a label the following week. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of next week. COUNTY OoaaorL ie in 8009100 and 00, Oonnaillor Kerr ie at Goderiob. IT is reported that Jae. B. Stretton has sold his speedy patting stallion at a good figure. BEuseaas merchants ask your trade. Read their advertieemente and see what they say. Roane have been in bad shape owing to depth of snow and eolt weather. Up. seta are a vary common °courrence. THre has become a great abipping point for bailed bay and straw. Some great loads are hauled in sin0e the eleighiag flame. Lour—A gold brooch with pearl aettiog in Bruseele on Monday evening Jan, 26'h. Finder will please leave it at the efface of THE Post. FRIDAY evening of thie week the annual meeting of Brussels Driving Park Associ- ation will be held at the American Hotel at 8 o'clock, THE G.T.R. kind'y sent a half ear of coal for the use of the depot. It did not come any too soon as Agent Ham was borrow ing from enginee and coal boxea in the care ae opportunity presented itself. BOUSBEL8 PUMP Woamo.—Having put i0 a machine for grinding clippers I am pre- pared to make old one's oat like new. Sawa gummed. Skates and minors sharpened. FRED. ADAtle. Ooa annual sale of Dry Goode, Mantles and Overcoats in now on. 75o 51 00 and $1. 25 Homeepane and snitioge 50o, 50, 60 and 75 Dent French flannele 35o. 13 ail wool stylish Raglan overcoats worth 510 00 for 55,50. Ono. E. Krug, Wingham. Ma, KELLINoTON Peens AWAY.—We are sorry to report that Mr, Keliingtoa, of Trowbridge, paid Nature's debt on Thursday of last week after a severe neae. He was the father of Mre. Fred.. Adams, of Brussels, and waa a fine highly respected gentleman. The faaeral took place on Saturday. The breaved are sympathised with in their great lose. Jae. Dao DEAD.—Thursday of last week, James Dron, o former resident of Brueee'a, died at hie home in Detroit, aged 46 years, It is 13 years since he removed from this locality where be was well known. Hie health had not been very vigorous of late but a abort time before kis deoeaee be fell causing pongee. tion of the brain resulting in his death. Mre. Dron, ie a daughter of the late Peter McDonald, and a sister to Jae. and Mies Maggie MoDooald, of Grey, near Walton. In addition to Mre. Dron two obildren eurvive. The remains were brought to Brussels on Saturday evening and the funeral took plane from the home of Miss MoDonald on Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. MacNab, M. A„ taking charge of the aervioe. Interment was made at the Brussels cemetery. Mrs. Dron and family have the sympathy of the nom. munity. Mr, Dron was a whole scoffed, bright turned man whose demise will be regretted. INSTALLATION. — The iaetallation of officers in connection with Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0, F., Brneeele, took plane under the direation of D. D. 0, M. MOGaire and are as follows :— N. G., Robt. Hendereon ; P. G., Jae. Jones ; V. G., Jae. HumpbrIes ; R. Seo„ W. H. MoOraoken ; F. Sea., Saml. Wilton ; Trees„ F. S. 800tt ; ; Chap., R. Leatherdale ; 0on., J. Fulton ; War, J. K. Brown ; I. G., Hugh Onuningham ; 0. G., W. Martin ; R. S. N. G., Thoe. Miller ; L. S. N. G., J. Donaldson ; R. 6. S., A. Oradea ; L. S. S., Ira Parker. Weetern Star keeps shining as the yaare go by and hue a membership of around a hundred at the present time. They are generous in the treatment of brethern who are unfortunate to be on the antic liet at times and are always ready to ao. cord a hearty welcome to visiting mem. bene. WELL PATaoNIZED,-The K. 0. T. M, Band Oanoert held here last Friday even. ing in the Town Hall attracted a large andienoe and the promoters had the eat- iataction of receiving the sum of $75.00 ae the finaaoial reaolte with a 16 oent ad. mi8810n fee. Sir Kt. Sinolair was the Chairman and announced the following varied, intereeting and amusing pro. gram :—Selection by H. 0. T. M. Band male quartette, Messrs. Jones, Sinolair, Hawkins and Oober ; instrumental duet, Misses MaLanahlin ; solo, H. R. Brewer recitation, Wee Winnie McGuire ; solo, Mlee Rankin, of Wingbam,; dialogue, membere of the tent ; instrumental, T. A. Hawkins ; eolo, Mise Vieie Cardiff ; seam drill, Mies. Forbee and company ; solo, Jae Jones ; dialogue, members of the tent ; eolo; We. B. 'Debar ; solo, H. V. Avison ; tableau, members of tent. Ieooree were numerous and often de. mantled in 'a manner more boieterone then polite. !Phe soar! drill was neatly done and wae particularly pleasing to the company. Both dialogues found favor and the wahine performers all through the evening were enthosiastioally applaud. ed. This was the first public appearance of the K. O. T, M. Band and in addition to one number in the Hall they played a ample in equally good style .ont doore before comfort commenced. The Band and their inetroo8or Jag. Jones are to to cowplimented on the progreee made and by the time next Summer arrives they will be ready for engagements with the ueaeseary program oalaulated to afford satfetaation to the public). APPLE EYAPORATrNe FACTORY SOLD.— The Mahler apple Evaporating Factory in Brussels has been purchased by John Cunningham, of thie plaoe, who will ren it in future, The bueinees was put in fine shape last Beason by the erection of new buildings, furnaces, and latest im- provements and has now a oapaoity of 400 buehele per day. Mr. Cunningham will do well with it we have no doubt as he will give the business hie pereonal attention. HIe acquaintance with the farming community will be to hie and their anvantage, We wish him euooeee and are pleased to know that the family will now be permanent residents. If the apple orop le a good one next Fall Mr, Cunningham hopes to parry on a largely increased trade over any year iu the past. Clluitelt CHIMBS. A meeting of the clergy of the deanery of Huron will be held in Clinton, Feb- ruary 3rd. The Annual meeting of Melville allorob congregation will be held Monday after. noon next Fab. 20d. The H. M. 0. A. annual convention will be held in Peterboro' from February 5 to 8. Frank Yeigh, of Toronto, will be one of the speakers. Next Sabbath the quarterly commun- ion aervioe will be held in Brussels Methodist church. The pastor will preaah morning and evening. Official Board will meet on Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock. The next World's Sabbath School Con- vention will be held in Jerusalem in March of 1904. Preliminary arrange. manta are already being made for a special steamer to sail from New York with delegates. The Quarterly Official Board of the Main street Methodist ohorah Exeter, has nnanimonely extended an invitation to the Ray. W. Godwin, of Grate Church, St. Thomas, to emceed the Rev. R. Mit yard in the paeturate. Mr. Godwin has aooepted. Communion cervico will be held in Melville church next Sabbath. Prepara- tory service will be held on Saturday, commenoing at 2.30 o'olook, when Rev. A. MacNab, M. A , of Waltoc, will preaoh. Monday, at 2 o'oloob, the Thanksgiving service commences, to be followed by the annual Congregational meeting. Thursday of thio week Maitland Presbytery meets is Wiugham to deal with the resignation of Rev. R. 8. G. Anderson, of Wroxeter, whose health bare him from continuance in the ministry in the meantime, much to the regret of hie congregation and the Presbytery. A new Presbytery Clerk will have to be appoint. ed as Mr. Anderson occupied this posi- tion. Rev. Joo. Rose B. A., preached a fine sermon last Sabbath morning in Mel. villa church on the text "Yield yourself to God," Romana 6 13. The four divis- ions were (1) Unto the Infinite Love of God ; (2) Unto the abounding Mercy of God ; (8) Unto the saving Power of God ; (4) Ypro the righteous Authority of God. Joel 3.14 "The valley of Decision" was the evening topic. Rev. A. 0. Orem!, general eeoretary of the Epworth League, is attending the mutual oonfereuue convention of the league, whioh opened on Tuesday at Granby, Que. "81r1 we would see Josue" was the text ohoaeu by (toy, T, W. Ooaene last Sabbath morning iu the Methodist oburoh, The benefits 01 Obriat'e nom. panionabip were enumerated proving it to be of priceless vans. nab 819 "Which hope we have a c a a, rhor to the stile, &o," wap the eventug text from whioh a helprnl and very iutereeting ear. mon was preaohed. ONE or Tins Verzneta,—Last Sabbath Rev. R. Paul, of Brunets, tools Rev. R. Hobbs' work at Wingham. The program he followed was olaee meeting at 10.30 a. m., preaohiog at 11 ; olaee meeting fol- lowing the regular service ; Sabbath school in the afternoon at whioh be taught a Bible Blase and addreeeed the eohool ; public service in the evening. The reverend gentlemen is peat 75 years of age bat judging by the above he up pears to be able for a heavy day'e work yet without experiencing any bad effects. Rev. Mr. Hobbs was preaching for W. B. Kerr at Blenheim. He aleo delivered hie far famed Lecture on Monday evening. A Missionary program wae given at the .Epworth League meeting Net Sabbath evening, Ira Gerry, President of that de. partment, in the chair. The lesson was read by Mies Minnie lfaNaughton ; short addressee by Rev. 1'. W. Oceans and Preeident Ham ; solo by Mies Kate Rozell and reading by bliss Jennie Howe. From the Treasorers report them is well np to $80.00 in hand to $50 aimed at for this Oonferenoe year. A r:urnber of appropriate missionary hyu,ua were heartily sung, and a Missionary diagram on the btaokboard explained. Two boxes of alotbing was sentby the league to the Deaconess' Home at Torouto to aid iu the relief of the needy. $GN Sotrane,—Iu Brussels on January 26th, to Mr, and Mrs. A, Somers, a eon. Boaeetn.—Ia Morrie, on Junoory 28th, Treads Wallah Christopher, beloved wife of Thoa. H• Bolger, aged 28 years, 5 months and 1 day. OoNEat.—In Sunshine, on Jannary 28th, Laoinda Oonery, aged 69 years, 4 months and 6 days. DonsoN—In Ethel, on January 280h, Margaret Rolland, beloved wife of Lawrence Dobson, aged 72 years, 5 months and 7 days, DeoN.—In Detroit, on Jan. 22nd, Jatnee Dron, formerly of Brunets, aged 46 years, Pore,—In Howiok, ou Jan. Met, 1903, Jessie Olark, wife of Thoe. Popo, aged 74 years, 10 months. SwoTzetn. In Blowhard, on January 17th Ann . Speario, reliot of the late Rioh- erd Switzer, aged 66 years. TAYLOR.—In Ethel, on January 201b, Alice Dawe, reliot of the late Thos. Taylor, aged 84 years, 1 month and 15 Jaye. . iCTXOb7• SA2,E- FftIDAY, JAN 30.—Farm stook, imple. manta, &o. South } Lot 1, Oon. 6, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Jno. B. McLatmltlin, Propt. ; F. S. Soott, Auo. JAN, 29 1903 aionnAx, Eno, 9,—Farm stook, imple. menta, &0,, at Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook, Joeepll 13, Bowman, prop, ; F, S. Saotb, auo. TUESDAY Fea, 10.—Farm, farm stook, &o., at Lot 28, Con, 8, Grey, pale un. reserved at 1 o'clock. Alex. pfoNeil, prnpt ; F. S. Scott, arm. WEDNESDAY, FEn, 11.—Farm stook, implentente,dlo, Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey, Fa'e, anrew'rved, at 1 o'eloolf. John Smith, krupt. ; 0', 8. Boort, Ano. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Woon mitten wanted, Enquire at TBE POST, Hoaon and lot for sale on Mill street, Brussels. Apply to R. T. HINGSTON, Bonm0Ene wanted. Apply to MRS, T. NICHOLS, John street, Brunets. Tuono' BRED young sown for Bale, all in farrow. Lot 20, Oon, 0, Morrie or Brussels P.0, BORT, NI0H0L, Proprietor, GENERAL store for sale. For further proculars apply to J. H. THOMSON Hen - y 10•tf THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for rattail purposes Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels. ' VOR SALE. -5 SHEARLING Rome ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambe. Pure bred Letaeatare. Good ones at low.prieee. Also Short Horn Bulls, Cows and Heifers at very moderateprices and espy terms. D. MILN11 & SON, Ethel. Q OR 10 ACRES OF STANDING lJ Timber fur Bale, principally blank ash. Mi11. be sold by the Bore or ten block. For pries, terms end other particulars, apply to M INOAN TAYLOR, Lot 4, Oen. 8, Grey, or Jamestown 1'. 0. 24-tf 3 THORO'BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. One is lyear old and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES 8PEI0, Lot 80, Cm0, Morrie Twp., or Bran. eels P. 0, 22-tf HAIR DRESSING.—THE UN. mmusteuen wishes to announce to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that she ie prepared to make switches out of comb - logs and out hair, at her •home, Mill street West, Brussels. MRS. HINGSTON. ' 700D FOR SALE. — THE undersigned has any quantity of hard and soft wood for Bale. Also a Span. ttty of good barn timber. For further par. Maulers apply on the premises, Lot 21, Con. 16, Grey, or to 5140. MONABB, 27.4 Oranbrook P. O. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will koep for service on Lot 10, Con. 16, Grey, the thoro'-bred York- shire hog "Maple Leaf Tom." Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms, 61.00, with privilege of returning if necessary, ROBT. HOUSTON, 29 4 Proprietor. NOTICE To whom this may concern : The small -pox, at present, ie found in many parte of the country, we therefore oonsider it neeeaeary that all who have not been vaooinated should be forthwith. The Trustee Board of the Public School will please note this. RICHARD PAUL, Chairman Board of Health. 2 iciu:unt ness On the 1st 6f March I intend to make a Change in my Business and from now till then everything in the Store will be sold at 20 per cent. Discount. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ONE OF THE BEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN rING and UR, HINGS as I must reduce my stock before the First of Maroh. Time will not permit me to give a list of prices but you can depend on getting One Dollar's worth of Goods for every Eighty Cents you pay out. Do not Delay but Come at Onoe and got in with tho Close Buyers. T EJRJMS CASH' A Few Fur Goats Loft to be Sold: at 20 per cent. Discount. .JL_d .i IDIN cr7 CL®T,.LJ,-I.ER. The Standard, Bask of Canada CAPITAL (authorized by Act at Parliament) ... 52,000,000,00 CAPITAL (fuBY aid up) ,.. ... ... .,, 1,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, 830,000 00 TOTAL ASSETS „ ,,, ., „ 10,077,804,00 HEAD OFFICE,,- TORONTO 0,80. l(', IOEYD, General manager BRUSSELS . Deposita regelved, Lonna rondo to 000pou. BRANCH Bible partloe on favorable terms, Drafts and money orders issued, Peyable at�any point, at lowest rates. Oolleotione promptly attended to, A General Banking Buelneoo transacted, Every.facllity afforded Customers living at a distance, Savings Bank Department Amoente of one dollar andupwarda' reoeived acd Intoreat at highest ourreot rate allowed from date aoceunt le opened, apd added to the principal May 81st and November 80th, Farmers' Sale Notes Oaehlloed otioar n.reoeived for safe keeping and Oo molar Nolo Forms Free en Application Hours 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1, P. H. GRAY, AOHNT. POR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon North-west corner William and Albert streets, Bruseele. 40.16 J. LE03iIE, TORS SALE. — VALUABLE property at Ethel known ae the Methodist Parsonage. Apply to JNO. 00BER, Brueeelo, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE in the Village of Ethel. A desirable property. For particulars as to price, terms, .¢o., apply •on the premises to MORRI8 FOG AL, or Ethel F. O. 18.8m PROPERTY FOR SALE.—THE undersigned offers for sale his com- fortable house and lot in Oranbrook. There are Si alma Of laud, good Orchard, email trutte, ..to, There is also a email barn. Pos- session eau he given on March let For fur. ther particulars as to price, ,terma, die., ap- ply to THOS. BROWN, Proprietor, Iran. brook, 20.11 Tenders Wanted, Tenders will be reoeived 4y the under- signed up to February 2nd, 11000, ut 2 o'cloolr It m., for the ereotiou of a 2•etory brick house oo Lot 11, Oon. O, Morris. Plane and epeoigeatione may be seen on the promises. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aacopted. ALES. (MARE, 28.2 Sunshine P. 0, NOTICE Notice to hereby given that the Amoral Meeting of the. Howiok Mutual Phu Iusur- enoe Company will be held in the Towuship Hall, Gerrie, on Friday, Feb. 0th, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, and for other business. By order of the Board. W. 0. MOII]0Rr1HER Gorrle, Jan, 16, 1704.0. Secret,ary Tenders for Wood. Tenders will be reoeived by the undersign • ed, until San. 80,1908, for the delivery at the eohool house, Oranbrook, of 80 cords of good beech and maple, all body wood, 22 inches Mpg. IFnr farther particulars apply to or write WM, CAMERON, See.-Treas. Public School Board, Oranbrdok, 27.3 ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Brussels Driv- ing Park Aa000iation for the election of Mil. Dere, the receiving of the report of the Dir- ectors for the past year and Imola other busi- ness as may be lawfully brought before the meeting, will bo bald at the American Rotel Brussels, on Friday evening, January 801h, 1008, at 8 o'clock, F, 0, SCOTT, Secretary. CLYDESDALES, S H 0 R T— / Wangs AND BEmgeeonto FOR SALE.— Two young Short Born Bulls from imported Moak ; also Berkshire pigs 8 moothe old Will sell cheap 000 eI4ering quality. For further partleularo apply to 50810PEE LER, Lot Lot 20, Con. 9, Grey, or Genf ryn P.O. SFIORTHORNS AND OLYDES- nALEe. Por sale 2 young hullo 11 and 17 menthe old. The former took 1st prim at Brussels and Relgrave Fall Faire and 2nd at Blyth. and the latter was oleo a Prize winner at Itruaeele. Also one yearling heifer.. A11 are aired by Roan Duke, 86188, whioh has taken let prize for peat three yaare in classes of home bred and imported stook. The dams of these young animals have repeatedly taken Lenore in the prize ring. Will alto sell two Olydeedale fillies, with 4 and 6 crosses of imported stook, res- peotively, aged 1 and 2 years. Easy terms of payment, P. ROBERTSON. 17.Ef Lot 8, Oen, 9,. Grey, Brussels P. 0. AUCTION SALE OF FARM BTO00, IMP,,LIOMENTB, &o,—Mr. F. S. Scott, auctioneer, has received inetruo. Mons from the undersigned to gall bypub- 1te auction at Lot -8, Oon, 0, Groy, on MON- DAY, FEB, Oth, at 1 o'clock. the following valuable property; 1 working horse,' burse Dolt 2 years old, draught1 1 mere 0010I year old, draught; 1 drier ng mare 6 years old, la foal to 'Kaplan' ; 1 dry cow, 1 now due to calve Jan, 27, 4 oowe in calf. 8 01 whioh are milking 1 1 Durham bull a veers old San, 1903, will imported crossesof Wallace (2753). Comet (200), Prinoeee (419), winner of First Prize at East Huron Pair ; 1 two-year-old heifer, 2 steers 9 Years old, 1 steer risme 2 yaare, 1 heifer Acing 2 years, 2 yearling hoil. ere, 8 Spring ealvee, 8 Fall calves, 1 tkoro' bred Terkel -tire sow with litter of 12 pigs, 8 nage 2 menthe old, number of fowl, 1 Massey - 'Barrie binder 6 ft. out, 1 blarney -Barris mower,0 ft., with Totten pea harvester and buneber attached ; 1 ten -foot all•0teel rake, new, MaoeeyHarns ; 1 Msaeey-Harris seed drill combined ; 1 Masser -Harris cultivator, new ; 1 three -horse plow,2•furrow ; 1 single plow. 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set hon barrows, now; 180niiler and moulder combined, 1 wagon nearly new, 1 top buggy, 1 set double harness. 1 set single harness, 1 hay rook, new, 15ft. ; 1new °utter, 1set Bob -sleighs, 1 fanoing,mill with bagger, nearly new; hay fork, x0000 and pulleye, nearly now; 1 tar - nip pulper, 1 set of scales 1000 lbs., 2 log ohaine, steel crow bur auk poet bole epoou, 1 water trough 12 feet long, about 4 tons of timothy bay in stack also quantity in barn, quantity of turnips, 00 oushele seed peas, a number of oedar poste, 1 cook . Stove with reservoir attached, 1 kitenen atnve, robes, bells, blankets, wbiffietreee, neck yoke and num,-roue other articles. Sale uureeerved as proprietor has sold his farm. Terms— All sums of $6 and under Dash, over that amount 11 months' credit will be given ou furnishing approved johit notes ; 4 per cent. off for oath on oredit amounts. F. B. SCOTT, JOSEPH H, BOWMAN, Auctioneer. ;Proprietor. 0 ice We beg to announce to the people of Brus- sels and surrounding cnuntrzl that we have secured a lease of these premises and purpose putting in -another new and select stock of General Dry Goods, Beady -to - wear Clothing, Boots's' Shoes. Our aim will constantly be to secure the very latest styles in these lines and buying for cash from, the leading .Manufactzirers will place us in, the front rank as economical buyers. - OUR PLATFORM WILL BE Large -Turn-over of Stook, Small Profits, - Honest Dealing, Good Class of Goods, Satisfaction Guaranteed From now until April lst we want to clear the bal- ance of this stock out and prices will -go .down with a crash this week in order to do so. Dress Goods,' Readyto-wear Clothing, Boots and Shoes at almost auction .prices. 'Come early and secure first choice. THE MONEY -SAVING SPOT. H. A, M -.ATC -H --ETT GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. it 'I3'tltter and Eggs taken as dash,