HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-29, Page 7T E EVILS OF JEALOUSY
It Is Nothing More Nor Less Than
a Fatal Monomania.
Se:Entered accoratng to Act ot Leo sar
lament of oatiada, 11 ow year on
Thousend Nine Deemed end Three
by Win, Same of Toronto, at Le
eteeertment or Ageteutture, °tame,
A despatell fvom (Idols° says
Rev. Frank De 'With Tettatage preash
ed from the folioed:1g text: Pro
verbs vi, 31, "Jealousy is the rag
01 a man."
What does rage signify? Ilighteee
indignation? A. 0311131, dispassional
arraignment ett' castigation? .A. de
nunciation, Judiciously plenned an
yet, OVC010/011/1111g1y 111131 SCILLhingly
delivered, 11E4 ethos Edmund Burk
co:posed the misdeeds of Warren Ilas-
tings ia the famous trial eel; West-
minster? A rebulce such as Jesus
gave to the Plutrimees, who had
'dragged a poor, helpless, friendless
sinful woman to Lis feet, when b
turned E111E1 said to the 110011(40114
"Let 1111(1 that is without sin ens
the first stooe, at her?" 18 Page
merely a blind isnionsirtmee, an
earnest and yet gentle expostulation,
a, hortatory admonition, a Cheletinn
reprimand given with the holy de-
sire 1,0 save and redeem the persol
who has sinnea or uninicationitily
done wrong? Olt, no! lingo is no
a well composed consuls. liege is
unbridled fury; Ingo 18 a fierce, wild,
all consuming, liel•y paesion burning
at the heart mai mind; lugs is a de -
anal stabbing al; the vitals of all
true love; rage is a, Salonic icatioc-
last shattering every steered shritie
of the intellect; rage is on insanity,
a, derangement of moral sensibilities.
t Is an unreasonable and unrenson-
ing frenzy, glorying in absurd hallu-
cinations. Rage's throeerooin is a
madhouse; rage's courtiers are the
inhabitants of a chtunlier of horrora;
rage's only music is the echoing
shrieks and sobs of the eternally lost
rind of the destroyed who can never
Maddening jealousy would destroy
every inteceestul rival who might
stand in Its way. It is the ovil
spirit which made Seal's eyes nada
when he gripped a javelin 1 and.
hurled it at. David's head, merely
because the maidens of his kingdom
had greeted the returning warriors
with the song, "Saul has slain leis
thousands, but David his ten thou -
sande." It is the spirit which made
the French generals betray the
sheishets1 Joan of Arc, into the
hands of tho English so that she
should be burned at thO stake in. the
streets of Rouen merely because sbe
had won victories they could never
have achieved. It is the ,splrit
which made the Spanish courtiers
compel Columbus to die in otrattrity
and sent Sir Walter Raleigh to the
block. Tt is the evil spirit which
Made Charles H. Spurgeon and Row-
land (1111 hated by.sonce of the Lon-
don ministers of their day and which
11111(10 FTEL01,0y 1111(1 jenner snd James
Y. Simpson encounter their greatest
opposition from jealous men of their
own profession. It is the spirit
which made Voltaire denounce Bace-
lard d'Arnaud and which sent the
bullet of Aaron Burr straight
through the heart of Alexander Ham-
ilton. Jealousy in the heart pro-
duces strange hallucinations hi 1141
victims. The jealous 'man feet) that
the success of another is ill some
way a robbery of himself. The jeal-
ous politician will not support the
nominee of his party, because he
waeted the nomination hinisdef; the
jealous surgeon cannot rejoice that
another Surgeon has cured a, cripple
if he has never performed the opera-
tion himself; the jealous minister
cannot rejoice at hearing that an-
other church • is crowded if his own
is empty; the jealous woman cannot
bear to hear praises of the beauty of
another woman.
Thus no sooner does any men or
Women win success in any depart-
ment of life than malty jealous, line
successful rivals become beside them-
selves with rage. As a monomaniac
may be ratiorial on every subjeet
but ono, so the jealous man may be
fair and just on every question, but
be absolutely insane and unjust
when the works and lives of his
successful rivals are discuseed. 311
you aro a, jealous Matt, you will
turn ((p011 them all your batteries of
scorn and denunciation. You will
magnify their faults and gloat over
their amperfections, you will loathe
them with an unuttet•able loathing,
and when, on account of you( un-
just eriticistns, you may have °yore
thrown a suocessfel rival, you, as a
jealous man, will join in the salute -
monism of a demoniacal joy in
which all the evil spirits of the in-
ferno join in the chorus, YOu will
gleefully clap your hands and ehout;
"Aha, we have destroyed him] We
httve destroyed the man who has
dared to stand in our way!"
That the philosophy of the Golden
Rule is sound told that men help
themseivee by helping instated of be-
ing jealous of others 1E1 Illustrated 111
the life of Dwight L. Moody, What
made Mre Moody 111 some respects
the) greatest religious, 011,0 1111111 pow-
er in the last century? His speak-
ing ability? Oh, yes! I believe be
woe) one of the most, convincing of
spiritual orators, but I Mao behove
that there were others of hie time
just .as groat, if not grantor. His
oegasizing ability? 011, yest I be -
Agee he would ha,vo boo11 a, master
Lt the head of fl, political tenutatign
or a., a merehant or Wren as a, mili-
tary chieftain; but, though D. L,
Moody may lutSt boon 17, greet or-
ganizor, 1, believe there wets others
of his time just aa greet, if not
greater, Hie Went hig heart, into
Whieh he could galled ell his loved
01148? 011, yes; Me, Moody hed 1111
affeetionsto nature! But, there roe
thotlesnds of men who lova thefr f
fairylike hist as math es Mr, Moody
loved hie loved ones; but tbotigh 1
many me13 may have excelled him in
individual ehavacterlstlei, 111 one re-
spect 1 believe he was the peer, if leg stind falee accusatioes and trY 40141111118 vela HUH, bY eloselY ad-
s" tile king, of them all. I do not frenzied distrust aud ven0m0tt8 tiering to the following rules, even
believe ithe Moody 11,131 one Manliest- enters, and multituchnoue reproaches the novice 41011 scarcely avoid 14130''
111111 particle of jealousy 111 his make- end Milky brooditigs shrews defeat (1°815'
111a :Instead of trying (0 focus all their men ends with our loved ones lie sure that your flour is of good
the at tenti on of the religious world as jealoufty also defeats its own aim quality and perfecti,y dry,
upon himself he ;send most of his 111 our treacherous dealings With WII"her 1131 Ito'', lard, detfillEllgo, or
life in, pushing 0 I her religiotts work- our hated zevals. The rattlerniakeai suet 114 118041, be careful that it is of
ors to the front.. 'elle bigger the fang is a poor revepteicle 111 which the best quality and tut cold us pos-
man the more noxious Mr. Moody to store the honey of an orange 81111°'
was 10 call public attention to 11110, blossom. Time) rill your. utensite an 31 heads
1 le beough 1 across the water 11 eery
Di•uninioncl and John MeNeill and le, Fathers and mothers and older irlettIcteneth0ftettilYstsc,L1.0r.(tvnia as cow a place
13. Meyer arid C. IT. C. McCresor men ,ana womell, I would not foi• a as you .can. A light cellar, with a
3 moment cast a slur
and Campbell -Morgan and many 011 Your Past dean stone 8133b in it, instead of a pima which should oleo 11111111111 the the church would trnst in Min Mitt
others. Ile invited to his uwn plat- tiser ulness or belittle the respect 1 . , 1 is . . not 411 114011 nor inan's wisdom 110e
forms the mightiest religiollfi work- wh1ch the woeld ought to show 1,o
e Sift the flour, not only to remove head ond form the eyes. Suepend
soh a loop of twine. mait's wsrks, .1 lei might have °poor.
ers of his getter st i on . ITO placed gray hairs ; but, honestly all° tho lumps, , but to get In the air A cornucopia is pretty fee the , „ „„
lordly to fulbill to her 11 (13,1111
111(0133 by his side as he raid: "Bro- franIcly, do you not feel that 1 1 the • ..
tb„, In christ, ,, ,,0 0 might*, ,,,0s,„01 young folks ought to have their fIrst o. 1. • Y. s 0 en dining room, 41(1! ('37 af a, di. (stetted xt.'• "i tutu- u.", 1°.
30, 51. But now tennennisieth all
Peeked tightly in Lags, end the air 71t) 33331 1101. 1 10 Inpui tie hat end
vletory:f . 0111 praying for you.
' ' eiyhe lessons of magnanimity from you ? pressed out In consequence. 11 there preles flat. Cut out a cornucopia 111011 0 1`01'Ytt'1111ro to repent, bees's.° be
bigger suecess you have the happier When your time comes to go, would is no 8111310 available. let tho flour with, a wide) »ninth 111141 0 1011f, -''''
11 th 13434 1111331 ti day in which Ile
1 will Ise" you not rattles. that your soils and
WHY MOODY SUCCifelealleD. ... daughters should, weep about yom•
dying bed and feel that they have
What was the inevitable result? lost EL dear, helpful Mend than that
IVIien Me. Moody tried to advance they shall be glad that you are tlea
thaw Christian workers, whom some ing, becalise you are holding with a
people might have called his rivels, selfish grip to all' that you have ? punishment, 313 1.110113411 the
.• rang the mixture, but very sparieg•- fallieg over the edge. Tie a 1.0111011 (1e8erVer8
110 attV11.11004 himself Into the het -Lets My aged Mood, you should not onlY ly at' the end. sinner because cif the hardness of
of dried grasses and red berries ' -
of sinful men (((((1 Wc011011 as well as be willing to live, but you should
into the chief Monsen leadorehip of also be willing to let live, levery
the Christian Nvorld. Many ((mann- old merchant; should try to help the
porarios may have exeelled him in young merchant, Every old phy-
individual and particular gifts, but 11101011 ehould be ready to lend his sae that lien against. tbe board af-, the suchen. Fold EL 0111141 111 of
in mighty, ninsterful leaticirship, in medical books to the young PhYsi- ler the first roll must remain there, French Minuet three -cornered: trim
the fame ancl eminence whIele will elan and speak a good WO( 11 for him as the side that the pin peS51014 over off alsitit an inch shint.ing from tho
001150 11 10 111E1110 10 go clown througe 111 the neighborhood, Every old law- 4. I 4
the coining centudes as is Cheistian yer should be willing to give his plaCed ( ta 11' ncl
— 1.10 eiest looking, and has to be sharpness of the point, sod l'OL:IIK1 up
their happiness, yrt they will keep
on In their upbralilinge) and fault
ilmlinge and dentinelatjune midi at
last, they will drive those who are
nearest and dearest to them front
their 81(100. No Intpreselon win c331180
a husband to despite) a wife quicker
then the belief that she disteusts
hiet and will not credit what he
says ; 110 111101010dge 011 earth will
mend a young 11'01111131 to destrud ion
Emotive thim the thought that - the
men she married has dropped the
role of a lover for timt of a eneatc-
ing deter Live. teontintial fault Il1d-
iieogesgesetag)039erleueSseselte 11
I FOR 1101Y1E
Recipes ler the Kitchen. ig
Hygiene and Other Notes
(i) for the Housekeeper, 73'
l2634,6 4f.hor3o1Of0 oCiattiolSO
Although the mieleing of good pas -
of petals with their points inst over who tomii( w00,1 1,4 31 vo.,"
the edge of the crinolin, Inside IA, 1 5. retiree thy question of hew
theen Hew' on another circle of petale
slightly overlapping the nest. ran those who have not His word
lusty It 01111498 001/10 0110 111110 It to
Ithe venter ()whiten should just lit t het».
c007creallihneeo 1.111edg'1f3e9ttleintgh.e 1 1.11011a0erLe'itirell°( 20. leer 1111 111111`11 11100 As we are
the ollepring ot (.0,1 we ought not
'3311113 (11 1.14"111444 1111:44111E1 10111E 1.0 11111114 that the a Od1101111 OE like
catigow green ribbon, each dahlia unto gold 00 felled. or stones graveo
(111 a Wirsrellt 1"15C1-11, and 1,1a Willi a
For papa's deo buy two large clay
full may al, the top. 101 111111 azan'e device,
Since 0 od (routed ure, how ean the
things which tee make lie our gods?
11iiws' fit° "3019 11' 111"1°P 'The folly of worshiping idols 104 [111 ly
-14111 ettshions set•ureti 9411 11 few '
an( simply set ha th to hes xl. 31440
drope of glue. Peint ti spray of
233, and eleewhees in the prophets.
(10'30008 or appropriate 111 11 1018, 0110 011
1111 1111131.1. shall be said of Lilo olturelt
eta% pipe; cross the stems 111141 1 111 of 1 osday, 10111011 $eems to put stall
1V1111 EL bow of ribbon the color of
the oushions. 10081, in idols of men 141111 metal rath-
er thau in, the Living 0,131? 114 1101
A lish suitable for the bathroom.
111e avy heard, if we had the man or
Cut. the Lody end head Ilf salmon -
colored sills Cut the find and tell the met) or If we had (111' money. bow
ligrliellyn011(111u1.111111(ithns'ivevtltielt4.1 gelliatY•IsYieji111:1; SIniutl.7'111W°7 11`1)g:11(81..°Yd"o'l 3°1-1111104.
Iliat, calla!, uonn Thy menus he
with 101 1111011 01111/001 111"0,V si1113. Insert
1)1 the seams of the body 'and sew stiry'lit °I) 111"1"If to tuk° J"" 111
all up together. Stuff and then Tit:',"•," „'„',T113' 8i1V11- 18 in" 1°01 th°
(Some the mouth with buttonhole gu`" "1": 1.11 the 1-°r° c't
stitch. Simulate tee Hosts" Usu. lxiv, 7; liag. 11, 8), If
fail lightly from your tinges% into the slender ;item. Damien 111411111. 01111P0 91 11 1 J1111g0 3.110 W01411 111 righteousness
basin 4331(3101 1.111/013. by that man whom he bath orelsiti-
Mix Wi 1,11 ic.o water. to a 0111-00:1 1101'11 11 lid 111'000 1117 11 1111
a worm iron. Sew tes end trim "th
Use a. knife to mix with, Mang with the fancy hraid from the hat Clod is long $111710.1tig, 1101 willing
cooler than emer /suede. Mien. Make a crimson silk cueldon that any should 1,,,rish, therefore, for
Acid plenty' of Water when bonen- to fill the motit 13 with a frill of Mee the time, passing over inueli that
the less flour ueed for the pin and near the middle of the stem. Sus- Ins heart and los natural enmity to
Clod, takes advent:0.g° of this mercy
boarEl when rolling it out, dm bet, peria sideways, with (Theisen ribbon
' only to do worse (1I Pet. 1, 0;
Loi'; much makes it hard. (meths in 1, bow et the tip.
•Ilo not turn the pestry over. The A big red beet is juet tithes for 17-:"I• 11)• The book just quo*,
eel from says, "oral shall brine.; every
work into judgment 1V11 11 41.1,110y
secret thing, whether it be good or
wilding it lin evil" (Feel. xii, 14),
and this is abun.dantly confirmed in
. , o J 1
worken•, in 1138 influence upon the advice to the young lawyer, and i The richer the pastry, the hotter ehnped. Staff with sawdust, gath- the New Testament, Our Lord 011011
111011 of his der. Ills Aloofly stood spoke of the judgment 1:0 001110
evet•y old minister to eseolunge the the oven must be Lay. EL scenic of e.e• Op- the sleek of goods at the top
head and shoulders above all the young minister. Ye older 111011, you pastry in the ovds :11 it takes. long . tie firmly. '0,11(.1 trim off the fisWpius: (Matt. vii, 22, 28; si, 22, 24; xii,
Christian workers of his time. He should not only be proud of the fact 'to color, Ow oven is too cool. If it leasten cluster of artificial foliage 36; xxy, 34, 41, 46) and also said
won that enviable position because
he did not Imes a particle of jeal-
ousy in his makeup. Ile 931011 it be-
cause, he tried to help his rivals in-
stead of to destroy there. No man
ever succeesfully built 0, temple • of
fame upon the reined foundations of
a good mun's life. The javelin of
jealous hate lute EL poisoned handle
which is more deadly than its veno-
mous tip. It will more surely de-
stroy the life of a num who at-
tempts to hurl it, than the life of the
Hirai against whom it is thrown.
Maddening jealousy will make its
sinful victim turn upon his best
friends. Many pathetic scenes are
daily witnessed in the insane asY-
Mins of the Istal; but, to me, the pa-
tients who are to bq pitied the
most are not the driveling esileptics
or the men and women. whose
Muds have crumbled into isuch
ruin that they can sit hour after
hour making doll dresses or with
glassy eyes vacantly staring for clays
at a time at some crack in the wall.
I believe the insane patients who
should bo pitied the most, aro those
whose diseased' minds make them
think that their wives or husbands
ot• parents or children or brothers
and sisters have been untrue to
them. 1 pity the young girl who
has gone mad because she team jilted
the night before her wedding and
who sits by the window continually
denouncing the recreant lover and
the 1901110,11 for whom ho broke his
VOWS. I pity that old gray haired
mother who for twenty years has
been denouncing her only son be-
muse she thinks he wants to poison
her for her money, 1 pity that in-
sane wife who will never allow her
husband to enter her room becasise
she thinks he has been false to her.
Als- these are the insane patients
who are to be pitied I Never did
Jelin Fox in his famous "Book of
Martyrs" depict more excruciating.
agonies than some of these poor in.
sane wretches daily stelae, who
brood over the idea that their
friends have boort tut•necl into en-
Maddening jealousy, often baseless,
Is the cause of innumerable domestic
and social infelicities, causing misez•y
alike to its victim and its object.
It makes the wife suspect tho hus-
band of wrongdoing. It makes the
husband Impugn the motives and
actions of his wife. It is the (11.1180
Of 11100t of the quareels of lovers,
which hese wrecked the lumpiness of
many lives for time and eternity,
It lashes Othello Into frenzy (nail
the nuirderous lingers are clutching
at the throat of his innocent wife
and the suicidal knife has made an
end of the swarthy' Moor. It was
the cause of the horrors in the last
earthly days of Ivan the Terrible,
who in a fit or jealousy with an iron
staff crushed in the 51011 of his
eldest born and favorite child. It Is
the heaving, destructive earthquake
which bas rocked to ruins thousands
of family altars. It has shattered
many a domestic wall tiedea the
ceaseless bombardment of tempes-
tuous denunciation and the it•resis-
tible flood of remorseful tears.
The saddest part of these insane
afflictions, where men and women
will sometimes turn upon their best
feionds and brood over the idea tbat
they nronntrue, is' that often their
frenzied surmises are without any
legitimate cause. They may only bo
the strange halluelnationa of a (1144.
eased intellect, Tiwir . loved ones
may bo cloieg everything in thole
power for their sick minds ; they
inny take them to the most expos
sive or asylums and have for them
the hest of physicians mid nurses ;
they may continually '0181 43 1110111 and
have their ermine filled with flowers
an01 lutes care/ages allettys at their
(Messed, 'Obese friend*, may stint
themselves esti litvish their nosney In
eveey passible way for the comfort
of their weak minded role Lions, yet
these insane patients can never bo
iersunded that their feismffic. 000 1011110 EL contlimetion of 0, musteal.
331(1.0,1 to them. Though Imslitteds box told looking.glitss pleases the
anti wives end ehllrireit may be do- birds more than anything else one
ug everything that ram be ,tlone for could put ant for their amusement, inches in diameter. Sew on a ctrolo
that you have made a success, hut
you should also be proud of the fact
that you have helped some younger
111E111 to climb the difficult heights
blackens, tbe oven is too hot.
When done, remove quickly from
the oven or it, gets hard and chippy.
Let all pasti•y cool graduelly in
tram winch you are 11007 able calmly warm place. If put at once into a,
to look down upon the thousands cold pantry, the steam condenses in it
etruggling in ascent far beneath. . ;indeed of escaping, wild causes it to
become heavy. Small peeteles aro
best cooled on a Sieve, or tilted
But maddening .jealousy has a di-
OVCV the pluckers and 11111011 With
0 green covered wire loop.
Number all pillowcases to Le worn
on certain pillows, if you are unfor-
tunate enough to have your pillows
of different, sizes. Do not btty quan- riss fleet, a thousand . years before
met personal cause, All insanities against a plate for the 001110 l'ULS00. 1:11100 of bed linen.- A little 010310 up the unrighteous., and that. our Lord
are the result, of some organic -or Pastry with baking powder in it each year WearEl better than linen calls the first the resurrection of the
functional disorder. Semetimes in- I M'otilb
kinds may with advantage be kept in
be 11013031 immediately; other that; lies umised Ott shelves. This just (I Thess. Iv, 1.6; Rev. xx, 5, 6;
sanity may be caused by a fall or a is also true of table linen, There Ps. i, 5; Luke xiv, 14). The judg-
blow. Part of the skull may be 1 foe, eismg..
EL cool place hones or event days be- shoula always be old linen enough ment of all believers for their eine
that will never bear daily usage on mar egg 'A ramp T .6.m.eIna tro wad s!
xliti 1, 2,5). Their judgment f or seta
hand to meet any emergencies.
vice will be at the judgment seat of
Christ at the first resuerection.
When they heard of the re -
A small wooden. stool, 18 inches 82-3,4.murection of the dead, some mocked
e . ea, 1 outtali b high costing GO cents al Invaluable
the disease is inherited from ances-i flour . ' • ' " ' and othere said. We will hear tbee•
, sprmide on it half teespoon in the kitchen. It shouts always in
teal causes ; so maddening jealousy
- 1 salt and the sante of baiting powder. readiness out of the way, under again of this matter. -
has a direct ca.use. That spiritual,
;Pass througli a sieve. Now take S sill- or-t'oble, where it can hold the TheY had their gods and heroes
diagnosis can be spelled in the one
Ib . butter, lard, drippings or clarified pin' with 'stables ceisping in wa- and great leaders. but that one had
forieful word of three letters.. Its ,
fat. If the fat is hard, shred it — .1)0.•• 4. cake, with icing to harden; 0 deem from the dead was folly in the
only cause is "sin." The same kind 'that ls, cut in thin flakes with a tletto. blread board, with noodles Ele0y- sight of their wisdom, simply all
of sin which to -day Slls our jails 1
, knife — and add it to the flour. If in, When desired to reach ertiefes Impossibility; :00 they turned away,
'the fat is soft, it is best to lay it on.g'i i h shelves' cleaning windows or having" heard enough of such non -
and. reformatory institutions rind I
fiendish, maddening evil against 1 wi th a knife is.0 c
. . tic mite, small pieces.
P 01)31033 c o . sr . .
•1g 1 set ' chandeliers dusting
' . - ful testimony, tuc•ned Lovely from
sense, and Paul,. having borse faith -
lifts the ilattglUELII'S 110080 is the
ion the top of the flour and cut 'it u
and hanging pictures, it will be
that the Father judgeth no man, but
hath committed all judgment unto
tho Son (John v, 22). 1 do not
find in Scripture that which some
speak of EIS a. general judgment 11.101
a general resurrection of all, gond
and bad, at Gm same, tinae; but I do
find that the dead in. Christ, rhali
slushed us an ri piece of the bone 1 es,thsi, the rolling pin lightly. :Do
will be found, by postmortem ex- s
nos use more premiere than is twee -
=illation, to be pi•essing on the ,eary to make tho pastry get larger
brain. Sometimes insanity is the re- 'and thinner with each. roll.
suit, of overtaxed nerves ; sometimes 1 . .
.Now rub the shredded fat well into found far safer and more convenient
lifted his voice in protest. 1 the flour with the tips of the Sugars, than EL small step ladder.
Now, my brother, as the Insanity eturtil the whole looks Bice line bread -
of jealousy is caused by sin, will; crumbs. Make a hollow in the mid -
gem not come to that Christ who is Idle, pour in seine ice wetter, and mix
willing and able to Wee this sin out it with two thigers or a knife till the
of your life ? In the Bible WU read whole is of a soft but not wet paste.
that Christ WELS 01131 is able to ) If by accident you make it too
make the evil passions come out of moist, you must knead in lightlY a INTERNATIONAL LESSON,
a man. So great was and is 1 little more flour. Knead the whole FEB. 1.
(Midst's divine power in this ro- lightly _
together, and it is ready for
sped,. that Luke tells us there was a rolling out. To do this properly',
use a fairly light rolling pin, which.
man afflicted not only with one, but
with a legion or four thousand, should be the same thickness all
not tripering at' the ends.
devils, This man was so goaded by sflpici'.1111S:f.tie
this demoniac P0550051011 that, a. little flour over -the bossed, 22, 23, X found an altar with
though he was bound in fetters of tho pin and your hands, but never this inscription, To the Unknown
chains, he would snap them as easily over tho pastry iteelf. Place the God. ;Whom therefore ye ig•norantly
,,, pastry on the board, and roll out to
as a lion might brush aside worship, Him declare I unto you.
spider's web. He was so distracted tho requised thicknese. The Thessalonian persecutcs•s fol -
that in his frenzy he would tear off Best Puff Paste. — :First flour a lowed the apostles to Berea, and
all his clothes. But when Jesnis clean. cloth, lay on it' e lb. good but- stirred up the people against them
ter, which'You Intve made into EL flat,
spoke the word of deliverance the so that Paul went on to Athens,
man who was once insane immediate- oblong shape. Press it well to get leaving Silas and Timothy at Berea.
ly became clothed and in his right out all the water. Put es lb. best Those who conducted Paul to
mind. If Christ could do all that doer (previously deist and sifted) Athens brought back word to Silas
for the insane man of old, will you with I teaspoon salt into a beticin.
and Timothy to follow quickly,
not let Jesus cure you also or tho mix to EL stiff dough with too wetter, which they ciid. 1Vhile Paul waited
swful insanity of jealousy ? 011, my This dough should. be as nearly till
fot• them, seeing the city wholly
sinful friend, you have hated men same consistency of the butter as
given to idolatry, he did not fail to
and despised inen and found resat itctssn?lu• When the butter is hard
preath Josue and the resurrection in
1110 dough must be.flim and vice
the synagogues and in tho market as
versa, Pet the dough on a floured
he had opportunity, So they
board, or better, a stone slab. Roll •brought hint to Mars ldll, the
it out in a long, oblong 9110,pe about
Text of the Lesson, Acts xvii.,
22-24. Golden ext, Acts
with 111011 long enough I yo
not, here and now, by Christ's help,
learn to hive mon and try to help
1110tt instead of trying to destroy
them 1_
Among the Tchulion Tortola (301"
107,19 mode of "popping the question"
exists. The Tchulian bachelor in
learch of a wife, having filled a
brand 110W pipe With 11000'011 '1,0-
bacoo, stealthily enters the dwelling rolled end folded seven tames. Put
of the fair one upon whom he luxe it sway to cool between ottah two
bestowed his affections, deposits the rolls, and always keep the side of
pipe upon conspicuous article or the pastry which has no edges to
fartiltare, and retires on UP -toes to your right hand, for tho $411110 rens
Wale convenient hiding place the sons This pastry must, be baked hi
neighborhood, local etiquette requir- YorY hot oven,
ing that he should CX0011 410 this Suet 13olled Crust—Sift a lb.
steategic anoveinent apparently un- flour with •& teaspoon salt and -} tea -
detected by the damsel of (118 0110100 spoon baking powder, Shred and
or any other member of her feanily, atop lb. euet very finely, using a
Presendy he rettn•ns without further little flour to zwevent it; ;disking to
it with the flour, 0,nd
affectation of secrecy and looks into 'genus*.
the apartment. itt EL 011S1111 1 sort of isle enough. 00.141 W111:01. to 1111040 EL 1ttl-
WELY. A single glance at the pipe they a stiff paste. Iron it out to re-
tie left behind him enables hint to cadred thickness. This crust is gen-
learn the fate or his prosposal. If it wally used for boiled puddings, but
has been emoked he goes forth an it meet also be baked,
accepted and exultant bridegroom;
if not, the offer of his hand and
heart 11138 been so irrevocehly re- The bedrooms are supposed to be
jaded as not to bo oven worth a supplied 'With pin cushionte bet a
pipe of tobacco. Mowing cushion in each of the other
rootlet is EL great convenience.
A. duster of tense single clehlitts,
i'LleASINC1 pink, deep rose and purple, is quite
artistic for the sitting room. Maas
A ectentiet onto. put alt automatic') three little 00.3.111c1 enshiens of orange
ntesic box on the laWn, told spent plush for the cinders two inches in
many hours watching the birds diameter, Lind stuff with hair. Cut
gather about it. A looking -glom stripe of' sat's, pink, deep, rose or
put up whore 1,110 birds can see them- perple, two Incline WiC10, end fold
selves in it, is ills° very attractive deuhie, press the fold 1141,, ent the
strips into two ineh lengths and folel
them in the shape 01 ,1. quilled dahlia
nein]. Cut disk of crinolis folle
a quarter of as inch thic,k. Next lay
in 1.111 10(3131131 034 1(3 the pat of butter,
over it fold one end of the mislay
and then the other end, and pres; the
edge:, together. ,Roll it out Again
1.110 11111110 gimps only thinner, taking
core that the butler does not break
throsph. Fold it in there and prose
1.110 origes. Put, it away to cool on
ice 15 olio0105, Repeal this last
rincl folding till it has been
Areopagus, and asked him to tell
them of this new doctrine ; hence
this tliscourse in which 110 speakm of
their great religiousness and takes
as his' topic the inscription on the
altar to the unknown God,
24, 25, God that made the, world
and tell things therein * * givoth
to all‘life and breath and all things.
He takes them to the first verse
In the Bible, they being probably
wholly ignorant of the Script110e8,
and tells them of ono who matte
sun, 1110011 and stars, the mountains
and the Nett and all living creatures
and therefore needs not be pro-
pitiated nor any gifts from mats
seeing that I -1:e illinself gives to
all creattmes all that they possess or
need, In ono of the oldest portions
of the :Bible we read -that "in Ilis
hand is the soul of every living
thing and the breath of tfil man-
kind' (Job xii, 10), yet there are
many who possess the leible who clo
not) S001/1 to believe this and act o.5
it Clod required eomething froin
them he(o1' ITO would do anything
for them. They do ((013 13(101.31 IIim
as the one who "given, to all," who
"gave Ills only begotten Son,"
26-28. And hath made of one
blood all tuitions of mos * * for
in Hint we live and move and have
our being,
The greet Creator and sustainer
of all things wants 1141 to knotv 31311111
and reVerils Himself eufficiently is
eaten% to make people want to
lenow Ilim better (lions 1, go, 21.),
and Where people are living tip to
the light they have and earnestly
(Weise more, es the disc, of Cor-
nelius and the queen of Ethiopia's
lientsurer, tied will telso means to
enlighten 1110111, Eis itenritess to 1114
Is ralekingly derwribed in Rona x,
6-10( but there it speaks of those
1.110111. But his testimony was not
In vain, for some believed, both 111011
end women. and that) is all we can
expect in this age of gathering out
the church. There is comfort in
John yi, a—"All that the Father
givoth Me sball come to Me," etc.
An old lady who is a member of
several societies for the prevention
of cruelty to animals was tormented
by a dy which insisted on perching
on her nose. At last she called her
"John, catch the little creature as
gently as you can and put it out
of the window," she Said,
The servant, who know her weals-
ness, caught the fly axed carried it
tenderly to the wiadow.
"Ala madam," pleaded he, "it is
beginning to rain ; shouldn't / give
the little creature an umbrella ?"
Germany end China afford excellent
object lessons in. the treatment of
medical men. In Berlin the doctor's
coachman, wears a white hat. The
advantage of this in (say) a, Irreet
accident is obvious. In China the
doctor is paid ouly so long es you
keep woll, and is by law compelled
to illuminate the exterior of his re-
sidence by night with as many lamps
as he has killed, that is, "lost" pa-
An infaet, said to be English and
of noble birth, is reported to have
been abandoned on a lonely road-
side in France by the occupauts of a
motor -ear. Tho car contained four
persons—ow of them being a lady—
and, after depositing the cradle,
was driven off, Beneath the bitby's
pillow were fottrteen bank -notes re-
presenting $2,800, and a note stated
that whoever would take charge of
the child until its majority would
receive a fortune. A peasant who
discovered the cradle will keep tho
Staffer (at the end of Simpkins'
ball)—"Do you know, I can't find
my overcoat anywhere,"
Simpkins—"Tiave you looked in the
refresliment room 9"
Steffer—"Why, no 1,11010 could it
be in. there ?"
Simpkires—"You haven't been any-
where 0100 during the evening, have
you 9"
Little Ciel—"If 31 wag n. teacher,
I'd make everybody behaYe."
Auirty—"liow wottld you aceom-
Wish that ?"
Little Girl --"Very easy, When gide
was bad, I'd• tell them theS didn't
lord: pretty ; and when little boss;
Was bed, I'd make them sit with
the girls ; and when big boys was
bad, I Wouldn't EL them sit with
the &TU.".
1Vfany Were Nearly Dead From
The story of the wreek of the lel.
ingumite off New Zettlaud 1 /4 0110 al
the rnost (Monodic 1.1i the annals of
shipplog disasters. Aire:141,y tic-
eountle of the glinstly horrors of:
blood -drinking by some of the sitre
vie -ore lia ve been pu isk eft, but the
complete description its fusnishod ley
mail 40 011.01 Move thrilling then the
cabled eu•esneres eliggesied•
int Sunday committee Noventher
the ellingetnite was et eatailig at a.
slow epee.' 'through a fog of excep-
oonal density. A t halamest ten the
,,eseengers 1111111Y Of 311101)1 wore
lounging- end chatting on deck, stew
. jagged EOM's emerge from 1130 mists
end at. 1111. 8111101 11101110/1t t110 0111tt,
stretch Lilo rocks, "hi less thau half
an hour 1.1,0 Elingionite had 811311E,
The 0 1,1 casualties Wert! 111i34,
1111111 4/104-4. 1.01.1•11)141 $0111.00.111f{}4 noel
privat lona 11000 0%4 00'10110Pd by the
survivors who meaped 1111 0, half -
submerged raft feud by those who
numaged to reach one of the barren
isluade 0, tho Three Kings Oroun. A
party of sixty-seven landed on rt
rocky isIan d called 11143 "Oren 13
King•." They heel a cask of brandYe
which was earefully shared, and 11,
keg of Wahl'. WILI1 -OW sail of 1.1,o
boat on wheel the party Mid landed
it stun 11 ten was comet meted, hut
as (3l31.34 ('4(311134 be imagined, yery
lie shelter could be afforded for 07
„They tient ed around 0111011g the
'rocks atel caught emne crabs, which
iti moet cases were eaten. raw. .A.
!few wet matches were diseovored,
and. these were dried by holelieg
; them up in the air. 'With very lits
Itle firewood, but by burning tho
1 dirk lifebelts, they managed to keep
a small biases burning.
'rho ladles of the party made memo
nerhing lines with their corset laces
tied together, and some bent hat -
Pins served for hoolcs. They MLitt -
aged With this improrieed fishing
tackle to get a few blue cod.
For two days and two nights they
wore huddled together on what 11'115
practically a ledge of bare reek,
from whicb, had the seas been high,
they might easily have heen washed.
The women rued the children Stir -
fermi severely from the cold, and
when the Zelandia, ono of the rescue
ships, arrived, they were almost
dead from exporeare.
Mr. Justwed (to wife who has pre-
pared a, turkey for dinner for the
first time alone)—"Alice, it seems to
me that this turkey has a most pe-
culiar flavor, What do you suppose
the trouble is ? It is like nothing
I have ever tasted before." .
Mrs. Justwed—"I don't know, I
am sure, dear. 1 was very 'careful,
and I know it must be elems. for I
scrubbed it thoroughly with soap.",
- •
The mayor of a small provincial
town has just had the following no-
tice promulgated ; "After analysis
eatables and drinkables that have
been. pronounced Matelots to health
at grocers' and wine merchants',
will be confiscated and distributed
among tho various local benevolent
The number or soldiers slain in
battle depends a great deal on the
color of their uniforms. The more
tonspicuous the heltnet and jacket
the better the target, and conse-
quently the greater the mortality.
Red attracts the eye mosl readily,
and twelve men wearing that color
are killed to seven in rifle -green, or
six in blue, or 11310 in either brown,
blue -grey, or grey.
An old horse has committed sui-
cide. The animal went to a pond
at the back of the barn, and with a
disconsolate expression peered into
the water for five minutes. Then it
deliberately jumped in, stiSking the
bottom and breaking his neck.
The highest spot inhabited by hu-
man beings is the Buddhist cloister
at Ramie, P111 bet, whore twenty-one
monks live at an altitmle of 310,000
feet. The highest inhabited spot in
Europe is the observatory at the
summit of Mount Etna, 0,076 feet
above sea level,
.,, No deaths from hydrophobia hair,
occurred in hularid for three years.
Thirty-eight [13>0 04)11. of all deaths
in German marine hospitals are
(mused by consmnption.
So strong is' Bank of Englaral
note -paper that a single sheet will
lift a weight; of 100 pounds.
"Well, Willie," asked grandma,
"have you had all the dinner you
want ?" "No," answere41 the boy,
"but 1 have had all I can eat."
The Life Saving Society, foe the
resuscitation of those) apparently
dretvited, has bertncees in places so
far apart; 110 Sweden, New Zealand,
Malta, Oneada and South Africa,
Spain's new naval programme in-
cludes the building of 12 large iron -
chide, 8 crtdArrs, 77 torpedo -boats,
and 10 sulnnarines. Spaiu lost al-
most all her navy in the late war
with the United. States.
Although Germany's colonies 110.1'0
att mutt 'of over a. million square
miles—that is, five times the size of
the Fatherland --yet the whole num-
ber of Germans in thorn, apart from
soldiers, is lint jest. over 4,000, This
18 aboot a fifth of the numbee who
annually migrate to America.
A book cai1e4I811er 110111 111(0 IL hill,
ber's shop atal aske4 the proprietor
if he could sell bins an eneacloe
patella. "What's that 1" asked the
barber. "It's a book thrtt contains
information on every subject in the
world." There Was it vietint in the
pli t in feebly, "Ho