HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-29, Page 5JAN ' 1, 1903 BUSINESS CARDS. GNL. Y TC.8L, 8OoOATNT, ABTu6lkER AT II, MoGRACKEN• — �Y • Issuer of Marriage 1,ioonoon, 0l• nee at Gruuory,Putnberry forest, /rowels, M. MORRISON, ;tesuer of Marriage Licenses, .. WALTON, " ONT, -yf M. O'CON.OR, PI • 019NEItAL INSURANCE AGENT for some of the best and gulose Companies' to Canada ltd. Fire, Auoldout anal Plate Glass, 011100 over 1. 0, lticbard'o store, 1(10800s. 18 -am MISS ,LEAN INI'LAIICHLU , T]44.01011910 OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, =awry. mm=7..,s, ON'T. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: IN8OBANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. E Estelle Griffin TUACIIElt IIF PO8(181 CULTURE Pueil of sties Eva N. Boblyn, of Loudon. Pupils prepared for Oneserv'Ctery ex'tmy L 01il1 visit Enamels every Tuesday Lessons given at the home of W. H. Kerr, Sohn street, J. LECKIE, LI8'E AND FIRM INSURANCE, LOAN AND ILEAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 94, .0 it e Per Cent. Oflloo over Hurslev'n Drug Store, Nov. Bad, 1902. J0•Sm Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire 1nauriutce Co., EOTAELItnian 1840 i0001'0500 taken on the Quell and premium note system at current Pates, Si_fore blear• lug elsewhere cull on the atut °{reigned Agent of the Oompauy. GEORGE ROG1ERS,Bt'usoole. AUCTIONEERS. IDNEERS. 1 S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- . aim, will sell for better prices, to better men in less time and loss ehargoe than uuy other Auotiruoer in East Ilurou or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders cum always be arranged at this office or by personal applioation, VETERINARY. TD. WARWICK— • Honor (Undnate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - wee of domesticated animate lel a 0nmpet- 01,t manner, i'artl^.ular attention paid to Veterinary DentistryCalle promptly at- tended to. °Nae cul Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge,'Pnrnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NAT M. SINCLAIR— • Berrien.; Solicitor,'Couveyancer, Notary Publio, +ro. 011108—Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the, Standard Bank. ("1 F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Vl • Solicitor, ho. Office over Stand- ard Bunk. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates, MEDICAL CARDS, DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE, RESIDENCE ANn 0F'FICA— _91H.L ST, EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. 11r7'NAUGHTON, 91. D., C. Si., Trinity University,Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member ollaga of Phyelolaoe and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. t5t'Telephone 000.14, Itositlonoo—Mi110 breet,•Bruesele. DENTISTRY DR. - R. P. . FEU -0, l,1SN'rIST Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Firet•ola8e Honor Graduate of Toronto IIuiveretty, Office nest to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. AGENTS WANTED. ..regi (Either on Full 01' Part Time, 0' Ate you satisfied with; your income F Is your thin fully 000upiod 0 If not write us. Weeongive you employyment by the mouth pu geed tonne or centred to nay you well fpr Such bu0lnese as you 9e0ufe for us at odd times, 'We employ both male and female representatives, The next three months is the very best time to toll our geode No do• p01it ie required ; outfit is absolutely free. We )lave the largest - nurseries in Canada— over 800 acres, A large range of valuable new gpeotaltles, and all our etoaa le guaran- teed as represented. If you want to repro• sent the largest, most popular and beet known 00080131, write us, It will be worth your Mille, STONE & WELLINGTON, "Canada's Greatest Nurseries," 17.9tn Toronto, Ontario, British Columbia Bed Cedar Shingles AN0-- North Shore Pine IUUI Cedar FOB BALE Ar Tlam brussels Planing JEi11s Also Deere and Sash of all Pat terns oh band or made to order at Short Not{00, Eetimlttee Fnrniehed for all Riede of Bnildiyile. Workman• ship and Material Guaranteed. P• Ax4%J,EJL`i f..l. Wit- �;"��•a�it�t� Money -Makin Education Money -Making • CENTRAL Gi'�C.I.II'/ STRATFORD, ONT, Young sten fled 'Women. whet are yeti WU2'(h 9 That depends upon whet yon are worth to otholo. A bus• luees or shorthand eduoatlou will al. ways enable you to get a wood position bot the education must be 011,'greatly 11rxt• 01* 11 Biro unauaN g for to tell you what we are dome for otboro; Write today for our catalogue. Students admitted at any time, W. J. ELLIOTT, Frilled pal, 1istxic:t itch's. Go e -i' 01.1. Geo. Arden, er., is able to be around again after hie severe Meese. Mre. Dd. E. Oaroou is vie{ting at her sister's, Mre. Robb, of Jerseyville. Mre, Jae. J. Elliott and Mite May, who have been venting friends in Jackson, Ruth., for the past mouth, have returned home. Wm, Mose, Is matting his harness stock to the building H,.urh of the bakery, iu the Lerch bitch, where he will be totted in the future. Mr. Mose hae been a tenant in the Foresters' book ever since be time to town about nine years ago. Sunday eveuing, the 11th irret., some thief entered the rosidenee of Joe. Wray, while the ooaupaute were all at ohorah, and ran8aoked the pleas thoroughly, taking with him A pooket•book 00utain• ing $10 and some papers belonging to Mr. Wray'e eieter, Mre. Wiggius, who is visit- ing him. L,Iiett.o wl-1. A curling olub bas beau organized in town The roof of the Salvation Army ben raoko is being put on, the briolt work Ravin; been completed. The Gae Company have had difficulty in lkrping up a`e1pply of gas on amount of a difficulty in getting the crude oil to Nott( properly in the cold weather. Jleesrs. Gunther and Httwkiee, of Lie. towel, and G. V. Poole, of Wnllaoe, at tended the Provinoial Conservative meet. ing held iu Torouto on Mande, of last week. Rev. C. H. Buokiand, late of Graven• buret, the newly appointed rentor of Christ Church here, will be inducted into hie ohargo on the tire{ Sunday in Feb ruary. J. H. MaDonal,i bag Bold hie residence property on the Beath gide with all the land attaubed to Isaac Matthews, who rete poeeeseion within a month. Mr. McDonald will move into the reeidenoe on Enna St, purchased by him a oouple of years ago. The sale priori of the prop. arty was $2,250. Another old and respected citizen of Lietocvel has putted away to hie reward iu the person of James Vauetoue, cubo died no Tuesday Teething of leek week, aged 81 years and 22 days. Athough his bis health had been poor for the last tete years be was only confined to hie bed for 8 daye previous to the end. Hie death was a peaceful and happy finial] to a long and busy life. Alt his children but one were present before he died. Glocterieh. Miss Tena Gundry is home from Chi ongo for bolidays,lisving completed her oeuree of hospital training. Mrs. Wm. Robertson, left for New Westminster, B. 0 , having reoeived word of the illneee of her daughter, Mre. M0:oomeon. Alex. Donaldson, of Fort Qu'Appelle, N. W. T., hae been spending eeveral weeks visiting hie mother, Mre. Donald. eel, of Seitford. Alvin J. 'Moore, eon of the late A. J. Moore, B. A, has rs j tined the United States army at P attabury, N. Y , and ie to sail for the Philippines on the 3rd of April as a member'ofthexrmyambulanoe corps. In honor of the annivereary of Barna' birthday the members of Ieverneee Camp, Sone of Scotland, held ,to At Home at the Oddfeliowe' Hall Friday evening. A pro gram of songs and music, recitations and Sootoh dation was given, and a hipper served- during the 'evening. The affair oono'nded'with a dunce, A few evenings ago the members of Robert Young's Bible Claes in commotion with Viotoria et, Methodiet one ech our. prised him by tilting peaceful possession of hie home on Elgin avenue, and pre. *tenting him with an addreee in npprecia• tion of big earaeet and kindly efforts no a teacher. The address was accompanied by a handeoille rocker, and the wish was expressed that the recipient would be spitted for ninny years to enjoy int con - fort. Melee the year 1902 thtro were re gietered with town olerk, 58 births, 49 deaths and 48 mnrringeo. Six of the deaths were of persona between sixty end seventy years of age, ten between seventy and righty, one eighty, one eighty•tbree, one.eighty seven, One ninety, one ninety• one, and cue ninety'live, Tbo average age of thee° tweuty-two persons wag eaventyfive years. The death rate for the year was elightly over 12 per thousand. The annual meeting of the Goderioh l3ortionitural Sooiity was held in the secretary's e0reo on the 14th inst. The atbendanoe wee not large. The irea0nr. Dr's reportshowed the following receipts,; Membership fees $100,75 ; Leg.elat4b grant, $81 ; and county grant, $20 ; mak- ing a total of $210 75, T. 0. N(tftel wag to elected president, 0. A. Wells, vioe. prooidont, and W. Lane, seorotarytreal. fuer, The following oompoee the board of directors for 1908: 0. Pennington, J, II. RlCharde, W. J. Cox, F. Biegham,'2, A, bowler, A. MoD, Allan, Joe, Whitely, 0, Caippbell and W. Warnook It. G. Reynolds was re•appointodauditor, and F. Bingham woe named as the Sooiety'a delegate to the Toronto meeting of the Canadian Aseooiation of Fairs. Ata meeting field in the !eater° room of North sttoet Methodist church it WAS Mcleod to form an association of young men in the form of a branch of the Brotherhood of St, Poul. Thio ie an or. ganization Which has great strength In the United Btatoe, but the Gederioh Lran011 10 the Becloud in Canada, the only 0 her ono baing in 'Coronto. The oljeete of rho Brotherhood ioel.de the mutual improvement and entertainment of • TUG BRUrSS1I!ais P061 metnbore by reliriuua, 800ial, phyoie and literary mnitltr9, About tweet young men ha80 alreody handed in thei name for member.htp and large a'lditiou to the roll are expected. Ofibers hay been elected ail follows 1—Honore pre. Went, lieu. 1). DAuiel ; presides Montague Colborne; vioe preeldent, W O. Pndhom ; secretary, Wi'bur Gue,t GIwoe rer,Gordon Wight man, a1 ! that so well nphe'd the good name of our Tuataaeturu. y , village,1 The furter„' look place Friday 1 maw,. ,9., moo r afternoon to the 1', ma 000140 Ownttery• 2 Tho„ V Forsyth 0I r' Dr. Bail and eon, of Toronto, spent a ' few days last week at the home of the 'tome of the Dr.'s parents in town, .A 0 w 000. A ooneidrrable quantity of saw log h.s arrived at Forret 'a mill. It B. Patton is offering for eros hi hem -1st -me reeidenoe, "ltoeelawn " Ileal estate ie ohanging /aide rapid) in our village, Some of it le bringjn very good figures. Mre. McKay has rented the old drn store and dwelling from J. A. Mitchel and will move in as soon as the latter be vacated it, J- G. Robertson hoe cold his reoideno to Wm. Buchanan who has been engage in farming for some time. Mr. Buchan') will, we nnderotaud, open up an imple cut shop, George Cooke returned from Toront where he was engaged puroh0oing ht stookof leather, eto. He opened hi barnese shop loot week in the literlately 0000pied by George Krautar, The aontlal meeting of Enna Hire In manor, Company was held on Tuesda of last week. The aunditors' report fo 1902 shows, that the number of polioie in force for 1901 was 1270. Now and re Dewed polieiee for 1902, 358 ; value o policies in force, $2,992,623.00 ; premiume paid, $140 626 15 ; expired and cancelled polioioa 825 ; value of sum, $642,580 00 ; premium on suoh, $27,129 00 ; reoeipto mime, almime, $11,485.76 ; the expendi. tura for payment of lire losses and other buinees, $820 68 ; balanoe on hand $10,. 66508. The following offioere were elected for 1903: Preetdent, John Ham mond ; Directors, Masan. Langford, Cleland, McAllister, Hewitt, Bothwell, Baker and Grieve. Proxima GONE,—Death claimed one of Elma'e oldest and most reepsoted pioneere u the porton Wm o[ o T w Lo /head on' Thurs. day mrning of last week, Mr. Loohhead had been in poor health for some years, but seemed to take rallying spoils and would he in fairly good health for some ime. lie bad been sinking fast the last week or so, being unoontoious part of the ime but seemed quite bright on Wednes. lay. This was evidently the last feeble ffort of Nature struggling against the nevilablo, and on Thursday morning be aOood peacefully away. The funeral ook place on Saturdap to the Elma entre Cemetery, and was largely attend. d as Mr. Loohhead was for many years losely identified with all the leading. ntereete of thio township, and wee a man nivereally respected. OMT. --We are sorry to have to record he death of George Orauobon, v. 8. Mob took plane on Wedneeday of last eek atter a lingering illness of some onthe. Hie death was due to that read disease, oonsumptiorr, which took a trong hold of hie constitution. Hie wife tad of the eame climatic) some time ago, nd he has never been the earne fellow 'nee. Atter attending public school ere for ;toms years be attended the Toronto Veterinary College and grad amt. d as s.Veterinary Surgeon and bought at a practice in Cliff,rd where he was airly meanie! until hie.wile'e death nd poor health disheartened him and he eturoed home to die. George wag an nthneiaetio football player, being a ember for several years of the team p 0 a a read d a h 0 r e m CHOICE G80CE6IE5 Don't forget that we keep a choice and well sel- ected stock of Groceries in- cluding :- -SUGARS,. — CHOICE BLENDS OF TEAS, —SPICES, —FRUITS, —BISCUITS, — CANNED 'GOODS, —EXTRACTS, —SOAPS, —BROOMS, —FISH, —TOBACCOS and — CIGARS, in addition to the nicest Con- fectionery to be found any- where. by the dish or ,quantity, Your orders will receive prompt attention for anything in our line. Try our Tea at 27o, per Ib. L. G. KRUSE Bartliff's Old Stand, JE'TSS Miss E. 0. Wileoo, of town, left 00 Monday morning of feet week to take a protesofonal course in London Normal Sohool. Principal Musgrove and Wm. Olegg were U e app luted a delegation to wait upon the Comity Connell on Wednesday of this week to request an increase of Ocaliriva Hon Claes grew. Dr. T. Chisholm was invited last week to Forge+, by the ()Mellows' Lodge of that town for the reoepiion of a "Veber. an'e Jewel" marking the termination of hie quarter of a °eatery of Oddtellow relationship, A. and Mrs. Dunnage spent part of a week in Toronto. Mre, Dulmoge is still there, having had an operation perform. ed by Dr. Reeve for the removal of oat. treats on one of her oyes. The operation wits successful, Tnrnberry 17ietriot L. 0. L. met in Wineh'un on Tusoday of last week. The offioere elected were :—D. M„ John Cae„rnore ; D. D. 1I., Dr, T. Ohioholm ; Ohaploin, W. H. Stewart ; Reo.•Seo , C. Johnston ; Fin,•Sen., Thos. Stewart ; Treasurer, Thos. Abraham ; Leoturer, W. Thornton ; D. of 0 , 0, Barber. The employees of the Bell Factory, in a tangib'e and kindly manner, showed their sympathy with a fellow workman, while paseing.through a time of severe trial. One evening last week Ed, Smith, who wax recently bereaved of two child- ren, was called into the office of the (ea- tery by Mr. Bell, and on b halt of the employees hooded an envelope oonteining a sebetaulial and practical token of their sympathy and friendship. A special meeting of the Town Commit was held on Monday eveoiog of last week to consider request') made by the Neat• ern Foundry Oo„ regarding armee to their worke, fire protection, eta, There were present—the Ma e or Ccan a Bell Mayor, Molndoo,Bennett, Dalmag° and Von. Strum. The oommonicatrou of the Wesb• ern Foundry wan read,enoloeing cheque for $850, first payment, and referring to bridge, fire protection, agreement, eco. After a lengthy dieouesion, a committee was appointed to ascertain the probable coat of a bridge and water main, to report at next meeting of the council. Ooun. Bell hae offered the Company a free site alongside the C. P. R. As the present location ie difficult of acetas, and enlarge- ment of bnildinge an absolute necessity for the growing business of the company, the question of removal to this aide of the river, convenient to both railways, ie open for consideration, though the coat of removal and erection of new building fe no small matter, East Huron Inspectorate. List of School Teachers The following is a corrected list of all the school teachers in the Inspectorate of D. Robb, Inspector Publio Schools, to. gather with the No. of their S. S. and poetoffice address. It is information often called for lienee ehonld be pre. served OBEY. S. S. No. 1 Annie King Brussels 2 Closed ' Cranbrook 3 Harold V. Avison Brussels 4 Robert Weir Jamestown 5 Jessie R. Rae Trowbridge 0 Bessie McDonald Brussels 7 Lizzie Calder Oranbrook Mioacampbell Cranbrook 8 Agnes G. Smillie Oranbrook J Hattie Cameron Monorieff 10 Samuel B. Lamont Oranbrook 11 George Dobson ...Ethel Laura A. Shannon Ethel U. 12 Hattie Downing Walton U. 4 Charles E Leppard....Moleeworth U. 8 Aggie B. Olimie Molesworth U. 4 Pearl J. Sproule Atwood HOw10It. 1 Hattie Burne Huntingfield 2 Wilbert P. Ferguson Lakelet 8 Etta Scott Lakelet 4 Anna B. 0. Howard ..Gorrie 5 Marjorie GillespieGorrie 6 Anna McKelvey Redgrave 7 Robert Douglas Gorrie Lydia Harding Gorrie 8 James G. Brick errri Go e 9 Clara L. Millen Fordwioh 10 Arnold Stewart . Gorrie 11 Ethel Musgrove Fordwioh 12 Bevin Grainger Newbridge 18 Richard Hamilton Lakelet 16 Agnea E McEwen Huntiogfield 16 Howard F. Hartry Molesworth 17 William Watters Fordwioh Lena Grille 18 Mary Ayleewortlt U. 5 Clarke Fraser U. 12 Wm. H. Downey HULLETT 1 Fred, Fowler 2 Thoe, Murch 3 David Weir 4 Jennie Lowrie 5 Addison F. Johns 6 Lizzie Dorranoe 7 Edward 0. Wilford 8 Jessie Wiseman Clara Obidley 9 Christens A. Sprung 0 Mande Porter U. 5 Alfred E. Wetheral Carrie Soblater U. 4 R. G. Reid U. 11 Mary E. Glazier M'ltILLOP 1 Josephine Lane 2 James T. Dodds 4 Lizzie Lawrence 5 Margaret Devereux 6 Hugh Taylor 7 Chriotopher White 8 Violet Simpson 9 Isabella MoNab , , ... 0 Barvoy Buchanan 18 Isabel Aitchison 01015159. 1 Li11a B. Iebister 8 Malcolm Blaok 4 John W. Todd 5 Fred. T. Bryans 6 Nellie A. Jamieson„ .. 7 Nina J. Iibietor 8 I3e1la Murdie 9 Margaret D. I3ielby. , , , $ubbard Millar 1 Aneio Simpson . 12 'Olvetta Brigham 8 Pday Cndo „, 3 And acv Scott 4 Jennie Groot 'toucan Iiip[peu Seaforth Clinton 6 Robert J, Beatty. Egmondvillo 6 Mary L. McEwea ,,,Olintoo 7 Maude W{Itee •Egmondville 8 George W. Holman Egmondville 9 Thos, G. Shlllinglew., • •Egmondvflle 10 George Pybue Ohieelburet TOSINm118031. 1 Bide Allen 14 Jennie Trench 8 Bella J. Pearson 4 Alex, Mol wen Jean Blaok 5 Mina Mardis 6 Agnes 8. Grieve Wingham 7 Lizzie Vanebone ..... Wingham 8 Mae E. Button Wingharn 9 Douglas Fraser Glen Farrow 11 Nellie Broken .. Wingbam CLINTON, W, R. Lough Clinton „ Wroxeter Wroxeter Glenaonan Bluevale Bluevale Wingham Margaret O'Neil......., Janet Wilson Mary Robb Della O'Neil Evelyn Turner Florence King SEAFOI)Tn. W. J. Moffatt Minnie MaoKay Jennie Ballantyne Ada Beattie... ............. „ Mre. M. A. Coulter WINOIIdtf. ..Seaforth A. H, Musgrove Raobel McLean Maude Brook Mary Cornyn Bernice H, Reynolds Castile Farquharson Hattie Reid Lizzie Gumming Edith Matheson 0BU86EL0 Wingham it 11 di id J. IL Cameron Brussels Ethel 0. Scott Kate Nilson MaryT. Dow usy Jean Ritchie 3LYTH Joseph J. Bailey Blyth Annie Hamilton Janet E. Kirkby Nina E. Lockhart B'ROTETEB John Hartley Wroxeter Maude Sinclair CLINTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. John Houston, M. A R. F. Stoddart, B. A W. Tier, M. A E. M. McLean Lily M. Jobnetone SEAFOnTH COLLEGIATE INTITUTE. G. F. Rogers, B. A II. W. Brown, B. A Florence E Kirkwood, B. A Geo. F. Dolling, B. A ,i " TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,— Tbe nsdereigned, who - is well acquainted throughout the most part of the County and who has had business with a large otr- ale of farmers In and around this locality, bog to inform the community that he hae taken out an Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron and offers hie services to ail purposing to hold sales. THOS, NEWSOME, Brussels. IIas No Peer in, the West. Great London Daily that Leads all Competitors. WHAT ENTERPRISE HAS DONE The Free Press is the Greatest News Paper In Western Ontario — Sortie Special Features—The Low Price at Which its Three Editions Are Sold. The London Fres Press Printing Com. pany, Limited, have entered open the new year with fresh evidence of the abnu- dant eoterpriee which has alwoye ohar• aoterized that neweieet and moat wide. aweke of the big dailies of the West. No expense is -spared to obtain the latest neves. The management of this important daily have just established a special corps of vigilant news gatberero in every motion of the western part of the Province. These epeoial oorreepondonte have had placed at their immediate eerviee the Fordwioh telegraph wires of the country, and can Gerrie be relied upon to tarnish in quiok and Molesworth crisp style every happening of interest. Belmote The great newe•oolleoting agencies of the world will continue to supply the Seaforth Free Preee with complete cable and tele. Seaforth graP bio reports, Constance The sporting events of the day, with Constance t readable comment np0n poet and pros'• I motive inoidente ill Londesboro' P v all departments of sport, will be given in oomprebeneive manner. As an illuetrated newspaper, the Free Prime leads in Canadian jourhaliem. Portraits' of notable people, and repro- ductione of menet) of interest, are teen. larly furniehed. The latest and maturate market report° are made a epeoially important feature. Farmers and bueineee men who have experienced value of these reports. find them indispensable. The woman's page ie a feature of Saturday's Free, Press also the Lodge's oolmmn. A serial story of engrossing interest is among the numerous other departments of this popular journal. The Free Pries {a now a ten•pago news. paper daily! with sixteen pages on Bator. day, It is earned in three editions morn- ing, two o'olook and evening. The °Arty Morning isene covers the Weal) from five to night hairs ahead of other competitors. It oiroulated in every oily, town and village in Western Ontario. The price is 98 per year, delivered at any poet office. The two o'olook and evening edition° are each $2 per (mann] at your poet ol$oe. The ever.inoreasing olroulation hae Made it necessary to install the very latest improved faet.rennihg presses, and vial tore to the city will always be welcome caller,. The presses oan be seen in operation at the hours of 4 8, in, and 1 and 8,80 p, M. 27-4 Harlook Blyth Londeeboro' Londesboro' Auburn Lendesboro' Auburn Auburn Summerhill Blyth Seaforth Seaforth Seaforth Beechwood ....Winthrop Leadbury Leadbory Brussels Winthrop Winthrop tlaaforth Blyth Brussels Brnoeelet Bolgrave Breeeele Wingham Bluevato ...Blyth Jamestown Walton Blyth Blyth 10 1 Tl MeKinnon's s T R, GA ct l6il There tb bon t our January Sa Ie t hat 19 mu0 h to �,}}� is an en uoiaem A :dJ our liking. Yon oan see it in the crowds of shoppers who daily vieit the store We oun see n our inortaeing volume ot b dJ noineee from day to day. What does it all mean 7 Simply this—The ehoppi09 public of Blyth lad vicinity have oonfidsnae in this store, j0 its methods and week'y sunouuoomeute, They come, see and prove that our January Hale is ae we say, au 00000000 for big money savings on pereoual needs. For further proof see these January Sale offerings for thio week ;— Dulles' Black Oppoeeum Muffs, foil furred, well lined and warm, worth 80 26, for $2 25.—Ladies' Oloth Capes, in blaok, brown and grey, some with double capes, worth np to 94 50, for 980.—Men's Heavy Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawere, sizes from 30 to 42, regular Goa, sale prior 45o.—But if you want solid comfort during this cold weather, bey Stand0ld'e All wool Uusbrinkable Underwear. We have them in all eizvs, Special eizee for large men at $1, $125, $1 35 and 81.50 per garment.—AA to ere cur Wide Soft Finished Priute, in good patterns, regular prioe 12ao, sale price 07.—Men's Heavy Moleskin Mitts, warm lining with strap and buckle at wrist, worth 60o, sale pride 46o.—Take a look through our Millinery De. partment. You will lied marry mousy.caving chances. All our Trimmed Hats at half price to olear, T After baying read many advertisements of towns remote from Jamestown, we were compelled to think and say Sthp Lootiug for Trouble and Happiness will get after you, Here are a few directions and if followed closely LIFE'S CARES WILL BECOME COMFORTS Irl all our Winter Goods we have made a reduction of 20 and 25 per cent. for cash Come and see for yourselves. The Jamestown Post Office and General Store Walter Innes. We take Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Tallow as Casb. In Robes We carry in stock a first-class assortment of Grey Goat, Saskatchewan, Black Galloway, Grizzly Bear and Mountain Bear. i nubber, Wool and Plush 'Mugs Of excellent value. q All Kinds. Big Stock of Single Harness from $7.50 up, also Team Harness and Collars that cannot be beaten. Fine range of Trunks, Valises, &c. Satisfaction guaranteed. John Donaldson HARNESS MAKER, BRUSSELS. ausaismensamminsamasommecommumuswemmommema CROKONOLE BOARDS None Nicer on the Market. Hand. Sleighs, Rocking Horses, Delis' Carriages. POST BOUKSTORE