The Brussels Post, 1903-1-22, Page 8• Condition, Powders
Horses and Cattle.
They are made from a splen-
did formula and have a large
sale and we believe that they
are not surpassed .by any
patented on the market,
Large Package, 25c.
Ensures fine, strong
cattle and keeps them
healthy. It is invalu-
able in the production
of Milk, Butter, Cheese,
Poultry and Eggs.
Prices 25c. and 50c.
soulmcBN BSTENeION w, e. & B.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Mail 7:18-a.m I Mixed 10;00 a.m
Mlxad.........10:00a.m 1 Mail .....„1717 p.m
Express 8:95p.m I Express ...... 8:17 p,m
rural .em `tems,
A ohiel'e among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
THE Pose gives the news,
Rice= says Ooai will be here shortly.
BAND Conoart Friday evening. Don't
mise it.
0o, Commix opens next Tuesday after-
noon at 8 o'olook.
Pleoo H000e are on the program on the
North and South roads.
A strike fe on at tbe flax mill and work
shut off in the meantime.
INTERESTING program at the K. 0. T. M.
Band Clamart on Friday evening of thia
week in Brussels Town Hall.
MONTHLY hursda on Pair Horse
Feb, 5th. These Faire are known all
over the country and are not excelled by
his ie the year 1908. Look at it ; nee
it ; live in it ; put into it all yon pan ; get
out of it all yon aan ; let go of laet year :
1902 is gone, all gone,
Loco,—In Brussels on Tuesday atter-
noon between Hureley'e Drug Store and
the poetoffioe, a leather wallet containing
three $5 bails. A reward of $3.00 if left
ab Alf. Lowry's, Brussels.
• BeusserS PUMP WORza.—Having put in
a maobioe for grinding clippers I am pre.
pared to make old one's out like new,
Sawa gummed. Skates and 80188008
eharpeoed, FRED. ADAMS.
R. LEATHERDALE was eleoted Chairman
of Brussels Sohool Board for 1903. A
delegation consisting of Trustees Tnrn•
bull and Sinclair and Principal Cameron
will attend Huron Go. Oonnail next week
relative to whoa! affairs
TEEM are marvelous days of achieve.
e ae
meat. We travel by lightning and the
oloads are our steeds. A wireless tele•
graphic, message has recently been sent
across the Atlantic ooea0. All the
• nations are in touch with each other.
A letter from J. N. Gordon, of Forget,
says:—"We are having a grand Winter
• with snow about a foot deep and splendid
purling. He sande hie kind regards to
old friends," THE POST will guarantee
• Mr. Gordon will be In his element it he
has frequent opportnnties of bitting the
ODST.—On the 9th of January, George
Humble, a one time resident of this
locality and a brother to Mre. J. R.
Grant, of Winnipeg, Mre. J. W. Shied and
.A. Kay, of Dandae, passed away to his
reward, in hie 60th year. Hie home was
at St. Joseph, Kansas. He wen born in
Ayr, Ont. It is 16 years since he lett
Brueeele. A wife and 4 children survive.
• THE Assembly in the Town Hall on
Tuesday evening was largely attended
perilous being present from Listowel, Bea-
foeth, Blyth, Goderiob, Wingham, Wrox
afar, and other pointe. Great pains was
' taken in very elaborate decoration of the
Hall. Lunch wee served in tip top style
by Caterer Kruse. The London Harpers
• were the mueiojane and eupplied a fine
rone of the Silver Corners cheese and
butter factory presented their cheese•
maker, N. B. MaLauohlin and wife on
• the eve of their departure to Bruneel° with
,.. an address and present of a gold ohafn to
himself and a silver butter knife and
gold lined sugar spoon to his wife. The
address wee read by Hugh Rich-
mond and the presentation by Mrs. Wm,
McKay and A, Lawrence. Mr. MoLaaoh•
lin then made a feeling and suitable
reply after which the young people awns.
ed themselves with dancing and other
amaeemente. A11 wished Mr. and Mre.
MoLaoohlin every emcees in their new
A. 0. U. W.—Friday evening of last
week D. D. G. M. MoKenzie, of Luok•
now, installed the officers for the 0000805
term in Brnaeele Lodge, No. 188, as lob
lows :—
Master Workmen, Wm. Ainlay ;
Foreman, Jno. Simmons ;
Overseer, Harry Mercer
Reoorder, W. H. Kerr ;
Financier, W. H. Ma0racken ;
Treoeurer, G. A. Deadman ;
Guide, Jno. Cunningham ;
Pbyeioiane, J. A. MoNangbton and
A. McKelvey ;
Inside Watchman, D, Hwan
Outside Watohman, W. Armstrong
Anditor9, T. Farrow and W:Ainlay ;
Representative to Grand Lodge, W.
H, MoOraoken ;
Altercate, W. E. Kerr.
The D. D. G. M. delivered an interesting
address atter which the Lodge aooepted
An invitation to the home of Finanoier
MhOraoken, Albert street, where an
oyster supper was nervedand a short
maeioal sed Watery program was render.
ed. A vote of thanks was panned to the
hest and hoete3efor their generous hoe.
TRRRE natty gold lettered signs have
reoently been placed in the front of the
Queen's Hotel by Proprietor Querrin.
Acolnaxm.—Alf. MOMillan had tbe eode
of two fingers taken off the left hand at
the 000per shop in oonneotion with
Binoeele Salt Works while working at a
machine the other day.
IT is said that Barristers Blair and
Sirolair, of Braeeele, are applicants for
the Grown Attorneyship of Heron 0o.,
rendered vacant by the death of Ira
Lewis. There are said to be a number of
other applioatione ae well.
THE shipments of freight from Beneath
this week totalled 16 oars, as follows :—
R. Graham, 2 ogre wheat and oar oats ;
Braeeele Salt Works, 5 oars Balt ; Alt.
Seeker, 8 care baled hay, oar of straw,
oar of oats and oar of hay ; Geo. Beet,
oar hogs.
Ooa anuaai Bale of Dry Goode, Mantles
and Overcoats in now on. 75o $100 and
$1.25 Homeepnna and Battings 50o. 50,
60 and 76 Dant French flannels 85o. 18
all wool stylish Raglan eventuate worth
310 00 for $5.60.
Geo. E. Kum, Wingham.
Thie is what happened to Dr. Fred. Gil.
pin, eon of J. J.'Gilpin, of Brunets, and
nephew to Tax POST Editor. The par.
Haulers in brief are as follows t—Fred. is
a dentist in Miobigau City, Ind., U. S.,
where he reoently opened an office and is
getting along flret.olaee. The StatePeni
teatiery is located there and a dentist ie
appointed for a year at a time to visit the
tnetitntion and keep the inmates chewing,
Something like $500 a year is paid.
Many a man bae had a p011 to the pent.
tentiary for lees money. We hope Dr,
Gilpin's sentence will be inoreaoed. He
her joined the Methodist choir in Miohi•
gan City int whether the one will
counterbalance the other we are not
prepared to state.
DIBTRIOT Lonna: The L. 0. L. District
Lodge was held at Seesaws oo Tuesday
afternoon of this week owing to the poet.
ponement of the previous week on so.
count of the storm. Following were the
officers Wanted :—
Dar wood is a eoaroe Reticule.
RENNw yo00 aubeoriptioa to THE PoeT.
THE new engine is being installed ab
the Electric Light Works,
Tug annual meeting of the Howiok
Insurenoe Co. will be held at Gurrie an
Friday, Feb. 5th, at 2 p, in,
THE Blyth Standard has the kindnes8
to prediot that "W, H. Kerr, Editor of
Tan Beueeso.Posx, will likely be War.
den for 1903.”
Ranter events have hurried forward
public eoutiment in favor of the temper.
anoe reform. The slogan "Banish the
bar" did fine servioe.
ALBERT Ammon, 7th line, Morrie, has
beau quite ill'with pneumonia during the
past week at the home of Samuel Walker,
6th line, where he wan working,
ANY one needing Rewe changed from
slow, hard cutting to fast and easy patting
aan have same doge by me and I will
return your money if I fail to do so.
Yours, for fast and easy cutting, T.
MOGnaeoa, Brussels Saw and Saw Tool
Frks.o. oioae' INSTITUTE,—The annual meet•
ing of East Hurou Farmers' Institute for
the disooeeion of topics of interest to the
tiller of the soil was held in the Town
Hall, Braeeele, on Wednesday afternoon
and evening and was well attended,
President McMillan presided with his
urinal ability, and interesting and prao.
=al addressee were delivered by T. H.
Mason, of Steffordville, on "Red Glover,"
and "The Hog ae a Money-maker ;" and
E. 0. Drury, of Grown Hill, whose topic
wail "Soil fertility and how t0 maintain
it." An animated dieoueeion followed
eaob topics. In the evening a large and•.
ieuae aeeembled. In addition to addressee
by the above mentioned geutlemeu there
was a musical program in which the
following eeleatiooe were rendered '—
Instrumental duets, violin and organ, D.
Ewan and Mre. Geo. Thomson ; solo,
"Island of Dreams," by Leslie Herr;
Scotch songs, "Beaee o' Mar" and '•The
March of the Cameron Mee," by Mies
Alice Thomson. A vote of thanks was
proposed to all who took part by Seers
Lary i1ood and the National Anthem
brought the session to a close, A more
extended report will be given in our
oolumoe uext week. The speakers went
from Brussels to Harlock for Thnreday,
Mauley'e School for Frldey and Mardle's
School on Saturday. Both gentlemen of
the delegation were ready, well posted
epeakere and practical men.
W. M., Joseph Hamilton ;
D. M., S. T. Plum ;
S J. W
Sea., .Morrison'
Thos. Oakley
Dir. ofOer., Henry amilton ;
Chap., W. R. Mooney.
The Co. Lodge will meet at Wingham on
Feb. 10th. It is hinted that the next
Orange Celebration will be held at Blyth.
An invitation was reoeived by Brussels
from Woodatook but the lodge here will
stand by their own District in preference
to outside pointe, although this rale is
not always followed however in Huron.
OHarn REeouo Woes.—The adjourned
annual meeting of the Children's Aid
800isty, held in Mr. Lane's offfoe, Gode•
rich, on Monday last, was somewhat
better attended than the previous meet.
ing. The president made a report of
several cases which had been attended to,
where ohildren had been brought before
the P. M., and in each the reenact bad
been entirely eatiefaotory and beneficial
to the children. The following extract
from a letter from J. J. Kelso, Supt. of
Negleoled Obildren, met with approval,
and an effort will be made to extend the
services of the Sooiaty tbroughoat the
county in the work of child rescue:
"Shall be pleased to hear from you re.
gardiog the annual meeting. Am very
anxious to see a strong Society for Heron
County, ae there is a splendid field in
your part of the Provinoefor tble work.
I wish it were possible to swore a man to
give most of hie time to the work, an fn
the oase of Rev, James Lediard, of Owen
Sound. He aota as agent for the counties
of Grey, Bruce and part of liimooe, and,
by oontributione from the various planes,
the Society ie able to remamerate him to
the extent of about $400 per year although
at fleet they were only able to give bim
3100. He has e000mpliehed a eplendid
work, looking after neglected children
finding homes sod visiting children who
are in that district. It all depends on
securing the right mau--ono who, by big
taotfalueee, oan eeoare the aesietanoe end
0o operation of all Manes. Thie would,
at any rate be something for you to look
forward to in Goderioh. The flnanoial
report was read showing
Membership feee 314 50
From former Trees 16 00
County Council grant 25 00
354 60
Expendituree on various oases 327 15
Donation to Sick Ohildren'e
Hospital - - 10 00
BRI, in bank 17 86
354 50
The offioere elected for the tour= year
are : President, Jamie Mitchell ; Vioe.
President, W. J. Field, B. A., ; Sao.
Treas., Mre. Jamie Clark; Exeoutive
oommittee, these offloere and Mre, Hoye
and W, 3, Cox, In thie connection, the
new officers ask the ao.operation of Dili.
zone in all parts of the °minty, and will bo
glad to Meinin the work of rescuing
neglected and dependent children from
onbealtby and Injari000 eurroundinge,
Oorreepondenoe is invited 8o far as they
Oen be of assistance in eases needing
attention in other planes, the oHioere here
will be ready to lend a hand,
A FINE MAN PASSES AwAr.—T138 people
of Brussels were very loath to believe the
report Tuesday afternoon that Jno.
Wyun, one of our oldest reeidente, had
been suddenly palled away from earthly
seems, but the sad Dewe proved only too
true the vital spark taking its flight about
12 noon. Deoeseed was down street on
Monday and was up Tuesday morning
and attended to the onetomary ohores
about the hoose end eteble. Mre. Wynn
noticed that he was quite pale when he
ascertaining name in the hoose and neo r g that
he was ill tient for the dootor. The
pbyeioian remained with him for an hour
and a half but ooald not prolong life
and after an illneea of 25 hones the
patient passed quietly away ae above
stated. Mr. Wyun had a very severe
attack of la grippe some 12 years ago
which left results that possibly had to do
with hie sudden demise althongb his
health bed been comparatively good in
the intervening years. During the past
Fall he and Mre. Wynn took a 6 weeks'
trip among relatives and friends in
Michigan and Mr. Wynn came home feel.
ing much the better of his enjoyable visit.
The enbjeet of this native was born at
Smith'e Falls, Ont., and ae he grew to
took the trade oarriage
maker. Ia the Fall of 1361 ha was
united in marriage to Miss E.izabeth B.,
eeoond daughter of the Tate Chas. Murphy,
of Ingersoll, and the happy oouple toasted
et Brussels where they have continuously
made their home. Here Mr. Wynn oar
ried on an extensive and very auooeeefnl
carriage bneineae only disposing of it a
year or so ago to J. E. Sperain. Deceased
was e. eterling, upright, honest, kind.
hearted men and most highly eeteemed
by the oommunity at lenge ; an indulgent
(ether, a good husband and a kind neigh.
bor. He had been ohoeen a member of
the town Connell tor a number of years
and ooneoieationely did his duty with a
marked faithfulness. Mr. Wynn wee
not a seeker of notoriety, however, and
preferred the quiet of hie own home and
the society of his immediate friends to
anything else, and for this reason his
going away will be of particular loneli-
oeee to the widow ae they were moeb
companionable. In obaroh relationship
deoeaeed held to the Methodist ohuroh
and for years was ao active worker. He
lent to the Ooneertative -side of polities
and was a member of Brnaeele Orange
Lodge. In addition to Mre. Wynn a
daughter, Mre. F. J. Schenk, of Toronto,
and a eon, Robert, of Detroit, survive.
Willie, the eldest eon, died Several years
ago. The funeral took plane Thnreday
afternoon and was very largely attended,
people coming for miles to pay the lest
tribute of respect to a worthy man. Rev.
T. Wesley Owens conducted an impress-
ive service. Mr, Wyon was in hie 70th
year and had been a resident of Brussels
for over 42 yoare being one of the few
who constituted the early residents of
this plane. Among those from a dietahoe
present at the funeral were :—Mrs. Corn-
ish, of Mitchell ; Mre. Walker, of Lon.
don ; Mre. Macrae, of Seeforth ; and
Mre. Lewis, of Bluevale, sisters of de.
wand 1 Mr. and Mre. Murphy, of Emily
City, Michigan, relativae of Mrs. Wynn
W. W. Burgess, Mitchell ; Harry Me0rae,
Beetorth ; Will. Hopkine, of Durand,
Mioh. ; Mr. Lewis, Blnevele ; T. and Mrs,
Ainlay, Listowel ; Mre. W. F. Vanetone,
of Wingham, in addition to Mr. and Mre.
Sabeak and Robt, Wynn. Mr, Sobeek,
WOO at Blyth on a hardness trip when
Mr. Wynn died eo hastened at once to
the bereft home, To say that Mr.
Wynne deoeaee will be regretted by the
entire community is not a mere formal
Baying but a greet truth that nobody will
indwell and uoiveraial sympathy will be
felt for tbe bereaved relatives, eepeoially
ebe who walked by the side of the depart.
ed for eo many years as a faithful help.
Thursday, Lin. 2208,le the anniversary
of the death of Qgeen Ernpreee Vfotoria,
The nntdook for quell in Egeex is not
favorable owiug to cold weather and a
wet Bummer.
Peter Bughes left hie slater et the
Windsor depot to get a drink, and hes
not been seen ginoe.
Berlin municipal fuel oommittee
finds it impoeaibie to get coal but baa
dfepooed of two oerloade of wood and
ordered four more.
Henry Branton end W. H. Waibh were
tooth guilty at St, Thomas of attempting
to stuff a ballot•box at the reoent referee.
drain. They are said to have left the
People We Know.
Joe and Geo, Ardell Bandaged in
Geo. Latakia, of Wroketer, was in town
this week.
J. J. Ball, of Wiugbam, wee in Bruer
eels on Monday.
Mise Rankin, of Wingham, 15 visiting
her sister, Mre. A. McGuire,
Joe McKay, of Harriaton, wee in town
for a couple of days last week.
Mies Annie Beattie, of Toronto, is
visiting in town for a week or so.
Mise Maggie Brown ie visiting with
relatives and friends at Orangeville.
Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, wee in town
for a few daye during the peat week,
Mies Violet Cooper bae been visiting
friends in Wingham for the past week.
Mies Lamy Little spent a few daye last
week with Mre. A. Young at Wu,gbam,
Mies Cora Ferguson, of Teeeweter, is
the guest of relativae in Brussels and
R. Leatherdale was in Toronto and
Hamilton for a few daye daring the past
Mre. Parr and eon, and Mise Carrie
Megaton were visiting with relatives at
Tees water.
Anthony Sample is home from the
"Soo" looking tip top, He will be berefor
a month or so.
Misses Mary Coates, Maggie McMillan
and Aggie Dunoaueou were visiting in
Hallett last week.
Geo. Dudley, of St. Marys, woe visiting
his permits, Jae. end Mre. Dudley, of
Graham's survey.
Thie week the Misses Little attended
the funeral of their coaeie, Mre. Robert
MoDole, of Hallett.
A. Hislop, M. P. P. and Barrieters Sin-
clair and Blair were vieitore in Toronto
for few daye teat week.
Mre. Walter Smith is on the eiok list
with bronchitis and pneumonia bat we
trust she will Boon be baiter.
Mre. MoOlure, of MoKillop, and B.
Torraooe, of Manitoba, are visiting at
David Rote', Elizabeth street,
Mies Hazel Laird, of Ingersoll, hes
been visiting at Wm. Ainlay'e. She is a
daughter of S. W. Laird, and a former
Mise Bennett, of Blyth ; Mies Comm,
of Trowbridge ; and Mies Govenlook, of
Atwood, are vieitore at the Methodist
Mre. Jno. Jones, of Grabamville, bee
gone to epend the Winter menthe with
her daughter, Mre, R. Mitchell, 8rd line,
Morrie township.
Thomas and Mrs. Ainlay, of Listowel,
were here attending the funeral of the
late John Wynn on Thursday. The are
well known former reeidente,
Mise Ethel Creighton, milliner, is borne
for a few weeks well earned holiday. She
purposes going to Hamilton for a visit
before attending the Spring Openinge.
Watson acid Mre. Ainlay were called to
MoKillop lest Sunday to sea their daub
ter, Mre n Hugh McIntosh, who wee taken
ill with tonailitis and inflammatory
rbeamati-m, We hope ebe will soon be
We are sorry to bear that &dvid J.
Spial, a former resident of Brinson', is
not enjoying very robust health. He and
Die mother are spending the Winter at
Paeeada, California. Mr. Shiel'e old
friends here hope the olimate will invigor-
ate him.
Matinee. H. G. Meopbereon (Liberal)
Chris. Foley (Labor) and T. R. Matinee
(Independent) were nominated for the
Oommooe in Barnard, B. 0.
John Fester was killed on the railway
at Jordon, and tbe body of Elmer Moyer
the track. He is eu
was found on ppoeed
to have been Struck by the same train.
Arobiteot E. B. Patterson baa taken
out a permit for the erection of forty
brick dwellings for the Berton Building
Company, on Fullerton avenue, Hamil.
nxe'LT' SS TE L 3 :.C.A.R it<ti.•o1,
Fall Wheat ...•.. 66 66
Barley 40 40
Peas 60 60
Oate 29 30
Butter, tube and rolls .. 16 17
Egge per dozen 17 18
Flour per cwt. 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per hos.) 86 40
Apples (per bag) 40 50
Hay per tion ..... 6 00 6 00
Sheep akiue,eaolt,.,.,.25 25
Lamb skins each 26 80
Salt per bhp., retail 1 00 70
Hideo trimmed 6 6}
Hides rough 5 5
Hoge, Live 5 75 6 76
Wool 11 12
TOWN.—In Wroxeter, on Tueeday, 13th
inst., to Mr. end Mre, Geo. Town, a
MSennL-85ESRAN.—At the Methodl05
Personage, Eth81, on Jan. 14th by
Rev. 0. P. Welte, B. A. B. D., Mr.
W. A, Miabel to Mies Matilda J.,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Hartwell Speiran, all of Grey.
Touxa—HAseoze.—At the Reotory, Wing -
ham, by Rev. Wm, Lowe, Mr. Harry
Toting, of Gerrie, to Mies E. Hanley,
of Niagara Falls.
BENNETT.—Io Grey, on Jan, 18, William
Bennett, aged 84 years.
MARTIN.—In loeewater On Jan, 14th,
James Martin, aged 88 years.
WYNN.—In Brussels, on Jan, 20, John
Wynn, aged 89 year8 and 4 menthe.
HuMRLE.—In St, Joseph, Kansan, on Jan,
9th, George Humble in hie 60th year.
EA,•r7'c TTonT—SAT.:F]- .•—
THURSDAY, JAN, 29,—Farm stook, imple•
meute, &o. Lot 82, Oen. 14, Grey. Sale,
enreaerved, at 1 p. m. Peter 8. Rose,
Prept, 1 F. S. Soott, Ano.
TituBepAY, JAN, 29,—Hxtoneive sale of
farm wool; and implements at Lot 88,
Coo. 11, McKillop, Bale, unreserved, at
12 o'oloek, Wihjam McIntosh, prop, ;
Thos. Brown two,
FRIDAY, JAN. 80: Farm stook, imple
&o. South i; Lot 1 , Oon.8 , G y.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olo,lt. Jno, B.
MoLanohlfo, Propt. ; F. S. Seat, Ano.
MoNDAY, Fon. 0,—Farm stook, imple.
menta, &o., at Lot 8, Coo. 6, Grey. Balt,
uhreserved, at 1 o'oloak. Joseph H.
Bowman, prop, ; F, d, Scott, ads.
The Standard Bank of Canada
OAPITAL (authorlaed by Act of Parliament) .. 32,000,000.00
CAPITAL (fully paid pill ... ... .., ... 1,000,006.110
TOTAL+ d.BSE 9U ••• .., •,, ... ••• .., ... ••• .., ,,• ,,, ••, 18,07780 00
4 000
080, P. IRBI», General Manager
BRUSSELS BRA NCII . DepPealte reoelved. Loans made to raepuu-
. eiblo partfts on favorable termo, Dratte
and mono) erdere (Sanaa, payable at any point, es lowest rates, Oolleotlous
promptly attended to, 1 General Banking Baldness transacted, Every facility
afforded Ouetomere living ata distenee.
SavinSavings Bank Department Amounts o1 008 dollar audupwnrde
gs M reooived and lubereat at nigbeet
current roto allowed from date aoeounG ie phoned, and added to the principal May
Het and November 30th,
Farmers' Sale Notes mashlleed ctioor n,reoeivod for safe keeping and
Blank Nolo Forms Free on Application
Hoare 10 to 8, Saturdays 10 to 1. ' F. H. GRAY, A0ENT.
WEDNESDAY, Fan. 11.—Farm stook,
implements, &o., Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olock. John
Smith, Propt. ; F. S. Scott, Auo,
Woon nutters wanted, Enquire at
BOARDERS wanted. Apply to MRS. T.
NICHOLS, John street, Braeeele.
THono' Immo young Bowe. for Bale, all in
farrow. Lot 20, Con, 0, Morris, or Brussels
1'. 0. 110BT. NLOHOL, Proprietor,
GENERAL store for Bale. For farther
partioulare apply to J. H. THOMSON, Hen-
fryn, 12-tf
Wanted, imitable for ranch purposes.
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brunets.
dwelling thereon, North-west corner
William and Albert streete, Brussels.
49.01 J. LECRIE.
property at Ethel known as the
Methodist Parsonage. Apply to JNO.
COBER, Brueeele.
in the Village of Ethel. A desirable
property. L'or particulars ae 50 price, terms,
&c., apply on the premises to MOR1118
FOO AL, or Ethel P.O, 18.801
DERe0ONRD wishes t0 0nn0un05 t0
the ladies of Brueeele and vicinity that she
is prepared to makeswitches out of comb-
ings and out hair, at her •home, Mill street
West, Brussels. MRS. HIN (MON,
undersigned has any quantity of
hard and soft wood for Bale. Also n quan-
tity of good barn timber. Por further par-
ticulars apply on the premieee, Lot 21, Con.
16, Grey, or to JNO. MoNAB B,
27.4 Oraobrook P. 0.
Rams ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram
Lambe. Pure bred Lefoesters. Good once
at low prices. Also Short Horn Bulla, Cows
and Heifers at very moderate prices and
Gary terms. D. MILNt ec 9001, Ethel.
(..J Timber for sale, principally black ash.
Will be sold by the acre or 'en block. For
price, terms and other particulars, apply to
DIINOAN TAYLOR, Lot 4, Con. 8, Grey, or
Jamestown 1', 0,
Two young Short Born Bulls from imported
stook ; woo Berkshire pigs 8 mouths old
Will sell obeap considering quality, For
further particulars aneiV to JOSEPH ENG -
LER, Lot 29, con. 9, Grey, or Henfryn P.O.
uuderaigeed offers for sale his com-
fortable house and lot in Oraobroolc. There
are 62 sores of laud, good orchard, ,malt
fruits, 40. There is also a email barn. Poe -
session can he given on Marsh let For fur-
ther particulars ae 10 prloe, terms, &o., ap-
THOS. BROWN, Proprietor, Oa'an-
Tenders Wanted,
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed up to February 2nd, 11003, at 2 o'olook
dm„ for the ereotion of a 2•atery brink
ouse on Lot 11, 00n, 6, Morrie, Plane and
epeoi5cations may be seem ea the promisee.
The lowest or any tender not nooeewarlly
accepted. ALES. CLARE,
28.2 Sunshine P.0,
Notice is hereby given that the Annual
Meeting of the Howlok Mutual Fire Disur-
anee Company will be hold in the Township
Hall, Gerrie, on Friday, Feb 6th• 1905, at 2
o'oloak p. m•, for the purpose of receiving
the reporte of the Directere and Auditors
for the past year, and for other business.
By order of the Board.
Gorrie, Jan. 15,1902, Secretary.
Tenders for Wood.
Tenders will be received by the Uncle reign •
ad, until Jan. 80,1908, for the delivery at the
school house, Oranbrook, of 80 porde of good
heath and maple, all body wood, 22 Inches
long. Per further partionlare apply to or
EBa,OMbroo,Seo,-Trema. Public
rlra k,
The Annual Meeting of the Brussels Driv-
ing Park Aesooiatfoo for the election of cBl-
oere, the reeeiviug of the report of the Dir-
ectors for the haat year and snob other bust-
nose. es may be lawfully brought before the.
meeting, will behold at the Amerloan Fot81
Isreesele, on Friday evening, January 80th,
1000, at 8 c'olook, F, S. 80071,
Huron CountyCouncil,
Tbo Council of the corporation of 111m
County of Einem will meet in the 'enanoil
chamber in the Town of Goderieb, on Tues•
day, the 27th day of the present month, at
8 o'clock p. m,
W. LANE, clerk.
Dated at 0oderleh this 18111 day et January,
Previnoo of Ontori0,, Comity 0f Huron.
I, 1', 13, Horsley, formerly a member of
n iaees a Dr -g t
u e a u ee
the firm parr iu bu t
1 y
n� Brnaeels fu the Count of
Huron,Stationers s y
Huron, hereby
the ytylo t .P. B, Henley1pr&
ship waooy sootily that the said partner-
ship wan, on the Mat day 06 D000mbor, dfa•
Witness my baudlat Brueeele the Met day
of December, 1002.
Signed P. :D.
Witt:we—h. HALLIDAY, 203
Bulls for gale, One le 1 year old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Oowe and Heifers. Apply to JAMES
BPEIR, Lot 50, non, 6, Morris Twp., m' 13rue-
0e10 P. 0, 25.11
S. Scott, auot(oeeer, has received - ine'rua
tions from the uudereiuned to sell by public.
auction et Lot 82,00;1.14, Grey, on T31 118.
DAY, JAN. 20, 1208, at 1 o'atoek the follow-
ing valuable property, viz.: -1 mare 7 years
old supposed In foal to Custom Boy, 1 mare
8 years old in foal, 8 oowe Supposed in pelt
to thorn' bred bull, 2 farrow °owe 4 Steer
calves, 9 heifer calves, 1 yearling heifer, 9
pigs 2 months old, 1 brood sow in pig, 17
sheep and 1 ram, about 40 Irene, 2 binders
(1 nearly oew),1 seed drill, 1 rake, 1 mo500r,
1 died harrow, 1 Fleury plow, 1 &horse plow
Fleury, 1 set of drag harrows, 1 snuffler, 1
fanning 01111 and bagger, 1 lumber wagon, 1
pig raolr, 1 milk wagon, 1 10 ft, hay rack, 1
gravel box, 1 flat rack, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1
set of bob -sleighs', 1 stone boat and log boat,
1 emery stone, 1 set o1 slings, ropes and pul-
leys complete, for 10 ft. ruck ; 1 wheelbar•
row,1 set heavy Larne as, 1 set plow barneea,
1 set light harness, 2 sets whiffletreee, 1
prone -out saw, 14 window frames and 1 door
frame for brink house, quantity of carpen-
ter's tools, 500 bus turnips, 20 tone of tray,
nook yoke, ;arks, chains and numerous oth-
er artiolee. The implements are all nearly
11050. Sale without 1'eeel've as the proprie-
tor has sold hie farm and le going West.
Terms—All sums of 35 and under oaeh, over
that amount 10 menthe' oredlt will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per
pent, off for cash on credit amounts,
Auctioneer, Proprietor.
S. Scott, auctioneer, has received inetruo-
tionsfram the undersigned to sell bypub-
ltc auotion at Si Lot 1, Con.13, Grey, on EEL
DAY, JAN. 30, 1003, at 1 o'clock, the follow-
ing valuable property, viz.:—One draught
mare rising 0 years, 1 filly rising 3 years sir-
ed by Bir Walter, 1 driving mare 0 yearn old
in foal to Costumer, 1 gelding rising 2 years
aired by Costumer, 3 rows supposed lo calf,
2 farrow oowe,10 steers rleiug 8 years, 2 heif-
ers rising 3 years, 4 steers rleiug 2 years, 3
heifers tieing 2 years, 0 Spring naives, 11
etor0 pige,2 brood 00we. quantity of ecru in
silo with privilege of feeding it io eteble,
1200 bushels turulpe, 1 bet bob -sleighs, I set
sheaf slings, 1 ton -horse power, rode and
ooaplines, 1 grain crusher, 1 Bell straw cut-
ter nearly new, I set platform scales 6000
lbs), 1 eiugle plow,1 fanning mill, 1 top bug-
gy, l nutter, 1 sot single harneee, 1 set team
harneee. Bale will be positively without re-
serve a0 the proprietor is going West.
Terme—All sums of 35 and under oaeh, over
that alnonntl0 mantile' credit will be given
on fttrniehing approved joint notes. 34 per
Dent, off for cash on credit amomita.
JNO. B. meLAIIOHLIN,Proprietor.
F. 8, 90UTT, Auctioneer.
JAN', 22, 1003
Coming! • Coming I
T. P. Smith,
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at
Fox's Drug Ltore
Wednesday, Jan, 28th
Call early and avail yourself of
hie valuable eerolees,
DAlns.—Por tale 2 young bulla 11
and 17 months old. The former tock 100
prises at Broesele and BO1000ve Fall Fairs
and 2nd at Blyth, and the latter was also a
prize winner at Brussels. Also one yearling
heifer. All are aired by Roan Duke, 85,788,
which has taken 1st prize for past three
years le classes Of ileum bred and imported
stook. The dams of these Young animals
have repeatedly taken honors 1n the prize
ring. Will also sell two Clydesdale fillies,
with 4 and 6 crosses of imported stook, rem.
',actively, 800,11 end 2 yenta. Nway terms
Of payment. P. ROBERTSON,
Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey,
174f Brussels P. 0.
STOOK.—Mr. James Jones has receiv-
ed instructions from air. Hugh Rose to Roll
by public aunbiou at riot 80, Con. 8, MeK Il•
lop.1 mile West of Winthrop. 011 WEDNES-
DAY, JAN, 28, at 1 o'olook, the following
valuable property, viz. •—Bor08e-1 heav
draught gelding l rls1nb 41yoars old got by
RaekerfiBld, 1 hmwy draught gelding r[slug
3 years got by Kilburn, 1 mare rising 5 years
8ot years grine° of ot by Prioceo ofiaMkllothian, ding 1 ally
rising 1 year got by Sanllgbt. Cattle—Two
thorn' bred Dorbam Iowa supposed in calf
to an imuorted bull, 1 there' orad Durham
heifer rising 6 years euppoved 1n calf to an
imported bull, 1 thoro' bred Durham heifer
18 months old, 1 thorn' bred Durham heifer\
6 montbe old. Grade Oattle—One newly
calved 00w. 00w. 2 milking cows supposed in calf,
9 yowl g calves, 4 eteere Tiede g1 year, l heifer
rising 1 year,1 heifer Mei ng 2 yeore,10 steere
rising 3 yams weighing between 1100 and
1200 pounds, 4 boifere rleiug 3 yoare weigh-
ing between 1000 and 1110 pounds ; these
steers and heifers would du for short keep-
ers or would de to go out on grew, awe Row
WW1 litter at foot and 20 pigs weighing from
60 to 90 pounds, This thunk has been prin-
allraised by the proprietorandothinbg wil1 be sol until 01 sale Thu
there' bred outdo mentioned abovo
are of
large size and good quality and pedigrees
will be furnished with all. Everything will
be sold owing to the proprietor's health.
Terme—Ali thine of 35 and under Dash, over
that amount 9 mouths' eredit will be given
on furnishing approved joint mow ; a 01 0 -
count of 4 per 080t. will be allowed for cash
on credit amounts. Lot 56, Oon. 8, 1101011100,
Will he put up to rent forrase for one year,
terms and conditions will be made known
on day of este.
Auotioueer. Proprietor.
We beg to announce to the people of Brus-
sels and surrounding . aountrzf that we
have secured a lease of these premises and
purpose putting in another new and select
stook of General Dry Goods, Ready-to-
wear Clothing, Boots & Shoes, - Our aim
will constantly be to secure the very latest
styles. in these lines and buying for cash
from the leading .Manufacturers . will
place us in the front rank as economical
Large Turn -over of Stock,
Small Profits,
Honest Dealing,
Good Class of Goods,
Satisfaction Guaranteed
From now until April let we want to dear , the bal-
ance of this stock out and prices will go down with a crash
this week in order to do so. Dress Goods, Ready-to-wear
Clothing, Boots and Shoes at almost auction prices; Come
early and secure first choice.
Ea—Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.