HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-22, Page 7- • V- 3 INSPIRES RIGHT LIVING Rev. Prank Talmage in the Role of a Gospel Prophet. .(Entorti according to net oi the gar - /lenient 01 t.aliedis,111 the year ono Thousand Now Hundred and Three. by bni, early, emote, at the Department of Agricuituro, Mums A denpatch from Chicago enlYs; Bev, Frimk De ',Vitt Talmage pretteh- ed front the 1N1lowing text: l'ro- verbs 9, 11, "'IT% years of thy life • be inerenned." 1. run going to bo a Gospel prophet, this morning. 1 am not nnly going to toll you that this new Near is to ne the best t tier of yul. life, but it, is also golag to bo a pi•ocurnor of many other useful years. am go - 1 1.; to say to you, ns Solomon said of old, Out on account of Una com- ing year einuctrated to (104) your earthly longevity shall be lengthen- ed. "The years of thy life shall be increased." kly great expectations for your spiritual welfare ;slid your cottstint- tion of the new your aro not only founded mon my own faith, nut also upon the fnith of an earnest band of scores and neuron of praying men and wonoin who are loyally meeting your good, !Phis band Is composed of your friends and your loved ones It is an all conquering band which shall soon, aye, 1 think to -day, cup - Lure your soul for Jesus Mist, 130 have read what Garibithn did for Italian fiandoni. What had he to oiler his followers? Nothing but hunger and pains and wounds and exile, nut above all these prism, tions Garibaldi lifted the standard 01 Ill'ortn, and the young men flock- ed to his side. by the hundreds and the thousands. /1 may not be an enny task to capture your sinful heart far Christ. But the gospel prise is so great that the earnest Mini of workers surrounding me, like the Italian patriots, are willirg to go through any privations 11 they can only bring you n. repentant sin- making your checks flush and your glachiess; come before his presence turn to the dreadful winters of the nor to the foot of the cross. eves flash with a consecrated on- with sirging" (Ps. c 2),and taught eighties to make the mass of the , id. ix with some soaked tap - j Now, en a goepel transformation I „ns soon to take , tnusittem. You would not break a that "Cod is our exceeding joy" 'puhlic realize the full importance of Men., and a few flavoring herbs. • Pince in your life, 'pledge with any man to whom you (Ps. xliii, 4). The prophets taught, this subject. In the meantime we Pepper, salt and butter to taste. am going to tell to -day some of in trust that the authorities are en- Then 0111 a pudding dish with 'this, gave your word. Your Intent hereto- to rejoice in the Lord end joy 1 new resolves by which this open- ing year is fore has always been that your God and pointed onward to a time quiring into the process adopted by! add 1 cup water to make gravy. A hawks 1.10 miles an hour. 892,n87; they ere now 81'1,670,574; 'TO INSPIRE YOUR LIFE. word is us gee(' 013 your bond, 'of everlasting joy and gladness when an electric lighting company in the 1 erurt Of whole wheat is then placed That the entire stock of the in a few years they will be $20,000, - Neither will you to -day, oh, man, 'sorrow and sighing shall nee away lake district, to which we referred a on top and baked' for an hour or so. Id' will give you the divine strength other. 800 xv, 80; Cot'. c•0001,8000000,,eneinendl• which will never, nevet, fail. Cling 11; Mph. vi 18, 19; (101, iv, 8 ; 11: • to him, my beot her. CI 1 ng to him Them ; 1 hen xlii, 1E4, as 'level) wrentled with the angel in more we prey the 11101.0 1‘10 are like • 'Ph° FOR THE Pruner, and he will Men you and the demi untended Chinni, who ever oor# 110 i "-wee let you fell. /worth. Let, me suggest three most 0 0 Brother and "lister In Christ, the important, prayer"; which all Chrili- 0 work before the church lo stupen- thins would do well to pray eon- Cif Recipes for the Kitchen. C does. This goepel battle is to be no tletially--Mott. ix, :18; itiik. Mil, 8, 6 rtyeiene end Other Notes ; ME piny. We have welcomed you 7; Rev. nein 3. -tor the Housekeeper. Into our ranks by the name of 28. The grace of our Lord neetie *none" 0) ne enri "00,0,e0 Jesus. Now close Up the ranks. Christ he with you. Amen I Now kneel, and ninke one earnest, 'We greatly need to understand VFX1ETARIAN COOKERY, now gospel earnpaign. Now,' ere gnece, foe by it we aro Bayed, in it detente and heartnehes and disap- Intuase PraYer before we start on our we stand, and the fullness of it we pointments, You have also bad you ready ? Porwurd the name' shall sec when Josue comes (leph. 11. your (Jaye when you lay upon 0. Led of 01 our Oalltala 1 Forward agalost, 8, 9; Rom. lin 24 ; v, 1, 2 hicknolis. 'You have bad day"; when the citadel of eln 1 Forward for the I, 18). Perham; It, is nowhere more your life was hanging by tt, slender redemption 01 eon loved onus I For- fully set forth then in 11 Cor, viii, tnieltd, ready 0 ,ije 6001,11,1 by ward to entitle.° Chicago for Christi 9, and Its applicatbni to Ile death rtany moment. Your wile mei mother nursing 3ou et the time clicl not think Unit you fully realized how Wel* you were, n dld, l'ou keew it by the annlour way the doc- tor watehtel. You Knov by the care the nurses took In gi ing the pro, er modleit es at the exact time. len- 0)3, then in Una dark hour you felt no did the poor renew whom 1 burled 80100 weeks ago, One Seturday lie was at work in eemninglyfull health. 'rile next Monclinv he :en oho 1 tho orerating table as last resort for his life. After the operation they told bim Potato Pte. -Slice potatoes and onions and stew with a little water until nearly done. Put into deep One thousand five hundred and fir - dish, flavor with any beetle fancied, mg meat on a gridiron ; If it forIc is ty carloade of gTeen fruit wore ship - suit and pepper to taste. Add a used do not prick the meat, but, turn Dille winked tapioca and a small it by the fat part, so as not to al- P(.4 from California, last year. Forward, march I Forward, march I ----e--- bake one hour. This can be eaten with oiled butter, dip it In fine bread piece of -butter, Cover with a whole low the gravy to escape, Another ouIituetsiyaea7r,50t141e,26T8Inittind peStnaRtieosus pat: wheat, or graham flour crust and way of broiling is to brush the entlet soldiers and widows and dellerldn THE S. S. LESSON, ,,vtiat.1):terme 0)00 bolled green veg- crumbs, with a pinch of salt, and ente, then cook. The butter takee the To journey from Philadelphia to Vegetable Batter -Cut fine any plate of yolk of egg in the ease of Pittsburg in 1800 required three • INTERNATIONAL LESSON, kinds of mixed vegetables, such an broiling. A small chicken split in weeks. The trip is now mad a in earrots, turnips, °Moils, parsnips, two and broiled is a good dish for eight hours. JAN, 25. beets and celery. Add 1 oz butter an innalid. The inner side should Three Chicago clergymen have -__ and cook slowly in small quantity be conned first ; then turn the bird, headed a movement water. When done, put into deep sprinkle• with sot t, and broil the church attendance of totheneaubreoritoh: pie plate or a pudding dish and outer side, which will he clone in a people, few minutes, The bulk of the cranberries of Am- erh a come from the met of eastern milk and graham flour together with pepper and salt to taste. Pour this Massechusette which lies near Cgpo batter over the 'vegetables and bake for an hour. Eat with whole wheat to Osnteopfrneiriouuesnetlhyo 1 es"with t Ibard asdovaipc e, axe begun the unique work of In- ce:weirs et Columbi U i sitY die I" What d d you do in tn'-'', tient to alt.- All aro aummarhed ill donirelles of London get rid of some- thing like • "three hundred tons of Toes and SP:Irish onions in slices, Yeanl. 8 place in' deep dish In alternate lay- so simple that the wheresvcithol can Crocli..0 orphan boys, built out of runes be- cencernir g• the unruly, Tomato and Onion Ple-Cut torn's,- A method which has been tried for structing studente in the Chinese bite 01 cork and other substances, h a. u var - afraid to die. 011, do not let 100 . .. o,. Inindmi, the weak and the Leing la- th° fooLde it hns been shown.that the ordinary bread. nd never known to fail is yet language. hour of your dangerous sicknesn 7 is•erre 10, where we are turht Oust ern, add a little soaked tapioca, bo found in every house. rumple a queatbed by the late Ceorge Xavier New Orleeris M to have a tunneler What di,/ you do in that hour of rimier al/ cireumctances, ne should ,, solid refuse every day by throwing In it up the chimney." The first con- pepper. salt and butter to taste. Put. section cif newspnper, and thorough - Carstairs. trouble, when yob knew that no hu -,,,e., 1 . • man aid could remote you '1 Lad you ter iv, 17, we have sot Lth 'efore tre sequence of this, It has been pointed cover With whole scheat crust. Bake' In sufficient water to make gravy i ly saturate it with turpentine. The paper hunch should be large enoUgh , Census returns nhew that a larger bettu t file prospect of "eve,'beingu per cent. of the children between 8 - out, is the loss of sunshine, and even I not, practically say at. that time, "011, God, if you will make me well with the Lord", i -- 10 summer London loseS one-sixth of one and one-half home. Eat with n our glorlied Lod- . ' las It dries it hardens and will not ; to require stuffing into the hole, and and 1 1 In Nebraska can rend than and come to ni3r rescue .1 WI/1 give les, but while we sojour 1 I tl As proper amount of sunshine, while1 linked potatoes and bread, , Macaroni Savory -Fill a podding:be disturbed by rats or mice for in any other State. up all my life to thee and thy ser- mortal bodies Ile in ever with 0(8 in winter its natural supply is re-' d000d by "ening, says the London i dish two-thirds full of boiled Ina-, years, it ever. Alice will never dis- Rev. Dr. Ctlyler, of Droonlyn, od- you well, God rescued you, 'Lave us the greatest reality in all our vice ?" Yes, sinful men, God made (Matt, xxviii, 20) anti should Le Cog I turb a hole stufied in this manner, vises ministers to study John Bun - Moho. The amount of smoke -laden 1 caroni, Fry some Spanish onions, and mix these with macaroni, pep-! though the mice of after years rnay : ycth'e immortal "Pl'grinz's Progress" Bun - you kept your pledges to him 1 daily life, i air in London is set down by the) gnaw a new entrance into the pan - next to their Bible. to be purged from its past sins ? without ceasing. In everything Cave you given up your sinful heart 16-17. Ileloice evermore. Prayclerk cif tho weather at tons a day, At Kew Sir Thiselton I wheat batter over this and balce. , 'is • 7,000,000 !per and salt to taste. Pour a whole], .v These little animals are re- i About 3 6,000.000 tore of freight Tbes.e broken vows are 1.0 -Clay driv- give thanks, for this is the wili of Dyer has found that tinter a fog a ! This makes a very tasty dish to eat' sponsihle for moth ruined food, and ling Into your bleeding, repentant God in Christ Jesus concerning you, : deposit is left behind equal to six !With green vegetables. ishotild not be allowed to carry on 'nre annually carried on the Onto wort the sharp, keen dagger of re -I See these 1 their work of devastation when so !River, which has a length of 1,000 prompts othen.teg lo ' tons of tarry rnatter over a, square ! Peas 13rose-Put 'some pea flour i over it slowly, at the same time hand. simple and enectual a. remedy is at miles from Pittsburg to (Atte°. (*1008*'. As a man or honor 0.04 Phil iv 4-7. Eph v 20.The law mile. These figures may bring 1)0300 )1010 a basin arid pour belling water stirring and thoroughly. mixing the meal and water together. Add salt, pepper and butter to tante. "It Is at epee the lightest and 1310f 41 digestible method of cooking meat. Charcoal or cinders make the best tiro. Prepare tho lire about 20 minutes before lt, is required for the actual cooking. Place a thick layer of cinder"; over a good, fire and al- low them to burn clear Ana bright, If there is any doubt, sprinkle a lit- tle Salt over the coals ; this will allay all forsake ami make tlx fire barn satisfactorily. Turn a chop every half minute. 'When. cooked -a chap of about nye or six cremes will tako Rix minutes-spri»kle very lightly with salt and serve on a. not plate. Ilse a. pair of tongs for turn - AN HOUR WITII 8A1 OnMnnill aow THE 33D'SY T.A,NICEE SPENDS TEE DAV. fon.. Some Interesting Matters of 1104 neent and Mirth Gathered From Ilia Doings. Last year the Now York elevated railroads of 1Vanbattan carried 243,- 427,288 passengere. The Jews in the United Stotes have inerettned in nernLee from 180,- 000 in 1891 to 1,058,000 in 1901. Cor. Ix, 8. See Ms° John 14, 37: Tim 1, 14. Note how it bo- gies and ends nearly ell the epistlek and let US ever rejoice In rite word to Paul. "My grace Is sufficient for thee" (1I Con xii, 1,01nDows roGs. — Text of the Lesson, 1 These. v., Amount of Sunshine Lost in the 14-28. Golden Text, I 'Mess., Metropolis. V. 21. It is popularly supposed that 14, 15. Ever follow thnt which Is sin k.. k• .1 • l, 1 those good, both among yourselves and huge manufacturing chimneys which ITE IIAD TO IDE, to all men. from n distance give London the ap- The e welds scem to include all no looked up In It pathetic way and pearance of some monstrous dock said : "1 do not want, to dle. 1 am the exhortations of these two -verses tined with Titanic steamers, But strain off any fluid that may remain. Make a batter by mixing 2 eggs, To sTor mousE nom% chnincter, by the grace of God, you inught Tsrael to rejoice before tl e ti) some people's minds the result of to -day are going to be true to these Lord their Cod and to rejoice in our present system of combustion, past pledges. I feel it. know 11, their fensts (Deut. xvi. 11-15). The but, as the writer in the Morning 1 can see a neve and holy purpose psalter said, "Serve the Lord with Post points out, it win need a re - SOME CURIOUS FACTS. The two Amerinen cities in which the number of colored inhabitants is increasing most largely are Wash- ington and Philardelphia. That ti e boiler tubes of an ocean Only 89 Mimeos ono schooners are Dean Pic -Have some beans well steamer 11 placed in a straight line new left of the greet fleet of 796 ves- would reach ten miles and the con- sets earning the American flag which denser tubes over twenty-five miles. ,henteci whales in 1840, T1 at by calculation swallows can l When the New York postoffue was fly ninety-five miles an hour, and built its annual receipts were - I am about to toll you here and continue longer to break those old. (Hab. (ii, 18: xxxv, 10). now how you are going to forget promisee you made to God. If be- few weeks ago, by which, it is those things thnt are hell hal and fore the great redemption was fin- claimed, the smoke nuisance is com- The joy of a self secrificing Chea. Isbell people could be thus joyful, pletely got rid o(. Nothing should reach forth %min thorn things that tion life does not a013001 to the aver • how much more now that Jesus the he le,t undone by those in authority are before rind press towtied the meek for the prize of the high call- age uncomeiceitted innn. Ile says t crucified has risen from the dead to remedy the present condition. himself, "What is the good of MICA- and by rlis presence at the right ing of God in (111/i/t Jesus. The ',palmist tells us that Cod tieing for other people 'nhey nev- hand of God makes all things sure er appreciate it. Illy doctrine is to to His redeemed! Mow to pray OLD MEN WORKERS. keeps the tears of his loved ones in • bottle. Last week Cod lifted one look after number one and let num- without ceasing: is illustrated by the ber two look after himself. The Servant Who assooicaed prayer With Wonderful Work Done in Their Old of the earental tears which worn Age., slice over your cradle. Ile I 1 I world will always ('ice a willing every act in her life - her wash- p_acet horse to death, Then the only obse- ing, &wising, cootirg, etc., thlaing the sparkling trensure upen the I ‘rh:1 wing of an angel of merry and -0, is curies that willing Morse* will" 01,e -r of blood, 111s righteousness, hoarse a scavenger's cart for Himself, tie LI'. 101)1 Bread. Always eel ed, .. Co, ;ingot, and drop that I r nnd a glue factory for a tin an n an ening n sw is I cl • 1 tear upon that young man's bead arid annoint him with the Spirit's power." Last night, Cod sent an- other while winged messemer with another tear out of his bottle, shob by your !tabor on the day you joined the church. One white winced angel enter another did as they were told. hist all dropped those parenfitl tears upon your Lend and heart Dis- couraged man, to -day wearied of the Motel world, as you sit there with the tears running down your cheeks, you think they me your tears. They (00 1301. They are the Leers of your dead and redeemed fatiscr unct mo- ther, which God has long been pre- servieg in his sacred bottle. They are the tears of 1,,y which your fa- ther and mother eve new shedding in Weavers, because the white winged ang.eis have itlrendy flows) to the Celestial City to announce to them that their boy is now ready to cast hin150/1 upon tho terve of, Jesus and • be saved.. -011, to,day • the sacred. band ot ChriStian worshipers about • rile can hardly ,keep from :clapping. their /tends in JO. "kfollIcr Was not fond of Society. She wen a homebody. She lived mostly stile father nnd cliildreil;-'-'. Well, my, brother, if your nnother was a homebody and live nos ,IY for her children, do you not see that if you refused to repent, refused to consecrate your life to the cross, re- fused to be a good man and live a pure life, that your sinful ants would he clamining back a great part of her prayers and the good results of her life? When your mother died, you gathered up all the kirri, sym- pathetic letters which were written to you about her past kindnesses. You 11001 the officiating minister Write down his funeral addi ess, Then you had those letters and that address all printed and bound to- gether into n. booklet, which you "MY MOTHER'S MEMORIAL." Rut, man, the mightiest and moat triumphent Memorial you could met. make of your mother's life is your own lite ceirsecrated to the services of ;Jesus. She get her blood and her life into your life. So, men, this 00ght, to be a happy neer for you, It ought to bo happy bectogie by none owe consecration to the ser- vice of the Lord Jesus you ere hore and now ready to )01 yolir mother'n prayer's echb and re-ech.o and re- somul in your prayers, ITor good deeds wilt fInd a true. continuance in yolir good deeds. Her Christ shell hereafter lie worshiped With a .010001- er 10011 bet'ause he is also now het. boy'r Christ. The holy °miens/or to fulfill the past niedges which you have nlado to God (Mall be another desire in- spiring you during this etsuing hen- ry new year. A11 your post clays have not been. bright and happy days, The meacloSV lurks do- not Sing when they 1100-1. the merciless growl of the destroying eyelonn. The tea rosin] of june do not like to rest their blushing cheeks against is 'fan- snowbank. You /tiny have 1.101' 101110*) 1,11e neatly congrotulations 10131112 your friends chow/wed noon rou in yortr younger days of 111- 11,1111)115, Bet you nave seam had n.100. Men of thought have always been distinguished for their one, says Chambers's J °tinsel. Solon, So- bpiracies, Pinder, Anacreon and Nene- crematory. No, no, no, 'The erm_ lustated by one of Mrs. Beam:tic's Oxon were octogenarii.ns. Eant, ties of self sacrificing do not appeal stories of a waiter who, accidentally Burton, Goethe, Fontenetle and New - to me. The more 1 have the nume Jostling anOther, received some hot people respect me. The less I have water on him and pleasantly mid to !ton were over eighty, Michelangelo ,Neyee and Titian wore eighty-nine and the less they revect me, 'Phe more It 0 one carrying the water, I tun willing to serve others the mind.; it M all in the will." ninety-nine respectively. Haney, more my motives will bo misjudged, 19, 20. Quench not the Spirit. Do- the discoverer of the circulation of and I will be misrepresented." vise not prophesy -Inge. blood, lived to bo eighty. Many mon 'have done excellent work offer they But thoegh I made that deduction IN hile unbelievers resist, the Spirit ninny yeers ago I have nOW entirely believers miry grieve or quench the sane passe eighty yoans. Lasscor saucepan and set over hot water un- , wrote his "imaginary Converse- , til molted, add one-half cup of sug- changed my mind. The willing men Spirit (Acts vii, 51; F.ph, iv, 80). of the cleirches are . ar and gradually one and three- Spain in bull -fights. of S118,668,294, tue compared with Ily any sin or unbelief we grieve the ltions" when eighty-tive• Innen Wal- 1 giant convases at eighty-nine, and ge o was s 1 pain ing and fifteen inches from the ground • foe from Gen. Botha thnt nothing 1901 SpSrit. ily refuning to listen to ton w od a. ready pen at n no Y. quanter's tups of hot milk and the i ldi t That 82,000,(300 tons of water o, The Ben sacrificing men are always which He gives us to say we qUencli 1 working nt ninety-oi e. minutes stirring untildews and orphans, obtained a prom - ',own' Mira's. of Pitnsburg, donor ALWAYS THE ITAPPY MEN. Mtn or by refusing to utter that Halmeninnn married at eighty and moistened cornstarch. Cook ten 11 • • N roti ()Nei legally m a single hone, That in lVest Stockbridge, Mass, of file 8700,000 fund for Doer wi- the rich men epiritualt------------ 1111shelasntil I .t'll • t' 1 • ' - constantly M a tree that starts as a manic 119 thickened. Flavor with vanilla; and vigor of his early yearn. Fontenelle half cup of sugar, ono ounce, or one serve, higher up are currant and rasp - Titian at ninety 'worked with the Chocolate 131anemang Mix one- bee two birch limbs, while still! ityosild ho done with it unfriendly to year. who hes got an automobile with a Great Britain, was as light-hearted at ninety-eight square of grated unsweetened choco- berry bushes bearing fruit every There tri a mnn in Sprinnvale. ltfe., as at forty, and Newton nt ei; hty- late and throe level tableepoons of cornstarch ; moisten with one -halt # 'wood -Pawing meets -lee eitneTeri. with n.11 appeoronce of.eyil, . , . ., The oh! WaY WI three worked as hard as he did in middle life. Cornaro was 111 far better health nt ntnety-five then at thirty, and as happy as a sand:boy. cups of milk in a double boiler when llot odd zradunlly -to the first mice - cup of milk. Put one and one-half and, 0/1 the other hand, pot all, that "All that glitters 0 1108* gold," PROFTTABLE WASTE. care to emroov hint. whirls het travels from house to Ileum sawing the tvoed of those who on eanitniliun hes been establisereqo Prava all ll'ags practfbing as a physician in 1.1397, ge- i At Henover Tn.. Du 'Coley was • still "nes n.s way tri the dust -bin Is ture ; stir until the inIxtere.thick- n , n. is by tilts..nithole wont of God. cpen- wortniesso, Fors, instance, in, Salford, Oner ' the limenit-IY, enees l may, , e'qs, then stir times:tonally. Cook 1 5 Bider- till that the SPirit. lies written ing his Ebel/vomits-lids 43)1 11143 ago of 'England, in -one year 208,620 miner- nUieS, remove from the. fire, ' add • Vit., end err from the eaves 18 fore- upon- sow aoti. every subject, believ- 11.n.n., , 108. William ReYnold &Omen, M. vanilla to flavor and turn into cups al water bottles, 15,700 other ell through. tne roems. illii nir .'i ing, every word, mid remembering. •-• or indiVidual moulds.that have been free from impurities, and it• gives the . , '''' 01 Calllbrklfle, Glamorgan, Icrdicen glasseStimated to 'represent, . ,ttlin 0/1 it utiles 80' '.•. - f es'iont thsre. guests virtnally the nil. of Hs° violin- ' 'eXixeS2,«"FoPeS:00,. 0 'T-*otd;', Thy; the '40'inf 11A. 'At SIM trine: of hjs shire ,clied on Men•ch ,11, 1897, . at 011301011 30 ..00ld 'neaten. et 'ode • to bottlee, And ninety-seven tons of „word if/ settled in henyen,"In .thes4deeth„ he wad chill and handers. At; serving time; 650,000 . broken bottles; gvorth 615,- dnys of many (Marino], of 'Christian the ' oldest krints7r1 . in, 000 at retail rates, were picked out ,,,w so,d3 a tcn, 71- tU1'n out on plates, cleat liberally The rate on fronerel (no" from with powdered or granillated sugar Nevi, York to Senith Africenenerts is • - was torinerly Science (so Called), theotiophy, dividual of innisputahly authenticat- of the refuse at the destructors. The e.te a ton. seism cooneetgitim -,0„. spiritmtlisin and the much false ed nge, the oldest physician, the old - and pour a, generous quantity of teachi11g from supposed orthodox est member of the Royal College of rich, plaits creara round each por- manked bottles svero returned to the. pulpits it is indeed a time to prove Surgeons, England, and the oldest ton. This is a simple, but maxi- makers at 1d. per dozen, while the Itween rivai lines has enused the me1. till things and try the merits wheth- Pree Mason In the world. tious and delicious dessert. other glass was sold for .12.1 50 to be, ;The number of tens of eargo that --s.. used in making mortar. In Glasgow , in- tim corporation Jamie bags to bual-:isn,000 monthly, 'travel to Cane 'Pew» and 1101 1)1100 norts varien between 42,000 and — PROPOSED FLYING BOAT. HOMEMADE, COUGH DROPS, ness houses for the collection of i The , e ehin Centel ni 1 f th waste paper, the contents being 'st,,te of Ohio will, of couree, rem - p 000. 'Phis is very tasty ail well as nutri- psi., I I . would not be sufficient to buy The Pennsylvania Railroad hes de - Lions, Mashed beans flavored with one-third of the railways. Med to construct belt lires round ground mace, popper and salt, and That never but two of the colors, all inrge cities connertnd with its well mixed, then put into pots make an excellent substitute for potted ;ate bluesIdaeisel yellow, appear eia.-either system, , to obviate freight conges- meat but never the third ; hence red and The retirement of the Rev. Dr. tm- CHOCOLATE! DESSERTS, yellow roses, but no blue ; red and limn, the blinil chapinin of the blue verbenas, but no yellJw ; yel- United States Senate, will remove Snow Pudding -To make the pod_ low and blue pansies, but no red, 'Ono of the most pieturcennie figures ding, add one cup of sugar and beat mail cream one-half cup of butter, etc. from public life in Washington. soln'h,sati iron has been melted in Edi- Louisville hunks report such an cup ef milk and two and one- seconds by a secret process. laboratory in the space of five ahunderwe of money in outlying dis- halltriets that courtey institutions ere very light, then add alternately one- half cups of flour sifted with a level . That tho smallest tree In the world making loans on a lower interest is less than three inches, hut -it 11 the Green/and birch, whose height beets then city banns, The censes of 1900 stilted the nem - tablespoon of baking powder. Leath, '.. told in gently the stiffly whites Of tour eggs. Turn into buttered pud- spreads from two to three feet. her of railroad employee in the ding mould arid steam two hours. That average height of women is 'United States et 1,017,658, and the two inches greater than 25 years number 01 00'1 mine 013213l03108' In Turn out anti serve with Chocolate Sauce -Moisten. a round- 8140' . beth soft and hard coal mime, at punishment unless tbe criminal con- egret 400,000, The four principal articles of Am - That in Sweden there is ro capital ing tablespoon of cornstarch with one-quarter cup of milk. Put one square of unsweetened chocolate in a orienn experts - brendetuffs, provi- tesses. That about 5,000 horses and 1,- Finns, oil, rott'n- al^017 a fulling owed 0 off in the first nine months of 1902 000 bulls are annually the Spirit. Ile has spoken in rro- not the selfish men. They aro not phocy as well as in other portionn those who will grab and keep an of Scripture, but many Christiana that they can, The Dead Sea turn away from peophecy altogether, bitter and acrid and saline and re- giving no heed to Rev. nix, 10; II Puleivo ineeely because it has no Pet. 1, 10; Rom. xv, 4; u outlet. and only inlets, while the 16, waters of the mountain brook laugh 21, 2e,. Prove all things; hold fast and gurgle and sing merely because that which IS good. Abstain from it lets- till. waterssrun••towards the Sen. Who db you think was hap- pier. Ilerodoblood.y 4,er0(1, totals- scenefin Mind antr•spirit,' or Paul, who had given upollis whole life to Jesus 'Herod, with. jewel* on ,his litirsers, '03''' 1110 nhoettilleteransalteel with. his Mulcts grensy watt rope - making Who clo you think to -day is himpier, the woman who is only living for social conquest or the Sal- vation Army glrl, going with a loaf of bread in one hand and a Bible in the other hand to carry the gospel of Janus Christ into the rilums 1 they are of God (I John iv, 1). Yes, my repentant friend, tho enme Test ovary doctrine by the inearna- 1118' Year is to 1/0 a halMif year for 'lion, the atonement, the resurree- yell, It is to be a, year when you Con and the retern of Christ and shall quaff a chalice filled with the hold fast the faithful word (Tit. 1, sweetest nectar. You shall drink 9). hereafter out of the golden goblet 28, 24, And the Tory God of peace says, will bo conducted on water, by filled by those whose sorrows you clarictify you wholly. « Prattifel is mearm of which the dangers of cross - have alleviated and whose sobs you Ho that ealloth you, who alao will country trial trips would bo avoided, have turned Into songs of eternal do It Ho recently showed to the German rapture. How beautiful is title mune of our Society for Aerial Navigation his Each January we all make fresh Father in keener), "The God or invention, which connists of a /ow, resolutions. Some years ago I Peace." See also ROM, xv, i13 ; sad, flat, and light motor -boat floating preached a sermon celled "Nov 20; Nell, xiiii 20; These. Hi, 16, on the surface of the water, It has '1, oar Vas011itions," 1: made up The experience here described seema, adjustable steering apparathe and that sermon front the answoes re- imposeible, and it ia indeed to sin, hOrizontal sails. He states tbat in coned front felendn whom I met, ful 311011, for all that Clod asks of us Ids experiments with tho beet Ise Evan, one I would accent with the is impossible 1,0 us, 1-10 demands found he could lift it entirely out of worth of the nines and cloak over same sentence, "What is Your New righteousness absoluto Ported- the wavy by aid. of the motor and night in cold water. 10 the =riling Yeisn'ti 1.01101111,1011 1" Some would Lion. and Wo kayo nottlle0, nor can horizontal sails, Ito also said he pick -it over carefelleo and put into a double boiler With enoligh boiling Water 10 corer it. Let 11 "Am- mer until it is like a thick glue, then add 3. lb of granuleled sumo. to (Veil half-pint of the glee, and cook until it will form a creamy ball when rolled ketwcen the thumb and finger. Pour into shallow buttered muis, and when nearly 01114 mark ofT into 1 If tie smiares, Lieorice Ilrops-At a drug store, putTliaso. one stick of pure Motive mid break it into email pieces, Pour mem. 111 pt of boiling water, and keep it wenn mail dissolved. Add to it 2 lite of gramilnied nuitar, anti boil until it will get very hard in Water. Pour Mtn shellow buttered tins, nml mark off 0 squares, Theme cendies, helve. pies., and com- mie:1y giVell children, tenting no hatitifil dregs, miry be II 110 1 1 /1 110, Herr Gustav Koch, of Berlin, peo- pones to construct a boat which will be able to Ely. The experiments, he Hoarhound Drops -Make pint of gathered periodicelly, In this way Inotod n -,r form; attention, The 0001- 5trong hoarhound tea,ran the fr---- eighteen tonic of paper aro collected ittilters whirls has charge of the ten - fresh ordried herbs, and let it stand weekly, and 43 prodt of 84,000 per termini celebration reel:nos Manch 1, until cold, then strain. Add '2 lbs year is realized, Solder is extracted f,ns the Stete's hirtluley, that of granulated sugar to caeh pint of from old tin cans found among thebring the tinlo When the Stete's T cg - tem and boil until crisp when droll- refuse and is sold for a fair price. Nature first met in Chillicothe, pod into cold water, Pour into If preferred, it can be pulled like Ohio's original cap NNOVAL BICYCLE) RACEital. shallow buttered tins, and when nearly cold, mark into small squares. taffy, and then cut into drops with 'The latest sport in Delete Is it a pair of scissors, Ice Moss Candy ---This Is very bicycle obstacle race which Is elneady exceedingly popular, lTurdles and soothing for a cough. Tako 5 cents' other obstacles are placed in the way of the riders, who have to got over them as best they can, Nannies doors have to ridden through, and planks swung as seesaws have to be crossed, Meet) inclines ascended, and at the end 01)11(00 a water "jump," aerors which the machines rimy bo carried, though iminetimes en un- lucky rider falls in logethei. with hie nutchltie, to the amusement of 1,110 onlookers:. At each of the obstacles 43 num with a smell ring is posted to pando the c_o_inpet-141o_rs, Elan' OFE THE TRAIN. "Hes perfectly quiet, gentlemen," rofd nn innkeeper, referring tO. n. horse Which two novices were to drive, "but you must keop the rein' off his tail." "Right," said they; "We will loon it, in mind." When they returned the inisneeren iequired how (1100 4.01 on. "Spleuiltilly!" wan the reoly. "WO had oho r,,1,h,.« situp 40011.0r, lArt • say this, soine that stud soulo 1,110 wo obtain them hy any 1.Vorkil of could steer 11 in tiny direction and 01105, but Tte provides all funy and attain a great speetl ns it skimmed freely in Christ. TTe hao culled us to a Partnership in which Ile provides ovcrYthing, and He ask:* 11:1 to ac- copt freely and Plat let I11111 be tho door of if, all (I Coe i 9. x 18) other thing. But many auswered rne Outs : •"I have not got any. T have made so ninny New Year's resolu- tions in. the nest mid broken them Cult do not intend to make tiny more." Rut I did not then and do not, now believe they were telling the truth. I do not believe there is a Men or woman or child who does not make 50.7:1,1 NEW RESOLUTION, IIIII the trouble is atter you !neve mode your blew Year's resolutions; you g0 0111 in yollr own ntrength and try to battle with your o1c1 templatiens, n.1111 then you are flung nenin end egniin Ilut, brothen this yens* is going to bo rt different' scene frees all °there, You know yoile weeknesnon and failures, Yon 1C110%11 , you Noma tine n spiritual StleCeas yOUr 017(1 Strength, 'Phere- fore you bre reedy to conscientious- ly ask Coil to help you in the snow-, gln of life. He will do it. Yee, bo over the surface of the water, +- 74110 FIlt.ST-31071N. The 11. V. tenches Dint 11 is at tho iThoeked,1313* Clear, to hear you Miry Young Maher - "I run 11-101131011, Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ that You 1,1011d to g i v e th, bRlay S01110 SPI rit, 8°111 an11 b0dY (1" 10 1)0 'paregoric,. Don't, you knose pore- blemelesa, not before then event, for ooele, is °Went, end opium stunts the We cannot, have 0711' immortal bodieti 1111 ,Testia 00111011 004 Lanett fit ell 11 It. '*0011.10008 the brain, destroys the growth, - en feeblee the coneti tu t ion, f.cr iv, 16, 17. In Chriat, the oo,,yes, eon produces rickee, mares - Feiner 5008 its in 111m, we are even 111110, eennnesption, Insanity, and now Unshed, sanctified, 311.qtlled an(1:death?. perfected forever (T. Cor, vi, 8,; Yeeng Mother - "IToerning 1 x, 10, 14), but We Welt 1)11 [1,0 never heerd a word nimet that, I reaurrection of, the just for the full 1 won't give the 11(110 ',ducky darling a loan:rot ion of it. 25-27, 'Brethren, prey foe CA, drop* no, 0101)1.11, TIM, something mina lie done I o atop his yullieg. Prod Mood to be preyed (11 FIA tlirry Hot 1l0'11111!." W 1,1 1 1111131 WO. 1 To loressf thnt thepet her iefier ail 11,11 r's aleady 1.00,1 aeslls was ayrr illont'Init fol', stamping n 1111 tbe 811(101)1 l'( infont.) h1111 110 11.M1111.M111010W that it bl the',-"Whero 01 thIluder 18 that parr: - win of Cod that we pray tor eavii gorier - An Englielt cook gives the follow- ing advice about broiling 1 fi'llIC GLIM •IST 117SI1.,I4NT. "Why did you throw hint in that snowha tift ?" " 'Canso jest, 'mune he's eight nears old, ho's 11111'11y:4 1011111' M WO Oak 11 in term; lo hold iho about the heavy entisrsiorres attic nevus 0 \ oe ins eeige.s 1111, so .1)1014 had When he was young 1" was 110 112111 (11144.1511 "