HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-22, Page 6171 TRI: SNA POWER OF JAPAN .fJOIIT,POi1'' :kioN OF I'LEET NEAR Q'011??'LETION, V.attleshipu and Cruisers ,Are Being Built in Various Coun- tries. 'The Japanese - have two qualities Wheat foreign notions must boar in mind when considering the question of . fend -grabbing or extending their influence lit tho Leer East—they aro warlike and they love the sea. Japun realizes these natural gifts, and now that she hes entered into an al- liance with Great Britain designed to check the advance of Mance, Ger- Many and Russia, there has been a move to develop the stren'th she wields through this love of tbo sea. Since the Japanese boy's home consists of a group of islands dense- .,. largely upon Vele or other proclaim of the sea ho is bred to a familiarity with things marine such as few pos- sess. Inborn fearlessness and rho teaching of his Buddhist or Shinto religion, give physical courage which the Japanese have frequently shown In the past ages, butIlevtr more than in their recent war with Clilna in 1894, and in the march with the allies to Pekin in 1000. Another quality which the training of the sea develops In the Japanese boy is presence of mind and readiness In emergencies. Japan is a country of magnificent deep -water harbors, and, cut up as it is by many inlets, bays, and straits, It offers unusual opportunity for concentrating a fleet AT A1,D'IOST ANY POINT, and then, by moving through interior deep waterways, striking an enemy unexpectedly. Accordingly, extensive aavui centres have been established at Yokohama, Kure, Uraga, Sasso - bo, bfoji, and Nagasaki, At the close of the war with China in 1895, Japan's lighting fleet consisted of forty-three vessels and twenty-six torpedo boats, an aggrogato of 78,774 tons ; of these ten of an aggrogato displacement of 15,055 tons had been captured from the Chinese, namely, ane armor -clad battleship, two stool cruisers. This captured battleship was, until the new ones just futiahed, the first Japan had ever owned ; her fleet until then consisted solely of cruisers and gunboats. With the war in- demnity amounting to 230,000,000 taels secured from China, Japan be- gan immediately a shipbuilding pro- gramme by which she is to have be- fore April, 1904, four first-class battleships of 15,240 tons each, sex drst-class armored cruisers of 9,200 tons each, three second-class cruis- .,;npprs,.of 4,850 tons each, two third- class cruisers of 3,300 tons each, one torpedo depot ship, eleven tor- pedo boat destroyers, and eighty- nine torpedo boats. ?'hese are to be in addition to the vessels 111 service at the time of the receipt of the in- demnity. The contracts were let to the United States, Croat Britain, Gerinany, and Franco, with the re- sult that already more than one- half the total number have been de- livered, and the remaining vessels will be easily FINISHED WITHIN THE TIME. To keep pace with the shipbuilding a sufficient increase in the personnel has also been instituted, and olilcers and men aro ready as the ships are completed. The enlisted men are re- cruited by voluntary enlistment, hy conscription ar enrolment from the fishing fleets, and by transfers of privates in the cyrmy to service with the fleet. Tho officers are educated at the Imperial Naval Colinga at Tokio, the Engineering College at Yokastdka, or the General Naval Schools at Bassebo and TCure, The system of education is very similar to that pursued at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Many of the officers are educated in the academies of the United States and Europe. the .Japanese been!; ad- mitted by special legislative action to enter the various foreign naval schools for purposes of study and observation. Tho ,lapaneso handle their ships Well, and seem to learn rapidly how to profit by the good points in foreign navies, They have no scruple as to the adoption of any plan or de- vice they may see better than that now in use. Unfortunately, the gen- eral unhealthy state of the financial condition of the empire does not al- low large appropriations for coal or for target practice, with the result that in the vkt,unl manoeuvring of the ships and firing of the guns tho offleers and crews 'have comparative- ly little practice. IT WAS DAMAGED, Steak is sometimes tender and sometimes tough, but it remained for a waiter iu a \Vc:vtern restaurant to claim for it the quality of pliability. A patron of the restaurant had rbelaboring Bectu valIar L1 , rr• a i.e Y i of steak with the implements nt his command, but neither knife nor fork hall any apparent o;TCCt on it, At l t h oiled the it L h' TESTING OF DAIRY 00'Y HOW IT IS CONDUCTED IN DAN- ISH DAIRIES. Some Suggestions Which the Far- niers of Canada Night Adopt. The farmers of-1)entnare: have etiolvod a very successful co-opera- tive system of testing dairy cows, which bits proved of great value in raish g the standard of their her s• effort sketch of the plan which they hero followed nluy proto of in- terest to Canadian dairymen, who might won ituitute their Danish eom- pol4tors in this particular at !oast. Four chief objects aro kept in view in organizing these testing essocia- i tions; (1) That rile feed Oren the cows must, us ]much as possible, bo weighed or measured. (2) That each cow's daily milk yield 1s weighod once per week, or at toast sufficiently often so that accidental iuliet:to e may not have any serious ollect. (3) That the . ,.1 r1 .,A• ly often to eliminate accidental in fluences, (4) That un exact ac- count is oust kept in such ovular mar us P a ai. show rel' r to sl o v the relation belle the between butter yield eme the food consumed THE ORIGINAL ASSOCIATION, that of Veen, had 13 uIOin :ors, ag- gregating 300 cows, and the first ye.:r's ecpen:.es were $175; but tl;c Government recognized at. ono) the importance of this movement and gave them a grant of $62,50. Sante of the by-laws of the orig'nal asso- ciation ceclored that: "Teo object of the naociation was to build up race of cows which would give a !large yield of rich milk; the member- ship :should be limited temporarily to (2 or 13, who agret'd to let the milk of each cow bo tested every 14 days; the expenses sheen! Ye dis- tributed in proportion to the fat tests made, and collected twice a year; three directors should be chosen, One of whom should resign every third your after the First two years, and who s"onld elect a pro- sident und secretary -treasurer; the association s':ould continue for fico years, and no member should with- draw before that time, unless on ac- count of removal from the dis- trict." The directors of the associ- ation engaged a "tester" who took s• m 1 sand tested t milk of each a e es }no P cow, and for whose use reliable ap- paratus was bought. The tester aI:o kept exact records of tie mills yield of each cow acid the feed con- sumed In proportion to the yield of butter, and also prepared tables showing the comparative value of the varioes individual cows and fiords as economical producers, so that those cows having special values for breeding purposes might lie selected. At the close of tho first year's work the Government approrrioted $2,500 to he divided between asemei- ations which made propor reports, and the plan spread very rapidly: 13y 1897 it had been clearly demon- strated that the "testers" were also DAII SE FOR ALARM. WHEN YOU GROW WEA1 AND YOUR CHEEKS LOSE THEIR. COLOR. This Means Anaemia, and if Neg- lected Consumption May Fol- low—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the Only Certain Cure. Aniletnia, or poor or Ivatery blood, is a trouble from which most grow- ing girls, and many young boys suf- fer. .It coca's at a critical period of the young person's life, and unless prompt steps are taken to enrich the blood and thus strengthen the sys- tem, decline, and most likely con- sumption will fellow. Dr. Williams' Pink fills is tho only, medicine that acts directly upon tl.e blood and the nerves, promptly restoring the Ml- ing ono to complete' health and strength. The followeig Ota(eln»nt from Mrs. Lena :,T. Ryan, of Wel- land, whose daughter was a victim of anaemia, gives the strongest proof of the value of these pills. lies, ltyan say's :—"About three years ago the health of eery daugh- ter, Birdie, became 00 bud that I was enviously alarmed, She was. pale mud almost bloodleos; hart no 'appetite, lost flesh and suffered from severe headaches. I took her to a doctor, and although his treatment was followed for some Mine, it did not heneft her. I then L>'kd 501710 other remedies, but these also failed, and she haw wustesl away to a mere shadow of her former self, At this stage 1 was advised to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Fills, and she be.eall this treatment. Almost from the outset 1hrs0 pi11s helped hoe, and as eho enntinued their use, the color canto back to hoe cheeks, her appe- tite lmprrrved, the headaches ceased to trouble her, and by tho time she • • 7' Olt stron- ger .}� f t hadtaken m t boxes 5 to ct R t had eve 1' a d better titer slu tt done in her life bcforo I thinly :Ur Williams' Pink fills are unsurpassed for all niluteuts of this kind, and as o no tea or 'o his sidn • F$�x rrl o 3 r t tt i c 4 to other rs#" "Yoh'h have to fake this stkilt mDn. 'Williams'11lk Pills not only back end bring mo nnothor piece, lip leure all a 08 like the hove, but Raid. ;dl 1 I ] alsov. 112 �)i<het( ).t' u lion arising Tho IP _. g Ihu wailer eyed the steak' narrow- Irotna�oor blood ' or weak nerves ly, and shoolc hielhead. 'I can't tali that a e tlh t ppyteke y_. r o�.siaid,l Ibr yaa'vo bontlitJ + 2 IIIRENCTI AND ENGLISH 000025 such es rheum t m, tt tial paraly- it s, k+ , V' Tl, r indi ostion i, g { i' Il i k'{rine'y and !Iver Lrrtuhlrrs, dernfula, and e•uptiony of the skit, eta, 7.'hese pills aro also a direct cure for the ailments from which so many wo- If, is an error that tho English neon suffer in silence. Give tho pills cannot/ c0 ` h yl' nen t 'rti;olt e tI and they ') l 4' 1 1"t' nc)r isl +: 1 h ''ar o k Tent r3 .n c t nor c an cook iR �el sho' vo vote 4h n a c h cl' r ra wh efigqttt, flti-n t he t o (4'o to r a¢¢- f " co I d tothew �1 r nn 1#t 1 `g,pp to understand 1 that a well -cooked every box. 7C ynur dealer does not English Meal is theo better and more have them, scold direct to the Dr. wholesome of the teem, The popular -1 Williams' Medicine Om, 7lrockvillo, ity of (ho I!rench cook le compare- Ont., and the pills will h0 sent Post tivei y neW In England, n 1 Ipaid x. y g , and 1, is at !i0 conte a hoz, or six ho. es ditninlefeeng'Derr"ly, for 82.50. pi u.The en 1: g o i1- x .a that h t'4 "I Williams' 11 ter of r she f r i is 1 ar a.l lc d HOW CAUSTIC BURNS. Take a piece of woollen cloth, or te pleee of a blanket, and boli it thole mighty in a strong solution of cauatlo soda, and you will find the wool will gradually be eaten away, leaving nothing but the s:celeton. Women do not realize how "' soap substitutes," witiee. are gonerally surcharged with Oda, or how common alkaline soap( destroy their clothing; Consequently they, weak by week, subject costly fabrle to soh treatment. The hands also are immersed for hours in such solutions, resulting In eczema, coarse skin, and brittle nails. The caustic soda may loosen the dirt, but it eats away the fabric and ruins the hands, 'There is no economy in such work. It is so easy for a wcman to test the difference between an alkali charged soap and a neutral washing soap, that It is strange that there is room for tiny but a pure soap on the Canadian market. Sunlight Soap has been tested by chemists and analysts the world over, and Its freedom from free alkali or caustic has bean demonstrated by tho highest medical authorities. Consequently the true saying, " Sun• Ss1 t eine reduces expenses." 001, useful it r 1 iattcu to bettor milk fori b c tiltt g o crew ai ire and the dairy paper ea lkeet Tidende stein had frequent c0.cus'lon5 as to the work of thoso IF s 0 attains, notably as regards so- cul11.3 uniform reports from the various aseotiations, .101N'i' bIFO'TINC5 were held and several weak features cf the schomo pointed out. In 1898 $1,250 was appropriated for the support of the various associations. nnfl 1n 1899 tho Veen association again took the lead in including a report as to the rel.!, g of calves and hogs. In the same year at a re. mai mcetirg of ell the local Ag- rio..ltural aesecitttivas the blank forms of the ti:_t associations were fully discussed and unifoi•n) 150111ods agreed upon, ,in 1900 we prod four distinct asso- ciations comprising in all about 240 tot associations, and the results Icompiled from tho reports of the va- rious <list,ricts fmnir,h a great deal of valuable information. For In - :tanto, tho old notion that a larpor flow of milk most necessarily give a lower percentage of fat was dis- proved, Most important of all a co-operation was efloeto'l between the to t ossoc'a ions end the breeders' associations,(bull associations),m d n a chief inspector was appointed in one district, who helped to select the cows entitled to be bred to cer- tain bulls and to supervise the keep- ing of the herd hooks. The "Meoikert Tiefende" senile blanks to the associations, and when. these aro filled publishes them and Penis ocpies to all the mem- bers, Indeed everyone interested in dairying helped the plan along, and.. this explains why there are over 250 such associations.. As an example, of the practical re- sults obtained, three years' work of the Faarup association may bequot- ed. According to the Maell+ert Ti- dende the average results per cow in the herds tested were as follows: lbs. les. fat Year milk button Por cent 1899-1900 5162 191 8,34 1900-1901 5284 202 3:44 11101-1902 6104 238 8.50 This shows an improvement in the average yield of 47 lbs. butter per cow by testing and selecting in three years. The work of these essoCia- tions is evidently the keynote of cheaper milk production, and the co- orerativo plan otters the only means of securing systematic testing. SOME SUGGESTIONS. In my opinion something along the above lines should be worked out in Ganadct, with the creamery or cheese factory as the nucleus of the move- ment. The tester would make the factory his headquarters, and. if the farmers were trusted to do the weigh- ing of the milk and taking of the samples, it would be possible for one man to do the work for all the farms sending milk to tlra average factory. We would require to visit each farm before the test started; take note of all conditions, record tho nurn'bcr, age, etc., of each cow, feed used, etc.; show how the weigh- ing anal sampling should be done; leave enough two ounce bot- tles with initials of farmer and mem bers stamped thereon to take sop- arale samples of two ]nilkings, also blanks for felling in food records ev- ery two weeks. Having thus prepared his patrons they would send in to the factory ort certain clays, the acunple bottles of which the tester would be able to test a largo number daily, and still have time enough for an occasional surpriee visit to the farms. There woulel be no reason for the farnter to weigh or take samples incorrectly, es tho total average of ouob hard Would he known by the patron's daily delivery n.nc) factory test, and any trickery would soon be discov- ered. '!'here is another advantage in this plan and that is that the factory can well 511018) to pay part of the txpenee8, because the testers' visits to the farms will also encourage bet- ter care of.:lnilleebeeter sanitation in I • -• (( caps the til sla -rete. n any D e e bit's Y mei maitre -arta' include tl:c test at Jeae t ateri'. lignritg the evel':go every- day very clay 'tine card' h'e'ifer, being foci. or the fart eeltette5r they aro dry' or in mil eSeeiet is' 1110 clntcial teat; the resat 18 simply n. mutter of book - Ito )1ng. Tho food given menet tie weighed out t0 each now, that world be to eepcns}ro — but fort - nig itly estimates trivted by tee sea et1 note and then, should be r'e- cor led, 'rills idcit may not he of di - roc benefit to the professional breed- ers nor to the pr ogresslve farmers ow ing large hord W110 1ntty do the r own testing; but the Jitter may 1) public, epiri1ed enough. to John i 'teethe 91 rmel's and thus f lnrthD cote fn n st . lis Ilia t of such tt are -Lilo a ab h n .b. possible. Never hr.1 ss the a nl O s l t a P t•' x )I• r'i fLst+tonnl breeder of pen bot 1' 1 trUi ,y catf,in would soon find an irt- er m 1c for his Ills When e�stifrl'•-ria n1 l s 1) 1 ei d Lha ports rte f to bolter rotes ha,1 1 nen imp' Ps' d upon the farmer by the testing system, le, W. ITOI)SON, Lino Stook flortnniSSlnner, Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets. Slack, Mixed and Green. )pan tea drinkers try 44$alada" Green tee. Manitoba Farm Lards bR E '5, a en Iodate. 0e1O '0: a, an in 841101 d 4r10'', p, L on 114 d whore 11104 1a re 1 (xt from 81 to 8 3 per note Am n,t prim: meet t,t s4.or no circ. .Ip, 1r 0, OW CUM 5, 1L7 1.>1511>1 s .,7.,.r1m;J. Laidlaw Eiale•Tie Company! MAxt'pACiUltl.nsav (1(0 Bale -Ties SPECIAL STAND5l1D AND RICH CARLON tf IIALIhJG WIRE. Q Wiro Straightened and Cut to Lengths' We al'i0 ITIS unit 0411 %tits t; 1•1ILb. ler to n, to • Frio. a HAMtI,.TOn O A T`o Inrge,t ><:� naive En a - ANkD TIO Feet ry lithe world r 1I1IAGINATION ANi) ILLNESS. Al) interesting exporinwut was re- cently nutde by a 1)r, Durand, In ref- erence to the relative power of int- : aginati+on of rho two seees. He gave to one hundred of his hospital patients a dose of sweetened weeer, and shortly afterwards enterer) the rood), apparently greatly agitated, Paying he had, by ntistake, adminis- tered a powerful edetic, In a fete 'minutes four-fifths of the sub'ec'ts i were afiected by the supposed eidetic. (These wore tnninly men, whi'e all of ithose not aiYnctedmire women. DIA]3ETES CORED, PHYSICIAN AMAZED AT A QiJEBEC CASE. This Hitherto Incurable Diocese Has at Last Yielded to Medi- cine - The Statement of a Man Cured of a Very Bad Case Four Years .Ago. Quebec, Jan. 12.—(Special)—Phy- sicians and others interested in medicine have been very much inter- estedin a remarkable euro which has been made in this city. If Lilo facts aro as reported and the gen- tleman in question has signed a posi- tive ositive statement giving details and all particulars—this case will mark a new era in the treatment of at least ono hitherto incurable disease. Some few years ago, Mr. Sato Dosrochers, of this city was almost dead with Diabetes. Ito had been ill for over five years and toward the last the symptoms became so very marked as to leave no doubt in the minds of his physicians as to the na- ture of the ailment. Ile had' an unquenchable thirst, his feet were always cold ; he had some very notate pains around his kid- neys. These and many other symp- toms wore all present and n0 ono thobght for a moment that he could ever recover. He tried every remedy for Diabetes that he could hear of but al! failed to do him any good, and when his hope bad almost gone he determined to begin a treatment of Dodd's Kid- nay lls, PromPitiro very commencement ha began to feel a little better day by day, and as the treatment proceed- ed the unfavorable symptoms grew less and less till finally he was com- pletely ootpletely cured, sound and well. astonishing recovery created quite a sensation at the time and many wondering inquiries were made by the doctors and others. It ho hadn't Diabetes then nobody ever bed it, and Diabetes was incurable '1 —Then how could he be cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills ? The cure was only temporary and it would return was what many said, Now. however, after four years have elapsed Mr. Desroehers stoutly declares that 110 has not since had the slightest symptom of 'Isis old trouble. Every one is convinced that Diabetes is curable and that Docld's Kidney Pills will cure it. Silo — "Whom do you care most for, Jacic?" 1 -lo — Is it possible you do not know whom I love best in ell lads world?" She — ".Yes, I know; but next to him?" S JAC u dry rr JIL POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches. AND c ti t t ,. t R i! 1 4l PAIN0 el:R :111 i<11}"JI 3•'-03 WONDERFUL SCALE.carral The grand balance, or scale, used in the !lack of England is probably the most wonderful pleee of uwclten- 10111 to be son n.nywhorc. It stands about seven feet high nbd weighs probably two tons, '!'Ilii scale Is so perfectly adjusted thin it clip weigh a grain of dust ar 400 Ib, of gull. A poslgge stump p1ltee4 on Ono of the two weighing portions will move t110 index six inches. If the Iveight placed upon the scale is beyond its capacity an electric bell Is set r,ing- lnee the machine declining to exe- cute a task of which it ie incenabio, '!'hero is more Catarrh In this section of the country than ah other dist:m.0s put together, and until Lilo Inst few ,'ears was supposed to bo I: Movable, leer groat ninny years doctors pronounced It a local disease and presceibed meal lllUedl0s, anti by constantly failing to pure with tonal treatment, pronounrcd It hlcurublo. Silence has „rover catarrh to be eunut1Ludonal '!laces o end there- fore reit icos OOns1i10 clonal treatment. I lull's C atarrh Lure, toil nufactured by f. ,I. Cheney & fo., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional rule on the mar- ket. it i0 taken Internally in 'lases from 10 neaps to tee: pooaSrll. It Acta :111 petty on the blood tine mucous sur- faces of the system. They o(Ter ono hun- dred dollars for any case it 14(15 to euro. Send lot circulars and testlnroul. els. AdcUO s, 1''..1. I 1 h it .Y t 'U L Q'a 1 do c 0. hold hy Druggists, "uc, ' Ball's Family l (lIs are the boot, ITO\V 'rII10 RUSSIANS 1)0 IT, Most of us think of Rosie as a land of snow and ice, lute are un- aware of the feet that excellent temps are gathered there in the suite mix season. in J my last a field trial of Bind- ers, Mowers and Reapers was held e 00110 net 01 which was remarkable for Its thole oughness. The details of the inspee. tion and judging were so minute that we publish a few extracts frons tho official report for the benefit of our farming readers, The limns invited to compete were Massey-i-)arris, Deering, Osborne, Plano, Adrianco Platt. Walter A, Wood, McCormick, Milwaulteo and Johnston. Plano, Adriatico Platt and McCor, mirk did not answer the Invitation ' the Milwaukee declined to take part because they deemed one month's notice Insufficient ; Walter A., Wood sent machines but did not partici- 1)a te. The jury comprised the President of t1 Agricultural who i the AR c Lural Society, t hr s also a member of the Provincial Council ; a delegate from the Minis- try of Agriculture, two members of the Provincial Council, three estate owners, seven district agricultural inspectors, and two agriculturists. (We refrain from giving the names because they are Russian and very hard to spell). The ground was lumpy, and a hill side test was chosen. The crop was very long rye, heavily mixed with weeds and partly laid. In the 13ftider trial the machines workedfor about 4s hours. The' working of each machine was watch- ed by four judges. "The Massey -Harris Binder did well in cutting the laid grain, but the — Binder which had less laid grain to cope with, failed to take it twice running over the rye." The result of the Binder and other tests was that Massey-Ftarris Co. were given the Highest Award in each case. SOUTH VIA WASHINGTON. Philadelphia., Atlantic City, Dalti- laore, Washington, Old i'oart Com- fort, and the South via Lehigh Val- ley Railroad and its oonnectdons, [bur fast express trains daily for Washington, Asheville, Southern Pines. Cha.rterton, Savanoh, Jack- sonville, St. Augustine, Paint Beach, Pampa. Manta Nassau, Cuba and all Florida and winter resorts south. Excursion tickete now on sale. For full particulars, illustrated literature, (naps, etc„ call on or address Robt. 5. Lewis, Canadian Passenger Agent, 33 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. "What are you going to do with your dolls, Sailie?" "I'm going to give them to a poor little girl .I know, so's papa will buy too some now ones." „ �_— Mluara's Loom cures are; In cows, Henley — "Smith and Jones each called the other a liar. }rave they given each other satisfaction ,yet?" Digby -- "Yes," Henley — "With fists or pistols?" Digby — "No; they left it to a committee of two of Jones's friends and two of Smith's to say who was rho liar, anti the committee) was meetly divided," For fiver ClOOT Venni, AK Oto AND WRLL•TRTp.» 1155055 ,trrt win Inmos soothing Srup Iwo honoured for over sixty pen's 1 y millions of 'northers for their children sIn'n teeth p5, with pormot tummy, It sennas oho eld(l 11,11011, the gums, alloys all pain, onree •alnd 10(10, nod i5ti,5 hest remedy for Diarrhoea. (s P1111. 051 (0 the n5010. Sold by d usgl•t, in OvIry pan of rho we, 11, Twenty.eve ammo a bottle, Ito valva 10 henlonlahte, lie sere and ask for Hrs. Wioaww's Seething Syrup and take no other le Ind. TTIGIIEST RAILT1OA1). The American Unlit Oroya rail- road Z alta'. reed ih the Peruvian Andes a fns the, greatest elevation reached by ally raitroad in rho world, At ono point it pesses•throwgh a tunnel 15,- 665 1)101 above sea 1000). This is but little over 100 foot less than the elevation of Mont !Blanc, The Oroya railroad also enjoys the distinction of boingnln nvbgh gefett arfortyleiti of having cost mere per 10110 than the great majority of rati'oads, it is 1'38 miles long, and cost 843,000,- 000. Tho many tunnels, bridges and zigzags presented difltbttlt engineer- ing problems. --4-- - la Turkestan every wedding en- gagement begins With the 1)aytnent of substantial T consi roti tit oh to the ir1 s parents. It the h' i1 n t r g P g jilts ho lover the engagement f, oft has to bo reternbd, unless the parents have an- other dati$etortogive as a sbeth tutu, ]Ifonkoy' Brand Snap1'011108os all stains, fuel:, dirt f W1118)1—flit won't tettsh eiothes. Ate, C 'E4: ........uorsomasoloarznesrustacassmaitystrams4 JtY+ttti:YrY1p' CUR 1ii?ANL3$. `'ting Edward P (+ l01Wa 9� as HHeadlight " 6:lds- "Eagle n --70-37 7200. 1:OOs $ 6° Victoria" .alp z.t "Little Comet0l VAI\LUR •1T 5 � I CN, Doig Experiment with other and inferior brands, NULL, CANADA A (IfILLICN IIUNCIIBACKS. Spain has the most hunchbacks of any country, in one small village at the foot of the Sierra Wrenn, there is ono in every thirteen in- habitants. lerante, in the neighbor- hood of the Loire, hus a grout many reoplo suffering from deformed rhoulders. Jt has been reckoned that there are a million hunchbacks in the world at present. "I can't get over some of the oeuthfdl superstitions," sant tho good natured (0(1 4. "For instance, 1 always wish when 1 see a 1021 of hay." "I don't," said the man who is always thinking shout trouble; "I wish when 1 eco a load of coal," Minarets lin!'irlent gimes lipirthmia, Manager — "Thomson, you aro dis- chargedt" Clerk — "But whet have 1 done, sir?" Manager — "Nothing —absolutely nothing. That's what 1 'complain n )lai about." Busses, 0. C. RICHARDS le CO. Gents,—I have used your 1I17N- ATtD'S LINIMENT in my family and also in my stables for years and consider it the best medicine obtain- able. Yours truly, ALFRED 11,OCHAV, .Proprietor Roxton Pend Ilotol arta! Livery Stables. Renton -Pond, July 4t 01. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. When travonng you should bear in mind the road and the trains that will take you to your destination in the fastest time, and in the most comfortable manner. The Grand Trunk service excels in both par- ticulars and possengcrn from To- ronto to Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Detroit and Chicago, will (ind the day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafe Parlor and Dining Car's serving meals "a la carte." The night trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to all above .points, You can leave Toronto for Montreal and east at 9 a. m, and 10 p. m. for Buffalo and New York at 9 a• m,, 4,50 and 6.15 p. ne. and to Detroit and Chicago at 7.85 a, m., 4.50 p. tn. and 11.20 p. In. Tickets, reservations, etc., at city office, northwest corner King and Yonge streets. Excited Lady (at the telephono)— "I want me- husband, please, at once." Voice (from the exclutng0)— "Number, please?" Excited Lady (srrap''is))ly) — "Only the fourth, you impudent thing," ENGLISH SPAWN LINIMENT 0110(1ves all hard, sort or annotated l.nnlp0 and Blemishes from horses, 'Blood S�rinvin, Curbs, Bolin te, Ring Bone, Sweeny. Stifles, $prtdns, Sore and Swollen Throat„ Cattails, etc, Save 050 hy use of one bottle. War• elver kntown.most Mowonderful,1 aldeggiy Blemish. GO re "I thank you, sir, for your kind permission to call on your daugh- ter," "Remember that 1 turn out the gas at ton o'clock," "All right, sir. I'll not come bcforo that If you aro coughing, take 51. August iroetlg's Homburg Ilroast Tea. rli5la THEATRES. Soma of the Parisian theatres give gratuitous s performances three or four tim Cs:car. They aro intend- ed Y .Ya tar n ed for poor people, anti those who or first in line aro usually et the doors. several hours before the 8011se Js opened. 11hun.Ilo your toot usurp the funo- tion of the tongue?—What they aro chattering Mind's llnlment Cures Colds, - etc, Jasper — "What aro you looking 00 annoyed about?" Mrs. Jasper -- "7 expected a day's rest, and didn't gat it. ')'his is the cook's nay out, but she insisted oa staying at home." Mlaard's liniment Cures Jistewer, Monkey Brand Soap removes all stains, rust, dirt or tarnish—but won't wash clothes. Ott AbMIRAOLC P008 FOR MAIHT AMINO ROUST HEALTH C: IH C910 CI.01AM. Dominion Line Steamships Idontreal tc Liverpool. Rotten to Lirce, pool._ Portland to Liverpool. yta Queen♦ town. Large and Feat Steamships. Superior 04* $1$ edatloa Mr all °prance of pa monger& Huunos and 1,50 10 54 ter amt'I,hlpa Semis' attention has beth given to the Second s Boon and R'hird.Ola1a aegommudatioa. Pel :etas pw,xgo and ail Qartioutars; apply to any steal of the company, or -Richards, Of Ina a Oo. 0, Torrance a Os.. 77 alsa St Beaton. Mnn;roatordrarnan4 To scud for our Coma pptete Sheet Mesio Catalogues and Special Rates. p Teachers V,'e aro gqulpped fo supply mmi ped is Teacher an Canada, ANT C0 , Limltod >B 156 Main Street, 158 Yonge 4r-.0. WINNIPEG, MAN. TOROhi':,•, OOT. CHENILLE CURTAINS • and all Meta othouse Itnngings, also LAUII OBTAINS °YRLIKI> °NLS NRD Write to ne about yours BRITISH AMERICAN 085190 00„ Sox tis, Montreal Have You Seen It? What?� Lee'o r, Heiden. neolp • 3P08o'rule for too home 511101010000 oepanm o0t of hnvan ,odd»•dr. >5) 5x5,•0, Sona 25denta. Tlnnoy rept 11,04 It o k le 101 on h. it. A good,ids lice tar 511I111 moo,-tylldmn 1(0 g,, Petllab.p 1eronta ULTRYU.. Turkeys, Leese D1J3, t:3IO;S ens. If y011 want beet prices ship your poultry to tie. We want largo quanti- ty to meet aolnand we have for 11'. EGGS WPr0 ccaen foQrToum.0(K Tho Dawson Commission Co., Limited TORONTO, -Oousigumnnto and eo,roopond0n.o relmhtoa __, MSK IVA3EI -°,41 dia,-4L-e,`.sli t' -.o We wont the torrid°, 1 h 00,01,0' of Ismill:a todI kola ng for u, at bane, whole or rears time. rye nteei.h 015 nl Anne an da 0epply foo yarn Imo .1 rep for the worn qtt,eat 10 D14 anon no h mitre o aT to 01D a week nmct wonting to time 40,015; to stn we k. verde a, tum, tar.utlonln.o. Name rel. tenor. Tho Dominion liEei1itting Dept. 13, '007105'00, ON'1'. mother — "Oh, )ii1ildred! You naughty little ,girl l You know you oughtn't to slap )41siee? face." Tt.1il dred — "Where ought I to slap her, then, mummy?" elcso "Did you ever ten .Ia n— attend any of Miss Build's 'At Homes'?" De Bore (sadly) — "14-o, but I've attended a good many, of her rot -et- homes." VV leWJSL SieNI) to every subscriber or reader of thirty paper afull-11SCO WO, hbtt. 511 melange of 05 rd{-0;trd by mail 7'O811'A in, Nttltiefont for one month's treatment, to bo paid for within ono month's time after' receipt, It the ('3ceivor Linn truthfully say that geese has done hint or hot' more b0011 than 011 the thugs in0 dopes of guatics or good 1(0010l's or patent, medicines he or elle has ever 0050, It1:.All th10 over again carefully, and understand that we ask our pity only whoa it hoe done you good, and not before. the take all the risk; you have hothing to lose, 1f it does not benefit you, you ray ccs nothing. VIlAPeonie is a »etnral hard, adndnttraille rook-Ilke (11 ,1On01'-•-rnlnoral 01t0',—mined froth the ground 11110 gold and Mire's andr1qul100 about twenty years for oxidisation. 1.t contains tree iron, free shlphur anti magnesium, ton ono package w01 otlual in medicinal steenglh and 011ra1 h'e value 8OO gallons of fhb most powerful, e11(e tcbo,1s 011001.11 Venter, drunk femil1 at 1110 springs, 1t is a cola leel discovery, i L6 which there t n Y, e c nothing settled t g g t or taken fru it i ft from, a the marvel M Lha c0ntury t01 miring Duch dis4asbs as Jthmuun.usrn !tela-ht'n S1Nonse Dropsy, 1111>011 or.urim�, 1 CarL Trouble,Catarrh rri ne1 Throat affect. lets, hlv0r Kidney ad Bladder Ailments, ht4mch quer female Ulsbrdcrrt J -a Grippe, 4lalarlal ('`ever, Nervous Prostration nod keno 11 9eh1Jily, i10 Lunn" colics testa end a0 n t' n ono answering. title, 'writing y, 1 0 w tin for at ra' , tk 1- � r 1 ,r n eat ,u >s st a y atter using,R Give age, ills and sox, 7' offerwill Challc g 1 rson who n ane aoulterrai.io, quer awh m11 the gratitude of every living parson win tics!','., bettor hennh, or who suffers' pates, i)10 and tilieu eel 41)1011 17594 dolled tilt' medical world and grotpn worse with ago. We care net for your skepticism, but ask only your tnvestign.tion, 411(1 at our expe1105, 1'4 10010ls 01101451,111e you I1aw0, h, sending, to lar for It ira0kage. 1(0111 must n01 write on a pc stat card, In 0nseor to t111s, sdetwie ,.w,r..,.ry,. e w« Tlltp, N6e)., poclof )004'1)b0t,'W 0,1.1101 YOyir st,r Tore) `sr Oaf, -