HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-22, Page 5'i`ait ILDASSICLO POSIT
1111 gout, 1!'. 8.800'1P, Brunel%,
flee at
1 •Croaaryissuer of hturriggo Ltomtsos, Ot.
, 7`m'uborry athaet, Brussels,
issuer of 'Marriage Licenses,
for some of the best Ituti safest Companies
to Cuuude for Vire, Aceldout and Plato
Glam. 1 Mallard's tore
G 00. (Olga Aver 1, U, lttohar a
BeuDsuls, 18•Bm �
E Estelle Griffin
TEACHER. OF voice, Ol1LTVi8E
Pupil of thea Eva N. lioblyn, of London.
Poplin prepared for Onusorvatory ernes.
r.2.-'1,\ ill vtait Brussels every Townley.
Lessons given ab the house o8 W, R. Kerr,
John street,
M0NEY TO LOAN AT At, 4f d; 6 Per Cont,
01aoe over Huroloy's Drug Store,
Nov, Brd, 1904. 30;{m /Insects.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance CO.,
ma•ADLlenim 1840
Ineurnnoe taken on the cath and premium
note system ,tt current rates. Br fore ln8er-
809 eloewberc cull on the nudersigned Agent
of the Company.
num will sell for better pricier!, to
better moo, 1n loss time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer to East Bmrou or
lie won't charge auy'thing. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at thio af09e or by
personal appliontion.
81 • Boner 0ladna,0 of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die -
eases of domesticated animals in a compet-
ent unmoor. Pe•t1•rular attention- paid to
Veterinary Dentistry Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, '9nrnhelry 0t:, Brussels.
Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conventicler,
Notary Pnblic, deo. ()Moe—Stewart's Biook
1 door North of Central Rotel,
Bonoitor for the Standard Bank,
Solicitor, &o. Oilic0 over Stand-
ard Rank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Honey to Loan at lowest rates.
Trinity University, Wellow Trinity llletlioal
College, Member College of 988988ielane and
Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery,Edinburgh, 1. -Telephone No.14,
Residence—Mill street, Brussels.
1 is 5r"• P' 3 .i 1$1.5fItlii% ;f81 'ir4
Monoy-Making Education
Toting ellen and 11'en1en. what
ere you 11'01'01(? Tlmt 1101.00(10 upon
what you tine worth 80 088909, A bus.
Mose or obart8ao(1 education will al-
ways enable you to get a good position
but the education must be etriotly
lh9t.oinos. Give ns 00 opportunity ti
ten you what wo are dome (00018010.
Write today for our catalogue,
" Students admitted at any time,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinei l
pa ,
f lsttxtX .Bexus,
Mr. Routoliff was elected superintend-
ent of Oarmel ohnroh Sunday school at
the annual meeting.
Rev, Dr, Medd hopes to be able to assiot
in the Quarterly meeting 9ervi00 to be
held in leebruary. His lunge mud throat
are mill weak though steadily improving.
John Patterson jr,, had the misfortune
to lose a nioe driving horse. The
animal in going in the stable got its leg
down into the runway of the door and
before it could be released had, in ire
efforts to get free, 0o badly epliotered the
bone se to destroy all hope of recovery
and ouusequeotly had to be killed.
Sam'! Gilley 89 having the furnace in
the Opera Block renovated, atter finding
thab the flare had been burned out.
Joe. Davis, who has been in Graven•
burst attending the Sanitarium for his
heeltb, has retnrned home hie general
condition having mnoh improved.
Last meeting of the town Oouboil paw
ed the following resolution :—That the
asseeeor be empowered to oolleot all dog
tax at the same time as he makes assee9
mens and to fureieh a tag to all parties
paying for Bame. Auy dog Lound without
tag after April 1st., will be impounded
for two days and if not then olaimed will
be shot by street oommi•eioner without
further notice and that a by law be pre.
pared confirming same.
A meeting of the Farmers' l:'fietitute
will be held in Clinton ou the 28t1s, and
in Do,gennou the 27th. The epeakere
are T. H. Mason, Btoffordville ; and E.
0. Drury, crown Hill.
We understand that the Jackson
Manufacturing company already find
their large premi808 on Rottenbnry street
too small, and contemplate the erection
of either a third story or an addition to
the rent.
A combined shoe and skate is now on
the market, said to possess virtnee not in
the ordinary skate. It is patented by A.
J. Fisher, Toronto, an old Olintonian,
who used to be known as "Chauncey
Stun. Barr, of Goderiob township, has
bought the house at present 000npied by
J. W. Rill, Huron St., the price being
about 51200, and will 000apy it mo soon as
90r, HSII can get another. Mr. Hill hae
been somewhat indisposed of late, but we
are glad to see that he is ant again.
The annual meeting of the Clinton
Hortioultural Society wee held in the
Clerk's office on Wednesday evening of
last week. The Secretary Treasurer Dub
mitted his annual report which showed a
membership of 111 and a balance on'
band of 5140 50. The officers eleot were ;
Pres„ Alex. 818 o,,z e ; let vice., W. Q.
Phillipe ; 2nd viae., T, Cottle ; Seo Trees.
W. Coate ; Direotore, J. Wheatley, 8.
Davie, T. Trick, John Onniaghame, Thoe.
Holloway, Albert Seeley, Edwin Rutledge,
A. Wilken and W. Coate.
Huron Distriot R. T, of T. met in Clin-
ton on Monday of laetweek. After roe•
tine bushes') the following officers were
elected ;—Distriot Councillor, Mrs
Campbell, Goderiob ; Vice0.gnoillor,
Mrs. F. Watts, Clinton : Chaplain, Mr.
01nff, Sen forth ; Secretary, Mies Penbole,
Exeter ; Treasurer, Mr. Johnston, Varna;
Herald, Mr. Brandon, Belgrave ; Deputy
Herald, Mrs. Seale, Guard,
Mr. Hackney, Farquhar , Guard, Mr.
McCallum, Exeter ; Representative to
Grand Council, Mr. Johnston, Varna ;
Alternate, Mies Ponhale, Exeter. The
place for bolding June meeting was lett
in the hands of the Exeontive to arrange.
DENTISTRY B 1 Clinton' S ti I
Graduate of it80 Royal College of Dental
Su geonsol Ontario and Firot•olass Rouor
Graduate of Toronto University. 011100
n01t to Browor'e Photograph Gallery,
Either en Full or Part Time.
• Aro von satisfied with your 1000010 0 S8
your time folly 000unled? If not write ue.
We can give you employment by the month
on good tonna or contract to pay you well
for such bueieeoa as you secure for 118 at odd
times, We employ both male and female
repreaentativee. The next three months is
the very host time to sell our goods No de-
posit is required ; outfit is nboonttely free.
Wo have the largest uueseries in Canada—
over 800 acres. A large rune of valuable
now specialties, and all our 06000 i8 guereu-
toed 08 represented, If you want to repro.
oast the largest, most popular end beat
known uuramy, write ue. it will he worth
your while.
"Onuado.'e Greatest Nurseries,"
178m Toronto, Ontario,
fr!Lisli Columbia
]lied Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pince and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Alio Douro and Seals of ail Pat
terne on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furui0hed for all
kinds of Bnlldinge. Workman
ehlp and Material Guaranteed.
P. .,•. Nin. N J.n
V70IO 8Inm.
M. Walker has been suffering Irons a
painful leg, caused by blood poisoning,
but ie now able to be out again,
,The Advance will remove about the
last of January to the premises now mom
pied by the Dominion Bank, who will
000apy the corner of Mason's block,
Jno. Vannorman, brother of Wingbam'o
Chief of Pollee, hae °soured a good altu-
ation as dt9briot agent for the Steel Range
Oo., with heo.dquartere at Woodbridge.
John Oarr, proprietor of the Brnashviok
Hotel, hae disposed of hie hotel and
bneineoo here to Alex. Orr of ,Fordwioh.
We ore informed that the purobaeer gets
poeseeeion March let,
biro, F. G. Sparling'e many friends will
regret to bear that her heolth is not im-
proving. Monday of Met week she was
taken to London for special treatment,
which it is hoped will prove beoefitlial.
At the meeting of Wingham Oddfellowe
Lodge Distriot Deputy McClain:, of Bens.
Role, inotalled the (chewing offioere
N. G,—U. G. Sperling; V. G.—Alex,
Alderson ; R. 8.—J. F. Groves ; F. EL—
T..1, 32111801 ; Treaeurer—Wm. Robert.
son ; R. S. N. G,—W. Lloyd ; L. 8, N.
G,—Albert Gregory ; R. S. V. G. -J. W.
Green ; L. B. V. G.—Ur. J. 'Chisholm
Warden—Robert • Allen ; Conductor -
Walter Bell ; R. 9. S. Martin Waugh';
L. S. B.—H. Hineoliffe ; 1. G.—Wallace
Hough. After installation, the brethren
enjoyed an oyster sapper in their new
reception room.' The lodge is in a pros
persue oondition,
The Winglunm branch of the W. A. M,
A. in 9onneetion wiih St. Paul's (hurob,
held their annual meeting on the 8tii
list„ et Mrs. Oorbould'e. Very 89180080.
tory reports wore read by the eeoretary
and treasurer for the peat year and
fol otving °Miers were eleoted for theyear
1008 :_Preeid0nt—Mre. Lowe ; Vice
Presidents—•Mrs, Sills and Mrs. Oor.
bonid ; Recording Seoretary—Mies G.
Oorb„old ; Oorreepnding 8eerotary.--'
Mrs. Walker ; Treaenrer—Mrs, R uterus ;
Managing committee—Mrs, McGuire,
hire, Venetone and Mrs. Juhnotone A
junior branch has beim f ,ruled, whioh
promfaei to be n great help to inar9nefwg
interest in mie•ionary work among the
memhere of the ouugrogati„n.
The Annual meeting c 'nrnberr
1, m u f 7. y
Agrioulbur0l Sooteby wee held on Wednee
day afternoon of lust week, the Peed.
dent, J, J, Moffatt, 090apying the chair.
, The minutes of last annual meeting were
em firmed and Auditors' report adopted
lr ehowed total reeripin of $732 80 and
total expenditthre $599 08, leaving a bal.
Anne of $188 28 The liability 001n•iat8 of
a mortgage of $850. J. J, Elliott, V. B ,
was steered President, W. J. ilondoreou
let Viae, and John Mtff,tt 2nd V,ae,
The threaten, sleeted are—R. A. Douglas,
Th„mar' Bell, P. Fowler, Wm. Maxwell,
W, J. Currie, B. Kernighan, A. Rintoul,
Geo. Ornikabank, J. S. Linklater, The
t ffioes of Seorolary aid Treaeurer were
divided. W, Robertson was re elected
8soretary and R. A. Donglees Tremont..
Township Oounoil lino appointed Dr.
M. A. V, Armstrong Medioal Health
Alex, Orr went to Wingham and par.
chimed the Brnuswiok hotel for the euro
of $9 000
Alex. Orr has had a Grant Aootyleno
Geuorator placed in hie barn which lights
the hotel, baro and Mr. Maguire's oboe
At the annual meeting of the Canadian
Order of Chosen Friend') the following
officers were eleoted for the ensuing year;
Chief Oounoillor, Mre, Geo. Williams ;
Viae Councillor, Sheldon Bricker ; Re.
corder, T. J. Nioholle ; Treasurer, 01 re. E.
G. Cole ; 141arehal, Jesse Masers ; War.
den, T, J. Nicholls ; Sentinel, Jima
Brown jr,, ; Guard, Thomas Downey.
John Stewart and T. H. MoLaaghlin
drove over from Gerrie, and on behalf of
that oongregution presented Rev. Mr.
Dobson with a beautiful new cutter and
Mre. Dobson with two fine rookere, ex-
pressing the hope that thee° artiolee
might long prove useful and give math
eujoyment. Two yoare ago the Gorrie
people presented their pastor with a gold
Papers are being made out to take old
Billy Bone to the Hoose of Refuge.
0. P. R. depot received a,oompleteover-
hauling and will now be quite oomfortabie.
T. H. McLaughlin left last week for an
extended visit with friends Best of Tor.
on to,
Nelson, youngest son of Rio11, MoGrath,
is slowly on the mend after hie 80vere
J. R. Williams has decided to employ
his entire time to the undertaking and
furniture business.
Mies Carrie Ardoll hae returned home
from Drayton where she had been en-
gaged as milliner during the past season.
Harry and Mrs. Tonne, Mrs. W, D.
Williams and goo, Barbie, left on the
noon train on Mouday of last week for
Baton Rouge, La., where they will spend
the Winter.
At the last regular review of the K. 0.
T. M. Gorrie Tent Na. 265, the following
offioere were eleoted for the year 1903 ;—
P. Com.; W. J. Gallaher ; Com., A. D.
Strong ; L. Com:, J. Boeoton ; R. K. 1C
F. K., J. B. Found ; Chaplain, Bert.
Laird ; Phyeioian,- Dr. Tuck ; Sergeant,
W. T. Dane ; Mae. Arm., Wm. Rather.
ford ; let M. of G., Geo. Arden ; 2nd M.
of G., J. Beewitberiek ; Sentinel, C. Tot-
ten ; Pioket, Wm. Pyke ; Auditor, Wm.
Mrs. Seeger is spending a few weeks in
Toronto with her goo, Rev. 0. A. Saeger.
Norman Allen left last week to enter
the service of the Bank of Montreal at
The hardware firm of Allan do McIver
hae been dissolved, Mr. McIver retiring,
.The business will be cautioned by George
L. Allan.
At the regular meeting of the 0. 0. F.,
Thos. Burrows was eleoted again me a
delegate to the High Oonrt, which is to
meet et Hamilton in Jima.
A. MoD. Allan left last week on -a two
months' trip to Eastern Canada, where
he will investigate methods of peeking
fret'. Hie investigation may take him to
the United States also.
The oases of Radcliffe and McDonald
against the town, which were down for
trial last week, have been adjourned for
another week. The new town council
may take them lute consideration in the
John Ansley, Commissioner of roads
and bridges for the County of Huron, i0
asking for benders for the oonetreotion of
two abutments and two piers of concrete
for the bridge over the Maitland river al
[familiar. Beturdey, Jan. 24111, is the
last day for reeeiving trades.
Rov, Joe A, Andergt a hae 0peeed 8
at rt 1• n
Ire ar for oleos forleaf lnuq e i
a a
Um lecture room of Knox ohnrob with a
membership of fifty•three. Tele claim
will meet every Taeoday' evening till the
first of March.
Smith Broe, at Oa, have leased the
premises next door to their preeeut stand
now bceupied by W. Ton, and will occupy
the whole block with their drygoode,
olothing and millinery bueineos. The
new portion will be fitted up ma a genie'
fnrniehinge and clothing department.
About seventy meters have been re
oeived by the oleo rio light department
and are being inetallod chiefly around the
Square. The moult le already notioeoble
801118 power 11 ora in the d oreased load
which the engine has to Darty, sod thio
although lees than half of the meters
have been placed.
Toe. H, Treleaven sold his farm in
Kioloes to o gentleman from Kincardine.
The Bruce county Connell election re•
suited in the return of eleven ^eve men and
seven of the old oouneillore,
Rowland Young's Bijou Comedy Co,
wi I appear at the Town Hall for one
week ownmeuoiog Monday, Jan. 26.
James Lyous has sold his raw mill in
this village to Thomas H. Treleaven, who
will run it in future. Mr, Treleaven has
severed hie oouneolion with the grist mill.
The annual meeting of the Sinton
Brand: Agricultural Sooiety was held in
the council Chamber bat owing to the
blocked condition of the roads, the attend-
ance was not as large as usual. The
society to in a epleudid fioanoiai condition
the treasurer reporting a balance on hand
after paying all liabilities of $229 75.
The old officers and board of Directors
were re Mooted and at the Directors'
meeting held at the close P. A. Malcom -
eons was elected 8soretary and Thoe,
Lawre0oe, treasurer.
Sxo11-J17nman. On the evening of the
12th of January, a very pleasant meeting
took piece in South Kinlo89 Manes, Leak -
now. chi that evening notwithstanding
the inoiemeuoy of the weather and the
state of the roads, a large number of
members and adherents of the South
Kioloes oougregatiou assembled in the
manse and took the Rev. A. F. McLean.
an and family quite by eurpriee. Mr..
McDonald read an address which was
suitably framed, and afterwards handed
to Rev. Mr. McLennan and asked aa a
favor the aooeptanoe of a perm as a token
of their eincere affection and esteem.
Mr. McLennan replied very feelingly and
in suitable terms, 91ati0g among other
things, how completely he had been taken
by surprise, and how much he appreciated
the kind and enooaraging words whioh
had just been spoken. The meeting was
afterwards addreeeed by Revs. McLeod,
Ripley, MaoKay, Luokoow and Miller,
Aehtield. The choir rendered several
pieces of mueio and there were aleo eoloe
and recitations. The meeting was alto.
gather an exceptionally enjoyable one.
Leacibur' .
Thos. Davidson purchased a good
working horse from James Archibald, of
Seaforth. The horse is a dandy but there
ie nothing too good for the Irish.
Joehna Dennison ie home from the
North Went for a load of horses, Mr.
Dennison went Weet last Spring and has
had a very suooeeeful year there.
Our peaoesble community hae often
been ehooked by sudden deaths) and
dreadful accidents, and it -seems as it
nothing but the band of Providence it
was that coved Geo. Munn from a eerio0e
emoeh ap. Mr. Munn was riding
leisurely along in a nutter. On each aide
the road was hath, only a Bingle track
when suddenly he was roused from his
position by a loud pall. Geo. straighten-
ed up and looked around and was borrifi.
ed to sea a horse attached to a cutter
approaohing him at a terrific rate of
speed. No Bound warned him of hie
danger as the horse had no belle on. Not
a moment watt to he lost, the situation
was taken in by our young friend in an
instant, one chance of enema was left and
that was to keep ahead till a favorable
spot to aide track was reached. His own
faithful horse was delivered a powerful
blow from the whip and responded im.
mediately but the driver's unerring eye
told him that the runaway was gaining
speed. Again and again the poor beast
was lashed and still it seemed as if aoth•
ing bot a rear end collision mast take
place but the dorkeet hoer is knit before
the dawn, and though now his pnrenrer
wag so oloee that the froth from ire
You can feel easy
about the health of the
youngster that wears a
pair of our overstock-
ings and rubbers.
Protection from the winter winds and wet snows
secured by a pair of our overstockings and rubbers.
They are closely knit of the strongest pure wool
yarn—the best rubber that can be had.
They are lough weather insurance policies for the
health of the children.
They don't cost much, only:—.
— Children'o - $ 95 --All kinds of comfortable Felt Shoes
— Misses' 115 for either Ladies or Gents at
—Ladies' 1 26 Lowest Prioee,
—Full stock of `.ream and Single Harness, Rhea, Blankets, Trunks and
Betobole. We are offering, just now, extra Low Prides to oath parchment of
Repairs in Bhooe, Rehberg oe Harness promptly done.
i t C. R if H A I\ D S r
Don't forget that
keep a choice and well
ected stock of Groceries
eluding :—
i n-
in addition to the nicest Con-
fectionery to be found any-
O d5 ,Ake 'k,
by the dish or quantity.
Your orders will receive prompt
attention for anything in
our line.
Try our Tea at 27c. per Ib.
Bartlifl''s Old Stand,
mouth lit on his clothe', the long looked
for siding was reaohed and our friend
was safe. It was 973 experience 000 000u
to be forgotten, and nannot even be
thought of without a shudder,
(Intended for last weak;l
Mise Maggie Davidson and Calvin
Hillen united their destinies on Wednee
day, 7th inst.
Mee. Thos. Barrows 60tri I
B OaBy ill hat
present. We hope to be able to report
her better in health soon,
Mies Mamie McEwen will return to
Toronto in a - few days to resume her
'studies at the Toronto College of Music.
John crozier hae mold two teams of
horeee lately for the usual high prioee
homes bring, He has eiooe purchased
another team.
Joe Kinney has had his annual auction
sale, about 40 sheep and a team of horses
were mold, but he ham staff enough left
for several sales yet.
Thoe. Archibald and John Govenlook
are baying a oar load of horses to ship to
Manitoba. John Mnldoon is also secur-
ing a number to ship West.
While Munn Bros. were grinding some
grain for a man a few days ago a cylinder
tooth went through smashing the plates.
Peoples should pat their grain through a
fanning mill or be made put up in a case
of this kind.
A nioe orowd of youngpeople gathered
at the home of Dan. Rigle one night last
week and bad an enjoyable dance. While
several good,olog dances were streak off
between play we hear of nothing new
being introduced as at a former party at
Mr, Rigle's.
Mee. A. Galbraith departed this lite on
Jan, 8rd., at the early age of 85 years.
The immediate cause of her death was
inflammation of the lunge bat her health
was otherwiee impaired ae the had cot
been well for several years. She leaves
to mourn her lose a husband and a family
of three, two girls and a boy. The re-
mains were interred in Maitland Bank
MoKFr,Lor Couwc1L.—Oonnoil met in
Christopher White's Leadbory, on
Monday Jan. 12. Membere of Oonnofl
all present and took deolaration of office
and oath of quaiifioatinn. Mlnate° of
Met meeting read and adopted. The
follOwi0e ealariee were passed for the
year 1903 8—Clerk, 5200 00 ; Treasurer,
$80 00 ; Assailed, $80.00 ; Collector,
$80 00 ; Auditors, $8.00 each. William
Evans was appointed annum, Charles
Dodds, oolleolor, Adam Dickson Jt John
Shannon, auditors, Daniel Manley, John
McElroy and Bernard O'Donnell mem.
bet of Board of Health, Solomon J. Shan.
bon, Sanitary Inepeotee. A Bee,layv war
passed and signed for .;the appointpleat,
with ealaria° of Offioiais. 4.paa5nl5 veer,.,
passed and paid for Collea0o}r'e. Bala
charity, Nomination expengoo ad au }
soription to Mnoicipal Wor1l''dtkoc, 32.8
A deputation waited on Connell inking''
wire fences along oideroade 10 and 11.
John Murray and William G. Smith were
authorieed•to beve the rail fences along
eideroed laid down during the Whnt -
eeaoon. C18rk was authorized by Coe ''
ail on the request of ratepayers prime `'
to ask A. Htelop, M. P. P., for Bea'
Huron, to eek the Government to amend`
Chaps. 240 relating to snow tamer alonh
made to ;muse accumulation of 4now to
impede public travel the owner of 00610
femme to keep the road clear of have the
;Det of such Work added in the Colleetbr'e..
roll eanh year, Township hae 00$4,000,
to lend at 5 per edit. Donnell adjourned:
to meet in Mr. White's, Leadbury, ,on
Wodneeday, Feb. 18th, at 1 O';look p, m,
to receive Anditore' report,
JNo, C, Monntenu, rCferk
McKinnon y CASH ,
Great Clearing Sale.
1 M Our Great Clearing Bele le now le full bloat—goods iu every de..
partment must be cleared out before stook.taking, We never curry geode
over trom eeaoon to autumn. We would rather take lase than wholesale
prime than carry them over. Below we give a few prima to Dhow the
terrific reductions in pr1o80 we are making in every department :—Wool
Blankets, full size, soft lofty finish, worth $2, sale price 21.45.—Heavy A.11.
wool Blankets, large size, lofty finioh, fauoy pink and blue bordere, good
value at $3 76, sale prioe $2.95.—Fine Eagiiel, Petits, 32 ,noheo wide, good
patterns, about 265 yards left over, regular price 120, sale 8 o.—Soteeno
and Fine Prints, 30 to 82 iaoboe wide, in good patterns, worth up to 15o
per yard, sale price 80.—Homeepua Areas Goods, 40 to 42 inobeo wide, in
Grey, Oxford and mixtures, worth 36o and 40.,, sale price 20a.—B1ank
Brooaded Deese Goode, 40 inobee whin, worth 26o for 1230.—Wrapperetteo
in red and tanoy adore, bought below regular prioee, a greet sump at 50.—
Flannelettee,in fanoy pink stripes, wide width, during oar great ewe we
will run them at 50.—Ladies' Ready.to wear Hate, worth 50o, 75o and $1,
for 26o,—Ladies' New Up-to-date Trimmed Hate, hallprica. Men's Heavy
Frieze Uleters, in light and dark oolore, high storm collar, well lined,
worth 513, for 58 95.—l,adiee' Astrachan Jaokoto, liaperinee, Ruffs, Muffs
and Fur Capes will be Bold at very low prioea to oiear,—Ladtee' Cloth
Coate, a few left over from Met week, iu black, grey, fawn and brown,
worth $4, $5 and $0, for $1.60.—Grey Cotton, good weight, wide width, a
great enop at 5o.
We desire to extend our thanks for
the very liberal patronage extended to us
during the past year and desire to wish all
our patrons A Happy New Year.
Our stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Etc., Etc , is always large, well assorted
and of the best makes,
Particular attention given to Watch,
Clock and Jewelry repairs.
T. Fletcher, Jeweler.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
In Robes,
We carry in stock a first-class assortment of
Grey Goat, Saskatchewan, Black Galloway,
Grizzly Bear and Mountain Bear.
Rubber, Wool and Plush Bugs
• Of excellent value.
O MIT 13144LIST4< TS
All Kinds.
Big Stock of Single Harness
from $7.50 up, also Team Harness and Collars
that cannot be beaten.
Fine range of Trunks, Valises, &c. Satisfaction guaranteed.
John Donaldson
None Nicer on the Market.
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