HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-22, Page 3THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, eta in iracie Centres, Toronto, jun. 20.-Wilea1.--TO n1tr0a:1i 18 (fleetly, Ivite (Jeweler moo rate. .6. o . 9 watte told red wtitte 8010 114 69e low trenghts. No. spring quoted at Otif,e ou Midland No. 2 goose quoted ut, (i5e on ana land, item turJlt 1VIIVILL tiLutuly, Nu 1 hard dull at tiric alt rad, grillth.I in traitait, and No. 1 Northern a 8 nu all rail, 9.1.1.. au. 1 liar quoted at 8.111c, No tit Day, anti ao 1 Northern, at 830 aorta Bay, Oalas-e he market. Is ftt jjt, wl 1.1 sides or No. 2 wenn at lite1111(101 freight, and at titqc weeit. 11:as-the atavism ts quiet, will No. II quoted at 72 te 13c hi& freights, huniey-The 11111Xliet Is quiet, wit! No 8 extra emoted at, 95 to 4Cie add die freigitts, and Nu. 3 et din 1111,1 die freight. Corn-alarket steady, No. 2 new Canudian, 45l,c west ; No, 3 new Araeriean yellow nominal at 52e on track here, anti N. If mixed at 51e be0.- Itye-The market is quiet ancl lirn at (le to 500 fot• No, 9 outside. Duckwheat-'1110 market continues quiet:, with No. 2 quoted at 51e •eant. Elour-Ninety per cent, patents are dial at *2.65 to *2.67 middle: freights, in buyers' seeks, for ex-; ports, Straight. rollers of special brands for domestic trade quoted at 53.20 to $8,35 in bias, alanitoba flour fiLumly. Hungarian patents 51.1.0 to 54.20 delivered on track Toronto, ling•s Included, ancl Mani tuba strong bakers', 83.80 to $3.U0 hIl11feorl-13ean, $15 iti bulk hero ; shorts at 837. At outside points bran is quoted at 81.4.50, and sheets at 816,50. Manitoba bran in sucks 517, and shorts, at 519 hero. „ ereamery, 2lic ; dairy butter, 3Fle ; ‘Vestern Ontario rolls, 184 to :19e, --- UNITED STATES MA (1.1C191'14. Minneapolis, Jan, 20.-Whea1.- ii'lltY, 7611,e; uly, 70 C; (111 track, No, I. hard, 76ilc; No, 1 Northern, 75,1e; No, 2 Northern, 744c. Toledo, Jan. ; 10811 and January, 78e; May, 81lic, terir-Dull, firm; January, 46c May, 4•111e, Oata-Dull, firm ; Jame- ory, 80c; May, 1,1011e, ; 58e, Heed -Dull, Steady; .1 an nary, - $6.9741 March, 57.07if; prime timothy, 61,90; prime alsike, 58.135. g 111 11WitU140O, Jen. 20.-Wheitt-I1igh- 1. fir 1 No, 1 Northern, 7ele ; No, 2 o Northern, 76 to 77e; May, 76(c ; sel)ers. Rye -Firmer ; No, 1, 51.); to 112c, Harley -Firmer; No, 2, 07c ; sample, 47 to 50e. DoMtla Jan, 20.--1.iteat-Cash, NO 1 hard, 751; No. 1 Northern, 74 ; No. 2 Northern, 724e; May 77tc ; July, 77e. Outs -May, 35c. LTVE STOCK" MARKET. To volito, Jan. 20. - Meiners was brisk in the local butelier teate at ('t • , n rknt to-Iny, 113,1. 1.11010 wits little (Wire; 10 expert, 'there wns a good demand for butch- er rat Me, however, e is 1, with the light rum prices were fairly well maintained. - l • For the local butcher -demand 54.- e0 to $ . r , o ehoieest picked h•ts up to 54,90] fair to good butcher's, 53.60 to 54.55; good loads (if OuLeherat 54.- 30 40 $1.55; e0M1110n cannel 11, -82 to 82,25. In feeders no transaatiors Were recorded to -day, though a few mumitim wore made; but Cattle of this dare worn bought 0) by the hu tchei s ler the. local market, , 1.Iegs wen) unehanged, at 56.12 lot' the best, and $5.878 for light fets. Sheep and lana,s were strong; MC - pot t (Wes, $3.50 to 51; Waite, 54a 50 to 55.1.0, '(he run of Gm day Wi".8 45 Owls, wit n 738 d 01 cattle, 510 ghee]) (11.11 lembe, 750 htes, unti 15 (1111 V18 • I f I ureters, iteere, 1,050 $3.75 do bulls, 1,800 lbs,2.75 1 .1,:ixport, heavy „.1.50 ,1::xport (tattle, light , :1.75 Ilul lo, exyort, heavy COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans -Trade is quiet at unchange( prices. Medium bring 81.05 to 81.75 por bush, and hand-plcked 51.90 to 52, • Dried apples -Market gelet, with ;prices unchatugxel et a to 4:() per lb, and evaporated at a& to 7c, lioney-The market Is quiet, with prices unchanged. Strained, 8 to 51c per lb, and comb, 81.25 to 51-65. Iles,. baled -The market is quiet, with a good deal of poor stuff offer- ing. Choice timothy. 810 to 810.25 on track, and mixed, 88 to 58.50. Straw -The market is quiet, with ca7. lots on track quoted at $5.50.to 50.25 a ton. Onions -The market is steady at 40 to 95c per bush for Canadian, Pettit:tar-The market for boxed lots is dull, -with offerings 801011. Chick- , ems, old, 4.5 to 55e per pair, mid i! young, 60 to 70c; live, 40 tit 50, Ducks, dressed, 70 to 85c per pair, Ocoee 7 to 9c per Mr tutiwys, 10 to 13ec per lb for young. rota toes --The market is tlt•m with offerings small. Care quoted at 51 to 51.05 per bag on track. and small lots job at 51.20 to 81,25, -- THE DAIRY MARKETS. 2.75 do light. 8.00 Feelers. 113111, 800 tbs. and u own Nis ... 3.00 Stockers, 100 to 800 ,......., 2.00 do 000 lbs.- 1.25 Bo (1.1) ws' cattle, Ilutter-The market was quiet to- titty,, with prices unchtutged. We quote i-Pinest 1-19 rolls, 19 to 20c; selected dairy tabs, 17 to 18c ; choice largo rolls, 178 to 188c; sec - °eclat,. grades (rolls and tubs), 15 to 1.0o; bakers,' 18 to 14c; creamery prit)•ts, 23 to 281e; solids, 20 to Eggs--111arket quiet. We quote :- Strictly new laid, 25 to 28e; cold 5107090 (selected) 19 to 90c • e on'118, 14 to 15c; limed, 16 to 17-c. Cheese -The market ruled steady. We quote •,-Eineet Septembers, 18c; seconds, lilt to 12(c. ROG PRODUCTS. Dressed bogs are firm, with car- loads quoted at 57.60 to 57,75. Cured meats aro steady, with de - mend fair. We quote :-.Bacon, long clear, 10f, to 11c in ton and case lots. Pork, mess, 521.50 to 522 do., short cut, 5.22.130 to $28. Smoked heves, 10 to lilac; rolle, 118 to 12e; shouldeth, 1.1,c; backs, 14 to 1480; breakfast bacon, 14 to 148.6. Larti-liferket quiet, with prices unchanged, We quote i -Tierces, Lie; tube, 11,1c; pails, 118c; compound, 81 to 10c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Grain -No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat 72; No. 1 Northern, 70c in store, Fort, Willlaln, Dccombme peaa, 728e high freights; oats, No, 2, in store here, 85 to 851e, 1308 to 808c high freights; rye, 498c east; buckwheat, 50e east. Hein -Manitoba patents, 51.20; 'strong bakers', $3,00; On-. tarto atehight rollers at 58.65; in bags, 51.70 to 54 75; patents,. 88.70 to 54,10. Relied oats -Millers' pr -ices, 82 in bags, and 84.15 per bbl. Feed -Manitoba bran, 517.50 to 618; shorts, 520, bags included ; Ontario bran in bulk, 517,50; shorts in bulk, 510. Peans-Demand lim- ited at 51,85 in 'cars on track: Pro- visions -Heavy Canndian short cut pork, Pt to $25; short cut back, 528.50 to '6244 compound refitted lard, 8.1• to Die. Pure Canadian letrd 11c ; finest lard, 12a to 39110) ; ham% 18 to 14c ; bacon, 14 to 15c; dressed hog, 58,25; fresh killed abattoir'59 per 100 lbs. bigge- Fancy, 24 to 25e ; candled stock, 20 to 204c; Montreal limed, 174 to 38c, lioney-White clover, in sections, 12 to 18c per section; in 10-1b tins, f3 to Oe ;91 bulk, '74 to es ; dark, 2c lower. Poilltry-Turkfws, 143.e per 18.; seconds, 1.2 to lthe per lb.; ducks, 11 to 12e; young ehickens, 11 to 120 ; hay's, De per lb.; geese, 8 to Sin. Olteeso-Ontatio, 13 to 183.a;' for "Townships, 18c, Butter Fancy ToWitabipa ereamory, 2240; fine FRIGHTFUL EXPLOSION. Twelve Nen Killed at Departure May, British Columbia. A. Vancouver deepatch says) ;- Through a double explosion la the works of the )1n)11111o1, ;Powder Company at Departure Bay, on Wed- nesday morning, no fewer then twelve employees were hurried. into eterni ty, and the major' ty of the building's utilized In the inannfacture of high powder eXp10:11V08 reclUend 1.0 maLchwood, The concussion was 80 801'ere that a (0)7 Winclow8 in Na- nalum, more than three miles • dis- tant, were simultaneonely sheltered, While 11011100MM ehinnewe and un- substantial Structures in the coal city came tumbling to the ground. Tho 5113108 was less distinctly and less disastrously felt us far OA Paric8v I I I e, 20 milea porth, and wivern119 or uldistant on the south while eVell in Vancouver the redid earth so trembled that a suppemed minor • earthquake shock 1.008 re- corded in advance of news of the diem:ter, VIOLENCE OF TH19 EXPLOSION. .As for the victims or the miserly, the luidy of one of the ten Chinese W118 found practically (Meet ; the eleven others were literally reduced to ehreds of flesh and bone, an arm 1).' •- 1h lal'grst, 9071.105• • of any. Illustrating the violence of tht.' 11391011107. 11 Is k 1 rails from the ('10(11')>)) (1 track were ; whisked up and twisted round the half-dentolished trees, like • fentast c corkscrews, while buildings tottered anti real fully four miles away. The cause of the eaplosion can only be !surmised, it 114 presinned that either James 10111f0r0 or George Simonetti, Io ho, W1111 a force of Chi 1(01111, were working 00 a large order of gelignite , in thttt room, passed into the gun - ! cotton room to weigh 80100 ma- terlal, and in an unaccountable mole- : ner cansed the explosion primarily t of about One carload of gun -cotton, ; followed by quite as much more gel- ignite in that building, four hun- 1 tired feet away, 'the losit exclusive of stock, is placed at three thou - 4.128 sand (inherit 2.80 PRESTON WENT ON STIRRING 5.00 Close h,y the gun -cotton room 4.03) ' George Presto:low:as engaged in tho mixing house, it being nectiesary in 4.25 hie duty that a mixture of explosives 3.50 le• constantly stirred until a. certain period, a moment's cessation of the 3.50 stirring meaning disaster. When the erash came, the windows and doors 2.75 Were 11101,011 111 about him, but Pres- ton, with admirable nerve and pre- sence el mind, stirred on. Mir- aculously, • his mixture alid not • ex- plode, nee was he injured by the flytng debris. Charles (Stovers( and Mat. May- land, working in the :new glycerine building, also had iniraculoUS OS- ' Canea front death or Injury, "al- though some down ottne- employes, chiefly Chinamen, Ntere net •so •for - Delete. Of the dead, George ralameetti, very recently married, had 11014 a narrow escape a few weeks ago, be- ing bet 20 feet away when the mix - (59 -room went up, kIlling James Sloan, Fulford came front Drock- ville, Ont., 0 your ago. 1Te leaves a widow and three children in the eastern town, 0,) 11i6e11,111 .„ 50 0,75 do picked .. .„ 3.711 4.85 do Wale ,..... 3.00 3.25 Light stork bulls„ nwt ... 2.25 0.00 Mitch cows .. 80,00 55.00 Trews. l'eet 6.128 do light 5.874 Sheep, export, cwt 0,25 4.00 Rucks ,.„.. „, 2,50 2.75 Celle 2.25 2.50 Iambs 4 .50 5.4 0 Calves, each 2.00 10.00 Common rough cows one bulls ... 2.25 3.00 GROWTH OF NEW ONTARIO Population Ha.s Increased by 25,- 000 During Year, A Toroato despittch sass. lir. Thomas Soa thwo) 1.9, Comm] ssionet• of Colonization, is preparing hie re - 'port, and it wi,1 be ono of the 111354 Wham:that preeented to the Logisla- ttee. ' It is esthnuted thet the pop- tilation of New entario ha„; inereara cd by over 25,000, and it enteral air of prosperity and contentmout pre- vails. , The tWo Mot aoneter (is- triets in the couutry for nettlers, Mt, Soutlwvoith seati, are the 'Fein - 10;0.01111g end the 13311ny Myer N. al- ley. The former is petticti prin- cipally by Ontario people, and last year about 1,500 faims were sold there. The Rainy Meer Vrilley is being taken up largely by Ameri- cans teem the We•tein tati.s. As an indication of the growth of the 'rein- isearning country, up to 1900 only about three townebite were settled, while there are now twentsafour open, anet of this number land to any extent eon only be obtained in four of them. A big rush is andel- patod next season, end arrangements ere being made for swerving large la( I., of C11 • g. 111r. Houthworth thinks that. the Eagan colonizatiott scheme will be a 'great thing for the coantry. has already been granted a license Lo ito bit:dross in the province, and as soon as the 'Government ie rail an to its financial standing, the agreement will lie signed. The com- pany will bo able to oettle all the land for the next year or so that the Government will be able to give them, Mr. Houtliworth says. FINANCIAL SETTLEDIENT, Chamberlain and the Xining Lead - era 'teach an Agreement. A Johannesburg deepalich says: An agreement has been entered into 110- tWeen..Cloloni01 Secretary Chamber- lain and tho loaders of the mining com.mttnity in regar.d to linitneial eettlament. By it the, Tram:meal War Contribotion 13311 ainourds to about 5150,000,000. 13y it also a, guarantee will be given for an TM - portal loan of 5150,000,000, which is to be expenicled in reproductive public works in the Transvaal and In the Orange River Colony, SHOT DOW AN EDITOR. Lieutenant - Governor of Sonth Carolina Uses Pistol, A Columbia, S. 0., despatch saysi Lieu f 6,10.111-0 0113(1101' Tillman on Thursdellt, on the Public street, shot, anti fatally wounded N. G. Gonza- lez, &titter of the State, the local paper, Tillman put, his pistol close 1.0 (lonzalez's bokly before firing. 140 was sini.)seqtleittly arrested. 'The Shooting is the regult 01 101! old fetstl betWeei the teiee Mena FOREIGN TRADE GROWING. The Total f,r Six Months is 44231,342,201. An Ottawa deepateh Rays: Men - aria's I:oreign trade, consiether of limporta foe consumption and exports !of dennestic produce only, for the, six linantlts ending. 1 :cumber 81, :amounted to 5381,842,201, being !.$1.8,110,502 moro than 1011 ho same 11le1100 of 1901, and $10,839,384 in ONcess of the returns for the whole of 1806, The exports amount to , 5125,301,406seir 519,260,731 more than the imports. Omitting coin; ancl bullion, the imports for the sixi months amounted to 5103,291,614,1 a gain of $7,a87,428 08 C0111par00 With 1110 •:0011118(3'1114l1ng pert ti of 3901. The imports of du liable I goods were 564,583,101, an increase I of 57,646,019.Tile imports of free! gooes show a slight fallirg of?. Tak- ing the month of December only, the exporte were over 85,000,000 ahead of the same month of. alie previous year. '('((11 gum W08 111 the eXr01t, of noilmiln and their products, and in ilgrieultural products WHERE BRITAIN GET8 MEN A VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM HAS BEEN' SOLVED, I•••••• that they may be kept up to their work and their fitness to tio duty on the cruisers be insured beyond ques- tion. WI APT SCHOLARS, It, would not be possible to Imagine it greater transformation then the Newf o: ndl an de rsoiuirelott‘8:,,psex613,iisy,s,eilrotuetionandEasjiyl,elrntzr;1;),afte710ir00yagi. titoro Gunnery. enjoy the advantage of consorting 0 real, Britain 18 proposing to 1011(1 1110 thoroughly matured solve the problem of manning her "Jackie" ; they model themselves on waeslilps by establishing ti, naval re- ; 0(7 bay,' rfart-dur serve uniting the fishermen of Now- and other exercises alai the pre- foundland. She will station a war- scribed (1711111, end they ere taugh ship at St. John, Nfld., permanent" orderly habits and etre properly dis ly Lo train bluejackets, and 111101108 ri011inAL 1:11ey retUrti better 111011 11 10 fortify St. John's and make it a every way, and in the inculcation strategic base, like Halifax anti Bor- these more desirable truth] into be 11011(1).. It will In mm lie becoe of younM g en NeWf01110 W 0101aill bonn e 061.11 greater 11.1nOrCe tanthan either by the movement ita much nit Brital of thew), for as the 1111V111 reHerVe W1/1, grows and the force of (.70.11(111 (114)" The movement is popular In th elation attains a substantial strength colony and tbe young men in the the defences can be Manned 113 tittle fishing villages are eager to join the of need, should such he (15811.31110, be- reserve, The prospeet Is an attrac- sides providing large contingente to 1(1')) 0110 to those doomed to the help man the seagoing battleships. monotony and 13100111w5,, 01 these Last year the British navy re- ''0)1190818" front Ch110110011, inid the quired 165,000 men for effective (>111'- chances of seeing a bit of the great poses, 1.1,000 to a dually man the a ot hi ft oat the deck of a Brittsh ships 111 cmmis osion, 20,000 for a the warship, 11.8 10111 all.ofp(amntrtfieo hutclni gog resleur,(31, ), 1111(.1 7,000 m 0 to for0013 in in Soe degree to the ul0 3e075 past, 08 the num- (Mini n3010111 of the last two or three 960 of ships in that navy has best) years, form the chief incentives to a increasing and their size enlarging, large enrolment. The men are pair it hes been felt that the time 1005 n. retaliong les of $30 a year, and • not far distant when the British • tele pay, food 1137(119nd clothig (lurig 1 Isles would not supply a aulliciency their term of sermoun vice ats to of navel recreits. That time has about 50 cents a clay, whereas if been accelerated by the Boer War, they remained at home they would • with its abnormal ealletment of ;sot- probably have earned nothing at ell, dives, forcing the navy 10 go 'with- so little employment Is there In this ; out its full quota of recruits, 1...arge island 111 the winter. and so depend - ;additions to the ships accentuated vitt aro the people on the one Indus - (a stringency, and new measures try, had to be devised 1.01190111 delay. REMITIDY FOR SHORTAGE. NEWS ITEMS. swoop., Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA. Lord Htratheona has given 51,000 to Brandon College. The Socialists wIll 01410101811 a CO - operative fuel yurd Peterboeo'. Nnraooi is flushing messages (1.070813" the Atlantic in one-tenth of a ieee- oncl. „ e po ce estimate that 5400 i • bogus money is circulating in Ilani- n" Mon. An Ontario charter ha$ been 91)1.111. - • cd to the Marcoai Wireless 'Ittle- graph Company. QUEEN MIXANDRA'S PET3 DOGS, CHICHENS, DOVES, mop,. SES .AND PARROTS. Collection at Sandringham--Deadi Duried in a Small Cem- etery. Qtreens aro juet women when they "take olT their crowns and sit On a chair" - that is the best (preens are -and that Queen Alexandra. is One 01 the IOWA, womanly of queens is the fart that has etude, her so clear to InglIsh hearts, In no waY dhe8 11 Majesty Show this more than it) her love for pets, says a writer itt the New York Tribune. She hae a col- lection at Sandringham that con, tains a wide variety, embracing dugs, chickens, doves, horses and pat roth. The dove cote had a. poetic origin, its first member having been a pre- sent to the Queen whet), us Prilit0119 of Wales, she visif.ed Ireland 013(11y yeare ago. Swam one gave it to her MB "an (011blern of peace Lied good will," and on her return to 1.000013 she bought a Mate for it. Tbeir de- scendants are numerous, and the Queen elways lois one specially trained for her boudoir. This 9101" t100151' pet has its Cage in the room, and will leave it at her call to peroh on her linger or nestle on her shoul- der. Those doves are all white, with pink eyes. NOME FOR FOREIGN BIRDS. 'I he arconl Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada is applying for incorporation at Ottawa. The earnings of the C.P.R., G.T.Ii, and intercolonial for 1902 were 575, 675,842, the largest yet recorded. The Depaitmeet of Flaheries will probably allow traps to be used for - catehing salmon in 13111e Columbia. The offivers of the Wellington Rides have passed a resolution protesting 0.911i0$t 1.110 P oPosa lc mu tie regiment to eight companke. Mr. WM. MaCkenzie bas confirmed the report that his firm has acquired interest in 'valuable coneeesions of 31,000,000 acres in Vonezuela. Ancleew Carne.gie has offered the town of Paris 510,000 for a library, providing the town contributes 51,- 000 annually for maintenance Captain Bernier has written the Vancouver Board of Trade that he will start for the Pole from there and will build his ship there if he is given 510,000. Toronto is to be the headquarters of the work looking towards the construction of the Quobcc and Lake Huron Railway. It will be run in a direct line from Quebec to French River, The Railway Committee of tho Privy Council has ordered automatic electric bells to he installed at the crossings of the highway in the vil- lages of West Lorne and Rodney by the Lelia Eric and Detroit nod Mich- igan Central Railways. Air, Willard IC Green of Montreal, organizer of the Canadian Marcel/ Company, says that it is the com- pany's intention to compete with ex- isting telegraph lines, and that he expects that a complete system of W11011188 telegraphy will be In oper- ation in Canada next StMliner. COMING TO CANADA. Englend's remedy for her shortage of blut;jackets uousjsts esttoush_ English Settlers to Sail for the ing a naval nursery in Newfoundland, Dominion. the oldest of her 0010/110S WW1 the A. Loneon despatch says: Rev, greatest flehing coontry in the world. 111r, Lloyd writes to the Times to There are 70,000 men and bays eta- the effect that t1.0 movement for talc.- 1oyed in the maritime pursuits of irg a, large member uf img•lish ss 1 - the Island -cod, seal, herring lobster, ehrs to caeoaa lies already assumed sedition end whale fisheries -and tho nadanal proportions. 'The nest. de- seitorly qualities of these fisher folk, parturth will be made about Alarch it is said, cannot be excelled. The 21., Tho Movement is col netted remoteness and isolation of the is- with the Coionial and Continental land have kept its people et these Church Society, avocations for nearly 400 years ;1 A lettcr appears In the Pally generation after generation has toll- Chronicle from Mr. Charles Wright, ed at the nets, and to-dtty there is dated Isle of 'Wight, stating that he a population along the seaboard that is flooded with correapom urea con - in seamanship, fearleesness and tattling enquiriee about Canasla, physical strength will compare favor -1 ably with any in tho world. Brod to i BADEN POWELL'S NEW J B the sea from their early days, inured to every hardship of the waves or the-icefkies, familiar with every danger that besets the Sea, they aro ideal material for the pur- A T.,0110011 detrate11 011784 From poses the British Addiralty had in Johannaeberg comae late romance - meat that Cie-eral I a -en -Vowel , w o ihas been ill change of the South Al - FIFTY ON THE CHARYBDIS, Iriean Corstabulery, has bern ap- Tho determination w s retched b• point 0,1 Is 0:5)ctor-0 en e re I of Cavolry the Admiralty in 100itto•e11Pe1'iment • 8.0,0 amm) to .Englend la June with the Newfoundland fisher youths, to take up this appointment, and a contingent of 50 was enrolled to etubarlc 113 Noveniber for a six months' training cruise in the war- ONE ON HIS LORDSHIP. Plas Been Appointed Inspector - General of Cavalry. --- ship Charybdis in tho West Indies, Hansaeld's Black Horses Turned This vessel is the flagship of the Out to Be Colored. squadron that, patrols the Freneh Shore each staniner, anil during the Lord Mansfield, the famous Lord winter they go south. At that sea- Chief Justice of England, had a son, too, the icefloes blockade this ceast and prevent any fishing being done, so that it is a season when the young men are Thecessarily un- employed, and they can therefore undertake the six months' drill with- out interfering wi611 their regular nvocations. The first contingent proved eminently satisfactory, the eontmodore and ofTicers of the Charybdis being unqualified in their approval of the aptitude and "teach- ablenrss" of the new reeruits. In purely sailorly work they required no instruction. They could hand, reef and steer, make knots and splIces, bend and stow canvas, rOW and sail boats, mount the sitars and bitter prejudice against horse deal- ers, which it is said had ita rise' in a bitter disappointment he had ex- perienced at the hands of one of them. When he vats appointed Lord Chief Justice in 1756 he wished to haVe four black horses, without a white hair, for his carriage. After considerable difficulty the four black horses weee found and approved, for they were handsome horses and just What the Lord Chief Justice wanted. The price, of course, was a heavy one ; it always is under such circum- stances, For a time all went well, and his lordship was well satisfied with his bargain, Then one horse began to develop a white star, and do everything of a seaman's work another a white fetlock, and another about a 2101>. As oarsmen they was disfigured with a white blaze - proved themselves the superiors of indeed, in all of them, in one place the whole fleet, .winning prizes in or another, the bated white appear -- the mutual regatta at Barbados, where they beat even the admiral's crack crew. But in the gunnery and warship part of their educatioa, The judge sent for the horse dealer who had supplied the horses, and threatened hint with all kinds of they were, of course, backward, but, pains and penalties. That worthy, not so much so but that 44 out of however, wits not in the least put I the 50 secured first-class passes out by the 'math 01 the noble lord, when they were examined hy a board lie insisted that he had not 1111see- of officers on finishing their cruise. Presented the horse on his bill, and , The official reports to 180 Admiralty pointed out on that document being' produced that he had sold to his lordship four horses colored black. 1 This, of course, did away with any I legal proceedings, but the incident( Wns never forgotten by Lord Mans-. field, who was scarcely eVer known to give a horse dealer the beirefit of the doubt, and the Governor were most en- couraging as to the SUCCOSS of the novement CONTIN'C1ENT ENROLLED, Last year a. second contingent of Ci was enlisted front different parts of the Island, and proved equally satisfectory. A pieked team of oarsmen repeated tho success of the WeViOUS MAY against the fleet, hewing that the physical strength This queer incident comes from Ind expertness were not exceptional. Paris. While playing; at billiurds ono Of 1983 coliting'eitt • evening eecently in his 1101180 in wre in May 1081, 47 gained the Paris, 81, Reichert hit a ball so bard reeled firet-claes distinction. This, that it bounded from the table and atiefied eVen the Clolibting ones at out of an open window, fulling the Admirtilty that the plait team through the glass roof of a druwitg.! one which assured a favorable out-1room in the next house turd 511111.511- r)0, and this yenr 100 reserves , ing a valuable Sevres vase, The vill be taken, 50 in the Charybdis! crash so alarmed an Angora cat 50 in the ,Ariadne, the admiral's I sleeping on the tablo close by that 1 flagship. The Maser 03(1Y1150 Waa the animal sprang up and knocked ' oVer et lamp, which sot lire to Sonte DELHI FACTORY IN RUINS. 5 Canning Company's Building De- stroyed by Fire. Delhi. Ont., de:vetch says: The Delhi Fruit and Canning Company's fine factory anti plant is a moss of ruins. Fire Wrs tin:revered about 511 o'clock on 'Thursday morning In the I bathroom, and. owing' to the higi 1.0.1l10 previtiliapa it spread rapidly arid 1.0.118 80011 11ey000 alt rontrol. Two lenge abode adjmning wore sav- ed by the, noble efforts of tho (-Ri- sen% who quickly gathere8 after tho alarm, 'rhe lase tho 911110919, plant, anel relnek is about 560,000; insw5)nec8.$80,000, ALL TIIROTRIII BILLIARDS. REMOUNT DEPOTS, War Office Blamed for Neglecting Establishment. A London despatch says: Tan Zachary Malcolm, the Conservative inember of Parliament for the Stow - market division of N. Suffolk, and Parliament ary Private Seeretary to the Chief Seceolatry of Ireland, writ- ing 1.0 the Three '011. Wednearla,v, scores the War Onto for not long ago eStabliehing rettloUnt elepote 50 ()entitles 11e shys Ite intends to bring the matter before the Douse of Commons next seasion, and will also direct attention to the question of Canadian 00.1111011 1>101018 Sent 10 also selected 10 bo stationed in these waters as a training ship for the drilling of a still lat'ger force, She Will enroll about 800 men at a time, who will train and exercise) her, obtaining a therough grounding in rudimentery 1131,31 lill()W15tig3 end being poltehed off on board Seagoing ships. It is hoped that 'when the autumn of 3.001 conies rtroand the Britieh North Atlantic Squadthe of ten ot twelve fillips; will be able to neeemble this harbor (‚1,1(3 eme bark heat 30 to 50 men each for the winter's training in the Caribbean, At tho gam time orphan boys aud other youths willing to 1)180 nervitto ItS rogillars will be drafted into the Calypso, and after 1111') 11111111177 tuition Will be transferred to the other ships to euppleinent their eroWs, Tho reservee of previoue were Wiwi have thine their see drill tapestry and tweeesitated the veiling out of tho brigade. 19, Reichert was engaged to the niece of the invalid lady occupying the bowie in Whlea the damage Was caused, Tho com- motion, however, had 80 disastrous WI effect ott Ole old lady's nerves that she died ahortly allerweres, On learning the indirect cause of her auntie death the young lady refused to merry 111, Reichert, and tho heirs are now etdrig him for the damage done, The Clealt has given 50,000 rouble]) as 0 first subseription to the relief hind for the sufferers from the eartlignake 0,1 Altdijam trhe distress of 100,000 fishermen and women engaged in the straws industry In Veal -ice has led the Sen- ators and Deputies of rinkt erle to $outh Africa, for the use of the Will oleo arlsomble foe a Monthai melee an 111/15:1411 43 4110 pablic tor ro- ta:fel/St gthmery en her each winter, so lictat GREAT DIAT'rAIN. King Edward and Queen Alexandra will make a cruise in the Mediter- ranean in March. Prof. Lorenz, tho famous Vienna rgeon, WaS enthusiastically re- ceived in •England. - A series of balloon ascents for re- connoitering purpopes has been in- augurated at Aldershot. A larger number of important or- ders, aggregating 4.0,000 tons, have been placed in tho Clyde shipbuild- ing yards. A Peterborough man has developed scratch sustained while examining a. dedial eprbeuslel Vpit. iyes of the Irish land-, lords ami tenants have agreed on a plan to settle the land, question, tho success of which depends upon the payment of L60,000 yearly by the Imperial Government. The London Morning Poet, in an article headed "An Object Lesson) from Canada," suggests that techal-; cal schools as managed in Canada: might afford a remedy for the Weak - tress of English country schools. A small island in a tiny pond 19 the limn° of a numlar of foreign. lards. Among them are some curi- ous specimens, of which several -oy- eter cateherre" are regarded as par- ticularly interesting to Queen Max- anera. They have black and white plunea.ge and long red bills, which they uso like scissors to detach the inolusk, Three turtle doves are re- cent additions. 2110y weie on board the steamer when Der Majesty re- turned from Denmark last year, and she became so fond of them that she wanted them brought to Sandring- Mum The Queen's kennels are extensive, and in them are deerhounds, New - I ourallands. collies and other brew 5. lifer personal pets are two Japanese !spaniels, that travel everywhere with her. I The Queen has her favorites also among the bantams that are an 110. - portant part In tho royal "p , ," ;There are sitter Sobrights, golden Sebrige te, w te-foot ed b a.n thins with feathered feet; black -tailed Jap- anese 'bantams with yellow squatty bodice; deckwing game bautams, Scotch greys, white and black Pe - kills anci black and rod Pekins, that strut about with comic.stateliness. ,111 the pheasantry is an incubator 1 for hatching the young bird% Over Ite(1 thousand are hatched annually at 'Sandringham. The Queen is greatly ;interested in these "incubator bit - Thies," and likes to hold the tiny, I downy bodies, pressing them to her !cheek. IThe pheasants are really the Meg's .but the Quoit has partially adopted :them, FOND 013' HER HOUSES. Horses Conle in for a godly share , of her Majesty's affection. She has 'been a fine horsewoman from child - hoed and still rides nearly every ,day, She visits the stables at least • horss UNITED STATES. Detroit has voted 550,000 to pur- chase coal for the poor, to be sad at cost. Senator Lodge has introduced a bill into Congress se:Wending for a period of 90 days the duties on coal imported into the United States, Wolcott, N. Y., is afflicted with an epidentic of carbunclea end boils. More than twenty persons are afflict- ed and ono has died. At Keystone, Nmada, the manager I of a. copper mine shot and kaled three and wounded three others of twelve men who attacked 111111. In an address at Washington, Mr. Carnegie said he had on hand 8001 1101.11 04/1111C114I0115 101. free libraries, and would likely grant them all. Thirteen persons dead and seven seriously injured is the mooed made by tho uso of toy pistols in Norfolk, Vit., and vlelnity, since Christmas Day. A letter hes been rotleived by the First Baptist Church of Somerville, N. .1., from a man 33110 says that br etaile 51.50 from 1110 church when t boy; be sent 520 to pay the debt. alent intent proven led 34 weal thy families from aecepting an offer of $14,000, , Episeopal Church, in Tre- mont street, Boston, in which Dan - lel Webster worshipped, The demand for a Wage increase varying feotn 15 to 20 per cent., which is to be matte by ell the 1,1 teminous coil Miners of the couotry 91 t.1 (ott7r )las't 0) this 1)10111.31, will aggregate 52,000,000 a year, A ,gang of robbers created nuich 01'd101001(L 111. the western part of Chicago on 'Wednesday night. One of them, an ex -policeman, was eap- hovel during a robbery of it saloon, and later three of his eampanions, who had escaped, robbed another sa- loon and killed the proprietor. GENERAL. Tuberculosis 0011005 sonte 12,000 deaths annually in Paris. Germany's army estimates :4101.7 a liett.vy increase in expenditure, The total cost of the corn -mit -ion durbar is estimated at $5,800,1100. T3vo hundred thousand Mouser rifles have been ordered for the Turkish army, Folie hundred arid arty -three per - sone mm81111110 suicide in Vierina last year, and 4.67 attempted to do Se. . . with carrots and apples. The Queen still mourns for her pet I-1uffy, who ior years had taken her on her many friendly visits to the tenants. The children on tho estate greeted his appearance with delight, for they knew that his cart held oranges and other goodies, and to the old leo- men he took sugar and tea that his mistress carried 0110 the cottages with her own 1)WaUl1ftll hands for, as everybody knows, her hands are famed for their beauty. Huffy died two years ago. The Queen's stables are rengod round a great square court and a picturesque clock tower surmounts the gate. The walls are lined with glazed whi(.) tiles, and the silver fit- ted stalls have the royal court ot arms painted over them. Above each manger is a LIMA on which the name of the horse is in raised letters 01 gold. The Pillars are all brass nmented. In the harness room, be,it e her Majesty's saddles, end pretty gold mounted riding whipii, aro souvenirs of departed favorif es, There are hoofs of veriouri horse% and the ears and foreloric of Viva, who died in 181.19, aged 28 years. 'Pile gray donkey that is driven by the Queen's grandchildren, end n. eebra that is being broken to har- ness, are interesting Inembers of the stabnloe 0111.8747.0. CLOCIC DINNER. Each 8e/11101 has a bedroom and a sitting -room, 'rho former has an etiamelled iron bedetead, with straw matters, and the sitting -room has 1. iln iv of etraw and fresh water. All the kennels open upon a levee control semi Close to the kennela is the kitchen, where "oatmeal me.slt" and broth of bullock' and shoeine betels are prepared for the dogs'11, o'clock dinner. In Llle lard- er, which adjoins the kitchen, are sacks of biseults awl bias of Scotch oatmeal, The 11081111111 is a large, pleasant room, 010 lin open grate ter fire% and has a row of invalid boxes on ono side. When a dog tiles it is buried in a. little 0011ets:1.T, and tt onffisteno is placed over its grave. Sam, the 9001110, who was a pet of Princess N. farina, lies here. The Princess usod to have the clippings from his long and silky coat Mee° into yarn for erorlieling shawls, Venus, the favorite of tbe lute Duke of Clneenee, is also buridd here. She diod last March. Both 01 these have tombstonne sultribly scrilocl, end over another little grave Is written: "Ilettlie; for ten years the faithful compitnioa of 11. It. 11, the Prince of Wales. DIM at Sand- ringham, January 10, 1803." stmly the cattle Plague for the Brie Woch goes to Rhodesia to (felt Chartered South Africa Com- pany, end receives tea compealettina 4250 (t• 'day and eXpetteeist