HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-15, Page 8Our
Coto. powders
Horses and Cattle.
They are made from a splen-
did formula and have a large
sale and we believe that they
are not surpassed by any
patented on the market.
Large Package, 25c.
Ensures fine, strong
cattle and keeps them
healthy. It is invalu-
able in the production
of Milk, Butter, Cheese,
Poultry and Eggs
Prices 25c. and 50c.
.a3011001991011124MOOP. .101011111106
Trans leave Bruesele Station, North
and South ae follows:
Mail 7:18 a.m 1 Mixed 10:00 a.m
Maxed......, 10.00 a.m I Mad 1:17 p.m
Express.... 8:25 p.m! Express 8:17 p.m
PTI geitrs rems,
A ohiel'a among ye takfr'-notes,
An' faith he'll prent i..
How are you off for wood ?
ANOTHER wedding its mooted,
BRaeeELn market takes no bunk seat.
How are your good resolutions panning
out ?
SEE intereeting loon( news on page 5
of this week's segue.
WHAT'S the matter with booming a
Cement Works in this locality ?
We are :n fall awing for the business of
the third year in the new century.
YOUR ohoioe of any of the selections of
maeio in 1 tee POST window for the small
sum of 10 acute,
Scant of our poultry fanciers may be
exhibitors At the Poultry Fair to be held
at Goderioh neat week.
A minister said be had a member who
was forever objecting to what others
proposed. %vho was "born in the objective
THE hies eines of not a few have been
proaounon upon the big and little gnaw
plows dratted into service daring the
snow bloosade. They certainly were
BRueeELe Pun Wonice.—Having put in
a maobine for grinding clippers I am pre-
pared to make old one'e ant like new.
Sawa gummed. Skates and scissors
sharpened. FRED. ADA818.
DON'T fail to hear Rev. T. Wileon'e
lecture next Monday evening in Melville
ohuroh on "Thirty Years with Soath Sea
Cannibals." The illustrations by lime
light views are well worth seeing.
BRUSSELS Oonooil for 1903 ie composed
of a hardware merchant, a lawyer,
blacksmith, grain buyer and an egg and
produce dealer. They are quite a likely
quintette but We will prove them by
their 1903 deeds.
Business has been badly interfered
with during the past week owing to the
somewhat violent snow storm. The
trains have been delayed and pablia
travel on the roads considerably ham
pared by the same Deese..
INSTALLATION of officers for 1903 will
take plane an Friday evening of this week
in the A. 0. U. W. Hell oommenoing at
at 7.30 o'clock. D. D. G. M. McKenzie,
of Laoknsw, is expected to be present
and install Mee000apgme of thereepeotive
chairs. What will follow afterward the
members will have to be there to share in
or be the loser by their abeenoe.
Tall Stitatory meeting of Brueeele
School Board will be held Wednesday
evening of next week at 8 o'olook. R.
Leatherda a will probably be elected
Chairman for 1903. Thefiretpart of this
gentlemau'e name was very oloeely as-
sociated with the papile of the good old
school days we sometimes hear about
and many a hand was held out to receive
it. He should make a good Chairman.
FARGIEns' Meditate meeting in Brussels
Town Hab on Wedneeday afternoon and
evening of next week. The program will
be as fallowe :—Afternoon, Ohairmau'e
addreee ; E. 0. Drury, Soil fertility and
how to maintain it ; T. H. Mason, The
hog as a money maker. Evening, E. 0.
Drury, Stall venue low farming ; T. H.
Mason, Rad clover, Ladies will be weir
oome at e thee session eepeoially at the
evening meeting.
BAND CONCERT.—On Friday evening
23rd int., a conaert will be given in the
Town Hail, Brussels, in behalf of the
Macaabee Band of thie plane. The pro-
gram will :oneist of vooal and inetramen.
tal and musical seleotioue, recitations,
readings, cialogue, &a., will be presented
by the beet local and outeide talent. Con -
net will begin at 8 o'clock. The admin.
Sion fee bee been pleated within reach of
everybody and there ehonld be a bumper
hone e0 ae t0 assure encouragement to
this muelaal organization and oleo give a
nioe tinan lel uplift to a very neoeesary
and moat important department of any
institution. Band ie doing well and
will no doubt be a credit 10 the town ae
well 08 the K. 0. T, M, Keep the Con•
oert date deter.
Elution Oen Boee,—The Huron Old
Boys had a meeting Friday night at the
Temple baildiog, Toronto, and decided to
hold an at home in the near future. The
Exeoutive Oommittee will decide the date.
These ofifoere were elected ;—Honorary
President*, Col, W. D. Otter, J. S. Wil.
fteon, Hugh l9laoMath, Edward Floody,
Janine Garrow, Justine Robertson and
Dr. Wm, Sloan 1 Preeident E. J. B. Dun.
can ; Vioe Poseident, G. A. Smith ; Seo.
Mary, 11 A. Walker; Treasurer, W. O,
MOTs er
u Dxtlo Gi
c Committee, g a v Co ml tee E.
g I W.
BruceS. T, Oburab, J. B. McKinnon, O.
S. Walden tld, G. R. Lyons, Geo. Deaoen,
K. MoLeo,., W. Prendergast, T. G. Boole,
R. W. Murray, H. Luoae, Thos. Soott, T.
W. Gibson, W. E, Groves and W, 0. Mia.
A Loan of young people went to Wros•
eter to a skating carnival on Tueeday
A raw Brueeelites attended the Sontob
eel:net in Wingham 0n Thareday even•
ing of last week.
SEvanAL townspeople have gone into
boehwhaoking this Winter and are
getting their supply of fuel ready fur
MONDAY morning the bonds of mated
mony were solemnized in the R. O.ohurh,
Brueeele, between Patrick Ryan and Mies
NETT Wednesday afternoon the annual
meeting of East Huron Agricultural
Society will be held in the Connoil obam•
ber, Brueeele.
L. G. REUSE hoe funneled the shelf
room in hie grocery and has the shop
fitted op very tastily. He has added oon
eiderably to the stook einoe hie purohaee
of the business.
F. SOEMLER, who ie an employee in the
Amect factory, bad the top of bie first
finger on his left hand taken off last
Friday by coming in 000taot with a saw
at which he was working.
LAST week A. McGuire, D. D. G. M. of
of this town, paid official visite to the
Odd Fellows' Lodges at Wroxeter, Tees
water and Wiusbam and installed the
oiiioere. Mr, MoGuire is an entbaeiaetio
and well posted member of the Order.
THE Annual meeting of Brueeele Driv
ing Park Association will be held at the
American Hotel oa Friday 30th inn., at
8 o'oloek, wbea the aunoal report will be
presented, Directors elected and other
bosiuese attended to. All interested are
asked to be pieeeot.
OUR annual Sale of Dry Goode, Mantles
end Overcoats in now on. 75o $100 and
31 25 Homeepuos and Beatings 50o. 50,
60 and 75 oent French flannels 35e. 13
all wool etylieh Raglan overcoats worth
310 00 for $5.50.
Geo. E. LNG, Wingham.
ILLUSTRATED Lecture next Monday
evening iu 1Yleivtlle church by Rev. Thos.
Wileon, of London. Hie subject ie a very
interesting one, viz : "30 Years with
South Sea Cannibals," dealing with the
wonderful story of Dr. Paton's work. 75
lime light views will be presented daring
the evening. Rev. Mr. Wileon is apleas-
ing speaker and hie former vieit to Brno.
eels is pleasantly remembered.
ODIT.—Last Friday Simon Howard
paeged away from the earthly tabernaole
at the advanced age of 90 years. He had
been in failing health for some time.
The funeral took plane from hie late
reeidenae, John street, Brueeele, on San.
day morning, at 8 o'olook, for Seaforth,
where interment was made at St. James'
cemetery. Mr. Howard was a devout
member of the R. 0. church. He had
never married hie sister keeping house
for him and another; brother who died a
year or so ago. The enbjeat of tbie
notice was a native of the Emerald Iele
and poeeeeeed many of the oharaoterietioe
of the proverbial Hibernian. Mr. How.
Ord came to Canada when a young mac
andsettled in the township of Grey.
For several years helived with Rev.
Father West, of Goderiob, and Rev.
Father Kennedy, of Seaforth. Deemed
was very moots' attaohed to St. Jamee'
church, Seaforth, and hie wish wee that
the funeral eervioe be held there. Mich•
ael and Denis Howard, brothers to the
subject of thie notice, were interred iu
the same cemetery. Simon Howard wae
an industrious and kindly diepoeitioned
mac and lived to a great age.
bere of the Baptiet Chnrah and ohoir,
Sobrieber, met at the borne of H. and
Mre. Jaoomb, on Deo. 29th, 1902, and
presented their organist, MieeEva Degge,
well known in Brueeele, with a hand•
same mesio roll, haviugmonogram, C.
Everette Warriner furniehed mandolin
mneio. After spending a pleaeaot even.
ing, Iamb was served, after whioh G. A.
Evans read the following address :—
Dear Hiss DeypS.—
At this festive season, your friende of
the Baptist Church at Sohrieber, take
thio opportunity to convey to you their
warmest thanks, and also to signify their
hearty appreoiatioe of the eervioea you
have rendered the Church ae organist.
By the warm interest you have ever
ehown in the musical part of oar eervioea
and by the active and intelligent efforts
yon have put forth to heighten their
interest, you endeared yourself to every
member and adherent of the Oharah,
'7700 have also by the Ohrietian courtesy
and kiodlineee, whioh have marked your
intercourse with friende in your daily
walk, merited the love of all who know
yon. Wiehing to express our thanks in
a more suitable way than in mere words,
we ask you to attempt tbie "Musts Roll'
not as a reoompenae for valuable serving
rendered, but ea a alight token of the love
and esteem in which you are held by
your friende. We trust you will value it,
sot for its intrinele worth, but tor the
deep feelings of thanks whioh have
prompted the giving. We all wish you
a bright, happy New Year. end when the
trials of life are o'er, we feel that the
knowledge of "Doty done" will be your
reward, "Which pperil e
tl payor and
fadeth not away." Signed in behalf of
the Baptiet Oharoh.
E R. Emote, Pastor,
Gee. A. Even, Clerk.
The fair reoipient made a enitable reply
in accepting the gift.
JAaxneIFS found. Ask at TER Pon,
0o. Outtem , will not 0005008 until the
27th t. this ear, the fourth a
7t Ina a The date le Statutory.
T. P. SMITH, the eye epeoiellet, will
pay his regular visit 80 Brueeele on Wed-
nesday, 28th inst., where he may be ova•
spited at J. Foxe Drug store,
AN Assembly, under the aaepioee of
Brueeetites, will be held in the Town
Hall next Tueeday evening. The Lou
don herpere are expeoted 10 supply the
Tuesday of this week B. Gerry, a reel.
dent for the past 45 yeare, oelebrated his
69th birthday and received the congratu-
lations of numerone friende, Mr. Gerry
le abent as active ae he was 25 years ago
and doee not believe in growing old.
Meenn Niar..—Hugh R. Elliott, of
Brussels South, and Mina Greemende,
of Zone, Oxford County, were united in
marriage at the latter's home on Wed-
nesday of thie week by Rev, Mr, Kennedy.
They will make their borne here, We
wish them mach joy.
THE voice oaltore and vocal class which
Mica Estelle Griffin, of Wingham, holds
weekly is Brueeele is growing both in
interest and numbers, a practical proof
of its favor. The teaoher is wall versed
in the art and le ambitious to reaoh the
top its her profeeeioo.
WILL Go TO BELoeave.—James B, Btret
ion, who recently vented the Queen's
Hotel here, has bought the bete! at
Belgrave from Mr, Bruce and will remove
to that village. The new proprietor and
Niro. Stratton should be able to cure for
the public in first olase etyle.
A MEETING of the Publio Library Board
was held in the Reding Room Monday
atternooa. G. F. Blair wee appointed.
8eoretary pro tem owing to the removal
of J. Irwin from town. Ways and means
of getting out of debt and awakening
greater interest in the fine Library were
Is• a Beow Bylaw were passed for
Braeeele oompelling everybody to keep
their sidewalks oleariit would tend to ea•y
locomotion and be fair to those who attend
to the work. A municipal snow plow is
worked to advantage in many plane and
at email cost to the ratepayers by letting
the job for the Beason.
Robert Habkirk, of Neepawa, Manitoba,
has been renewing old friendships in
Braeeele and Grey. It is 21 years einoe
he went Weed and if you'd see him you'd
think be bad grown up with the country.
Mr. Habkirk is a 00a8in to Robt. Hander.
eon, of town, and a brother to Wm.
Habkirk, the well known furniture dealer
of Teeewater, formerly of Brussels.
REV. MR. MAODORALD, lately the well
known Editor of The Weetmineter, has
been appointed managing Editor of the
Toronto Globe. Some people prediot
that be will have a job keepiog the
"wioked grits" square but whether he has
or has not be ie a brainy, level beaded
mac who has already won his spurs. It
was a clever stroke of the Globe to snare
G. T. R. SEIraIENTo.—In the peat week
the G. T R. has not been idle uotwith
standing the enow storm ae there was
ehipped from Brussels ;---6 oars of ealt 1
Alf. Backer, a oar of baled hay and 2 care
of oats ; D. Smith, oar of horeee to Man
itoba ; A. 0. Dames, 2 oars of hogs and 2
Dare of cattle ; Geo. Beet, 3 oars of Iaoge
and a oar of lambs ; R. Graham, oar of
barley and a oar of wheat, 20 oars in all.
HILL,—The filth gold medal elocution con.
test, nnder the aaepioea of London Coen.
oil, No. 397, of the Royal Tempters of
Temperance, wee held in the Somerset
Hall, Tuesday night. The oonteet
attraoted more than the usual amount of
interest among the Temptars, ae thoee
entitled to oompete had already won
eilver medals in a aeries of onntrsts held
daring the last few menthe. Mies Rhea
Blaehill, formerly of Brueeele, daughter
of Mre. Jerry Blaehill, was the wiener,
the judges awarding her the prize over
Mita Katie Cook, Miee Blanche Richman
and Miee Irene Stinson. Her subject
wae "Satan and the Grog Seller". Mies
Mabel Hodgins, who had also won a ail.
ver medal, did not oompete. The judges
were Miee Boon, Mr. leloOutaheon, of the
Collegiate Ioetitate etaff, and Ernie Den.
vie. On behalf of the Tempters Mr.
McOutoheon made a short address con.
grataiating the winner on her enooeee and
Mr. Dennis made the presentation.
DEATH of J. F. MaOeAE.—John Fergn.
eon McCrea, eldest eon of Rev. Dr. Ma
Orae and a former newspaper man of
London, died early Tueeday morning at
the family resideuoe, Wilton Grove, after
a long illneee. Mr. MoOrae, while in
London, won the eeteem of hosts of
friende who will hear with very deep
regret of his death. He was 23 years of
age and went to London about two years
ago to join the reportorial staff of the
News. He proved to be a olever writer
and was highly thought of by hie fellow.
workers all of whom sincerely .regretted
the illness whioh foroed him to leave
London about a year ago. He weal Weet
and was e, member of the staff of the
Calgary Athenian for come time. Con.
tinned ill•beaith compelled him to return
home and for the past few monthe he has
been steadily growing weaker. Mr, Me
Orae lived in OollingWood before moving
to Weetmineter. Three brothers George,
Gordon and James, and two 'deters, Dena
and Helen, besides hie parents survive.
The funeral was held on Thursday to
Pond Mille cemetery, The deceased,
young man was a grandson to Jno, Mo
Orae, of Brueeele. Hie death will be
heard of with much regret.
Tag Seueon Cuerane.—The visiting
Bootohmen are big, burly fellows, and the
oaptain, Rev. Dr, Kerr, refers to them as
hie "traveling troupe of Scottish cenrlers."
They are a representative lot, They have
one preacher, a dootor, a lawyer, eix
baeinees men, merobante and manufnob
arere, a building oontraotor, a nursery
man, an artist, three landed proprietors,
six farmers, and two men of leisure,
None of them are very young, and none
of them le in the yellow leaf by a long
way. The average age of the party Is
forty•three years, ae the etatietioian of
the party stated. The average height le
five feet ten and a half, and the average
weight is a hundred and eighty two
pounds, Only one of team has ever been
In Canada before.. He is Henry Prain.
Only two of them, Mr. Prain stud Mr.
Conine, have ever been on this side of
the Atlantis before. Not one of them
ever played in d overact rink before nom
lag to Canada. Not one of them ever
played Seven.
la ed after the sun went down. .
teen of Giem nevera ed froan thin
but a erampit, whim ch is a piece of oar.
negated iron, whish wag fattened to the
ice, and on which the curter stood when
delivering hit atone. It took the place of
the hash, or the hole in the toe which
)e geed in tylia oopntry. The players
!laid they had been a good deal bothered
by the lights end shadows of tlae indoor
rinks in Canada, They said that they
were beginning to get used to it, but at
Lint they were buthered more than a
PERSON A I. I'.uf 8415 9 PUN.
Robb. T Elliott, et Galt, ie horn for a
ebort visit.
Bart. Gerry, of I letowvl,'v'w in tnv•t
on 'rue day,
Mre, Jno. Ballantyne was visiting
Telativee at Ethel.
Barrister Blair was fn Goderiob laat
Saturday on bneineee.
Alias B. Farroty, of Shelburne, is visit-
ing with relatives in town.
Chas, and Mre. Jaokeon are visiting at
Walter Jaokeon'e in town.
B, and N. F. Gerry made a business
trip to Hamilton and Toronto Iasi week.
Miss Stoneman, of Mitchell, bee been
visiting Miee Laura Nichol, John street,
Mies Thurea Gerry will visit with rela.
tivee and friende at Seaforth and other
W. F. Stewart is not enjoying very
rugged health but we hope he will soon be
completely restored.
A. Conley was able to get down street
to his office on Wedueeday for the first
time einoe hie illness.
Mr. Holmes and daughter of Cypress
River, Man., are visiting relatives in
Brneeele and loonliiv.
Misefagg, Mre. Wm Randa and R. T.
Hingslou and family were regent visid
ore with Wingham friende.
Mre. J. E. Sperain, Thames al rat, ie
on ,be sick lief with eryeipelat in her
face but we hope else will soon be better.
W. F. Vann -one and Anent) Daimage,
both former Bruseelitee, were chosen ae
members of the town Commit of Wing.
ham for 1908
TRE POST Editor has been confined to
bis home for the past 5 or 6 days from
an attack of Inmbago and ie editing the
paper at long range.
We are pleased to notice that Dr. H.
S. Andemon, a former eohool teaoher in
this looality, was re-elected a trustee of
the Mitohell Publio school by aoolame•
tion, He ehonld fill the bill to a T.
D. M. Fergueon, of Stratford, headed
the poll in the Aldermanio contest in
that city last week. Hie numerous friends
here will be pleated to see that be ie as
popular ea ever and evidently working to
the top of the ladder.
Misses Maggie and Polly Sample are
here on a visit with relatives and old
friends from Manitoba. The Iadiee are
sisters to Mre. A. Conley and Miee
Teenie Sample, of Brueeele, and were
former residents of thin plane.,
W. J. and Mies Goodwin have left this
looality for the Winter, the cheese factory
having closed down in wbieh the former
was maker, ll•Iise Goodwin is is Palmer-
ston looality while W. J. le busy aiding
the acetylene light firm of Milverton.
Mre, A. M. Taylor, whose husband
passed away some years ago, has been
united in marriage, at Chicago, to a Mr.
Forrest, lately returned from the Klon-
dike. They have gone to England for a
trip and next Spring talk of journeying to
Bluth Afrioa. The lady referred to
baa quite a oirole of friende in Brussels
who will wish her a happy life.
Brussels Council.
Connoil met at 11 a. m. on Monday as
per Statute, in the Connoil ohamber.
Present Reeve Wilton and Councillors
Thomson, Plum, Backer and Blair. After
the oath of ofmoe had been taken by the
Council and Trustee Skene the minutes
of teat meting were read and oondrmrd
Fol owing mounts were presented,
read end on motion passed
P. Amens, lumber $ 4 80
Brueeele Herald, postage on taoree
bills and printing ballote 2 50
G. B. Scott, Returing Offioer 8 00
8 Deputies 12 00
2 pole 6 00
3 Constables 3 00
270 names on By-law list 1 62
Municipal World, biauke 8 41
Municipal World, enbeariptiou5 00
W. H. Kerr, printing Imitate 2 00
G. T. R. rent of weigh eoalee
ground 50
On motion of Messrs. Plum and Thom•
son, J. Y. S. Kirk and W. H. MoOraolten
were re•appointed auditors for 1908.
On motion of G. F. Blair and 8. T.
Plum Wm. Jewitt Wag appointed to the
Board of Health.
On motion W. H. Kerr was appointed
to Public Library Board for 3 years and
Rev. I. N1. Webb to fie out the term of G.
P. Blair, now on Connoil Board,
A grant of 35.00 wee made to the Sick
Ohildrene' Hospital on motion of G. F.
Blair and S. T. Plum-
The Colieotor was direoted to proceed
et 000e to enforce payment of all unpaid
The Clerk was directed to,aeoertaiu the
Goat of lighting Town Hull with electricity
and report ut February me, ting.
The following Ctmmitlees were
etrool+ ;—Street Committee., Reeve and
Seeker and Thomeoo. Finance &a,,
Reeve and Penni and Blair.
On mutton of Messrs, Blair and Plum
A MoLauohlin is to have included in his
duties the oare of the aoalee et Hall and
Station yard nutil next meeting when a
final arrangement will be made,
Jae. B. Stratton appeared before
Connell relative to a question of hie taxes.
The diffionity appeared to be a mieunder•
standing and was left open for further
The question of oertain arrears due the
Village for enalee and Town Hall rent was
left over to be adjusted at February
Connoil then adjourned.
HALL.—In Morrie, on Jan. 10th, to Mr.
and Mre. Howard Hall, a daughter.
BUnoase,—In Bruseele, on Jan. 9 h, to
Alr. and Mrs. Jac. Bargee°, a
1�11..M F I.atS1„
Bannaive—Game.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on the 71h inet,,
by Rev. T. We4'oy Ooeeue, of Brae.
Selo, Mr, Gaorga Barrows, of Me.
Killop, to Mies Sera A,, daughter of
Pita and Mrs. George Grigg, of
Roott--Ml0o0ELL.—At the reeidenae of
the brtde'e parents, on Jan, 8th, by
It v. D. B. McRaer of
Oran brook
Mr. John Rook Dakota, a f Da ata, to Mies
Mary, daughter of Mr. Wm, Mitohell,
. of McKillop.
Hoceenn,.. In Brussels on January 9th,
Simon Howard, aged 90 yearn,
The iStextriarcl, Bank of Canada
CAPITAL (authorised by Aot of Parham out) .. ,., $,000,000,00
CAPITAL (folly paid 0p) ... ... .,, ' 0,080,000.89
RESERVE POND ... ... ... ... ... ., 850000 W
TOTAL ASSETS .. ... ... ... ... ... 10,077,80400
650 1', 81E810, general Manager
B ittJTi`N1'i ills BRA NCR . Deposita reoeived, Loans made to respon-
slble partloe on favorable terms. Amite
and mope) orders issued, payable at any point, at lowest rates. Oolleotioue
promptly attended to, A General Banking Baeinees traueaoted, Every faolli1y
afforded Cuetomere living at a slit o:too.
Savings Bank Department Amounts el one dollar and upwards
reoevantuteroot at utgs
eurreutxate allowed from data uoaount is opened, anided addedd to Glia prinnipal liefinst
Mot and November 80th,
Farmers' Sale Notes O p8blea inn reeei5d for safe keeping and
Blank Note Forms Free on Application
Hoare 10 to 8, Saturdays 10 to 1. F. H. GRAY, 75511110.
Lmene:—In Goderioh, on Jan. 13th, Ira
Lewis, Crown Attorney, aged 82
yearn, 8 menthe and 8 days,
MaOnto. At the Manse, Wi!ton Grove,
Weetmineter, on Tueeday, Jan. 18,
1903, John Ferguson McCrae, eldest
tau of Rev. D. L. MoCrae.
Card of Thanks.
To the Ratepayers of Brueeele :
Permit me, even at this late hour, to
express my appreciation of the confidence
that you have repoeed in mein eeleottng
me as a member of the Village Connoil
for thie years I trust that at the end of
my present term you will be eatiefled
that I have done my duty.
Yours reepeotfally,
IHR'JB, alvi, 1:r AIS Ii 5'= LR,
Fall Wheat ' 65 66
Barley 40 40
Pena 57 60
One 28 29
Butter, tube and rolls ., 16 17
Eggs per dozen 17 18
Flour per owt. 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per bas.) 35 40
Apples (per bag) 40 50
Hay per tion ..,, 5 00 6 00
Sheep skins, each ...... 25 25
Lamb skins each 25 30
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hides brimmed 6 64
Hides rough 5 5
Hoge, Live 5 75 5 75
Wool 11 - 12
Woon potters wanted. Enquire at
BOARDERS wanted. Apply to MRS. T.
NICHOL8, Jobn street, Brueeele.
GENERAL store for Bale. FOC further
parttieulars apply to J. H. THOMSON, tBen-
JL property at Rthel known as the
Methodist Parsonage, Apply toJNO.
OOBER, Brueeele.
dW undersigned has any quantity of
hard and soft wood for Bale. Also a quan-
tity of good barn timber. For further par-
ticulars apply on the premiaoe, Lot 21, Oon,
18, Gray, or to JNO. MONARB,
27'd Oraibrook P. 0.
Rams ' 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram
Lambe. Pure bred Leiaeetera. Goodones
at low prioee. Also Short Horn Bulls, OoWe
and Heifers at very moderate prleea and
salty terms, D. MILNE & SON, Ethel.
0 Timber for sale, principally black ash,
Will be sold by the core or :en block. Por
pprice,terms and other partioulars, apply to
DUNOAN TAYLOR, Lob9, Con. 8, Grey, or
Jamestown P. 0, 04.81
Bulls for sale. One is 1 year aid and
the other two younger, Also several regist-
ered Cows and. Heifers, Apply to JAMES
arms, Lot B0, Oon, 0, Morris Twp., or Brus-
sels P. 0. 22.1E
Tenders for Wood.
Tenders w01 be reoeived by the unde reign -
ed, uutil Jan. 80,1908., for the delivery at the
school house, Oranbrook, of 80 cords of good
beech and maple, all body wood, Minolta
1003. For further particulars apply to or
write WM, CAMERON, Beo: Treas. Public
Sohaol Board, Oranbrook, 27.8
The Annual Meeting of the Fl meals Driv•
ing Paris Association for the election of
cure, the re0eivlug of the report of the Dir•
eotors for the pastyear and such other busi-
ness as may be lawfully brought before the
meeting, will be held at the American Aotel
Pro/sets, on Friday evening, January 008h,
7000, at 8 o'clock, P, 8. 800TP,
• Secretary.
� Wanted, suitable forramoh purposes,
Apply to ORO. BEST, Brunets.
dwelling thereou, North•weeb corner
William and Albert streets, Brussels.
49-tf 3. L05088E.
in the V1llatof Maasl, A dosirable
property, 1'or particulars as to prl00, forme,
&0., apply an the premieaa to MORRIS
FUGAL, or Ethel P. 0, 18.8m
Two young Short Born Butle from Imported
stook; also be,kohlre pigs 8 months old.
Will sell cheep considering quality. For
further partloulare apply to J08RPH ENG.
LER, Lot 29, Con, 0, Grey, or Heufryn P. 0.
land, eligibly located on Turnb orry
street, Brueeele, for eule. Will be sold en
Moe or house and lots separately, to suit
purchaser. Good dairy Mutinous in connec-
tion. Poeeeasion could be given any time.
For price, terms, ate., apply to NL3L Mc•
LAUGHLIN, Brussels.
The undersigned, who is well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
aid who has bad business with a large cir-
cle of farmers in and around Chia locality,
begs to. Inform the oommunity that he has
taken out au Auetioueer's Lieense for the
Oouuty of Baron and offers his eervioee to
all purposing to hold telae,
THOS. NEWSOME, Brueeele.
r undersigned offers for Bale his com-
fortable house and lot in Oranbrook. There
are f4 pares of laud, good orchard, 0n1a11
fruits, 40. There is also a small barn. Pos-
Sensinu esu be given au March let Per fur-
ther particulars as to pr100, terms, &oap-
ply to THOS. BROWN, Proprietor, Oran.
krook, 28.15
L.3 DALEo.—For Bale 2 young hallo 11
and 17 months old, The former to.k let
prizes at Brussels and Rolgruve Pall Pairs
and 2nd at Blyth, and the latter wee also a
Prize winner at Brussels. Also one yearling
heifer. All are aired by Roan Duke, 86.788,
which has token 1st prize for past three
years iu olasese of bottle bred and Imported
stook, The dams of these sauna animals
have repeatedly taken honors in the prize
ring, Will also sell two Clydesdale Blliee,
with 9 and 6 crosses of imported stook, roe-
peotively, aged 1 and 2 years. Easy terms
of payment, P. ROBERTSON,
Lot 8, 000. 9, Grey,
17.1E Bruseele P, O.
:YAH, 16 '
Coming I Coming I
T. P. Smith,
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Torouto Optioal Colleges, will be at
I"ez'e Drug Store
Wednesday, Jan, 28th
Call early and avail yourself of
his valuable eervioea,
TORE, &o.—Mr. F, S. Scott, Auctioneer, bus
received inetruotione from the uodoreigued
to sell by public neaten at Lot 9, Oen. 11,
Grey, on rMUB80A?, JAN. thud, at 12
o'clock. the following valuable property
1g gofleral pnrpo00 rne,ro, Fining 8 yearn ; 1
general purpose horse, Flay" 8 years • 1
driver, rieiug 6 years, bred by"Dexter kte-
VOnae"; 1 gaining rising 8 years, bred by
Afamark ' ; 1 gelding rung 2 years, broil by
"Biemark"; 8 Bowe suppneod In 0631, 1 lar'row vow ng, eereiva, e
beifer0 rieiugmilki2 70010
7et8 Sree*iuig valves,g0yesr4 wall
bred ewea, 26 with b bred White Rook 6800,
truth 1 wagon with box 1 top buggy, Leet of
bob -sleighs, 1 Deering binder, 0 16 •1 Dearing
mower, 5 ft ; 1 Noxou mower, with pea bar.
vaster ; 1 Noxou seed drill, 19 hoe ; 1 Mann
oultivator,1 horse rake, 1 steal land roller,
1 Obatham fanning inill with bagger, 1 Tor-
onto seed cleaner with Logger, 1 Fleury
plow, 1 Uookehutt 2-fur,ow gang plow, 1 sul-
ky plow, 110.horso power, 1 cutting hex, 1
set of steel spring -tooth harrows ; 1 disc
barrow ,.1 saunter, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 hay rack,
1 50 gal. older barrel, J sugar kettle,1 water
trougt,, 1 set of team harness, 1 set of plow
harness, 1 set of Bingle haa''nean, 2 goat mime,
1 string of bells, 1 eiokle grinder ; (the im-
plements are all in first cloth shape and
nearly new); Goderioh organ, 9 bedroom
suites, 2 extension tables, 2 sofas, 1 side-
board, 1 000ketove, 8 rocking chairs, com-
mon chairs, Daley churn, lawn. mower,- &e,
Sale unreserved as proprietor bus sold hie
farm. Terms—All same of $5 and under
cash, over that amount 11 menthe' credit
will be given 00 furnishing approved joint
notes; 4per oeut. off for oast, on credit
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
L/sroW EL
Ie. the plane to get value for your money.
Opens Jan. 5111, 1908. Two eoureee—Com-
meralal and Shorthand. Send for College
0. A. F LE MIN G,
O F --
Read m
Last week we fortunately picked up 12 sets of Travel-
lers' Samples exactly' at Half Price, and will commence
Saturday morning to clear the lot at quick sale prices.
They comprise exactly 28 Men's Overcoats, 68 Men's Suits
and 2 dozen Odd Vests. This lot we want to clear out in
10 Daysyou can secure some rare snaps duringthese
next 10 days.
Huron County Council.
The Connell of the Corporation of the
County of Heron will meet in the ennnoil
u 0
bot i 1110 Town of t011, on Ta00.
day, the 27th day of 111 present Month, -at
8 o'olook p, m,
W. LANE, Clerk,
Dated at Goderioh this 18111 day of January,
East Huron Agricultural
.LNNiUAL elate:TIN0
The Annual Meeting of the l:aet Huron
Agritultural Smithy will be held in the
Town Ball, Brueeele, on Wednesday Janu-
ary 2101,1008, at 1 o'oloalr p. m. Business of
the Meeting :—R000tvieg the Annual State.
went dad Auditors' Report, appointing 01a -
earn for the year of 1908, &o,
W. H. If 51100, JAB FEROU$0N,
Secretary. Phial tient.
PrOvine0 al Ontario, :.,, County of Huron,
I F B. Efut'aley, formerly a member of
the grin carrying on Ueuolo
y g Minna as Druggists
and Huron,udStationersthe
n1 the nreIe of
Co., hereby under fhe l,a to th P. B Horsley &
8111we,on ertify UM that the raid partnor-
na!nd. , on UM 8100 day of D000mbor, ilia•
Witness my band at Brussels the 81st clay
of Doeembor,1902,
Signed P. 11, miasma.
Witceoa—D, HALLMAY, 241
Commencing Saturday morning, Jan. 17.
To make it more interesting we will offer extra in-
ducements in Special Prices in
Came early to the Money -Saving Spot.
1i`.Butter and hug taken as Ca811.