HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-15, Page 5JAN, 15, 1.803
2',11. BPai 58.11,6 POST
pent. S. BUUT'
P, Brunetti.
y f' r Inaver of Marriage Lloonooe,Gf-
11oeat Grocery, '1 nrnUorry Street, lirneoele.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
ran come of the best and galeal Companies
Ill Canaan for Rim Aoaidont auel Plate
Glass, OfDee over 1. 0, Richard's store,
Brunie. 18.8m
rnaz ' 0rsax,s, 91V'T.
E Estelle O i•iiiin
1 I `R
Pupil of Miss Eva N, Reidy., of London.
Pupils prepared for Oouser-eatery exams
l�'v1111 visit 13rlrssels every Tuesday.
Lessees given at the boom of W. H. hoer,
John street.
MONEY TO LOAN AT ft, 4Q d; 6 Per Cent.
'Oiaon over Huroiov's Drug Store,
' ' Nov. 80, 1002, 30.801 Bruosole.
Wellington Mutual
File 10SItrnttee Co.,
xe2'AnLlerntn 1840
Insurance taken on the oath and premium
note system. at etyma rates. Bo fore inset,
lug elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
of tbo Company.
. nun, will sell for bettor prices, to
better men in lees time and Mee chargee
° than any other Auctloveer in 'Fant Boron or
he won't obargo anything, Dottie and orders
can always bo arranged at this office or by
personal application,
Trotter ale:li ce of the 00htrio Vet-
erinary 0011010, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals in a tamest -
out manner. Parti^.nlar attention paid to
Veterinary Delrtlstry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, 1 u-nberry et., Brunee's,
. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
Notary Public, /to. Office—S tewart's Bloch
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
‘..Ae X • Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand.
aid Book, Solicitor for Tillage of Brussels.
Money to Loan at, lowest rates.
08, IN U, IH.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College,Membor College of Pbysiolaue and
Someone Ont. -Licentiate of the Royal 0o1-
lege of Phyefclans and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. ta-XolepboueNo.14,
Reei'denoo—Mi 1 street, Brussels.
Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental
Bugeonsot Ontario and Firet•olaoe Honor
Graduate of Tnrouto University. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
.0^.;,•: IRll.ber on Pull or Part Time.
Aro you ratieOed. with your income 1 Is
your time fully monied ? 11 not, write 00.
We eau give you motile moot by the month
00 good terms or eon Tact to pay you well
for Buell business as you secure for us.at odd
timed. We employ both male and female
re8resentativee. . The next three months in
rho very beet time to sell our goods No de.
)posit ie required ; outfit lo absolutely free.
Wo have the largest nurseries in Canada—
over 800 nares. A largo range of valuable
l a 0,001( in 000110.
notespecialties, epelaud al our
teed ne repreeantod. If you want to repro.
Bent. the. largest, most popular and bast
known unreety, write no. 111 will be worth
your while.
"Canadal0-Greittest Nurseries,'
Toronto, ()oblate.
ivam u ,
BL itisll Columbia
End Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing bills
Atop Doors and Bath of all Pat
Lorna ou hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
350timates 3fnruiehed for all
kiude of Biild'inga. Workman.
ably and Material Guaranteed,
MoneMakin Education
y �'
Young Mott and ''omen what..
SIT You Worth ? That depando epee
what you aro worth to others. A bun•
Imes or shorthand eduenNo0 will al-
ways enable you to get a good Coelhon
but the eduootion must be strictly,
fir 81.0 lass. (live us an opportunity t,
tell you what we are doing for others.
Write bo.day for our oetalogue,
Students admitted at any time,
W, J. ELLIOTT, Prioolpal,
v=tle�.te-.-dS-�o�ss-•�,'°`""� T-�i-.:=r -mac -ate
grant litihs 1 teen ,
KINDLY WORDS—l,nolosed find $2; i
payment for Tum Poor, Don't fad` t
send it as we like to hear the old item
news, Yours truly, Robt. MoOutohoo
Alameda, N, W. T.
SAMPLES of Algoma growth of apple
were C
eaeived last week by B. Gerry,
Leahie and Tag Poet through the ma
from Wm. Harris, of Dty Mille, Algom
a former well known Brussellte. Throug
the reoent ohungos in postal rates 28a ha
to be nonbributed by each recipient at th
poetoffioe here before delivery wee mad
and this 01180 Mr, Heide had planed 17
on. each parcel. Verily Postmaster Gen
eral Mulook ehoold report progreee.
For 001,0dn8 -In renewing for To
Posy for 1908, John Cochili, eon of` Jame
Oathill, of Sraeoele, writes from 'Claimer
on Deo. 22 aa follows :-We are'havin
it rather colder than ..nal, but both rang
and beef cattle are doing well. Rarlobere
despite the wet seamen, have done wel
and the tide of immigration flows an
Calgary f1 growing fuel and long befor
the buildings are Metalled the tenants ar
occupying some of the rooms on cocoon
of hollee8 being so hard to got. Wishing
you a merry Xneas.and a prosperous New
Year, I remain, Yoare truly,
Jens Curmra
GRAM IN5rm0rf )0.='Tile Dominion
board of grain examiners for the Mani
tabu grain inspection division at Winnipe
81000tly held an examm0tio
of five oandidatee, who applied under th
provisions of the General Iuepoolion aot
for an examination as to their throne an
ability to pot ae deputy inspectors o
grain. The following oandidatee present
ed themselves for examination ; Jame
Gerohaw, W. J. Orawford,iyrank Oolline
George Gilmour, of Winnipeg, and James
O'Hagan. of Fort William. The four
Winnipeg oandidatee are members of the
-raft of the Winnipeg inepeotor David
Horn, and Mr. O'Hagan is in Inepeotor
Gibbs office at Fort William. All oandi•
dates passed a very oatiefantory examine.
cion, being well above the percentage
required to obtain a aertfiloate. Oue of
the testa applied to oandidatee, was the
pluming before them of 85 samples of grain
of whioh they were required to give a
gradewith retinue as to their grading,
when the samples were .other than a
010aigh1 grade. The examiners GeorgeV.
Hantiege,Robert Mur 0nd T. T. W.
Broady, were greatly satisfied with the
work of the candidates to whom °arta',
oaten have been heated qualifying them to
MI any vaoanoy of deputy inspector
where snoh may other." Mr. Crawford
referred to in the above is a eon of Sam
nen Orwford, of Brussels. We are
pleased to hear of his e000eee.
nual gathering given to the members of
Melville church Mission Band, known as
"The Little Stare," 8180 a very enjoyable
oneiodeed. In addition to an eutertain-
iug program there was a tasty loath,
Obrietmae Tree, dim. The deooratione
were pretty Rev. John Rose presided.
The total finances of the Band for the
year amounted to the re,peotable sum of
885.00. Following ie the interesting an-
nual report presented to the meeting :—
To night we are here to keep the anni-
vereary of our Band. Almost seven
years 0110 the "Little Stare" Minion
Band was formed, The Bret year showed
a membership of 100 and we are closing
hie year with 61 a demean but atilt the
year, without doubt, bae been a moat
euooeeefui one, the members all working
harmoniously together and one and all
being characterized by true faithfulness.
The oficere in. °hares during the year
were Pree,, Mies L. Roast Vice Pres.,
Mre. Kerr ; Treas., E. Pugh ; Sea , Kate
Smith. Twelve meetings were held. At
aoh meeting the Sabbath Sohool lesson
or the following Sabbath was read by a
member of the Band and golden texts ro-
omed. In thio way we have sought to
aster a love for God's Word and 10areee0
ur knowledge of it. Several of our meet.
age were spent in sewing and as a result
e Lave been able to send away a box
entailing' 7 quilts, valued at $10 00 ; 80
crap book.', at $1 60 ; 84 dolls at $8 00
ur friends who live too great a dietanoe
o attend the Baud very kindly remember
d ne by sending us three quilts. The
argent attendance during the year was.
8, June 7th ; the etnalleet 22, April 5th ;
nd the average attendance wag 82. In
one the Baud was favored bya visit
Mies Campbell, of Indore India,
rbm t7 p
1'he members were greatly interested by
er stories 01 Mission Work in that die
nut land. Mies Oampbell and the Band
eoame olo•e friends and promised to
roonioate with het. Our sixth ear
tom y
4 pest with all its an0000800 and failures,
let eta enter upon the oeventh year
determined as far as llee.in our power to
matte it a perfect year. Our Mieeion
Ban8 has done some good. And we feel
that we pan sag 8100Bre1y' that we want
to do more. We would ash all your prayers
tonight. Following was the program at
the meeting :—Pleaident's address, Mise
ltosa; thorns, "Oarol sweetly Carol",
ten 4131s; song, "Pinar, Patter", four
girls ; Secretary's report, Kate Smith ;
recitation aid song, "D611 Show", eight
girls ; thorns, "Patten) on. Earth", nine
boy e ; ohorue, "Hark' the Belle" four
girls ; Treasurer's report, Tildna Pugh ;
ng and recitation, "Xmas Stocking" ;
torus, "Silent night", eight girls ; song,
Tiptoe", nine girls ; address, Rev, air.
pee. Oolleot0d during the year 685 00,
ollowing are the Band office bearers for
e new year, whioh were elected of the
et regular meeting held on Jan, 8rd :—•
resident, Miss Lizzie Roes , Vioe.Pree,,
re, Jag. lrerr ; 8nd Vioo•Pree., Sate
mita ; Secretary, Bella Henderson ;
est, Seo,, Gertie Rom, ; Treas., Arlie
oMillan ; Organist, Ada Roes t Aeet,•
Organist, That 'Cameron. Oommitteee
PP. .411jj'1'.rl ejV"i'1`j`I WI I'oonsiot ofd—Program Oom„ Georgie
. J.%Jt .4fJ.A.� + ileac, least 3Yjoorce May Slone and Roger
]ea man' Viewer Gutd
Lou. Rose,
Wilton, iletrbete McKelvey,
Roes and Bertha Roes ; Arrangement
Com„ Harry Moore, 0110111a Leonie and
1 Moir Til000Ion.
3S101 SS 84 rift.
Did yntt notice that there wee an.
aeaienu,tscoured for 'reuoher Lrppard
The young gootlemen'e name is Leppard
and he will b mei with the former,
A WORKER. —etre, 3, Bolden, of the
Boundary, who le 00 years of age, o0m•
menoed a quilt on the let of last May
and completed it on. Nov. let, in whioh
there are 8,064 pleee0, In addition ehe
worked her garden during the Sumner
months, It will keep the young ladieo
ilnotling to compete with records of this
liOx a to r,
Jae Pickard oelebrated his 88rd birth•
day on New Year's Day.
Corporal Wrn. Beaver, No. 6 Co., 88rd
Rest., Exeter, bae gone to take a short
amuse of instruction at the London Mili-
tary School.
Thos. Oke, who has been confined to
his home from the effects of a sprained
a d sore foot, able t is ab o be out
around again by aid of a amok.
In looking over the names of successful
candidates far Aldermen in the different
oitiee, we read that of Theo. Sweet, a
former Exeter boy, bat now a well known
druggist of St. Catharines.
The reeveehip oante81 here between
two munniolpal war horses, W. G. Big.
set and T.'11. Carling, passed off with the
usual amount of excitement, the latter
coming out viotorioue by a majority of
thirty six.
VVIngle atm .
Mies E'hel Creighton; of Grand Valley,
was visiting the Misses Bali, of thio town.
Mre. J. Oonery ie recovering slowly,
from her repent illnea0,
The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario
Weer will be held in Wingham early in
Peter, eon of Postmaster Fisher, in able
to be out again atter recovery from a
dangerous Meese.
T. Hall, of the Advance, has beet
suffering for a few days with blood
poisoning in one of We feet.
W. H. Green is patting in a new 100.
horsepower Wheelook engine as addition
to bre motive power at the electric light
Mre. F. Hogg was presented pus even
ins rem ntly with a handsome work•bnx,
the gift of the young men of her Sabbath
eohool olase.
The Baptist Y. P. U. elected the fob
lowing otrroere :—Pres , Peter Maher jr ;
Vice.Pres., Miss Tenn Kelly ; Rea. Sea.,
EI. Hinsoliffe ; Cor..Sen., Mies Lizzie
ltobinaon ; Treae., Jno. $ally ; Organist,
Mre. Geo. Hanna.
The injuries sustained by Alex. Stewart,
of town, in the railway aooideut at Wan-
stead, were more serious than at first
reported. The young mea Bitting in the
same seat wa0 killed. Alex. will not be
able to leave the hospital for a week or
more yet.
-The ratepayers "eat on" the two By.
laws submitted on eleotion day. One was
for the purpose of extending the water.
worke and the other to pat in a trunk
sewer. Both should have oarried in the
interests of the town yet 140 votedagainst
the former and 182 against the latter.
Sunday 4th insr., wea the seventh anni.
vereary of Rev. Wm. Lowe's Reatorehip
of St, Paul's oharoh. That St. Paul's
has prospered ander hie pastoral pare is
Don't forget that we
keep a choice and well sel-
ected stock of Groceries in
eluding•; --
add on to the nicestC on-
fectionery to be found any-
OT tCln7i,
by the dish or quantity.
Your orders will receive prompt
attention for anything in
our line.
Try our Tea at 27c. per 1b,
Bartlifrs Old Stand,
evident from the feet t every dollar
Of Clubbing Bates, 1903.
ind1-4ted0804 has been paid off There ,
have been 102 onniilnled, 187 queueing, '
57 marriages and 94 belittle, . Tag Pel' tool Toronto Weoltly
Jae. Mol7elvio, late of the Star Rents.. lilobr (v '., premium platelet of
urarte, Wrogbam, bat now of London,
appears to be striking it rich in the
Western pity. He attended a mooed fit
the Opera Rouse the other evening et
whioh a number of prizes were given
away, The Outset hold by Mr, MoKelvie
called fore handsome set of Mabee valued
at 822 00, whioh were duly handed over
to him. Mr, MoKolvIe !e et present
travelling for the cigar firm of Burton &
Amiens AND Pltme0NTATI N. — Friday
evening Jan. 21d. there was a genuine
Surpriee party palled at the reeldcn0e of
Mr. Delius, who recently retired from the
position of Roadmieter on the London,
Huron tt Bruoeraiiway, after abouttorty•
flue years of faithful oervioe. The emotion
men from Wingham to Hyde Park reit
that they eoald not allow Mr. Dallas to
mover hie connection with them without
showing their esteem for him in some
tangible way. A large number of them
met at hie residence on Centre street on
Friday evening, unexpectedly to Mr.
Dallas and renda kindly
worded add ems
and presented two easy cairs to the host
and 11001008
Rev. Dr. Are Grant and Sona -
then Miller, wli. D
Bo have been on the eiok
lief are improving.
Barrister E. N. Lewis, eon of the Co.
Attorney, was aleoted Mayor of Goderiab
by a good majority.
The Eleoetrio railway promoters are
getting a hn=tie on by holding pubiro
meetings in Colborne township.
MoOley dG Warner have purchased
Stowe's bakery on Hamilton street and
will in future uonduot the business.
Thos. Burrows wag elected again ae a
delegate to attend the High Court meeting
0 0. F, to be held in Hamilton in June.
The union evaugelietio meetings held
in Goderioh by Rothe. Crossley and
Flouter have oloeed. They were very
The dates of the Poultry show are
Semlery 20, 21, 22, 28. There will be a
eahool children's day, at a low admission,
for Goderioh popilo,
Work on the organ factory has pro-
gressed estiefaotorily during the peat
week, oonaidenng the changeableness: and
severity of the weather.
On election day By-laws were defeated
granting exemption of taxes to Knitting
factory and the Harbor sawmill, the g
m„ Jority not being attained.
Alex. Straiton, etation agent, shows
Ina little improvement, and it is under.
stood he will proceed to Montreal in the
near future to undergo an operation that
will effect u tboron.h Dura.
Dan. Malver, a member of the firm of
Allan & Molver, left for Toronto to
assume the duties of hie appointment ae
traveller for Western Ontario for the
Plymouth Binder Twice Agency.
Robert W. Breckenridge, of New Haven,
Conn , is at the parental residence after
an absence of nearly thirteen years. He
will likely spend over a month reviaitiog
hie boyhood's scenes, and vieitiog hie
enmity old friends.
It is understood that negotiations have
almost been oompleled for pulling down
the store on the merrier of Woet street and
Square, vacated by Dunham, the druggist,
and erecting thereon a handsome modern
structure for the Bank of Montreal.
John S. Carrie, who hoe been spending
the Christmas who
at the family
reoidenoe, Cambria et., has returned to
Toronto to resume his studies at Wycliffe
Univeroity. He has reoently been ap.
pointed organist for the College Chapel.
%V roxester.
[Intended for last week.]
Wm. Sanderson vieitedin Kioosrdine
over New Year's day.
Alex. Campbell, of London, is renewing
aagoaintanoee in the village.
Mise Mary Miller has gone to Toronto
where she will spend a few weeks.
Joe. Hartley hue completed moving
into hie new reeideooe, Howiok street.
Mre. Scott, of Vancouver, is the guest
of her parents, Jno. and Mre. Robertson,
Henry Allan and wife, of Wingham,
were the guests of friends here for several
15 Anderson, of Toronto, was the guest
of hie sister, Mre. R. Mutat, on Satur.
John Brawn, of Toronto, was the guest
of hie parents, Dr. and Mre. Brawn, for
a week.
Rev. Dr. Tolling, of Toronto, °coapted
the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on
0. and Mre, Stewart, of Arthur, spent
New Year's day with the latter's brother,
D. D. Sanderson.
Thos. and Mre, Tipling, of Goderioh,
were guests of the latter's slater, Mre. T.
F. Miller, last week.
Mies Laurel MoLaoghlin has returned
to Brown City, Mich., having spent a
month here with relatives.
Albert Welch, a former hneinees man
of the village, but now of Toronto, called
on old friends here on Friday,
Mime Jennie and Meggie Miller, of
Toronto, spent a few holidays last week
at their home at Catmoem Farm.
Mr. end Mrs. Baxter, of Joliet Mich.
attended the funeral of the letter's father,
A. Willits, in Howiok on Satorday.
Norman Patterson and family and
Jacob Miller, of Clinton, are guests of the
formerscrania J. and Mrs. Patter
p , can,
The branch Bank of Hamilton opened
here onMonday, and will be open Mon•
day, Wednesday and Saturday of each
week to do boeineoe.
Amos, and Mre, Gotten have returned
from Dakota. We understand they were
not pleased with the country and will
take up farming again in (hie vicinity,
Rev. John Neale, of Weetminster
0huroh, Toronto, will -conduct the anni.
vereary Bawd's(' in connection with the
Preebyterian oharoh here next Sunday.
Lawrence Lovell, of Tnrnberry, has'
pnrohaeed the residence of the late Thos.
Gibson, "Maitland Tamura," We,,,,` ex.
peat. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell will goon be.
Dome citizens of the soilage.
MmiuneAL.—Ail meant our lliunioipai
affairs are in a rather mixed atate, At
the nomination for Reeve three names
were enbmitted bot neat day two with.
drawing left Jno. Bray by aoelamation,
For Councillors no leas than nine aspiring
oandidatee allowed themselves to be
nominated but next day eight of them
Withdrew, leaving the m0nieipal honore
entirely in the hande of that old veteran
oounoilmau, he. Pantie, For trustees
five names were presenters but two with-
drew leaving M. (30nder0 00, W. 8, Me.
l eroher end W. Rutherford (+tooted by
Ontario Governors from 1791 to
1902 61.60
Toe POST end Toronto Weekly Mail
till Jan. 1st, 1904, (with premium
picture).. $1.76
Tui3 Pose end Toronto Weekly Bun
(the farmer's paper) to Jan. 1,1904 $1.85
Tam Posr 10 Jae. let, 1904, and
Family Herald and Weekly Star
for on year, with premium pie
Ileo $1.80
Tae Pose and Weekly Advertieor,
London 61.55
with Daily Advertiser $2.56
TER POST and Farmers' Advooate—
New euboeribere $1.80
Old eubeoribere $1.90
Tins Poor and Weekly Witneee,,81 65
THE POST and Farming World..,81.80
Tum Poor and D,ily star, Toronto 82 25
THE Poe and Daily Neese' $2.25
THE POST and Dilly Globe $4.50
aa0'amation. We understand a h.w
nomination will be demanded on the 9th
inotant, when no doubt the remainder of
the Connell will be Mimeo without the
trouble of an election. Mr. Bray bae the
goalifivatione of a first.olase Reeve and
hue had several years experience ae
councillor. He is full of energy and push
and what he takes a hold of meet go
Go Oo0Nalreons,--For our representa-
tives to the Oontlty County it hes been a
lively time, It was felt for some time
that it was to be a .lose run and the
oandidatee did not epare themaeives in
their oanvaes. The result of the voting
brought a great many enrprises in the
gains and losses. The following were the
restate es obtainable the night of the
0(001300 :—Miller 824 ; Ferguson 820 ;
Doig 805. Ie Wroxeter Doig received
189 ; Ferguson 121 ; and Miller 69.
1151110 VOL 1e.
Wesley Doman ie attending eahool at
Mr. Clayton and Mies Ruby Duff have
returned to Listowel.
Roble Smillie, of Uxbridge, spent the
vacation at his home.
Mre. Morrow, of Wiogham,e,epent New
Year's day at R. N. Doll's.
MATRIMONIAL.—A quiet lent very pretty
wedding took place on New Year's day at
the residence of John Burgess when his
graadaughter, Mies Lilian May Oliver,
and eldest daughter of Thos. Oliver, of
Toronto, was joined in wedlock to W. J.
Gillespie, also of that city. The
ceremony was performed at eleven
o'clock, by Rev. Mr. Lowe, rector
of St. Paul's, Wingham, the bridal party
standing under an evergreen arch in the
ooruer of the par.or whioh was prettily
decorated with smilax and roeee, The
bride looked very sweet and graoefol in a
gown of white silk organdie and carried
a hotpot of white roma. She wea at-
tended by Mies Florenoe Ball, of Gode•
rich, who was gowned in pink muslin
with blank trimming. James Bergen at
tended the groom. The Wedding March
was acceptably played by Mies Mabel
Oliver, the bride's Meter. After the oere•
mony a dainty repast was partaken of
and the young maple lett on the three
train for Toronto, where they will make
their home. Their friends assembled at
the station and showered them with rice
and good wishes. The bride'' going
away gown was of navy blue cloth, trim
med with deep folds of cloth and pipings
of velvet, white Bilk blouse and large fawn
beaver hat. The wedding gifts were
ntmeroae and valuable and were given
with very beet wishes for the new year
and for lite. The out of town guests to
the wedding were :—Mre. Gillespie, of
Toronto I J. Bargees and children, of
Woodetook ; Mr. and Miss Little, of
Orono ; end Mies Boll, of Goderioh.
SI • t tt.
Editor Bradwin beaded the poll in the
school trustee eleotion here.
The first of the Blyth monthly faire
for this eeaeou was held on Tuesday.
Mrs. W. W. Sloan and Willie, of Tor-
onto, are visiting at the home of N. H.
and Mre. Young.
Alex. Taylor, eon of our respected
townsman, John' Taylor, wea re eleoted
reeve of Port Stanley.
About four o1olook on Tuesday after.
noon of Inst week the Weat end of the
woolen mill root wap discovered on fire.
The fire brigade was oalled out and ON
fire clinked before it' had done any great
The anniversary eervioee in 00000 tion
with the Blyth Presbyterian ohnroh will
be held on Sunday, January 18th, when
Rev. J. S. Hardie, ofListowel, will preach
both morning and evening. A musical
and literary entertainment will be given
on Monday evening, when addressee will
be delivered by Rev. J. B. Hardie, Rev.
John Holmee and Rev. J. Edmonde.
There will be special mania by the ohoir
of the Aural], assisted by Mise Grundy
eoloiet, of Ltlokoow.
WnnoINO Beano, ---A very pretty wed.
ding took plane in Toronto at six o'olook
on Wednesdayit t
evening Deo. 81s ,when
Mies Salto, daughter of James Stewart,
of Blyth, was united in marriage to
Charles Fraser, one of Blythe prosperous
young huskiest! men. The interesting
event tooklane at the be reeideaae of
George Stewart, oouein of the bride, in
the presence of 20 invited guests, Rev. S.
Carruthers performing the ceremony.
The bride looked charming in a
stylish snit of blue French broad
cloth, with blooae of white liberty Bilk
trimmed with a beautiful dollar of silk
applique, wearing orange blossom in
her hair and parrying a bognet of white
carnation,. and maideu'e hair ferns• The
bride received a .amber of handsome
and ueoful presents. Atter the ceremony
and oongratulatione they all prooeedod to
the dinIng.room, where a beautitui'end
ta0tfly decorated table was spread and an
excellent supper served, whioh was
followed by ma0i0 and eooial games, all
of whioh the gaeeta enjoyed. The newly
married couple visited with Toronto
Mende until Friday noon, when they left
amid showers of ries and good wishes, for
Harriston, where they visited with relit.
tivee of the bride until Monday forenoon,
arriving in B yth in the afternoon.
They were met at the train by a number
of near relalivee and driven to their
future home on BOnndaty street. Iu the
everting a enrpriee party, to thenumber
of 86, called on the happy couple and a1
tended hearty oongretulaeione aucl good
i 1
Gird+ ei
,�, :TolRa,
New Prints and Gingham=
it may be Tike renting the Beason to show Now Spring Prints and re
Oioghama at tide Beason of the year but oar pnet0m800 like 40 get ri
them early aod'bave them made up during the sleek Beason when there ct
ie little other work to do. We have been very careful la eeleeting our
Print., ea to quality of oloth and feet oolore. We have them in ail'.
ferent qualities, et 5o, So, 10e and 1210, including the oelebrated Craned
Prints, whioh are guaranteed fr1Bt actors.
Fur Coats and Caperines
We have done a large trade in Fore this Beason, We had to re. ,,
peat several'linee to keep our 'took oomplete. Our stook is in good
shape now, and as the season hi pretty well advanced we will make
big reductions in primal to clear, but the coldest weather is yet to Dome
and now ie the time to prepare for it.
Men's Fur Coate, in Siberian Dog, Cub Bear and Bulgarian Lomb,
from 815 to $25. Men's Far Oape, Coney and Nutria, from $2 to $4.
Meu'e Persian Lamb Cepa, fine earl from $S 50 to G. Ladles' Ruffs, in
Ohio sable, Mink, Black Oppoesam, Coney, Eta., in all the new shapes,
AU from
$1 to $10. Lodiea' Oaperinee, with short and long fronto, io different
combinations, trimmed with beads and tails and chain leeteningo, from
$2 50 to $15. Ladies' Astrachan Coats, aloe close our!, at $22 50 to $40. ooi
We n the highest rine for Y o Batter and Eggs, a will a ba tpe
p g W
per pound for Dried Apples. p ggpay
-011f1 TBANKS
We desire to extend our thanks for
the very liberal patronage extended to us
during the past year and desire to wish all
our patrons A Happy New 'Year.
Our stook of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Etc., Etc , is always large, well assorted
and of the best makes,
Particular attention given to Watch,
Clock and Jewelry repairs.
T. Fletcher, Jeweler
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
In Robes'
We carry in stock a first-class assortment of
Grey Goat, Saskatchewan, Black Galloway,
Grizzly Bear and Mountain Bear.
Rubber, Wool and Plush 'Rugs
Of excellent value.
All Kinds.
Big . Stook of Single Harness
from 87.50 up, also Team Harness and Collars
that cannot be beaten:
Fine range of Trunks, Valises, tic. Satisfaction guaranteed.
John Donaldson
None Nicer on the Market.
Hand Sleighs,
Rocking Horses,
Dolls' Carriages.