HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-15, Page 3..._.. ... _ . .111- .... .
' --fancy Townships creamery, 23C ;CREAT DURI3AR REVIEW. '
finee Crown-
dry.y, «7o NEWS ITEMS* MS*
.. _..
MEDICINE IN THP ^NVF_5, �� �� 1JUSS Q 4ilUljiiwi
r.'holorn. is ra;giTYg at MwAoattun,
1e: lot- cele
�i,e Cl' 21e: tLaJt' 17C fol' AalOutiand
y I J soca LO olnp]ny all c7'itr7-
Peeatlne }'<'ant.rffers of the tatR;'Ls t}Pe -
Weatern Ontario rolls, 18c. Mon of Iriany Tribes Pass Before
tha . oyal Party, -'-'
discoveries of gold.
tntllan Dostero 11443, 14ILLIONS OF DEAD SI�'S^L"I.°p
UNIT10n STA7'1 S MAILICETS. A Delhi, India, despatch says :-- Telegraphic BriefS FrOM All
k I'ices Cattle,
The Modus vivendi regarding the
Preach shorn at Newfoundland will
An interesting character, frequently CATTLE AXTl) klCPax9,,
mat with in the, Andes, Is the calla- ',
of Grain, etc
1710 Viceroy, Lord Curzon of Ked- a
A7']nnealjnl•Sa, .Jan, 18.--'1Vheat- aver the rll0l7v.
be renewed for one year.
I'reaiderit 1,OUMet, of fr'A17re, }tab
guayAa, or Xuclian.doetor. IIo Is every.
Tkie MOdt fA'nSitlUS Drought Agates,
Ill Trade CeiareS. May, 74}, to 74,c; on track, hard. dleston, and Lady Curzon, And the
2 Duke and Duchess of Connaught on ----
sent $'•1,000 for the relief of Roller-
where and is trader, tinker, peddler, 14a T3aa Iced. I xlreri-
fortune foliar; nonjurer and magician. t
74; c; No, 1 Northorn, 732c; No,
NaWitun, 72 a ll'v<lnesday rcvietted the retainers of Coal is $0 a ton in Ifumiltott, but
ors from the earthquake at. Anal)arf.
Itis Jcnorvledgo of botany Is an mys
rer saarcn,
4101A:Ilyr.CiTImlS, Alilwaukee, Jan. 18.-Wheat'-I'lrrn- the. ruling chiefs in the Durbar arena, Y
'the variety of Costume and para- Ovol 800 car loads of coal furs
A Japanese infantry officer has in-
vented An automatic pistol which
teri0ae as ibis eompt'ehenalvq and ti7o xn tbo 1�oN 5oublt 1VaJos Iarliq-
menf, ire Gormley,
Iris y, the leader of the
rr; No, 1 Northern, 76 to 761, ;
Toronto, Jan, 18,--The-'.T'he J „ phecnalia stt[orded ono of the Inua- reaching Toronto weekly.
No, 2 Northern, 741 to 7G,c., May, VSinnf < stands talitd in the
Prospectors front the Ashanti gold-
fields stats Llritt the dredging opera,
most astonisbing stories are told of
country party, declared What Waco
rnnrlcd, is firmer. No, 2 white and striking pictures of the Durbar fes P f, unto
7fi} to 75 c, Idye--Steady; Na, 1, ]est of imPArtant Centers Jit Canada,
tial tare quoted lit 671 to 68c low r' , tivftles, Contingents from all parts
tions in rivers have resulted in ]large
Australia was populated by liuroT
A .man In Linea was lying at the -sunk solit-
Iottusr, had been
51. c, Marley' -Firm; stanches, M Lord Dundonald su'
freights, No. 1 spring quoted at - of Createt, ludJn participated, most- proposes to in-
]:0 to GOfc. Corn^MAY,
finals sentenced to penal servitude fn
point of death with a disease which nus .dr•qugb'C a,R the Presr:rit. ApoTilt-
ought se
d8j0 on 1'lddland, No. 2 goose quote sample,
ly rotafaing the distinctive features crease the strength of Canada's do;
4310, fol,ce
the reclamation of the malaria-
battled physicians who brought Willa .
p its .ear, vein mo7q
ed ill (f:ie nil Midland. Manitoba Duluth, Jan, 1f3.-iViteat-Gush, of their custome, 1'he SlugA tend A•ilo C rand Trunk car works at
wheat ateady; No, 1 hard dull 87c other emblems o! the State u[
stricken regions of the counlry,
Ma or -Gen ral Baden-Powv11 denies
di astrous than
man from the medical schools of Paris disastrous tlittn a lose.
and Vienna, One evening two of the The o(YOct.a are worst in the, in
lit N0. 1 hard, 75;0; Na. 1 Northern, London will be set to work on an
grinding h1 transit, ,and No, 1 Cutch weirs carried on camels and
2 Northern, May,
that the South African Constabulary
physicians stood talking of the ease At I1.•ttld districts of Ne�v South 1Vnlom
g,i.L. No, 1 hard, 72Ic; No, 701c;
} rant.), accompanied try armed order for four bundrod not cats.
Northern at Site eta,} y
will be disbanded. The corps will be
the sick man's door, without notlufng and Queensland. 1t is e.`s't3matetl
75jc., Oats --Way, 84c. William Cook of Halifax will not
84c North Bay, all rue}, and No. 1 llulialo, Jan, 13. -Flour -Quiet, nn d stilts, white Arab irrebnllthe be executed on January 81 Jur the
maintained at its full strength ofbut
0,OOO men,
the whcat shortage In
a humble, bevefootea Indian who loan- Australia is 131000 U00 busilos of
Northern., 82Ae North Day, all rail. danced past the Viceroy Lo
steady, 1Yheut No#king steins. Corn(murder of bin vita,
nris o haw-
C)ata-Tho uuu'kot is dull, with music of their own instruments, The
2 ri3c; :ln. 2
In Francs thein am 1G,SJ0 women
ed against the wall. As they departs
the Indian entered the patio and asked Which New South W"''. lits foal; o
yellow, tag beer' cormuuted to 3nlprisonlaont
n•icod a TStoacly; No. to it
} easy. No. 2 white is quoted corn, file. Oats -Stronger: No. 2 fcttnous golclismd si]>�or gains tape,far life,
employed as gatekeepers at the rail-
p p
They gat very sinal]
sen the dish atoll. The re -only ora South Australia shortage. eta
only without 5eri
at SU to SUac low freights to Now State of Ba oda Attracted m k
white, 871c; No, 2 mixed, 36141c. lion. A. G. has placed an
I '1'hc
but the railroads a raen
pay, but
ag do or,
Peered ham to the attending doctor,
fe Evidence of distress fa Accumulating,
York. Barley --49 to G3c, Rya --No, 1 in t,rntlan. ancient MNtratt.a flags, nrdol, far $400,000 worth of cars
Mogul Emperors,
one with a hoes.: and a, slnaJl garden
Fame les
I who, AmaZCd at hila audacity, exclufm• T'am3'lies lir porta tet Rueonsla�d a
Xoua-7'he mtultet is quint, .with descended from the with Messrs. Rhodts, Currie .C. Co.,
` store, 57c,
No, 2 at 72 to 72, high were borne past an An elephant cat-
patch rent free.
ell: living on bran and treacle, bought .
quoted of Amherst, and the Ratlibun Coi, of
freights, _- rin.r,e. The martial Rajputs were �Deseronto,
At ktintorn, Col„ art Italian Shot
"What do you knew About a disease originally as A Makeshift food for
hurley -Tho market Is quiet, with fled in lilail armour, State bands, The city Dawson has closed a
and killed a 1Jemcr and Iiia grading
foreman, the the
that pu%ides the best physicians in sheep• No.co, surics are Inereasingl
fn the
No, 2 extra quoted at 45c middle Toronto, Jain. 18, - Under the,. In- entire) kettle -drums, richly capari- contract for lighting the streets of
freight No, 3 At 42c middle nuenee of light receipts a stronger soned elephants and horses, and agile
and citizens of
town, foticd in their efforts to lyncll
Iscarce butch, where meati an
L-,Iha !vogetable.'hava to be obtained 61•om
i have herbs that will core every- t
i ant}
tone pervaded at the Western cattle the town with 140 twenty-two can-
{ freight. swos,follo, many Shooting battle (Ile incandescent lamps a year for
are tbrtwter the
the ntto other
leave to other meml,ers 0f tl:o ILaI_
the coast.
Ayas, It is officially
thing," said the sed y Calculated that there
I Corn- bTac}:ot steady. No. 2 new Ittat'kot, export cattle gaining con- c, ins, followed one a,notltm in c nick
siderable strength. Mops advanced i $7,800,
Canadian, 46c bid west; No. 8 new R snceessfou. A royal elephant car- 'film-
inn gang of workmen, who havn ap-�
Cha doctor smiled Stt acorn and taro•
ed awn Y. The Indian opened his PAcic, not 20,000,000 shoe lett in
Wrn. Mackenzie announced at
American yellow nominal At Glc on 121c also. Veal calves of good ,•in t, Live storeys high, showed how
in brisk i S nipeg that the Canadian Northern
real(ul for protection to the Italian
Consul tit Denver.
took from a paper a single leaf and 1 South Wales, Compered with.
Awa years ago-
i li",,
stock coutinato scarce, and
track, Taranto, the palace ladies accompanied the would be extended from fort Arthur
demand. The much cow market was
The Mayor of the city of Leon,
I t4leA'r-
handed It to the physician, -0111 him Iters have dismissed the balk' of thsln
Ryer No. 2 }s nominal at 4i)c mid- princes of bygone days, The retinue
steady, and a few sales were trans- State Kashmir included a to Quebec, and the James lsny line
lvfextco, which has a popvlati0n at
to smell it. IIs did se and Instantly I employes, retaining only a for-
elle, and at 4,0,.,'(* , toast. of the of
uctrti therein, from Toronto was already under
I ' Buekwlteat--No. 2 is At GUc 'fide detachment of curassinrs and aI
8(7,000, has issued an order that ev-
his Uese b an to bleed and he ryas hands ne0csryuy to burn the ear
quoted way
Sheep and calves were stordv. The !
middle freight. huge 'dant, The great Silch wore I I, ary Lewis of Hamilton, was sent
arrivals R'CT'n 54 t'RI'a, CanFl Ri li>:, l,f i
Flour per cant, aro represented by large, NOldicrlike
aTy hearse in the cit must be ra
painted within a month.
Pathans toiled in
unable to alai) it. casssa of sheep And cattle where they
The llldJalr stood stolidly 6y for a have dropped dead in this Paddoetre,
patents down for 21 days for being drunk
dull $2.65 to $2.67 middle 667 cattle, 5i4 sheep, 1,460 hags,'hodics with maces, y g
A number of were
time, then handed hired leaf, many cases present a spur•
at of men Aimed on the 60th artnivnrsltry of h(iw wet}-
and 10 Calves.
an attempt to rob the jewel room
the br
eaytng, "Smell that and the bleeding tache of ash -heaps, the result of
freights, in buyers' sacks, tot, ex- j.)pears, match -locks and hand-gren- din She is 82 years old and has
of the 7)e Exhibition, tion, con-
will stop. n burgling the dowd animale.
port. Straight rollers of special I) n'
Export cattle ....., .,.$4.50 $5,44 sites, L;ach contingent was headed been convicted 1:2G times, ha'vi„ g
ta,in3n gems "steel at $1,2u'4,40O,
g m val
The result was -bat be promised, One man who ordinarily •Mast 25.E
brands, for domestic trade, quoted at h an elophant hearing a gorgeous
Po., tt ht ... ... ...... ... 4.25 4:.75 y g g g spout half her life ill jail,
i'llstlnghout Venezuela President
and file physician was Interested. lv 10(10 sheep presclved by artificial
$3.25 to $3.SG in obis. iifanit0b,�nutdicr�Cattle, chnice,. 8.'r5 4.:10 howdah, in one of which the sacred __„
Y flour steady. Hungarian pa6enis, book of the. Sikhs occupied the place
8.25 3.,50 P GRFAI BRITAIN.
C'astro's political opponents are be
to allot and g ed or thrown in-
finding saw tris majority die, and
the end the eal]ngunYassaw the elk 'lately, in consequence of the
I n Do., ordinary to :good..
fi+1,1.0 to $4. 0, dalivoretl on track, of honor. The book was guarded by
Stockers, par cwt .. ... 2.50 8.25
The Chief Since his king ]rdWaad
to jail, and t.ho Rotifers urn pain;
man. IIs srleeted herbs from his stock. I ,price
l of redder, He. out the throats of the
it to the patient he
Toronto, bags included, and Man]- the chief priest. venernble aCee-Sion
. � atvcl Lamps. has
allowed to vent their personal spito
, brewed a tea and gave survivors. Another claims that
toha strop balt(n•s', €8.80 to 88.90.) es,Sheep r conferred 8,0(}0 honors,
g 10xptrt awns; F� cwt.. 8.25 E.40 7vabbA, escorted by men rntunted on
Millfeed-Blau, $15 fu bulk here, I riehiy caparisoned horses, and ac, The London Daily lilail prophesies
against the citizens,
4nd the sick man recovered. -"13e spent d100,000 on fodder. Thirty_
the Andes and the -Ocean." thousand elreep have died within 15
Iambs, per cwt ,. .. 3,75 4.50 (that Canada is about to become a
'Marsden, New Soul1
and. Shorts at $17. At amtside Bucks, per cwt ., ... .. 2.50 2.75 ennipanfed by • hounds and hawks,
commercial nation.
mites radius of
1, , points bran is quoted at S1h,G0, (:iniad Sheep, each .. 2,00 8.00 teas a striking feature of the dis- great
A ]marvel of Sa}epee. Wales, since the recent 610017119.
anal shorts at $16.50. M'anitob'a bran which for wealth and coloring, Smith is naturally the dominating
Milkers and Caltrs. i g'
During a ,visit to the Beath W1111 An r'tated that one station in Lilo
in sacks, $17, and shorts at $10 8o r'O 50.00 diversity of components and number name in the new Condon directory.
Calve each
bore. of spectators may be considered to Thera are same 5,000 plain Smiths.
On lite i h Tariff vs. Low Tariff
eclipse expedition some Yeats ago an ; neighbnrhoad last( 13,000 tTiee}i
p` within a week; annthter sheared 0;
Calves. cnch 3,00 10.00
1 -- �- Hogs. have been the most brilliant of the 7`he Edinburgh l;eh0o1 Board has
eminent American professor wet an old ;200, but mustering them shortly at-'
whose duty It was toforwards 2,-
COUNTRY PRODUG'E. Choice, hags, per cwt... 5:871 fl. 12j Durbar display. declined to fire alarm drill as
a subject in the curriculum At the
Low tariff and high tariff letters
About equal proportions appear from
Ilegro Servant found there were only ,
loop after the chickens of the. establish- 000 left. Tbe,4e were tvrnetl adrift:
Deans Trarle is quirt at Unchanged Light ]los, per swot .,. G,75 G,871 _
Medium brings $1,65 to I hogs, per cwt.., 5.626 5.87-7 HORSE M AT B tr QUIE-T.
week to week in a Montreal paper.
}Hent where he was staying. The day on the road in thio ho of tJ)efr
i latest
prices. `Toney Sunderland's new workmen's dwell-
otos, per cwt ... 4,50 5 Ort I
In the last received two Northwest
p reaching gross, but the ac -
before the eclipse took place the Pro' r ,chin
$1.75 per bush, and. hand-picked ... ... -Y
t n �Stngs, per clot 2.00 2.50 r.,• lags see to be lighted with electricity
'to the
fanners express their opinions. £7ne
tensor in an idle moment called the old counts say that Hundreds are dyin>r,
.. ... ...
;1,00 $2. .,lx Sundrod Persons Enjoyed .supplied through peon fn-tbe-Slot
of them signing himself "Ilam" ad-
roue to him and said, "Sam, tf tomer- on the jotLrncy.
. Dried a., less Varket quiet, with Menu.
prices unchanged at,S41 er lb, And SAMPLES OF CIRAIN. meters.
A Berlin desictell slays: Sixty it is reported bhRt tele Prince of
"Dentes fret trach. XIe says :-
"�lglcther duties are high or levo,
raw morning at 11 o'clock you watch A SORRY REMNANT.
tvtll find they w.11 All
evaporated at 7 to 73c. -- Wales, with Lord Roberts and nth-
hoses, which had felt t
two vital points utast be considered
your chietceos you In 1901 the Cogna.mble district
o to roost." razed 1,257,182 shoe 8,244: cattle,
Prone Thn market is uitt, wltit Another Distribution *till Bewell-groomed
y- q eel lot. tocols on closer and oats, ers, will visit the United Stmtes
unchanges}. 8 to Made This Season.
as to who. pays them or who gets I
s Sam was Skeptical, of course, but And 1,871 horses. 1 the, cat -
prices ' I ,rovided the menu at a remarkable next spring,
RsG per Ib., sued cauM, 51.60 to it Two qualified chfrO odistA, who are
An Ottawa D in- b 600 oasts, q P
them. Here I pall to mind a remark
of the present I rcteni when tete'
when at the appointed time nest day Lie and Horses together number loss
51 -, 7 despatch says; oil
, haat net, riven
r sU'uclioA of the Iron. minister of that was given on Thursday night to be non-commissioned oAicere, are
Oc,.rr,ans were threatening to place'
the sun to the Mclrrens was darkened than one thousand, sold the sheep-
retired to roost the rill poor, emaciated animals - less
Ilay, h Brings niartcnt r lotsaAgriculture linotl,or cdistribuLlon'will by the Perlin Society for the I'rcvon form part of ever iniantty bat -
offerings limited. Car lots y
talfun the army.
ext:rsL duties on Canadialt stulY that
And the chickens
astonishment knew no hounds than halt a ntilli0n. The reduc-
be made this conson of samples of tion of Cruelty to Animals. The or
worth $9,50 to $10 on track, tile, must productive sorts 0z grain menu camp'r}se.,st hot se bean s+Dup, ( 'Lilo cast of the new Swansea clock,
latter No.
they would pay them themselves,I
skewing his opinion t0 be that the
Ile approached elle professor in awed Itoatts, howc^ctr, are duo partly to
removals to better country. Tile
":Massa," "bow lensSpecial
for 1. .to U;wadian farmers for the fmpro+o- }sickled hor.o ton os, fillet of mareI with a, lock capable of accommodat-
Straw is ' is
Government would siuipiy take thein
wonder. llcue dere commissioner of tale Sydney
-The market quiet, with �ntent of seed, 'the sleek for dlstri- In Madeira, sauee, and roast leg of 1 ink, the largest vessels afloat, es-
from its own people and the Carta-
ago did Sort know dat dem Chickens
Telegraph, touring in Western
car lots on truck quoted alt .,5.50 to tuttfnn is of the ver haft and has filly. i'bc *uesis etc double por- t.imated at nearly $10,000,000.
i y (� I
dean would not sell liiA goods far
would go to roost's" Naw South Wales, reports that iho
y6 �G n inn. .
Bron securer] by the Divvelor of Qe : tions with unmistakslble r0'ish. Mem-I A nugget of gold weighing 28 tris.,
less than Usual. This would certalu-
"(jh, a long time," Said the professor l losses of aleck is the of
Onions -'Phe market is steady at , , recently found in Dritish Columbia,
,lt:xprrinitmtal Fsrnrs tram the excel-Ibers 0f the il0inhstng, altcl^men, ar�d Y
40 to 45c per, bushel for Canadian. :}twit cro}.s recently had fn the Can -'representatives of art and liter•at •re Is bednlr exhibited by Messrs, Searle
ly be tltn case. The Internal wheat
raiser, say would raise his price and
t., and
nidi l'•annonbar are AO per cent., nrz'sl ho
ago, massa?" -
"Ilii district in
I'uult y --'the market for boxed 1 were among the com An Tho flea•-' fn Lombard street, London.
ltcinn Norlltvctst, The ttistributi. n � #, compAlly.
another section of ihto conmtuntty
on know a year states that the 3,328,e 0
y { ;
"Yn»" 1871 ptssrs.rcl 8,3'13,810 nc�tp, re
lots contiuucs (fillet. Chicketls, old, this sI)TJrl; triL consist of samples of: pow of Lilo banquet was by way Of The National ilio Brigades' Union,
45 to 55v And 60 I ' I 500 bre tides, will
Mould par it, the importer from
exclaimed I turning f bales of wool 1 the
"Then int beats de dl,
per pair, ,young, oats, s; min wheat, bait•lc lndinn convincin * tho divers of the palata- Comprising some..
to 75c•; lite, 40 to 500. Ducks, g Y, t i S g' ti
Icei'n ltttd Tie quaarLSi.ics l)lencss wholesomeness of horAr hold Its national shield cotnpetf.lons
other parts tvnukt take a title tire
We matte the
" ;E5 the
.the astonished old man. "Dem ehigk- �i�eep
potaWea. and
dressed, 70 to 85c, pot' pair. Ccese, of osis, wheat and ber'ey to be'llesb to induce lu,rtde owners to save acct Jul at Earl's Court.
vantage. may possibly
foreigner pay us a duty by putting
one weren't tratchedayearago numbered0490,OOOna11dp11902
only 300,000, returning 8,000 bales,
7 Lo Sc per tri; turkeys, li to 'L2yc sent th,iu year will be sufficient to tuck• plc} horses from ending their I Owing to the prevalence of scarlet
it on ate export, if he can get the
hardly covering the wet of kOeplug'
per 7U fol young. Sono one-tenth of an acre. The Saw- in ill-used drudgery, by footling fever at Greenock, the local authol`
articlo no cheaper anywhere else
]Pa Laundries In China,
, i110 atoGk alhtr. He 2erbOTt9 LL CDr•-
I'otatoc.•s---7 he niarlcet is stendy, plc n of Lklittn corn need Potaloos , thein under healthful conditic els un- itics recommend that children's
and he must have it. Then lie ova •
"It's the funniest thing to me,' said cattle.
respnntitnh decrof
wt It of1brings increasing. Cats sell will weigh 13 Ills. ns heretofore. Irv- LII ti,ev are fit for the table. Cue of parties should be avofdcd as much
bring his factory kern to got the
nn old sen captain who Cot• many years The Bishop of ftiverfua comparaa
• { • tit $1 per ling en track, attd amall' cry farnior may nplily, but only Dac the sPeakc s wild that 80,000 horaes as possible.
benefit and send The product across.
was in the China trade, "tont nine out the diocese to a great Sahara. The
Iola job at $1.25. sample can lie slant to each apple-1had been butchered and enten In Brovet Licut: Col. Gordon Garter,
Then our Government to save the
of ever ten Chinamen who come to country, says, is A few
cant, hence if an individual receives Berlin in 1902, and ho hoped that 1st Life Guards, who has the dis
situation must put an excise on it,
t a somehow
this country open Inundries and e.t},a; a sheep are existing somehow wherebut
TTIZ; X7AIItY ItIAI2I�TITS. n Aainplo of oats he cannot Also te- the mnnLer would aeon Lo ten times tinction of having rtsen-front the
If his own Government also exacts a
Mt a business v'Mielt does not exist in there aro paiclies of sT but
I";I Butter -•Hefei tis arc fair, anti tire ore cf wheat, barley or yota- Its nifty', , ranks, is note second in command of
f 3
duty it will make the product ex-
their native land, oven the sAlibusii is dying. The rfv-
• It,.. dvinand good fur choice grades. 117D toes, and applications for more than _. --0--- the regiment. r m
.�, tluoto :---Ginest 1 -lb rolls, 1.0 to 20c; 1(!ne snirlplo tar one hourGilold can TF1E 13EN DAVIS APPLE. Con. french, who is suffering from
trenlely dear. The manufacturer can-
not export unless Q1e can sell at a
"As erery one knows, the Chinese at ers axe dry, And the opal fields r of
halrrC tveaT daft Cotten attd wO01e11 gar- White Cliffs near the river pot o
selenirtt dairy, tubs, J.7 to YSc ; !Ilint l:c entertained. Phe: c sum;ties fever and Influenza, has postponed
his visit to Brighton, where the
jtvlll l'0 sunt fire of charge thz'ou:gh L.
price that will pay the duty and
meats, accordhng to the Wiletumia tire dependent nn water
from the Government ttwks
choice largo rolls, 18 to 10c; see- PSacla"inatin Says tile Quality
ontin.ry grades, rolls and tubs. Y5 to tire atoll. Applications should, 1 O Is Nat Lilted in England. freedom of the borough is to be eon-
leave kiln a Ialr living, Here he is
helped ant by the local dealer, who,
ier�ltninaall carted
thein is not n pound o s nine mites distant. 'Ilia Eislinp adds
clotbes are un-
-„ , 16c; bnkars, 1.3 lo 14c; creamery i nd•dre sc:l to the niv.-tor of b,xte,rt- ferred upon him.
3 to 24c; do., solids, ::0 to mental Farms, Ottalvn, and nTav be A despntcdl from Ottawa says: Mr. Lady Jane Lawson, wife of Sir
Ii4 I
duty to to fair repute adds the
duty to what he could easily Roll for
China. Stiffly starched that there are a d than less sheep
known, and the CMiuese men do net 'iii the neighborhood than at the ht -
,,,2r so L in n:uv time before the .1 -SIT, of W. A. Aiaottiinnon, chief of the Fruit Charles Lawson, of Evelyn Gardens,
Internally and then-wodlie s why ibe
do the washing as they do in this Conn• gioni of the year, owing to deaths
nt( S
Rlarclt, after which the fists .will be Division of the Dominion I!epart- Kensington, was fined at Dow street
' Eggs -T. rado quiet. Strictly new g
foreigner gets in and chins tit the
try, Neither is there any regular 1111111• Lie removals,
traveling stock
laid, 28 to 306 ler dozen; flesh, lS closed, so that all the eamplm ask- meut of Agriculture, writing last week for being drunk and dis-
a,� } to the
politician for more protection, the
dry to the Phlwery Iilugdom. There- The r+njority 0f the
.Ben orderly. to ' Oc seconds, 14 to 1Gc. y'
3 ed for may he sent. out in good time Fligiand with reference
I for sowin:. Parties writing should Davis apple, states that the onor- For defrauding the M-ersey Docks
rt^sult i, the same, only t.hr elle-
Pore it is more than passing strange routws ,.re closed in consequence of
Chinamen should all come to the absence of water. The ennui is
_ 4 Clicene-liarket continues Rein, with'mentiom iho sort of variety they mors surplus in iho western and r
demand. 1l'c gnoto :-10Jnost, suet Harbour Board of over $1.5,000'
chaser has more to pay Por
article; home or foreign."
America and engage in a trade 6o for- covered with a 11no powder a foot
S0 flambee L3 Lu 13,'c; Refunds 12 would prcier, and silimild the avail- Rauthwestern States is more than John Joseph Lynch was on Satur-
i + !able ntock of the ]find aalood for Me lilccly t0 had to the increased ex- day at Liverpool sentenced to seven
Another Northwest fnrmer writes
eign to their home Industries" deep in places, and for traveling
purposes camels have been utilized
j to 7,2;.c, oNhraisted, some other good' sort will port or the Ben Davis, especially in years' penal servitude'
fact that large
as follows :-"I came over tho bor-
del. a year ago with my brother, as
where possible, As the country be
terrific duct etarinA al'n
he sept In els phaco. view of T,ho a area of
3' lIOG 1'11ODUC 's, �^
—v`- nouly, pinnteti trees will soon' be UNITED S7'A'PES,
Avehad Menrd much of the cheap
Ditl;u}sect 11amla A7stnr+ Bull. COmes barer
frequent and ruoro severe, Cam -
Dressed hogs aro firmer, with cru- ' ccnt.riliutin to the tide, which, Aa
YEAR OF BRITAIN'S TRAbE i g Three men were killed tubi a dozen
:„;7,55. to Mr. Kcely, is already
farms not many miles front 1Vetaski-
will rind are well satisfied with thea
"Here is a truth," says a handwrit polling people to lie with their faces
Ing expert in the Philadelphia Record, to the here and there thin
loads quoted at $7,50 to IeaIol'n
Cored meats are firm, with demand Statistics Show Increase in Ex- backing up. "I sin no anemy of the .Injured by tin explosion in a Potts-
iBOn Pa.,
country, but wo,miss the manufae-
'"tbat is us widespread as the ether; A conditions al'b mitigated by artesian
fair.. 11(n c unto :-I3aeou, ion, clear, - I)LLvia," writes Mr. Mace{lnnnn, Ville, mine. -
7 S ports And Imports, It is believed that the cattle di s-
hiving towns we had -so near our
farms in Illinois, Tho gtres-
disguised hand always tries 10 be poor, bores.
1.01 to Ile, fru ton and ease. lots, I "'Haft this quality is begimLing to lie
r A Landon despatch sag ease in the State 0t &CassacMnsettstransporting
1 $21 to $21.50; do., says :Ai 1)M better, or 'worsq' known here in
tion line is the cost of
er LMttu the real Mand That axiom iS —Y
Icor tit-
ori(, mess,
short cut, $23.80 to $%'8, fiat report issueri to -day says i.h0 'k.ngland, fund our own growers must has passed the dangerous stage,
r I; By the will of his employer, who
our farm products on than railways
11 great bell) to as experts. (,IAVi 1`1IL •GAI,tT7 AWAY.
Stance, when a letter done fu a dis•
7Cn •]and for lila year lUOe.
Chunked hams 18 to 7.3• c rolls reports on the alet'1 anti stgl) plant]ng, nr
1. 1.2 •' 11.c• backs amounted to _288,1"r.30,080y The ex- begin to graft as soon its the situs- just died, henry Roseman,' ]tired
and on the ocean to mar-
kers, If utero were factories in Al-
h certain regiment in India wast
.gnis0t7 )):and is Drought to ns we at' About to be inspected by a certain
Ill to t, , man, inherits A fortune of 5125,000,
1:1 to 11 c; breakfast bacon, '14 tD ports i'or the previous year tvereltion demands it, If our uolgthbors
3 is at 7:Iartvtlle., iia,
Berta a large consuming population
fn this territor
Ways 1111OW that the writer of the let• genera} jlust out float England, tope
ter is Iii n higher station than the band that iho
Imports for 1,002 tt the south are trap ed that tile
14 .n, ' 2280,022,876. p
were J:528,860,284, its Compared Harte for us to shoat ahead with Interviewed by the Now York Lind
would sooli row a
g P Y
nil we tvnulcl not need to trouble
was very particular cap,
would lead us Co infer; hence to our Lain of each regiment sllottld know
Lard-IiSltrket quiet, with nJces un-
q •• rl with A+i21,900,10Ei 4or' lite larevious large consignments of high -Class up- erring post, Sir 4Vm. Van XTarne and
change(], 11a quote ;-1te fes, 110 t Mr. hays spoke hopefully of the fu-
attrselvrs ver much abDut; trans
Alberta has nu-
dctectire cork we are able to save the name of every mai in his com-
all he from.
tubs, 11•te; pails, 11uc; com Hund, yem', Tho'munthly Statement of the pies in sound conditiou,"
p tore of Canadian railways,
portation, every
(much time by eliminating pony, and also where cheat
8a to loc. Board of Trade show.) that clueing �'-� 17o7a, franc of sleep o, who went
I70centber imports $7,- OUR. DAIRY PRODUCTS.
lural Advantage fur becoming a
teat manufact tiring country. rte
g � g
persons socially below the appearauuO Now it happened that the Captainof
s social)
of the letter and concentrating oar at- this particular regitaunt had Just
•,,_-„ .Increased into a trances title sleep on September
I 004^.,500, an exports (Itereused n
28 as the result of a lovers' quarrel
is coal in Abundance, the swift little
tention on those only tvito are abor® returned from twelve mouths' leave,
BUSINESS AT MONTEEAL. $'171,G40, Valued at $45,000,000 for the And }las never since awakened, is
rivers coiningdown front the moun-
I „ and during his absence many changes
L:ontroal, ,Xan, 18. -thein --No, 1 ;Past sear, behoved to be dying,
]1Tanitoba hal•ct 70C; No. Y
tains furnish clt0ap water -power, We
know what protection has deano for
_--_ lead occurred, Uu tile, morning of
the insp0ctinn the captain. Addressed
wheat, Af)iltta•: Nevada I0. Stranlitul, eollarim• of
Northern, (ISO i; stoic, fort Wit- Tokind. Johnson lana no ,ability oP All Ottawn, dospatch says: At the '
convention of the Now York, believes there is a, re-
the• farmers of the United States In
Aataunalns hfatttorfatl.
33orace Vernet is the best example itis company as follows :-
thilty-el,ith Aliniutal
Ilan), December ;peas, 72; to 73c any kind. Dairymen's Astroclation, of h:ast.0rn gulnrly organized gang of t0baeco
Dairymen's *h freights;
ht No. :1 in
building up mauufacturtng felons
near them. lify father bought hie
"Now, men, file gencraLl is Par -
oP t'1st1n1 mentor;r-. Ifo coned pstlut a ticular that I Should luiow Ovety
_i oa,Ls sLorO.
6 e g s, Jackllou-Nonse11s0. Wby, he cant
hv)s,? JG to 85 c Soo high fref lots• Ontario, rt•osddestt DOrbyshiro, in his smugglers engaged in bringing the
5 gr ' ask you fora [anti In such n way that opening address, said that in 1.902 leaf into this country on the North
form in Illinois for five da13ArA an
PIn recently sold it for One
atrilting portrait at a man, life size art'
man's name, and also to what
or having once looked at lits modal, lie belongs, Now, thero are
rye, 40•j to 50c east; buckwheat., 50e •oft thank vnm lucky stars for the el)-
Y the C'attadtan dalryntoll had turned Atlantic,
hnadrod and fltteen dollars nn acre.
Mozart bad a great musical memory. many hole who a1n strangers to ate,
cast in store, I'lnn.r--11TunitcsbtL
patents, $d.20; strong bakers', $8,00, plortunity to flecamntodke 111111• out 2,500,000 'coxes of choesO, vnIU- A young man who gives ills name
621,000,000, and Ii18,846- aR William 11riLd„sell, of Boston,
1,110 increase 3n rice. was dun to
Having heard twice the "\Ilscrere" in
g eo whatever I 'say your names are,
Out[1110 Straight rollers 11,GU t (Al aL
:, ,r. g 4 Pleased At }t. paekagos of 'butter, worth $9,000,- sairashod the plate glass window of
tko growth of manufacturing' towns
in the States M'y father's farm was
the Sistine oliatpel, ke.wrote down ibe or where you belong to, Mind yotr ,
fall sabre of it, There Are Soloists whO don't contradict it,”
;18.65, nt $i.70 to $1..75, pat to said 000.: To this might Also be addled the R. Simpson Co., in Atw York on
cuts 5;3;^c0 to J:A0. 301164 ,,ts- Phe fools fire riot all dend yet, stt , night, and IuadD oft with
$ the, value of alta 110A. Monday g
not Ileal (nloUgl, to file tpty}t to
during twenty-foar hours can piny the The general at lelli;tht arrived, anti
$2 the angry hnshtm(l, $].S,OOD,000,
Jlilllers` jprices to jobbers, .,, in c s thD dor+taco had handled 'tU;f1U0 a*vxth of diamonds. Ito was
C S,
})o sold in town lots. Its increaser)
conlpoSitlna of oilier Masters without ha passed, down the lines lie
btc s, and 04,.7.5 per bbl. Veod "'I'm glad oi'lt, dace;" calmly.rept}ed: produ
captured after an exciting chase but
1 „ ilurdng the yoAv. cat t g
value tva9 entirely tion to (,he helP.m`
for fn)rn products. Ipotvevm
eversklpplugit mote. Slopped befot,e a rasa and said to
tit# captain :--
Manitoba b1'an, $17.50 to $18; tile. otha'r h;t1P or flan combination.
f -" only throo of the gams were recover-
sMnris, $2U, bags included;• nntat.3o np'vet'diel Iooli well la bMlcic,"-ChJeagd 1�� 7y f ttT ed, as ho had passed 'tile rest, to
a friend of ours had a faxiii quite
tOwtl. As
A D11fevenae. "This is tL sulart-3ooking soldier,g
bulk, 516.50 to $17,50, \(>wa --.,,_ coColli •ants•
ClaAO t0 a InYtflut'aCtltring
t)tn town, grow farm lands were re-
e „ What is pia II(t tett ?"
Ae'terI A1'e not mach lilts fillips, re ,,lirotcn, ah," replied L1io CnllLalira
shorts, in hulk, 5310; itea»s-•Koala- .�-0 �.---:.. CnnnnnnlcaLion by �virulosa 'Lela-
Xontl cal Manufaetttrera Endorse
tions a]•0 11ti1llYlal at f"?2 ill GATa, Dlt The Satlat0l'ial .CiCCtlal78 iii frailrD ac gval)hy between. tile Thilted StALos
quired for tworMuguron's houses attd
worked Hamlett Lugg thoughtfully. "Whose (loc$ he Colne from ?"
track, Provislnha-'Xleavy Canadian result.ml fit a riot gnin.. of 13 sents for the a and the, Old World has boon lead for
ho Ratti his faint to a real estate
syndicate lar five hundred dollars An
this obsenvationl" inquired „ ,•
Y 1irlLshlre, sk."
Brutus De Trick. Tile general 11"secl Du, and soca
abort' cut pone, $24 to $25; short glue Goveruutout, A A7•ontseal docipal.alr Says: i910 the BrsL tin10 by tirD nxrdtnug0 t f
acre, Thn syndisata divided it Into
"Well, answered Ogg, 'ships are stoppCd hi'fate Another man.
Cut )lacks 23,54 to '$24' light • .'of.or Pinkla a Nell -to-do ftu•nlet' t cl of til Cana.cdia.n messages b the .itiarcont s stern tae•
anufac Til n 1 i o mea age Y Y
a B 1 y, Manufacturers'
abort euL 28,50 to $24;
21 roan nmol of I?lautbnro' Centra, eonuuiltecl sue- 1 f 0 at, rs' Association 1L0 A twoon the WellnrOl; stollen anti
w p ilial o a t o ton
building tats and I have, heard that
sometimes shauded nit the reeks. lc "1\'lint's this zuan's Ramo '7"
r fined lard S . to • o' pur Cana:• el,!oi Oil;Saturda • b hap i.ng hin'SOR ting Thu1'sd ado ted a re; ldhu CDrnvvAll, iV011floet is atx
e 5, Od l e Y Y 1 1, mea 1 j on aY F ro
filo in ballet. the IwIdiug am further from roldim
they made quite a pilo oP Money out
Of it. If the Canadian Government
tars aro stranded becatlso of a lack'of ".lones, sir."
racks"• t "Where Anes rte coma from ?'1 'f. 1
diner lard, 11.0; flnost, :42 121c ; his solumotl ondorsdnig Of hundred miles
ilanua, t.3 to i4a;, bacon, 19: 'tq 15C ; At a tiin11C1' given by Mr. And Arrs, all -Canadian Exhibition tit Toronto lilail tilts Table lteaci stattot�, at
would -put up the tariff As Lligh as
.. _....... _. • ". "Devon, sit,.*'
+ dY'cAAn(i Raga, 57,54 La $7,50 L Pg•cal1 ,fnitit X'1lha,V, Ol' 111Ow JDCacyr a spt�- i rtA. yDt1,C'. , liT.r. Robert 1rremro was Capo Ilrotart, N`.F
• 4` d1All nCAA lit Dn tile. Ine11L1 aR , to hfontreal on 1�att1 I), iNalerhavy, a count or the
1.40 p
the U: iittd States tariff we would
Snell haver lent Df faa caries lel Al-
"Ah, I'lll a DC'l'011 aliir•e nlalf 711yh
i'a>•entni }il9etttflno. self, Vino Colin is Devon, is id
killed abattoir, $8.75 ,per lbs, Gi: fl aplromtod vepmsellb
ggs--Solectett 28c' Candied st(j k "game pie," Whon Mats was drought tiro tlelCration front. the Association. old }tin Ylolll of I:Iuttgas'tr, ttlld Orta of
berta., I was surprised to see Ill one
NOrPOlt9 itAPCnt-ten Wall 13Y1VCn't
p not, rrivato JtneA 21 .,aid file gone•
? >yA „ _ 7.1 �• Ili rind the cover removed two dozen will to Ottawa during tilO
0 to 20ic; TIarrLraat Lhnrd; 1 ,,c , i.baL go t; filo, regio , y take find to Ion fault of
live Buttered into the air. the Govern- failure the In
of the Canadian newspapers that.
far w
wilen the Ainet•3can niers now
I told you the last fifty tinges l lead to serol,
e you for that I wouldn't spotlit Private s looked tttartlod to'#.
correct y L X Icats. Jane e
straight recei tsi 18) to 10c' No, 2 calroxies Colnnlg r)SsIIOl to urge for rite, of revelation
1. ,g rr I I v .hrottrman 1 p It to rnalce a rant to the cxhl- .'1.84,3, is ill W3lkesbarre, Pa„ ill the
7.t3 c„ tt:tact 7Jest cl0rcr� in sec Condlrc,iar lY oxen as d MC1 t3
pouring into Alberta bet'ame Can-
� to you again afiloat It? --Loa Aagelda a mnnlc.rtt., rind than, In u, trr0ud
tions, 1.1. to 12c ter SeclJt9n' Ili 1.0- 7lenaul(1, clu})loynea of iho M:anl>real ,irdli'on. lnlotawL 0f the 'COnndian tlovgrn-
' n l • r1, ,•...----•�°•'••'- -- nleilt., with t�ho Vill of 11r1'illovin • n)1
`+ A
action Citizens they Will force thO
llonliblion (lovernnlent tat adopt free
Herald. IS'isir h,0n;ur, Icfclled :�•--
By a series of - "'lledud, till' their" ain't it toiHQti r
t t .: Jl C we art sted 011
Sb lens, 0., to 14t, m bulk, Sc.9cst.,O.L la n. ,
q� r 1 'J ir,oln rrtil3'tar scrvitlr. on im inirration at ITringnHoin }uiners
Y qull.ry- r.PllYkGyS, Yi1a per lb; dnclts, (,heir car ori ln,ttn`cltty on a, charge S, (r.0 pl nn V
trgdo, Why should we vote fill' fact
a Scientist tiaa conte to the c inclusion cniinthry, in thct wovId, ,ycr 'onrter,
t Collect itLT s enf, of a, stun of loons .is to Mr from iho coat reghaus est the 5ot'tlt-
1.tfi to 1.1c; yotut * chicltena, 1]. Lu (yt uanl} two boxes ac pay Y
• 6 • to eaiitelits of 0110. oloshl d it the Cow l�apaltlsh i1,n1- llutnt (if Istel puny, :Not thntost Ter- -
La]niny 1:1 ori o y
trade bl Cnntula tvhtn )1n.v0 barn
vyt,ing for high protection tilt our
�- +t-
that goes ale not so Intelligent ue hoist. r t lhtrmtca baf,Wern drafty, .
i htval is a 1
l e, ; fowls, 8)o pet 1b, .Cheesew-0tr anti ,
�',; . ,, tAvio, 1 .1c; 'J`olt'nshllts, I.w O, DuttCr bo:c, idtry, ••.. ` -to. Canadnr
Irons lit tI10 Tlnilyd Mates 7'.'•
t. Ing th(1 Iietiilu snit rearlllnl; thous ,