HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-15, Page 1Vol, 81 No. 27 New Advertisements, Looal—G. E. Ring, Coming —•T. P. Smith, County Connell—Wm. Lane. Annual 11). eting—F, S. Soon. Curd of Thenk,—G, 11'. Wood for Bale— John MeNabb, Efae no peer—London Free Prase. Tending for wood—Wm, Cameron, Obildren's oomfort—I. O. Rieharde. Condition Powder—.0'. S. Henley. Fortunate purohase--EL A, Matoliett. Mistritt teba$, le'eartiavvich. Two funerals in our village recently, on same day and about same hour. Dr. Spatla, of Luaknow, spent a few hours among hie old tomtit' last week. A. MoOnrdy is putting in a new furnace. By the way, coal be not yet reached our burg. The teachers began their work last week, with 45 pupils in the Priticipas room aud 52 in Junior department. Thos. Gibeon'e erne went off well. Be bag movea to the house at North of vil• lage vacated by 8, $trome. & MoRee, of Pdoleeworth, takes pomession of Mr. Gibson's place tine melt, We welcome the family to our midst. VP rerx ee fete . See Wroxeter nem on page 5. Albert Gallagher spent Friday in Hanover. J. Douglas reoeived a. carload of mat on Saturday, R. Marie paid flareielon liusinese call on Tbureday. R. Moffat, of Blyilt, called on many of hie old friende here last wet k. We are sorry to hear that John Deuglas 10 eeric.nely ill with puenmemie.. Harry Brawn Me gone to Buff do where he will apend IS weak web relatives. Jos. Heyworth Me returned from a few weeks' vieit with relatives in Toronto, A masquerade Carnival and skating races was held In the rink Tuesday night. Mre. L. Henry and daughter, Edith, of Winnipeg, are guests of Mre. Juo. Hann!. ton. A few from the village attended the Sootoh Concert held in Wingham Thure. day evening. Anson Chrysler, of Michigan, spent a few days with Mrs, 11. Allan and other relatives here. EL Thum, of Wallace, has parehmed tbe 50 aore farm of John Griffieh's, near the village, for the sum of 62900 Peter Smith left for Owen Sound on Saturday whom be will take a course in the Bueinees College of that place. Our citizens reoeived quite an alarm on Monday night about ten o'clock when the fire bell began to ring. Fortuoately the fire did not amount to muob the oarpets in R. Black's residence having taken fire trom a defeotive furnace pipe. Tbe flames were soon exiinguiebed, before they bed gained auy Wadway. Meetings of ---szalir Bast Huron Farmers' Institute For the discussion of Agricultural and Kindred eubjeate will be held an follows : —Wrontter Tuesday, jan, 20 —Bruseels ........ Wednesday, " 21 ---Harlook Thursday, 22 —Manley's School )friday ,, 23 —Murdie'e School.... Saturday, " 24 Meetings at 1,30 and 7.30 p, m, All are cordially invited to attend and take an intelligent part in the discussions on the various subjeote iutroduaed by the speakers. THOS. NIOMILLAN, Gm. Hoop, Preeident. Secretary, Three rinks of (Anima went to Harris. ton last Thursday and played a friendly game with three rinks of that piton. The visitors were defeated by 82 ehoea. On the 9th inst, the emend Nomina lion for Cuunoillote took plum and the following gentlemen wore elected by ao. olametion :—R, B. Harris, R. Aintoh and T. Filmore. A, meeting of the East Huron FURIOUS' Inetitute will be he d here on Tueeday, Jan, 20.h. In tbe afternoon the follow. iog alueuesious will take plum by E. C. Crewel Hill, "Raising °elves for Beef ' , by T. fl, Mason, Staffordville, "Oorn growing for Silage." In the even ing the name gentlemen will speak having far their subjoins, ',Farming as a pro. feesion," and "Butter -making," A mosioal and literary program is being prepared. astute re Co awn . Read Jameetown naive on page 4. SUNDAY SaHOOL RIWORT.—F0110Wing the auntie} report of the Jamestown Sob. bath School for the put year whioh is very areditable indeed :— Amount oolleoted doring year....$555 7 897 Suppliee for Sunday School 85 Balance $20 62 Sent to Mr, Howie, Jerusalem, for Alieeion work it 5 00 Balanoe on hand $15 62 Average attendenoe for year, 80 scholars. The staff of teaobere for this year toe :— Jatnee Strachan, Superintendent ; Mre. Jan Straohan, Mrs. A, Simpeon, Mre, Geo. Coombe'', Mies Taylor, Min letraoh• an, Jae. Ehraohan, Jun. teachers ; Him E Ide Strachan, See.-Treasuter. The School is in a healthy condition. Long life to our worthy euperintendent. UM Ito v sae. The Forreterehave taken in 80 new members einoe the Bret of Deoember and still they come. The Moon Friends are going to have ao Oyster Supper in the Foreeters' hall next Friday evening. Mrs. 0. Scott, of Vancouver, B. 0., and Mises Mary Robertsou, of Boiseevain, Mao., are vi icing in this neighborhood. The griet mill here ie doing a ruehing trade this Fall and Winter, and ae Mr, Warder has hie engiue and boiler nearly ready for aotioo he 8 prepared for either high, low or no water. The Presbyterian church was well fill. ed both morning and evening last Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Aull, of Palmeratoo, delighted the congregations at both ser. vices. Be will be weloomed baok at any future time. The Two meeting, which wae to have been held on Monday even ing, was postponed on amount of the roads being completely brooked with the severe storm. Some of our good people 'were heard to remark the snow and the rain fell alike on the just and the unjust, The tea meeting will be held on Wedges day evening, Jau, 21e1, when all arrang meets will be carried out as to Supper and program as was intended for lam Monday evening. C rata » roo lc. Thomas Cameron, -who has been sick, is improving nicely. James McNair has a good supply of wood on band. George eays it burns pretty good. Rev. 10. Swann, of Bluevale, will ao onpy the pulpit of the Methodiet Ohuroh next Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jno. linigbne condition shows on improvement we ale sorry to nate and little probability of any. Our Sohool Board is advertieing for green wood. They want 30.eorc8 ae will be observed by advt. in this issue. Ervin Hunter, who has been visiting at Stratford, iutende going 10 Montana. Tbe Parsonage will regret his abeeuoe. A sooial and entertainment, under the auepices of the Methodist Sunday &Moo!, will be held at the home of George Spar. ling, Friday evening, 23rd Mat. Next Sehbath the regular Communion eervioe will be bald in Rntot oburoh, Cranbrook, oondnoted by the pastor. Rev. R. MeLtod, of Ripley, will preach Children's Comfort. You can feel easy about the health of the youngster that wears a pair of our overstock- ings and rubbers. Protection from the winter winds and wet snows secured by a pair of our overstockings and rubbers. They are closely knit of the strongest pure wool yarn—the best rubber that can be had. They are rough weather insurance policies for the health of the children. They don't cost much, only: - 9 95 —All kinds of Comfortable Felt Ellmee —Mieeee' . „.. 1 15 for either Ladies or Gents at —Ladies' 1 26 toWest Prime. HARNESS —Fell Mock of Team and Single Efarnees, Robee, Blankete, Trunbe and' Satobels, We are offering, juet now, extra Low Prime to oaeh purchasers of Harnese. --Retrain in Slime, Rnbbora oe ELieneee promptly done, I 0„ R 11 ARDS. BRUSSELS, ONTA.RIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1908 -• • • Friday evening et 7110 el.:tit:Kik and on Saturday morning at 10 SO. Servioe morning and evening on Sabbath. The Emotion gale of farm Mock of Ben, Dark, lith oon., will take place on Thum day of next, week. F. 8. Boott will be auctioneer. There will no doobt be a large attendance. -,••••••• Belerravere. oyeter 'tapper wae elven at the home of Geo, and Mre. Prootor, 5th lino, Morrie, New Yon° Mein, Walter Allison and bride are now, oom. fortably settled in their mew borne having eeoured Aim. Tuft's home. Mr. Brum ban gold his betel property to James Stratton, Jr. of Brussels lidr. Stratton takes poesession the lint of April. Invitation', are out annoanoing the marriage of Miss Clara °ones, of Whig ham, to Mertin Waw, in prosperous bun'. netts man of that playe. Mre. Robert Sterling has returned from Manitoba to spend the Winter with ber parents, Win, and Mre. Geddes, 3rd line, Morrie. Owing to the inolemenay of the weather on Thursday last the attendance at the Woman's Missionary meeting of the Methodist church was not ae large ae usual. A new member ban been added to the Presbyterian 'Moir in tbe person of Ed. Wigbtman (0 1111 the venom' left by Mr. Paean -lore taking hie departure from the village. EUMENNAL.—A very pretty wedding was Bolen:mud at the commodious resideuoe of Reeve McCallum, Weet of the village, Deo. Het, when hie second daughter, Mies Susie, wee united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Ed. Vincent, formerly of thio village Rev. J. J. Butte, of Beigrave tied tbe knot. After the usual oongratMations were over all repaired to the dining room where a very dainty wed- ding dinner was served. After all were served to the good things of life Ole tables were 'geared away and all joined in trip. ping the light fantastic till morning. Ole bride and groom left for their new home in Brinell Id, Dorchester Tp., Elgin, Go., where Air. Vincent is engaged io busiMee, fitar.li et 1. The new Commit met on Monday and pushed through vita a lot of businese. Communion service will be held in the Presbyterian ohurah here a week from next Sabbath. Oolporteor Peters addressed the Menlo - diet Sabbath school laet Sunday afternoon. Eie is an earnest worker, On Sunday, Jan, 11th, a fine robin was eeeu iu an apple tree by Jonathan Wright. It did not appear to be any the woree from the big snow etorm. Mre. Richard Olarke, 8th ann.. of Elma, who has been spending the peat week with her daughter, Mee. Jonathan Wright, has returned to ber bonae. Jno., eon of Andrew Sharpe, ie here on a vii( from Manitoba, Ete will return la the worse o/ a month or two ae he le greatly taken up wit II the Prairie Province), R. W. Breckenridge, of New Haven, Conoeotiout, bee been visiting at 10 brother•in-law's, Cuthbert Hotehiuson's. He hes been a resident of the Elea for the past 18 yearn and thinks it is Ole spot to live in. Owing to the small attendame the Aetna' Meeting of the El bet Public Library diti not take plaoe on Monday but will be held on Smturday at 8 p. rn. The continuance of the Library will probably depend upon the attendanoe and support of this meeting. All member', are therefore urgently requested to be present. SONS OF TEMPENANOS.—Following are the teams of the Sone of Temperance Division at Ethel :—W. P., 3.0. Lamont; W. A., 1111-e R. Spence; F. 8, W. illo4On; Treas., S. Chanabere R. 8., Miss Mary A. 8,emmon ; A. R. 8., Miss Ida Come; Oen., Alex, Lamont ; Aeet.-Oon., Miee E. Imlay ; Chap., R. McKay ; I. 13'Miee Laura Spence; 0, S„ IL Lamont; P. W. P., Geo, Dobson ; organist, Miee L. Spence. An intereeting program is pre. stinted at each meeting. The Division meets every Friday evening in MoAllis. ter'e Hall and has been in operatiou for about 20 yt are. at I re> ie. The matrimonial fever appettre to have quite a 0111013 011 this community and the probabithies are it has not ran 18 course yet. Loaie McDonald, familiarly known me "Bunny" Me gone baok to the School of Pracitietal Saimaa, Toronto. He appeare to be et.joying bin work. Rev, and Itire7Jerrow have retnoved to their home in the Eastern States, the reverend gentleman having resigned hie charge here, It is said by tome that the thumb may not be reopened. 'L'he Methodist (thumb folk are having a sort of 'bit and mite etyle of supply in their pulpit Moat Rev. Mr. Careaallen wag taken to the Weet but we hope a better and more permanent arrangement will soon be arrived at. During the abet:woe of Dr, Irving at New Year's time hie ramie° was aore- fully guarded by Frank Neal. The latter returned to College at Toronto last week Red will oomplete hie mune next Spring. We whit him the summits he dmires, Witontea Elimus —A very interesting, event took pima at the reeidente of Geo. Grigg, on Wednesday, Jan, 7th, at 4 80 p, m., when Miss Sara A. Grigg wag united in the holy boucle of matrimony to George 0. Barrows, in the preemies of about 70 emote, Mine Mabel Barrow's played the Wedding March. The bride Wax given away by her father. The groom was mended by Emmet Constable, while Mien Gertrude Grigg acted ae bridesmaid. The bride wae alarmingly gowned in white organdie trimmed with lam and ineettion and Was &dotted with white oarnatione, The bridesmaid wee also dressed in white organdie and wore pink oarnatiene. Rev. T. Wesley Comm, of STUBS018, a former pastor, was the offiolatiog olergymaii. Alto e the aere. many the aconpany eat down to a temp. Moue Wedding dinnete The numerous --------- and amity promote showed the high enteem in whioh the bride le held. Mr. Barrows ie a promieiog young matt and ban (Mogen for hie life.partner an eon. ;liable young WOIntln, who will be a real help mate to bim, The many Mende of the young couple wieh them O. plemant journey ae they travel together %Meg life'e pathway. Time following, taken from the Obrie. non Guardian, trot week, will be inter. eating news to the people of this locality referring as 8 does to ti former resident of Welton :—Boy. A. 0, Tiffin was sur. prima by the people of the Victoria March, Romney Oi.ouit, and presented with a beautiful ruldress, a000ropanied by an excellent mor0000.leather puree, well filled soinlm moey. A Bonen of very sumesefol revival meetings bad been moonily brought to a alma, and many had been added to the oburoh. This is me of the waye the good people have of manifeatine their gratitude to their pastor. he 0 r Roade are badly drifted efuoe hot etorm. Miss Lily Sharp was visiting relative° in Gerrie. Some of oar tartnere will build new homer, next nation and are hauling material this Winter. W. Michie Me rented the 100 aore farm on the 0413 line belonging to Juo. Mille, near Auburn for a term of five years. Next Sabbath Rev, Mr. Comm, of Brus• eels, will preacth at Johnston's and Browntown oburahes. Rev. Mr. Swann will be at Bruseels. The Farmers' Inetitute meeting at Brussels next Wednesday will attract a good number from Morris townehip if weather ie favorable. Bllle are out annotmoing the meeting of East Huron Partnere' Institute. We hope to k80 a large turn out at Brusseie on Wednesday of next week. The storm of the pael few days has made a complete job in filling op our oormtry roads ee usual. It is believed by some to be the tail end of the bye elm. none of a few days ago. Somebody has to be enowed under. We can epare some looalities a few Mabee if they want enow. r . Mies E. hdaQuarrio, 4t/e eon., who tae been visiting wrath her parents, returned to Detroit on Wrdneeday. "Coming events clam their shadzwe before" we node* a yonng man from the West occasionally on the 3rd. Arob. IlleDonald, and oon., wae visiting with oity friende on the 4th, over Sunday bat did not errive bunk till Tuesday. Mre. Angus Lamont left Thnreday morning to attend the funeral of her nephew, J. Ferguson McCrea, eldeet eon of Rev. Dr. MoOme, of London. The Reeve of McKillop mimed the usual notion on Reeve Turnbull, of Grey, last week, relative to Drain No. 3, known an the Bolton Drain whioh rune to the Beatiohamp Creek. D. L. Straohan returned to Hamilton this week where be is attending Normal College. We expect D. L. will have hie moat brilliant success as a student after which he will be 'panned to teach in the Ontario High ecboole. A Brooe Co. correspondent says of a former resident of Grey 1—"Mies Peer! Jaokson is 130E08 from Goderioh where she lam been taking Ole Model Couree. Mies Jackson has Named a echoed at Holleo, Wellington County. We wish her every summer, in her work." Mies Jaokson s old friende here will be delight. ed to hear of ber doing A 1 ae we believe elle will. She took honors at the Model. Tbe 100 aore farm ot Riebard Roe, 3rd eon., has been purohaeed by a Mr. Ten- nant, of Elam'who will get possession next Spriue. The prim paid is said to be 93,300. Mr. Roe will bold an %donee Bale un 3m, 20th, and will probably re move to Sault Ste. Marie. They lave been old and moat worthy reeidente of Grey and not a few regrets will be felt over their removal from the locality in whioh they have lived ee long. llitenimonieL.—Cupid completed anoth• er engagement on Wednesday afteanoon of lastweek, when Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, tied the hymeneal bow knot between Juo. Rook, of Dakota, formerly of Logan township, and Miss Mary, eldest daughter of Wm. Mitchell, of Brodhageu, MoRillop. Tbe happy ample will make their home in Dakota where Mr. Book ie interested in laud and also rano a thresb• ing outfit. Their nomerono friends wish them a happy and proeperoue trip over Life's 0009.0. DEA= Or Alas. MICHAEL ZINIMER.—The following refers to the deeettee of the wife of Michael Zimmer'formerly of Grey townebip, which took place at Oottunwood, California, on Deo. let. In the early home of Sunday morniug death came to Mrs.•Pauline Zimmer, wife of Michael Zimmer, and relieved the in - tame suffering of that good Woman, ing motherless her four abildren bender, a heartbroken husband to mourn her A week before the lady lad taken to her bed with what was then pronounced mute etomeoh trouble, Dr. Gillilans, attended during moat of her inmate Dr. Fife, of Red Bluff was °ailed in oonsultatiou ae the patient grew worse. Saturday grave fears were entertained for her recovery and at I o'olook Sunday morning the end dame, u end blow to a noble family, an end that spread sorrow throngliont the community, Mrs. Pauline Potter Zia]. mer was a melee of London, England, and wae 47 years, 6 Mouths, and 11 dealt old, In February of thie year she affi Hated, along with het hueband and daughter, with Olive Brant% Lodge No. 201 of the Fraternal Brotherhood, at this mace, The burial Was under the auspices of that fraternal body. Tbe rooming were natured in the Cottonwood nerneteey Tueeday, The proeession termed at the emidenoe at 1 o'clock and followed the remaine to the Congregational ohm.* where appropriate word a were spoken by .Rev, Hargraves, of Anderson. At the grave the ceremonies were im preeeive, and the floral pieme many and beantifnl. The tutu beaten were J. S. Moore, Jerry Dooley, A, AsteNanears, ileac') Honecker, James Cunningham and W. a. Lintz. The eldeet two of the bereaved Whiten o III0100.10.0M10*. • W. H.K.ERR, Prop. are Ildith May, aged 17, end Nettle Irene, used 18. The eon'a name 8 Wil- liam Albert, and Ile nee is 18, Aline Beetrioe, a daughter of 10 years, in the fourth and youngest child. 111169.01 Zimmer and wife mate to California from Outs,r1o, Canada, and alter residing for a time in San Pronoieco, moved to Cotton. wood Diemen yearn ago. The grief ',Woken family have the heartfelt sym- pathy of the entire community in this their time of bereavement. Reeolations. Adopted by Olive ldranala Lodge No. 201 of the Fraterual Brotherhood on Deoem ber 6, 1902 :—We, your committee ep pointed to draft emulations of respect on amount of the death of our late member, Mre. Pauline Zimmer, do hereby Hebron the following :—Wheretts it has pleeaed the Almighty God to call from tia an esteemed member of thin lodge, Mrs. Pauline Zianer, now, therefore, be it reeolved, that this a:immunity hem lost en estimable citizen, ber husband and child. ren a loving and faithful wife and nether and this lodge an esteemed assooiate. Be it further reeolved, that the charter of tine lodge be draped in mourning for a period of thirty deye, and that these reeolutione be spread upon the minutes of Olive Branch Lodge No, 201 of the Fraternal Brotherhood, and a copy thereof be Bent to the bereaved family and a copy also to eaole of the Comm. wood papere. (Signed) M. A. DARPONTSB, Mile, J. E. HENONATT,Ww, eA. TOMLIN, Committee on Reeolutions. THE' BYE—ELECTIONS. 111(1 illaJOLITIES Felt UMW. 0020120 P03120. Retnrning Officer HOssie gave out the official 11gnree in the North Perth bye- eleotion Friday, the restate of whim ebow that John Brown wee aliened by a majority oe 208, Following are the fig - urea by municdpaSties : Brown Monteith Stratford 138 North Eaethope 299 Mornington 16 Ellice Elena 85 Wallace 98 Listowel 52 Milverton 2 OoOel 454 248 Majority for Brown, 206 There were 38 rejected belief% as own. pared with 42 at the general eleotioos in May !mt. 'L'he total vote polled was : Brown, 3,827; Pdooteith, 3,421. Total, 7,048. The total vote cent in May was 6,581, or 466 leen than that on Jan. 7. NORTH 210110008. Registrar A. J. Donly, returning officer for North Norfolk, Thursday at 8 o'clock, opened the ballot boxes and made his °Mina' rieelaration of the votee met in the bye eleotion. In May last 1,683 votes were oast for Mr. Carpenter and 1,705 for Dr. Snider. Last Wednesday Mr. Little reoeived 1,864 votes and Dr. Snider 1,764, making Mr. Little'e majority an even bemired. In 1898, in the general elec- tion, the vote was : Carpenter, 1,885 ; Robertson, 1,685. Fotiowing are the figures Little. Snider, Rejoined Delhi Village.... 51 141 1 Middleton Tp.... 801 $83 5 Simone Town.... 200 804 10 Townsend Tp.... 681 385 11 Waterford Yu.. 173 119 4 Windham Tp.... 458 482 11 — — Totale ......1,864 1,764 42 Majority for Little, 100. NORTH OREL Following are the figures : Mackay. Boyd. Owen Boned 68 .. Sarawak Township .. 47 St. Vmoent Township.. 88 Meaford ......... ,80 • • Derby Township 26•• Sydenham 152 • • Keppel Towuship 59 .. Totals 326 85 Majority for Mackay, 240. The official returns give Mr. Pdackay's majority ae 272. HOW TIM 01001. The home has a membership of 98. The Blanding, an a result of Met week's elections, ia as follows : Liberals 51 Conservatives 46 Vacant (North Renfrew) 1 Total 98 GREY BRANCH AGRI CUL- iVRAI.. SOCIETY. The annual meeting of Grey 1Bratioh Agtioultural Society was held in the Commit Chamber, Brussels, on Wednes- day afternoon of this week, President, las. Bpeir, in the ohair. Minutes of lest minion meeting was read and adopted. The Seoretary.Treasurer's report ebow ed the reaeipte for the year to be $1116 64 and the expenditure 940202 leaving the neat nest egg of $1838 15 vanish included a balance from last year of $1120 13. There were 126 members on the roll tor 1902 and 48 are already registered for tine year. F, S. Scott and A. Straohan Auditors, vombed tor the oorreotness of the amounts and the balance in the Bank, The Soolety in in a very enviable position thanke to good weather and other favor, able eironmetanne. Election of officers took place for the Matting year and resulted es followe;— President, James Spar ; Vice Preteident, j, 0, Warwielt, V. 8. Searetary.Treasurer, W. EL Rue ; Direetore—W. 31, McOrecketi, P, Soott, Geo, Robb, Robt. Niohol, Jno. Pao. Gavin, Jae, Evans, 1', 'Robertson, David Milne mud Robt. MoDonalki, Aticiltore—F, 8. Soott and Alex Stemb. an, certain impeovernents to the Agl. Park nd 'Windings were disonesed also waye adding intereet to the Pall Pair. The • false prophets were abotit a mule off re. garding the Pair of 1902 and every effort will be made lo 1908 by the 'tweeters, and the pnblia generally we hope to make the next Agricultural ahem 0 '401, matcher." Grey Branch Direotore are asked to meet next Wednesday at 1 p. tn. ebarp, before the Riding Boolety annual tneetiug. Clinton aeneral Hospital. DUN Ennon,—It is not generally known that we beve a well equipped hos. pita! in tbe County of Huron, and my object in writing this is to bring the institution more before the pobtio. visited the Hospital ou the 5th of tbie month, and wae surprised and delighted to leaf n we had snob a building for • the amommodation of the public and the pro. recision. The hospital is built of brick and le oonveniently satiated. It oontaine about twenty roome in all, the greater number of them being fitted op ae private wards, TM wards are of oonvenient else and are neatly and comfortably furniebed. Tbe operating room le 008 of the main featuree of the building, being large and well lighted, both with windows and sky- light:. The floor's are finished in bard. wood. It oontaine merble washstands with niokle plated tape, with a pieutiful supply of hot and mild water, bard and eoft, with everything oomplete. The walle of the wards are tastefully painted and amended, while the floors ere oover. ed with handeome rugs, giving tbe rooms a cheerful appearanoe. There are five trained names In attendanoe beside the matron. There were three major oper- atione at the hoepital on the day that I visited it, my own patient being one of the times operated on. On the followiug day there were two difficult operations. This number on two emmesive days 8 not a mufti oomarrentie but nevertheless a great many good operations are done at the Clinton Hoapital, and perhaps quite en many ae are done at County bee/Male receiving Government aid. So far only enrgioal oaeee bave been treated at the hos- pital bat provisions are being made for re. oeiving and treating medical oasee other Oban taberoolosin. Dr. Gann is Surgeon. in-obief of the hospital, and himself and Dr. Shaw look after the after.treatment of patiente. Other &atom, however, avail themeelvee al the convenience of the hospital and operate there. To maintain a hoepital like this ie an ex• pensive undertaking and I think is a Bahama that eboold commend itself to the support of the County Oonnoil ae well as to the citizens of Clinton and the pub. lio generally. A County hospital was spoken of, to be erected in Goderioh, and I think the °minty Council offered a grant of one thoneand dollars toward ite maintenances. Instead, otntIrljnot a grant be given the one that has already a repti• tation, and which ie more neutrally !mated, being deoidedly more convenient parteeof the County. I remain, to„ J. A IffoNsmawrog, 111. D. Benesele, Jan. 14.1, 1903. Grey Council Meeting. The Municipal Council elect for the Township of Grey, for the year 1908, met at the Township Hall, Monday, January 1201, 1903, at 11 o'olook, in the forenoon, pursuant to Statute. All the members were present, namely, Robert, Livingston, Reeve; Adam Turnbull, William Fraeer, John Grant and Wm. Work, Councillors, and having subsoribed the declaration of qualification and of offioe, the Reeve took the chair and the Council was duly or- ganized. The minutes of last meeting were read and primed, and the appoint. went of officers wae then proceeded with. Moved by Turnbull, seconded by Work, that John McIntosh be Clerk.—Carried. Moved by Work, seconded by Grant, that P. J. Biehop be colleotor for the North DiViSiOn, at the mune salary ae last year. —Carried. Moved 13' Turnbull, seconded by Work, that jamb Hrauter be collector for the South Division at the mime salary as lest year.—Oarried. Moved by Turn. bull, seconded by Fraser, that Alexander MoNair be Treasurer at a ealary of $85.00, this to inolode the making out of Pineal- oial Statetnent.—Carried. On motion of Fraser, eeoonded by Work, Thos. Chap- man was appointed oaretaker at a ealary of $17.00 per WIRRAL—Carried. On motion of Turnbull, seconded by Grant, A. Reymann was appointed assessor, at a ealary of a95.00.—Oarried. On motion of Fraser, amended by Work, Johns Rages was appointed Township Engineer, and 111. Ferguson, AD D., Medical Health Officer. — Carried. Moved by Work, seconded by Turnbull, that J. AL Davies be one of the auditors of the Township moot -tuts for the year 1902.—Carried. On motion of Grant, eeoonded by Fraser, Jae. A. MoLanoblin was the other auditor of the Township amount:I for the year 1902, at a salary eaoh of $10.—Car. nett Moved by Fraser, seconded by Grant, that Thomas MoFadzean be a member of the looal Board of Health for the next three yeare.—Carried. On motion of Fraser, seconded by Turnbull, the following persons were appointed fenoe viewers for the Township of Grey, for the year 1908 I.—Duman Taylor, Hance Cummings, D. W. Dunbar, Mal. coke Lamont, Robert Bowen, George Welsh, James Ferguson, Peter Sinolair, William Felton, Hartwell Speiran, sr., John Whitfield, Alexander McKay, Dum. can Johnston, John Smillie and Edward Bryane ; end the following peesons were appointed pound keepers for the Town. ship of Grey, for the year 1908, viz , Thomas MoRwan, James Brown, er., Louie Longeway, Jacob Long, Thoth Wil. liameon, Edward Collis, 0. Harris and Mrs, George MoRim. On motion of Work, eeoonded by Fraser, tenders will be received op to nest meeting of Cloonan for Township printing for the year 1908. —Carried, On motion of Turnbull, eecoaded by Feuer, the tender of W, 0. Brent, for debenturee re Looking and Kreuter Munioipal Drain By,laws, was aceepted.—Oarried. On motion of Grant, eeoonded by rmaer, the report on the Bolton Drain ee rend was rtooepted, and MP utt By•laP w fOr same It re ared and served op parties interested.—Carrica. 0a motion of Work' esoonded by Taro- t/Mit the usual grantot $5 was given to Sick Obildron'e Hospital, Toronto; also 06 given to each of the following Pabho Libraries :—Etbel, Walton and Molesworth.—Oarried. On motion of Grout, seconded by Turnbull, the follow. ing seeounte were ordered to be paid, and orders issued on the Treasurer for the same.—Oarried. A. Raytnann, polling booth, No, 7, Referendum vote, $4,00 ; A. Molloy & Go., hinges, mem', hooks and staples, 56o; John Grant, polling booth, No. 2, Referendum vote, $4,00 ; H. F. MoAllister, lamp% glom, coal oil, 151.48; John Grant, polling booth No, 2, Municipal election,88.00 ; James ohell, 13. R, 0., polling booth No. 2, Muni- cipal election, $4.00 ; Neil McNair, D. It, 0., polling booth No. 4, Munioipal elec. Won, 94.00; A. Reymann, polling booth No, 7, Mania* eleotion, 98 00 ; A. Rey- mann, D. R. 0., polling booth No. '7, Munioipal eleotion, $4.00 ,Chan, Osborne, Meaning obstructions out of Beauchamp Drina, 63 00; Louis Stein, team work on culverts 14th Oon. Drain, $2 00. On motion of Fraeer, eeoonded by Turnbull, the Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday, February 2nd, 1908. Jomo MoIterosn, Clerk, Brussels School Board. The regular monthly meeting of the Brussele Public School Board was held in the Board room last Friday evening. All members present exoept A. Coneley. The minutes of the Met regular meet. ling were read and passed. The followiug accounts were presented P. Arnent, !amber and poets 9 1 25 R. Rose, postage and stationery 3 58 J. H. Cameron, paid for supplise— 1 25 Moved by D. 0. Roes, eeoonded by J., G. Slime, Met the amounts be paid.— Parried, Moved by J. G. Blaine, seconded by D. 0. Roes, that tin etatetory meetiog of the Board be held at 8 o'olook instead of 7 o'olook on Wedneedey, Jan, 21st, 1903. —Oarried. Moved by J. G. Skene, eeoonded by Jas. Turnbull, that Jail. Karel, ealary be increased by $15 00 per anatiat.—Carried. Board then adjourned. DEATH OF Iltd. LEWIS. county Crown Attorney and °ideal Official of notron. There died in Goderich at 2 o'clock Tuesday the oldest offinial in the Comity of Huron, in the portion of Ira Lewis, County Crown Attorney, wee, some time ago passed into the octogenarian In 1857 dr. Lewie was appointed Crown Attorney for thie county by the Govern. mens of whioh the late Sir John Mac- donald was Prime Minister, and from the day of bie appointment UnOil Imo Friday oontinned to discharge hie offloial donee. Mr. Lewis graduated from Rale Uoivereity in the olase of 1844, and came to Goderioh in the year 1848, when he oommemed to praatioe law, and where he has been a prominent figure for 55 years. He was one of the first Mayors of Goderiob, and hie eon 5.14. Lewis, bar. rister, was elected Mayor lost week. Mr, Lewis was 20 eourteone and cultivated gentleman, and was beloved by ail who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Hie i death s universally regretted by alt Masses of the aommunity. Mr. Lewis was in his 83rd year. Funeral took plaoe on Thureday afternoon to Goderioh aemeteiy. 011 V UCH CHIMES. Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Olinton, has beau invited to the pastorate of Graoe &lurch Eit. Themes. Rev. Dean Hilroy, of Stratford, re. oeived over $800 at hie Chrietmae mg. lotion at St. Joseph's olurob. Rev. D. A. Moir, of Oakville, has de- olitud an invitation to the Mount Forest Methodist church for neat Conference year. Next Sabbath morning there will be High Masa and sermon in the Catholio ohuroh, Brunetti, commencing at 11 c''e17x11. NSunday, the Educational anniver- aary Barak:es will be held in the Metho• diet obarob. Rev. F. Swann, of Blue. vide, will preaob morning and evening. Special meeeing of the Presbytery of Maitland will be held at Wingbam on Jan. 213.1 at 1 30 p. no. to consider the resignation of Rev. R, 5. G. Andereou, and the appointmeut of a new Clerk. In the Methodist (Munn last Sunday morning Rev. T. Wesley Ooeene preached from the words "None of na fiveth to himself". His eventng subjeut wag "Ring Agrippa's answer to Paul," 11°Rthev2.6G2e8Orge Herby, the evangeliet, who has been engaged in evangelistic work through Cauada during the past couple of yeare, was extended a call to beootne pastor of the central Metbodiet Choral% at Stratford, but has aeeepted an invite. tion to a pastorship in the Methodiet Church at Calgary, Alberta. Rev. George J. Bond, B. A., who recent. ly arrived in Toronto to take up his new work an editor of ThelObristieb Cloudlike, hag had a lengthy experience in editorial work, having been for eight years editor of The Wealayan, of Halifax. Zu the Sommer at 1901, during the abeenee of Rev. Dr. 0ourtioe, be meted also ae editor of The Guardian, Ae a writer be in held in esteem by the Methodist Church generally throughont the Dominion. Me. Bond was born iu Newfoundland, and is a brother of Hon. Robert Bond, Premier of Nowfoundlaml. He entered the min. Jetty of the Pastern British America Conference in 1871 and was Motioned at Seoltville, N. B., where he spent 011,0 yeare. It 1874 he entehed the Newfoutio, lend Coeferenoe, and in the same 5,4114 reoeived the degree of Baohelor of Aron from Mount Allieon Wesleyan College, Saokville. He spent eight or nine yeare in active ministry in Newfoundland Int. fore aseuming the editorship of The Wee. He ateumed his duties in Toole. to at the beginning of this year.