HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-8, Page 6leeesese see .....eareleseeeoen-eaesee,reeeesee
ri.r.D v.T. pRiNcipL, C. • Iiiiemtvt,litumrInv 131:ttgeselliVeythestiltigigeestoVtlu4(11
1.11)L.I.t...1.411PU II that the elteplierds upon the hillsides
fell ',town in a swoon, Ana so tin
in the clarkest duya of oue lives,
Why He .Opened His eyes First in a Stable and
. . when 'We feel that we are forsaken
bY God and man. (lotre tingtlit are
wateloreg us, cluder eyes nre teentles
us, Gocre ear is henrieg tts, God's
proteetieg love is all around us. We
are no more forsaken. lo, God than
the laamer of Bethlehem Wart Mese
foreaken on the oiglit thet
.Jetine wes born.
'Flee omnipresent, God will not for
one instaut. even in the earkeet of
deye, turn. e deaf .or no unheeding
ear to the weakest and most helplees
of ull liis children, Ono dee the
baby l•oy .of dietreseeil fa•ther And
mother was very eick. When their
111.1 11) girl wan about . o 1 0 put to
bod lbe nig'llt of the (Tient of the
disonse elm mune to Iter father,
Thou, in lior sweet, girlish way, She
Aoki: won't. you pray to
(I od 1 eat doh t, that baby brothel'
might got well? 3 rim only a Wes
little hit of e girl, and God might
not Iv willing to hear me prey, but
God Would always twee time- tu lis-
ten to you pray, for you aro a great
etrong men." With thet the
sobbing' fa tiler took h I tr lit tic -girl
into hie arniti as be sai0; "Oh, my
darling. tied will Imre time to hear
you pray for your baby brother. If
7,00 will pray, Mtrling, for your
little brother, though you ani a lit-
tle. 1,11 of a girl. God, if neeerstry.
will turn to the angels old soy:.
'Mtge:A, etop that, eine-ing. Steep
that einoieg, rig ht. away. leor, wetly
doWit on earth there is 11. wee little
bit of a girl who is preying for her
. baby. hrot her, and I want to lis-
ten!" -Mid thte:Claistean. father
spoke to his little girl ttiy to you,
in this Christmas Sormen. no matter,
.0 man or woman, how humbly help-
, less y, may Le; no matt or ho W
(141141 ;10111. dnys may wen to bc,
i Clod is always ready to listen to
•3,0nr ery if yoir will only eall upon
11112.1 ror help. God is always really
;to protect you with his love, eVen
:an 121S guardian (mania and the star
'of the vest hovered ove,1' the maneer
on the eight that Jesus was born.
Not in a Palace.
Mitered ' aecording to Act of the Pal' tho wollei of the eastern edifice Were
liaaa" 4"4"aaa.r l'ia• L"'" 'changing iuto a stable and the light
ehouseed Nate nendree and Three,
by nee. Batty, or •iserouto et tee ;white'. was burning upon tho utter'
) was a, candlelight held in the cur-
A despatch from Chicago sayte
Rev. leectele De Witt Talmage preach.- I
ed from the folluwing text: Luke it, !
. -
How large is an average crib? "I ,
suppose," you answer, "eimut four
feet long and two feet Wide. It is
as large perhaps 11S. nu average man- I
ger at the end of a liorse•ri Stall, at
which the four legged auhuals muneh
their oats and hay after a long, tiro-,
some duy's work." Yes, my friend,
you are right. Your definieion is so
completely right that la this sermon
1 tun goilig to preach about n famous ,
manger, which was once utred for '
cradle. I rem going to talk ubout
a stone inaeger, hewn out of the •
solid rock, 111 which nearly 2,000
years ago was laid II neWborn bebe.
.About this manger the wise men
front the east and the shepherds
from the surrounding hills gateered,
and over it the augels sang the first
lullaby in tho client of the Christ-
mas song. This stone cradle was
the manger of Bethlehem of Judaelt.
lt tvas the first earthly resting place:
of the Divine Child. who wus the
14011 of Alary the Virgin and was al-
so the only begotten Mon of the Po -
thee God,
The whole rendering of the verso of
my text reeds thus; •'Anci this shall ;
be for a sign unto you; ye shall find
the babe wrapeett in 5N -coddling'
clothes, leing in a manger." 'Phe
3n:diger is 0 81111111i111.11 and tender
manifestation of the divine love. It
is not; difficult for tbo average unin-
spired Man to think of Jehovah os
a God of majesty, of power, of fiery
passion, a. God who can hold the
seas in the peon Ili his hand and a
God who can uneheatlie tile (hey
swords of the. light:ling. Why, even
the heathen in the darkest Mtos of
berbaric superstition Were able to
think of such god:" 116 that! When
1110 Eueoclyclons were burn in the
Mediterranean erchipelago and in-
stantly sprang op ns lull grown gl-
oms and with ()mils swiftly moving
feet leaped from eraeo top to wave
top and drenehed their lcnies loctks
and wide flowiree rotes with the
white foam and out of ri mere Sa-
tanic desire to destroy hurled Ow
shipping upon the jagged imelis and
covered, the surroending coasts with
wreckage, it was a very easy mat-
ter for the ancients te picture a
Neptune striking right and left with
his strident and to call him god of
the seas. IN hen the mighty mom:cr-
ews of the east made, teimapluel en-
try after entry fino the city of Rome
with dethroned Icings eheined to
*their cherlot wheels and with their
legions loudeil down with captured
spoils, niter irliole regions had beee
brought under the olindeve of the
ecepter held in a (mom,: s , 1
was not a, very filfficult matter for
the itoniens build a great temple
10 Mars, the god of War. It Warr
not a very difficult. matter to rear
-.this gigantic temple, even thoogh
thousands tind 10111(11T4S ,1 'thous-
ands of men anti Women haci to le
sacrificed at it.s Orin() reel though
the walis of the temple had to be
covered with the captured trophies.
Even the Hebrews were and nre
ready to tvoiellip such a teniporm
Only the other day the chief
rabbi of the west (teetered in 0 Chi-
Caa0 newspaper that his people were
still exprieting a llfesAiab who would
cozne n temporal conqueror to
kad the Jews hack again to Pales-
tine, Then theSt; tut:dawn Hebrew
crusaders W01111.1 again see Jerusalem
reStored in all its inlet grundeer,
and there JOSUS would reign with
greater power than the famous King
Solomon of old.
But though it 04141 1101 dillieult tn
think of Grue as a 'God nf power and
tempera' eoncille3t, lt Wes difficult in
the time that Jesus wits born to
1.11111k of the Faber as a God of love
end sympathy nnel mercy; a Clod
who would deign to care for an in-
diVidUal 11,11.1111:111 being; a Clod 0/110
Wanted to Creep IMO the human
heart's alTeetions, even as the sun- ,
beams would Meal 11110 the, heart
and give neve liM to the plant. le
Was difficult, ht one Sense. for God
to teach &IMO" 511011. that he did nol. I
penter Joseph's. bried, mid while
read the nativity account. over end
over 1 teudelenly heard the soft wins,.
Peeiegs of a cnant. listenea mid
et th•st said; "It cannot. les. No;
1 am bsteniug only to the eehoes of
my own imagination." But the feint
chanting, began to grow 'eviler.
Then I saw a multitude of people.
coaling through the ehureit door as
the shepherds Meet have once crowd-
ed through the entrance of the an-
cient stable. Then the proceseion
came neurer and nearer onel laid at
lay feet the body of a little
As I sat there end looked at, the
Mee of 'the dead buby whose funeral
was notv takiug place my heart went
out in Synipatliy to the poor Moth-
er. I stained to be carried back to
the time when the Divine lioTho lay
in that stable manger, shielded' by
the mother love, which is always a,
divine love, and. Stttadt0g thc
Pethlelion manger, with 1 lai deatt
body of that village bale" at, my
feet, I could renlize, es you in the
saute surreundiugs could. have real-
ized that Clod's love for 1111 his
childree 1,3 temtler, pierallne'...1'1,1t111-
ing love, a divine love which "lines-
eth all understanding" and which
abides with us through life and be-
yond death,
The menger Chrlet was given as a
human example for einful man to
follow this side of the genre. Be
eame io prove that by the grace of
(left it Is possible for a inUnan be-
ing to overcome sin; be came to
prove it, beerinee Chriet was born
just es we are, bone of OUT' 140111. and
dee'. of our 111,41, Et uses tempted
just as tre are tempttek Therefore
we Must Continually. 1.,V the Holy
fs ' s' erns et *Iv) to he like him
or else en can be none of his.
The manger Christ ampliasives the
fact that infinite results which May
aliert ail the hea.verte and the earth
—results which will startle the out-.
most eirminatmences of the unloose
as well rei the great 10111.er can
sometimes be directly traceel to
seeniingly infinitesimal causes. When
a prince or princese, the ehild of a
great king, is about to be born, es-
pecially if the prospective infant is
to be the heir to the throne, a Mein-
ber of the cabinet, nwaite the arrival
in one. of the affieroenis t.he royal
palace. The artillerymen arc de-
tailed to inneadietely thueder forth
the news of tho prinee's birth from
the gaping mouths of the great,
11aek. cannon. The meSsengers hew.
thelr steeds saddled and bridled,
ready to speed away to ammunC0
the arrival to the diderent public
officials. The telegraph wireS thrill
with 10y 418 Sent rIS the mrpectant
it-we've:1n eeet to the fart hermost
parts 01 the rOyal dontains, lint no
such joyful and national expectancy
greeted the earthly Firth of lhe 1"-10,1
of God. No messeuger the 1 ieht
carried the newt: up 0 he .1( resalem
palace of Bloody Herod the Great.
Nu retinue. of foreign einliceesadoes
stood near to ogee their conereutla-
tions to an eartlily king. Jesus'
birth front a worldly standpoint. was
an insignificant 0(ent. lie wits
born in an outhouse. Be was torn
iu a Mahn,. Ile WW1 horn in a
Bethlehem khan. Mary the 'ffirgin
in the inost solemn hone of ft wee-
nie:1'8 life had no bed upon which to
lie, no pillow, milees that pillow was
the rough coat of hcr noble) though
humble Imebend or .4 pile, ef strew
pushed under her head by a sempae
thetic stablemen; 210 Metal» ottend-
ant, unless that woman attendant
was t he kind hearted hostlet's wife,
wilo bad 101110 in to aid her trou-
bled Meter. So our second birth
may !men been in lbe estimetion of
tho world a setelfingly insignificant
even t Bat if we there'd( ter only
Make a right use of our liVeS their
spiritual MI111(3010 evil) effect n.11 1100
mid eternity. The news of our spie-
1 1 1 tl '11 1 • s'-ite el • 11 told
the heavenly kineeloin. It will Set.
agein the angels to ebent Mg a non'
Song. Our Second birth will not
only he heralded around heaven, but
in the groat 'judgment day when ell
tuitions shall be gathered befort7 the
• ' •I • •)s•- s
Assistant C onamandant - G ener a.1
'Writes a Book on the
Anglo-13oer War.
Graphic to the last clegree are the
pictures presented by the first of the
13oer 1.,boks 011 the war, "My llecol-
tett:eels of the Anglo -Boer lear," by
Assistant C'01111211.111(11171t4;teleral B.
J. Viltoon, written in Dutch, just
publiehed Amsterdam. From the
Gine wben 110 began warlike pre-
parations, on Sept. 28, 1800, to his
capture by our troops in Jaimary
of this year. the dashing leader had
as hot te time as anyone who fought
in the war, says a Writer the
London leeprisee.
The liret cannon he tweed was at,
end "no swee3t innsic"
he femai il. After many hairbeendth
escape s he inaouged to get away
froni 3 1,1) stem: of the Boor defeat,
and joined the Boer forces in front
of Ladysmith, where be got the cold-
est of welcomes fi•ont General Jou-
Of the batter Mr. Viljoan had a
very mean ophOon. Ilts irresolution
cost the Boers onny a victory, and
of his "inereilible" superstition the
writer re10.113N that on one expedition
when two burgliern were stt•uck
light ning, J01.1111.1.1 1010 "the finger
of 041" in it, und immediately or-
dered a fell retrent,
Ladysmith, in VIljoen's opiniele
would erieloubtedly hove fellen to
Joube, if he bad hail sense to at-
tack ni, (Vt. 110, 1890, when General
White hsti lost 111010 111011 one thou-
sand six hundred men, killed, 0,0111111-
C11 and captured. Not, Andy was no
a. 111,' k made, but the railway to
Maritzbarg was ink blown 01) for
Several (toys, "giving the enemy 1111,
111111101, 01 111'11140M into Ladystnith
the naval. genie, which later caused
us so rairell trouble and loss."
Orem. difficulty was experienced 13,11
the author in getting his commando
j together after the defeat tit. •Fannria-
21 "1 soon 8110. 1 1101 among tbe
11011.. 0.41,0 it. small 41.01.11, 01108,1
110411011 3011 10 go on fighting was
!not of the etroeirest. I therefore
'"I'n ()thumb all open outlmeak of
ninthly 1 wits ohliged to have a, burg-
her tripped of his upper garments
and Callao 10 ha giVeli fifteen
strokes with the tint:111)DR,"
The Falglish phritse most often
heard hi 1110 iVar, 11, appettrli, WaS
"Ilands up I" and 011 this Viljoun
srow %Ian BUSY YANICE33
Some Interesting Matters of Mo.
ment and Mirth Gathered
Erma His Doings.
J AN. 3 1.
e'ext, of the I,etttion, 1'1111. iv, 1-113.
Golden Text, Phil. iv., 4.
A mounted Kailir ettendant. of one
saloons 111 (111c1140,
There are more than' SI miles of 1-3. Therefore, my brethren, clenr-
of the iloer commandants was hard and 14”48 th011 ly belovoll and longed for, my )07
pressed by an Englieh lancer, 777111 eight eines 0,C churches.,
0011traelfi 1111Ve been signed in Cali- Lord,
and crown, so stand fast in the
lny clearly beloved,
cried to 11110 "Bantle up 1" The
Kaffir had so often heard the words 102.1" 101'
barrels of fuel to ne.waii. The lesson to -day is entitled
the delivery of 750,000
"Christian Living," anti we are MOS -
spoken of that, he thought they were
As compared with tile preview; (3,3. to rood tho whew eo,951,7,, whieh
about the only worth' 111 the lileglieh
language. IIe took them for a kind ?...e"r the "1 the "Rea elway5 a. good thing to do with
otetes increased their net ta
of general phrase implying greeting
by S51,805,0,1, ngs an epistle or any book in the 131ble,
3i, would be teen to reed the epistle
and conciliation.
When the lancer, in turn, called
Clerical positions in the Goverainent
`Byre were 1 300 needle one. f
---- I through many times till ice feel that
out, "Hands up 1" lie thorellorP Said ilaVe ill some measure grnsped
amination in Boston.
astonished to get a lance -thrust The public. debt at the close of Present time as 1 write theee notes
again, "Dumb: up, bean 1" and wtts aVI.‘lea at' a reee" civil service ex -land that it has grasped us. At this
through the 01111. 110 saw there was • ' I We are endeavoring in all my Bible
business on November 20 th lees
some mistalm and bolted, but in tits , . . . ,_,,, ' , ' • 'Classes to memorize t•ho 011010 ellis-
nen in the 'tensility at, 'Washington, us; taking ithoul, 1131'10 WITS/3 each
midst of his precipitate flight kept ‘
amounted ta $95E3,007,281.
shouting, "Tlands up 1 hands up 1" Deduce the deer huntine season wi'ek' 1.°I. 00 1101143v0 aild dus11.° I..°
ln the hope of softening the heart of LUSA. elo-sed 1.4 men were killed andlasabicaY; 3 IC.,°I. 111' 16; Mu"' iV' 4' 1'8.
3 1 wounded in the woode of Mimic- Jalr. XV, 18; Job xxiii, 12,
his 011114010, front 0110111 he eventUal- - •
ly mane good 1115 esCupe. sota, Wisconsin and Michigan. etc. I know of 210 'Way to eLand fast
111 toe elle, of New 'York there are in the Loral or in the grace of God
The =Mitre of the naval gun clues- , _ .
'Ruled "Lndy Roberts" by Viljoen. only 737 177 while /arsons born of
'intim s, 011 1111001 21,4 per
led Lo an exchange of pleasantries „aea,t, I ,, t
between the latter and General emit, of the population of the city.
Sinith-Dorrien. The charge for a deg taken to Eu -
"I was compelled." Viljoen wrote, rope 00 the main linos of steam -
"to remove •1(1LOY Hebert& froln ships "MAPS from $1 0 for a lop dog
Detrain I can assure you that to 880 for the largest animal.
in her fresh surroundings and new !
, , The 1.4101/011y 1410411114 to the tower
company, she was Very happy OM' :of the Ihiladelphia. City Hall eon -
To which General Smith-Dorien re- 111,10101'18i. a51194t stteopistt Mutt:au:II itestarrtitd" to .1)0
ay in •
Cilirist aud Christ in 112111, though he
very contented with her lot."
plied as follows ; ''As the lady yott tee 0,,,ee, 1nay be a church member, beptized,
refer to is not accustomed to sleep While River, Ark., is said to be e°iLlirmed' etc" and as good morally
in the open air, I would recommend the erookedest stream in the 1.1nited and religioutey as a Nicodelmis or a
you to try flannel next to the 11C111." States, if not in the world. It troy- ja"•
Saul of Tarsus, he is not a, Christ -
Most interesting of 1.111 is the an- els 1,000 miles in traversing n. die- The third chapter of this epis-
Guns when he criticiees our officers thrice of 1100. tle tenches this or it is more con-
e -me nosh Ile gives more than 0110 Decent investigation 5110178 that eisely stated In I. John v, 12. I eni-
contlaing instance of what be calls the average weekly cost of living phasive this because one must fleet.
"the ordinary 1 hi
.10e-..aw style of the working' 'woman in Cleveland,
of be a Christian in order to live n
speaking" of our officers. After Vil- Ohio, was $5.24, while the average Christian life end be able to piny,
"To me to live is Christ" (i, 21).
wege is but $1,88. when our eyes ere opened to see
Four years ago the total shipment that apart from Christ we are only
of vatted salmon from Seattle to the loot and helpless sinners, but in Bint
. .
arranged, leaned back in his chair, east, aggregated .0.14.4 than 1,000 bees- ne coc., int ee ...1
(Rom, v, 2) except by being fIlled
with BM word And leis Spirit (John
liejolte i» the Lord always.
Alla again I SOY, 1 11.101C0. Da. your
moderation be known Onto all mune
The Lord is at halal,
A Chrietian is one who is in
Cbrlst, and unlese One 15 really in
joon had Meer captured—
colonel twisted his mous-
tache, which had got very 11131011 dis-
11110 the air, ancl said, without look- 50,000 barrels. our memos written there and that
puffed the smoke from his cigar rels. This year it is expected to be
ing at me, 'Well, ah. you are ban- The center of population of the nee Ife who begun the work in no will
finish it (Hi, 20, 21; iv, 13; i, (3),
then he will be apt, to rejoice in the
Lenel alway:
0, 7, Be careful for nothing. **
Anil tho peaco of God which passeth
all understending ellen keep your
hearts and minds through Mist
Be sure to menuirize ellery word of
these two verses and put them in
prnetice end tlins enjoy this wonder-
ful peace of God. As ono 011,3 811131,
careful for nothing, prayerful for
everything, thankful for anything.
With 11001. vili, 32, and Matt, vi,
83, in our hearts how can we do
otherwilie than as here cornmanclet1 if
we in any 51.0180 believe God, and yet
isheal, don't yer know, ah, aro be-
ing sent to, ab, hunt, St. Helena,
or tee they call it, the 011, ha, Rock.
Gen Is now a. point neer hichmond,
Ind., and Gm people there, with com-
meudable public spirit, have built a
"Pis 11100 ship you go in, called. the montnnent to mark the spot.
ah, let 1110 see, Oh yes, the ah 'Brit- By recteon of the great advance of
mink.' Now you may proceed to the price of buildiug material the
the station, get your Irit, and in the Government has stopped week on the
meantime mien this parole and re- new buildings for the United States
port yourself at 8 p.m, ter, the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md.
.1301:s." I muttered in Dutch, "Lord 'Phe robbery of graves in order 1.o
preserve es from the Evil One•' " eupply dissecting rooms tvith
x3urri.SIT OPEICER, Weird has been practiced to an out-
rageous extent; in Solite parts of the
west, and several arrests have been
Tide winter the log crop of the
Penobecot Iliver in Maine Win
cleclaren, is generally one of two
extremes—either a gentleman or a
cad. The mistaken' of officers during
the war need not necessarily be as -
1 t t • l't CON • 1. •
amount to more than 200,000,000 how few bellovors seem to know an
great deal to do with success olitt feet., and (3,000 men and 1,500 hors -es their daily life this benetiful peace
diseretion. Luck, he thinks, had
will be required to gather it to the of God react; with God through
failure, and he cites Geneva Gomm, banks of the streams. the blood of Christ is the portion of
as an instence of a. man who had The royal salute of 13ritain is 21 every Christian, whether recilieed or
more than his share of ill -luck, guns and that numbet 1.111S fixed for not, but thin peace or Cled is only
the President's ealute by tho Arneri- the portion of those who tell Ilim
cam Army and Navy regulations, everything that colas:NM them, CM-
Whiell are derived from the pritierh mit all detaile of their life to
regulations. in. prayer and leave all with Him in
The ministers of Philadelphia have obe.dience to and firmly believing
declared war ageinst the Sunday ps, xxxvii, 4, 5 7; PrOV. 111, 5, 6.
newspaper, and will devise ways and 8, 0. Those which ye have
SuertliS looking to the establiohment both learned and received and heard
of a daily which will be issued onlY and seen in me, do, and the (Tod of
six days a. week. peace shall be with you.
Dr. Parkhurst in a, recent" sermon The things tree, honest, just,
said there were more good men nosy pure, iovely and of good report herd
than ever, and that if Christ came all lay the grace of God Mem seen in
to earth again there would be less ram], so thee, he could Say tts in
chance of one of His twelve apostles chapter 17, "Ye have vet for an
becoming a Judas. example, but there is only olio per -
In the building operations for Oc- feet example, and on are taught to
tober San Francisco stands second run W11.11 patience, Molting unto Jo-
in the Bet, of American Odds, fellow- sus'. cneb. 1411, 1?4, 10 SC0 30911S
in LI, gain of 223 per rent. over Oc- only and consider ITim (Mork ix, 8;
1Teb. lit, 1; xii, 13), for in Biro alcme
ell things 1101.0 /40011 in perfection,
and, high 1113 the Standard may seem,
Clod desire:1 nothing else than the
life of Jesus made menifest in our
mortal 11.1111 (II. Coe. iv, 3 0, 3 1).
0-12. I helve; teeosnech in. whatse-
eVer Slate 1 am, therewith to be ecin-
This is emitter beautiful pheee of
Of the eelf-sacrifice and devotion to
duty of oer Tonnuy, Viljoen :ffieaks
highly. But If Tommy comes across
anything outside ordinary rouLine lie
is a most helpless being. But "in
his -faithfulness and patriotism lies
the secret of the 5101101.415 of the Brit-
ish army—a truth which I do not
think can be gainsaid." And of the
Tonunies that ho met, the writer
found the Irish and the Scotch "far
better than the others."
"If Tommy with his nmartness
trere O. good shot, and could judge
distances bettor, he would be perhape
a parlect soldier, and ecirtalitly teriee
as dengerous as he Is.. In general,
1'm:1111y is a humane fellow, Toteerds
mir wounded Tommy was, as te Rale,
sympathetic, and he was eegee to
help a. fallen enemy. tober last year. The -only city that
'"rhe infantry did the heaviest surpassem it is Buffalo, with 223 per
and hardeet work of the wive." cent. increase.
Cavalry, be prophesies, will in future "Before the end of the century,"
Warti be a sort of white elephent. the American Society of Mechanical
3nfantry, artilleee', and mounted in- Engineers heard on the 4.0 fest.
fantry are tho forceS Of the Mere. from its COmmitteo in charge of the
The author traverses Sir (Tonne matter, "the maric system. will
Doyle's allegations of treachery appear and will he supplanted by
aert11,a3111thool3100erse,reaott).sei cootfteloiriteasii;(10 System of weights and
other Neither Doer nor Belton is The. nation's pensiou roll keeps on the ebrimilian — 1.(lateing tbc
in et poeition to judge. impartially or incleasing, There was a net gain spy, .
Lord greatly, whether full 01' lune -
weigh heavier than those of the
the shot of both sides. Lot us try to the end of the rims
last year of 1,711, and 1110 total at
was oors,assi, prophet. Thilialtknk had learned the
abounding br warilg. .The
• ' f • s • meet for he could Bay, Though. N ine,
see each other's virtues insteao." (.11
years. There were 40, jai. 11011/
nettles put on the roll laSt year, (taut
111 CIII-ELYING 1.31I'rt,mitFLIES. 117,1.1i1 peesioners died. As malty as
24(1,3153 111.11V 01 0 11115 0010 0111 11414101141
'loth in the Itimelayas and in th
A n des butierffies have beep. found at upon. The petishm bill for lest yeati
wee $ L41 ,001,351 , 50.
olive, fig tree, flocks and herds are
full, yet. will rejoice Lbe Lord;
1 will joy in tile 0031 of any salvo: -
Lion (Bab, 18). if we have
conadence In God ns oui• 110,11ter, we
must believe that he Is altvaes do-
i»g best for 118 awl ITC tellt not
:offer us hungennor Lei lack any -
1111114 We need titileSS to suffer a lit-
tle the very beet and only Way
to prepare us for the glory T.To is
preparing for us. lie suffered ferael
to hunger and tiler) I fie 03111 deur
Son (Dont. viii, 2, 3; Matt. S31, 14),
Mit in the former it WaS to prove
tilein to do theni good, and in the
ie wee that, Ile might be a
will summon forth Josue, wlin was , asked those of the burglietse who had heights ranging up to 10,000 feet,
1,1,111,;111 mat Itu Alps they quite corn -
want to crush Glenn, but to save
them of tiwit• (Aro friss will. It wits
(110(10 feet, `1•110 VOW high-
alleeefs fel. ;tha 1,0 awe, en mem; born in BeLlilehein of aarklea. fair 1101 th.• courage to return. to the Anothet, ft:1.1310118 10,1014111111k. Bose
ektelotits to 1 to our dIviou figh(Isit. tlito to- ton is Soon lo disappear in. thc) mod -
both. Jew and gent i I 0, I hat tlihrist, Ettheh1P:
. i lv al 1 0 S'I'AN 11 ON ONE SIDE. 0211 feet, whore they were found by within th0 eil.:i.•
erMzittion i tremens the 1 in 40 ing 011,
Ile, Park stroot
eel, (elevation so far obserecel is lel,-
church, knowit throughout the 001111 -
try 1114 ...1.trintstoile tiorner,'' from
the fervor of its pastors and rev1Vai
services, has been sold for 8:1,:250,-
000 eo ti, syndicate represented by
Meredith ec, Grew and O. 114 to be
effil 1101 Conta as :1 II:0am Gimlet, 1
1.111.14 11:he W0E1 41.8 f1441V10".• So, If SOME INSIGNIPTCANT leVleeeTS. sone) Okay fell out of the ranks. 1
we nifty use an 11110 4111111111,0 de -1 intutger Christ leitH1nS 11141 1. 1.01.10 011011 01 1110111 11 1141.S11 wee! for
SC1104.1011. God the Fatfler might
:even in the (larl(est, claNs rif L10 1 11.. jA111114... rail to deem:lies:demo,
hltIve ala)km) t•'" 4"8"8. C*11rist in a eartitly Clines( itoett life be is neve>. which puss read folloics :
way sometnIng like thee I will
.ont of sight of au ournipot mt. l'a- "Pass -- to Johattiatsbiti.g,
not allow' thee, my- only Moe, to he
ace's 111,11,x( 'leg cave. As wo climb ece:31111f of 00{1.12 1 (.1100. fre0 11 1111.
1,01,11 in 0 13,11110c). T will not. allow :up.
K beigh mein 13 1,, penSe of the go\ eturiartil."
I.:ea enttt le 0 0L , , 11 LA 1 1,111/0041 the littet 3 Hinge of H,•I '1'Wo um'
Pr1""• 8111E111 rialt 'night and wailc niong tho d,serted credit al the
lionoc hoo amt fear thee,
but •••'''' (•.t.reat.s in the tnieltffieht hour of rho ertti„. ,p1„,y
might net. then tales thee into their' to.st (.1,711410ns vt,weit and
hinlern of (e,) ferne
thee end give themselves to thee. inittio„ „
mann, ,..0 pale face 01' l'y
1 ,4 1 I
110311.1.44 0114 14111 01411 41 1001.4 1 44V0 ;enitilionglit or
will semi ( o ea n.
e. v.11) let thee lie born in II":") ),I,rg,i" 0," 1,"ig;lt 1.1"1,`
31,41,10mi,, or ..ro.doc,o, tont 1,o,, tart e'aleer nost.ctt'n
ilia, the 1,,..cliest r,r -the. lowly wit! '"1"1 "M"" *1 e'C"1 1"1 14. 1.'" 8011.
not have a more 111112MM entry into he'? C1"11(1 s3"8"4 11a14111.3:
(14,; (1,1,,,b. iumy tiny, of hi. ,,orthly life trtily Say
Son. uot only to atone 1.01( tho Am; thn Divine VtIther foreeken
of the Woilti, hat ultio to teeell all aa I)" (11'`'' deIing. ag()",v (Pike
sinful lam filet T. am God the Frith- 'led aiaa, Olf? Cross? no. WeCk21
, Ot* 1,00101)s months hpf,,re the na-
ar' l 110 (h)a "1 (1"i" --- I tiviter (10d had pconarod a place by
di% inf. Ivy,' have heen inattifested in !which tho infant 011011111 1i11
a Mot( AM! L 1 , 1 4.
'11 141;. 1 0 (18041.110. 1 110 111111'410010, SW01.11
!Or 1110 010011y tyro 11 , I erml, Wieelm
eredle being 1.1p: Inw(g. r !wow -
110111 ef .1 telaea? 1, t 11,011111); Icefore • wee
Cle Ole THE NATIVITY. horn the stretnge :11((:0(11,((.1 111 Lhe
( Wt. WI, 18973, wRs 111.011ght ifar east, 'Filet star ate:1 then had
face to 1n,..0 with tile I rue leachieg:4:gui,led f throe, wiect men titer the
of the rimeeer Chriet 11h 1.1•V(11. ,11101111111111) 1111(1 1111.0(Igil (110 N.11111,g011
(01,.. it 0u0 1,11,st. liter- land coer tlle long, hot, thirsty des-
liellni de.) s of my Ufa. I L hap- that they should be aide to 1' 11(.01
PO,O'd Of '5 1,130 On, 'o.t. Ilia manger. 3.t wns through the
11,114 111 11011 In the (Ireeic Celholle ',earnings of these, three 0'0 41 men
; eh, tv hi 1.11 c$ 811111 (WM f.,0 11 (1,V0 ,111,1 1 Jesus -3vordel le elite 1,, eelea pet
been 0reelinl direr( ly upou the iiirn- ',into blpo,pt. 1,110 ilachne,,s
'Oval spot Where .ToSils was born. In ;that Bethlehem nig14. angel Winf,;14
illet hallowed place I. hod reed oser ,were sprend over that humble stable,
and over, again Om AC0011111. of the "'mins coliseum -vied the e heein
nativity 11 50111.1:11 ,11-1 1,110114h Mother and 1111021 VOiees grr Med the
"las•0111'' g14. 11111 slight
letindr: of this lIceer
nre General Ilaelen-
One Irinston Chime) III,
er be sees : "(Cowen'
, teat; Iles real seesioue
of 11infeldiv, 011100 had a am
1.11011.441 1111 /1101, 11.11-010. ho, with 2,-
000 mem had 1101. 1 120 1011rtige to at -
'1110 Mliglish wrongly gave the
credit. for, saving the loWn to Gen-.
eral Haden -Powell."'
1 Ti• 81,00104 01 the easy escape of
Winston Churchill foul Cupleiti Bal-
d:ow Omit a park of sleeping guards,
"a !met 11•1111,11 dew (the' escaped pris-
onerffi hove, votively without, 'stetson,
bonstel slash a lot. '1 o this day
reload see 101101 there Warr heroic 111
this vseope."
3 04 C111.101111 picture that he
gives us of life and discipline among
tile Boer foresee, There Warr too
11111011 praying among thrs Beers for
his tattle, and too little ces111.1salize.-
tion. AL the 'Ptigelit er, for in-
stnnee, "T' received mm111,11111(.8 111 1011
111111111 0,1 10111. 1/01.1111 5: orders from
four different generals."
Of the ma; of the sjambolt the
field ece have heard be'fore noW, but
never so definitely as in the follow -
leg puesnge, •
lemplund on the slopee of Nam-
Fora:10. Mir j. ifeoleer found
11111.1evIlles 011 the slopes of the 11101 -
Mayas at about, 1 he select height. Ire
speaks of "Lilo annotine ;entailer of
sliperb butterflies, malty largo tropi-
cal swallowtails, black, with n. Rear -
0,5,0 011 11111 051110•'' 1.1W 8011th
Ainerlesan high -flying ImitertliNS be-
long to the family of Celia. demerit,
the Asintle that of the Pleris caill-
(hese, The explorer Sit' .kritisten (ion- r, we.„1,
wee- 411,40 100 4,41 them at 11 5411 Old' r '1; .,11Y PITOrf » of ourS, not hy roey has colleeted bones, sold trull. and
Rale" the Ilimainyas peewit:cm al 1.41. 41118 04 .110 0,14011 Rtritggijnp• or trying on our pact., generally Iftod (Coat hand to month.
1131,13,SON'ilL POINTEllS,
Doings of Pron7inent Actors OA
the World'S atage.
The Pope is an entliteciastic phila-
tt•list, and poseesses some of the
lIneet shine*: in the world, Their
villue will be eonSiderably augment-
ed next year, for the Roman
lie privet(' of Cashmere will present
to 111:11, 011 the (Ice:mice 01 Fill VW'
P1151111 ,1 1101 11.0, unlime collection of
1(121:11481131.1georp, stamps of Jeanne end
Probably the youngest. private sec-
retary in the world le Yo We-Oixonge
tbe only rem of 1110 Minister from
Korea in Washington. '1)0. it: only
thirteen years old, end a year ago
did not know it word of lengliele but
so rapid has been his progress in.
this language that he can now both
write mid speak it. Ile dressea
American style, and lots already
ndopted many Americanisms.
Miss Elspelh Campbell, in addition.
to being an expert angler, is one of
the best lady bagpipe players i11
Scotland. Bur Author, Lord Archi-
bald Campbell, who is most en-
tiillsiatitie about 114111(1,nd manners
rind customs, still beeps up a pipe
hand at lnverary. Prominent Scots
who still have private pipers aro
the Duke of Fife, the Duke et
liutherffind, the Belie of Argyll, the
Duke of Al hole Lord Macdonald of
the Istes, and Lord ',civet.
Few people enow that there is
such an office as that of inspector of
Colore for the Army. Sit" Albort
W. Woods, Garter King -of -Arms, 13
the holder of this office, aml bhp, ex-
pert knowledge of heraldry proves of
valuable service when the. authoritiee
require information on technical
points regarding the colovs of any
regiment needing alteration or re..
newn.l. Although colors are not
carried Into action nowadnys, they
are regarded tie vitally important
symbols of everything that is best
in a regiment's life and Itietory.
As a crack whip, huntsman,
ynchisnian, Meier, and racing Ulan,
11/010 0.10. feW better-known sporting
pts111.14 than the Earl of Lansdale,
who recently entertained the Gorman
111111p0r01 AS a guest. It irt perhaPs•
not 111) generally kliown that he has
also been a traveller in Arctic re-
gions. About foorteen years ago
Lord Louse:Ile event on a long and
ercluous journey through tho
territory of Northwest Canada. Iiis
travels oetalpied clew!. on twelve
months, and dewing that time he SO -
C1.111141 many splendid trophies, which
nOw adOrn the various romne in
1.0wilier Castle.
When Presielent Roosevelt teas mak,
ing a State visit the other day co.
little girl numaged to etude the
police end, running up to the Pre-
sident, said : "Mr. Roosevelt won't
you please wear my rose in your
button -bole ?" 'rile Peesitlent stop-
ped and smilingly said : "Certainly,
my dear ; I will exchange with you."
And taking front the lapel of his
coat the carnation that be alWayri
Wore, he gave it to the little Maid
rind put the rose 111 its place. Then
the prOeessitin of Cabinet Ministers -
diplomats. 40V01.11010, senators, gen-
erale, and other dignitaries, who
ja;letieterrl'si;otiiitoireritilvg.tai tatuhoeweednuseto of patIsise
During the Nine's last review TIM
ltlitjesty n01,110(1'0111 the reporLers
had been pla.eed 11. considerable dis-
tance from the royal dais, too far
Ort, in fact, to hear elie m43)1111)02'0
address whiell he was about to de-
liver. ITe therefere Kent an equerry
to request that they would come
/101110/. TWO repOrterli Were deputed
to wail, on 11is linjesty, and, pencil
and note -book in band, stood by the
Xing's side. At that moment Major-
General Trotter, who was in com-
mand, "spotted" them, and riding
up asked what they Were doing
there, 'Before they coeld explain,
the King said : "011, it's oil right,
Trotter. They are reporters. I
asked them to come. I want Munn
to heor my speech. • •
One of Cork, the Other of Dublin,
Each lieir.-to $300,000. .
ie dotibteul if a fortune ever
tumbled into the lap of a person
less likely to use it to advantage
then the $800,000 0111111 the United
Stittes Supremo Court recently
awarded Lo 05 -year-old 1Tallan °O-
tago!), of Cork, Ireland, as her share
of the estate of her COMM), John
who died in Seattle,
Wrinkled, haggard, with rt, narroW,
pointed tiose, thin lips, a bitter
tongue and aggreeeive disposition,
Gm woman who 1111S hint inherited.
$300,000 earned leer living entil
few cloys ago as a ragplekor, Ir01.
years sha had niado her home in a
squalid 111110 room in a 11111.100,
11;0111,:11,111.i1104sa. 14,1 111 0 'I:ICY-SC.10110r 00100 high toloot „.1,0 amid rimy sympe,- alley nppropriately named Crous's
with tux people Web. li, 10, lane, in Cork's worst slum. She he-
17, 18; iv, 1I, 1.13). gan life as a erocItet worlcer, and
AT/ND YOIllt le's AND (I's. ln. t do ell things ihrongli once 0111.11011 ns Mud\ LIS $,5 o. week,
Christ which strengeltenellt Then 1410 gol; to 011 sertib-women
Very familiar adloollition How Can this We im •.^±eVer and Made 1058, and of late yoara ata,
, but only by e iel cling :mese' vem to She has liven somewhat partial to
times, erbee the simple necounts of
NO'n (IN PIEGEWCIDIC. 11111 devotees of 1110 flowing bow, 0011 (110m: vi, 18) (hut, lie who /1111. 1.141V0114 41100111 11. It 0001. 1/110-
00re, kept On it blackboard 1117134' in inenyeeted 1 1 liosolf in Christ mit,‘" lin. artisan, gol, the 01.1.11:r halt of thtt
"llow are e 00 gett,1114 011 Y011r
1100 pineal° 0,3lied a lady of a, girl
0111)111 she Imd recomintintled for a
si ttl ati 011
''Very tvell, thank y011,” ansWered
CM gill.
"I'm glad to hear it," said the
Icidy; "your eniployer ls vory 11110
110114011, 11114 yott cannot do too much
for her."
•,1 141,2,111 to, )1111;,1111,,i „.1„,
the innocent reply.
17,000 SICHIALS,
1110 114-/.00;01., Aetving inaniftst, something of the moue life 811111ean eetate,
a3v01,1,,e11 13,;';'0 1011,3s1intsoliiit1.1111,3,41, 1‘1,(eni:oti,;:osiruig's 1,31 il,l'il.17(01(1are311;111,117.1;:illeliclo a
111"lii10r1l.fiqnl'a 1.111PF:1"0 11.
-aearell "RainSi• 1"510 hibffiaa8 the polrer of 1 11s restfrreal Oil, There ts barbaefc splendor
gu"sta• Whe001" a lintr" Ill) we 1711151 knoW what, hwuns about the court of Japan, nor does
0111-1•"31)1Y•nstooll;s('rt:litv‘.12eilat,8010111f1 r4:1141.11.111'11.4‘I'vli't.tt:(; :.,j,,,,:n(1)1('Ilybe(01:1111rArs%C.is13:1'15% iitifleitc;i11'1'51:1(124.,;(?.)' 1117:17141.1s(Test, a plain le-
ft, ft I 1.1St la forms
tt11:0`''Vi i111(i11 '1111S° 111111°X ett:11,331, j(.7).to 1, '„1,111111,0) , t' IsT 111:y iv 1Y4,71.e „1/2111,v011',51u1r1,01:, a 11111118 I1 t14(lent'18•(.18.8 111:e?.ilyre00.11"‘1'10eFil.
one followed this whim to -day the or 1, iiiihmed work .‘.0 1,ove a kin win, ail. Them, is
WOrld W0111(1 be Veal ly butter onh Standing' hefar0 "ad Whi1•41 Scarcely a stIldeet. that d0(34 not.
( 1 '1111, in, 1.5; .11'41 N, 1"; forest. him, 10 ime on 1-..hich 117
ANCIENT 11 AN NC/TF:8. VOL us 0 our d11117 11Ce lw,vc m'")ce not well informed. A. doigh 1 ha
Prorpssor Douglas, livelier of the num we are 1,0 111' 02 1'(' 1)1.("Mg n" 111)44, it, IS HS eltS14,111 0 slif.r01/nd
On the f,ondon end Northwestern Ilepart.1110121. 1,111,11t1.11111 in perfccl ton, 1.1111,0114.; „" himself with clever melt — nee who
Beltway alone 1101.0 111% 17,000 sig- the British Musemit, MIS 01/1•1111101) (111. which Chre,1 1,188 aill'ren°11,1'n'' are the shining lights of, their pro -
Inds lighted evert? night, aml an en- for the 1111114011111 euriosity in the (ill, 1 2, I I), vele mg im,011 Gun 1 0 011isoi, 11111si_
4100 drivri, wood11/4 (1,011, Crewe to shape of 11 ( 11.0.S0 110 111< 11010 0 111 00P11 111 118 both to will. es.11,1 to 21,11e ,,11,1„‘; wrooes, „saw ists
London end lutek foe a day's work fourteenth century, which W 11 1 111'00 01 1 11,8 g0011 P100 S111.0 (11, 1,1.1. 1 11 0,11.y who 1,13.0
iS Controlled by no fewer teem 570 initeh ed rears prior to the inlrodue- rest, of Lhie ehentee most 15' 100 111Thrl (loathe! loll if; W01001110 et, tile rOyalt
1 0.1)10, Iffis IL is air of t1I0, character.
i8(1181y0 151.111).11s) ipttiinajle,ety thak in the die-
trilettiOn of him favors is thor"
signals, to say nothing ol those
corning molests observat ion which
310 not: affect the 11'0114114 of Ids
I 100 of peeper motley into lenrope, t)ins 11101111 0 1011; leet veils," e
111tes In celestite" wee diseovereel terse lie 3vhich eo felly covere
the ruins or a hrouv,, wanly, 1.r(,- elm evvr uv,t1 01 1.11,,, m1,,, es, oe
bahly 13uddile, at. Peking. Icingeom.