The Brussels Post, 1903-1-1, Page 7M �----...,..-. r".-.i.,i,'y«i•.r x �,.y,.y«�,.y.,; :�..y,.y..y„y«y..y. ,,.y4 .3t r Po �vt s rwet of Per rasionTho Or Lady Caravel 's Labor of Love. •X CHAPTER XTX, Near tint tants, across wltleb the last reei glimmer cr of the su0set had ailed, hummed and wife stood for ons tnotuent beneath the darkeeing sky, looking at earls other, Lord Oltetree s face was ghastly white, an unknown, untold horror lay !u his ayes, bis hos 1r,nubled trail uttcctn- troltahla emol.ion, lf}ldied — pale, terrified, wondering — gazed at him like one (esrinntoul. "What is ie?" she gasped. "You guilty woman, " cried the earl — "you cruel, gulley, jealous women!" She sliritelt Lack ns though hes had at.r•uak her her lips parted as though she would speak, but all sound died uway on thein, "You guilty woman," repented tato earl, "owe the Lrutlt! You follow- ed Lady atantilton and me !torn to watch, to listen. Speak!" "May deafen pardon me, I did!" sho mewled. "I1ere you must rennin, 1 shall Intoe where to find ociti, crouching at tho end of the alder -trees, where you hire yourself to listen to your hest and and his guest. Croat lien: von! that a spy should herr my runnel Stay here until I return, If you attempt to ascapo I will send the whole country after you. And 1 wus beginning to earn fur you — to think you a noble wont tun She shrunk cowering from him. ITIs angry face, the anger that shone in his oyes, the stern voice. frightened her, She shrank lower and lower, until sho fell on her knees, sobbing cm though her heart would break. "Stir tit your peril!" he said, and then be left her. For Font() minutes afterward site hoard sounds on the borders of the lake — murmured sounds, as of in- tense pity and compassion, followed by the tramp of many footsteps, and then all was still. The ground was covered with dead and dying leaves. Ledy Caravan dung hersolf down upon them, and as she lay there the old words canto to her: "Let mo die!" Death would have been mercy. What did it all mean? She had forgotten all about the shot, sho believed the poachers to have fired in the woods — it had not dwelt for ono moment in her mind. Sho was in a maze of dou.bt, clifllculty, and despair. What did it mean? if site at tcmptod to escape be would send the wltoto country after her. Surely she had not merited such threats. Surely site had not deserved language that he night have used toward it mur- derer, but which came strangely en- ough to his wife. ITt had discovered that she loved hint, that she was jealous, that. sho had followed hint for the sauce of watching and listen- ing teatime but surely that was not enotcgn to call out the whole (mum try to pursue her. Ile had called hoe guilty, She had owtu:el that sho was. Alt! dear Hea- ven, if (sho had but died when is child in. her mother's at•ntsl Ho had call- ed iter• cruel; that she was not, for site would never have voluntarily hurt even a worm, Why was she to remain there — to move at her peril? What did It mean? The golden stars came out In the aky. Was it really herself, or was alto dreaming? Was she Mildred, the beautiful, Popular countess of Car- avan, lying thero in all the abandon- ment of her misery, her husband's angry voice in her ears, the marks of ids angry grasp on her arm? Out- cast, wretched, despairing, there was only one friend for her in the world, 6Pd'thut was Sit' !Raoul; if she' -could but see hint, if she could but tell Idiot The pitiless night hid her from all oyes. Surely there had never been a night so full of pain. How long she had been lying there she never knew. Time was all ended for Iter. She was conscious only of infinite misery, She did not even feet the chill breath of the wind as It passed ever her. Then, ;.(ter what seemed to her an age of suspense and agony, sho heard footsteps amid the brushwood, and Lord Oti.raven calling her by name. "I atn here," site said. In the growan ' h thick darkness it g was with difficulty that bo discover- ed her, IIe saw her at length With ter face hidden among the dead leaves, "You may rise and thank ▪ Maven," 110 said, in a stern voice, "that; ,you have not succeeded; the evil is not so groat, as it !night have been." She rose and stood before hits, the tame dazed look 00 her face, "I do not understand — you arty such hard, such true' things," sho moaned, ' y„r„y.a.,r.4gle, s,a,.y 4.4• y,:y 44'1„ t "Hard and cruel,” repealed her husband, with Idtter contempt; l'cl d avec' n woman live so duel as you?' "1 ata not cruel," she replied. 'I have been driven mud." There wus such in';nito endnnss in the young voice, such dreary despah• In the young faro, that he was touched in spite of his eltger contempt.. "Tall rite," he salrl, "tv!tn!; motto you do this thing — this duel, un- generous, unwomanly dred?" She thoug}tt ho referred to her con- duct in following hits, u.nd they+ seemed to het' hard words. hat, made me do 1L? You will only despise and hate me the more if 1 tell you, '' she replied, "Frankly speaking, 1111.dred, noth-c in,' that yttu can say to me will stake the matter worse, but it may certainly bo made totter. 'Tell oto the plain truth." "Yes, 1 will toll you," she replied. "I see that alt good understanding is itt nn end between us," em 'inlet is quite certain," be said, with ha.^,114. "with i It t nv c nn Batt I l you shall never enter my doors again," "Have I acted so very wrong?" she asked, sadly, "51'tong1" leo end -alined, contempt- uously. "We. will wave that, nil - deed. You have do -r, that 'vhich I will never pardon. Now tell mo wiry you did it. You may speak the Lrutl, to rue; you bear my name, 1 will shield you from all harm. 'No one knows but myself." "Then she did not see me?" said 'Mcleod, drearily. "No — and you may be thankful for it," answerer! Lhe earl, severely-. "She did not see you. You may speak quite frankly — no one knows anything about it except myself. Nov teff me." "What have I to tell you?" sho said. "1. — I dirt it; 1 followed you becauso — oh! how hard it is to tell! — hectutso 1 was Jealous of her. 1 thought that you both were ridi- culing tae, that you would tell her that you had been oolit,'ed Lu marry rue to save, yourself from ruin, but that you did nut love me, you did not care for me, , you disliked me, I you hated me, you longed to be free from me - my accursod money was all you wanted — that you would never like me. And I fanned she would pity you, in that soft, caress- ing voice of hers — pity you 'for be- ing burdened with a wife you rlid not love, 1 believed that you would toll her that I was jealous of her, that then both -ot yeti would laugh at me," The passion of her words had deadened all sense of shame, Sho had forgotten that which- her jealousy had prompted her to do, and remem- bered her groat, bitter wrongs. She was no longer a heroine — only a passionate, injured, deeply -loving Woman. She rose to tlto °evasion. '1 could not boar it, site con- tinued, passicnatoly. "I should havo dune worse than this, I am sure, if it could have been done. I ;was mac. 1 will tell you ail. I was mad, because .T. had learned to levo •you with all the strength of my heart, and soul. I could not bear that you shotilcd jest about mo with careless words; it was as though. you had stabbed me for pleasure." He looked terribly distressed, "Why did you not tell me this be- fore, iIildrett?" he asked, "11 toll you? flow little you know me! "ens tt my place to go to the husband who neglected the and plead for his caresses — for his. love? •I would have died a thousand deaths first. How little you know me! I should not toll you all this now, but that 1 know in this world we shall never perhaps meet agatn. I am speaking to you across a grave. I stretch out my hands to you over a grave — the grave when', my love lies — slain!" And as she sold the words she fell upon her knees, weeping, sobbing with bitter cries, as though a grave lay thot'e, and she lto4 fallen upon it. TTo was touched. He could not tol- aoq eq o) poAofloq nn! ttunet alum crime, but •sho was young, beautiful, and loving, Her crime haul been committed through love for !tint, /To raised her from the ground. •'1 amt very 50111, Mildred," die said; "lit i:: very sad for both of us. Now we must talk of something else. You must go at once." Sho raised her Weeping eyes to him. "Must you send 010 away?" site asked, gently. "It was wrong, 1 was marl with jealous anger, but di.d not think 1 was. Could you not overlook it?" "You speak lightly," he replied sternly. "So, you can never re -en - tor my haus'. 117n1,e arranged It' all. illi so9 when 1 took PoorLady c i 1. told ti t •] to a tsL e, 1 Hamilton butt the t our gueelis that you had been sod - dimly sent for by your father, that 1 had driven you 1.0 Lhe etal}on — and it is to your father's house that you must go." "Very well," she said, drearily. "You do not seem to understand," he remarked, 'sharply; "do yeti not know the danger, the peril that bangs ore). you?" She dict not, but of what use Was it to say so? "Try to eolleet yoursolt and un- dorstat: d," ho coatinuod; "(Unto presses. I cannot keep (.hent away much longer, Yon must depart at on a without being seen. No one tuust aglow at whet Maw you went. lou must go to your father's house and wait throe. If IL should ho needful to send you abroad. I: will arrange it." "i -lave 1 Jeno so very wrong?" site murmured, The earl cried out pa'taaounl.ely: "1leaven give mo rattencei You, must be feud to ask ate such a ques- ttou, One wt>uld think you did not know whet wrong meiutt.'" llil,h'cd stood quite still, looking almost helplessly at !tirn. "You do not seem to realiro or to know what you have done," he said, hastily. "1 d0, T clo," she moaned; "end there will be no Pardon. 1 wish that. 1 might: fling myself into that Wee. 1 would, but that there is a life to come." "Mildred," said the earl, sternly, "listen to mo. I have told you that you tura never re-enter my doors; bat you bear my nnnte, and for my name's salts T will shield you. The Countess of Caravel may have done wrong, but the world must not know It, 1 must save you from the con'o<ptetlres of your mad folly, See —1 went quickly to your rooms and have brought you these." He gave her a cloak and a bonnet with a thick veil, "1 found tltont in your wardrobe. Have you any money'?" "No," she replied, vacantly, "none." Ito took out his purse and gave it to her. "I Would acaanpnny y'ou," he said, '"but that it would draw down suspicion on you, I must be hero to ward it off. Wrap ,yourself in this dock. ITide all that amber satin." b'I(h cold; trembling hands, site obeyer) ilial. Suddenly slue remem- bered the rubies. She unclasped sho necklace and bracelets. "'fake these," she said; and the earl took thein — it was boner, ho thought, to humor her. "NoW you quite understand, 1411 - deed? You must not go near Court Haven — you are known therm. You must walk to Worseley; that is a larger station; no ono will know you. Take a ticket for London. Wlten you reach there, hail a cab and go straight to your father's house. Are you quite sure that you under- s i tutet?" "Yes; what must I say to my fa- ther?" she asked, "You had better tell film the truth. He is a quick, keen nlau 01 the world; ho will know far better than 1 do what should be done. Tell Ilan all.'' "Yes." she replied, mechanically. "Note hasten away from here, Mil- dred," be said. "I am In mortal feat'. Yon understand all. You know the road to Worseley--it is di- rect — you take the high -road with,. Mit turning. Good-bye." She raised her dark, sad eyes to Itis taco; all the love, the passion, the regret, that she could not put into words, Was revealed in them, "Good-bye," she repeated, 1'le did not hold out his }land to her. Had be been speaking to the merest stranger, Itis voice could not have been colder or more stern. Then he turned <ftdckly away, and Lady Caraven walked across the coppice and through a lane nab the high- road, Her face was deadly pale; her limbs t'omblcd with cold. The gol- den stars shone down upon her; the night winds whispered round her. She walked on, uncotscinus of it all. It Was the early dawn of morn- ing when sho reached the station a large railroad junction, where she was both unkno)vn aim unnoticed. The train stented for London ter half an hour'. No one spoke to !tor, or appeared to see her, as she took her place, and in a few minutes more she was on her way. It was a hoed punishment — terri- bly hard for such ie trifle, she Da. A. W. VrSASE'Sr A �i CATARRH MIRE &se 400, to rent direct to the diseased pulp by the improved Blower. Heels rho nicers, altars the air pn.enges, scope treppleegeo to the china and jtattnnaantiy einem Catarrh and tfay Fever, Blower )lfee. All dealers, or )A: A. 1y. Ghana odloiao Co., Toronto and na7ele, thought, wondering that the earl could be so stern. She woe tired, fatigued, exhausted wall passion and emotion She had nelther eaten, itals But the Doctors Gould Not Oure Mr, OIoutifsr—Said He Wouid Never be, Weil Again -After Six Years of HclyoieSSGOSo He Was Cured h a to Dr. h S 9Nerve Food, The ease of 717x, Sinton Cloutier, shoomakor, 110 Lagoucltetic•o street, •Af0uteettl, deserves more titan passing noliee, because his case was unusual- ly sove'o, . Por six long years Mr. Cloutier ,was 1331 invalid, unable to attend to his work, and much of h's time was spent inthe hospitals of Mott - treat, The doctors gave him. no horn of recovery, batt, on the tun - Very, IOW hint that to would never be well again. l A treat'elene(t !hitt will roster° to goer; health a person whose ease was consideredhopelt',rs must bo or more titan ordinary value, and this is only Ono of a series, of remarkable otters that !tate been brought about by the use of De. Chase's Neve Irooi1. Mr, c' imoe Cloutier, shoemaker, 110 Lagaudtotie•c eleeet, Montreal, qln;,, slates -"Fat• 51Ty't'nrS T. was Pot able to Work, my reeves wove till enstrm g and my tligoi.tlon bat!, T had P0.1 11y0 nttttcl:a of heoctacltC, (01tld not seep, turd vutTcfrcd with shooting; pains h1 the small 01 any back. I was in torn' hospital;?, bol the doctors mold not 'thee me, Thee. Paid I would novae bnwell again, In Emile of their. decision 1 began the use Of I.tr, Chase's Nerve h'ooti some mouths ago, and I am convinced trtrlt, 1 owe my life to this medicine. T have now been fat work for over two weeks, and believe that ell" health has been fully restored. It is it pleasure for oto to add sly 'te'e• timon;' to the hosts of otheure front "erre eel tv110 hats been eurell by this wonderful medicine," Ill', Cameo's Nerve Food, 50 cents a l or, (T boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or llltuansolt, Bates & Co,, Toro tiff, drank, nor slept since tlto evening be- fore. When she reached London she asked it porter to call a eab for her, n hve and ,ho ddress: "Mr. Ran - soma the 11011ien, Kew," -- and the drive thither seemed to her more than ever Ilite a dream." (To Be Continued). d COSTLY MAYORAL ROBES, Those Worn by the Lord Mayor of London. Although the Lord Mayor of Lon- don Is, pethaps, tlto 'hardest -worked men in London during his tot'm of office, 1110 only return he rracch'es from the illy for his labors — in ad- dition to a salary quite inadequate to meet the expense incurred — is n set: of mayoral robes, which it is usual for him to retain and hand down ft'omgeneration to generation its all heirloom. These robes at'e three in 'medal•, and an unbroken law exists that they shall be made in 1bigltuxl from 1':ng'ish texture. The finest robe is of scarlet cloth 'Med with white silk curd edged with ermine, {tnci Is worn on the, day of his intutgurntlo 1, a9 well as in the Criminal Court on Saints' Days and all Stifle occasions. it is said to cost two hundred guint as end, of course, takes precedence above all other mayoral garments. In addi- tion, he is given a banqueting robe of black sat in damtsk over which flowers are worked in silver, which is to fro used for Mansion House re- ceptions and similar functions. The third rel -o is o1 purple silk trimmed with black velvet and costly fur, end is generally worn in the police court and in' transacting all official. busincrs, except when it is discard- ed in favor of the State robe. Until 1750 it .was customary for every Lord Mayor to be granted $1.5 glove money by the city, but now the only other perquisite that falls to his lot is a three -cornered hat of black cloth, which is supposed to last !lino a year, and can only be re- newed at his own expense. 'rho many_ dress ornaments which are given into his keeping on No- vember (lth are valued at over x20,- 000, and he is regn.ired to give a re- ceipt for them and make good any damage that may befall then while in his custody. First and foremost conies the "collar of asses," so call- ed because of the peculiar shape of the links. '1'ltis is Itis official col- lar, and was instituted by the no- torious John of Gaunt, while at the end of it hangs a pendant contain- ing $5,000 worth of diamonds. This collar is the most famous mayoral decoration in the world, there being only two others which resemble it to any extent. These are worn by the May'o'rs of Dublin and Cork. The former was a gift from Chas. II., whereat the jealousy of the good people of Cork wus so aroused that they had -one made .precisely similar in design, although that in use was nearly a century older. But this does not exhaust the Lord Mayor's official trinkets, and amongst other things the jeweled sword is a valua- ble asset, for it cost the city $4,- 500. • FANCIFUL FARMING. Priceless Dairies and Barns That Cost Fortunes. So many money kings favor Seem- ing as a hobby that it is scarcely surprising to find dairies and barns which cost small fortunes to erect becoming more common every year. It is doubtful, however, if there is a single barn in the world which comes up to that built by iii', Levi Mor- ton on his farm at Elleslie, New York, It cost in all $25,000, no less titan a third of this enormous sum being spent in decorations alone. To all appearances it is a palatial residence, measuring 800 feet long, and the necessary light is supplied by hundreds of electric are lamps. Some of tho finest wood -carving is to be found in this barn, and three attendants are 011 duty guarding it night and day. It would be difficult to find a more perfect dairy farm than that con- ducted by herr Schcider near leemen- don, in Germany. There aro twenty out -buildings erected in Swiss chalet style, each paved throughout with white tiles, and in the centre of the main dairy a• fountain plays. Alto- gether 2,000 querts of milk are pro- duced in thls dairy oven, day, and the butter is made in silver-plated ehtit ne which cost $1,00 each. Equally luxurious in the form be- longing to TTr. Twombly, a son-in- law of Mr. William Vanderbilt, at Florham, N.Y, The deity is said to have cost $100,000 to build, and ea' It of the seven barns $15,000, while for the fifteen waggons $1.7,- (100 was paid. The Mill: clnn'ns are Silver -plat ed and valued at $200 apiece, and every implement used in huutdling the butte' is of pure silver, '('lie motor farm owned by Itfr. Charles Tieislny, a wealthy Scotch ugricuiturist, is certainly unique. Ia:e corn Is enw•it attcl reaped by motor ; moot' tenggans carry the crops renal place to place ; and Alm cows ore milked and the butter le matte by edocia icity. Parttitlis 180 most remerkable farm in the world is to be found neo Bruges. for_ all the, crops grown thereon are, produced under the itl- ❑uen e of electricity, from tine cep - 1 Eel generating station (vires eatcn_I ate the entire ground about five feet spurt, end through them a cot-, tintlal current of electricity is kept passing. w11.It the result that the electricity influences the chemicals in the soil to the benefit of the crops. Tie c xpe'iment% have peeved such a t,ueecss that the first year ItI, rlutn- ce1t, the int entor, suCcceclitl in fin creasing his crops by 00 per cant, Nevertheless, it is doubtful if tho system tt'ilI find favor among agricul- tui'ists, badauto the hundred acres s0 trented cost $1!0,000 to fovea i A N1?W CTJ71P. 11 (k0 -- "'whey does he ntlhe 1,311in' me at the disltelsuly that, I has insomnia. 13idtlI'.'' 'Biddy - 'thin Why dnni 'a;t he ether gain' to, 13od nn' ala.plu' !,'b off?" te�emzF3'td'6.dzkS'e tt ' ON TUE FARM� '1'1111 OITY MAN'S YARN. I went to see the five stock show The blooded cellae and the swing, The into fat sheep, the bleating tombs, 1.•Itt' calves nod eludes and lowing kiml, The Cotswold pigs were fine and fat, 7lte ilerkcl,ire haus were rtlmply great; 1 also liked the Clydesdale tows, Poe they were peaches, let ane Matte. The big bull Cochin shales worn plump, The shorthorn hogs were hard to boat, The Norham lambs were '•1uoh:os" too, The Jersey chickens were a treat, Tho Sttutlldow'n sows were out of sight, Tl;o Norman . roosters took the cake; The Maltese shotes were up to snuff, Tito 131'ahma. calves were nut a fake, The pouter pigs were right in line, The Poland -China oxen swell, The Pereheron steers were to the front, The Wyandotte bulls, they took the bell, rho animals were all well brei, But I am sorry as can be That all the people at the sitnw Could not display a pedigree, 1 saw some blooded ones, of course, But many mongrel in the lot, And that is why too Maltese shotes Turned up their noses, like as not., WINTl1R ON TIIG FARM. How should the farmer spend his time during the wint,e•, is an im- portant question. Farm live stock should have his first attention. See to it that all animals go into wili- er quarters in good flesh tend health. A poor and unhealthy animal is un- profitable. Stables should be well prepared as to ventilation, have them warm. Tito time spent in pro- viding good, warm quartets will be more than balanced in the amount of feed saved. Have an abundance of good, clean fend. Bettor sell some stock and winter well the remain- der, than to stunt all. Have regu- lar hours to feed and know the wants of each anneal, and supply them. As we farmers must have money to meet holiday expenses, now is a good time to market surplus farm products. The fertility of the farm is the farnte•'s banking stock from which he must realize his profit. The high- er above par he can keep it the larg- er will be the gain per cent. In or- der to increase this stock he must add fertility in some form. The cheapest and best, in my opinion, is stable manure. This can fe made profitable winter work when teams are not so busy. Stormy days and the long winter evenings give ample time to note successes and failures made in the past. From these ex- periences we should stake better plans for the future. A good plan 1s to snap olT the farm on a piece of paper. Designate the crops growing and those to be grown in the coming season. Indicate the amount, of seed and fertilizer to be used fur each crop. To aid one in this, ho should read et least three good agricultural papers, treating on tate most exten- sive linos of facaning• practiced. A winter spent in tine way is fnr more profitable to otteeelf and the cotmmt- nuI;y than so touch time spent at tho corner grocery discussing bow the Government should be run. ECONOMY Oi' TTLG SILO, The silo is economical because it enables usa1,,o use the entire product of the corn crop. When we allow the corn to ripen, then cut it, husk . it, and bang it in the burn, acct cut of sht'ed it, there is a loge waste in feeding because the cot's reject 50' much of it. Int the silo tvo utfaizo the entire stalk and tit its best. There is 70 per cont. of the value of the corn stalk 1:elow the ear. Most of this turns to woody fiber what( it ripens, and is so hard and coarse the cows will riot eat it. I'uttittg it in the silo makes a succulent feed of it, writes .Mt.t, Ed, Van Alstyne. We now have news descended front Certs whioh dropi,ed their cutlets in the spc'ing, wlteu they had succulent feed on which to runny then, We want them to give milk 12 months in the year, not three months, LIS when nature, provided green grass, and 1.0 secure the best results fro must provide eucet4eet teed. .1. Mato raised lots of roots for cows, but have given them up in prete'enee to the el o a'he silo Is oconomicnl because fro can handle the corn crop in it cheap- er than we can in any other way. When I built my first silo 1 dug a pit near the barn_ 5 feet deep, 101 Poet tong, aud'64 feet wide. Set eight posts and boerdccl it up, ill this 1 put uiuc loads of corn, 111 Feb- ruary I opened this and substituted' one feed a day for a feed of corn front the same field which was care- fully cured and 3?13'1' 1.14 TITL BARN. A:t Lite end of Ave clays with 22 cows, I was getting two pounds more butter per day. The next year I cut 143 rows corn, shocked them, husked the corn, put it in the crib and the stalks in the barn, 1 also cut 10 rolls corn and ran it through the silo, ears and till. I found that 1 colttd }caudle it much Chalper in the silo than by the old way. I have taken !'roti( the silo las much torn as Wats (Meat to two pounds meal per day and substituted ore for (110 other, and iC there was any ililtterenne it was in favor of the corn in the silo. This saves at hestono-fifththe grain tvttit% it will Bost in toll to grind it, 1'hc farmer nem has w'oil•r:tired T j��,11p��T (('yle�'yy (l�'�7'�t �t'p `A (ff�TTlpa corn silage cannot afford to add corn 1111,'1'1 au .I)11U I l kt1J4jjdtl meal to It. At the modeldairy at Duffel° last year the herdsmen soon COWI30Y.> I]AVE ^,ONTItIIYIPT cut corn out 111 the ration becaust they found they could make mills I'OR SIIEI ' RA1i(�1i1 S, cheaper without it. Putting corn in the situ winch will yield TO to 110 bushels per ultra is a waste, for the cows will net digetd, so much. Corn which will ,yield 50 Mohan( cars 'to etery ten tons stalks, contains as much grain 4414 cows can digest readi- ly. 1 plant the 6an11 us usual, but go through the held helmet cutting and pick nIT rho ripest eerie, throw- ing these in piles and .when dry bring lln'nt in to the (rib to teed to pigs or horses, Anetltcr way fie to plant the corn ti. Tittle thither, but eat thin enough 80 that an ear will iet'rtt lh on eeustalk, but not grow so big, IN ITARVI'ESTING the cot'n harvester saves nnlctt work. One meta in the Held in loading and Deadly Monotony Breen Only by, the Visits of the Grub Wagon. The shepherd and Ills Hoeft are toast ttssoc'iated with pichtres.1uo rr/:nl)s, green lnntlseme,e and run- nin;T brooks, where the ttivi;herd tote ]tears to lend a life of ease 111111 cone tent -lent. The old mot:tel a free quently used the subjet'_t for conte 01 their nutst cobaltttted painthtgs, end in the greatt!rt galturit.s of Eu- rope the visitor will. 05.0011 sea plc - three of court benu(les and gay no- bles tnesgce adittg us shepherds and ahepl:erdt sic v 1l,"t.a lite clothes and delicate fttattircs iippear Is, stromco coat vast wait their rnipp':aed ocl'ulrttr tion. Steigt heulhtr hike Anil misty 000 On the wagon in unloading atacrega wit:h it glimpse -of a tiny Itut be clis;,cnted with It the corn is out on the wild moorland, where blue and hound in bundles. The blowers brawny, plaided !Highlander llt'itt on same of the eutters are rt succes.';, With 1115 dogs, are familiar sc nes but require 10010. one-third to one- of the Scottish hills, writes half more power to run theft. With in Toronto Tnlegrttnt, a 18 -inch cutter and 40 feet of car- rier a four -horse engine will give power enough to handle it as fast tilt three teams will draw the corn. if (RANCHING ON '1'I1F1 PLAINS. Sheep ranching on the plains of the American west pt'tseuta a very di1- you put in corn rather green orad ferret appearance to either of theso. use a blower, cut it mailer lung, for lar fact the pic(ures,lue is almost en - the blower blows it all to pieces. tirely lacking and an a the sordid 1 prefer to fi11 the silo slowly and "'refit of the occupation aeons to 10 would rather take Iwoweeks in All- co;tsidored. Sl:seep are considerably ing than two clays. The best kind more profitable then ea et Ie. The of corn is that which will mature in former are said to nay 80 per cent. the section whore you live. Wewhile cattle pay 20 per cent, 'the ought to put in twice as much seed unitntlated will irnmerliutely ask wily it is that all ranchers don't am. bark in sheep in preference to cattle. Any cow puncher from the ca(110 ranges, if asked this opinion, would, in tho ct>urre of u. short argument, either cortert the enquirer to "cow," or make a deadly enemy of hint for life. TURKEY RAISING. as if we were going to plant the corn in hills 3f feet ouch way. Twelve quarts per acre I find about right. In filling the silo the corn must bo evenly distributed and pack- ed down well around tho outside. RANOFIER'S LONELY LIFE, Healthy, 'vigorous breeders, pro- Tho sheep rancher, if he owns a terably the hens two to six years of Largs flock, say 5,000, always 011- age, the tont a large boned yearling. ploys a shepherd, or several of .them, Good, motherly chicken hens to use as the case may be. in working for for Incubators and brooders. Good, a largo outfit, each man has his weather-proof coops. Pens of foot- flock, and during the grazing months wide poultry netting or foot -wide he has to be with them constantly, boards. Plenty of clean water in ))ay in and day out he stays with clean drinking vessels. Good, whole- his bunch of sheep, out on the bleak some feed of soaked wheat bread and prairie, where ne home, habitation curds for tho first few weeks. All can be seen, on tho rolling sea of the chopped green onion tops they' grass, save the tent he sleeps In. well eat. Here he is bound to stay, with no Their pen built on bare, ground, companions but a dog or two. These or on very short grass. A feed dogs are intelligence itself, and arra twice a work of curds seasoned with 1 simply invaluable, to the handling of black pepper and sharp sand. Beep la flock of sheep. At a sign from lice off by using good insect pow- der. I{eep roosting coops and pons strictly clean. Avoid overcrowding. Never allow the dust box, grist box, charcoal box and water vessel to be- come empty. Never use grease on the poults, or strong smelling stuffs on or in their coops. Neter allow them to get wet while small. Aim to keep them a little hungry all the time except at night. When large enough to fly over 12 -foot boards,' shut out from coops, com- pelling them to roost upon low, broad roosts under an open shod, Do not confine either the breeders or the poults, Possess yourself with lots of patience, for this is very necessary. Set eggs only from vig- orous stock. GREAT NUMBER OF BABIES. Impressions That lIlay Seem Cruel to Mothers, their master they dart off and turn back stragglers, keeping tho flock to- gether and saving the stupid, help- less brutes from the fringe of coyotes whichmay be lurking behind a neighboring butte. These animals are a small species of wolf, very numerous in. the ranching countries, and though harmless to grown cat- tle are very destructive to sheep. GRUB WAGON ONLY VISITOR. For weeks at a time the lonely shepherd wanders about without see- ing eming a soul, except at intervals, when tho grub wagon comes along to deal hint out supplies. When evening comes the herder goes to his tent. prepares Itis solitary ureal, smokes a pipe, and if loneliness has not ntado him indifferent, tries to forget his surroundings and And society in a book. Then he rolls up in his blank- ets and Iles down rat the hard ground to be lulled to sleep by the con- tinual and almost human ba-btt of Men who laboriously labor over the sheep, alternating from the statistics at'e almost unconsciously hoarse, guttural bellow of the old classed among those to whom e, animals to the plaintive call of the good hearty laugh is an unknown lambs — but monotonous and never quantity. They belong, at least in silent ba -ba. Perhaps a coyote will the popular mind, to that class give his unearthly cart from the top which, in its scientific enthusiasm, of the butte, to bo answered hy an - can, withno inherent .ens° of im- other and another until Anally the propriety, "botanize on a mother's whole neighborhood resounds with grave." Ono of this gentry, who is a chorus of yelps, barks, laughs, and a I:acteelor, has gone to the trouble screams. to inform the world of this import- ant .fact: 1f all the babies, born at a certain minute, were arranged in a line in their cradles they would ex- tend around the globe. With the instinct of a fiend whose pulse is evidently kept beating with a circulating fluid deriving its actu- ating influence front an overflowing ice water tank, he seriously asks a Manful world of average sympathetic tendencies to imagine these same un- fortunate babies to be carried past a given point in a coherent proces- sion.- at the rate of twenty a min- ute, in their mothers' arms, one by one, the awful line being kept up night and day until the last hour of the twelve months of tt year has elapsed. Having graspod the full importnttee of this wide and owe inspiring pro - SOLITUDE DRIVES THEM WT/J). It is hardly to Ire wondered at that the untortimete herders often get half crazy after being out alone for months, and when finally they do come to town they are the butt of the cowboys, who leer at their un- couth appearance and greet then( tvitlt cat calls of "flet -bol" Cattle men and sheep ranchers are at daggers drawn throughout the American west, regular pitched bat- tles taking palce, in which there is sometimes loss of life. '17to larger profits of sheep induce men to em- bark in the industry, and they rap- idly encroach on the cattle ranges. When the trouble reaches boiling point the cowpoeclters Paid the sheep camp, spurring their horse into tho flocks and driving the sheep in a W nearest re8 cut bank ol' positton, this sante scientific statist- mess over tete let t enlly inclinocl sharp, in cold blood co et the bottom of which requests us to rennin calm while he they are clashed to pieces int hun- informs us that, as a matter of deeds. mathematical calculation, he has 'Irhe reason all this hatred and a indisputably demonstrated the uncle- ';trlf1 over the poor r,heep ca is .t.socl uiabte feet that the reviewer et. his by Lho irrcpnuab1 daiungo they tlo post at inspection, at the cud of a to the grass on tee pttblie glazing year would have seen only, a sixth of lands — the range, They fairly oat a,t shuuJv of. the intact inrinsuy of it down to the roots, anti with thole 1 the current year. Then, with the in- to hoofs trample the rennins in- the to be expected only hors to the dust, Cattle simply refuse nn unmarried • man nti science, lea cool - the feed whore sheep Me grazed, 00 1y adds, ns it ft tutee at no Canso- the uttlt's can rosily be imagined in (mance to the impatient mothers and a. country that is becoming more and kids at the end of the line, that mare filled up each year, and where when the year's supply was drawing tho (wire fences of the now settlers aro rapidly maiming the area, of to a close there tvonld bo rear guard, not of infants, but of ramp- ing six-year-old boys and girls, BENEFIT 011 AD'VERTTSING. A merchant in one of our cities lately put an advertisement in n. pa- per headed: "'Boy wanted!" The nett morning he found a band- box on his doorstep, with this in- scription on tho top: Row will this ono answer?" ' On opening it he found a nice, net, chubby-lookittg specimen of tho ar- ticle he wanted, Warmly done up In flannel, 1118,01t0a — "Well, :Lally, you've lost a button offyour jacket." Lel- ly — "Olt, sol It was loose, so I toots it off," litanItna — "Give it to ane, then, and 1 will sow it nn age.}n." Lally •... "I ttthow it eWny in ease I should lose it.' open range. COWBOYS ITATT7 THTIS IT1TI1I)i'RS. As the ctLtlo 10en were the pia - LOOM in the Western States they justly resent the intrusion of the sheep (nen, and when one considers Matt the promiscuous grazing of sltcep is taking away their means cif livelihood they con hardly be blnttt- ed for' taking violent measures tet hold their rlgttts. in the Cnnn.tllan Northwest .tho ranching iadust:r;y to young tis yet, and so the cattle ranchers and sire') men have not clashed, A large dis- trict in Southern Alberta Tuts 1:act for ;yearre reserved for cattle, and lately meetings leave been held at other (1010111 to decide ou separate rangce, Tite Canadian evc'st is belle-, (ping by the experiences of rnnclitltett Of Montantl, and neighboring Status, nxid it is t'J be hoped tltot. they sot - t10 all difficulties 10 their zuutttal adventego and pronpr r,:y.