HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1903-1-1, Page 1r
Vol. 31. No. 28
For Move.
I havo accepted uomivation for the
Reeve's chair for 1903 and will be very
pleased to be accorded your vote and in-
fluence for the position, If successful I
will constantly aim to keep Brussels in
the front vault and will induetriouely
labor to aid in its advancement. Wish-
ing yon the compliments of the season,
Yours reepeotfully,
LAmIes AND GENTLEM- EN,—I have been
honored with a Beat at the Council Board
for several yeare and am now a candidate
for the Reeveehip. I solicit your vote
and influence and if elected next Monday
it will be my aim to advance the beet in
tereste of our tidy little town in every
possible way.
Yours truly,
For Councillors.
To the Eleatore of Bru- ssels :
LADIEe AND GENTLE,ILaar,—I am a can-
didate for a seat at the Council Board
for 1903 and solicit your vote and hope
the property owners will also support the
Lookridge Bylaw next Monday. Wish.
youthe Season's compliments,
Yours truly,
To the Electors of Bruseele :
nominated for the position of Councillor
for 1903 and if elected will do my very
best to advance the intereete of Bruseele.
Asking the favor of your support,
I am, Yours Truly,
I am in the field for Councillor and
will he pleaeed to be honored with your
assistance next Monday. If elected I
will endeavor to disoharge my duty to the
beet of my ability. Wishing you, ladies
and gentlemen, the compliments of the
Yours Very Truly,
To the Electors of the Village of Bruit.
Having been nominated for Councillor
for the year 1903 I take this opportunity
of soliciting your vote and influence.
Should I be elected I pledge myself that
I will nee my best energy to promote the
interests and welfare of the town.
Yours, dia.,
To the Electors of Bru- ssels :
Have;fiegepted nomination for the pus
ition of Councillor for Brussels for next
year. If favored with your confidence
and elected I will endeavor to carefully
perform the duties of my office. Wish-
ing you, ladies and gentlemen, the aom-
plimente of the Beason,
I am, Your.; truly,
New Advertisements.
Election aurae.
Looal—Stewart & Son.
Our Unwire -7.'. Fletcher.
Bost wishes—A. Straohan.
New priute—MoKinnon & Co.
Annual meetiuge—W. H Kerr.
Property for eale—Thoe. Brown.
Stop that coughing—Hureley & Co.
Bee hive of bargains—H. A. Matohett,
iatric' `iettis,
Nomination was held on Monday, Deo.
29th, Michael Murdie was elected Reeve
by acclamation, James O'Laughlin and
Archibald McGregor resigned. John 0.
Brown, Oharlee Little, William G. Smith,
Thomas Archibald and John Murray, be.
ing nominated for Council. Thomas
Arobibald withdrew and all were elected.
Mise Ethel Barger, of Fergus, spent
Ohrietmae at the Pareonage.
On Sunday morning a Children's ear.
vine will be held in the Methodiet ohurob.
Oo Tbureday, Jan. 8tb, the first meet-
ing of the Women's Institute will be held,
at 2 30, at the Methodist Parsonage.
Mre. (Dr) Armetrong, of Gorrie, will be
present to organize. Allladiea intereeted
are invited to attend.
The annual Chrietmae Tree and S. S.
entertainment was held in the Methodist
church on Chrietmae night. A program
of chmueee, dialogues, duets, solos, reoi
latione wee rendered, also music by the
oreheetra. Proceeds about $30.
V et Icon.
Onxp.—The 011, 10nt New Era of het
week gives the following par,ionlere of
the deooe a of Mre. Holland, mother to
Robert Holland, of thie looality ;—On
Saturday last there was laid to rest in
O,inton cemetery Eliza Holland, relict of
the late Samuel Holland, of the Huron
road, Goderiob township, who departed
thie life seventeen years ago. Mre. Hol.
land, atter the death of her hueband,
went to live with her daughter, Mrs. D.
Watson, of Lietowel, end where she bad
resided ever einoe till the time of her
death, enooumbing to old age and a
general decline iu her 87th year, at her
daughter's residence, on Thursday last.
She leaves four eons and three daughters
to mourn the toes of a loving mother.
The sous are John, of Manitoba ; Robert,
of Walton ; Jamee of the Huron road and
Cbarlee of Detroit ; Mre. Roland Jeokine,
of the 16th con., and Mre. Chas. Garter
are the remaining daughters. Mre. Hol.
land was born in Devonshire, England,
and Dame to this country with her parents
Mr., and Mre. Hick.), when but a girl of
five. She was one of the early settlers of
Goderiob toweehip, and was well known
by all, The funeral was largely atteod.
ed it taking place on the arrival of the
12.55 train to the Clinton cemetery. Rev.
Dr. Gifford performing the last sacred
rites of the Methodiet ohuroh, of whiob
body ace was a oonsietent member. The
following old acquaintaooee of Mre. Hol-
land anted as pail -bearers :—Angus Mo.
Dermid, Samuel Wise, Alex, and Andrew
Jamieson, Geo. Dale and Melville Clark.
It ie a singular ooinoidenoe that both
hnebaod and wife should die after a lapse
of 17 years, on thelame month and date.
The sympathy of the community goes
out to the bereaved family in this the
hour of ',Motion.
10* bel,
Schoolre•opeus next Monday.
There was a big crowd here attending
the Municipal Nomination on Monday.
Mre. Holland, an aunt to Mre. L. Dob -
eon, died reoently at Lietowel and wee
buried at Clinton.
Wedding here this week, Mr. Bernath
and Mise Baynard being the aontraoting
parties. May joy go with them,
Among the welcome vieitore to thio
locality is Mien Ella Lamont, teacher at
Hillebarg who has been here daring the
peat week or so.
Jae. and Mre. Drinker, of Sandridge,
are enjoying tt holiday among old friends
here. It le 23 yeare since they removed
from this locality and consequently note
many changes.
Will. Dilworth leaves for Grand Forks,
North Dakota, where he will teach for a
while atter which he will push the im
plemeot hastens. We wish him suooeee
and believe he will do well.
We desire to extend our thanks for
the very liberal patronage extended to us
during the past year and desire to wish all
our patrons A Happy New Year.
Our ,stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Etc., Etc , is always large, well assorted
and of the best makes,
Particular attention given to Watch,
Clock: and Jewelry repairs
T. Fletcher, Jeweler
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
W. I-1. KERR, Prop.
fnetne Lake is home from Toronto on
a visit.
Mioe Belle Lamont, of Venetian, Ont.,
is home for a few weeks wellearned boli.
Jaye. She ie a daughterJohn of Lamont
West of Ethel. Her position evidently
agrees with her.
Our old friend, Lawrence Dobson, bee
been rather poorly with en attack of
indigestion but we hope he will exon be
as well ea ever. Mr. Dobson ie well up
toward 80 years of age but is very motive
for it man at that time of life.
David Dobson, of Fairfax, Man., is
renewing old friendships here, arriving
at Hubei last week. He had a good prop
this mason, having over 6000 bushels of
grain on his a eeotiou. It is 2 years since
he wee home. Mr. Dobson is enthneiae-
tic over the Weet end think° a great,
future be certain.
The Chrietmae Tree entertainment of
the Methodist Sabbath School was a great
suooeee, About $31 00 was realized. The
cantata, "Santa's Surpriee," wail well
done from Santa (J. M. Davies) down. A
very interesting feature of the evening
was the presentation of several numbers
by Mr. Mason, of Belleville, In the mute
language. He ie a brother to L, Mason,
anon o01towu.
A wedding ie on the tapie.
Mae Belle Straohan is a weloome visit•
or from St. Catharines.
The eervioe in Victoria Hall Int Sab•
bath evening wae taken by W. H. Kerr,
D. L. Straohan, of Hamilton College,
is spending rho bmae holidays ander the
parental roof.
The Brethren will hold an Evaogelie
do service ie the' Hall on Thursday even•
ing of thie week.
Mre, Copeland Stokes is not enjoying
very robust health but we hope ehe will
0000 be quite well,
Li vete tttt rt) r) IC.
Thoe. Brown has beau on the sick list
but we hope be will aoou be o. k.
The store and dwelling of A. Mc-
Donald, merohaut, ie now lighted by
acetylene gee.
Mrs. Forreet and Mre. M. Cameron met
with great suooeee in their Bible Sooiety
oolleotiug returning their book with $88.
Next Sabbath afternoon Ernest
Maunders, a student from Belleville Col.
lege, will conduct the service iu the
07ethodlet church.
R. et.. McDonald le home from the
CentralBarnum College Stratford, for
hie holidays. He re a eon of A. McDon-
ald and ie takiug a nine mouth'e course
Miss McKee has returned to her home
in Lakefield.
Oliver and Mra. Smith are visiting
relatives in Galt.
Crosby L°uki°, of Cargill, spent Xmas
Day at hie home,
Charles Sanderson returned to Kilmer -
dine on Monday.
Mise Carrie Laurie spent a few holidays
tv ith Mende in Wiugham,
Mise Elliott, of Crandall, Mao., le the
guest of Dr, and Mre. Brawn.
Geo. French, of Otterville, ie spending
the Xmas holidaye at hie home.
Austin Morrison, of Wiartoo, ie spend.
log a few holidays at his home.
Byron Simmone and wife, of Toronto,
are paints of 0, and Mre. Simmons.
Alvin Hemphill, of Walkerton, spent a
few Xmas holidays hero with hie parents.
W. Trench shipped a ear load of hi ge
to Toronto ou Monday. The price was
John Knutson, who had hie shoulder
hone broken last week, is progressing
Mr. and Mre. Humphreys, of Daneford,
are gueete of the latter', mother, Mre. W.
Alex. Stewart, of Waterloo, spent
several days with Moe. Jae. Forsythe
and family here.
John Munroe, of Chiango, le the Bleat
of his dieter, Mrs. A. Miller, and other
relatives here.
Arohie and Mre. Moffitt are spending a
few holidays with relatives of the former
in Owen Sound,
Oliver Smith, jr., has returned from
Owen Sound where he hail been attending
business college.
John Harrie returned from Carman,
Mao., last week, where he baa spent the
last ten months.
Mies Mary Roberteon, of Boieeevain,
Mao., is the guest of her parents. Jno.
and Mre. Robertson.
Somerville Hamilton returned to
Graveohuret on Xmas Day, after a few
day's visit with hie parents.
0. and Mre. Cook, of Heneall, were
eneste of the latter'e parents, F. and Mre.
Hemphill, for a few days last week.
Miae Jessie Gibson, of Durham, Mies
Jean Gibeon, of Goderiob, and J. Gibeon,
of Barrie, visited their dieter, Mre. F. V.
Dickeen, over Xmae.
Jae. Paulin, wb0 has spent the last
seven years in Colorado, returned unex•
peotedly last week, and intends upending
a few months here at his home,
Rev. I. A. and Mre, McKelvey are visit-
ing relativee in Stratford. In the abeoenee
of Mr. McKelvey, R. Pearson, a student
of Viotoria College, occupied the pulpit
on Sunday.
After an abeenoe of 'almost four years,
Hurry Brawn, returned,tromOarlingville,
Mao., on Wedneedayt•1laet, and intends
spending a month at hie- home here.
Harry ie doing well ill the Weet.
At the meeting of the 0. 0. F., No. 267,
on Friday night, the followibg 'officers
were elected :-0. R., John Bray ; V. C.,
D.' W. Rae ; R. S„ R. J. Rain ; F. S.,
W. M. Robinson ; 7.'reae , J. Davidson
Chap., J. Stott ; Nr, W., Geo, Paulin ;
Jr. W., H. Morrluo11 ; Sr, 11,, W. Knox ;
Jr, B., 3, Ballantyne,
Wroxeter nominations for Reevo—Jno,
Bray, W. Wilson and W. 0. Hazlewood,
1 or Counoillore—W. J, Sanderson, W.
Laolde, Geo, Paulin, J. N. Allen, R. J.
Renu, Ino, Douglas, Jae. Paulin, T. F.
Sanders, J, Davidson (withdrawn,) 8
Trustees—A. Munroe, 141. Sandereon, W.
S. MOKeroher, W. A. Rutherford and R.
Frank Mitchell and family aro visiting
relatives in Mount Forest.
Miss Voeburg spent It few days of last
week with Wingham friends.
Jere MaEweo, of Midland, ie spending
hie vacation at hie home near here,
MilleBezlewood and family, of Clif-
ford, spent Xmas Day with W. 0. Bazle•
Mies Ada Paulin, of Simooe, ie the
guest of be grandparents, Jae. and Mrs,
Riohard McMichael, jr., ot Portege•la-
Prairie, ie visiting relatives in and around
the village.
Geo. Brown, teaoher, of Ottawa, ie
the gueet of hie mother„Mre, G. Brown.
We under,tand George hair given up
teaching and intends going into the
Ineuranoe business.
George Leckie, who for many years
bee bird a meroheat tailoring busineee
Imre, beer Bold out to a ltir. ()rookery, of
Dundalk. As George's health has not
been good for some time he intends to
take a reet from the worrier of bneineee
Al the nomination for County Council
held here on Monday of last week, their
was a very large turnout of the eleotore
to listen to the speeches on the work that
bee been done for the past two yeare by
our repreeentatives,.Masers. Miller and
Ferguson. Each mode capital epeeobee,
giving reasons why their volae were yea
or nay. At one time daring the meeting,
language tbat is not strictly parliameo•
tary was indnlped in by one of the oandi•
Marie, and for a few mioatee it looked 0e
though one of the eleotore would be
treated to a "Donnybrook Fair” episode.
We thought tbet only Irishmen lose their
heads iu public meetings but it appears
that 000aeioeally other nationalities acme.
times forget themselves as well. We ex -
peat to see the old members, Miller and
Ferguson returned at the head of the poll.
They are both good men and deserve re.
Richard Cardiff is home from Toronto
for a short holiday.
Jag. Evane and wife are away on a
holiday visit with relotivea at Tavietook.
L and Mre. Kingswood and Roy, of
St. Thomas, are vieitore at Jae. Sharpe
5th line.
S. B. end Mre. M004l1, of Toronto, are
holidaying at the parental home over
New Year's.
Rev. and Mrs. Finkbeiner, of Sebring
ville, were visitors at the home of Mrs.
T. Manndere during the past week.
Mre. A. I. McCall and obildren, of
Chatham, are visiting at Alex. Mo0all'x,
7th line, and Mr. McCall is to be here for
New Year's.
An enjoyable home gathering was held
at the reeldenoe of ,John Manning, 5th
line, on Christmas day. Everybody had
a good time.
George Biolby, of Tiverton, Lae been
holidaying under the parental roof. He
is engaged for 1903 in the same eohool
where he is doing fine work.
Nomination Day Tax Oolleotor Proc-
tor von, only requiring $180 to complete
his roll for 1902. He has made a good
record for hie brat year indeed.
Mies Maggie B. Lamont, grand daugh•
ter of \V m. Shedden, is visiting here from
Michigan. She cisme baok with Mre.
Robert Shedden who was visiting there
fora month. -
Sydueyn Bolter, of Belmont, Man., ie
spending hie Xmas holidays at his father's
Jae. Bolger. He is well pleaeed with the
Weat and ie doing well. We wish him
continued proeperity.
Mise Mabel McCall, who has been in
Chatham for the past 2 months, is home
once more. Her brother Will, a000mpan.
ied her but after a few deers left for
Dresden where he will mishit in a new
drug store belonging to A. I. Mo0all &
ENTERTAINMENT.—A very enooeeotnl 00•.
tertainment was held ender the atrophies
of'thelJaokeon church Sabbath eohool on
Tueeday evening of last week. The pro-
gram was a most intereeting one and wait
as follows :—Singing by school ; Prayer
by Rev. J. Holmes; Chairman's epeeoh ;
singing by children ; recitation, Robbie
Wallace I ohorne by girle ; reoitation,
Fannie Stubbs ; ohorue, "Following
Chriet" ; pleb swinging by Mabel Geddes ;
solo, Carrie Shortreed ; recitation, Miert
Mauodere ; solo, Laura Clark ; reoita
tion, Mr. Melville ; base Bolo, Jae. Farqu-
hereon ; epeeoh by Rev. Holmes ; reci-
tation, Charlotte Wallace ; flinging,
"Jeeoe Lover of my Soul" ; reoitation
by four little Daisies ; reading, Albert
Wilford ; singing by ohildreo ; recitation,
Mr. Melville ; oilmen by girls ; recite.
tion, Mee Biolby ; instrumental ; solo,
Mise Sharp. There was a Xmas Tree
well laden with gifts. Prooeede of even.
ing $17.00
47. reay.
Wesley Pepper, of London, is visiting
ander the parental roof, 9th coo.
0. and Mre. [Jerrie, 15th con., spent
Christmas with relatives in Seeforth.
-Next Monday will be election day and
no doubt quite a bnstlewill be got on.
John Oliver and eon., 6111 con,, were
vieitore with relatives et Shakespeare.
J. 3. Irvine and wife, of McKillop,
were vieitore at Robert Menary'e 9th oon.
last week,
Mies Marion McKay and Angus McKay
were at Lebanon, Wellington 'Co., for
0. R. °rerar, of the School of Science.
Toronto, le home for a short vacation.
He will return next week.
Reeve Livingston, we congratulate you
on your elevation to the ohiere chair and
wish you a pleasant term.
It ie reported that Joseph Shaw has
purchased Lot 9, Ooe. 5, known an the.
Reid farm and will move to it next.
Erne. 0rioh, of Windsor, Leslie Town
ehend, of North Dahota, and Melville
Odell, of Tuoheremith, were vieitore with
R. M. and Mre. Douglas, for a few days
thie week.
During the poet week Harry Atwood
was visiting hip eietere at Galt and Pres-
ton. It Ie 16 years einoe he went visiting
them before so he cannot be charged with
being mach of a gad. cont,
Robert. Boll and Robt. Lowe and wife
were vieitore at Guelph spending Chriet•
max with relatives.
Dialog the past week K. Beaton,
teaoher, of W hiteohurob, was a visitor
with hie friend, S. Lamont, 7th son,
Mre. Alex, Wiley, of Elma, and Rod-
eriek.MoKay, of Logan, spent Ohriotmee
with their Dieter, Mrs. Tale, Dawn town.
Jas, A. Frain, of Stonewall, Mani•
toba, brother to Lorenzo Frain, pleaeaotly
surprised relatives and friendejlaet week
by dropping in for a visit, The Western
life certainly agrees with him.
This week William Turnbull and farm•
ly, lith eon., moved to their new h .me,
Bruseele North. Their many old (Heade
in Grey, while sorry to see them leave
thin looality, wish them many, happy
prosperous years in their new home.
Mr. Cunningham, who purchased Mr.
Turnbull'e farm, has taken poeeeeeion.
After an absence of 11 years, Alex.
McDougall, of Towner, North Dakota, is
renewing old friendships in Grey. He is
a brother to Peter McDougall, 8th eon.,
and like him is still working in eiogle
hareem but there is no telling what this
visit may accomplish. Mr. McDougall
is prospering under the Stare and Siripoe.
Mre. Dittman Taylor went to visit bar
oaioe, Mien Donovan, of Cbesley. The
young lady expired shortly after her
arrival. Thiet_s-the third death in the
Donovan family from consumption,
Mr. Taylor ie holidaying with Jno. Wil.
eon, of Harrow, Essex Co., formerly of
Morris. The gentlemen are brother.in-
Herbert Oombee, of Winthrop, brother
to Mre. George Sh;els, jr., now of Brus-
sels, waseerioaely blared while going to
Seaforth with a load of straw last
Monday. The tongue broke while driving
down Grieve's hill nod in the tumble the
driver had his aokleeand foot injured and
hie right arm, together with a ant on hie
head rather gave him a had shaking np.
He wart taken to a dootor'e office at Elea,
forth and thence removed to hie home.
Hein only 14 years of age. We hope he
will soon be o. k.
HYMENAL.—Ou Wednesday of last week
Mins Flora, the eldest daughter of Geo.
Clark, was united in wedlook to Wm.
Metz, of Drayton. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A., of
Walton, at 5 o'olook. The bride eras
gowned in a handsome drese of white
linen trimmed with laoe and ribbon and
wore a buquet of white ohryeanthemume.
Bride was given away by her father,
entering the parlor to the beautiful etraiue
of music played by Mies Eliza William
eon. After the knot was securely tied
about 100 invited guests sat down to
partake of the wedding feast. The rest
of the evening was spent in the usual
garnet, dancing &c. The presente were
valuable and useful. The heppy couple
left for home in Drayton on Monday fol-
lowed by many good wishes. G. and
Oscar Metz and Mr. Quigoer, of Tee.
castle, were gueete at the wedding.
Morris Council Re -Elected.
Itoave 'ablator and Connaulera
Coda, Taylor, 8880 and Jack-
aon nnoppoaed.
The annual nomination of candidates
for municipal honors in Moria towoehip
took piece on Monday, al Township
Hall, as per Statute. .• . iship Clerk
Clark, who has ably filled the position
for the poet 26 yearn. offioiatiog as Re
turning Officer. •ci, owing were the
nominations and 1 gentlemen who
proposed them :—
Reeve.— Wm. Iebieter, by Ohre. Mo•
Orea and T. S. Brandon,
Councillors.—Thoe. Code, by T. S.
Brandon and Jae. W. Scott.
Geo. Taylor, by R. Proctor and Chas.
Arthur Shaw, by Jno. Watson and
Rich. Bewley.
Geo. Jaokeon by R. Bewley and Jno.
Jae. Bolger was ohoeen Chairman on
motion ot. W. Clark and Thoe. Code.
He wished all present the compliments
of the Beason and hoped a eaeoe0etnl year
was before all.
Reeve Iebister was the first speaker
and thanked the eleators for returning
him by acclamation. Our term of office
wee comparatively easy ire our bridges
were good and the roads in fair condition
but they had carefully and eoonomioally
looked after the township work. Bound-
ary and other roade were hie chief eon.
cern and he believed the main roads
ehoold be under the care of the 0o.
Council instead of the township. The
Bingle horse travel has made a great dif-
ference to the peeping op of roads.
Would hail the day when Statute labor
would be commuted, after a vote by the
people, an he believed a better eyetem
could be inaugurated. Good gravel is
often scarce but to utilize stone crushing
and steam rolling machine ie too expen•
sive for any one municipality hence the
advantage of a Countysystem. The Co.
Oommieaiooeer could inspect these roads
while looking:atter bridges. Government
offered a,million dollars on good roads on
condition of mnniaipalitiee supplementing
it by a grant also. During the past year
a change wan made in Tax Collector, Joo.
Mooney who had filled the bill to a ninety,
reeigned and wee outmoded by R.
Proctor, who is doing bie work in first-
class - style. A cash surplus is in band
$1781, our tato being 1 4/10 mill on the
dollar for municipal purposes. He ex.
plained the work done in opening up a
sideroad' during the past year and took
hie Beat after wishing the ratepayers a
Happy New Year and returning thanks
for the honor done' him.
The chairman oabetantiated the elate•
menta of Reeve Iebieter as to good roads.
Councillor Code was thankful for being
returned nnoppoeed. Would like to have
Been a bigger orowd but supposed the
ratepayers were eatiefled. Our tax rate
was the same as last year. Thought it
would pay to purohaee lumber and have
it delivered in the Winter. Traction
engines broke more oulverle than any.
thing ,lee. Believed the Bummer gravel,
ling was the beet Our eohool tax was
There are no grievaneee but poeeibly a
few complaints, (Mr. Clegg thought e
oarplua wag unnecessary ae we were Pay,
Mg more taxee than was aeceseary) Mr.
Code thought a email eurploe paved pay•
inginleroet on loans to help you over the
year. He thought the ratepayers abould
work hand in hand with the Oounoil and
endeavor to even money in °entreating
for lobe. Mr. Code humorously replied
to remarks made by eleators present.
Geo. Taylor, was palled upon next and
thought it was a difficult matter to make
a epeeoh ire thoee preaeediug him had
taken hie powder. Connell expeoted more
work would have been done bat owing to
wet Fall was not attended to so that thie
work would draw on the present surplus.
Bridge repairs are nearly always ne0ee,
eery and 3 of them will have to be refloat-
ed in 1903. We only have to do with
about 20% of the money going through
our haude, - The road improvement le a
live gaeation and more attention will
have to be given to this work. .Thanked
mover and seconder for the easy way in
which he wae Bleated. Wished all the
compliments of the nation.
Jno. Clegg, R. N. Duff and Jno. Mooney
asked relative to the Misses Fleming and
the question of their maiotenaooe.
,5A. Shaw thought a surplus wail not a
bad thing to have and thought it would
tide over a good ,here of next year's work
before taxes were collected. Some of our
roads were not being kept in good enough
shape with statute labor as he believed
good roads were a necessity. Some of
our roads were too narrow. Thought
municipal elections ehoold be held every
2 years andithat Reeves should be the Co,
Commit repreeentativeo so that they
might be in touch with County matters.
No election thin year means a saving to
the township. Thanked the eleotore for
the unity and aftera humorous story well
told was seated,
Geo. Jaokeon -wee grateful for hie re-
election. Our 100 pathmantere could do
a good deal in improving our roads.
Thought" the ratepayers ehoold express
their opinions cm public questions. He
wished Morrie towoehip prosperity.
Mr. Mooney asked about weeds pis road.
aides and urged the deetraotioo of them
In fairness to farmers who aim at Olean
farme. Bartlett • Blair was asked to ex.
plain the Aot .,ioh showed it the duty
of the pathmaster.
Mr. Doff aomplimeoted the new Council
on their good looks and well fed appear.
anon and believed they had done well.
He palled attention to the narrow road
on the centre side road.
The Reeve explained some South
Boundary matters relative to the roeda,
and some matters of dealing with certain
oases of charity that were clearly defined.
W. H. Kerr, Co. Councillor for this
District, No. 6, spoke complimenting the
township Council on their management
and referring'to County Connell bnaioeee
traueaoted during the past term.
G. F. Blair, of Brussels, was palled
upon and made a short epeeoh. He
wondered why he was called upon as he
wee in no way connected with municipal
affairs of Morrie. Refereooe was made
to road improvement. Did not approve
of the often patchwork style of statute
labor. The deetrnotion of uoxioue weede
is a question that should not be overlooked
and the roadeidea should not be seed beds
to injure the adjoioiog farme.
P eople We Talk About.
Hilton Hunter, of Sarnia, is in town.
Bert. Cherry took a ran home to
Mre. A. McGuire is visiting Wingham
Mina Mary Oantelon ie visiting relatives
at Petrolea.
Mre. Adam Scott, of Alma, is visiting
in Bruseele.
Mime May Hind's, of Blyth, is visiting
in Bruseele,
Harry Querrin, of Lietowel, was home
for a short visit.
Alex. Bird and wife, of Wingham, were
visiting in town.
Mies Jeanie Doll is'here from Galt for
a short vacation. -
Robt..MoAlpine, of Toronto, was a holi-
day visitor in town.
Miss L. Bunetoo is home from Walker-
ton, for the holidays.
Mies Hitchcock, of Sarnia, is visiting
Mien Clara Crawford.
W. A. Matthewe, of Oshawa, spent
Several days in town.
Charlie Zilliax, of Listowel, ie visiting
old friends in Braoselo.m
Mies Edith Inman, of Guelph, is home
for a holiday of few weeks.
DeWitt Coma is holidaying at Trow.
bridge at his grandparents.
H. Crowe, of Ohealey, was a visitor in
town during the poet week.
Mre. A. Good and Edna are renewing
old friendehipe in Wingham,
Mies Forbes, of Wingham, visited Mre,
T. Maxwell, John street, last week.
Mise Jean MaLanehlio is "reatioating"
at Hamilton for a week with relatives.
J. Simmooe, wife and daughters, spent
Christmas with relatives at Wroxeter.
Mr. Stewart, of Woodetook, le visiting
hie brother, W. F. Stewart, of Bruseele.
J. F. MoOrne, of Toronto, is spending
the holiday eeaeon at hie father's in town.
J. Curry, of Woodetook, and daughter,
are visiting at Thoe. Curry's, Queen
Minn Nellie, Alioeand Ethel Camp.
bell, were home from London for Xmas
Little Miss Mary Felton, of Atwood, is
visiting het grandmother, Mre, MoBain,
Mill street,
Peter Bishop la home from the "Soo"
or the Winter. He will probably go
North again next Spring.
Joe McKay, representative of the In.
teroational Correspondence Sohoole, of
Scranton, Pa., was in Bruseele fur a few
days combining bneineee with pleaeore.
R. W. and Mre, Matheson, of Lncltnow,
were weloome Ohtietmae guests at the
reaidehoe rot Qeo, and Mrs. Crooke,
Qoeen street, Brussels, They returned
Friday afternoon.
W. R. and Mre. LOgie and Mies Mar.
garet, of Listowel, were the gaeeta of T.
11. and Mre. Thomson, Bruseele. David
Hardie, of the same town, was a visitor
higher but we had no contrel over them. with Mair Thomson.
Jae. Swann, le holidaying at Buffalo.
12. J, MoLa teblio le vieiting with rola.
tins at Hamilton.
IS, Fletcher, of Kingston, ie the guest
of Geo. Colvin thio week.
Mre. W, H. Kerr and Mies Sellyy, of
Dundas, are visiting relatives in Strut
David. Dow, of Hibbert, wee visiting
hie uncle G. IlleMillan during the peel
Charlie Bieberdo is holidaying at home.
He will return to Seafortb Collegiate
after New Years.
W. and Mre, Gillespie, of Ripley, were
vieitore at Chas. Ritchie's, corner Juh,,
and King etreete.
Mre. and Mies Blakeway, of Oheeley,
were the guests of Mre, and the Miooee
Adams, Mill street.
Mies Kate'Dutton, of Woodstock, ie
the guest of her dieter, Mre, G. A. Dead.
man, Frederick street.
Mise Kate MoArter hoe been quite poor.
ly during the peat week but we hope she
will soon be convalescent.
DeWitt Holmes, of Parkhill, was t
town renewing old friendships, He ie •
well malted with hie position.
Mies Nina Rogers, of the Confederate
staff, Mt, Forest, was home for Ohriet.
maetide, returning on Friday.
Editor Thompeoo, of Fergus, and W.
Thompson, of Wingham, wore visitor,
under the parental roof, Mill street.
Simpson and Mrs, Shoemaker and
nein, of Berlin, spent Xmas with J. J.
and Mre. Wilton. The ladies are Dieters.
Miss Maggie McMillen and Mise Annie
Grieve, who hold posilioae at Paris, are
enjoying a vacation with relatives at
W, w. Hanle and family spent Christ-
mas with relatives at Rothsay. Mrs.
Harris and the children are extending
their visit.
Mise Eva Mo Oraoken is visiting, tate
family of her uncle, Thoe. G, McCraokeo,
and Rev. 0. J. Alvin and other old friends
in London,
R. G. MoCraokeu, of Walkerton, ate
hie Christmas dinner in Brussels. He op.
peers to be well pleaeed with the Brace
Co. Capital.
Wm. Ellie was visiting relatives at
Ingersoll over Chrietmae. Hie daughter,
Mre. Little, is eomewbat improved is
health we are pleaeed to hear.
Miss Maggie Boott, of London, is visit.
ing her sister, Mre. P. Watson, Queen
street. Mies Scott beide a position in
the McCormick Confectionery faotory.
Mre. George Robb and Mise Fairy are
enjoying a visas with Mrs. Oboe. Watts,
of Brantford. The ladies are eietere and
both danghtere of our townsman, John
W. H. and Mre. Willie and eons, of
Seaforth ; N. B. and Mre. Gerry and
daughters, of Blyth ; and Bert. Gerry,
of Listowel, were vieitore at B. Gerry',
Christmas Day. '
Dr. Harvey, of Chicago, a brother to
Druggist Harvey, who was the predeoeoe-
or of Druggist Huntley, wae among the
lojnred in the railway accident at Wan•
stead last Friday.
Mre. Oliver and eon Frank, and Jae.
and Mise Mabel Thomson were lehriat--
mss vieitore at Shakespeare with Mre.
Bell, a daughter of Mra. Oliver and a
former Bruseetite.,
Mies Minnie Moore wae visiting under
the parental roof. She makes her home
at St. Thomas, where she hap a good
business. Mise Bessie Moore ac0ompan•
ied her to St. Thome,.
James and Mre. Dunbar, of Sandridge,
were vieitore with E. and Mre, Cober,
Prinoeee street. 'They are aunt and uncle
to Mre. ()ober. They also visited at J.
Leckie's and Jae. Oliver's.
Robt. and Mre. Rose and children, of
Kincardine, were among the holiday
visitors to B8000e1e during the past week.
It is six years Mime Mr. Rose removed to
the lattenide town where be Lae a good
Wm. and Mre. James and children, of
London, greeted old acquaintances at the
Christmastide. Mr. James ie a brother
to Harry Janne, of the American Hotel,
and both he and hie wife were - former
residents. .
Mies Mary MoLaaohlin waa.homo from
Lietowel Beoineee College for Xmas,
She has beeu relieving a yonng lady at
the Piano faotory during the holidays.
We expect Mies MaLanohlio will make a
very competent assistant in any office
in hook•keeping type writing, &a.
Joo, and Mrs. Landeeboro, of Seaforth,
were visitors at R. Leatherdale'e over
Christmas time. Will. Leatherdale, of
the some town, wan also home. Mr. and
Mre. Landeeboro intend removing to
Winnipeg next Spring where Mr. L; has
acquired aoneideroble property.
Mico Sara V. MaLanohliu who has
been aeeietiog in Barrister Blair's oflioe
as type writer, &o. leaves on Saturday
for the BaBinee9 College, Toronto, where
ehe will pursue a =tree in stenography,
We wish her euooees. Miss Mary For.
bee will euaoeed her in Mr. Blair's office,
Frank Lambie and Geo. Cunningham,
are here from the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto. The former expecte
to graduate next Spring. Geo. is putting
in hie first term and ie well pleased with
the work. He is a eon of Jno. Ouooiug•
barn, of Brussels. We wish the otudenle
Miae Carrie Hingeton, her deter, Mre.
Parr and eon, mud Will. Hingeton, are
vieiting under the parental roof, Mill
street, Will. Hiogeton has spent soma
years in the Yukon and has seen quite a
bit of the world, but has longed in a
ranch in the West we uoderetand. The
vieitore are daughters and no of R. T.
and Mre. Hingeto0 and are well known
to many in Bruseele and locality. They
will epeod a few mouths here among
relatives and Mende before turning their
atop Westward. -
The Teeewater News of last weelt
speaks of a young lady known to a good
many- in Braeeele as follows referring to to
Langeide entertainment :—Mise Matte
Ferguson, of Teeswater, snug "He /tined
their Terre Away" and the hearty reoep•
lion thio young artist received glee to
Owes that ehe holds a high plane in the
estimation ot the mueio loving people of
Langeide as a able einem She was rm.
oompanied by Mimi Millie Howson, of