HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-28, Page 8•For the Children of the Iousc We have Awake of NEW PIOTURI5 )30013.$ With wonderfnl Pieberes and Stories, lots 0oheose from. A number of the new Annuals such as OHTJUS, OHATTERBOX, BRITISH WORKMAN, &O. A. great colleotion of , NEW TOYS Of course every Girl will went one of our NEW DOLLS Novelties in Burnt Leather meke ideal Ohriatmae Presenta, especially where they have to be nut by mail, A Burnt Leather Album containing Views 25e Brussels for . . . Also Book Covers, Nabob Hold- ers, Blotters, Holders for Clip - plugs, Post Card Albutne, Needle Canes, Whisk Holden, all Jamul - newly demented. Souvenir of Brussels You will profit by doing your Christmas Buying Early F. R. S N16¢15'01131111 1 DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. T H, BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTIMEN EXTENOWN W. 0. & 8, Trains leave Brueeele Station, North and South, as foflowel Goitre SouTa GoINcl Nonni. Nall 7;05 a.m !Mixed WO aan Mixed... ..... 41:25 a.m ; Mail' B14 p.m Express 802 p.m 10xpreas ...... 8:51. p.m gacal Ittba Items ahlere among ye takix ' notee, An' faith he'll prent ie. HAPPY New Year. GET ready to write 1906. Mumma, Elections neat Monday. Ream fiEttnionsoN by aoolamation. 114Take a look at the address label on TEE Pon. Tan night trains were very late about Christmas time. Puente Schools will resume operations next Wednesday. Neer Monday will be New Yettent Day and a pantie holiday. TEN A. 0. U. W. wilt meet Friday evening of next week. ISIoNTBLE' aerie Fair will Ibe held in Brussels on Thursday of next week, Jan. nary 4th. Ornuenste trade was good. No neater display were ever made in window dressing than thie year. Eamon now fell Sunday to make light sleighing for Ohristmas eo that the fabled mile of a .green Christmas" will bo avoided. Inn temporary foot bridge near the flax mill Was taken) away last week by the rapid ries of the Maitiond. Some 'More permanent structure ebould be placed there. Tete night trains lad Friday and Saturday did not arrive until after mid night Chrietmes rush of passengere, expreee and baggage is said to be the armee of delay, IT is reported that Wm. Sellers, of the 4th line, Morris, has bargained for Wm. Denbow'e teaming laneiness and if mai plated will rent his farm to Wm. Ander- son of the Srd line, Morris. Mr. Denbow talks of trying the Great West. Arm Biacacsae.--Lam Saturday evening Mre. MoLean, Princess etreet, fell at the bridge and broke her left arm near the wriet. It was an unfortunate mourrenee but we hope elle will soon be able to have the proper use of the iujared member. A CIMETMAS present of real worth an. rived at tbe home ot A. nhompeou, aea• tion boss, G. T. R„ Braissele, in the form of twin babiee. Santa Claus has 001 made a very equal distribution thie sea. eon bob perhaps the want of snow both. ered the old gentleman. Da. Olims, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smithat Drug • Store, Beelike, on.the•firet Tuesday in , „ 'Mob month. Hones 8 a, m. to 1.80 p. Catered, squint, failing eyesighb, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and gleams properly fitted. Nola Visit Tuee. day, January 2nd. A Thant& F. Stratton, Jeweller, with oharaoteristic generoaity, bin jun presented the congregation of Eta John's oilman, with a handsome eight day cloak. This timely and Useful Christmas gift le highly appreolated by the members of St. John's who wieb Mr. Stratton a happy and prosperous New Year. REMAINING ANOTHER WEEE.—Pdadame Zella, nientifla palmist, ie spending another week at the Amerioan Hotel.— The Mitchell Rewarder speaks of Madame in this wise—.If you are not a believer in the philosophy of palmistry. yon will do well to aohault her. Madame Zella reacla your life like an open book and given information on alt affairs. She le a cultured lady, a charming oonvereatioual. ist, and her readings will do you tomb good."—Oonsulk her at the Amerioan Hotel, Room 4, Brueeele. Mormon vs. Aloorm.—Thie was an in. formation laid against Mrs, Mooney for damages clone to certain clothing and other personal belongings by the use of Gillets Lye or other said. The case Was tried before J. Latakia) and Bobt. Render eon, J. P.'s on Tuesday evening. After hearing the evidence the clan was dlemis• eed with oasts, the Magistratee holding that there was no evidence OonneObing the moused with the mot °barged against her, A. B. MacDonald appeared for the premonition end W. M. Sinclair represent. ed the mourn& • AWARDS AT Puente Sonoote—Oloeing exeraiees were held in the various depart. mutts at our wheel ou the lent day of the 8 term, An interesting feature wag the preeentation of the prizes aWarded by A. E. Mellish, manager of the Metropolitan .4 Batik, for penmanship. The prizee for the Senior rooms were awarded te Alex. Spate, and that for the Junior depart I went to Edith Madman. There were aleo a number epeoielly named from the vneioue rooms whose work was deservieg of honorable mention. Much interest has been alined up in the inhool by Dir. Pdellieh'e oorapetition. There was also • the presentation of the prioee awarded byTrustee Farrow for spelling, •The prime Wore snored by Mina Elliott, Harry Moore, Beatrice Harris and Edith Deadman (tie) Hazel BUrgees, THE postoffiee hours on New Year's Day will be 9 to 10 a. m, and 4 to 5 p. m. Homan Mutual Fire Ineuranoe Co. Directors will meet in Gerrie on Saturday of tine Week. FINE display of cutters by the dealera in town. It yon require anything in that line call on them. REPORTS OP aeVeral preeentations to wheal teachers and other interesting matter are crowded out of this lame but will appear next week. TRUSTEE FARROW was a welcome Santa Olatot last Friday afternoon when he treated the primary department of Brunetti eohool to oranges. PRETTY WEDDING.—TrIeSday of this week, at high noon , "Fair View," the home of ildre. Jno. "Livingston, of Bruin sole, was the nem of a happy mabrimon. ial alliance when Rev. Dr. Roes tied the nuptial knot between Bertram 0. Gerry, of Wingham, and Mise Ivy M., the petite daughter of the bootees. They were an• attended. The bride wore a moot beoom ing mamma of white silk, trimmed with sequin, and carried cream roses. Her travelling nit was grey olobh with hat to in:doh. After, oongratniatious the gneete Kt down bo a splendidly prepared wed- ding breakfast. The wedding gifts were valuable, well eeleoted and motet, the groom'o gift betng a puree with 550 in gold, An enjoyable program of inetru• mental and moat mime wae rendered by W. H. Willie, of Seafortb, and others. Min Thuree Gerry was laoky enough to tenure the gold ring in the wedding cake, eo 1905 may 'tee the only unmarried member of the Gerry family happily wedded. Short congratulatory epeeohoe wera mule by Rev. Dr. Roes, Jae. Fox, 13. Gerry and others to whioh the groom made a lumpy reply on behalf of bimetalf and bride, Mr. and hire. Gerry took the p. intrain for Toronto and other Eastern pointe followed by many good wishes and a fueiiade of rioe. Tax Pon throwe an editorial slipper after the happy twain and wishes them many years of prosperity and happinese. Among the gamut from a dietance were Mrs. (Rev.) Scott, of Rodney, slater of the brine ; Mae Winton, of Brantford, a omein ; kire. A. V. Gerry, of Indian Head, N. W. L'.; W. H. and Mrs. Willis, of Seatorth ; N. B, and Mrs. Gerry, of Blyth aud Mr. and Mrs. White, of Jamee town. rtin Gerry has eold out hie hard- ware badmen and has uot yet definitely decided where he will looms. NOMNATIONS IN BROMIC -- Friday eve..ing of last week the annual munici- pal nominations took place in Brueeele. R. Henderson was unopposed for the Reeve oliair. For Oonnoillore the nominees were :—Tae. Ballantyne, Thos. Curry, A. C. Damee, Jas. Elliott, J. G. Jotted, S. T. Plum, W. F. Stewart, H. jamas, Thoe. Newsom and Alf. Busker. Mann, Ballantyne, Jones, Plum, Stew- art, James and Smiler are remaining in the field, ale candidates for 4 seats. Ja,s. Elliott, D. 0. Rose, R. Leabberdale and S. Wilton were proposed as &boo' rue - tees. Mr. Elliott withdrew electing the other three, Its a pity that when Elie Beeve and School Board were returned by aeolamittion that the village should have been pub to the expense of an ago. lion when there is no towering question ab issue. After the Nomination hour was over Clerk Soott was proposed ae chairman and short epeeobee were made by Reeve Henderson, Meeere. Damea, Ouery, Jones, Plum, Stewart, James and Newsom. Although the School Board has the handling of large sums of money and deal with important intereete there was tot a solitary word spoken to the ratepayers in reference to their work. This is not as it should be. For the sake of giving all the ratepayers a peep at the &amoral statement for the .past year •we publish it on page 6 of thie men% ENIGIITs 08 TEE OLEAVER.—It would be a dB:limit matter to aupereede the Chriat- mas dieplay of i he local butchers for quantity, quality and tastiness of ar- rangement. 11 10 came at any other ma - nn than Christmas, when so many good things are in suoh lavish abundance, the people would go into eostaoies and would be tempted to run the risk of requiring a physiomn in the dente to taete end test the many iugeniue devioee known only to the up-to-date butchers. Many oompli- manta were deservedly bestowed on the two !shops. A. 0. MIME had in hie very &oilers exhibit almost everything that heart oould wish and both the shop and Allow window were linked out in mon artistic) style with evergreens, newel% holly, cno. The dieplay consisted of a heifer fed by Jas. Ireland, Morrie, weight 1100 lbs., dressed 650 ; heifer fed by L. Wheeler, Grey, weight 1050, tares - ed 025 ; heifer fed •by • A. T, Currie, weight 1170, dressed 880 ; heifer fed by A.Ilau Lemont, Grey, dressed 618 ; 2 hogs months old from Jno. Oliver, Grey, ire sed 120 lbs, each ; 8 hop fed by M. Berfeltz, Grey, 6 menthe old, dressed 170 be. slush lamb fed by John Currie, tar., reseed 73 ibo,; 8 geese from Geo. Kerr, Morris, averaged 12 lbs. ; 8 geese fed by John Stains, Grey, averaged 12 lbs, ; 8 turkeys from A. Straohan, averaged 10 lbe, Then were also ducks, (thickens, bolognit, heed -cheese, ohope, enet, Ham. berg eteak, mine° meat, sausage, weiners, corned beef, home oared lard and cooked barn. Tu oared moan there were spieed eel's, ehouldere, bacon, beaks, barns and molted hanl, ;Wrenn 111108.' ebop Was in holiday attire and their large and well assorted display Mowed to good advantage. Tile show window contained about every conceivable form of meet preparetione, a number of them bearing names we would 1.01 gnaranbee to pro - 1.001300 (sorrel although they might be eaten Bugles . The following was a portion of the meat exhinit l—fleifer fed by V, Gramm, Oranlefook ; heifer bought from 5, Stevenson, Gray ; heifer from 0. Stewart, Grey ; 2 lambs from Sad. P3ur. gees, Between' ; 8 hogs fed by George 13rown, Brussels a calf fed by Albert Crooke, Morris. To this was added poultry of all kinds ; salt, smoked and 000ked meate ; lard, sausage, hoadoheeeo, &a., &o., all arranged 10 apple pie order. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Misses Mary and babel Ritobie, of Toronto, are visitors under the parental roof.—J. Hingston, wife and family, also H. and Sara. Lloyd, of Wingham, spent Xmas et R. T. Hingston's, Mill etreet.—Mrs. A. V, Gerry and two eland - ran, of Indian Head, N. W. T., are visit• ing relative° and friends here, Alre. Gerry ie a daughter of Geo. and Mre, ()rooks, Queen etreet.—Wm. Thompson, of Toronto, ate hie Christmas plum pudding with hia rnotber and Dieters in Grannie.— Mrs. Oliver Cooney, of Lauret, and Alm. Norman Gordon, of Shelburne, are vieitore with Mre. Paul, Viotoria Oottage.—Allee Ada Roes, who le attend ing the Guelph Collegiate 'minute, ill home for the vaoation. Miss Anna Craig, of Winnipeg, wbo ie it student at Westminster Ladiee' Oollege, Toronto, is a gent at Rev. Dr. Ron', She ie a • nieoe. — Misses Jenne and Margaret Perrie, daughters of Rev. D. Perrie, Wingham, ware holiday vieitore at Melville mama on Thareday.—Jas. and [Gra. Humphries and Miee Valeria, of Toronto, and Mies Olara Thompson, were holiday vieitore with Jae. G. Donee and tamily.—Mrs, Jno. Meadows er., and SOD Charlie are visiting relatives in London. —G. C. and Mre. McDowell and J. W. Onrrie opeut Christmas in Seafortb.— Miss Minnie McRae, matron of Chan% street, Burns' Home, Toronto, is vieitior Mrs. J. Ferguson, of town,—Dr, T. T. MoRae, of St. Illiehael's Hoepital, Tor 000000, 1e visiting et Jno.Ferguson'a. He boa been laid up einoe arrival with an attack of quinsy but we hope be will soon be o. k. —Mrs. Wm, Newsome left on Tuesday for Obioago where she will visit her daughters who are residents of that eity.—W. H, and Mrs, MoOraoken are away for a visit of two weeks with relatives and friends at Pecerboro' and other plaoee. — A. Morrison, of Port Allehigau, a former Greyite, was enjoying a abort visit with relatives and friends in Brussels and locality. He ie a eon -in law to our old friend Jiro. Roddiok, 18th 000. Grey. Mr. Morrison luta done well in Miabigam—Mise Lizzie MeRielacii, of Toronto, was renewing old friendships tit Brussels. She returned to the Queen Oity tine week.—Alf. Busker wae visiting et Stratford and other points.—T. W. and Mrs. MaFarland, of Loudon, and D. Slay, of Toronto, were the guests of J. and fire. Wood for a few days this week. —Mre. Lester Greenwood, of Toronto, epent Xmas with her slater Mrs. Harry James.—Mre. Robb, of Langdoo, North Dakota, nee Miss Luoy Webster, formerly of thie looality, ie renewing old friend• ehipe in Brueeele and locality. hir. Robb ie a eon of John Robb, an old and well known resident of One oommunity.—A and Mre. hloGnire spent Chrietmes with relatives at Holstein. Min Wharne vent the holiday in Winghana with relatives and friende.—Mrs. P. Scott and ohildren enjoyed Obristmas with relatives in Sea. forth.—Mies Ella Foneton ie home from Goderioh Model. She will go next Mon day to Bervie where she will teach for 1906, Mies Phemia Funeton, of Glam. ie the gent of Miee Fronton daring the Obrietmae•tide.—Dr. Frank Lambie, ot lelidland, Miah., is holidaying iu Brue• sele and vioinity.—Rev. T. W. and Kra Conine and eon spent Obriatmas at the former's parental home at Trowbridge.— W. H. and Mre. Willie and sone, of Sea. forth ; N. B. Gerry, wife and elaildren, of Blyth ; and Bert. Gerry, late of Wing - ham, were holiday visitors at B. Gerry'e. —Miee Florence Bnohanau, of Winona, is visiting at home, — Miss Maggie Mo Naughton, of Clinton, le in Entente for e ehert moation.—Mise Core, Lowiok and Fred. and Marshall Lowiok nre „visiting ander the parental roof, John etreev, Brnesele.—Mies Olara Crawford le renew. tug old friendship in Ueborne.—A. T. Currie and family spent Chrietmas with Seafortb relatives.—Dr. Fred . Gilpin and Mrs. Gilpin, of Miehigau City, Atlioh., are in town haying oome from Owen Sound where they spent Ohrietmae.—Elas Nellie Oampbeil and Mre. Perkins, of London, are vieitore at Align° Campbell's, Mill street.—Miee Mabel Colvin, roilliner, of Orediton, ie borne.—Mies Edith Inman and her nephew, Herbert Brothers, of Guelph, were in town for the Santa Claus annivereary.—Miee Annie Grieve, of Paris, and Will. Grieve, of Brantford, are 01010000 with their mother and deter, in town. — aliases Luella Rose, May Skene and Barbara MoKelvey are home from Toronto for a holiday.—A. H. Mont- gomery bung up bio mocking at Toronto —Miee Robertime, teaoher, ie spending her vacation at her home in Goderioh.— Mrs. F. Sperling and son went to Fun 'erten, for the Christmas holiday. --Will. J. Stewart, of Brantford, was a sojourner with the family olrole of Alex, Stewart, Qeeen street, for a abort time.—Wilt, ie home from Stratford Bushmen Oollege.—Miee Otive Mainprize, of Kin aerdine, was visiting her sister, Mrs, w. H. Stewart.—Stirling Reading, of Wing. ham, hart been visiting at His uncle's, Geo. Brown, Brussela.—Jno. of Galt, was in town for a few days with big family. Me oontemplatee embarking in the grocery buiriness in Galt and will Move there. We wish him suctoese.— Mies Maggie MoLanohlin is holidaying with Mre. R. G. Wilson, of London, formerly of town.—Jerry Curtis, teeoher, smiled on Brueeele relatives. He is a brother to Mot, Jae. Elliott, Mill street, —Thos. A. Hawkine "did" the Co. town for n day or im this week.—We are weased bo see R. Leatherdale able to resume hie plana at binning after hie illnese.—R. 8. and Aire. Roes, Min Georgia and Amain, of Liebowel, were renewing old friend• Ohio in town.--AleX. Roes, of Ottawa, and Robt, Ron, engineer on the steamer Haddington, aro enjoying it home yieit 013 William Attest, Mies Jo. Roee, of Tor. nto, le also here.—Mise Mary MoArter ie borne from the Clinton Model Sobool, She will teach tet Exeter during 1900, commencing week neat week. — Roger Deatimao. Who .1 •0 attending eohool a sa.ovoliaageta., ..sosowrososmonoworeadd.T.,.,,,,,I. IN? ONlatOok, Itt111 tOWn fOr hollactY d Mrait tilittilness Locals. Bull for $ervice with hia,parente alleistere,—, Ep • mien Downleg mid son, Interlard, 0 Gladatone, Man., arrived last week on visit with tbe Desalting femily, Brussel —Inane Bailey was borne from Stratfor for ti., Chrielinute holiday.—Robb. Roes aninnerly, ner inly, of Kmottrditte, joined with a ham gathering at David 130lie Mite week. -11111. roe alberpe, of Wool°, and ItIlsees Jana and Pearl, I. and Mrs. Zingewood and Roy, all of Ingersoll, found time la gat to Brueeele for Chelan-natl.—Will, and Mrs,. Lowry, ot London, are etijoyiug it alert stay here.—Will, Jamieson, of Mitchell, and Arthur Taylor, of Stratford, were in Brunets for ft few daye.—jno, Simmons and family ate their (Thrlatmes turkey at Wroxeter. — 51re. W. W. Harris and children are visiting at Rotheay.—Pilles Cora Bell was holidaying. at Atwood,— Will. and Mrs. Gillum took in the eights at Seaforbir for a few days blare week.—Alex. Smith and Misses Bleak, of Wroxeter, were vieitore in Brussele.—J R. Grant, of Winnipeg, is vending the Winter in Florlda.—Waliee Lanes and Miss Lizzie, of Moorefield, were visitors in Brueeele and looelity during the past week,—Mre, I. 0. Richards wee violin* Mrs. Intros at dearer/91d Iasi week.—J. H. and Mrs. Cameron are visiting Look. now relativea—D. C. and Mrs, Roes were called to Ethel ou Thursday owing to the serious condition of the latter's father, Ei Arnett. He died about 10 a. m,—I. 0. Riolaarde had hie Ohriatmee dinner with hie mother in Goderion tewuship at the old bome.—Alez. MoKelvey is borne from College, Toronto, for vamtion.—Harry Downing is enjoying a visit with relatives and old friends in Brunel°. His home is at Elgin, Man.—Aliso (Jerrie Edward. and Fred, Lougfoot, of Stratford, spent their Obristnaae vatiation at the former's home here. 8, See Stretton'a brillieuk Display of Xmas. and New Yearn) gouda d Noma, rioter then wheat. Better d than meet, at W. A. 01174WAIt'S, ClItilt(111 •011 lE ES. Service wae held in the:R. 0, olaurob on Christmas Day, lit, John's church was decorated with evergreens and bony for Christmas. The retrying last Sonday were specially interesting. Dr. and Mrs, Gilpin, of filiohigan City, will sing at both morning and evening services in tbe Methodist church, Bran - gels, next Sabbath, "Clbristata given as a Witness" wag Rey. Dr. Rose' theme last Sabbath morning in Melville °heron, In the evening the eubjciot was "The Ooming of Obriet," Annual nuiou Bible Sooieby meeting will be he'd in the Methodist church on Sabbath evening. Jan., 71h, aommenolue at 7 o'olook. Addresses will be given by Rev. D B. MeRae, of Oraubrook and Rev. E. E. Armstrong, B. 1)., of Ethel. hpeoial continent will be taken. The auumil entertainment of $t. John'a °heath Sunday School will be held in the sohool room on New Yearie evening The program will consist at refreshments, choruses, wogs, recitations and dialogues by the pupils and will oonolude with a Christmas Tree from which preeente will be dietributed. There will also be a eleigbdrive for the children if the weather permits. Rev. T. W. Casimir spoke last Sabbath rnoruing on "The best Christmas Gift." He gave a 20 minute addreati in the even. ing an ',The superiority of Ohrietianity." Miss Canis Hiugeton eang the nolo in .The eihrietmas Birthday Song" and J. Leslie Kerr rendered "Jerusalem." In the evening the praise eervin "Heralds 01 Light" was given, made up of choruses, duets, reeitatione, responsive readings add eoege by the children. It woe ate enjoyable servitor and well done by the large company taking part, The Christ nue colleation did not resell $75 00 on Sunday bat a number of coutrinutious are expected to complete the figure re. quired by Truetee Board. Co. ksoard of Examiners. A meeting of the County Board of Ex mimes for the County of Enron wae held in the public wheel, Seafortb, ou Seturday, Deo. 28rd, to neigh the work of the Model &heal Examinations. Then wits again a large agendum at the Model Bawl, Clinton haying thirty three and Goderioh twentpeeven. in addition to the above there were twelve who took advantage of the privilege grunted by the Board to write on the final examination of the Model Bohool. On pestling this examination they will motive a Renewal for three years. The total number of marks was 1250. The pass mark 60% was 750, and the honor mark 985 or 75%, For renewals the pees mark was 570. All the candidates both for certificate ,and renewals made over the number of marks required to pan. Alin Lizzie Motarthur, who halo only an Iaterim aertleete, was granted a hertifioate for three yeare inetead of a Renewal. The:Model Wanes thio year have done good work so the following list of Honors will ohm. DONORS Armstrong, Flora Ferguson, Mary °matelot), Jean M. Leigh, Margaret Olark, Margaret G. PdoEwen, Margaret Oameron, Tlthel Mair, Jean Ross, Team Roberta, Core B. Rutherford, W. Slater, Carrie Stewart, Nettie Carling, ,lean Oaldweul, Jessiej Cornish, Ida Deegan, Alice Davis, Irene Dolan, Minnie M. Aininy, B D. Dunlop, Eva G. Duren), E Howard runeton, Eleanor Hartry, Rune' Flugland, Marg. H. PASS Ferguson'Ethel Windaor, Mary 13. Griffin Loaetta M. Analey, Jobe W. Garret:is, Jenne Badonr, Edward Herldelb, Theo, J. Oantelon, Lorne Hunter, Effie Chisholm, Amino Jenkins, Edith Keye, Gomm P. aleoLeunan, Mary Linklater, W. F, McLean, Lilian L. MeGavin, Arthur MoArter, Mary McKenzie'Aldred Murdie, Vine McDonald, D. A. Petrie, Etta McGregor, Wm, 0. Rutherford, 13. Penfonnd, B. L. Somerville Belida Pugh, H. Clifford Sparks, Edith Redmond, R. Sparks, Helen M. Somerville, J. E. Trotter, Allots M. Turner, J. W. Tiohborbes L. M. MeArthurl Lizzie Troy, Margaret Little, Olivet RENEWALS Govenlook, Phemie Webb, Mabel Jennieon, Mabel C. Willem), Lillian R. Her, Minbie L, 13ryene, Fred, T. Musgrove, Ethel Lamont, Sam, B. leoletet, Olara Stewart, Edward Seel, nylvia 01110. 2.1. BAIRD, kleoy, RAY, Van Wented. Will pay highest market prioee. MORAY & 00 TM/limb end most up.to.dateJewelry at the Gorden (nook. W, F. Stretton. i'n SALII.—One pony, •reliable driver, Ala° tiara uud harneell at bargain, 0. 8000,1058. *WANTED 1,000 mink. 05.00 oaeh for No, 1 prime. All !duds raw fur handled, ORO. 16, KING, Wingh0,03. COMPORTASLO dweliing for sale or to let. Immediate poneesion 0811 be given, Apply to I. C. BIOLARDS. W. P. STSETTON cordially invitee hie friends and the public' generally to visit laie store and impact his flue chunky WHEN cieWS are old dull and out of true take them to McGregor and he will make them new. Mill Eit, Brownie Ont. An the Golden Clook you will find Strecton, the Jewler, willing and ready to compare prime, quality and design in the Jewelry oac.14.27 TROMPSON.—In Brassele, on Doo. 22nd, to Mr. and Mre. A. Thompeon, twins—sou and daughter. Z.L.a..XL21123ESSO.. 00IMETT—Otne.—At the residenee of the bride's father, Grey, on Deo 20th, by Rev. D. F. Alinetrong, B. A. /3, D., Mr, Christopher Oorbett, , of Edmonton, N. W. T., to Min Iei13gl, daughter of Mr. Robb, Carr, Grey. Garner—LIVINCIBTON--At the residence of the bride'e mother, on Deo. 26th, by Rey. Dr. Roee, Mr. Bertram C. Gerry, late of Witagham, to Miee Ivy M., daughter of Mrs. J. Living. eton, of "Fair View," Grey. APOFADZEAN—RINNEY.—n Walton, On Deo. 27th, by Rev. R. EL Baker, M. A., Mr. Tboe. McFadzean, of Grey, to Min Dora Kinoey, of Walton. amM2a7::). AMES.-1u Ethel, on Dee. 28th, Samuel • Ames, aged 78 yeare, 1 month and 14 mouth& EIEIVITT —In Rutland, Vermont,. U. S., on Deo. 21st, Mu, Relit, Hewitt0 sis- ter of the late Rev. J. L. Kerr, of Brussels, aged 88 years. ..a.v7CTIOTS FRIDAY DEC. 29tb.—Farm Stook, Lot 35, Con., 18, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Wm. Mann, prop. F. S. Snit, Ano. MCECLTSFSM7...S DA.r..a.M.OmISPMEI . Fall Wheat 75 76 Barley 40 42 Peas 65 70 Oats 32 88 Butter, tube and rolls..., 19 20 Eggs per dozen 19 20 Hay per ton 5 00 8 00 Blear, per bbl 5 00 5 50 Hogs, Live 6 10 Wool 23 23 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per bus— 35 40 Apples (per bbl.) 1 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. YOUNG CATTLE FOR SALE - Two 2 year ,olds and throe yearlings. 25-3 GEO. ROBB, Bruseele, !THREE YOUNG SHORTHORN -L Bulls for sale eligible for registra- tion. Apply to 55.0. SPE1R, Lot 30, Con, 0, Morris. Bruseels p. 0. 28-tf r1171'0 COSTUMER FILLIES, 1 rising 0 year') old, for sale. One is legistered. .74 8. SHEDDER, Lot 14, 4th line, Morris, or Brussels P. 0. 24tf TWO THORO' -BRED DUR- AL wax Bull °elves for sale, prize win- ners at Brussels Pair. One a roan and the other red. 10 months old. D. ROBERT- SON, tot 8, Bon. 9, Grey, or Brueeele P, 0. WOOD FOR SALE, DRY AND Green, Beeoh and Maple. Lengths frow 10 to 48 Mabee. Orders left at Them- sou's grocery, tirussele, will be promptly attended to, or to J. &J. H1DFFRON, Blyth P. 0. 25.8 Lot 10, Con. 7, Morrie. FARM FOR SALE CONTAIN. ion 100 aores of choice land in the ToWnslup of Morris, On tne premises there is a good frame houee, bank barn, frame shed, plenty of g ; dk ood "'ateo. Farm Is situated on the gravel road. adjoining Wal- ton ; within 5 roily of church, wheal, rail- way station, &A. For further partioulars apply to G110, ORIUSTOPHER, 2441 Walton, QBED CORN AND POTATOES FOR Sam .-1.1 ermine "Smut Ruse" Oorn carefully Bayed on the eob—the best ensil- age oorn we have ever seen. Sown the 80th MaywIllripen early in September. Also "Early Triumph" Potatoes which have two, easefully resisted disease for the poet three eeasous. Quantity limited; Oran oome, first eerved. J. AL liftleiHT, Lob 31, Oon. 12, Grey, 28.50 LAIARM FOR SALE.—THE UR- A: DEnsioNED offers his 50 acre farm, be- ing East 5 Lot 11, .00. 9, Grey. for sale. On the Noumea is a frame house, bank barn 40E00 ft., atone foundation, ration orchard. Pam ail flooded down and in good shape ; 2 never failing wenn, Penmen:1 given at any time. If not sold feria will bo rented, For further particulars as to prioo, tonne, 00., apply to the proprietor, 224 Vara= Afol:CAY, Annual Meeting Grey 13rairell Agric- ultural Soelety. The Annual Meeting of the Grey Beeman Agricultural Soolety will be bold in the Town Solt, Brussels. on Wednefaley, Janu- ary 10t1., 1000, at 1 okt look p. m. Bueinese of Otto meeting t—Reeeiviug the Annual State, meet and Auditors' 'neport, appointing of- Ifive.51,ers xforentoihrtlYrevoir 1850, &A os,32011115 President, Annual Meeting • Eng lluroit Agrieu- ltnral Seeleldf, The Annual 'Meeting of the Fleet Huron Agricultural PlOoiety W111 be hold in the Town Hall, firuseele, on Wednesday, Jane. ary 17'1,1006, at a anemic p. na, liminess of the itleetingl—fteeeiving the annual dtate Mont and MAMMA Boson, appointing '0.6. teen) for the year 1058,2.2, W. It, BARR, Je.8, Pal1315080N, President, Seeretary, Tee undersigned will keen for 0010100 on 85 180 14, Come, Morris, the line }Mennen bull, ',Defiance," reliantly mamboed from Donald Roberteon, of Gray. Tbie 0000 a prize Winter at Bremen' nail Fair. Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms 9130, with priviime Of returning If neeetentry, JAIVIBEI r1.1.1EDLIER, 06.0 Propefetor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the otate of Alexander Clark, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, farmer, cloaeaeed. Violin Whereby given, Pureuant to 'awns - ed Statutes of Ontario, 180, Chap. 129, fold amended Aots, that all creditors and alma hayieg any olefins agalnet the estate of the said Alexander Olark, who died on or about the 20th day of November, A.D. 1005, are required, on or before the 25th ility of January, 1900, to send by post, prepaid, or (Jenne to A,B.Maedonald, of the -Meg a of ihussele,ln the County of Huron, Holioltor for Robert Clark, fliatiebine E. 0, anteater of the estate of the sada deeettsed, the full partlanlers of their claime, the statement of their amounts and the nature of the ea- ouritiee(if any) held by them. And notice le further given that after the r aid last mentioned date the said Exeini- tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amoneettho wane entitled thereto, bovine regard only to the Malmo of which he Blinn then have notice and that the said Executor will not be liable for the useets, or any part thereof, to any person or pennon or whose Malmo notice shall not have been received 10 hint at tile obooe of Ninth distribution. • Dated at Brueeole thin 93rd day of De- oem bar, A.D, 1905, A. /3. MACDONALD, 35-3 Segel tor for Exeoutor. We Wish You Pill a slgt 41P Very Happy and Prosperous New Year X'S Drug Store Just a earl You. Will be Convinced In selecting a Xmas Present you eau rely on getting the Best Value at Everything in the Jewelry Line is kept in stook and all the taunt up-to-clete Designs. My Xmae stook Is pleb unpacked and will be sold at the Lowest Possible Prices. we Diamonds Pearl erescents Pearl Necklaces The largest eb,ok of Diamond Rings and Pearl Crest:south over shown in Brussels. My variety of every line in the Jewel- ry Business is too large to enumerate. Call and we will cheerfully show you our Goods and leave you to decide. The Up•to-date Jeweler. Stretton Sign of the Golden Clock GIF r• -111111•11.•11111•11i 1 1 MN I M. 111, the eheer of ehilst as Christmas Gift Buying Something Useful, Appropriate able for every Man, Woman, Child of your acquaintance. CARPET SWEEPERS Bissell's Cyco Bearing Carpet Sweepers . Bissell's Sweepers Sweetens Home, PARLOR LAMPS From $1 00 is $5,00. Make your Parlor pleasing by tho addition of a lovely Lamp. and Accept - Girl, Boy or from $2.50 to 114.50. CUTLERY Boys' and Girls' Pearl Handle Pocket Pen Itnives, from 25o to 65c. Knives and Forks at very Special Prices. SKATES We are headquarters for Skates—"Boker" and "Mic-Mao." Boys' Hockey Skates for 50c—better value can't bo got even ab Eaton's. SILVERWARE Children's Silver Plated Sets from 90c to $1.25. Silv. r Spoons of all kinds from 75c it, dozen and up. 1847 Silver- ware at Special Prices. Fruit Dishes, Biscuit Jars, Bugs r Bowls, Butter Dishesand Pickle Dishes at prima that will surprise you. NIOKLE TRAYS In' four varieties from 15e to 00. Xing Edward VII Nickle Tray for 25e, .50 Free Christmas Presents to Farmers only. Every Farmer who will call at, our store will receive one of these Presents absolutely Free as long as they lat. .Merry 'MCI'S and Prosperous New rear to .4U 41.10,1,111,10%.10'1041,1010111% cXa o 014 0