HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-28, Page 7elei lelc 1ele4,.1,.I,.1'•i'ri d,rt,.t..1.3'lc i"1•a, .,. w 11111.U,MATjSM, That !here is no royal reed to relict from N10uul1ili,m Was proved 1(110011 the oiler day by an April grmtdm0II10 who had emerged triumphantly to health (corn a slate of helplessness 10 which she had not been able to fasten her clothes or do her own hair, "l low did you do it?" she was uslted. And idle answered by the one word, "Dict," De. Leyden, of Berlin, who is the Iendhig authority on rheumatism in Europe, de - dares that while you never can erten- onto it, you Cull control it by oxerds° 11t Iho open air, much bustllug about, and hearty and ferment mails from which west of the, Things appearing in the ordinary hill of fare ere left out. 01 mems you must deny yourself iheuvy, dark flash. Under this bead k itemized mutton, venison, goose, and anything that is mil off a )lig. Devote yourself to ehirken., lamb, game, sweet- breads, and the mote delicate fish, when simply cooked end served without rich sauces. Avoid lobsters and every fried fish, but enjoy lobsters and clams. Of vegetables never touch tomatoes, cucumbers, and all salads that have n vinegar dressing for an inadequate stomach is busy mentfacturing more acid titan the system can endure. Eat lightly of potatoes, dried beans, or pees, and mwnl fibut on , inrtul,ro Erect n green beans, and carrots, turnips, and well -cooked cn < rl ed fe e s an„ Car u11 th g e larch you need rico is the proper source if supply. An abundance of well -cooked rico is worth all The bread and beans and potatoes put together. Sten\\'berries, raw pears, and raw ap- ples are cut off from Mw rheumatic, also grape and orange juice, but there is a (!vine !healing quality found in the acid of leptons and limes. There is but one sentence to cover the use of sugar -anti Met is, don't eat 11 In any form what- soever. Almost as sweeping a denuncia- tion is made of all liquids, except water arid• ntiilc, coffee, tea, beer, claret, port, and champagne acting as a sort of poison on the. rheuinalio system. Six months of this diet was all the treatment tnllowod by this young -old lady, who declared herself to be as gnxl as new, except that she took four or Qve time, a day if she felt the least twinge a few drops of oil of wintergreen. About this she had matte the discovery that there are two grades of different efficacy, ono of tire,• manufactured and one the real, the later being the only one which was really helpful. ✓�Leril ONLY IIALF-WELL it is the easiest thing in the world to into a fashion of semi -invalidism, and to declare oneself not up to the mark, when one has slept badly, or over -eaten, 1r worked too hard. Num- bers of people do not work hnrd•enough, wittl I e result that theyy suffer from ennui,which, tib, in itself, leads to disease. It should be considered 000 of life's so1011111 duties t0 keep well If one can, and disease should be considered a great misfortune. To he Halt -well is to he half-nguipped for the battle, of life, to be only half -realty to do one's share of the daily task. People who are half -well are seldom In good spirits, and their melancholy acts as a wet blanket on the good cheer of others. \When it cannot be helped, this state of things must be accepted. When it can, to yield to IL is almost a sin. A QUEEN'S MOTTOES. Dore are 11nir10 of the mottoes which are said to bo held by the Portuguese Queen: -Keep out of doors all you can. Drenthe outdoor air, live in it, ravel in it. Don't shut yourself up. Build your house so that your air supply is good. Throw away your portieres and brio -a: - brae. Don't have useless trifles around. Have a favorite farm of exercise, and make the most of it. Ride horseback, 11 you Dan; WIC if you cannot get a horse; do something-any(htng-to get out in the opal air. Don't get fat. rat is an incubus which0I weighs you down. Ca 11 v t is the sin of over -indulgence. Fat makes you old and ugly. Fat keeps you front being litre, young and blooming. Don't over -cat. Drink little, and Id 11 bo pure. Don't try to dress too much. Yet dress as well as you are able -wear everything to [Wake yourself lovely, TIREATMENT FOR OBESITY, Tito only cure for obesity is self•denial in diet, combined with plenty of the right exorcise. Anyone can reduce his or her weight by leaving off all starchy foods, such as broad, potatoes, fartnneeous foods, and never touching butter, milk, eggs, cream, pastry, or sweets, re- marks a good authority. A glass of Mol water should be chunk morning and night, Breakfast must consist of weak tea, an apple, and biscuits made cf bran, Dinner, fish, chicken, 01' two slices of meat without fat, green vege- tables, and fruit without sugar. Ono 0(1)) of afternoon tea and a bran. biscuit. Supper, fish and as apple, One glees of claret may bo delink atter dinner, CURE Mil MAPPED IIANDS. Atter tiro hands have been In water they should alwilys be thoroughly dried with a soft towel, then common oatmeal wet! rubbed into them. A bowlful of the latter should be kept in n convenient place for this purpose. Regularity an. plied, It 1vd11 usually keep the hands de- Ughlfut!y soft and white. Warm gloves or mittens should always he worn when the hands fnust bo exposed to the wea- ther, and the Minds should never be allowed to become thoroughly chilled. VITALITY. Keep up your vitally and you will never knee/ disease of any 1(11d. No disease Can exist where there is an abundance Of pure blood, 'I'o get the necessaey amount, eat 11111rIttanS food; to circulate 11 p011001ly, tato proper ex. (Iroise; to purify It, get fresh air and stun shine, It a perfeolly healthy condition of the si(in exists and an even tempera- ture of lin surface of the body is main- tained. 11 Is impossible 10 catch dold, Cold -water b111110 taken every day will do much 'towards producing the former; proper food and exercise tate later. SOME MALAY Cl.!RIOt•;1Tlts4, Superstitious Betefs in Some times Seem to Prove Trus \V, W. Sheat gives c1(1 interesting no. 101111 of the regalia of ';elangore. Among them is a trumpet whinit no one May touch except the reigning Sultan and the hefr•apparent. Any one 0150 louehhlg 11 will be struck with (1111081. ;11r, Skeet 001(0 anxious to 0500110l 1111;aa things, and one (ley tate Rajah Mildah allowed hhn to hake the 111111(1 trumpet into his hands. "I thought (mlhing more of lie neater," says Poh'. Skean, "hut, by what wile really a very carious coincidence, within a few days 1 \\•1(5 seized with a sharp alhucl< of mithu101 inthtcnza, which obliged ale to leave tw district. The rlpot't of 013 indisposition armours to have made a profound 1111- 11118010n, and a Malay, who probably lheughl himself indebted to me fur setae aseistance, vowed to offer sacrifice di the shrine of a local saint for my r0env. cry." Nir, Skeet had 10 attend a ban- quet at the saint's tomb in gratitude for his merciful intervention, In Sarawak pentons of the Mantua tribe have a practice of depositing a large leaf, peculiarly folded, at the spol where an accident has happened, to conciliate the powers of evil. A 111011 hurt himself in Ito 115)01(5 garden, and some MIlanmrs employed there hastened to perforin the cereinee ',f propitiation. The present Rajm,, tries Brooke, tells what followed in ws "Ten Yeats 10 Sarawak." leo disliked to see this litter on l the e path, and told the gardeners In remove it. But the Mtlanuus said that the arm of any one touching the leaf would swell. So the Rajah threw it t1Vuy himself --arid two days afterwards ho had aWin t p [ d swelling in his nem, r m, which lasted a fortnight, in the "Journal of tate Indian Archi- pelago" is a narrative of Jonathan Riggs' ascent of Ournung Denim, in lava. The top of that mountain is sup- posed to be the site of Paradise, and the Japanese believe that it the local Rajah permits any stranger to climb it a tiger will devour hien. A. day or two after Mr. Riggs' feat a tiger killed Iwo of the Rajah's children. HE GAN ATTEND TO HIS WORK NOW MANITOBA MAN CUBED 11Y DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. 11e Echoes a Slntement Made by Thou- sands of the People of the Prairies. Giroux, Mat,. Dec, 18. -(Special). -Mr. Philias Normandeau, a well- known resident of this place, is oar of thousands of Manitobans who have fount( relief from the pains and aches of Kidney Disease in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr, Nortnatdeau is always ready to say a good word for the remedy that brought back hie health, s ' Ye I can tally ' dd of D 'C 1 u s laden,: Pills made a euro of me," he says. "1 had Kidney Disease far three years. At tines I. got so bad 1: coul,t hardly attend W my work. K took Just five boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills atilt my pains and aches are all gone and I can eerie as well as any- body. To anybody who has trouble with their kidneys all 1 cait say is vao Docki's Kidney Pills,' " Dedd's Kidney fills always 011.1.0 sick Kidneys. With well Kidneys you ain't have Bright s Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Rheumatism, or any of those other fearful and fatal discuses that spring from sick Kidneys. JOHN AN UNLUCKY ROYAL NAME Many Monarchs Rearing it Met \4ith Misfortune. It is strange how good or had fortune seems to attend certain names; !!1(1 this is the more !narked in the pmsn,ls of royalty, on account of their con- �pfouous position, than in the case of he ordinary individual. Among 8ov °reigns it is doubtful whiolh must be. considered 1110 most unlucky mune but it is probable that Tohn is Menu= of ill omen, says London Tit -Bits. For instance, John of England ens always been branded as an infamous monarch, a character which ho hardly deserved; still it was his luck. John of France was captured. by the Brace Prince, who, by the way, was not U e iloro we have been taught to consid,lr hint, but a very unscrupulous rulnnn. Jottn 1381101 of Scotland hos been de- spised by his fellow countrymen let - cause ho pandered too 11111011 to U10 English, Bolton iII. of Scotland changed his name (ram John, but the 111 lank of the name clung to 11im. During his life- time he was worried i.o the verge of despair by his brother, the Duke of Albany. Ile was himself a cripple, his oldest son ryas starved to death in pll• son, and his youngest, when of a VO,'. ego to France, erne. raptured by the i:nglish. Robert Ili, died of a broken heart. John 1. of Bohemia was blind; john L. Popo, was Imprisoned by Alarlc. King of the " Goths, and Pope John X. was rh'iven from Rune by Guy, Duke te, Tuscany. John Xi., Popo, was sup- posed to have boon poisoned by 1''d brother Alberto, who kept 111111 a pris- 0110f' 111 lino Lateran, John XIV, al;:) ilei in prison from poison 01' starve. 111111. John XIV. ascended the pouf! throne after the murder of Bonilnte. and was forced 10 flee to '1'userut;, where he dled of fever. Nor was John XVi, more fortunate, for he was dubbed 111e "Anti -Popo,' and after a varied career, which lusted only eleven months. he was brutally tortured anti then consigned to a dungeon, whence 110 neVe' emerged 111lve, Sohn 1. of Constantinople was pc's- oned; John ll, 101(0 111110(1 while boar Minting; and Join 111, was dethroned, his ayes 'wore put out, aid he waS cast, into son m i i , where 110 died, John 1, ^,f Castile was tilled by a fall front lis horse, This is only a portion of the long list of unlucky Joins, but it will serve to show that there Is good reason for claiming that tnonachs should avoid the name, 11 they possibly can, Judge: "If I let you off this time, will ,you prntui50 not in come back egalur Prisoner; "Ye., sir, TIM foot Is, 1 didn't 001110 voltintariiy lilts Uma." Free (ilft old Ss:a �isyw .ciuNLIGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Saps for which you have to pay out money every week. TJsers of SUNLIGHT and CIIEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SO,AP3 for nothing. Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List. A gift is of little val'1e if it consists of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap C'.nupons you can get something you neer( and ere every day, SAVE SUNLIGHT O .P COUPONS $.over Brava:tors 1Ltraltod, Triroeeto, CAasanda FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTJ - FEST FROM Fi(R BANI3;S A?rD BRAES. What Is Going on in the Flioh- lands and Lowlands of Auld S'e ttia. Dr. John Macdonald has been ap- pointed 111011ical officer for Inverness - shire. Lieut. John Macfadyen, of the Coven police, a ()abut -Kandahar vet- eran, Is dead. Janes Burns, a Soon Kop voter an, 01 the Scottish Pities, was found drowned at Galashiels. A child four years of age has been burned to death in Dundee While try Ng to sight a cigarette. A sawmill near Pitlochry, rho pro perty of Captain Butter, C.kl.G , o P'askaily, has been totally destroyed by fire. A reindeer has been born in Cook's circus at Edinburgh. It is said to bo the only one over born in the British Isles, The snbsceiptlons for the Queen Victoria School anti Memorial to Scottish Sailors and Soldiers amount to £43,567, Henry Watson, a Shettleston boy, aged seven, fell down a hot air (rue in a Glasgow factory and wa8 scorch- ed so that he died. A Glasgow strike, that of the plumbers, after lasting 26 weo':s has collapsed, the mon having agreed to resume work on the old terms. Provost Symon, Dufftown, has in titnated his retirement from the Town Council, of which ho has been a member for the past 40 years. The Lerwick School Board Pas. an - pointed Miss Bessie K. Mitchell, of Kinross, as teacher of cookery in the Central School at a sate y of £75. The crew t of the Scotch of h herl r a •'1 g boat, No, 310, from Kirkcaldy, own- ed £170 by one night's fishing. They brought 80,000 herrings into Scar- borough, Atr. James Avon C'Ivdr., IC. C., has been appointed Sol id 1 or -C1 c,n0rol for Scotland, In room of Mr. 10. T. Sal- vesen, IC.C,, who has hem raised to the bench. John Millar Roberts, aged 30, a grocer, single, and residing at 1311 Aikenbead roach, (lovarhil1, contitt- eel suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. The Clyde patte•mualcers, who or- iginally demanded an advance of n halfpenny per hour, have accepted au inunerliate advance of a farthing, and resumed work. News J:es reached Aberdeen of the death err But owayo of Prof:'ssnr Themes i' yd, who graduated Master of Arts at Marischal Co'1,•ge and Uni- versity as far hacic as 1818. Mrs, Simpson of Bann', died there a few clays ago, aged 101 years and ono month. She remembered seeing, when a girl of 11, the signals which proclaimed the victory of Waterloo. Mr. Wiilfnnt Paul, who has died at Coatbridge, was for over forty years the largest potato buyer 10 the wo.'t of Scotland. In pursuance of his trade he travelled ail over Scotland. The number of visitors to the Burns' shrine at Alloway is on the itcreaso. The past yea's' visitors to the cottage numbered 50,303, as com- pared with 50,258 for the previous year. Asir, Mavis Wilson, general manager of the N'lyeles Iaua Blank, Glasgow, has resigned. He has been co neeted with Scotch barking for fifty ,years, for Iii years of which he has poen manager of the Clydesdale hail(,' Tho lice. Patrick i.'helau, 0 relived Lpiscopnlian clergyman, about siety ears of age, who has resided al .ochgoilhoad fnr tho past three cars, 8u<ldeldy expired on the rail- way Platform at Maybole. On the arrival of a Lenin from For. ar at Dundee blood mar s were °heed on the engine. Enquiry was lstituted and it was (Recovered that• man had been knocked clown and iced at the. 131annesse Le. The prtr.emiors of tho Lown churches f St, Andrews, Glasgow, and Dun• rtnllutt each receive 1111 annual Gov 'meta pension of L5 a year. These taulties date from every ancient. mos, tied, in fact, their origin is GUARDING TUE KAISER. The Berlin Police Practice a Plan of Campaign. Berlin, Germany, has made elaborate arrangements to suppress any popular demonstration that may be contem• plated against the Government. Owing to tate effects of the Ru05101 revolutionary movement upon the So- cialists of Germany, the cif has bee y n divided into square sections, by the organisation of which the police could put down effectually any attempt by at mob to 11010111 toward the Emperor's palace and the Government °lines, The plan of campaign is rehearsed ns often -the festive occasions attract im- mense crowds to the centre of Berlin. On such occ0slons the extroordinnry - skill of the police in disposing of the crowds, width they drive, block by Mock, out into the subtirbs, htts been f' commented upon. One side of e,teli organized square is left open, and this is always the 81(10 facing the suburbs, so that the crowd may drift in that direction. in the case of a popular uprising, the fourth side of each square would he left open or closed, according to the gravity of the sihmtion. If it became necessary to suppress 1.t. jrising by the most severe measures, th fourth side of each square coed 1: . closed, so that the rebels within it wool be enclosed within inpenelrahle lines c, tiro and steel, and could be shot dow or bayoneted to the last man. THE BEST WAY TO WINNIPEG. - The Creat Northern Railway Con pony is now running a magniicotl fourteen -hour night train from :it i'aul to Winnipeg. This new tram "The Winnipeg Limited," is ono n the very finest in the Northwest. I fs equipped with the newest and bel=t compartment eat lit r P )ars observation cars most luxuriously furnished anti the comfort of the passenger Is cater ed to in every detail. This tt•ain has already made a name for Itself for running right on time and connec- tions aro made at Winnipeg for tt'1 points in the Canadian Northwest. Until this service was instituted the trip was of eighteen to twenty hours duration. It is now possible to reach Winnipeg by way of Grand Trunk to Chicago and North Western to St. Paul iu practically 'the same time es Lay Canadian Pacific direct, This route possesses the added interest of a day in either Chicago or St. Paul, with less time wasted in day travell :ng. The unifortn excellence of the Grand Trunk service to Chicago is too wan known to need any comment and too much cannot be said of the elegance of the equipment of the "Northwes• torn Limited" run by the Chicago and Northwestern hallway between Chicago and St. Paul, These western roads can give many a pointer to, the older ones in the enst In looking after the passengers comfort. -4 Talk is cheap, but don't go to a lawyer with this idea. Woruis derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the sullorar. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. 1lusbaul--"Don't you I11intc it would ho as well to save the money for a rainy' tiny?" \\'fie --"Good melons, not I can't go shopping una rainy flay."' Dr. Agnew's Ointment Cures Piles. - Itching, Bleeding and 131111d files, Com- fort ht ono spplfuullotl, 11 cures in three to six nights. It cures rill skin disensrs in young and old. A remedy beyond compare, and it never falls. 55 cents. -68 fie (admiringly'): "You're not the sort of girl to give yourself away," She (hl- sinuatngly): "Aro, but, you might ash( father." me discern and dent immediately vette nausos and overcome thaw, r,thet than to tarda with ntturts ti(tcr the disease hos sertu•otl a lodgment, is Lho chief nim 0l the medical 11110, and Bickla's cin ti-Cm,sus (tive livrup Is rho remit of patient study uloug this paHdculas lino, At tho first. appearance of a cold the Syrup will he found a most ancient rnmo!3 u.rrostln5 rlevelninnent and 8I>eedlly heeling the affectedparts, eo that the Miniu01 disappears. A TILIMAN COMPASS. Little ,leek -"What chid papa mean by saving that he was the captain of this ship?" Ma -"010 that is only his way of saying that he is tho Road of the house," Little Jouk-"If pa is captain, then what aro you?„ Afa- "Well, T suppose I atm the 11101,'' 1 Little ,lack -"Oh, yes; and thea I must he the compass ?" 14Lm- ".1'h.e compass? Why the cool - pass?'' 1,(ttle ,jack --•"Why, 'Cho captain and pilot aro alwes's hosing the own - peas, yeti know!" foeg 1ton, • (1t1ICK AT SOr\1t2Tl[150(1. A clerk was diselutrgedl, rile asked the reason, "You aro so awfat slow auo'it everything," said his employee. "You do me an Injustice, respond- ed the clerk. "Micro is ono thing that I am not slot, about." "I should bo delighted to hoar you name it," sneered the proprie- tor. "Well," said the clerk slowly, "00. body can got tired as quick as I Can." P A7 ti1r,R1,Y CA1113, "So your daughter 10 having ilei' volae cultivated?" "\Voll," answered the perent, "that's Um way her mother and the girl p111_11. But, bel\vbon you and me, 1 engaged a professor in the hope of getting.1 cured' SUlll'IOLSED. "What interested me most in 013 tra- vels," said Henpeck, "was lite mummy of a queen I saw in Egypt," "Wonderful, oh?" asked his friend, "Yes, it's wonderful !tow they could make a woman dry up and stay that way." The Greatest Tonle is "Forrov[m." It in ploaRant in taste . -ul contain, Just the nourich- mo by the et who are sick anaqualities tyat are treed• oil by those who era sick' and weakly. Lawyer: "I really (lope 1 don't annoy you with all these questions?" Fele Client: "Not at all. I'm used t0 it. 1 have a six-year-old son." Suffer no More, -There are thousands who !Ivo miserable lives because cls pepaia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One wits t.o dispel the vapors that be- set rho victims of this disorder is to order them a cause -of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, which are among the best vo •etable plias keow,, l>el g easy to tahko uud ar•e most enl¢acieus In their action. A trial of thorn wilt prove this. "Well, Fritz, you got birched in school to-dey'f" "Yes, but it didu't hurt," "But you certainly have been crying?" "Oh, I wanted to let the teacher have, a little pleasure out of It." Kidney Lx )erimentin l• ime fur experimenting when no discovered that you are a victim of some one form or another of kidney disease. Lay hold of the treatment plat thousands have pinned their faith to and has cured quickly and permnn- r- ellliy. South American Kidney Cure t stand, pre-ontfuent in the world of • Medicine as the kidney sufferer's tru- , est friend. -6C f mica '1ISI6J3, It is hotter to bay a cottage for clash than 0, mansion on the itnstal- :nent plat., Jack: "I say, .Ti,mwily aren't troll calling on Miss Jones any more?" Dm; "Don't ask me, Jack. The reason is a parent..n A lady writes: "1 was enabled to re- move the earns. root and branch, by the '. use of Holloway's - Corn Cure. Others who have tried It have the same experience. We.itor-"Two sausages for Wort Biorhuber." Landlord -"Only give hint one; ho is already intoxicate 1, and sees everything double." Waiter -"I've already seen after that. Ile ordered four." RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsome Illustrated treatise, giv- ing full descrlptlan o1 l+heuunttistn and Paralysis, with Instructions for a com- plete home cum, describing the most successful treatment in the world, re- commended by the Ministry and endors- etrued tUby ve mudicabootsi men, tins highly 10- w•na written Veu,i, 11 gentleman who has mato a study of those diseases. Tho preface is be a graduate of the Uulverslty of wurtyburg. Send postal to-clayand yon will receive the book freeby re. turn.- r Ie The Veno ono Drug Co, 24 t(Slug 54, sliest, Toronto -- "When "Vhen a man has a birthday; say's a stale philosopher, "he tastes a day off, \Vhen a \wean leas one she takes a couple of years off." No Reasonable nen expects to mere a neglect• zi cold in a day. nett tune and Allan's Lung otesmlVo001103 ilddnstave cnupbonCougt wlceaseanlungbo to sonud ,as a new dollar._ ioather (meditating on time's changes) --"Ah, yes, the fashion of this world passeth awns!" Daughter -"Indeed, It duos, pupa. I shall want a new lint next week," No Alcohol In It, -Alcohol or any Other volatile mattor Which would im- pair strength by uvapemtion clods not in any shape enter into the manufacture of 1)r, Thomas' (educate Ott. Nor do climatic cha,gee street It. It Is As ser- viceable in the Arctic Circle 115 in the Torrid '!.one, perhaps more use1111 in the higher 1atitudns, where man Is mora subject to colds from exposure to the elements, JAPANESE 8IIRINI S, The latest official reiurns show Mg (.there are 108:33 shrines and 10(1,070 Buddhist temples tu'oughoiil japan, in addition to 1,142 Christian rhnrchos end other places of worship. Tho Shin- to and Buddhisl priests number 84,408 11n(1 73,200 respectively, while the min• lidera of other 1011(1 105 are 10,038 In lumber, including 441 foreign mission. arias. ur Honest Belie, 1f that we have brought As near PERFECTION as modern methods and materials will prralt, 1t0 Uii RIBBON Tea hes a DISTINCT INDIVIDUALITY that lifts it above the line COMPARISON with outer brands, TRY T1II31 RED LABEL. a'00"+$.i"1w Pedlar's 'Oshawa' STEL Shingles 1' Cfr Galvanized or painted. Most durable and 000uomic3,1 covering for Rooting or Siding for Residence:, Houses, Barna, Elevators, Stores, Ch arches, Poult -y houses. Cribs, etc. Ranier to lay and will last longer than any other oovering, Cheaper than wood shingles or slate. Pio experience .55055ar . A hammer and snips are the only tools required It Is ca •hazds ud high grdo etaoL Also Corrugated Iron, Pslate ar C+stuanis d'to sheets 08 Inchon long. Bea ed and Embossed CNilers. V Crlm ed Pooling. 5000 designs 1(t Roofing, Skiing and Ceilings in alt grades. Thousands of bunndie s through the Dominion aro covered with our Shoot Metal Goods, making them F 7 D, FISE, WATER AND LIGHTNING PROOF Aeon . Thre overy hest for re many f or this o iamte feet) as , supply to a Tr year new ei old building. The Plain R und, Conductor ohmato. We ono Elbows Have Troughsnll sirat. Corrugated05010l or Piot Round, the Iberar duet- S<t es' bulb g. Splkef. Tubes. in oe.ted O'Se.0000.ou t concern of the kind under the British dog, Established 1851. Capital Write To•Bey for Catalogue Igo 14 (l anal Froe Samples. MlNTasAL, QUE, f OTTAWA, ONT. I TORONTO. ONT. f VANO0E0, 0.0. 767 Craig at. 423 Sussex tit. 60 To1 g I 'Hinge St 015 Ponder it. yf WRITE YOUR NEAREST OI FLOE. HEAD OFFICE AN) Wp;:{S, OSH WAf r ONTARIJ CANADA, ': ,asarr^y.--rmgavviam'avnne.`m�.t:-"*^<E^. ti.. ,.. ) �:..-. r?.it..wFfi� _ -- _ �`-33x�'St9 Young lVten of Canada AND YOUNG WOMEN TOO Got a BUSINESS or SHIORTH•IAND education, Nothing will pay you so well, and 00501001 can do so well Inc you as the old sucoessisl CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE 00 HAMILTON, We can place 200 of our graduates in GOOD -SITUATIONS during the Incoming year. we did It this year and can do it again. lids is the ,1d reliable collage of Canada, established 44 years, 25 yearsunder present principal. Over i 3000 graduates n:successful business life. Try it, lVrite B. E. GALLAGHER, PRINCIPAL, C. B. College, Hamilton, Oat Y AL:C. A. Buildings, FARMERS! -4.' This is the saaaoa of theoar when you need r e ae t to use every P recautiou with your' w •l.e stuck. By tho me of our 7±•< SI 0 u1( TOFst10 nd other remedies have v o the bast �itguarantea of health to your stock. Valuable Advice Free i Uo¢ It and beonma your own voterbtaty 4. surgeon. The WITCRINARY SPECIALTY A 0 0 ted 660 DUNDAB 3T., TORONTO, Latt ALI, LN IT. Banks -"If you're worried so nnuch ahmtt your debts, why don't you Join a 'don't. worry club'?" .1u11(s-"I did, and found that most of my creditors belonged to the same club!" A Recognized Regulator. -To bring tho digestive organs into symmetrical work- ing is .the aiu, of physicians when they anti n entiert .uricrmg irons 5tamachie irregularities, and for this purpose they can prom:ribs lioth int, better than Par- meles's Vegetable Pills, which will be Lound a pleasant medicine of surpri•:i virtue In bringing the refractory organs into subjection and restoring them t, normal action. in which condition. only can they perform their duties properly POOR, MIT ILIPPY, It. is bolter to hear a baby crying in the kitchen than to hear a French poodle barking in the parlor. .fust a Word of cauttotu; Whom the ski, in fiestroyod by burns or scalds apply weaver's Cerate immediately the the sonaer the better. Da11g)ltel'-"Mamma, if 3 must write to Mr. Pray about his extor- tionate bill, should I say, 'Dear At'r. Rrny''i" 3tanlme-"Certainly, under the circumstances.'' Dr. Agncw•'s Catarrhal Powder: - Rev, W. II. Mato, pastor of (h0 Baptist Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives strong testimony for and is a firm believer 'u Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, Ido boa tried many lands of remedies without avail. "After using Dr, Agnew's Catar- rhal Powder I was benefitted at once," ere his words. It is a wonderful rem- edy. 50 cents. -15 "Mr. Linger spends n, great deal of time with you, Molly, said miss 1C,ittish to Miss Frooles• "Yes, but that's all he does spend." sunlight soap is bettor than ether teape, but is best when used in the sunlight way. Huy Sunlight Soap and follow direotfone. IRISII TTI'1' $, Three types at least are observable in the South of lrelaud •first the dark lUrlinn looking Cell, also fond in Do. von; secondly, the tall, yellow -haired Danish type, and, thirdly, the ebarig(nal Aryan of the Wigs, with red or euhttrn hair and blue or greet eyes, who may also ho found in Cornwell, 'rhe dark aquiline tpieIirconsider- ably 1iof the Irish, and the Irish language is nearer akin to Cornish than to Welsh, 'rho h'aditionaI Irish- man of caricatures is not often seen in the South, though (1115 tytie is 1101 un- known even among Um upper elnsses. The soft features and -bright eyes of the modoot peasant women present ninny varieties of beatify, and the mingled'' ril�d of Cort( and Kerry -fairer, as a rule than that of the tar wast -win no vigorous as any in. Scotland or J1( 'York. shires-•r.Blackwood's Magacine,' Bargain List of Farm( mailed free. ALF. BROWN, Dept. it, Photon, rials Learn Telegraphy Great opportunities in the U. S. far Canadians as telegraph operator's. 30 to 5u p, c. higher salaries. Positions for all graduates. Send fur free catalogue. Det. Tel. & By. School, Detroit, Mich, CARPET DYEING nod Giemsa¢. Thio Is o npeelnl,a with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. Bend partisulare by float and ao aro aura mallets Mersa, Sex 160, faentrexl. i'�ft(r .itO ii6lit. � i 11Ill M'ei)llll (Regis ored) The Strong-ast and beat $2.75 pants made in Cauada,heavy weight, dark gray mixture mauufaa- tured from pure Nova. ROette wool This cloth is kept u to tho highest standard of excel - Mac Mos durability by the St. Croix Woollen Mitis 00:, Ltd., Newport, N. S. Those panty are kept by the leading clothiers of rho Dominion. If . you cannot005l110 them write .1(3 Mai& Ms..I�} J '' , �? 8dt`e€ HALIFAX o, r and enclose 3.2.75. with waist and leg aieasnre fnr eamplo i ' o & 1i:r tvliteh wn bo' 9 o trored o t our pastaye paid any. exep in (lalcont except the YukoRs - "Look here! I toned two Stones in the milk -can yesterday!" "I'm not surprised, ma'am, The water is very low just now in the pond where the COWS drink." The Effects Produced by witch Hazel whin •ambinorl with Menthol as found In "Thu D m L.' Menthol Platter aro tatty mogioal, it beteg is tpoclac for rhenmatis)u and 0Ouralgla, "Our minister gavo the organist a great blowing up." "What did ilio organist do --resign?" "No, lie gave the organ One," A Casket of Pearls. -Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove a great solace to the disheartened dys• peptic if he would but test their no. tenoy'• They're veritable gems in pre. venting the seating of stomach disorders by aiding and stinlulatbng digestlon- C,o of these health "pearls' in a boz, and they cost 35 cents. Recommended by most enlnent phySteiens.-04 Customer -''And is this chair really en antique piece of furniture?" Deal. er-"Antique., madam? There's no doubt about that. Why, it was 50 worn -eaten when I bought it, that 1 have had to have a new back, a new seat, and three now legs made for iti" Cash or Cure 11 Shiloh's Consumption Core fails to euro yawn Cold 01 Cough, you get back all yon paid foe d, Yeti 01e sane of a Cure or the Cosh. 11 it wasn't a cute cure, thio olfar would not ho made. Can anything be fatter ? 1f you have a Cold, Caught or any duoom. of rho Threat, Lungs et Air ranee, try SHIL 1-1 .1.50 era, ,per bottle, All deafAts guatanite it. ISSUE NO, 61-.4)1/,