HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-28, Page 5Happy New Year AI thin mason of the year everybody wears a happy smile 8o don't forget to OR for your Photo. at our Studio. Gallery open for busiuess on New ream. Come early. Family Groups a Specialty, Ml workg uartulteed. Wieling my many Customers a Happy New Yeer. 4I4ee4f H.R. BREWER iistxi.ct �e t eke ye, ott The local Orange Society held their Annual Supper ill Mitohell'e Hall. John Lamont, blacksmith, of Stayner, °pont a few days in town visiting friends, He has sold out hie blacksmith atop in Stayner and will looate elsewhere. J. A. Mollain, nommeroial traveller, is home again atter an extended bueineee trip to the West, iooluding Manitoba, Saakatohetvau, Alberta and &Web Columbia. Two enterprising, Elma farmers nom• peled at the Guelph Fair in the porson of J. S. Dowse, ut Donegal, and Audrew Stevenson, of the 10th eon„ West. Mr, Cowen °bowed tour animals in the swine ohms cud oaptured tour prizoa, For Berhahire barrow 0 mon., and under he got 4th prize ; for Berkehiro sow ander 6 months, Mr. Gowan got 2nd, 5th prizoa for Berkehieee, three pige, the offspring of one sow, bred by exhibitor, ad priz , Andrew Stevenson got fourth prize fur 3 Oxford ewes under I year, Both these geatlemeu are to be congratulated upon their sateen in holding up Their end against some of the beet exhibitore of Canada. Their enterprise ie commend. Rale and well worthy of emulation by the younger generation of farmers, Win_ harp. Mies Margaret Forbes has returned home from her trip to the West. Bert. Wellwuod arrived home last weak, after spending nine months in British Columbia and the Wont. Quite an exaftement wag canoed at Me Central School by the berating of the glass of the steam gauge, and the rah of steam through the building The children flied Ont orderly, and the miabap was soon remedied. Election of officers took plane in the Baptist Young People's Union an fol- lows :—Hon. Pres., Rev. E. R. Fitch ; Prue., B. Hinoaliffe ; Vice Pres., Mine T. Kelly ; Beo.•Treae., Mien Pearl Lamont ; Amt. Seo.-Treae., Miss Edith Rush. J. D. Long has disposed of hie Lan- dry bueinese to George Denyer, of Brae. gels, who ie now in poeaeesion. Mr. Long has not yet deoided what be will tio. Hie health has nob been good lately and he feels a change of work was imam,. nary. Wingham, No. 84, Royal Arch Manus, eleoted °Blears for ensuing term ae foliate :—let Prin, Z., Dr. J. P. Kennedy ; 2nd Prin. H., H. 0. Bell ; Srd Prin, J., G. Carr ; Treas., Dr. J. E. Tamlyn ; S. E„ H. E. W. Tamlyn ; S. N., David L. Dinelev ; P. S., Wm. Wae. eon ; S. 8., A. M. Crawford ; J. S„ Dr. B. H, Hamiitou ; Tyler, Jae. Fleet Iiletovale. Tee death of Mre, W. H. Stewart, o4 Binevale, bee removed one of the earlieet aetttere of this vicinity. She had been of a rugged oonetitntion, and had passed the four score limit of life, even though under early pioneer oonditioue, there wee of neoeesity math toil and hardship. A short time ago she was bitten ill ; pneumonia set in and on Monday of Inst week she passed away, in her Ellet year. Airs. Stewart was born in the enmity of Wexford, Ireland, in 1824. In 1840 she went to Dublin, and was there married to her now surviving huabeod. In 1854 Mr, and Mrs. Stewart left Dublin and oame to Canada, and after a year's residence ill Hibbert township, oame to Bluevale, in March 1850, hence they were among the °Delimit settler') of this locality and have resided here oontionouely, within a few months of a half a Dentary. Urn. Stewart enjoyed the esteem of the eommuuity through all these yearn, and was identified with the Methodist church. She leaves a family of six to mourn her departure—Thomae of Bluevale, Wiliam We Wish You All the Happiness of the �o6daY Seasou In order t0 augment this happi- ness we have carefully alone 'geode for this season, Permit us to quote the names of a few of the goods we have t— Jardineres Toys Cake Dishes Dolls Salad Dishes Perfumes Cups and Saucers Handkerchiefs Lamps Oranges of all kinds and many other ar- ticles ,that cannot fall to give piettsttre. IlacDOHHDD BRIM Jamestown t. highest price for Fenn Predose, ETHEL CHEESE FACTORY. Out of the 05 patrons of Ethel fa ker'y there were about 50 protest an Wader. 10th Met, Mr. Burr had lees tban an hour between Maine bo undress the pale rows, but be made good nee of Lite time. loam Late wee voted tutu the Meter and Hobert Barr, of Ethel, appotuted see - rotary 01 the treating.. Chia Mortimer Barr fleet upoke of the impurtauoe of haulm; good eowe. Ia the Northern die• mot there was inorn of to tendency, he aaid,to keep beet breeda instead of pore dairy cattle, 10 the Beath you would find more herds of the beet broods of Holeteiue than anything ela,•, II wee very important to tat only the iudividoul sow and keep only the good ones. Ide tubed reeulte of recent testa of 240 cows for 30 days. The average for the 80 hue wee 014 collude with 84 par Dent of fat. The beat Dow gave 1865 pouade of milk and the poorest omy 425 Ibe, Io one herd, all len exautty the setae food, the beat was 1420 Ibe, and the peoreat 780 Ibe, To one herd oI 19 atm, the average wee 1022 Ibe. per cow, in another of 8 oowe the average was 676 pounds per now, 8o that there wee a vast dlffoteeee m the praduetive powers of the different horde ae well as of the individual uowa. It was touud th et the herd 8888 pro- duced the most mills also produaod the beet mi,k. The milk of the herd that gave the moat milk tested 4 9% of lab while the milk of the lees productive bade tested only from 3,08 to 4%. The farmer should pay the utmost attention ,o the individual 0088 and if any of them aid not produce at leant 5,000 palate of mak per Reason she would not make 0100h profit. The milk netted the farmer about 70 sante per 100 Ibe. mud it a Dow only gave 4,000 ,be. ebo earned only $28 end sew auwe could be fed fur loan than $25 per year. Caws moat be fed well e>vit the limo. Some farmers seem to thunk Mat when a cow was day 8118 would pule for herself, but Ode erougbt her out thin in the leprtug and (thee ruined the .whole tieteou'e pcoduoiion. Durlug Dalt bearing time anew needed toe good and pet moot, of not more food than at any outer time. tlr. Barr has a bappy knack of impreea- ine a point with a good awry and ha did -o her-. Not many of tee fanners who heard hien will forget this point in tie short address at leant, He said wben by saw 0uwe uotne out so lean is the Spring he thought of a enrtaiu very etiugy man whose wife looked as if she never got enough to eat. At any rate eh0 died and was buried, and to mark bar grave, the fanner bought a atone, He told the atone.outter to out at the end of the epitaph the words — "Lard, she was Thine." The atone was too narrow for • all the lettere and the epitaph rend when I1aiehod Lord, eht, etre Juin," aim thio he haul too atter denitrified tine eon. clition of the dairy pow 111 tutu Sprnlg, A young heifer Doll should be kept healthy and growling from the drst, but he thonght it wags mletake to hop her too lot. If le Dow Wal not healthy keep her milk at borne. Give oowe plenty of water and all the salt they wavt, Milk from eueln owe will peep sweet longer than trim QOM without golf, In all the re. ports from luetruetare he had found very Atte oompluiot of taut from food. A' a rule the Dow gave the mills in good shape, it tette in afterhttudling that taints were acquired, gassy taints, over.rlps tante, immure taints, Hee good tinware only, with smooth asoma, do nut nee gavel,. czed iron paile. 'Mills with °tear hands, wipe the udder's and strain the •milk well, The cardinal point in the caro of milk was to cool itwelland as 0000 ae pooatble. If you have water put the Dau in 'the water and pot in the milk a pail at a time as milked. Ic will be pretty welt uuoled before the next pail is added. Do not bink a lot of warm milk together. Lie did not think it was ueneoaery to aerieto milk ; if there were any taints around milk wee moat apt to taste tbetn while beteg aoriated. It !e will to stir the milk is the tau, It you oaol milk to 60 degreee It will stay sweet, at 00 degrees it will .soar and at 70 degrees it wil thiolteo. Where farmers had water it should always be used or when water o0eld not be got be advised keeping the wilt In pails. Melte a matting frame with to oover on it and hang up the pada of milk to coo! in the air. It will 000l fairly well if left in this way in smaller balk. Boma very eattelaotory melte had been obtained io this way, but of ovuree, water cooling was preferable. Milk if cooled enough in clean vessels will never acquire a tint, Moet patrons bandied their milk all right, not more than ten per 0001. failed in doing eo but it wail the few who failed that (mused the whole trouble. It would pay the patrons to pay for the bad milk and sump is in the ditch rather than ruin the reputation of 8 faotory au a producer of Bum goods, Replication of a factory was a most valuable and important mat. ter ; buyers were afraid of a faotory an which they tumid not always count for right goods. Another thing was that if milk were sent overripe it took more of it to make a pound of cheese, it wee inn. possible to make as mall cheese !torn arta milk alt arum sweet, se that there ween doable loss, both in quality and - quantity. The patrons were greatly pleased and interested in Mr. Berr'e 040 8080 ted were sorry hie time wee eo limited. RECEIPTS MONTH Mira Mts. Mr Mrra mo LB. 1Z.nonrvtm. 01ana010, Cnmtau. May 50,282 4,917y 11.98 10 11. June 251,709 28,0 10.05 & 11.00 Parol. AlLornNT. 83' & 9 $ 480 62 e as & 91/16 2,189 24 July 228,121 19,97 s 11. & 11.82 1b & it/e 2,081 44 3/ August .. 207 4 18 04 ] 1.29 & I 11 ata 29 7 0,08 & ll , � 076 01 October 284,050 21,0081 10.70 11 a& 10 1,012 90 Ootobm• 8e, 980 at his4 9.28 11 1,012 07 Balance in Bank at lust audit 8 45 Pine re Bawtinheimer 20 00 Interest 1904... 4 60 010,163 07 Average pounds of milk to pounds of ahem 10.84 Average prime of cheese per pound 10.40 Average cost of making per 102 pounds 01.16 EXPENDITURE Paid to Patrons - $8410 95 Hauling Milk - 497 28 John Brown, making cheese 024 20 Boxes, $171.98,. Scale Boards, $6.45 178 43 Salesman and Treasurer 60 00 Secretary, $26.00 Insurance $21.80 40 80 Instructors, $7.00, Hauling Cheese 00.75 - 10 76 Association Ticket, $8.00, Books, $1.70. 4 70 Telephone 01.86, Hall rent, $1.00 2 85 Reports, 750, Storage $1.00 Auditor, 033 00 4 76 Expenses in con nection with Bawt)niteimer milk 6 W Balance in Bank 11 05 $10100 07 (teacher) of Acton, James G., of Anbarn, ordinary man. It wee the thioueet skull Robert, of Toronto, and two daughters— he had ever seen. He found the man Mrs. Masters, of Bluevale, and Mre. bad suffered from kidney trouble but Procter, of Morrie. The funeral took that had nothing to do with the imme. plane on Wednesday to Btuevate diateeabee of death. cemetery, The large attendance was 'oedema of the esteem in which the entire family le held. A 101610118 IIFdUACI[It. Ie one of the meageet tbiuge in the world. To prevent bilfoueneee nee Dr. Hamiltoo'e Pills wbfob keep the system Olean and pare, vegetate the bowels give tone to the kidneys end liver. You'll never have a beadaohe yog'it waver have a Hour etomaab, but will have vigoroue bracing health by taking Dr. Hamiltou'e title. Your druggist Belle Dr. Hamilton's Pifle, 280. per box or five boxes for one dollar. it10. a IV is. peas and Mre. Robertson, of Botaee. value, Maw, have Dome home toe a visit. Mre, Robertson who wag formerly llliae Maggie Caldbiek, is well known io this locality, and her. =buy friends will .be happy to seg her mute more. Mre, Robertson'% parenta reside at Wroaater, WEDDING RIDDLES, — On Tueoday, 26th into., et the home of the brtdo'e brother, Rev. J, J. Hattie united in marriage Jamee Nioholeon to Mies Emma Cloakey, both of the towuohtp of Morrie. The young wattle will take up their home cm the term that Mr. Nicholson purobased a couple of years ego on the 4th line of Morrie, They are both well known and highly reepooted and their many Glenda wieb them all the happiueoe of wedded Ilan. Cozoses's amts.—The ooroner'e jury gmpannelled to Winnipeg to enquire Into the mune of the death of Joeepti 0aee. more (formerly of Morris) teas as follows, —"The said Jueepb Ooaemore Caine to hie death ns the moult of blows on the head, aumudetered by some person or persona uuknowo, on the bight of Deo. 5," Dr, Gordon Bell, who performed e, poet rnonom examination au the body of Casement ou Saturday, deposed abut the doomed died of a hemorrhage of the brain. He found a fracture of the skull above the left ear about two inches long. Another fracture wee found on top of the head. Ttie skull had been prattled agent. et the brain, which paused the fatal hemorrhage, in whioh the deceased Met a pintjof blood. Three vibe were also found to be broken, ono of than above the heart, and looked as though they might nave been broken by a severe kink. 1)r. Ball thought that some heavy blunt mettemeut bad been used to give the blowe, and did not think that they could have been oauead by a fall. The skull of the dead men wee remarltably thee and would have been fractured by a lighter blow than would be eegntred (so an Mlyce'Cez-. M. and Mre. Gardiner very pleasantly entertained the choir of Caven church on Wednesday evening of last week. Master Jaak, son of N. D. Hurdon, reoeivad a natty blow on the shall ae a result of slipping on the toy sidewalk. The little fellow has einae beau detained in heti as a congequenee, T. B, Belcher, teller of the Malsone Bank staff here, left for a six wake' visit with hie parents 10 California, He gore via Chicago and El Paso and will prob. ably return by way of Vonnonver and Wtuuipeg. It is some six years since Mr. Belabor has been home with hie parents. L. H. Dickson, who eoetained 0 dietooatiou and fracture of his right shoulder in a runaway iwoideot, ie pro. erreeitlg favorably. In company with a Dr. he went to London and had the X rays applied to the parte to be 0001910 that the dismembered joint had been set back 08 its natural position. The result proved that the attending physicians had been correct in their Bud. Ing and the iujured member is improving Maly, Bo that Mr, Diohaoo will shortly have the fust nee of his arm. W. G. .Bissett, who wee seemingly only alightly bruised in the accident, heti since been ooufined to hie room, having been much more eeriouely injured than be euppoeed. In Piot he has since been at hoes eon. adored quite dangerously ill, Beside', the painful effects foilowiug 1110 injoriee he is anffsrete Goon an attnok of erysipe lag In the fans caused by the bruises he eueteinsd. His friends look for a speedy memory, 113eIg;ett vie, James Viuteamp, of Edmonton, N. W. T. bas arrived home to spend hie holidays. Mre. Irwin of Hat» Ilton, spent Oltriat- man with ter pimento, Mr, and Mee. Bates, Miss Hamilton of Goderioh townehip is vieftiog her brother, De. Hamihon, of Bela:eve, Mr. and Mre, Embery of Port Perry are spending a (Ample 4 weeks at Mr. Stratton's, Belgrave. Mr, and Mre. Brune of Alpena, Meth., are visiting et the latter's parents, Mr, and Mre. Sayler of I3elgreve. Mr. and Mre. Horner and daughter, of Badaxe, Mich, visited at W, Wray's and Geo. Daly'e. .Mrs. Daly aaoompanied them to Orangeville. The Orange Ooneeet wee a decided ena8000, the hall being filled to the doore. The program ivae excellent, and there was good order, The permeate emoneted to about 0100, (:81111.81,—Wahl 011 1.1,1100,000 JtKeliiti'h FUND • I I,000,000 6,1, 5111111118, Proddent, 751',e, 1iaAp9i1Aw, 0th'eetore U. 1.. Tlfeet1 SI IN, vitae President. 440. 1()1011l 800 01008011 rota, W. 810101dn:11 16.41,x, n a 401121 I'Ittarn1/001c 21 01.488 1)111) 4118 Ie: nett payable at any •.i and teller tern, In CANADA 18000pt toe Yakoa T0rritOry) uvtt ti to i;1c till.......,, walanit charge, at toe folluwin't rata 'or s.in.tun Lv ti2U 4u aver ellen to d0e.011 2)14411-0T8 far larger 0000080 issued 0 reseeteme, rates payntde at nil bunking 130111to fn O:INADA ,.r 1:1N11181) HT.11 4 4. 11 cents 10 cents 15 dente . sle'rv, WW'NCASS° 811,1174if I.Ft'Pw"f [.ti `d'eT,l ttt`xgr I,demt at IlIei IIE-3T CURRENT RATES tolueved on all ,-oma .1$1 and upwards 01ti✓'58.0A8 Vatzdifeff A. I•t 111ELLISII, Manager. J. J. Robertson hoe Bold hie farm, let part 8 end 9, atm. 3, Morrie, being 160 ones, to Mr. Higgins of Turnbsrry, for $7,250. The Larn ie a very good one, soil ie considered to he a fair price. Robert Antall le a talent on the farm. The annual Xrao tree entertainment of the Presbyterian Sabbath School was bald in the Foreelors' hall on Friday evening, Dec. 22. The program annotated of oetouiiuoe by Mise Husks, elooutioniut, of Alma Collel.e, St. Thomas ; solos by Norman Murch of Blyth; ohoruese, 1 eaitatione, a cantata entitled "The Joy of the Christened Morn,' .and music by the Sabbath of hoot and ohm. Boigravo L. U. L. No. 402 elected the following of iaere at the December meeting :—W. Master—Mex Lehi:man ; D. M.—Wm. Trove ; Chaplain—John Watson; Ren.•S,'o—W. G. Netbery ; lefn..Seo—Bart Watson ; Tread,—Wm, Bryan ; D. of Ger.—O. G. Mo0rue ; Leaturer—Jno. Armstrong; Oommittte mon—Iet—Wm, Armstrong ; 2nd—R, Leishman : ad—R. J. MoOrae ; 4th— John Little; 5th—H. Hawthorne, Tro wbreclero. Mies Rathleon Code, of Whitby Ladies' College, is visiting with relatives here. William Coates is the only Councillor in t•be field for manioipai honors in tide ward. Rev. T. W, Donne, wife and eon, of Brussels, spent X08110 at the home of the former. The Xmae Tree and Eotertainmeet given ill the Methodist chorale last Fri. day were very eucoesetul. E. B. Prated left lust week to attend Normal Bebop! at Regina. He will_ seek hie torture in the West henceforth. Mre. Bobs. Stewart is here visiting her permits, J. R. and Mre, Code, She will be joined by her husband here this week Mre. Sparrow, of Gleioben, Alberto, has been visiting her daughter, Mre. Tiffin, for the past two weoks at the Personage. Rev. 1) N. Muf.lamue, of Listowel, a t drooped a meas meeting of the Sunday School here Met Sunday. Rev. A. 0. Tulle wan lait Tbar,dey evetnfug rondo the recipient of a beautual Pereiau lamb cap, tee gift of the Moles. worth a IIgnegatlau. We heartily 8ongratulate Mies Pearl Code and Mabee Johnston who have eco. ooeefnlly paused the Modes School Ex (nations in Stratford. Rev, A, 0. Tiliilt and Rev. 0. P. Wells B. D., of Gerrie, changed pulpits loot Sunday, each tnkiag Sunday Soboot amtivereary serviooe for the other. We are glad to see the following eget', in onr millet after some monlha'abeenee —Mre, Geo, Alton and children, of Hick- son ; Rev. 1t. J. MoOermlok, of Maiden ; Mi08 :vlc0urtniok, of Detroit ; Wee. Mo Corwlok, of Albert Cotiege, Belleville ; and Mies Mae Dully, of Walkerton, Cures Catarrhal Deaf= TI OSS• One Week's Use or IIy01uc1 raid More That 101X itioutha' Treatment by Specialiste. In the treatment of deafreas whish is often a roeu.t of catarrh, Hyemie note almnet immediately upon the in flamed membrane and the bearing begins to return at once. Mise Meeks of Meetewan, N. Y. nee ; "Hymnal is truly wonderful. I have used it but a short time and see a greet change in my condition, My hearing is improving rapidly and I bad no idea I would improve eo rawhish wins o ohort a offensive time, m eelbCeathnd We do not pretend to sell Jewellery i:elow oost. If we did our career would be which, has lose fie bad oder elf a) short. What we do say and prove is that we sell HIGH CLASS JEWELLERY at y• the Lowest Prices in the County. Down to the smallest article everything we sell I have epent a great deal of money with is guaranteed. The most valuable asset fo onr business is our reputation for square catarrh epeoialiste, null Dan truly say dealing. We oan assure you of Quality aid the Closest Prices. P q that efx months of their treatment le not equal to one month of Hyomei." A complete outfit oats bat 3100, and consists of an inhaler teat oan bo SPEWAL BA C INS loran now until January lot, 1906, we will dell Ladies' Cloth Coats at slaugh- ter prices. They Ore coats that were left over and not strictly u )-t0-dobe but all gond coats, Homo are long and othore are medium and short lengths, some have large soil othere Medium sleev00, They will bo 0014 in three lots at different prices. Every rola moat be Mound out before January let, and we have marked them ab prices that will do it. LOT 1 Ladies' and Mitten Jackets And Coats, made of beaver, tweed and ftomespue, in black, brown toed gray, original prices wore $2.60, $3.60 and $4. Your Choice for .50 LOT 2 Ladies' Coate, made of beaver, viouuna and tweed, in brown, blank dud navy, [u different lengths, regular prices were 36, $6 and 37. Your choice for.,..,./.00 LOT 3 Ladies' Mantles, made of fico beaver, kersey anal homespun, in fawn, brown, gray and bleak, indifferent lengths, the prides were $7.60, 39 and 310. Your oholme fon1.50 These are ridinulouely low prices, but the goods must be sold before January int, no matter at what sacrifice. CHRISTMAS Our stock of Chrietmos Groceries is salt as Raisins, Currants. Fige, Dates, D•eeaiug, Mixed Spice, Ioing Sugar, Ext Prunes, etc. carried in the vent pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei, The inhaler will 'eat a life time and there hi enough Hyomei for several wake' treatment. Additional bottles of Hyomei oan be procured for 50 cents. Com- pare thio email expense with the Mee (Merged by epeoialiote, GROCER/ES now complete in all the different lines, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Poultry mate, Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels, It you cannot obtain Hyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by met,.poetage paid, on receipt of prime. Write to -day for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department without (barge. The R. T. Booth Company, Hyomei Building, Ithaca, hrist Be sere And see our New Stock of Christina Jewellery. —Watches — Brooches —Chains — Out Glass —Cloaks L- ockets — Cuff Links —Violins resents The Largest and Finoet Line we have ever 'Mown. —Rings —Neel/lets — Silverware '- &c. —Bracelets —Stick Pins —Tie Pins L. JACKSON Neckwear Gloves Suspenders Neck Scarfs H andkerchieis Hosiery Underwear Shirts Toques Umbrellas Fancy Vests Suits Overcoats Suit Cases Etc., Etc. THE RIGHT SPOT AY LEADING JEWELLER, NTS 'ilpeeia1 Bargains 1D: Meek gaps 8b Squares If you intend buying a Neck Wrap for a Christmas Present you should visit this store. We have the moat complete range -.re have ever carried. We have them in all styles at 50c, 75c, 1 00 & 125 ,a am ,kerchi®fs We are showing the best Initial Handkerchiefs in town at 110c each, and a choice selection of Plain and Fancy at 50c, 75c and 85c ChrLstmas Is always in great demand for Presents. We are prepared with a grand selection of the Latest Novelties in Strings, Four-in-hntl,is, Ascots and Pufie. And while we don't like to blow too much we think we are show - the nicest collection of good, t'ressy Neckwearever shown. Here. Prises 15c, 26e, 35o, 60o anis 76e. Yozb owe it not ou;,y to ,yourselves but to your friends to visit this Store for your E'oZi- iday Presents, Wishing au a Happy New rear. would Exclusive Cloth', and Furnishetrgh,atanydimcaon at or Air Passages, by 011 c,p er Iconic. All dealttt_ pomace it,. 159135 NO, 31...