The Brussels Post, 1905-12-28, Page 4Cot °' russtis not. any Township Nominations, Standard Bank of Canada T73UI1SD4.X, D.EC, 28, 1905. HAM Nem YeAo 10 every reader of Tnn POO and may 1906 Soutain twelve inorttbe qt prosperity to every one of you, WE With Inepeotor Robb was on rile right track wbeo he advised Biraseele Hahooi Board to eliminate the borne work now asked from the juaiora. Tus Board iu supporting the sagbedtioo ie to be commended, There is little doubt that more permanent work will be done ab a later or more mature stage without sad. dlieg the tittle toile with a species of White slivery and crowding out for many a child that freedom ot childhood, of so much coneequsnoe to their proper growth and developmeub. The cramming system of to.day is a huge mistake, Tata Committee on Church Union, wbiob met in Toronto nattily, 1330ne ooneidereble progress toward the conium• 'nation of the project. It would non Bur• prise ne very much to Bee the Commit. tee's findings very warmly accepted til the majority of places when they acme up for dieoueeiou and in the near future t0lind•the Presbyterian, Congregational and Melhodiet ohnrohee one great united Proeeetant body. While not a. few will, for personal grouude, make an effort to sling to their owe denommaiioe, There are thousands of the leadtog spirits in the three churches who eau forges the great etridee that could ee made in the event et anion in the spiritual, education. al and. mieaionary fields. The eupposeo differences have largely disappeared as the members of the Committee have gone lute the work and already bbl progreee made is tar in advauoe of the prsdtotiuue of some of the enbhestastiu am:portert when the initial etepe were taken. IT wag rather a doleful tale the various candidates were telling at the Monioipai Nomination Met Friday evening el tooet conditions in Brunets. We do not agree with them at all but rather on the contrary asonme that the outlook ie hope. fat and if a Oouooil is elected who wet do something to aid neoeeeary advance stepe instead of sitting still waiting for something to turn up 1906 ebould see well defiued progreeetou. It is a great mistake to neglect to attend to each yeat'9 neoeesittes at the time and it is also unfair to the suooeeding Getmafl who are often crowded into expenditure that should have been mat the previous year. Thera ere aerbain phseee of Municipal work than should never be permitted to lag. Proper fire proteobion apptiaooes kept in A 1 shape ie certainly one of them and in Ibis reepeot last year's Connoii was very lax bat possibly Mr. James in his remarks was proffering to Oy to the other extreme. Good streets and the proper nee of the goading mach. ins so that at least interest on the latter may be earned each year, ebould not be overlooked. Then the necessity of being on the alert to helpfully eondcle to the betterment of the vitiage is a sect evident feat without the 080585107 of dwelling on it. A ()outwit may be of real service to the taxpayer in this way and do work that nobody hes the same authority to undertake. Nearly all the oabdidatee were on the penitentbenoh deploring the enormous law mate of the past year and the aonsegoenb ourbailmenb of neoeesary work that should have been done. If some of the candidates' had taken the advice of Ton POST there would have been no occasion tor these regrets now aud the cold oath of the taxpayers would have been applied to something of ad- vantage to Bermuda rather than used iu an attempt to more a legal opinion wbiob never arrived. There is nothing more detrimental to s muoioipality than burdensome taxation. Taxa are contrib. Med reluetauly at any time bot where the altekele go to the promotion of the best intermits of the oommuhity there is a eolaoe not experienced when it le other- wise. Teta POST ie deeirons to awaken a new interest in the material progreee of our tidy village and will be glad to see the Connell, baokod op by the residence, take hold of several matters that will be brought before them in the near tntnre. The Council is expected to lead in these tbinge and there is plsuby of room oil thepartof the ratepayers to roues hp and do 001 share heartily and ountfnually in emending feasible, peaotioal under• takings by sympathetic eapporb. Tbere'a no nee prying over spilt milk is a gray headed addage but while this le true it ehoald be arranged, it poeeible, that les. eoue be learned so that the same error be nee repeated. There ie little eonteubion of divieian existing in Bmotels ae le Genie towoe and ooneegoently it should he alt the easier for everybody to put there shoulder to the wheel in all well matured and workable advance move. Monte, Will you be a'iftet in 1906? HAVE X011 IIMAt0TRU1t1Y'r It's quite 5Ommo0 with people whose dlgettiob Is poor. Immediate relief follows the 1105 of Norvitiat, Stomaob le etrengthsned, digeetioo fa made parfait, Meting dare mune in every sere. flee Pdlsod'e 1leeeiline once and you'll never be without it beouuae every type of atomised) disorder is oongaered by a few 5r) doses. Coe 96a, bottle of Nervillee at. Weed ooitvindee, Sold everywhere for •�rt� ttte.paGt fifty years, 'Itcevu pruner Meted by acclamation, Leat Friday eaw a Targe and represen. Wive attendance of the ratepayers at tee annual nomtnetion for Beate at the Township °ouueit Board tor 1906. Olerk Meiotoeh opened the proosedtuge at 12 Weimar and by I p. M. be had reoeived the following nominations :- roe 55805, Robert Liviugeton, by James Mann and Wm. Patterson. Wm. Fraser, by Jno. McTaggart Duuoan Taylor and FON 0001Mtrn0ne, Jute Grant, by Jae. MoFadzeanand Wm. Work. Inc. Brown, by Inc Ilokmier and D. Mo. Iuois, Duno, Jobueton, by Oliver Harris and Jae. B. Hooston, Wm. V. MoKey. by W. Schnook and Jae. Mann. Thos. Beuuett,by Wm. Brown and D Woe. J. 16. Baker, by Ed. Collis and Geo. Mo. can. Adam Turnbull, by M, Lamont and R, M.e%sy. Joe, Uutt, by Wm, Work and Dunce Taylor. Arch. McDonald, by L. L. Longeway and P. Lemont. The oaodidates peasant were galled to the platform and short speeches were made. Grey nomination ie never a dry meeting and noboey ever goes asleep Friday's meeting was n0 exception to the rale and vetion5 oaodidates had to take a mooing Ore from ratepayers, the new bridge et Ethel and Local Option being two of the moat prominent t0pfo5. Boma plain gooetione and just ae plain answers were eu the program but no bones were broker). The Arab speaker was the retiring Reeve, R. Livingston, who wiebed the eowplimeuts of the season to all present, and then went into township finanoee, There is a $7,000 liability annually in Grey. Bateau' cheer was not oorreot on Statement ae expenditure will about balaune reoeipto. Three drains were completed this year viz. 14th eon„ Htelop end MoTaggart. Hall drain had to be relet this year. $3,500 lees raised than last year for looal rale, There was a ries 0191200 in Co. rate in 1905, The law suite of Kendall, for roadway ; Gun tber for damages by sprat into water ; 'cud Farrand, a this over a dam right, were explained. Our expeoeee on former wee $198. Owes was thrown eat, In Second suit 50tien wee withdrawn. Farrend aeked $2000 for damages for ex prapriation of bte mid dam right. Two townebipe are assessed for costa. Ae to whether anything BIBB will be done about 15 remains to be seen. In referencia to ,work on drains the Engineer is in charge and aomplainte atoned not be made to Ooonell until Engineer's report is it,. In answer to width of Ethel bridge, be thought it wile wide enough in hie opinion ae 14 feet. Bonus to Cl. P. R. is in bank drawing 5 % until work is completed. Drain money le deposited it, Bank and interest goes to respeot,ve drain. Bridge Jay -law debentures were eo'd and $80,000 realized. The township gets the use of the money at 4 e. All the old bridges rebuilt were practically undone. Thank ed all for their courtesy and withdrew from the contest in fever of Mr. Fraser. The Clerk teen declared Mr. Fraser Reeve by aoolemation amides applause, Reeve Fraser was pleased to aee ao large a turn•oot and felt the ratepayers were interest,d in township work. He was very tbaukfolfor the offiae and honor conferred upon him and would do hie beet to OII the position as his predeoeseore had done. Thought it was better to de. fend suite where it had been shown to Council that they bad not a good armee It would not pay 10 give in to everybody, 5 out of 7 bridges are 'templet. ed that year. They have been built ,argely without tender se bhe Mitchell Co. was so far below other tenders that the Council thought they should be patronized as they did good work, $250 is the prioe of the arch ailment advert, 10 feet clear, 16 feet wide with wing wails, pat in on Molesworth aide road. Have a year to pay for it. Mr. Fraser asked the hearty support of the etcetera in furthering the beet interests of Grey township and hoped the ooming year wonld be marked by prosperity. Wished the ratepayers the oompliments of the Baleen. The first canaleate for Councillor palled on WAS Jno, Grant, who has eat at the Board for 8 veers, He said be was in the field for re•eleobiou and if encase int would do bis best in the interests of the township. Wished the electors the season's compliments. Jno, Brown thought the work on bridg. es wee well done and at low priors. He would not have given a cant to Gunther, ae an108rt was 17 feet wide and it he had kept on the reed he would not have been ditebed. Ile had done his beet and If bis anions did nob snit the ratepayers they had a good ohobee in the oaudidatee *afore them. Explained jobs he bad let, and wiebed all Merry Christmas and Sappy New Year. Ile would ewe San. vee but asked the ecppore of eleotore, Demote Johnston thought the ohairmab filled the position to a finish. Was aoan• didste for sent at Connell for 1906 and it among the ahoeen would do hie duty. Bridge abutments were let se lower flg area than in other mnnioipalitiee and good work dons. In reterence to his vote on Looal Option By law if it was unanimous in Co, it would be different but Morris and Brussels were not voting Ott ib. Ie Finhett where by.law was earried last year it is said "beer tinge" web° formed owing to cutting off of hetet lioenee. Wm, V. McKay said he was a new man and wag in the field. If sleeted would do his duty fatigues'. Thos. Bennett Dame before the rale payers ae a young man end if be were elected he would look closely 'after the buoinoae. Ha Would do it without fear or favor. Consideration,disousalon and de. libetation should mark all enbjeots brought bitters the Board. Will stay in Held and will regard it as an honor if elected, Had lived in Grey all hie fico. He was a rattling good hired man when be filled dint job and believed What was worth doing was worth doing well, Mr, Fraser's promotion left an opening and he was deelroue to fill it. Ile was a temperance man and never drank in his life. If a petition is signed by the majority of ratepayers tt ebould be treated aouoiderately. Be. sieved In giving all parade fate play, QST 9,T=TB7kM=Xl 1073 SURPLUS. 080 B089ORVbl 1rUN1J $ 1,000.000 TOTAL A88N]TS OVF,A 19,000,000 A General I3guuoktnlr Ousinestet 'Tre-manta teed ' SAVING$ SANK ra` Accrued Ipi°rest isadded to aeooents every ala mouths And beecmoe prineipni. Joint Deposit Acc0antg-A 8P00IAL C0NV141.I0NOr in use 1n our Savinre De. partment i5 the "Joest Deposit" Areount, Money may be deposited or wttedrawn by either of the two members of the household, This syobem le a great (leaven. ionoa to mime residing in town, but more yurtreularly Bo to farmers, as in the latter ogee whether manor wife comes to [owe mthor can attend to the Banking. An. other feature of the system is (bat in ease of the deathof either party the money con be withdrawn by the survivor without emit, We willtelt you more about our methods if you will kindly pall or write. • Illarrled Women and lunars may make and withdraw depoeite without the In. tsrventiop of any person. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE BEEPING only for which no ebarge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and courteous attention. A. C. MACFAIOLANE, AGENT. Would not be able to aee everybody but hoped for hearty supeort. John Cott was pleased to be present end see the interest manifested. Thought a sntiefaotory account of lest year's affrire had been given. No repre• sentative site at Board for Northwesterly section ot the township and it elected be would do the work intimated to him with ea:money and disputub. It at the Board this year when Local Option petition came up he would have felt disposed to allow the ratepayers to entrees their opinion in view et the largely signed petition. He eolioited the votes of the ratepayers on eleolioo day. John. K. Baker, by the argent request of ratepayers had ooneeuted to be a eau. didate. It Ole e:eatiou is felt by the ratepayers to be a ueoessity he will be glad to serve them. Thought Grey was a well managed township, It will be well railroaded, well ditched, well taxed and be hoped it would ba well man- aged. Thought often complaints were brought to the Commit belere work wits completed. Hoped for cordial support. The ratepayers know where he Mood on the Temperenee queatioo. It as large a petition Dams before him se a member of the Board he would allow the people to have their say at the poll. Adam Turnbull and Arab. McDonald were called upon but were not present. The ohairnan called upon A. Hislop, M. P. P., who thought all ebould be qualified to judge of gaeebiono before them, Council was a very good one for 1905 and expected next year's would be ditto Grey was very fortunate in the men who had eat at the Board. It was a difienit township to manage owing to d,atnage eehemes, d'0, Ex Reeve Straohan was the next ap-akar. He took a deep interest In the affairs of the township He thought lest year's Council did not du right in their actino in the Looai Option question when a Targe petition of 808 was presented to them. Found no fault ter 1ereons hold fug opinions of their own lint thought public opinion bad a right to indica. The petitioners certainly ehcuid have had a thence of voting on the question. It was a high handed prom Klieg to throw it oat. He had been 25 yenta in Oonneit but was no ant.-orat. The people shoo d have tbeir Bey on all public'eeoes and he believed it the metier were t0 be done over again the acme course would not be taken. Petition was turned dawn to favor the liquor party. Jas. Turnbull thought the Council wee afraid to let the people speak, on Laos' Option. Majorities should role on all questions. Mr. Cott was a worthy young man and an equal dietribntion at the Board for the township should prevail. W. H. Kerr congratulated the speech makers and the poet year's Coupon. Hoped 1906 would be a year of praotioal progress to all. Ae a ratepayer of the lowoship he sono also interested in the eleotlon of men of economy and ability. The peat Ream had dons good work and Reeve Frsoor wpuld bu no exception to the rule. The Mal 'meeker was ex councillor Jae. MoDonald who 5005 glad be see en many old Mende and wished them got d lank. Title oonoluded the spe5oharying bar• ring a taw red hot tongue tussles not on the program. Dleotion will lake place on Monday of meet week whish will be New Ytnr'e day, Pelle open from 9 e. 511.00 5 p. m, wheu no doubt a large number will record their veto for the oandidabee of their choice, Adam Turnbull la the only nominee as Councillor who has declined to run, L*MOT OF MOAN AGONY. Is often reached with oorns. Foolish because Pntoem's Corn Extraotor ogres in twentytonr boure. Don't pub off - get "Putnam'e" today-fifby years in use -pelotas and sure. E. F. Hebden has been appointed General Manager of the Merehant'e Bank. Notice to Creditors 11L the for or 'Igor° Ilreo., Insolvents. Notiee le hereby given that Ttll bloom and Ambrose biome, both of the Town of Brus- sels, in the County of Huron, heretofore. carrying on tininess there as Purnitnre Dea ars under the arm same of Moura Bros " bawl ae a Orm individually made au Assignment under R. S. O. 1807, Soc.147, and ameuding Acts, all of their eatato, credit BOO effects, to Oharles H, Broadfoot, of the said Town of Brussels, for the general beam. at of their creditors. A meeting of their creditors will be held at the American Hotel at tb5 said Town of erueeele on k'rlday, the Mit day et Deem. bee, tnstent,1055, at the hour of 2.10 e'eloslt in the afteruoou, to receive a etatement of affairs, to appofut Inspectors and for or- deriugof the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to filo their claims with the Assignee, with the proofs and pal-ttculars thereof required by the said Acts, au or before the day of emit, meeting. Ana uoti0s is further given that after the arsb day of Murch, A.D. 1000, the Aeeigneo will proceed to distribute tee assets of the debtors amongst the partiee entitled there• to, having regard only to the claims or which u0tfee sball then have been given, and that he wilt not bo liable for the assets or any part thereof eo distributed to toy person or persona of whose claim be shall not then have had notice. 0. H. BBOAIIFOOT, bruseele P. 0. Assignee, By Trlonpns d OdlITEI iw, Listowel P. 0. His Solioiture. 24-4 BR[JSSEIS' NEW. AYUCHT STORE McLaren Prises Out of the Ordinary for Christmas Sale Choose your Christmas Presents from a Strictly New Stock. 'We have many use- ful articles that. will snake acceptable Christmas Gifts You will find here a strictly new stock of Ladies' Furnishings, Dress Goods, Furs, Flannel Waists and Waistings, Ladies' and Misses' Skirts, Table and Fancy Linens, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Over- shoes. New Suits and Overcoats for Aeu an 1 Boys, new Men's and Boys' Furnishings. Stere are a Few Special Prices for Xmas Sale 85 00 Women's Astrachan Jackets for . 25.00 -6 only Women's Choice Quality Aetraohan Jaok- ele ; alone, bright, glossy curl, 28 to 84 inches loug, extra heavy satin lining, assorted sizes, regular prior $35.00, Xmas Sale Price $25 00 Ladies' Fur Ruffs at . . 5.00, 7.00 and 10.00 -We are showing epeoial values in Ladies' Ali Around Ohio Sable Ruffs, finished with 4, 6 and 8 tails, at 5 00 7 00 10 00 Muffs to match at 4 00 to 8 50 9.00 and 10.00 Men's Tweed Suits for . 7.50 -39 Men's Suite in All Wool Canadian Tweed ; made in Scotch Tweed Patterns ; a particularly fine lot of Perfect Fitting Salts, regular prises 100 and 10.00 Xmas Sale Prise 7 50 1.00 and 1,25 Women's Fancy House Slippers 75c -60 pairs Women's Fancy House Slippers, Juliet style, warm lined, fur trimming, flexible sole with fleec- ed insoles, eine 2} to 8, regular price 1,25 end 1,00 Take them Xmas Stile for 5 00 and 6,00 1VIeu's Overcoats for . . 3.50 -17 Ment Dark Grey Frieze Overcoats, wet] made and perfect fitting. Some of this lot have large Storm Collars ; others are diddled with Velvet Collars. Reg- ular price 6.00 and 6.00, Take your choioe Xmas Sale 3 60 3.50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for . . 2.60 -21 Boys' Suite in Light and Dark Colored Cana- dian Tweeds, Norfolk styles, sizes for Boys from 6 to 18 years old. Xmas Sale pride 2 50 2.00 and 2.25 Men's Tweed Pante for . 1.50 -4 dozen Men's All Wool Tweed Pante-in small, medium and wide stripes -finished with good quality of Twill Pocketing ; well made in every way ; assorted sizes ; regular prices 2.00 and 2.26. Xmas Sale Prise.. 1 50 1 00 and 1.25 Nlen's House Slippers for . 76c -50 pairs Men's Fancy House Slippers in leather and Velvet --a very suitable Xmas gift -sizes 6 to 10 ; 75 regular prices 1,00 and 1.25. Your oboioe of bhe lot during Xmas Sale for 2.50 and 8.00 Ladies' Waists for . . . 1.75 -5 dozen Ladies' Pansy Flannel and Wool Dateline Waists ; Tarbaos and Light and Dark Fancys ; alt sizes 32 to 44. We guarantee these to be perfeot fitting. Regular prioe 2.50 aid 3,00, your choice Xmas Sale for 1 75 1.00 and 1.25 Men's Fancy Shifts for . 75c -10 dozen Men's Fauey Cambric Shirts in soft and hard fronto, Light and Dark Colorings, regular 1,25 and 1,00, Xmae Sale Price ...... 75 Choice Qualities Fancy Linens 75 2.50 Women's Skirts for 1.75 -3 dozen Women's Navy Blue, Bleck and Dark Grey Shirts, made from good quality cloth, nicely finish- ed, all sizes,, regular prices 2.50. Xmae Sale Prise .... 1 75 4.00 Women's Tweed Skirts for . . 8,00 -2 dozen Women's All Wool Tweed Skirts, in broken cheeks and light colors ; regular prioe 4,00 Xmas Sale Prise 3 00 Napkins and Table cloths Ladies' Fancy Collars, 10c to 1.00 Ladies' Gloves, 25o to 1.26 Men's Ties, Yoe to .60 Men's Gloves, 26e to 1,25 Warm Underclothing, 500 to 2.00 Fancy Mufflers, , 25c to 1.25 Extra Values in White Special Prises on Boys' Wool Blan leets. Overcoats. NIGHEST Pj'IOES FOR PRODUCE )'Money cheerfully retiinded for anything bought here that is not perfectly satisfactory. 'ours, for Mutual Benefit, Next Door to American Hotel, Brussels, WILL SOON BE HERE _-..-_..AN n ®r 0 war IS LOADED FOB THIS GREAT EVENT WITH, California Naval Orangee, Leucons from Italy, Figs from Asia Minor, Dates from Arabia, Almeria. Grapes, Raisins and Currants and Dried Fruits and all kinds of Nuts. Our Canned Goods are all Fresh and all Kinds of them. The House of the 27c Tea Good Cheese and Clean Groceries Our Confectionery IS THE BEST. Agent for Stewart's and Perrin's Celebrated Chocolates and Bon Bons- 3netthe thing boys. FANCY BISCUITS OF ALL KINDS. Fish and Oysters lce Orear made to Order 3.000 Stock to be Red -.red OWING] to the Sale of my business I will bold a Reduc- tion Sale for the next 30 days during whish time Goods will be sold at Specially P educed Bates In Stook will be found Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Sleigh Bells, Single and Double Harness, Trunks, Valises, &o., ail First-class Goods. Now is the time to supply your wants at Great Bargains. 1All accounts are asked to be squared oft' at tat of year. Jno. Donaldson Harness Maker net Year IS AT HAND Gift Making IS IN THE AIR If yon desire Presents, Neat, New, Seasonable, call and see the Jewelry Watches Clocks China Smokers' Supplies,etc. -AT- J. C. JONES' Special Bargains aill be offered and the goods are A 1. Mahe Your Selection Early ao.vwrosess Having invested in a Hot. Water Heating apparatus I am now iu a position to offer you Hot Coffee, Beet Tea, Tomato Bouillon, and ()Woken Broth ae our Res, taurant ou two minutes' nobioe, Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of your trade, I am, Yours Very Respectfully, J. its KERN.E"( TEL 1'EtON'r% Oy iters Served Hot or Cold, �a�srot�Maea�emamnmasmaa,�er�insc aw �evm mmxmemesaara FALL AND WINTER • nits and va coats n,,p,IaA,.,Ia'IrVASrt,'4,'!Ir'b.'bg'!li'Id4r If you are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat we will make it worth your while to call and see our new line of Scotch anti ]English Tweeds and plant and fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Berviaeable goods that can be bought. Our Overcoats of .fancy Tweeds, Beavers, Mel - tons and Ohegiots .are also on the trove and are sell- ing fast. We have a large stook of Parley I'antings. The price we know will make you buy. • Call in and we will be Glad to show you what we have for Little Money I1/4I4d4tewrineue n: ojt.ea bkirk