HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-28, Page 1Vol. 84. No. 2E3 New Advertisements, Eleotion Cards, Local -G. E. King, Oottle for sale -Geo. Robb. Happy New Year -Jas, Fox, Farm for sale -Walter McKay. Wood for sale -J. & J. HeffroO. Good wishee -R. 0. Davies & '3o. Atlanta Keetiegs-Agrie'l Stadies, Notice) to Oreditors-A, 13, Macdonald. trirt gays, 13e I grave. ChniteTNAS TIME. --The annual Xmae. Tree Botertainenent held by the Belgreve Methodist Sabbath School on Obriettene night wits %gain a greet mouse. Before the appointed hoer for opening the Hall wae peaked to the door and standing room Was at a premium. Nearly ail the little folke of the Sabbath School took part in song and reeitation and did their parte well. Berne epeoial features of the program was a couple of very appropriate canoe rendered in good voioe, by Joseph Even, of Bast Wawanosh. An madras by Rev. Mr, Hestia in whioh he gave a olear and interesting account of tbe original St. Nicholas aoci the development of the idea of the einging of Chriettnea °mole. A dialogue "From Down Boat," Election Cards BRUSSELS Lames AND GONEEMIEN,-- 4aVing been nominated for a seat at the Council Board for 1906 I salt your sordid support. Owing to my busineee I will not be able to see many of you personally but will be grateful if you will award me your support neat Monday. If oleoted I will endeavor to do my duty faithfully and in the best interests of our town. 'Thanking you in advance and wishing you tbe seasonal oomplitnents. Yours Truly, J. U. JONES. LADIES AND GENTEAMBN,- I tette this opportueity of stating that I am in the field as Councillor in Brus- sels Inc next year and ask for your good will next Monday. The best interests of Brussels will have my hearty support. Thanking you Inc past favors and wishing you a, prosperous New Year. W. F. STEWART. LADIES AND Gatereentzer- I am in the field for re-election as Oouooillor but am not making a canvas, Will be mule obliged to have the support of the eleotora and if returned will do my heat to advance the intends of Brussels. Wishing you a Happy New Year. S. T. PLUM. -- Lamas AND GEZITLIOALEN,- I am a candidate for Councillor for the canning year and win be very grateful for your vote and influence on Mouday. As I am not making a canvas I take this method of reaobing you. If elected will endeavor to work for the best interests of 13russele. Yours Respeotfully, ALFRED 13 ABKER. GREY' TOWNSHIP trattelar""`""ltatetTleteteta•e! BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1903 was epeoially well given by Harris Hopper Herbert Wheeler and itliesee Pearl, Jennie and Mabel Proctor. A Ternhour• Ine Drill by 12 young Witte, wee well done the mural beteg played by Mita; Hazel Brandon in exoeptional five style. Several violin seleotioue were given by Proteeeor Bryoe, of Detroit, wbo eutrune eci tbe eudienoe by hie exacalent playing and brought forth loud encores and hearty applause every time. Every one seemed in the beet of spirits and the order wee exceptionally good for so large o house. Preece& amounted to 044 20 x• nose ke r o le, Miss Silvia Seel is epending Xmas at home. klieg Seel will teaob near Wing. ham after holiduys. Mrs. Mangey fell on bee at the door Saturday evening breaking her right arm. just above the wriet, W A. and Mts. Pollard, of Listowel, event Oltristmee at Jam Switzer's. The latter is extending her visit. Hugh MoKay, wife and little boy, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., are 'mending Christmas holidays with the torment' mother bere. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Armetrong was enable to tithe the eerviee through inures ao the paetor took hie naual wok, iu the elethodiet obaroh. Annual 'Tluion Bible Society will be held in Knox °hutch on Sabbath evening, Jan. 7th, at 7 oanuok. Rev, Dr. Rose, of Bei:amnia will give the addrees. 011ee Lizzie Calder, of Tomato ;WI lie Loug, of Oargill ; Joo. eacQuerrie, of 13t. Thome', ; and Bios MoRae, of Toros. to, were among tbe holiday viehare et Orerthrook. Miss L zzie MacKay, tettober of the Poblio Sobool, remitted 95 15 for the Hospital for the Sick Ohtlaree, Termite, as it gift from the eahool here. It was a kindly not that will do good to more than the eiok ehildren. Comma Tage.-The Ohristmao Tree held in Knox ohuroh ou Friday eight laot was a decided etlecialia. 5. ool. Motion for the Sick Ohildree'a Heepital wee taken up whioh an3onuted to $12 60. The following program was reudered. Rev. D.13. Moneta the pastor'in the tt abide :-Opeuing Hymn ; oairmanat addrese ; chorea, "Clap • your Hands" ; reeltation Mary McNichol ; solo, Mies Nora Holmes, of Brussels; reaftation, Mamie Oamerou ; Omuta, "When vane the Salver Moon Beet" ; recotation, Maggie MoNabb ; solo, Beetrice ado. (turtle ; ohorus, ',Shining ever Shit. reeitation, Gordou Cameron ; dot song ; reoitetion, Arnold Fischer ; oho ' rue "Over Yonder Manger" ; recite, don, Laln McDonald ; Bolo, alias Etta McNair ; recitation, Mies Holmes ; ohms, "The Christmas Lug Ago" ; reeitation, Miss Mina McRae ; recite. Hon, Beatrice PM:Quern/ ; solo, Mies Holmee ; recitation, Jessie Bleazies chorus, "Rejoice" ; en/nation, Ida Sharpe ; ohorue, "Brightly Gleerne Our Bauer" ; reeitation, Mies L. McKay candle song. The orgauist was Mies Minnie McNair who performed her pen wed and deserves aredit for the sumo of the nautical part of the program. atunateeito-wiet. Mrs. Jno. Cot visited friendat Tara recently, Mrs. David Ramsay is vieiting Mende at Paisley. Mies Mina McKelvey is visiting in Torouto. Juo. Ibiliber, jr., visited friends in Tor outo reoutly. Slr. Trernain, of Galt, is visiting at the home of Jae. Wallue. LADLES AND GENTLER Geo. Bokmier, wife and family ewe I was nominated ou Friday of last weals Xmas to Rev. G. Baker's in Blunt's, for a Beet at the Towiaship Colwell for Joseph and Mrs. Ooombee, of Listowel, 1906 and take this means of soliciting speut Ohristmas at Thos. MeEtvenat your favorable oonsideration nest M. n- Chas. Richardoon, of Bruansele, spent day when you marls your ballot. If Xmas. day at the home of Jas. Straoban. among the suocessful I will do ray best A, E. Mellish, of the Metropolitan to attend to the duties of the office, Back, Brussels, was in oar burgh on Wishing you all a Happy New Year. Monday. Yours Sicoerely, Walter Lams and Mies Lizzie vieited WM. V. MoKAY, Borne of their many friends In this vitae- ity during this week. LADIES sun GENTLIELEN,- George Ooombee, jr., and his sisters, Entering the field tor election as Coun- Misses Goedotba and Liza, were in calor for next year and not being able to Blyth on lauuday Red Monday visiting make an extended canvas I respeotftaly triencle. ask for your cordial support next Mon- A 'neigh load of young people from day. If eleoted I will honestly endeavor here attended the Catmint In the old to do my duty faithfully. Thankiug you Town Hall in Wroxeter on Monday in advance and with best wislaes for the evening. corning year, I remain, Jae Straahen, of Termite Dental Col. Yours, Rte., lege, and W. Bryan'', ot Toronto Median!' THOS. BENNETT. College, are epeuding the venation lob -- their respective homes here. Loom AND. GENEEE3103,- The venue candidates for municipal At the request of a large numbe( of honors are busy eolioiting the eupport elOotore I am in the list of nominees or of the eleotore. Among those in the seats at the Township Council Board. t North of Grey who are running for the would be greatly pleased and obliged agteasitlen of eouneillor in Jae. Cutt. We you one favor me tent' your X an eleoticiatajtelleve that the electors could malts no day. If elected my earnest endeavor will misbnke in giving him their support as be to do justly with every matter present- we believe lam to be oompetent toli•I the ed. I wish you all &floppy New Year, potation and that be would use hie obi!. J. K. BAKIJR. Hies in the interests of the municipality. Tuouday evening ot )eel week the first ;meting of the Literary Soolety end De bating Club was held, The Wet feature or the meeting was t debate on the sub jut, "Resolved that obarecter has mare influeoce time riamey." The aeirtrot. nu was Alien by Ohne. Itichardsou, of Brueeele and Arthur thaw, of Morrie, while the negative was upheld by J. T. Straohau, and A. F. MeaDor aid. The dechnott, whath was left to a vote of the meethig, was Riven by s small majority in favor of tbe affirmative. Meoidse the ,Iebate there ware some literary and meshed selootioes given by various mem bus at the Boulety and a mind reading exhibition by Mr, teremain, of Galt, ZLawrenoe Dobson hi at Innerkip, 1115. MeAllum is bins from the tnest, Andrew Ealanier, of Stratford, spent Xmas with friende here, Priucipal Freetneu, of Nottntva, is borne fur the Xtue holidays, Eukrnier and W. Spume, of Strut. turd, are home for the hohdaye. W.A. Freemen, of Settfortla, lo visiting hie brother, Ie. le. Freemen here. Mies Belie Lamont, of resserton, is enjoying a brief visit under the pare/tail roof. Chu. Bleromou inborn& from the West. It is two years eines Charlie wee were before, Mr. and Mrs, Congrens, of Ripley, are visiting the 'swell parents, 0, end Aire, Raytterd. Zaok and Mrs. aleAllum will leave Inc their home in Boisevalu, Manitoba, next week. Thos. and Mise Kate atoOarthy, of Honktou, vietted L. L. Longtvey De Ohnetnlas, G. Mitchell and family 'meta Ohriet inse eb Milbrook, rebore the formar's parents reside. Wm. and Mrs. Hall ate their Christ- mas enure puddieg,with tbeir daughter mud et:oath-law, Toronto. Bleotion will be on Kendal neat, There is a large banal of eaudidetee 00 the electors will have a wide Woe. Miss Jean Amnia, who teught here last year, has gone to her home in Lie. towel, The people of this section would have been glad to have her rennin for the naming year as she did excellent work. We are p'eased to report that Rev. E. le. Armstrong, who has been laid up with bronchitis and Is grippe, is improving. He was usable to go to Bruseals laet debbath oonsequently Rev. Mr. 00Bein, was not here. .Robs. McKay took the servic') with aceeptanoe. Mrs. Dugan, of Torouto, spent Xmas at the pareutal home, We regret to say Mr. Ames is very poorly at present but hope he will soon be better. Later, Mr, Ames died Thursday morning son will be buried Sunday afternoou et Bred sell oemetety. Service in the Methodist Ohara Iterate 2 p. m. Oaths bearere for the Young Society of the Presbyterian ',hutch here for the taming year will be as follows :- Hon. Erse., Rev. D. B. MoRae ; Pres., J. K. Brown ,• Vioe Pres., Miss Nellie Lairo Reo.•Seo., Miss Helen Barr I Oon•Bec., otbea Atlee Davies ; Trees., Mies Zoom, Ransom ; Orgauist, Mies Helen Bart I Asst. Organist Blies Minnie Dauber ; aateohiet, 16. 0. Davies New topic wards have bean issued for the owning six months, The trustees of our public eohool have engaged Min Annie Switzer, of Atwood 0.8 800085805' to Mise Jean Amnia, to teach the junior department for 1900, at a sa ary of 9300. Rotating to the appoint want the Atwood Bee of last week se.ye Uwe Anuie Switzer, dengater of Fred. Switzer, veva' road, has kitten appointed mutter of the Junior department of the Ethel pubtio sobool. Mille Annie bail ueen atteuding the Stratford Model Bahool during the past term. If she is as sue useful a teeoher as the was a bright and oapable etudent, we predict a bright thane for her. We believe that the nausea of Ethel Bohm' made no mistake semotipg her to fill the responsible potation of teacher of the Junior room. Bit will reoeive 10 salary of 9300 per auentn. We oongretalate iter on her oucoeseeand wish her ,every thing good. ADDRESS AND Ptutebnlmou.-The young !Dly referred to is a well known reeldent ot Ethel. Miss L, Milne, who Mei been teaohing in 8 8, No, 11, Eton Weavanosh for the exceptional period of ex years and a half, held it very oilmen. rut Public Examination on Thuredoy, Deo, 21st., prior to bar leaving•thef3abool. Visiting teaehers from the eurrouuding sample examined tile -pupils ill the pres. onus of a large number of the people of the section ad the promptness with which the mile anewered tiny and every question won the admiration of both examiners and. visitors. After tbe examination a short pregnant wee given by she pupils, °enabling of reoltationa, staging, dialogues, etc., interspersed with speeehee from the brooms and visiting aiMeteNummemOlit 110 Ethel, December 28th, 1905 ank of the Universe Pay to our Many Friends and Customers One Thousand Hearty Good Wishes For a Happy and Prosperous 1906 R. e, Davies & eo. Wethers, all testifying to the high eeteeni 011 whioh alias blithe and her work ie held in that community. In the eve:ties an exuellent program was rendered by the pupils and young people of the Beetion, 030nelating of dtaloguee, venal and in strummed nand°, gramopboneseleatione, drine, ate., the two moat pleasing features being the May Pole by twelve little girls and the tioitif Drill by thirteen young ladles, both dritle being mooted with a uraoe and pewit/ion whioh fully ohowed the ability of their trainer. After the program Mies Milne wee abed on the chair where she wee pre. eented with an eddrees, a000mpanied by an elegant silver tea eervice, with that a dozen saver spoons end auger Mien, Al though taken uompietely by (temente, Ulu Milne retained her nue) eellapoe- eessien and warmly thanked her pupils tied friends for their kind expression of good will, After einging "God Sava the Ring" all preseut departed to their homes well pleased with the evening's entertainment but sorry to part with DO esteemed a friend. The following bo oopy of the address :- Dean Blibie MIGN13.-It hi with feelings of sineere sorrow that we realize that our Pleanant reletionehip of teiteher and pupils must be severed. During the many years which you have spent with tie you have endured yourself to each oi no and we have felt chat in yen we had not only lost an effielent teacher, but a faitbfui frieud, and pleasant companion. We know that whilst trying to perform your duties so faithfully you had many ad:Guinea to contend with, but we treat that tbe knowledge 01,4 you have pined 00 00) the affection of your pupils, bet the eeteim and reepeet of tbe entire neighborhood, will le some means oorn• permits for these diffitieltiee. We feel that before We part we mast give you a tittle more tangible token of our affection than that of mere winds, We bope that every time you toe this tea aerviee it will bring to you Luelseant memories of even lugs spent with our parente and friends. stas you handle or look at these coffee epoons. may yea have nothing but kind thoughte of your mile at No. 11, and may the sugar wheal/ shall be dipped with thin sugar then be no tweeter than the assurance wheal we can give you that your work iu our school has bee,, thoroughly end faithfully performed. We truet that the shining brightneoe of this silverware may be an emblem of the brightness of your future life ; and our moat unmet deeire is that your life may oe crowns! with Gods greatest blessing- Happinees. Signed on behalf of the papils of this section. MoOnsoon Seem, Emu= Isivoi. rteactetter. Geo. Spotton, of Listowel, spent Fri. day in the village. Jae, and Mrs. Ballantyne speut Xmas Day With (rinds in Trowbridge. John alupfur, of Sault Ste. Marie, is the guest of his eon, Ora/ Gapfer. Mrs, H. Smith and daughter, Miss Bum, are visiting Obeeley retatives. Min hlilly Playfurd, of Toronto, spent Xmas week with her slater, Mrs. A. alto Leau. litre. Oook, of Hansen, is wending a week with her pareute, T. and Mro. William and hire, Adair have returned from Oxthow, Man„ where they have 'meet the tut three youth. Wm. Perrin has returned from Rin. outline Model S13001 and will teach at the Salem sabot,' atter Xmas, Hilton anti Mrs. Paulin, of Simeon, were the genets of the formeiae grand• parents, Jas. and Mrs. Paulin, far several ditys. John and Mrs. Hartley left for Blyth on ',Itueedey where Mr. Hartley bias been eugeged as Priumpia of the eohool. Mr. Dation, of Fordweth, will take hie place here. An mating hockey match tools plan on the pond Obriettnuattermou between Gerrie and Wroxeter, remitting in via. tory for the home team by a wore of 4-2. Editor Sharpie, of Gorrie refereed the game. GONERioT LE11.-Tile Calotract for the new oillee for the well known Hotviek Mutual Fire Insurance Go., was rumen), iet to Adante & Farrell of Wroxeter, at, 9940. It will be 24x30 'feet with moment basement and bruits superstructure, with modern brink vault, flet roof, eta. Office will be 16 feet high is front. °entreat stalls for completion by August let, The Direetore have shown good judgment in deciding this matter es the number of important documents on Ole, bootee and other papers rendered a safe plus for storage 00 neceesity, OA their loss by Lire would seriously hamper the Company, It is intended to hoici the monthly meet. hug ab Goreie as usual. RIMY Nonts.-Miss Mary Miller event part of this week in Hamilton attending the wedding of Mies Sera Bray, a former resident of the village.-Skeff Robiuson, of Brampton, vieited at his home over Sunday. - Peter Smith, of Hamilton, gout Christmas with his mother, Mrs. 0. Bmibb. - Rev. Dr. Raziewood, of Totouto Jaeotion, spent a day last week with his brother, W. 0, Hazlet -yap& - and Dare. Relee spent the holiday with relatives at alliverton,- 13. F. Carr bee moved hie harness shop frorn T. 13. Sanders' stote tu the Grand Central bloc's,- The echool Ootioart pinned off very sucemsetnlly Friday eventeg, The inlanders presented Me. Hartley with e very handsome Morels chair. - Harry Bows, of Harolota, Mem, is visiting hie purente, Dr. and Mrs. Brawn.- fare. W. 0. Currie is in Mount Forest this week, -Austin Morison, of Toronto, ammo. panted by two friends, spent Xmas Day with hie parents.- Mies Meth Allen le bonding the Xreae vacation with her mother, Mre. N. Allem -a, Salmi Jean Davidson, of Bt. George is home for the holiday. - John Keine, ot Sault 13te. Merle, renewed itamteautancese in the village on Mouday. - Byron and alre. Simmons. of London, are visiting the farmer's perents, 0. and NUM Sin31130nS, ,-4130 entertainttlenli ander tile aueploee of the Methodist' finedity Bahool, held T ItIABAE ZBLLA Scientific Palmist to remaining iu Towel Mal- abar Week. Her lienditig8 tt Cover all 01148 of life. Consultations Strictly Confi- dential. CALL AND SS CONVINCED 11,,It American Hotel Room 4 0Ieurs-10 M. to 209.00, 13 Xnate night, was very well attended. The principal !unveil of the evening were the Tenthenrine and May pole drills ander the direction of Captain Kaine, of Ltherie.-John awl Mrs. Gotten', of Jennie town, Math., are visiting relatives in thio vioinity.-Mies Vosburg left for Brion. bridge on Tuesday where she will upend the Winter months. Tbe Dominations passed off very quietly this year, the old Menail and fichool Board going in by acolamation.-The roerehants bore report having bed a good Christmas trade.-kliss E. Henry left on Friday to spend the vacation at her home in Wititechurch.- Mrs, A. Scott and Miss Minnie Smith visited for a few days io Galt -Stewert of Wierton, ie the guest of friends here. -Miss E. 0. Lawrie spent Xmas in Wingbam, W eat tete*. Owing to the illness of Rev. Andreae Macaleb, the only mein that will be held in Duff's church on Sabbeth, Met 11300, except the Guild meeting, will take woes at 7 o'olook p, en., and will be eon. dieted by Rev. David Carswell, B. A. tin MacNab is progressing so well towards recovery that he expects to be able to undertake his full work by January 7th. At a meeting held on Tuesday /wooing, the Methodist Sunday School elected the following officers for tbe year : - Stmt., Geo. Baerowe ; Ant. Sept., Thos. Mar shall ; Seca, Mies Carrie Berry ; Treas., Wm. Bennett ; Organist, Mee. E. Oon stable; Asst. Organist, Miss Ethel Den- nison. Teaohing staff will be announced later. newer NOTES.- John Campbell, wife and child are visiting his mother, elm Delman Oampbell. Jack has been in the G. B. for about 15 years and is a welcome viaitor.-Wedding al the 'aegis on Wed. nesday, the °entreating parties being Mies Dora Kinney and Thomas MeFadzean, two of our popular young people. Rev. R B. Baker, 13 5., tied the nuptial knot in the preeence of about forty relatives of the bride and groom. Their man% friends wish tbetn all happiness and prosperity.- A. T. Morrison, wife and SOD, ars among the visitors from th, Wet. Their home is io Wapella, Sae's. Mr Morrison is a eon of U. Harrison, of this village. Ohrietmas Day a gathering of relatives Wile held wbo partook of Christmas dinner with the folks at horns, Loire. J. W. Morrison being bootees, when an enjoyable day was spent. - The anniversary servioes of the Epwortb League of the Methodist (thumb will be held on Sunday evening, Dos. 31, when Rev. A. IL Birks, 13. A., of Seaforth, will tomb. Oa Monday evening a concert will be given at whioh the beat latent will be present, The all•sillt autograph quilt will be sold to the higheet bidder.-Robt Johnston, of Cleveland, O., is home on a visit to his parente, A, and Etre. John. stom-A. -number of our young people took th the entertainment at Aubern on Mouday evening. - R. Humphries is htiTheofrayhis.edi"1 Toronto, for . Elution day next Monday. Joo. Blake is home from Medical Col. lege, Detroit, for the vaoation. Maus Mamie and Addle Cardiff and Willie are holidaying at Strattord and St. Marys. Mius Maggie and Elton Buell, who bays been in Toronto, are visitors ander the parental roof. Donald Campbell and Miss Lottie are away on a holiday visit with relatives at Milton, Toronto and other plains. Mrs. Marsden Smith and Miss Martha are making a visit with tbe former's daughters, Mrs. L. Stark and Miss Gu- ide Smith, in Torouto. W. H. and Mee. Salter and son, of Toronto, were visitors ea Ohae. Rozell's this week. The former returned to the Queen City 013 Wednesday but Mrs. Salter and baby will remain until after New Year% Last Saturday Wm, Mann, B. A. I. D., of Glaegow, Soot/and, arrived at Jae, Mann's, lag Manu 011,133e by the steamship Lake Chaceplath and had a rough palmate. He will likely become a resident of Ontario. Among the Ashore who arrived from the West last web was Robert Davidson, a son of Thomas Davidson, 11th oon. He oettainly looke as if the Arcola air agreed with hien, Mr, Davidson will likely see the West neat Spring, • This wsal 3115. Bedford, of Clinton, formerly at Grey township, wan stalling on old Mende. ISo bag been at Killarney, Manitoba, and will likely return in the Spring. It is 7 years glue the Bedford family removed from the 10th con, At the annual meeting ot 8. 8. No, 8 on Wedneeday there was a fairly good attendance. Cuthbert Hutabintion wan elected truetee. 12 (lords of hardwood woe let to Wm, Lowe at 32,10 and 2 dude ot cedar to jam W. Rose at 91.30 per cord. Mies Florence Armetrong will he the teacher foe 1006, ethool opening on Wednesday of next week. The Ooh anniversary of the marriage Of Jas. and Uri. Moliay, 16th eon., was oelebrated 001 Weeaday evening by (motel pat•ty. There were 60 oe mote in attendanee and all had a good time. A tip top fowl supper wiseseeved to whioh ample justice 1010 Sons, Music, dantling and Katie1 ghat ailed in the time, The hoot and bootees recatived a number of tine presents and many good wiehee were expreseed fur their Were proeperiby. A hone warming on a big wale was hOd. at the new brick reeidence of Tboe nth oon,, on Wednesday eveniela Waeonie Betais,-Wedneeday evening of host week about 50 guests assembled 80 the easy residence et Robert Carr, 8rd oon., Grey, to witness the matrimouiel bud between Cluistopher Corbett and Mbes Isabel, the highly esteemed daughter of the boot, The oontraeting parties entered the peeler and took their ramie under a beautiful aroh prepared for the mouton while the strains of the Wedding Maroh were played by Mien halo Frain. The bride was beautifully attired in a cream lustre dem with )acts yoke and sleeves, Bailie Aggie, sister of the bride acted as brides/mad while O. B. Lake did honor to the groom. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev, B. Ie. Armetrong, of Ethel. After the aorta- e/100y the guests repaired to tbe dining room, whioh was decorated with holly and Mamie ilowere, where a sumptuous revile was aerved. 5, toast wee proposed by Rev. Mr. Arrostroug and a number replied. Tbe bride waa the recipient of many beautiful gifts whioh shows the high esteem th wbiob tbe youg lady is held. The groom's gift to the bride was a Inc aoat. Kung those from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Box, of Stratford and Mr, and hire. Bates of Belgrave. The happy oonple will spend their hooey/nowt in London and after a few weeks In thin 'meaty will make their future home in Edmonton, Alberta,. They carry with teem the beet wiebee of a large oirole of friends. SECOND TERM EXAMINATION EiPLISSEL.S SCHOOL. CONTINUATION CLA SSE S. moue 166 2 Fula III -Examined in Latin, Aeo. & Br. Hid, Arith., Oomp., 480. -Total 500. Honors 850. 16 MeQaarrie ..407 F Fraser 825 13 Bryarte 378 M. Elliot 324 JR291 Armetrong 845 J. Elliott ..335 W Stevenson 277 , E Clameron....835 "e13 MoNair148 "B Moess 832 Missed one Exam. "" Missed two Bums. Foam IT -Examined in Botany, Ano., Br. and Oao. Him., Geom., French. Geo., Oomp., Draw. Total 550. Hon. 487, I, Lamont 612 F Heater 442 el Fear,, 489 OSpeir 429 N Sperling -.485 L Strachan -406 G Ross... ..... 471213 Armstrong 870 468 H Hogg $86 liT yDLrlsag 445 Bateau 331. T Zimmer ....444 G Ewan Foldi I A &B-Esemained in 13otany, GOMM, Latin, Draw., Writ., Reed. and Clomp. Total 550 Honore 412. I Frain.. ...... 476 W Taming!) -348 TK wDeuasdonan an- .450 8 Stubbs 846 M Brothers ....447 R Shaw. 338 bacKenzie....438 Elliott 332 W Straehan....429 L MoOraoken828 418 .11 Bioolair „ -818 397 V Wilbee 310 jGBAorbnabstrong -878 B WbiIfisld., 307 5. 8peir 369 K Harbottle.,•.806 W Efenderson356 G Robb., 80* T MoDonald,...363 0 Eiolmes 302 L Sinclair 360 J. Wilton 301 Cunningham 368 51 Mangey 297 P Baker 560 °Scott 284 006 Dunbar......852 W MoCutoheon 289 15 Evaus 349 ""0 Bell 197 Tbe names of those promoted from Form 1 A to Form 1 B will be announctea on °petting of new term. Bios Boutteson, .1, 11. Clamarou, Prineipal. PUBLIC/ 13 OLT °Sala ROOK 4 ENTBANCE-BSBMthed ir, Arith., Lit„ Map Draw., Hist., Gram., Geo, Tota, 600. Honors 45068. Birt $88 A jT l'eramkatong .405 T Oober 379 a suore-.....,501. A Forrest 352 El Wilton 489 N Forrest 287 183 KJ VaKiivlbRene 172 Denbow -.441197 413 IP Boort 159 406 Ament Wilton PilWitpta. j3S'°D°It-wK, 1,it"m.,1131211.00Hist., Aritb.. , Geo. Total 600, 141 Jones 488 ST Ewan 807 Le Seat 435 0 Ament 285 De W (Janne ..540808 013 Lmeookmilena227387 J Henderson ..402,V Walkee . 278 424 0 Gerry 258 IB B arkbsy W Bell 059 1e Gerry 173 KASaobabnt 348 /B Walker 138 818 0E1 Wilbee 86 RA Mies K. Wmeoa. Toucher, 100,0 8 So. IlI-Examined in Spell., Morn,, Arith., Hist, Gram and Lit, Total 650 ET°Dne°arde.50001 B ot..443 Winnie Loog443 8 Speirrn 674 13 Walker 486 B Gilpin 566 B Barn's 435 H Armstrong ..565 IS Mooney 481 13 Warvviek....558 B !bolero 430 M Thomeon,...555 SW Miller 429 J Armetrong .421 0 Lowry Alb W 0 Leoltie 898 6t W 480S Fox 889 VGAwi Itba:ot y47G E .. . . 878 03 Gerry 473 L Lament ...,825 panne Long444509 LW L.A.einntn4 iaty.,....,....180105 16 HCiumILit.en4148 Imo. itteBed in 815)1,, Mem„ 61155,, Geo. Arith sad Lit. Tete' l'700131tibab°s"" 925. 660 WtEteLatiohlitt 465 0 MoDonald .446 .0 Burgess 462 L Beteman....545,SF Robb 452 W Kerr". ..... 545 13 l'hotneon..., 448 I Strube/0 ....685 35 Lamont 484 B 602 .13 Flatt..,. "492 GK2::: 497 10 Ament 376 la Deak.„, ... .492 W McKay .. 17 MoOrecken..475 M Burgess ..,. 76 Mies D, 13. Elmira Tem:then W. KERR, Prop noon 2 Sr. II -Bumbled in At, Lit., Gem, Comp., Spell., Mem, Marks 650, Honore, 412. O Orooks 498 El Barkley .,..416 ' V Roes . 48$ al Bergen ....097 A. Moore 487 A Wilton 574 01 Brothers ....VW 00 Lowry 868 M Lowry 464 El Simmons.... - NFox -418 Ja.66 Orme- T Deadnaan, „.601 El Bishop 390 8 Turnbull ....478 M Bdwarde.. , • 376 J Habkirk ,...460 lo Ballantyne ..372 P Thuell 441 IS Walker 0108 W Harris 427 F Lowry ,.....837 r.. Lowry 423 Ek Colvin 327 W Lott 415 G a,kroi es on ,285 R AleXay...,412 T Snider 257 8 Blurs 409 3 Jackson 267 I PaeLaciaan „403 0 Crone ...„216 E Toole 894 Mies el. T. Dowtre, Tauber, noon 1 GEARS V-Tritel 500. Hours 375. • MoLaucblan 477 V MoOracken..427 11 Barkley 488 L Holmes 426 8 Sample 429 E Lowry 404 B Withee 428 0 Oober 810 CLASS IV --Total 600, A Roe 479 R Work ' W earmstronga71 G Edwards ....311 13 Kerr 426 F Wood........811 A Fox 403 OuAss II -Total 500, J MoLanoblin469 L MaChaoken ..366 A. Thomeon463 V Sinolair -.340 1, Jackson 440 11 Crone 275 L Bergen/ ....883 R Sinclair 177 10 Rallantyne .474 Chase II Excellent -Ill Mercer, R Stewart, 66 Hewitt, 6 Toole, L Ament, B 08111Pbell, 8 Ololianolalin, Good -T MoLanablin, la Currie, NI Carter, Thorium Faia-L Sider. 'Onus I-Euellent-L Philips, W eood-J Janiisson. Fair -W Meekness, E Burton. Mies JEAN litaouns, Teacher, 1V10orrees. Herb. 'Manning is bull from an enjoy. able visit to the East. Miss Emma Redmond, ot Wingham, was home on a visit. Miss Chapman, of Listowel, is visiting at the home of Jae. Dula, 502 line. Jno. Davie, 4th line, le greatly improved is health by hie trip to Lindsay and hie stay there. Wm. Bryane and wife and Joseph Salient and wife attended the weddiog of Mr. Oorbett .and Mies Cerr. Dr. F. Lambie, of Midland, Michigan, is e weloome visitor with the family of Jas. Duncan and other old friends. Poultry thieves are busy and some of them will land in jail the Rent thing tbey kuow and it will Reeve them rigla. J. R. and Mrs. lailthr, sous, daughters, domain -law and daughters -halal? and 21 graodohildren atimbeir Ohristmae dinner et Maitland Brae, Wroxeter, the home of 1.5. Gibson, one of the eon's-in...late. Faure were 36 in all present and a most enjoyable time was opout in this happy family reunion. The following is clipped trona a West. ern paper mad refers to a son' of Arthur Oanteton, of the 3rd line :-A. E. Dante. ,on, who has been night operator at tbe 0. N. R. etetiou in Warroad for the put eighteen montbs, has been promoted and is bow agent foe the company at Roose- velt. Ed. was one of our most prominent and popultsr young men, ana will be greatly missed by his host of friends here wbo oongratulete him upon his pro- motion and Warroad's loss will be Ruse. velt's gain• Townie/ire IsTOMNATIONS.-Last Friday sew a large attentleuce of ratepayers at the Township Hall at the Munioipal Emanation. Tbe following is a list of the nominees planed in the hands of Township clerk Clark :-For Reeve -- Mamma Oode, by T. B. Brandon, and Artbur Shaw ; Arthur Shaw, by Rioh• ,rd Johnston and John Clegg ; George Taylor, by C. B. Wilkineon, cad Geo, :Canvey ; Mr. Code retired For Oonnoillor-Georgta Kelly, by Thomas Oode and James A. Moore ; William 06. POutcheon, by William Thuell, and Robert G. South ; Robert Youill, by Robert Shedden, and Janne Kerney fibulae K. Taylor, by Thomas Oode, and George Kelly i Charles G. Oampben, by Thos. B. Brandon and James Golley. & platform meeting was held after the honr for Dominations and speeches wade by the various nonauees. Next Mooday the battle at the polls win be fought ont. *SUNSHINE! OaltielArAs ENE131MAINIUSNT.- This gathering wag held Towiday evening of last week and Was it deoided sucoese. After the opening exercises *tang of Welcome was Sang by Hazel Bethel fol. lowed by a few enemas by the chairman, Rev. A. E. Jones, pastor of the °hutch. Recitations were given by Lillian Watson,aFlorence Kerney, JobnlIlloNeil, Olaytou Praetor, allareeoe Berlin, °eon Wheeler, Ernest Biobis, Henry Arm. etrong, Agnes Knight and Selene %melee. A song of °Christmas Joy," by Ms gide ; a dialugoe "Rag dello," whioh provoked a good deal of laaghter a musioall,Pata tontine, entitled "A Christmas ride" duet by aliases Rood aud Cole, "The minute gun at um" ; Bug "Broils whee. ever yeti oan," by ahem of girl voitlee ; a song 'Tale little peas" by live girls whioh was exoeptionally well rendered as wee also the "Wtsh bone" song given by sits girl° ; "The Tarkey's Clariotatted," which a great many of the boye and gitae took part was very intereotieg ; apith. tornima "nanta's Obrietcane Party' ; s club by Mu. M. Watson aud Mies How ; and some excellent month Ogen Belem. ions by Mies Myrtle and Selena Wheeler. The program being ended °ode° poi Nett refreehmente were partaken, 1. The order wee moot excelleOt theengeou. and every one went home well plette. 1 with the easnieg's entettainment. The Riohmoud 1311) areatnery wid burned. The Markdele Methodist Obisesb ty deetroyed by Are,