HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-21, Page 8Por the Children,
of the house
We have steaks of
with wonderful Potares and Stories, tete
to demise from, A number of the new
Annuals each as
A. great oolleotion of
Of course every Girl will want one of our
in Burnt Leather
make idem ()lariel nae Prosente,
especially where they have to be
sent by mail.
A Burnt Leather Album
containing Views of 0R,
Brnsecle for , . . CJ
Also Book Covers, Metall Hold-
ers, Blotters, Holders for Cup-
pings, Post Card Albums, Needle
Cases, Whisk Holders, all hand-
somely decorated,
Souvenir of Brussels
You will profit by doing your Christmas Buying Early
T H,
ural, AU gum
A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Bveulees is brisk.
PUBLIC eobool closes Friday of this
READ the local news on page 5 of this
Monday will be Christmas Day and a
Public Holiday.
THE high wind of Wednesday night
blew down the smoke stack at the
Excelsior Knitting Faotory.
DIMMERS of the Independent Order of
Foresters regaled themselves with
bivalves at the Kerney restaurant Tues-
day evening.
NOMIINATION for Manioipel Counoil and
School Board Friday evening of tbie
week from 7 to 8 o'olook. Speech mak.
ing will follow no doubt.
RENEweLe to Tres PoeT are coming is
lively and new enbeoribere being added
to our liet. No nioer Christmas preeent
can be made to an absent relative or
Tan Hall in the Blaohill block, in
which a number of Lodges meet, leas been
undergoing internal improvements iu the
way of kaleomine, paper, paint, eta.,
which givee the place a very cheery
good going Saturday 23rd inst. and re.
Earning Tuesday 263h. New Years rates
good going Deo. 29th, and returning Jan.
2ad. Fare and a third tiokete good go-
ing Deo. 22ud and returning ou Jan. 3rd.
Tao Standard Bank, Bruseele hat,
received a sapply of Handy Account
Rooke for farmers, which will prove of
great value in keeping track of every
thing on Ibe farm, The farmers may
obtain these books free of °barge by
calling at the Bank.
DR. GvENs, M. D., London, Nye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith'a Dree
Store, Bruseele, on the first Taeedey
eaoh month. Hoare, 8 a. m, to 1.30 p.
m. Cataract, squint, tailing eyesight,
deafness and nasal oatarrh treated and
glance properly fitted. Next visit Tuee
day,Jennary, 2nd.
GRAND PRIINE SarrnlENTS.—Fonr oars
of hogs were shipped tbia week by A. 0.
Dames, G. A. Beet, Black & Barr and
W. Jewitt, respectively ; Alt. Beaker
sent a car of baled bay, and R. Graham
a oar of pees. Inward there were a oar
of goal and a oar of wheat for W. F.
Stewart and 2 oars of coal for Thaell
New J. P'e.—The following is a partial
lief of the new J. P's., appointed for Eaet
riding of Huron :—T. Farrow, B. Gerry,
J. Leokie, R. N. Duff, W. Clegg, Geo.
Jackson, J. R. Miller, 0. MoOlellaud, R.
Prootor, Wm. Clark, Thos. Straobao,
JOo, MoIntoeh, Robt. Barr, A. Reymann,
E. Bryene, R. Livingston, R, H. Fer-
guson, and J. K. Baker.
AOOmENTai Carl Holmes reoeived a
glaaoing blow from a bookey stick last
Saturday that left its mark on bis fore-
head.—Last Saturday Harvey the young
eon of G. L. Walker, took a revolver at
the parental home, placed a cartridge in
it and while manipulating the weapon it
was dieoharged and the leaden misele
went through the fleetly part of the left
hand between the thumb and first finger.
Medical treatment was secured and the
lad is doing all right unless blood poison
ing or some other like trouble ensues
which we hope will not be the ease.
PALMISTRY.—Madame Zella, scientific
palmist, is spending a week in Bruseele
at the Amerioan Hotel.—The Mitobell
Recorder epeake of Madame on this
wise—"Have you consulted the Paimiet 1
Madame Zola, Scientific Pelmet, is
spending a week or two in town. If you
are not a believer in the philosophy of
palmistry, you would do well to minuet
her Madame Zella reads your life like au
open book and gives information on all
affairs, She is a oaltured lady, a
charming oonvereationaliet, and her
readings will do yon much good"—oonsalt
her at American Hotel, Room 4 Broeaele
Taa Clinton News -Record 'aye of a
former Brnesalite.=Harry Bartliffe has
bought J. A. King'e bakery business and
rented the premises for a term of
years, He will take possession of the
ehop and bake oven at the New Fear,
but Mr, King retains the regidenoe
part until the S ring when be expecte
to move to the West. The store at pros
ant oocopied by Mr. Bartliffe having
been sold, he ie obliged to move so baa
rented a More in the "Brink. Hoek"
temporarily as he will likely move
again next Spring into the new blook
which John Johnston purposes building
es won as the weather permits of it.
A FINE GIyi.—Tho Guelph Memory
Kays:—"Hugh Harley, immigration 13g-
ant at Swan River, Man., who has had
continued dealings with the Dukhobors
einoe their arrival in Canada, was pre.
minted with a handsome pair of driving
home as a mark of Doukhobor gratitude.
The presentation wag made in the name
of Peter Verigen by his secretary, Simon
Rieban. Mr, Harley feels justly proud of
his mnnilloeot gift. Mr. Harley will be
remembered in Guelph, being a higb.y
•eobeemed member of one of the early
tamiliet» The gentleman referred to is
a brother.in.law tee Mee, J. L. Kerr, of
NolISNATIot for Reeve, Connoillore and
School Trusceeo in Broeaele will take
plane Friday evening of this week iu the
Town Hall. There should be a large
will offer fur dale the melanin, of the stook
Fancy goode, toys, albums, books, dolls,
sleighs, et0., belonging to THE POST
Bookstore, Saturday afternoon of this
week, at 2 o'000k, in the premieee for-
merly o0oupled by, A. Coueley, Leokie
Block. Big Bargains may be expected
ae all must go.
Wo notice by the Manor (Saskatoh•
ewau) Advooate that at a political meet•
ing held in the iubereets of J, D. Stew-
art, the Liberal candidate tor the die
trio, N. M. Richardson, formerly of
this locality, who is President of the
looal association, occupied the chair.
Mr. Stewart was ea00eeeful at the oleo•
tion. He is a nephew of Alex. Stewart,
Queen St., Bruseele,
Business Locals.
SEE Stratton's brilliant Display of
Xmas. and New Year's goods,
NoREA, richer than wheat, Better
than meat, at W, A. GBEWAB'0.
Raw Fore Wanted. Will pay highest
market prices. McKee & Co.
Tan &met and most op-to.dateJewelry
at the Geedeo CJioce, W. F. Stratton.
Foe SALE.—One pony, reliable driver.
Also oart and harness at bargain,
I. 0. Rm1A108.
COMFORTABLE dwelling for sale or to let.
Immediate posee01iou can be given.
Apply to I. 0. RIOHARD0,
W. F. STRETTON cordially invitee bis
frieude and nue public generally to visit
hie store and iueptat hie flue display.
WHEN saws are old dull and ant of true
take ,hem to McGregor and he will
make them new. Mill Sc. Brunets Ont.
4046 Oa,ifornia Naval Oranges for
Xmad, at 60, 50, 40, 30 and 20 cents per
010. W. A. GBIt1AR,
WANTED.—Cheioe Turkeys, dry picked,
and uudruwu, 15a. All kinds of fowl and
dried apples wanted. GEC. E. Kato,
AT the Goldeu Clock you will fine
S,re.too, the Jewler, willing and ready to
compare prices, quality and design in the
Jewelry line.
People We Talk About.
Robb. Thompson took a business trip
to Moutreal this week.
Mime Nettie Brown was a visitor in
Wingham for a law days,
Bert Lott is home from Brantford for
the Obrietmao vaoation.
Mise Jeau MoLanohtio was at Milver.
ton for a few deym lent week.
Mies Elsie Wlltou is home from au
extended visit to Gadflies, Mioh.
Rev A. E. Jones, of Beigrave, wao in
town on Monday for a few hours.
R. K. Rope, of Listowel, was a visitor
to Brueeeie, Thursday of last week.
Warden Miner Is in the Co. town tbie
week assiettug in the oeleoting of Jarore.
Russell Zimmer ie home from the
Sobootof Soenoe, Toronto, for the holt
Fred. Hoyorofb, who has been for
years in 0 eveland, Ohio, has gone to
Oaliforuia for hie bealtb.
Rev. and Mro. Ooeeue and eon were
visitors et Trowbridge laet week. The
latter 19 extending his visit.
Mies Annie Bndd arrived home from
Manitoba last Saturday where she hue
spent a year with her sisters.
Moe. A. Straobao, Mrs. Jae. Fox and
Detre. J. H. Cameron were visitors with
Mrs. R. K. Rose in Lietowel lust week.
R. J. Wi liamemi, wife and obtldreu
visited Sa orday, Buuday and Mouday,
with relatives in Belgrave and Wingham
Mrs. Neu McLeuohim wail called 1,.
Cbeoley last week owing to the serious
Hume of her brother•iu•lew, Mr. Ander.
Harry Ainlay is home from the Model
Sohool, Clinton. He will teach at the
O egg school, 6th line, Morrie, next
Herb, Cunningham is borne from Lon
don for a vacation, He bum not been
very well and will recuperate here for
a few weeks, when we hope be will be o.
Mrs. Robert McAlpine, of Toronto, in
here on a holiday visit and will continue
her stay until after the Choietmee
uohdeye, The many old frfoud of Mre.
Mao. are pleased to have her here.
Councillor 0, Hawkohaw, of Lnoac,
was a visitor in Brueeolo last Saturday.
Hifi brother to in the Standard Bank
here. Mr. Hawkehaw'e parental home
wee on the llib oon. of Grey at one time.
Alex. MeoLum, father of Mrs, Jno.
Long, has gone to Mauatoh0 to spend a
Mane with his daughter, Mro. T. Con
way at Miniota, The old gentleman wad
80 years of ago last July but is quite
smart in getting about. Mr. MaoLam'e
mother lived to be 108 years old.
Joe Ardell, of Cartoon, Man,, formerly
of Brume, wee united in marriage to
Mico Dorothy Mason, of the same town,
on Nov. 22nd. Tbo oe00mony was per.
loaned in Christ ahuroh, Winnipeg. by
Rev. S. 0, 0larnbere, Joe's many old
frieude here will extend hearty good
wished to himoolf and bride.
Hrrb, Lowry ie borne from Toronto,
Mies Fannie Thompson wail laid up
during the pest week with toueilit's.
Mimes Blaok sad Martin, of Wray.
eter, were visitors in Bruseolo laet week,
Mien Mildred Scott will epend the
Ohrietmas vaoation with relatives and
Mende to Har,ltou.
Mrs, Eddie and Mrs, Jttmoe MoDowoll
of MoKulop, were visitors 01 John
Curries, !hill street, this week,
Barry Stewart, who hao been taking a
course ata Toronto Bueineoe College, is
here tor the Obrietmae holidays,
Miemeo Hattie Dowuiug and Mabel
Zimmer are home from the Norm,l
School, Toronto, for their holidays,
Name! Brown, who has been attending
Business Cellege at Toronto, arrived
home on Friday of last week for vaoation.
Juo. Oardiff has been quite poorly,
being bothered with Job's ' oomfortere,"
from wbioh we hope be will soon be tree,
J. H, Reid, sou of Adam Reid, former-
ly of town, is note a reeidont of Durban,
South Afrioa, He went there with one
of the soldier contingents and hao con.
tinned his reside/toe.
Mise Maggie MoDuagall, who has been
visiting here for severed weeks, returned
to her home at Sault Ste. Marie, Om.,
teat Monday. Her mother has been quite
poorly with eoiatioe but we hope She will
0000 be better,
Loot week George Brown and his
mother were visiting a brother of the
latter, Joseph Johnston, of Nissoari,
Perth Co, who has resohed 100 years of
age. Mrs, Brown is 82. The old lady le
visiting in Wingham thio week.
W. H. Willie, of Seaforth, a one time
reeident of Brnesele,ie in the field for
the Mayorality of that town and Tae
Pose hopes to see him elected, He hao
served as Councillor for several years.
Mr. Willis is a eon-in•iaty of B. Gerry of
L. G. Kruse, formerly of town, whose
grocery w13e receutly burned out at
Wingham, hes entered into partnership
with hie brother in Seaforth in the meat
and provision business. They have
parohaeed the building formerly 000upied
by the Bank of Commerce and will make
it an np•to•date store.
Dill/RUB 0lilib1110.
"The Brotherhood of man" is the
tapie et Melville Endeavor next Sabbath
Christmas services will be held in
Melville church next Sabbath morning
and evemag.
Rev. Dr, Rose was in Wingham on
Tuesday attending Maitland Presbytery
and a Sabbath School Conference
The probabilities are the annual union
Bible Society meeting will be held in
Bruesele on Sabbath evening Jan. 14th.
.l0elebratioa of Ohriotmae Day, in the
Oathulio Church Brussels. Next Mon-
day being Ohrietmse day there will be
,erviee in the Oathoiio aural], Brneosle
at 10 a. m.
Rev. Dr, Ross took as hie text last
Sabbath morning "As the heart pantetb
for the water brook" and in the evening
.he subject was "Lot's wife."
"The miraole at the beautiful gate of
he temple" wee the theme from which
Rev. T. W. Oosene drew many profitable
eeeone at taut Sabbath's morning 0000000
in the Methodist church. In the evening
be text was "Behold the Lamb of God,
This week the 40 boars adoration were
Observed in the R. 0. church here. Rev.
1i'r. Nortbgraves, of Seaforth, oonduoted
ervioe Sabbath morning and evening,
iolouday evening and Tuesday morning.
Miss Munroe, 01 Seaforth, sung a choice
-olo on Sabbath m•erniug, oiies Ella
Ryon acting as eocompaultt,
• Next Sabbath Ray. E. F. Armstrong,
D., of Ethel, will 0000py the pulpit of
the Methodist ohnroh, Brunets, in
eonneotion with the anniversary eervioee
de's a good preacher. Special Christ.
nae music will be rendered. At the
evening service "Heralds of Light" will be
presented by 50 voioee. A epeoial offer -
,ug of $75.00 ie asked for.
Dr, Haenel, Superintendent of Mince,
has received a sample of the first pig
Lon turned oat at the Government ex
porime00a' eleotria smelt -r at Smelt Ste.
Marie. It is of superior quality,
WCTAQ0ART,—In Chicago III., on Deo.
4th to Mr. and Mrs. A. I. MoTaggart
a daughter,
a.vCT2O T
Fe1DAY Doo 29th.—Farm Stook, Lot 35,
Oon„ 1.6, Grey, Sale at p. m. Wm.
Mann, prop. F. S. Scott, Ano.
7.7SSE2,S A.2A.T_0RETS,
Fall Wheat 75 76
Barley 40 42
Peas 66 70
Oats 32 33
Batter, tube and rope19 20
Eggs per dozen 19 20
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 5 00 6 50
Hogs, Live 6 10
Wool 23 23
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per hoe 35 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 60
Notice to Creditors
In the matter or Moore IOeo$.,
NOtice 10 hereby given that 1011 Moore and
Ambrose Moore, both o1 the Town of Brvs-
oels,iu the County of Huron, heretofore
carrying on business thorn as Furniture
Dealers under the firm name. of "Monro
'+roc "have as a Arm individually made au
Assignment under R. B. 0. 1897, eee,147, and
amending Ants, ill of their estate, credit
tad effrc1e, to Marto M. Broadfoot, of the
said Town of Brussels, for the general bene.
lit of their oreditore.
A meeting of their erncntore will bo held
at the Amerioan Motel at the Bald Town o1
liruaoe%% on ''riday, the 221h'day of Decem-
ber, instant, 1903, at the hour of 2.80 o'olook
to the afternoon, to receive a Statement of
Mire, to appoint 100peotor0 and ear or-
dering of the affairs of the estate generally.
Creditors aro requested to Ale their
claims with the Ani:neo w11)1 the proofs
and parbtoutare thereof regnirod by the
Bald Acts, on or before the day of such
And notice is further given that alter the
ant day of March, A. D. 1900, the A00lgnoe
will proceed to distribute tee mots of the
debtors amongst the parties entitled theca
to, having regard only to Oho olairns of
which notice shall then have been given,
and that he will not be liable for the 1300010
or any punt thereof so distributed to any
person or persons of whose Mahn ho shall
not then have had hottoe,
0. R. BIOOAOS'OOT, 13rueeols P. 0,
ley Moamar H 013100001 w, L)ot2we1 P, 0`4
mas 1905
Is now almost here
And at this busy time you are no doubt thinking
about what you will get to please the Girls or
Boys — Your Father, Mother or Friend
E are well prepared to supply you with many use-
ful articles which would be highly appreciated.
By calling and taking a look through our Xmas Display
we hope to show you something that will be just what
you want.
—Children's Piotare Handkerchiefs
at 2c, Bo, 4o and 6c eaoh
—Ladies' Plain Lawn and Fancy
Swiss and Linen IIaudkorohiefs
at..6o, 10o, 124c, 15o, 20o,
25c and 000 eaoh
—Very Special Ladies' Hem -stitched
Linen Lame Initial Handker-
chiefs—Six in a pretty box ..50o
—Gents' Lawn and Linen Handker-
chiefs at
.. , . 6c, 8o, 10o, 150 and 25c each
—Gents' Hem -stitched Silk Hand-
kerohiefo at 25c and 50o, and
with Oolored Borders — Extra
Quality at 75c
Ladies' Pretty Collars,
Mitts Slippers
New Lustre and Silk Blouses,
Belts Gloves
,� ia,i tnt�ndnrt,'irusw'ir,,,ni,nirw
Etc., Etc.
Ties and Mufflers
—A beautiful range of New Ties
for the Boys and Men at...
15e, 25c, 50e and 75c
—Very Special Values in
Gents' Mufflers at
50c, 75c and $1.00
These are only a few out of many Suggestions we might offer
along these lines, but our large and choice stock is
at your service to choose from.
No Fancy Prices
Everything Cheap
Seasons go by, years slip one past the other; things happen
and are forgotten, but happy Christmas time, rather than a thing
to be forgotten, becomes more dear to 018 each year. We grow to
appreciate the privilege it brings to us of tangibly expressing love,
friendship and all of the other graces. The selection of some token
or remembrance at the glad Yule Tide is one of the most delight-
ful, though perhaps one of the most difficult of tasks. We aro
satisfied however, that among our immense variety you will be
able to find something that will appeal to you. We have an ex-
cellent assortment to select from, among which might be mention-
ed :
—Biscuit Jere
—Fancy Plates
— Fruit Dishes
—Pitcher Urns
— Jardiueres
—Photo Frames
—Post Card Albums
—Photo Albums
—Candle Holders
—Scissor Sots
—Fine Perfumes
— Music Rolls
—25 Cent Novelties
—Ornsmeutal Pottery
—Jewel Boxes
—Toilet Sats
—Fern Pete
— Chocolate Sets
—73ou Bone
—Tea Sets
—Salad Bowls
--Fruib Seta
— Smolder Sete
—Fine Stag Sets
—Ink Stands
—Hymn Boolw
—Hall Sete
— Hand Bags
—Fountain Pens
—Fine Stabiouery
—Manicure Sots
and scores of other articles of equal suitability as gifts, and after
all you will not find it such a difficult thing to choose appropriate
gifts when you see our fine collection at
1 Bulls for sale, eligible for 000101ra-
tiou. Apply to JAB, BPEIII, Lot 30. Con, 0,
Morrie Brussels P. C. 23-tf
rieiag 2 years old for sale. One is
registered. JAS. BHEDDEN, Lot 14, 4011
lino, Morrie, or Brussels P. 0. 2411
foe 100 acres of choice land in the
Township of Morrie, On toe premises there
is a good frame house, bank barn, frame
shed, plenty of good water, dee. Farm is
situated on the gravel road adjoining Wal-
ton ; within 5 mile of choral], school, rail-
way station, &O. Por further 9000001000
apply to GEO, 0U111S1'OPEER,
24-11 Walton.
Fon BALE.—Gooubae"Burnt Nose" Corn
carefully saved on the cob—the hest ensil-
age Corn wo have ever seen. Sown the 9010
May ,will ripen early in September. Also
"Early Triumph" Potatoes which have suc-
oeosfully resisted dinesso for the past three
seasons. Quantity limited ; first come, first
served. J. M. KNIGHT, Lot 21, Coo, 12,
Grey. 23.01
good kltobou girl. Highest wagon,
Apply to M108. McLENNAN, American
Motel, Brussels.
- 8-BeltBull Calves for sale, prize win.
newt at Braoeole Pair, One a roan and the
other red, 10 months old, D. ROBERT-
SON, Lot 8, Oen. 0, Grey, or Brussels P. 0,
- e. No, 4, Macdonald. Duties to com-
umuce January 101, Apolioation stating
salary to bo in by Docornber20tb,
Echo Bay, Algoma,
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service on
Si Lot 14, Coo. 1, Moms, the flue Short Horn
bull, 'Defiance," recently purchased from
Donald Robertson, of Grey. This animal
was a prize winner at ammo's Fall Fau•,
Pedigree may be de 011 ou anplioatiou.
Terms 81.80, with privilege of returning if
necessary. JAMES t3HEDUEN,
24.4* Proprietor,
We are going to make the Next Two Days the
"Biggest Two Days" in the History of our
Business. Are You going to be here
to take advantage of the
pecial Nu
Which we have already written you about ? These Special Lines will be offered to you
at the prices which have been quoted to you, until Saturday, December 23rd, when they
will be withdrawn, - We will take this opportunity of again telling you what these Special
Numbers are :
Special Number 1
Is a New Range of Flannelette, full 86 inches wide,
sold regularly at 10c, 11c and 12e per yard. For
2 days more our price will be
Special Number 2
Is a Pure Linen Crash Towelling, eolcl regularly at
10c per yard. Our price for 2 days will be
Special Number 3
Is a Black Sateen with YTercerized Finish, sold reg-
ularly at 14c and 15e per yard. Our price is
Special Number 4
Is a Grey Cotton, fine even thread, 40 inches
wide, regular price 12c per yard. Our price for
2 days will be
Special Number 5
Is a Pure Linen Tabling, regular price 60c per
yard. Our price is
Special Number 6
Is a Special Purchase of Jatp'Alt '1't,t Athictll WC 'sill
soll for 2 clays more at
a LBS. FOR $1.00
We anticipate a visit from you during the next 2 Days and we are confident that we can interest
you. Whether you have been a Customer of ours in the pa,ot or not we will be pleased to show
you these Special Values. The fact that you come to this store to look does not plaeeyou
under any obligation to buy, We thank you in anticipation of a call.
R. e. i AVIES doe
~E i EL